Ladies and Gentlemen Athletes from different parts of Europe Visitors and guests, Dear friends in sport, For us - the Athlete Family – it is again a special honour to be hosted by the citizen of San Sebastian here in the north of Spain. We all like to get to know more about your culture and your tradition and please, let us share the spirit of friendship during the days of competition. Let us compete for “Clean Sport and Fair Play”. Let us enjoy the days among friends. A big “Thank you!” to all the people who made these championships came true. Thank you to the Spanish Athletic Federation as a motor for the first steps and the support to the Local Organizing Committee and its support during the competition days. Thank you to the Municipality of San Sebastian which has made these championships come true – the office of the City Mayor, the offices of Sport, Culture, Tourism, Economics. It is a great pleasure to be with you – “Thank you to all for the preparation: Judges, Volunteers, Officials, LOC and EVAA Team – without you we couldn’t stand here together. Estimados amigos: Una vez más estamos en vuestra tan bonita tierra con su buena gente. Vamos a disfrutar durante estos días llenos de emoción, deportividad, pero sobre todo de amistad. Es para la Familia de los atletas un honor ser recibidos en la ciudad de San Sebastian Nos gustaría conocer más sobre su cultura y tradición Compartamos todos el espíritu de la amistad durante los días del campeonato. Atleten familia osatzen dugun guztientzako ohore bat da Donostiako hiriak egiten digun harrera. Zuen kultura eta ohiturei buruz gehiago jakitea gustatuko litzaiguke. Laguntasun espiritua txapelketa osoan zehar guztion artean izan dezagun. Kurt Kaschke EVAA President