Universidad Politécnica Salesiana News Publication Date: 15/07/2016 17:36:00 UPS professor joined the National Academy of History Committee: Diego Moscoso, Juan Cordero Iñiguez, Father Javier Herrán Gómez, César Vásquez, Jorge Núñez Sánchez and Blas Garzón Vera UPS professor Blas Garzón Vera, PhD., Joined the National Academy of History during a formal public meeting held in the university last July 8. The meeting was attended by the Director of the National Academy of History of Ecuador, Jorge Nunez Sanchez, his secretary Diego Moscoso, UPS President Father Javier Herran Gomez, UPS vice president in Cuenca, Cesar Vasquez, and of course the new member of the academy, Blas Garzón Vera, as well as other special guests. At the ceremony, Father Javier Herran Gomez said that "the fact that the National Academy of History meets in at our university is an event that honors UPS, even more so when the meeting is to incorporate Professor Blas Garzón ". He then said that "the Academy of History is a pioneer in the task of finding and forging national identity, today in the XXI century the presence in our society of the Academy of History is a source of certainty, therefore, having considered professor Blas Garzón to incorporate into this path of men and women who link us to our roots, means we are on the way to fulfill the dream of Don Bosco. He highlighted the work accomplished by Blas Garzón and congratulated him for this addition to the National Academy of History. " The Director of the National Academy of History, Dr. Jorge Nunez, spoke about the Academy, recalling its beginnings, its directors, he explained the mission and operation and projects they have for the future. He welcomed Dr. Blas Garzón Vera, as Academic Corresponding Member; He highlighted his work in the field of research and said that the Academy is happy to have him as their new member. Meanwhile, Blas Garzón Vera, gave his speech entitled "El Internado Salesiano y su influencia en la organización de la Federación Shuar de Centros Shuar", he spoke about the findings of his research in the last decade, the incidence of the Salesian Missions in Shuar territory. The relationship of these two groups since the late nineteenth century to the mid-twentieth collected are explained in this work which seeks to expand the analysis developed so far, an issue that belongs to a broader project that the researcher developed in his doctoral studies. Professor Garzon took the opportunity to thank God, his family and officials from both institutions for all the support he has received during his career. Finally, the UPS vice president in Cuenca, Cesar Vasquez, said it is important for the university to have one of its professors as a member of the National Academy of History. He highlighted the work conducted by Blas Garzón and encouraged him to continue doing research. View news www.ups.edu.ec