Change of Address Form / Cambio de Dirección

Change of Address Form / Cambio de Dirección
Point West will not accept any address change requests within 90 days of opening a membership.
Point West will conduct a call back to the primary number on file to complete the address change process. Please
make sure your phone numbers are up to date.
Name / Nombre:
Account Number / Numero de Cuenta:
Previous Address / Dirección Previa:
New Address / Dirección Nueva:
Home Phone Number / Teléfono de Casa:
Work Phone Number / Teléfono de Trabajo:
Cell Phone Number / Teléfono de Móvil:
Email Address/Correo Electrónico:
Credit Union Use Only: Please mark where the address has been
changed and how the form was received.
___ Cunify
___ Certegy
___ ATM/Debit Cards
___ Harland Clarke
___ IRA
___ Mail/Fax/Email
___ In Person
Teller # __________
718 NE 12th Ave | Portland, OR | | 503.546.5000 | Fax: 503.546.5010 | Toll-free: 888.468.5826