el 27 de agosto ESL: In a couple of paragraphs, tell me about your

August 25 Agenda
ESL: Please fill out Student Information Sheet. On a piece of paper, please write about two movies you
saw this summer: name of movie, about the movie, would you recommend it?
PreAp/ Academic Spanish 1:
Find your seat
Fill out Student Information Sheet
Receive school song and fight song
Begin looking over procedures
El 26 de agosto
ESL: Write about your first day at school. What were some of your favorite classes, who were some of
your favorite teachers, what do you think will be your most fun class? What class will be the most
challenging? What class will have the most homework? What will you have to study for the most?
PreAp 1:
Why is learning a second language so important? Please list as many reasons as you can and be ready to
discuss these.
Word of the Day (WOD)
ambiguous - Having a double meaning
en español: ambiguo(a)
el 27 de agosto
ESL: In a couple of paragraphs, tell me about your family….your father, mother, sisters,
brothers. Do you have any pets? Do you live in a big house or an apartment? Tell me about
fun things you do together as a family. Do you take trips together? Go to the movies? Go out
to eat? Watch tv? Play games?
PreAp & Academic 1: List as many ways as you can to greet and say goodbye someone in Spanish.
WOD: cynical - exhibiting moral skepticism
en español: descreído(a)
El 28 de agosto
ESL: Interview your classmate and find out the answers to these questions…
His name…
His age….
His favorite color….
What he likes to do……
Write down all your answers and then be ready to introduce your friend to us!
Pre Ap 1 & Academic:
Make a list of as many Spanish speaking countries and their capitals as you can….
WOD: ostentatious- conspicuous show of things in an attempt to impress others.
En español: ostentoso(a)
El 29 de agosto
PreAp & Academic 1:
From memory write out a short conversation, politely introducing yourself to another person
WOD: tenacity- persistence; the act of holding on to something (as a belief) or someone without letting
El 2 de septiembre
ESL: Write a paragraph about what you did on this 3-day weekend. Did you go anywhere special? See
any movies? Eat out?
Pre Ap & Academic 1:
Complete the following expressions…
Buenas t_ _ _ _ _.
WOD: aloof-removed or distant
B_ _ _ _ _ n_ _ _ _ _.
Physically or emotionally.
B_ _ _ _ _ d_ _ _.
En español: distante
Nos _ _ _ _ _.
H_ _ _ _ l_ _ _ _ _.
El 3 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct verb in each sentence.
1. The twins (have/ has) blue eyes.
2. My sister (have/ has) short hair.
3. My brother (have/ has) curly hair.
4. We (have/ has) many friends.
5. Jennifer (have/ has) long finger nails.
6. Ronaldo (have/ has) straight hair.
7. Ana (have/ has) green eyes.
El 3 de septiembre
PreAp & Academic 1:
Complete the following sentences…
Me llam_ Pablo Ramos. ¿Cómo t_ ll_ _ _ _?
La chica, ¿cómo _ _ _ _ _ _ _?
Mucho gusto. M_ ll_ _ _ Luis.
WOD: abrogate- to do away with; abolish
en español: abrogar
El 4 de septiembre
ESL: Subject verb agreement
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence…
1. A common name for the Dakota people (is, are) Sioux.
2. A few words of encouragement (helps, help) one to succeed.
3. The motto of The New York Times (is, are) “All the News That’s Fit to Print.”
4. One of the two theaters (has, have) been closed.
5. The new tires (was, were) my biggest expense.
6. My biggest expense (was, were) the new tires.
El 4 de septiembre
PreAp 1 & Academic: Unscramble the words to create correct sentences.
1. Raúl / de/ Estados Unidos / es
2. nombre / Susana / es / Mi
3. llamas? / te / ¿Cómo
4. un / Ricardo / placer / Es
WOD: hyperbolic- exaggerated; using an obvious and intentional exaggeration.
En español: hiperbólico
El 5 de septiembre
1. One of the wheels (doesn’t, don’t) turn freely.
2. The price of diamonds (depends, depend) on their size and quality.
3. Paints (is, are) Yoshi’s only extravagance.
4. One cause of traffic congestion (is, are) poor planning.
5. Mr. Babinski, assisted by his two sons, (operates, operate) a garage.
6. The Organization of American States (includes, include) over thirty Lati
Latin American nations.
PreAp & Academic 1:
1. ¿Que día es hoy?
2. ¿Qué día es mañana?
3. ¿Cuál es tu teléfono?
WOD: sloth; gluttony….sloth: laziness….gluttony
laziness….gluttony- excessive eating and drinking
En español: perezoso(a)
El 8 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct word in parenthesis to complete the sentences correctly.
1. One of the members (supplies, supply) refreshments for each meeting.
2. The concert proceeds, collected at the door, (goes, go) to charity.
Their greatest concern (is, are) their children.
The results of the election (was, were) a tribute to Shirley Chisholm.
The humanitarian efforts of Eleanor Roosevelt (was, were) well
known during her lifetime.
Estella’s main annoyance at this campsite (is, are) the mosquitoes.
PreAp & Academic 1: List at least three things you know about the city of Miami.
WOD: predicament- a difficult or dangerous situation.
En español: aprieto
El 9 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct verb
1. Some of the letters (has, have) fallen off the sign.
2. Not a single original
nal Shakespeare manuscript, of eeither
ither his plays or his sonnets,
(exist, exists) today.
3. Several of her books (is, are) available in paperback.
4. None of her books (is, are) available in paperback.
5. The woman playing checkers in the park (find, finds) it difficult to concentrate.
PreAp & Academic Spanish 1:
Use your text p. 30-31 to fill in the chart
Foto 1 Alma
chica, amiga
chico, amigo
Foto 3
Foto 9
WOD: maudlin- excessively sentimental
Es el 10 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct verb
1. Not all of the students (understand, understands) the assignment.
2. The goal of our effort (justify, justifies) the means.
3. Mr. King and Ms. Jackson (cater, caters) parties and weddings.
4. Mr. King, along with Ms. Jackson, (cater, caters) parties and weddings.
5. A prize or a certificate (are, is) given to each winner.
6. Every one of these words (comes, come) from Latin or Greek.
Es el 11 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct form of the verb…
1. (Do, Does) every one of these rooms need to be painted?
2. The design of the table and chairs (have, has) been improved.
3. Each of these questions (is, are) answered in the chapter.
4. The students and the teacher (corrects, correct) the daily exercises.
5. The price of a new engine and its installation (were, was) too expensive.
PreAp & Academic 1:
Complete the conversation….
“Hola Juanita, ¿cómo ______?”
“Bien Señor Peréz, ¿cómo _____________?”
Fill in the blank
1. Manuel y Sofía son estudiantes y _________.
2. El señor Lopez es________.
3. La familia vive en una _______.
WOD: demagogue- a person who makes use of popular prejudices and false promises in order to gain power.
En español: demagogo(a)
El 15 de septiembre
1. Neither of these dresses (is, are) easy to make.
2. A friendly telephone call (don’t, doesn’t) take much time.
3. The shortage of goods and the abundance of money (make, makes) prices skyrocket.
4. These kinds of shoes (are, is) hard on feet.
5. Either of these streets (runs, run) to the river.
6. Every pupil’s height and weight (is, are) recorded each year.
El 15 de septiembre
PreAp & Academic 1: Indicate whether the following greetings are formal or informal. Then, write the meaning of
each expression.
1. ¿Qué tal?
2. ¿Cómo está usted?
3. ¿Cómo estás?
WOD: loquacious- talkative
en español: locuaz
PreAp & Academic:
Complete the following…
1. Alma vive en una______.
2. David es de________.
3. Francisco es de______.
4. Arturo es el_____de Alma.
5. La señora Garcia es______.
WOD: mettle- courage; fortitude
en español: coraje
El 16 de septiembre
ESL: Choose the correct form of the verb in parenthesis.
1. Every one of the menorah candles (is, are) lit on the last day of Hanukkah.
2. Nobody among my friends (says, say) anything bad about this movie.
3. Kindness, intelligence, or strength (arouses, arouse) admiration.
4. The morale of Helen and her family (was, were) very high.
5. That kind of music (soothe, soothes) its listeners.
PreAp & Academic 1: Using each of your pronouns only once, choose the correct pronoun
for each person.
1.____ eres doctora
a. yo
2. ____somos amigas.
b. tú
3. ____es doctor.
c. usted
4. ____son amigas.
d. él
5.____somos estudiantes.
e. ella
6.____son amigos.
f. nosotros
7.____es maestro.
g. nosotras
8.___soy estudiante.
h. ustedes
9. ___son maestros.
i. ellos
10. ___es policía.
j. ellas
WOD: emulate- imitate; to strive to equal or exceed.
En español: emular
El 17 de septiembre
1. In which drawer (is, are) the stamps?
2. (Where’s, where are) the keys to the luggage?
3. (There’s, There are) a row of poplar trees between the two farms.
4. Ever since its first screening, Raiders of the Lost Ark (has, have) captivated
5. There (has, have) been too may traffic accidents on this road.
PreAp & Academic 1: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate pronoun.
1. ______son doctoras.
2. ______es maestro.
WOD: ineffable- incapable of being expressed in words;
3. _____eres policía.
4. _____somos amigas.
en español: inefable
5. _____soy estudiante.
Homework tonight: act 14-16 in activity packet
El 18 de septiembre
1. Why (doesn’t, don’t) someone write to author Jamaica Kincaid?
2. How much (is, are) those boxes of stationery?
3. The entire faculty (was, were) seated in the first four rows at our graduation.
4. The audience (was, were) rattling their programs.
5. The team (has, have) yet to win its first game.
PreAp 1 & Academic:
Translate these sentences from English to Spanish….
1. He is the teacher……
2. We are friends…….
3. They(the boys) are intelligent(inteligente)….
4. Ya’ll (you all) are students….
5. I am a good student……
WOD: frugal- economical; not wasteful
en español: frugal