Sample Test Nivel A - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas

Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Read the text below:
Michael Carrick is twenty-eight years old. He is from Manchester, in England.
He is a football player for Manchester United. His hobbies are swimming and
drawing, and of course, playing football! He has got two sisters and a brother.
His brother likes football, too. His sisters like skiing, but they don’t like
He has got a big house. In the house there are four bedrooms and two
bathrooms. Michael’s bedroom has got an enormous window. He can see the
garden from his bedroom. Michael has got a television, and he can watch
football every day!
(Written by Mg. Graciela Obert, based on ideas taken from
a. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false):
1. Michael is a football player. ______
2. He comes from France. ______
3. He hasn’t got sisters. ______
4. His brother doesn’t like football. ______
5. In his house there is a garden. ______
b. Answer the questions about Michael:
1. How old is Michael?
2. What are his hobbies?
3. Do his sisters like football?
4. Is Michael’s house big or small?
5. What has Michael got in his bedroom?
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Read the text below:
Japan's most famous dog
In front of the enormous Shibuya train station in Tokyo, there is a bronze
statue of a dog. The statue is very small, but it isn’t difficult to find. They
made the statue a long time ago, and today you can always see hundreds of
people waiting there for their friends to arrive.
Hachiko was Professor Uyeno’s dog. They were inseparable friends and lived in
Tokyo in 1924. Every day Hachiko accompanied Professor Uyeno to the train
station, where he took the train to the Imperial University. When he
returned, he always found the dog patiently waiting for him. Sadly, the
professor died suddenly at work in 1925.
Hachiko continued to wait at the station every day. Sometimes, he stayed
there for days, and people gave him food, but he didn’t eat much. Time passed
and Hachiko became a familiar sight near the station. Finally, the dog died at
the place he usually waited for the professor. In 1934, they put a statue in his
(Adapted from
a. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false):
1. The statue of Hachiko is small. ______
2. Many people meet their friends near the statue. ______
3. The professor travelled to work three times a week. ______
4. The professor worked in a school. ______
5. The professor died at the train station. ______
6. The dog waited every day at the station. ______
7. Nobody gave the dog any food. ______
8. After the dog died, they put a statue outside the station. ______
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
b. Answer the questions in a COMPLETE WAY:
1. What is the statue made of?
2. Where did Professor Uyeno and Hachiko live?
3. What did Hachiko do every day?
4. How did Professor Uyeno go to work?
5. Where did the Professor die?
6. Did the dog go home after his owner died?
7. Why did they put a statue of Hachiko outside the station?
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Part 1: Choose the correct option:
- ______’s your name? - Thomas
a How
b Who
c What
This is Lucy and her brother, Dan. ______ my friends.
a We’re
b I’m
c They’re
- ____________________? - I’m from Italy.
a Where are you from? b Where you are from? c From where you are?
I like Milan. ______ is in Italy.
a They
b It
c He
- Excuse me, ____ you spell your last name? - R-I-L-E-Y
a how
b can
c what
Can I have ______ ice-cream, please?
a an
b two
This is Sylvia. ______ a doctor from France.
a I’m
b She’s
c They’re
- ___________________? - No, he isn’t.
a Are they teachers? b Are you from Italy? c Is Mr Bann a teacher?
- _______________ is the school? - It’s 50 years old.
a How many years
b What years
c How old
- ______ are the keys? - On the table.
a What
b Where
c Who
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Part 3:
Read Estella’s description of her favourite room:
My favourite room in my house is the living room because I stay there for a
long time with my family. It’s big and there are two sofas, a small table, two
pictures, a TV, a computer and a plant.
What’s your favourite room in your house?
Answer her question: (write between 20 and 30 words)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Part 2: Read the following information and choose the correct option:
Frank’s Busy Day
Frank’s day begins AT / ON 6:30. He GET UP / GETS UP and takes a
shower. He always HAVE / HAS a cup of coffee for breakfast. Then he goes
to the university for his classes. When he FINISHES / FINISH his morning
classes, he usually eats lunch at 12:00 in the cafeteria. At lunch, he
sometimes talks with HIS / HER friends. After lunch he goes to his
afternoon classes. He usually GO / GOES home at about 5:00. He eats
dinner and relaxes for a while. Sometimes he takes a walk or goes RUNNING
/ RUN. For the rest of the evening he reads and does homework. Frank goes
TO / AT bed at about 11:00. What a busy day!
(Adapted from
Part 3: Now, write about a day in your life: (between 40 and 50 words)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Part 2: Fill in the blanks with the words from the list. There are THREE
EXTRA WORDS you don’t need to use.
went – studied – on - became – visited – her - finally – a – in - his – goes When
Paul Robeson (Adapted from
Paul Robeson was born in New Jersey, USA, ________ 1898. After high
school, he went to Rutgers University, where he ________ to be a lawyer. He
worked as ________lawyer for a few years. He then ________ a famous actor
and singer, starring in a number of British films after he ________ to live in
London. ________ he returned to the United States, he spoke against the
conditions of African Americans. After that, he ________ communist Russia.
There, they took ________ passport and he could not leave the country.
________ , he got it back, but it was hard to see his films or hear his
recordings for many years.
Part 3:
Write a letter to a friend about your plans for next summer holidays and
invite him/her to go with you. Take into consideration: place to spend
holidays - means of transport – accommodation – activities – food (Write
between 50 and 80 words)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Tom, Ben, Jo and Sue are in the playground at school. They are talking to
the teacher about their pets.
1. Listen and complete the table:
2. Mark the following sentences True (T) or False (F):
a. Jo’s got three fish. (____)
b. Ben wants a dog for his birthday. (____)
c. Blackie is a big dog. (____)
d. Sue’s dog has got a white ear. (____)
(Adapted from English Club, Student’s Book 1, Page 42)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Listen to Sergeant Daley. He is in his police car. He is using his radio.
Choose the correct answer for each question:
1. Where is Sergeant Daley?
a. In Oxford Street.
b. In his house.
c. In Oxford Avenue.
2. What is he doing?
a. He’s looking at a map.
b. He’s waiting for a police officer.
c. He’s looking at a house.
3. Why?
a. He’s looking for a criminal.
b. He’s got a criminal in his car.
c. The car has got a problem.
4. Who are the two men?
a. Two policemen.
b. Two criminals.
c. Two of his best friends.
5. What are they carrying?
a. A video.
b. A computer.
c. A lot of money.
(Adapted from Open Doors, Student’s Book 1, page 66)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………
Universidad Nacional de La Pampa - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas
Servicio Externo de Lenguas Extranjeras
Evaluación de Competencias Comunicativas - Tercer Ciclo de EGB y Nivel Polimodal
Año 2009
Listen to the story about Jane and her dad.
Number the events (1 to 10) in the order in which they occurred (events 1,
5 and 10 have been numbered for you):
a. Jane’s dad wanted to read the newspaper. (__1__)
b. Jane went into the living-room. (_____)
c. Jane’s music was very loud. (_____)
d. Jane’s dad closed the living-room door. (_____)
e. Jane’s dad opened the door and the window. (__5__)
f. Jane’s dad closed the window. (_____)
g. Jane shouted angrily “Dad, that television programme is too loud!” (_____)
h. Jane’s dad turned on the television. (_____)
i. Jane turned off her record player. (_____)
j. Jane’s dad smiled, said “Goodbye” and started to read the newspaper. (__10__)
(Adapted from Chatterbox, Pupil’s Book 4, Page 45)
Candidate’s name: ……………………………………………………………