GREATER SOUTHEAST MANAGEMENT DISTRICT TITLE VI COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Any individual, group of individuals or entity that believes they have been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as prohibited by Title VI nondiscrimination provisions by GSMD, may file a written complaint. A formal complaint must be filed within 180 calendar days of the alleged occurrence, or when the alleged discrimination became known to the complainant. The complainant must meet the following requirements: a. Submit the complaint in writing and signed by the complainant(s). b. Present the date of the alleged act of discrimination (date when the complainant(s) became aware of the alleged discrimination; or the date on which that conduct was discontinued or the latest instance of the conduct). c. Present a detailed description of the issues including name(s) and job(s). Allegations received by fax or email will be acknowledged and processed, but a signed, original copy of the complaint with the identity(ies) of the complainant(s) and the intent is required to be mailed to GSMD to be able to process it. Allegations received by telephone will be put into writing and provided to the complainant for confirmation or revision before processing. A complaint form will be forwarded to the complainant for him/her to complete, sign, and return to GSMD for processing. GSMD will process all complaints that are completed and submitted in a timely manner. Once the complaint is received, GSMD will review it to determine if GSMD has jurisdiction. Complaints will be reviewed for: a. Allegations involving discrimination based on race, color, or national origin; b. Allegations involving a program or activity of a federal funding recipient, subrecipient, or contractor; c. The complainant(s) acceptance of reasonable resolution based on GSMD’s administrative authority. A complaint may be dismissed if the Complainant requests the withdrawal of the complaint; fails to respond to repeated requests for additional information needed to process complaint; and/or cannot be located after reasonable attempts. GSMD has authority for accepting complaints for investigation. Once GSMD decides to proceed with the investigation, the complainant will be notified in writing of the determination within ten (10) calendar days. The complaint will receive a case number and then be logged into GSMD’s records identifying its basis (race, color, or national origin) and alleged harm. In cases where GSMD assumes investigation of the complaint, GSMD will provide the individual(s) identified in the complaint with the opportunity to respond to the allegations in writing. The identified individual(s) will have ten (10) calendar days from the date of GSMD’s written notification of acceptance of the complaint to furnish his/her response to the allegations. Within 40 calendar days of the acceptance of the complaint, GSMD will prepare an investigative report for the GSMD Executive Director. The report shall include a narrative description of the incident, identification of persons interviewed, findings, and recommendations for disposition. The GSMD Executive Director will have ten (10) calendar days to review and provide comments. GSMD will address any comments to the preliminary investigative report, and its findings will be forwarded to GSMD’s legal staff for review. The legal staff will review the report and associated documentation and will provide input within ten (10) calendar days. There will be a period of ten (10) calendar days for the legal staff to discuss the report and any recommendations with the Title VI Coordinator, and have the Title VI Coordinator address any modifications as needed. GSMD’s final investigative report and a copy of the complaint will be forwarded to FTA within 60 calendar days of the acceptance of the complaint. GSMD will notify the parties of its findings. TITLE VI COMPLAINT FORM The Greater Southeast Management District is committed to ensuring that no person is excluded from participation in or denied the benefits of its services on the basis of race, color, or national origin, as provided by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Title VI complaints must be filed within 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination. The following information is necessary to assist us in processing your complaint. If you require any assistance in completing this form, please contact the Program Manager for GSMD by calling 713-942-0500. The completed form must be returned to the Greater Southeast Management District, 5445 Almeda, Suite #503, Houston, Texas 77004. Your Name: Phone: Street Address: Alt Phone: City, State & Zip Code: Person(s) discriminated against (if someone other than complainant): Name(s): Street Address, City, State & Zip Code: Which of the following best describes the reason for the alleged discrimination took place? (Circle one) Race Color National Origin (Limited English Proficiency) Date of Incident: Please describe the alleged discrimination incident. Provide the names and title of all GSMD employees involved if available. Explained what happened and whom you believe was responsible. Please use the back of this form if additional space is required. T I T L E VI C O M P L A I N T F O R M The Greater Southeast Management District Please describe the alleged discrimination incident (continued) Have you filed a complaint with any other federal, state or local agencies? (Circle one) Yes / No If so, list agency / agencies and contact information below: Agency: Contact Name: Street Address, City, State & Zip Code: Phone Agency: Contact Name: Street Address, City, State & Zip Code: Phone Complainants Signature: Date: ______________________________________________________________________________ Print or Type Name of Complainant Date Received: Review By: F O R M U L A R I O D E Q U E J A S D E L T Í T U L O VI El Distrito Administrativo de Greater Southeast (GSMD) esta comprometida a garantizar que ninguna persona sea excluida de participar o se le sean negados los beneficios de sus servicios sobre la base de raza, color u origen nacional, conforme a lo dispuesto por el Título VI del Acta de Derechos Civiles de 1964. Las quejas conforme al Título VI deben ser presentadas dentro de los 180 días siguientes a la fecha de la supuesta discriminación. La siguiente información es necesaria para ayudarnos a procesar su queja. Si necesita ayuda para completar este formulario, por favor póngase en contacto con el Administrador de Programas de GSMD llamando al 713-942-0500. El formulario completo deberá ser devuelto a la siguiente dirección: Greater Southeast Management District, 5445 Almeda, Suite #503, Houston, Texas 77004. Nombre: Teléfono: Dirección residencial: Teléfono Alternativo: Ciudad, Estado, y Código Postal: Persona(s) contra la(s) que se discriminó (si no se trata de la persona que presenta la queja): Nombre(s): Dirección residencial, Ciudad, Estado, y Código Postal: ¿Cuál de los siguientes casos describe mejor la razón de la Fecha del incidente: presunta discriminación? (Circule una opción) Raza Color Origen nacional (Conocimiento limitado del inglés) Por favor describa el presunto incidente discriminatorio. Proporcione los nombres y puestos de todos los empleados de GSMD que estuvieron involucrados, si están disponibles. Explique lo qué fue lo que sucedió y quién considera que fue responsable. Por favor use el reverso de este formulario si requiere espacio adicional. F O R M U L A R I O D E Q U E J A S D E L T Í T U L O VI El Distrito Administrativo de Greater Southeast Por favor describa el presunto incidente discriminatorio (continuación) ¿Ha presentado usted una queja ante alguna otra agencia federal, estatal o local? (Marque con un círculo) Si / No Si la respuesta es “Si,” indique a continuación la agencia o agencias y la información de contacto: Agencia: Nombre de contacto: Dirección, Ciudad, Estado, Código postal: Teléfono: Agencia: Nombre de contacto: Dirección, Ciudad, Estado, Código postal: Teléfono: Firma de quien presenta la queja Fecha Imprima el nombre de quien presenta la queja Date Received: Review By: