Multilateral agencies and higher education reform in Latin America

Multilateral agencies and higher education reform in
Latin America
Rodriguez-Gomez R., Alcantara A.
University Studies Center, Natl. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Mexico
Abstract: During the last decade, the debate over higher education took up a significant space on the agendas
of various international agencies, including multilateral development banks and other intergovernmental
agencies. This fact points to the importance of the subject within a broader discussion that refers to national
development projects and their articulation within the new international economic and political order. In this
context, the purpose of this article is to discern the principal lines of argument at work and their implications
for the transformation of higher education in Latin America. To this end, we have chosen four cases that we
consider relevant for the region: The United Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), the World Bank, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLA) and
the Interamerican Development Bank (IADB). In the first part of the text we characterize the particularities
of each of these organizations, highlighting their relation with the processes of educational change. In the
second, we approach the subject of the recommendations made by the multilateral agencies on change in the
higher education systems in the world and, particularly, in the Latin American region.
Year: 2001
Source title: Journal of Education Policy
Volume: 16
Issue: 6
Page : 507-525
Cited by: 12
Link: Scorpus Link
Correspondence Address: University Studies Center, Natl. Autonomous Univ. of MexicoMexico
Document Type: Article
Source: Scopus
Authors with affiliations:
1. Rodríguez-Gómez, R., University Studies Center, Natl. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Mexico
2. Alcántara, A., University Studies Center, Natl. Autonomous Univ. of Mexico, Mexico
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