UAP UNIVERSIDAD ALAS PERUANAS FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DE LA COMUNICACIÓN, EDUCACIÓN Y HUMANIDADES ESCUELA ACADÉMICO PROFESIONAL DE EDUCACIÓN SÍLABO 1.- INFORMACIÓN GENERAL 1.1. ASIGNATURA 1.2. CÓDIGO DE LA ASIGNATURA 1.3. TIPO DE ASIGNATURA 1.4. REQUISITO 1.5. CICLO ACADÉMICO 1.6. DOCENTE : : : : : : Estrategias para la enseñanza del inglés 12501 Obligatorio 12408 IX Lic. Luz Aida Rodríguez Matta 2.- UBICACIÓN Y DISTRIBUCIÓN HORARIA HORAS AÑO ACADÉMICO 2012 SEMESTRE 2012-2B CRÉDITOS DE LA ASIGNATURA 3 TEÓRICAS PRÁCTICAS SEMANALES SEMESTRALES 1 3 4 68 3.- SUMILLA: La asignatura Estrategias para la enseñanza del inglés forma parte del área de formación general, es de naturaleza teórico-práctico y tiene como propósito brindarle al alumno las habilidades básicas y conocimiento de la didáctica para enseñar inglés. 4.- UNIDADES TEMÁTICAS: Unidad I: Hypotheses about second language acquisition, the role of the native language in second language acquisition, factors which affect the second language acquisition and input interaction and output. Unidad II: Methods in language teaching Unidad III: Teaching speaking, teaching writing, teaching listening and teaching reading Unidad IV: Teaching grammar, teaching vocabulary, teaching pronunciation and Multiple intelligences 1 5.- COMPETENCIAS Y CAPACIDADES A DESARROLLAR: COMPETENCIAS • Identify the importance of second language acquisition and reflect on the factors which may affect the language acquisition of learners in their particular context. • Analyze the methods in English language teaching. • Identify the approaches to the teaching of the macro skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing in English language teaching. • Identify the approaches to the teaching different aspects in grammar, vocabulary, pronunciationand design a lesson plan. UNIDAD I CAPACIDADES • • • • Identify the hypotheses of second language acquisition. Analyze the first language acquisition and compare with second language acquisition. Analyze the factors which affect the second language acquisition. Identify the importance of the input and output. • Identify the methods to apply in teaching English. • Analyze approaches to teach the productive skills and prepare lesson plans to teach each skill. Analyze approaches to teach the receptive skills and prepare lesson plans to teach each skill. II III • IV • • • • Recognizeapproaches to teach grammarand prepare lesson plans to teach it. Recognize approaches to teach vocabulary and prepare lesson plans to teach it. Recognize methods, techniques and activities for teaching pronunciation. Analyze the importance of the theory of multiple intelligences. 2 6.- PROGRAMACIÓN DEL PROCESO DE APRENDIZAJE: UNIDAD I PRIMERA PRACTICA : Del 09 al 13 de abril EVALUACIÓN CAPACIDADES CONTENIDOS SIGNIFICATIVOS • Identify the hypotheses of - Hypotheses about second language acquisition second language acquisition. • Analyze the first language - The role of the native language in second language acquisition acquisition and compare with second language acquisition. ESTRATEGIAS METODOLÓGICAS Deductive SEMANA INDICADORES Do a summary INSTRUMENTOS Conceptual map Do exercises Exercises Give the test Test Do exercises Exercises Do a summary Conceptual map I Interrogative II • Analyze the factors which - Factors which affect the second Discussion language acquisition. affect the second language acquisition. Input, interaction and output • Identify the importance of the Interrogative input and output. LECTURA 1 Acquisition and learning a second language III IV BIBLIOGRAFÍABÁSICA Jeremy Harmer. (2007). The practice of english language teaching with DVD. Fouth edition. Person Logman. David Nunan. (2004). Task based Language Teaching. First Edition. Cambridge University Press. ENLACES DE INTERNET Stephen Krashen on Language Acquisition: 3 UNIDAD II EXAMEN PARCIAL : Del 07 al 11 de mayo EVALUACIÓN CAPACIDADES CONTENIDOS SIGNIFICATIVOS ESTRATEGIAS METODOLÓGICAS Workshop • Identify the methods to apply - Methods in languageteaching Grammar translation method in teaching English. The Direct method Workshop • Identify the methods to apply - Methods in languageteaching Audio lingual method in teaching English. Total physical response Workshop • Identify the methods to apply - Methods in languageteaching Silent way in teaching English. Suggestopedia Workshop • Identify the methods to apply - Methods in languageteaching Natural approach in teaching English. Community language learning Communicative language teaching LECTURA 1 English methods as a second language throught the years SEMANA V VI VII VIII INDICADORES INSTRUMENTOS Teach a lesson using a Model class method Teach a lesson using a method Model class Teach a lesson using a method Model class Teach a lesson using a method Model class Do a summary Conceptual map BIBLIOGRAFÍABÁSICA Jeremy Harmer. (2007). The practice of english language teaching with DVD. Fouth edition. Person Logman. David Nunan. (2004). Task based Language Teaching. First Edition. Cambridge University Press. ENLACES DE INTERNET Language Teaching Methods; Suggestopedia: Silent Way ESL class: 4 UNIDAD III SEGUNDA PRACTICA: Del 04 al 08 de junio EVALUACIÓN CAPACIDADES • Analyze approaches to the productive skills prepare lesson plans to each skill. • Analyze approaches to the productive skills prepare lesson plans to each skill. • Analyze approaches to the receptive skills prepare lesson plans to each skill. • Analyze approaches to the receptive skills prepare lesson plans to each skill. LECTURA 1 CONTENIDOS SIGNIFICATIVOS teach and teach - Teaching speaking ESTRATEGIAS METODOLÓGICAS Workshop SEMANA teach and teach - Teachingwriting Workshop X Design and teach from a lesson plan Model class teach and teach - Teachinglistening Workshop XI Design and teach from a lesson plan Model class teach and teach - Teachingreading Workshop XII Design and teach from a lesson plan Model class Do a summary Conceptual map IX Language skills INDICADORES Design and teach from a lesson plan INSTRUMENTOS Model class BIBLIOGRAFÍABÁSICA Jeremy Harmer. (2007). The practice of english language teaching with DVD. Fouth edition. Person Logman. David Nunan. (2004). Task based Language Teaching. First Edition. Cambridge University Press. ENLACES DE INTERNET Teaching Skills : How to Help Children Who Have No Desire to Learn: 5 UNIDAD IV EXAMEN FINAL : Del 02 al 06 de julio EVALUACIÓN CAPACIDADES CONTENIDOS SIGNIFICATIVOS • Recognize approaches to teach grammar and prepare lesson plans to teach it. - Teaching grammar ESTRATEGIAS METODOLÓGICAS Workshop • Recognize approaches to teach vocabulary and prepare lesson plans to teach it. - Teaching vocabulary Workshop • Recognize methods, techniques and activities for teaching pronunciation. - Teaching pronunciation Workshop BIBLIOGRAFÍABÁSICA ENLACES DE INTERNET INDICADORES INSTRUMENTOS XIII Design and teach from a lesson plan Model class XIV Design and teach from a lesson plan Model class Develop activities for teaching pronunciation. Model class Do a summary Conceptual map Do a summary Conceptual map XV • Analyze the importance of - Multipleintelligences the theory of multiple intelligences. LECTURA 1 Focusing on the language PRODUCTO FINAL SEMANA Discussion XVI Create diversity original materials for English teaching language Design and create Original materials materials Jeremy Harmer. (2007). The practice of English language teaching with DVD. Fouth edition. Person Logman. David Nunan. (2004). Task based Language Teaching. First Edition. Cambridge University Press. Full lesson plans: 6 7.-SISTEMA DE EVALUACIÓN: La evaluación será permanente e integral, reflejando el desarrollo de las capacidades y competencias. Se deberá considerar para promediar las prácticas y exámenes: a) La evaluación conceptual mediante las pruebas escritas. b) La evaluación procedimental mediante las intervenciones orales en clase, prácticas calificadas, pruebas de ejecución, trabajos individuales y/o grupales, control de las tareas, presentación de cuadernos, fólderes y otros. c) La evaluación actitudinal utilizando fichas de observación del estudiante, su presentación, comportamiento, responsabilidad, respeto, iniciativa y relaciones con sus compañeros. EVALUACIÓN DE DESEMPEÑO EVALUACIÓN DE CONOCIMIENTOS TIPO Nº ÁREA / TÉCNICA a) Práctica I 10 % % INSTRUMENTOS Prueba escrita 1 b) Práctica II 10 % 20 Prueba escrita a) Examen Parcial 25 % 2 b) Examen Final 25 % 3 Prueba escrita RESPONSABLES Docente de Asignatura 50 Prueba escrita Producto Final 10 Rúbrica 4 Proyección Social Y Extensión Universitaria 10 Ficha de Participación. Coordinador Social. 5 Plan Lector Institucional 10 Lista de cotejos. Coordinador del PLIN 100 TOTAL 7 de Proyección Se exige al estudiante como mínimo el 70 % de asistencia regular y continua a clases. Un número de inasistencia mayor al 30 % significará la desaprobación inmediata del educando en la asignatura. Forman parte del promedio final de evaluación dos tipos: Las calificaciones serán de CERO (00) A VEINTE (20), siendo la nota mínima aprobatoria once (11). En el promedio final, las fracciones de cinco décimas (0,5) favorecen al estudiante. El examen sustitutorio remplazará a la nota más baja desaprobatoria que el estudiante haya obtenido, del examen parcial o final. 8.- BIBLIOGRAFÍA COMPLEMENTARIA: Jeremy Harmer. 2007. The practice of English language teaching with DVD. Fouth edition. Person Logman. David Numan. 2004. Task-based language teaching. First published. Cambridge University Press. Michael H. Long – Jack Richards. 1987. Methodology in Tesol. First printing. Printed in the U.S.A. 8