Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood
Written and illustrated by Sheila Cartwright
Little Red Riding Hood / Caperucita
forest / bosque
one / uno
house / casa
wolf / lobo
locked / cerrado
door / puerta
lips / labios
teeth / dientes
tea / coffee / te / café
bananas / plátanos
Parents / padres
bike / bici
cakes / pasteles
OK / OK / Yes / Sí
tyre / rueda
sack / saco
bed / cama
eyes / ojos
ears / orejas
axe / hacha
hero / héroe
sandwiches / bocadillos
Woodcutter - leñador
dishes / platos
Activity 1 - basic
Cut the strips and recreate the story in Spanish. If the child cannot read then ask the child
to recall the sequence of the story.
Activity 2 - advanced
Cut the strips. Match the Spanish sentences with the English sentences.
La madre hizo unos pasteles.
Caperucita Roja fue a ver su abuela.
The mother made some cakes.
Little Red Riding Hood went to see her
El lobo tenía hambre.
The wolf was hungry.
El lobo decidió correr lo más rápido
The wolf decided to run as fast as he could
posible a casa de la abuela.
to grandmother´s house.
El lobo metió a la abuela dentro un
The wolf put Grandmother inside the sack.
Caperucita Roja llamó a la puerta.
Little Red Riding Hood knocked on the door
Caperucita Roja abrió la puerta.
Little Red Riding Hood opened the door
¡Qué ojos tan grandes tienes!
What big eyes you have!
¡Qué orejas tan grandes tienes!
What big ears you have!
¡Qué dientes tan grandes tienes!
What big teeth you have!
¡El lobo saltó fuera de la cama!
The wolf jumped out of bed.
Caperucita Roja tuvo miedo.
Little Red Riding Hood was afraid.
Caperucita gritó “¡Socorro!”
Little Red Riding Hood shouted “HELP!”
El leñador cogió su hacha.
The woodcutter took his axe.
“¡Te voy a matar!”
“I´m going to kill you!”
Comieron bocadillos y tomaron un café.
They ate sandwiches and drank coffee.
Y vivieron felices y comieron perdices.
And they lived happily ever after.