Please, Be Careful With Bibliographical References

Documento descargado de el 20/11/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato.
Letters to the Editor
The variability of the plasmatic concentration
of the proteins involved in the genesis of vascular
damage has also been discussed by many authors.
Amongst these studies it would be relevant to
mention the noticeable contributions of Domínguez
et al regarding circadian rhythm of PCR, CD40L,
melatonin, interleukin 6, VCAM-1 and MMP-9,
amongst others, and cardiovascular disease.6-8
Some of the proteins mentioned by them, such as
PCR and CD40L have higher serum concentrations
in the light phase (9.00) than in the dark phase
(2.00), whilst other such as VCAM-1 show a higher
serum concentration in the dark phase. For obvious
reasons, the majority of clinical studies are carried
out using blood samples taken in the morning and
from patients who have not eaten. Although all
these studies are without doubt very important
for understanding the implication of the diverse
biomarkers in the circadian and seasonal rhythm
of cardiovascular events, their extrapolation to
clinical practice is not easy, as these same authors
With regards the comments about the role of
neopterin in cardiovascular disease from Avanzas
et al,2 we agree about the importance of the role
that neopterin can have as a biomarker in coronary
disease, as well as other biomarkers that we haven’t
mentioned due to lack of space (eg, PAPP-A or
cystatin C, previously reviewed by this same team9).
The contributions from the authors, in particular
Prof. Kaski, regarding the role of the determination
of serum neopterin in particular in acute coronary
syndrome, are well known by all of us with interest
in plasmatic biomarkers and cardiovascular disease.
The studies by authors since their initial description
in 1997,10 have made an important contribution
to involving neopterin, a protein produced by
macrophages activated by the interferon-gamma, as
a prognostic marker in risk stratification in patients
with coronary disease. Recently it has also been
shown that serum concentration of neopterin can
be predictive of dysfunction of the left ventricle in
patients with stable chronic angina.11 The authors
studies have been widely acknowledged in the
relevant literature and this year three excellent
reviews have been carried out of the subject,
which we recommend to our readers.12-14 Despite
not mentioning it in our review, we hope that our
comments have helped to place neopterin on the
list of available biomarkers and that our respected
authors do not have to ever have to say again
“Neopterin: still a forgotten biomarker.” 15
José Luis Martín-Ventura,a Luis Miguel Blanco-Colio,a
José Tuñón,b and Jesús Egidoa
Laboratorio de Patología Vascular, Fundación Jiménez Díaz-Universidad
Autónoma, Madrid, Spain
Servicio de Cardiología, Fundación Jiménez Díaz-Universidad
Autónoma, Madrid, Spain.
1. Domínguez Rodríguez A, Abreu González P. Variaciones
diurnas de los biomarcadores en la medicina cardiovascular:
importancia clínica. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009;62:1340-1.
2. Avanzas P, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Kaski JC. Papel de la
neopterina en la medicina cardiovascular. Rev Esp Cardiol.
3. Martín-Ventura JL, Blanco-Colio LM, Tuñón J, Muñoz-García
B, Madrigal-Matute J, Moreno JA, et al. Biomarcadores en la
medicina cardiovascular. Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009;62:677-88.
4. Anderson L. Candidate-based proteomics in the search for
biomarkers of cardiovascular disease. J Physiol. 2005;563:23-60.
5. Marchant B, Ranjadayalan K, Stevenson R, Wilkinson P,
Timmis AD. Circadian and seasonal factors in the pathogenesis
of acute myocardial infarction: the influence of environmental
temperature. Br Heart J. 1993;69:385-7.
6. Domínguez-Rodríguez A, Abreu-González P. Seasonal
variations in the incidence of acute myocardial infarction
are independent or interactive of the brain or the heart? Int J
Cardiol. 2009 Jun 2 [Epub ahead of print].
7. Domínguez Rodríguez A, Abreu González P, Bosa Ojeda F.
Angioplastia primaria y variaciones diurnas. Rev Esp Cardiol.
8. Dominguez-Rodriguez A, Abreu-Gonzalez P, Kaski JC.
Diurnal variation of circulating myeloperoxidase levels in
patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Int
J Cardiol. 2009 Apr 1 [Epub ahead of print].
9. Piñón P, Kaski JC. Inflamación, aterosclerosis y riesgo
cardiovascular: PAPP-A, Lp-PLA2 y cistatina C. ¿Nuevas
aportaciones o información redundante? Rev Esp Cardiol.
10. Gupta S, Fredericks S, Schwartzman RA, Holt DW, Kaski
JC. Serum neopterin in acute coronary syndromes. Lancet.
11. Estévez-Loureiro R, Recio-Mayoral A, Sieira-Rodríguez-Moret
JA, Trallero-Araguás E, Kaski JC. Neopterin levels and left
ventricular dysfunction in patients with chronic stable angina
pectoris. Atherosclerosis. 2009 May 3 [Epub ahead of print].
12. Avanzas P, Kaski JC. Neopterin for risk assessment in angina
pectoris. Drug News Perspect. 2009;22:215-9.
13. Avanzas P, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Kaski JC. Neopterin and
cardiovascular disease: growing evidence for a role in patient
risk stratification. Clin Chem. 2009;55:1056-7.
14. Avanzas P, Arroyo-Espliguero R, Kaski JC. Neopterin—
Marker of coronary artery disease activity or extension in
patients with chronic stable angina? Int J Cardiol. 2009 Jan 19
[Epub ahead of print].
15. Kaski JC, Avanzas P, Arroyo-Espliguero R. Neopterin: still a
forgotten biomarker. Clin Chem. 2005;51:1902-3.
Please, Be Careful With
Bibliographical References
To the Editor:
It is always comforting to find reviews in your
journal from many health professionals from Spain
and further afield; well written and researched
articles, focused on current, interesting subjects.
However, the recent “Brief Reports” by San
Román et al1 has generated some varied feelings:
pleasure at reading an article focused on a field
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009;62(11):1332-44
Documento descargado de el 20/11/2016. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato.
Letters to the Editor
that has been and currently is a motive for study by
our team, and disappointment upon analysing the
bibliography that was included.
Of the 14 references listed, one of them is
repeated,2 two have “minor” errors (incomplete
information),3,4 and 3 have serious errors regarding
the attributed authors.5-7 With regard to the
sections that affect us, our original text focuses on
inadequate admissions, and not inadequate stay
as referenced. The article possibly was referring
to another piece written by our team, in which
inadequate stays were assessed.8
As a result of these findings, it must be
remembered that a bibliography is the scientific
support for the study, and a study that is well
supported bibliographically will show that the
work has been carried out with great attention to
detail. In addition to this, all the information from
the bibliographic references have to be checked
against their original sources, verifying the names
of the authors, the title of the document and the
name of the publication in which it appears, as well
as the year of publication, the volume and the page
Finally, we do understand that detection of these
errors is also the role and responsibility of the journal
editors (pairs of editors), a point which is key for the
constant improvement to the already high quality
Revista Española de Cardiología journal.
José L. Zambrana
Director Asistencial, Hospital de Montilla, Montilla, Córdoba, Spain
Rev Esp Cardiol. 2009;62(11):1332-44
1. San Román JA, Luquero FJ, de la Fuente L, Pérez-Rubio
A, Tamames S, Fernández-Avilés F, et al. Evaluación de las
estancias inadecuadas en un servicio de cardiología. Rev Esp
Cardiol. 2009;62:211-5.
2. Pérez-Rubio A, Santos S, Luquero FJ, Tamames S, Cantón
B, Castrodeza JJ. Evaluación de la adecuación de las estancias
en un hospital de tercer nivel. An Sist Sanit Navar. 2007:30:
3. Lorenzo S, Suñol R. An overview of Spanish Studies on
appropriateness of hospital use. Int J Qual Health Care.
4. Perea García J, Lago Oliver J, Quijada García B, Garrido G,
Muñoz-Calero A. Evaluación del uso hospitalario según el
AEP (protocolo de evaluación de la adecuación) en un servicio
de cirugía general. Cir Esp. 2000;68:47-52.
5. Villalta J, Sisó A, Cereijo AC, Sequeira E, de la Sierra A.
Adecuación de la hospitalización en una unidad de estancia
corta de un hospital universitario. Un estudio controlado. Med
Clin (Barc). 2004;122:454-6.
6. Velasco Díaz L, García Ríos S, Oterino de la Fuente D, Suárez
García F, Diego Roza S, Fernández Alonso R. Impacto de los
ingresos urgentes innecesarios sobre las estancias hospitalarias
en un hospital de Asturias. Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2005;79:
7. Zambrana García JL, Delgado Fernández M, Cruz Caparrós
G, Díez García F, Martín Escalante MD, Salas Coronas J.
Factores asociados a ingresos no adecuados en un servicio de
medicina interna. Med Clin (Barc). 2001;116:652-4.
8. Zambrana García JL, Delgado Fernánez M, Cruz Caparrós
G, Díez García F, Martín Escalante MD, Ruiz Bailén M.
Factores predictivos de estancias no adecuadas en un servicio
de medicina interna. Med Clin (Barc). 2001;117:90-2.
9. Medicina Clínica. Manual de estilo. Publicaciones biomédicas.
Barcelona: Doyma Libros; 1993. p. 62.
10. Preparación de la versión final de un manuscrito. En: Huth
EJ, editor. Cómo escribir y publicar trabajos en ciencias de la
salud. Barcelona: Masson-Salvat Medicina; 1992. p. 185-8.