Colombia: COLCIENCIAS – Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Initial Funding Committment € 100.000 Who can apply? Thematic Area BIODIVERSITY / CLIMATE Research, technological development and / or innovation groups from public or private higher education institutions, or Colombian research and technological development centres, recognized by COLCIENCIAS at the opening date of the announcement. Funding: Colombian institutions may request to COLCIENCIAS resources for a maximum amount of € 50,000 or its equivalent, $ 130,000,000 million Colombian pesos M / CTE, corresponding to 70% of the total cost of the project in Colombia. Colombian institutions should make a contribution in kind or in cash, for a minimum amount equivalent to 30% of the total cost of the project in Colombia. Thematic Area ENERGY: Research, technological development and / or innovation groups from public or private higher education institutions, or Colombian research and technological development centres, recognized by COLCIENCIAS at the opening date of the announcement or, Companies with at least two (2) years of being legally established in Colombia. Maximum of two Colombian institutions may apply in the project. Funding: Colombian entities may request to COLCIENCIAS resources for a maximum amount of € 50,000 or its equivalent, $130,000,000 million Colombian pesos M / CTE, corresponding to 70% or 60% of the total cost of the project in Colombia. The remaining percentage should be provided by entities as counterpart in kind or in cash, in accordance with the following table: Entity Research, technological development and / or innovation groups from a public or private higher education institutions, or Colombian research and technological development centre. Companies Minimum counterpart amount contribution over the total cost of the project 30% 40% What kinds of costs are eligible for funding? Item Scientific staff and support staff Description Staff hired for the project, with scientific and technical training, with professional degree and / or postgraduate degree (Masters, PhD) and postdoctoral students who will be in charge of the research activities of the project according to its scientific-technical approach. Staff trained in technical and technological careers with capacities to support the implementation of STI activities. The budget for scientific and support staff may not exceed Financeabl e Counterp art X X Item Description Financeabl e Counterp art X X 60% of the total budget of the project implemented in Colombia. Individual costs may not exceed the maximum limits that COLCIENCIAS defined by resolution 2014 000426. Equipment required for the project, which can be acquired by any legal form (leasing, purchase, etc.). Funding to purchase new equipment must be supported by the strict need of those items to develop the project. Purchase lease equipment or of Includes the acquisition of research equipment that becomes the property of the executor, or temporarily lease of equipment. The design and construction of equipment that will be owned by the executor is also contemplated, when the project requires it. Use equipment Materials supplies of and Use of research equipment owned by the entity. Acquisition of supplies, consumables and other items necessary for the development of the planned activities. It should be submitted the detailed list, grouped by categories that should have a justification of the need and the amount (eg. Consumables, reagents, tools, protective elements, controls and ancillary instrumentation, biological material, audiovisual, of laboratory and field, etc). X X X X X X X Materials used in the manufacture of prototypes and pilot plants will be owned by the executor at the end of the project. Software Acquisition of licenses for specialized software for the STI activities needed in the development of the project, whose license will be owned by the executor. Its need and amount should be supported on detailed technical justifications. Shall not be considered fundable in this item daily use software such as word processors, spreadsheets or operating systems. Technological services Recruitment of national and international technology services (Tests, analysis, simulation and others) that the executing agency is not able to perform or that are not performed in the country. Its need and amount should be supported on detailed technical justifications. Specialized consulting services Hiring specialized scientific and technological consultancy (lasting no more than 90 days), related to the implementation of the project activities. X X Mobility and international exchange It refers to the cost of transport (international travel in economy class) and travel expenses related to the activities proposed in the scientific-technical cooperation project component and which are strictly necessary for the successful execution of the project, product generation and dissemination of results. X X Item Description Financeabl e Counterp art X X Per diem up to 100 € per day. Field trips The mobilities should last no more than 90 days. It refers to travel expenses (transportation and per diem) to sampling areas and implementation of the fieldwork needed in the investigation Training Training and updating of staff through training programs of short duration in Colombia and abroad. Bibliographic material Purchase of books, guides, technical standards and scientific articles that can’t be consulted in free format and that are not available in the entity. That bibliographic material has to be strictly necessary for a successful implementation of the project. X X Dissemination Material and promotion of results Costs of publication of scientific papers in indexed journals with a high impact factor. Costs associated with publishing books, manuals, videos, booklets, posters, etc. to present the results of the project and serve as dissemination strategy or promoting social ownership of project results. X X Administrative costs Administrative costs associated with the projects that do not exceed 10% of the total project. X X Adequacy of laboratory and pilot plant Costs related to the adequacy of laboratory and pilot plant. Should not exceed 20% of the amount provided as counterpart. Studies needed to process the protection of industrial property of the developed products or technologies, which may include: technological surveillance studies, business studies, economic and financial feasibility of the product; state of the art at national and international levels; novelty associated with the product. Expenditure on Intellectual Property X X X X Cost for patenting or other forms of protection of intellectual property. Tax Payment X Non financeable - The applicants that are present beneficiaries of the programs "Jóvenes investigadores", "Formación de doctorados" or postdoctoral internships from "Es tiempo de volver" with COLCIENCIAS, may be linked to research activities proposed for the implementation of the project but in any case, may be benefited at the same time with the resources from COLCIENCIAS assigned to this area, in this call. - Through the personnel item, no academic rights and registration tuitions will be funded. - They will not be financeable with COLCIENCIAS resources, budget items such as buildings, equipment and infrastructure maintenance, incidentals, insurance, purchase of vehicles, office furniture and memberships in scientific societies. - There will not be financed with resources of COLCIENCIAS, fees or special payroll staff full-time public or private entities bonuses. However these, themselves can be financed with counterpart resources. - In no event insurance, registration, airport taxes, consular services or other expenses will be covered. - COLCIENCIAS do not accept any expense caused prior to the signing of the relevant contract or the date of their execution. Upper funding limits for eligible costs? 1. Adequacy of laboratories and pilot plants - should not exceed 20% of the total value of the project funded in Colombia. 2. Scientific personnel and support staff - may not exceed 60% of the total project budget. Individual costs may not exceed the maximum limits that COLCIENCIAS defined in resolution 2014 000426 3. Additional national eligibility criteria for the proposal beyond the general criteria in the Terms of Reference of the joint call 4. Regulations of a technical nature: 5. Colombian applicants must provide or update information in the electronic platform ScienTI in order to obtain the information necessary to identify the persons and institutions involved in the research and scientific innovation in the country and so consolidate the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation. This information is essential to support the design and renovation of public policy in Science, Technology and Innovation CTI. 6. Individuals and entities having contracts or existing agreements with COLCIENCIAS must have a no debt certificate; otherwise they will not be considered for participation in this call. 7. Projects submitted with all requested information through the electronic form specified in the notice will be accepted only. Information sent through different ways (mail, fax, email or any other) than the form referred to in the terms of reference or submitted with date and time after to those in the terms of reference will not be taken into account for the evaluation and selection process. The project funding may not be submitted simultaneously by another call or COLCIENCIAS resources or other entities. Intellectual Property Regulations On the event that intellectual property rights are obtained in the development of projects from the process of the call, the ownership of rights shall be governed by the provisions of Article 31 Law 1450 of 2011, "Article 31 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OF RESEARCH PROJECTS FUNDED WITH NATIONAL BUDGET RESOURCES. In the case of projects of Science, Technology and Innovation developed with national budget resources, The State, unless reasons of national security and defense, assign to the parties intellectual property rights it may have, as established in the contract ". "The Parties shall define the program ownership of intellectual property rights arising from the results of the implementation of the national budget." In any event or dissemination medium used to diffuse the results of projects, must give proper credit to COLCIENCIAS, including corporate image according to the intitutional identity manual referenced in co Ciudadano tab. Thematic Area BIODIVERSITY / CLIMATE The following current regulations must be taken into account: Permits for scientific research in biological diversity (Dec 309-2000 of MADS. Authorization for import and export of specimens of biodiversity not cited in the appendices of the CITES convention (Res 1367-2000 the MADS). Projects involving access to biological and genetic resources, collection activities, capture, collection, fishing, handling of biological resources and their mobilization in the country, and the introduction of exotic1 species should take into account among other, the following decisions, decrees and resolutions Andean Decision No. 391 of July 2, 1996 - "Joint Arrangements" on Access to Genetic Resources. As 1375 and 1376 Decrees of 2013 from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), for the regulation of biological collections and permission to collect specimens of wild biodiversity for scientific non-commercial research, and Decree 1320 of 1998 from the Ministry of the Interior, by which regulates consultation with Indigenous and Black Communities for the exploitation of natural resources within its territory. In case of being selected by the call, and if is required by the project, it should be credited the processing of these requests to the competent authorities before hiring. If the current project activities require environmental licenses, these must have been processed before to the competent authority, as it is mandatory to comply with current regulations. Thematic Area ENERGY If the project has an impact on Indigenous, Afro-descendant Communities and environment, you must include an environmental or social impact. Must be taken into account current regulations concerning: Permits for scientific research in biological diversity (Dec 309-2000 of MADS). Authorization for import and export of specimens of biodiversity not cited in the appedices of the CITES convention (Res 1367-2000 the MADS). Projects involving access to biological and genetic resources, collection activities, capture, collection, fishing, handling of biological resources and their mobilization in the country, and the introduction of exotic2 species should take into account among other, the following decisions, decrees and resolutions Andean Decision No. 391 of July 2, 1996 - "Joint Arrangements" on Access to Genetic Resources " As 1375 and 1376 Decrees of 2013 from the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (MADS), for the regulation of biological collections and permission to collect specimens of wild biodiversity for scientific non-commercial research, and Decree 1320 of 1998 from the Ministry of the Interior, by which regulates consultation with Indigenous and Black Communities for the exploitation of natural resources within its territory. In case of being selected by the call, and if is required by the project, it should be credited the processing of these requests to the competent authorities before hiring. If the current project activities require environmental licenses, these must have been processed before to the competent authority, as it is mandatory to comply with current regulations. 1 Call Contact Person: Mr. Fabio Iván Monroy, Email: [email protected], Phone: (57-1) 6258480 Ext 2334 For questions on general aspects: Mr. Javier Cañon, Email: [email protected], Phone: (57-1) 6258480 Ext 2119 For questions on Biodiversity: Ms. Claudia Tinjacá. Email: [email protected], Phone: (57-1) 6258480 Ext 2256 For questions on Energy: Mr. Yesid Ojeda, Email: [email protected], Phone: (57-1) 6258480 Ext 2258 The environmental license for the import of parent of alien species; wild, aquatic, ornate, of hidrobiologycal and fishery fauna and flora, are the responsibility of the National Environmental Licensing Authority -ANLA(Decree 3573 of 2011). See Resolution No 0848 of 2008, No 207, No 654 of 2010 and 2011 relative to MADS list of declared invasive alien species. 2 The environmental license for the import of parent of alien species; wild, aquatic, ornate, of hidrobiologycal and fishery fauna and flora, are the responsibility of the National Environmental Licensing Authority -ANLA(Decree 3573 of 2011). See Resolution No 0848 of 2008, No 207, No 654 of 2010 and 2011 relative to MADS list of declared invasive alien species.