Writing, Oral Expression, Graphic Design, Handling Cameras

Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Events
Publication Date: 3/MAR/2016
Writing, Oral Expression, Graphic Design, Handling Cameras, Editing
UPS-Guayaquil invites you to participated in the Seminar on Writing, Oral Expression, Graphic
Design, Handling Cameras, Editing and Video Production that will take place from March 3 – 5 in
the university’s multimedia and radio laboratory.
The aim of this seminar is to strengthen the skills of students who are part of the NotiUPS
newspaper, Utopia magazine, UPS Channel TV, and students majoring in journalism. The seminar
is also open to people interested in this field.
Date: March 3 – 5
Time: 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 5pm
Place: Laboratorio de Multimedia ubicado en el Tercer piso del Bloque F y Laboratorio de Radio
en el Bloque C.
For more information contact:
César Andrade Martínez
Email: [email protected]
Phone number: 042-590630 Ext. 4540
Cell phone number: 0991-462412
View events www.ups.edu.ec