That book is on the table

Elige la opción correcta.
1. Is this / these a camera?
2. That / those films are old.
3. Is that / those a giraffe?
4. This / These is a beautiful dress.
5. Are this / these your books?
6. This / these are my jeans.
7. This /these cars are black.
8. That / those scarves are beautiful.
9. That / those is Emily.
10. Is that / those your sister?
Sitúate en tu habitación y piensa en 10 cosas que hay en tu casa, en esa
habitación y en otras, que son tuyas o de otras personas. Escribe 10 frases como las
de arriba.
1. That book is on the table (el libro está en el salón).
2. ______________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________
6. _________________________________________________________________
8. _________________________________________________________________
9. _________________________________________________________________
10. __________________________________________________________________