Tired of the Drama? - North Tahoe Family Resource Center

Tired of the Drama?
The Placer County Parent Project ®, presented by the
North Tahoe Family Resource Center provides proven
strategies for parents raising today’s children and teens.
♦ Stop family arguments
♦ Improve school
attendance and
♦ Prevent alcohol and
other drug use
♦ Learn effective
interventions for difficult
We promise you will find answers,
learn solutions, receive emotional
and practical support, create an
action plan and experience
For more information on
enrollment or to register call:
530.546.0952 10 Sessions: May 1st to July 3rd, 2013
6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe
8125 Steelhead Ave. Kings Beach, CA
Cansado del Drama?
El condado de Placer Parent Project ®, presentado por el
Centro de Recursos para las Familias del Norte de Tahoe
ofrece estrategias para padres de adolescentes.
♦ Detenga discusiones
♦ Mejorar la asistencia y
rendimiento escolar
♦ Evitar el alcohol y otras
♦ Aprender intervenciones
efectivas para
adolescentes difíciles
Le prometemos que va a
encontrar respuestas, aprender
soluciones, recibir apoyo
emocional y, crear un plan de
Para obtener más información
o para registrarse llame al:
530.546.0952 10 Sesiones: 1 de Mayo a 3 de Julio del 2013
6:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Boys and Girls Club of North Lake Tahoe
8125 Steelhead Ave. Kings Beach, CA