Desert Hot Springs High School

High School
Home of the Golden Eagles
Student/Parent Handbook
Manual de Estudiantes/ Padres
DHSHS empowers all students to become productive citizens by
providing diverse pathways for a variety of desired careers beyond high
school graduation.
Desert Hot Springs High School is an academically competitive school
in which students focus on college and career readiness. Students
master cross-curricular content and formulate a 10-year plan that suits
their individual learning strengths and goals. The staff engages in
collaboration, employs the latest technology, and promotes innovation to
increase student achievement and students‟ ability to
contribute positively to society.
The DHSHS staff values: Respectful Relationships, Integrity,
Collaboration, Personal Excellence, and Diversity.
Golden Eagle
School Colors
Navy and Gold
School Motto
Building tomorrow today, one student at a time, together.
George Bullis….. ………………………………….. Principal
Manuel Bayardo.…………….……………..…..……Assistant Principal
Michael Grein ……………....……………………….Assistant Principal
Kai Lyles ………………….…………………………Assistant Principal
Erica Watson ……………..…………….……………Assistant Principal
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DHSHS capacita a todos los estudiantes a convertirse en ciudadanos
productivos, proporcionando diversas vías para una variedad de carreras
que desee más allá de la graduación de secundaria.
Visión Propuesta
La preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs es una escuela académicamente
competitiva en la cuál los estudiantes se enfocan en el colegio y
preparación profesional. Los estudiantes dominan contenido cocurricular
y formulan un plan de 10 años que se acomoda a sus necesidades
individuales y fuerzas de aprendizaje y metas. El personal se envuelve
en la colaboración, empleo de las últimas tecnologías y promueve
innovaciones que incrementan el logro del estudiante y su habilidad para
contribuir positivamente a la sociedad.
El personal de DHSHS valora: Relaciones de respeto, integridad,
colaboración, excelencia personal, y la diversidad.
Águila Dorada
Colores Escolares
Azul Marino y Dorado
Lema Escolar
Construyendo el mañana hoy, un estudiante a la vez, juntos.
George Bullis
………………………………...……. Director
Manuel Bayardo…………………………..…………… Sub- Director
Michael Grein……………………………….………… Sub- Director
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Kai Lyles………………………………….…………… Sub- Director
Érica Watson………………………………..………… Sub- Directora
Guidance Counselors
The mission of the Desert Hot Springs High School Counseling
Department is to provide support for student achievement as part of a
comprehensive guidance program for all students. Counselors work
together with parents, teachers, administration, and community to help
facilitate student development in education, social, personal, and career
domains. Counseling services shall be provided in a safe and positive
environment with a focus on promoting responsible, productive
citizenship and academic achievement to support college and career
readiness for all students.
Damon Bonelli – (760) 288-7023
Grecy Espinoza – (760) 288-7024
Vera White – (760) 288-7058
Salvado Becerra - (760) 288-7022
Lisa Todd – (760) 288-7096
Frequently Call Phone Numbers
School Web Site:
Main Office: Rosa Avery……………………………………………….
Attendance Office
A-L Rosie Rivera…………………………………………….
M-Z Connie Mejorado ...………………………………….
Enrollment/Registration: Jennifer Brown ……………………………..
Health Office: Marycarmen Arevalo…………………………………
Activities/USB: Deneen Kuhlman………………………..…………...
Athletic Office: Dulce Borquez...……………………………………..
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Career Center: Antonio Rodriguez………………………………..…..
Library: Laronda Hutchison/Suzanne Wlodarz …………………...….
Parent Center: Jazmin Rodriguez………………………..…….………
Testing: Elizabeth Sanchez …………………………………………...
DHSHS FAX…………………………………………….…………..… 288-7010
La misión del Departamento de Consejería de la Preparatoria de Desert Hot
Springs es proporcionar apoyo a los logros de los estudiantes como parte de un
programa integral de orientación para todos los estudiantes. Los consejeros
trabajan con los padres, la escuela y la comunidad para ayudar a facilitar el
desarrollo de los estudiantes en la educación, carrera y compartimiento social y
personal. Los servicios de consejería se facilitaran, en un ambiente seguro y
positivo con un enfoque en la promoción de responsabilidad, y logros académicos
para apoyar la preparación profesional para el colegio de todos los estudiantes.
Damon Bonelli - (760) 288-7023
Grecy Espinoza – (760) 288-7024
Vera White – (760) 288-7058
Salvador Becerra- (760) 288-7022
Lisa Todd – (760) 288-7096
Sitio de Internet escolar:
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Oficina: Rosa Avery
Oficina de Asistencia:
A-L Rosie Rivera
M-Z Ruth Vargas
Oficina de Registración: Jennifer Brown
Número de fax de la Oficina de Registración
Oficina de Enfermería: Mary Carmen Arevalo
Oficina de Actividades/ USB: Deneen Kuhlman
Oficina de Atletismo: Dulce Borquez
Centro de Planificación de Carreras: Antonio Rodriguez
Biblioteca: Laronda Hutchison/ Suzanne Wlodarz
Centro de Padres: Jazmín Rodríguez
Pruebas: Elizabeth Sánchez
Número de fax de la Oficina de DHSHS
PSUSD Desert Hot Springs Common Parent Handbook
2015-2016 School Year
Welcome to the PSUSD Schools within Desert Hot Springs
Welcome to the Palm Springs Unified School District. Desert Hot Springs has five elementary
schools, two middle schools, a comprehensive high school, and an alternative education
program. As part of ensuring a quality education for the students within Desert Hot Springs,
policies have been unified to provide consistent expectations for our students in meeting the
goals of the Palm Springs Unified School District as described by the PSUSD Mission
PSUSD Mission Statement
Students will graduate prepared and motivated to succeed in their choice of career and higher
education and to contribute to the common good.
The PSUSD Desert Hot Springs Common Parent Handbook
The PSUSD Desert Hot Springs Common Parent Handbook represents the common school
policies shared by the nine schools within Desert Hot Springs. The policies and structures
described within this handbook are developed through the collaborative work done by the
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schools within Desert Hot Springs. Policies align with California Education Code, PSUSD Board
Policies, and best practices at the school sites. The policies contained within this Parent
Handbook apply to Desert Hot Springs High School, Edward L. Wenzlaff Education Center,
Desert Springs Middle School, Painted Hills Middle School, Bella Vista Elementary School,
Bubbling Wells Elementary School, Cabot Yerxa Elementary School, Julius Corsini Elementary
School, and Two Bunch Palms Elementary School.
Parent Handbooks are distributed at the beginning of each school year and upon enrollment at
a school site. Additional copies of the Parent Handbook can be requested from each school site
office during the school year.
Questions regarding the Parent Handbook can be directed to the administration office at any of
the PSUSD Desert Hot Springs school sites.
School Site Contact Information
Bella Vista Elementary
65750 Avenida Jalisco
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-251-7244
Fax: 760-251-7255
Cabot Yerxa Elementary
67067 Desert View
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-251-2223
Fax: 760-251-3110
Bubbling Wells Elementary
67501 Camino Campanero
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-251-7230
Fax: 760-251-7237
Julius Corsini Elementary
68750 Hacienda Drive
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-251-7260
Fax: 760-251-7263
Two Bunch Palms
14250 West Drive
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-251-7220
Fax: 760-251-7272
Desert Springs Middle
66755 Two Bunch Palms Trail
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Painted Hills Middle
9250 Sonora Drive
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
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Phone: 760-251-7200
Fax: 760-251-7206
Phone: 760-251-1551
Fax: 760-251-5330
Desert Hot Springs High
65850 Pierson Blvd.
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-288-7000
Edward L. Wenzlaff Education Center
13070 Palm Drive
Desert Hot Springs, CA 92240
Phone: 760-329-3330
Fax: 760-329-6677
Student Attendance
Compulsory laws mandate that children between the ages of 6 and 18 must attend school.
Parents found to be in violation of the attendance laws can be fined per day because the
student is truant. The definition of “truancy” is any student who is absent or tardy from school
without a valid excuse. Students who are tardy in excess of 30 minutes on any three days, in
one school year, will be considered truant. Attendance interventions will be put into place for
students who become classified as truant. Excessive early dismissals will also be given this
classification. The compulsory attendance laws of the State of California determine whether or
not an absence may be excused.
Please call the school office on the day of absence, submit the online form where available, or
send a note to explain the absence. State law requires schools to have communication from the
home for each absence. Reasons for absences must be reported and verified within two weeks
of the date of absence.
If absences, tardy notations, and truancy become excessive, a family will need to attend a
School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting with site administration or designee. Should
attendance not improve following the SART meeting, a SART meeting is missed by a family, or
the attendance issues are considered egregious, the case will be referred to the Palm Springs
Unified School District School Attendance Review Board (SARB) for further action. Parents of
students who have habitual absences, regardless of reason, may be referred to the Riverside
County District Attorney by the Child Welfare and Attendance Office.
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Please remember that when you arrive late or pick up your child early it disrupts the entire class.
Making every effort to have your child in school on time, every day, all day is one of the
greatest contributions a parent can make to their child’s education.
The compulsory attendance laws of the State of California determine whether or not an absence
may be excused. The only reasons for absences to be excused are:
1. Illness (doctor’s note is required for absences of more than three days)
2. Quarantine by health officer
3. Medical, dental, optometric, or chiropractic services for the student
4. Funeral for a member of the immediate family
Assignments for absences and Short Term Independent Study (STIS)
Palm Springs Unified School District mandates if a child is absent for five or more days, the
child’s parents sign a Short-Term Independent Study Plan Contract to ensure the education
process is continued during the extended absence. Please inform the office one week prior to
the start of the proposed Short-Term Independent Study period.
Parents of students absent due to illness for three or more consecutive days may request
assignments through the office. Teachers will make every effort to respond to the request by
the following day. Students and parents should contact their school site for more information.
Leaving Campus During School Hours
Once students arrive, they may not leave the campus until dismissal except for a legally
excused reason. Parents are urged to make every effort to schedule doctor or dental
appointments during non-school hours. When early dismissal is necessary, a parent or
guardian must come into the office to sign the release for a student and document the reason
for the early removal from school. Completion of the early excusal form is required for early
release. The person escorting the student from school grounds must be on the emergency form
and must show valid identification.
Early Dismissal
Students should remain at school for the entire instructional day. In the event of an emergency
or medical appointment a student may leave school early. Parents must present identification
and complete a release form prior to signing out their child. No student will be released early to
any adult without the presentation of identification in the office. Students will not be released
within the 15 minutes prior to dismissal due to security reasons. Excessive early dismissals will
result in referral to the district SARB process regarding attendance.
Student dress code
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All schools enforce the Palm Springs Unified School District’s Dress Code Policy. Students will
be required to follow the dress code listed below at all times. Students should come to school
properly prepared for participation in the educational process. Questions regarding this policy
should be directed to site administration. Appropriateness of any clothing item will be
determined at the discretion of site administration. See PSUSD Dress Code for more
1. Shoes must be worn at all times. Sandals must have heel straps. Flip-flops, backless
shoes, or sandals are not acceptable.
2. Clothing, jewelry, and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles
etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane,
or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol, or tobacco company advertising,
promotions and likenesses, or which advocate racial, ethnic, or religious prejudice.
3. Hats, caps, and other head coverings shall not be worn indoors. At the elementary
schools, plain caps may be worn correctly at recess to protect students from the sun. For
middle and high schools, acceptable wear policies need to be verified with the school site.
Hats are not to be worn inside any building on school grounds per PSUSD dress code. Hat
wearing privileges may be revoked for any student at any time at the discretion of site
administration per Palm Springs Unified School District Board Policy 5132.
4. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net
fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter
than mid-thigh are prohibited.
5. Pajamas and swimsuits and excessively baggy pants are not permitted.
6. Glasses must be appropriate for the classroom setting; prescription sunglasses which
are prescribed for indoor use may be worn in class. Other types of sunglasses may be worn
on campus outside of class.
7. Do-rags, hairnets, and bandanas are not permitted.
8. Hair shall be clean and neatly groomed. Hair shall not be sprayed with a coloring that will
drip when wet.
The importance of parent participation in preventing gang violence cannot be emphasized
enough. A “no-nonsense” attitude has been adopted by staff and administration to keep our
schools safe and orderly. Students who may not be involved with gangs may be mistakenly
associated with them by the clothing they wear. Therefore, decisions regarding acceptable
dress will be made consistently and equitably on campus.
Styles of clothing may vary from school to school, and may change from year to year.
Consequently, prior to disallowing the wearing or displaying of the questionable clothing, each
school reserves the right to make the determination that particular styles may, in fact, disrupt the
educational environment.
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Violation of the dress code may warrant one or more of the following actions: parents/guardians
being notified, students being sent home, shirts being loaned to students in lieu of inappropriate
attire, and/or shirts being worn inside-out or covered with an outer garment.
Student Identification Cards
All students attending Desert Hot Springs middle and high schools must be in possession of
their school-issued student identification card at all times while they are on campus. Policies
regarding the displaying of student identification cards are site specific. Please direct any
questions regarding identification cards to the school site office.
Student Discipline
Students are held responsible for their actions. If a student continues to exhibit unacceptable
behavior at school, corrective alternatives will be considered that may include suspension from
school. This includes any and all actions taking place from the time that the student leaves
home until they return home in a timely manner following completion of the school day.
Interventions to support appropriate student behavior might include but not limited to:
● Counseling by the classroom teacher, another teacher, school counselor, or
● Loss of privileges (e.g. loss of recess, assemblies, etc.) and/or assignment of added
● Required participation in a structured behavior plan. Each plan will be customized to the
specific need of the student in question.
● Referral to a Student Success Team to review concerns and to develop a structure for
student improvement.
Things to remember…
● Students are to stay in their assigned grade level areas. Safety cannot be monitored for
students leaving their designated areas without permission.
● Students will show respect for others, use good manners, play fair, and use acceptable
language, and follow the directions of all school personnel.
● Students will keep their hands, feet, and objects to themselves.
Generally, when a problem exists, parents will have received at least one contact from the
school before suspending a student. Under California Education Code 48900, the following
offenses are grounds for suspension and/or expulsion from school. Students may be
suspended or expelled upon the first incident for the offenses listed in sections a-e.
Suspendable offenses include:
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(a) (1) Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another
(a) (2) Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in self-defense.
(b) Possessed, sold or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or other dangerous
c) Possessed used, sold or otherwise furnished, or been under the influence of any
controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.
(d) Offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage,
or intoxicant of any kind, and then sold, delivered or otherwise furnished to any person
another liquid, substance, or material and represented the liquid, substance, or material as
a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant.
(e) Committed robbery or extortion.
(f) Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
(g) Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.
(h) Possessed or used tobacco or any product containing tobacco or nicotine products.
(i) Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgarity.
(j) Had unlawful possession of, offered, arranged or negotiated to sell any drug
(k) Disrupted school activities or willfully defied the authority of school personnel.
(l) Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
Possessed an imitation firearm that is as substantially similar in physical
properties to an existing firearm as to lead a reasonable person to conclude that the replica
is a firearm.
Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault.
(o) Harassed, threatened or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining witness or witness in a
school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of either preventing that pupil from being a
witness or retaliating against that pupil for being a witness, or both. (48900.2) Sexual
harassment. (48900.3) Hate violence. (48900.4) Intentional harassment.
(p) Unlawfully offered, arranged to sell, negotiated to sell, or sold the prescription drug Soma.
(q) Engaged in, or attempted to engage in hazing as defined in section 32050.
(r) Engaged in an act of bullying, including, but not limited to, bullying committed by means of
an electronic act, as defined in subdivisions (f) and (g) of Section 32261, directed specifically
toward a pupil or school personnel.
(s) Aiding or abetting, the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another person.
Progressive Discipline: One of the most important lessons education should teach is
discipline. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. It
is the training that develops self-control, character, orderliness, and efficiency. It is the key to
good conduct and proper consideration for other people. Students are expected to follow
acceptable standards of good behavior and to demonstrate good citizenship at all times. Our
policies include programs of rewards and honors for appropriate behavior. Students who are
unable to follow these standards will receive consequences for their actions.
Examples of Minor Rule Violations
Examples of Major Rule Violations
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(include but not limited to)
(include but not limited to)
Gum chewing
Food (all food items to be consumed during
approved eating times – no exceptions)
Horseplay/rough-housing (without intent to
Dress code (no bra straps showing, shorts
must be of reasonable length, beanies
taken off in buildings, and no bare midriffs)
Indirect profanity/verbal abuse
Defiance/disrespect (passive defiance)
Electronic Device (possession or minor
Bus Tickets
Not bringing materials on multiple days,
even after teacher has provided them
Fighting (or pushing with intent to fight)
Bullying/Sexual Harassment (Includes
Weapons/Dangerous Object
Habitual Defiance/Disrespect (48900k)
Active Defiance/Disruption
Graffiti/Damage to school or personal
Directed Profanity at any adult
Fire alarms/False Emergency
reports/Terrorist threats/Tampering with
Safety Equipment
Gang Activity/Emulation
Recording/Publicizing Fighting or other
inappropriate activities
Multiple minor offenses committed
simultaneously and/or repeatedly
Restricted items
PSUSD policy states that elementary school students and middle school student may not use
cell phones on campus at any time. Should an elementary or middle school student have a cell
phone at school, the following rules apply:
● Students must have cell phones in backpacks and they are to be completely turned off
(not on silent or vibrate mode) during the day.
● Cell phones are not to become a disruption to the instructional process.
● No camera phones may be used as a camera anywhere on campus.
● Any student using a cell phone during a testing situation will be marked as cheating on
the assessment.
● Students violating the site cell phone policy will receive progressive discipline and
parents will be notified with the violation being noted on the student record.
All Desert Hot Springs Elementary and Middle Schools and the Palm Springs Unified
School District assume no responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen personal property
including any electronic device.
At Desert Hot Springs High School and Edward L. Wenzlaff Education Center, cell phones can
only be used before school, after school or during break times. Cell phones must be turned
off and put away during class time. All electronic devices are prohibited for use during class/
instructional time unless authorized by the teacher. All camera use, including cell phones
cameras, are prohibited in locker rooms, classrooms, and restrooms. Any time an electronic
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device is confiscated a parent must come to the office to sign & pick it up and meet with an
administrator. The device will be returned only to the student’s parent or guardian. Desert Hot
Springs High School and Palm Springs Unified School District assume no responsibility
for lost, damaged, or stolen personal property including any electronic device.
Toys and Playground Balls
Toys are not permitted at school. Such items may be confiscated and will remain in the school
office or classroom until picked up by parents or the student based on the number of offenses.
Basketballs, tetherballs, playground balls and soccer balls are provided for playground use. No
footballs or small balls, like tennis balls and baseballs, are allowed. Please direct any questions
regarding playground equipment to the administration office.
Other Restricted Items
Students should NOT bring the following items to school:
● Permanent markers
● White-out
● Candy
● Gum
● Tobacco products of any type including any “electronic cigarette” type product
● Scissors
● Bottled Glue
● Cameras
● Hookah sticks
● Any aerosol can or glass bottle (perfume, spray deodorant, etc.)
● Rubber bands
● Trading cards
● Balloons
Other items may be included on the restricted items list. Please direct questions regarding
restricted items to the administration office at the school.
Bus Access and Conduct
Eligibility for riding the school bus is determined by the PSUSD Transportation Department.
Transportation zones are established by PSUSD policy. Bus transportation to and from school
is a district provided service, not an educational right. Appropriate behavior is expected at all
times when riding the bus. Bus rules are as follows:
● Obey the bus driver and do not argue with him/her.
● Remain seated at all times facing the front of the bus.
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Keep all parts of your body inside the bus at all times.
Do not throw things or yell out of the bus windows.
No fighting or pushing.
Do not eat or drink on the bus.
No animals shall be taken on the bus.
No loud talking, shouting, use of profanity, or other loud noises.
Inappropriate behavior on a school bus or while waiting for the bus at school or at a community
bus stop may result in temporary or permanent removal of the privilege to ride a school bus.
Poor behavior on the bus may result in one or more of the following consequences through a
progressive disciplinary system:
● Written warning to the student and parent/guardian.
● Loss of bus riding privilege for a period of time.
● Suspension from school.
● Loss of bus-riding privilege for the remainder of the school year.
Serious violations may result in immediate loss of bus-riding privileges as well as suspension
from school. Please direct questions regarding bus consequences to the administration office at
your child’s school site.
Medication cannot be given at school unless there is a Physician’s Recommendation for
Medication form completed by the parent and the doctor. These forms are available in the
school office. No medication may be dispensed unless it is in the original prescription container
with the child’s name. Medications (prescription or over-the-counter) are not allowed to be
carried by students unless authorized by the school nurse and administration. The school nurse
will verify all medication forms and procedures. Questions regarding medication issues should
be directed to the school nurse.
Students are not to have any medication in their possession, including aspirin, nasal sprays,
and inhalers unless approved by the school nurse and administration. Under no circumstances
are school personnel to provide aspirin or any other medicine to students, nor may students
possess such medication to self-administer.
School Supplies
Students need to come to school prepared to learn each day. Students should have a
backpack or similar bag for transporting papers, homework, and textbooks across campus and
home. Supplies for work completed at school are often provided, however teachers may send
home requests for additional materials or supply donations. Students should have pencils,
pens, writing paper, notebooks, and other materials available at home for the purposes of
homework. Personal school supplies may be brought to school for student use, however they
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should not be shared with other students. Personal scissors and other cutting instruments
should not be brought to school at any time.
Bikes / Scooters / Skateboards
Students who ride a bicycle or use a skateboard or scooter as transportation to and from school
are expected to follow the law and wear a helmet. Bicycles, scooters, and skateboards must be
secured in the bike rack area with a chain and lock brought from the student’s home. The school
is not responsible for damage or theft of a bicycle, scooter, skateboard. Students are not
allowed to ride their bicycles, skateboards or scooters on campus at any time. Dangerous or
unsafe riding of bikes, skateboards, scooters, or other device will result in confiscation and a
parent conference. Remember the law says that anyone under 18 years of age MUST HAVE A
Wellness Policy
Palm Springs Unified School District’s Wellness Policy emphasizes healthy foods and healthy
eating habits. For a copy of this policy, please visit the district’s website at or
inquire at the front desk of the school office. When packing lunch for your child, please select
healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, and other low fat and low sodium food items.
All food items distributed through the school cafeteria have been approved by PSUSD
Nutrition Services for student consumption. Restricted items include but are not limited to:
● caffeinated drinks
● high-energy drinks or snacks
● candy
● gum
● homemade baked goods for sharing with classmates
● “fast food” brought in for lunch
● other snack items that do not meet the guidelines set by the PSUSD Wellness
● foods that transfer stains or dyes to other surfaces (i.e. Hot Cheetos, Takis)
Additional foods may be restricted due to health concerns, changes in the PSUSD Wellness
Policy, or other reasons as determined by site administration. Students will be warned
regarding sharing food or bringing restricted foods to campus. The item (if feasible) will be
removed and may be discarded by staff or retained for parent pick-up from the office.
Visitor Policies
Parent/Guardian visitors are welcome at our schools. Students benefit in many ways from
parent involvement. The following is a guide to ensure successful visits for parents, teachers,
and students.
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Please do not drop in for an unscheduled classroom visit. Please call the teacher to
make arrangements for the date and time of your visit.
For conferences or discussion regarding your child, please arrange for a conference
time that will not interfere with classroom instruction.
All visitors must sign in at the school office before going to a classroom. A badge or pass
will be provided to allow access on campus. The pass/badge must be visibly displayed.
Visitors may not bring children with them while they are visiting a class during
instructional time.
Classroom visits should be limited to 60 minutes or less unless other arrangements have
been made with site administration.
All visitors must wear appropriate shirts and shoes while on campus.
Inappropriate attire or behavior, as determined by administration, may be a reason to
deny access to the school grounds.
Parents, students, and visitors to all schools within Desert Hot Springs are expected to comply
with and follow all PSUSD and school rules. Safety is a primary focus of school site staff.
Rules and regulations are in place to ensure that students are in an environment that is safe
and orderly. Therefore, all individuals on campus are asked to comply with the requests and
directions given by school personnel during their visit. Individuals determined by site
administration as acting in an inappropriate manner will be asked to leave school grounds. If a
conflict or issue arises, please schedule a meeting with site administration to discuss the
Volunteer Policy
We welcome parent volunteers to our schools. Potential volunteers must complete a Volunteer
Registration Form in the office, which is submitted for district approval. Intent to volunteer for
four (4) or more hours per week requires the completion of background checks and security
clearances, including fingerprinting and a current TB skin test. Questions about this policy can
be directed to the school Principal.
Student Illness or Injury
If your child becomes ill or injured at school, the school will contact you to pick up your child for
your own observation or examination by your family physician. If we cannot reach a parent and
or guardian, the student will be discharged to a person named on the emergency card. Ill or
injured students cannot remain at school. Under emergency circumstances, the school may
contact emergency services to tend to the child. It is important for parents to keep medical
emergency cards up to date in case a parent or designated alternate adult needs to be
A Permit to Leave School will be issued before the student leaves campus. Students are not allowed to
leave campus without authorization from a parent/guardian AND the school.
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Breakfast/Lunch Conduct
Throughout Desert Hot Springs schools, proper student conduct is expected during breakfast
and lunch periods. General rules are as follows:
● Students are to sit in designated and approved locations.
● Students are to clean up all trash and debris after eating.
● Students should eat their own food and not share with others.
● Students are expected to act safely, responsibly, and respectfully with adults and peers.
● Once dismissed from the eating area, students must remain in designated areas through
the completion of the breakfast or lunch period.
Rules for cafeteria conduct are posted at each site. Rules regarding mealtimes are reviewed
with students throughout the school year.
Playground and Blacktop Rules
For elementary school playgrounds and secondary school blacktop areas, rules must be
followed to ensure student safety. Supervision is provided in these areas to monitor student
interaction. General rules regarding playground and blacktop areas are as follows:
● Students must stay in designated areas for all playground and blacktop usage times.
● Students must follow all directions from supervisory staff (security, supervision aides,
teachers, etc.).
● Playground and blacktop equipment must be used in a safe and appropriate manner.
Unsafe use of playground or blacktop materials will result in behavior management
through progressive discipline.
● Respectful conduct is expected between all students at all times. Conflicts and
disagreements must be brought to the attention of supervisory staff immediately.
Rules and policies specific to each school due to the configuration and structures in
playgrounds and blacktop areas are reviewed regularly with students. Please speak with
administration office staff or your child’s teacher with questions regarding site specific rules.
Arrival at School
Students must not arrive at school prior to the opening of the school site gates. Supervision is
not available at any school site until the designated opening time. Students should enter
campus upon arrival and not linger outside the gates.
Parents are responsible for getting children to school on time. When a student is tardy he/she
disturbs the rest of the class and misses part of the instructional program. Students arriving
after the designated start time will be considered tardy and must check-in at the office.
Tardiness is documented and may be cause for a referral to School Attendance Review Team
(SART) or School Attendance Review Board (SARB) meetings.
Page 18
Student Dismissal
During student dismissal, safety is of primary concern. Following all school staff directives and
dismissal plans is vital to ensuring the safety of students, family members, and staff. Students
will not be released from any DHS school site 15 minutes prior to dismissal.
When picking up a child, remember to:
● Park in appropriate places to walk and meet your child.
● Pick your child up at the curb per the plan issued by your child’s school site. Please pull
forward along the curb to pick up your student in any loading zones.
● Parking in the loading zone or handicap parking spaces is prohibited and can result in a
citation and fine. Handicap parking is designated for cars with displayed placards only.
● Crosswalks are expected to be used when crossing the street. Do not allow your child to
cross in front of or between any vehicles. Parent support in demonstrating use of
crosswalks is appreciated.
● Avoid blocking any crossing area.
● Demonstrate courtesy and safe driving while on or near our school grounds.
● Students must be picked up within 15 minutes of the dismissal bell.
● Students who have after school programs (such as interventions, clubs, or athletics)
must report to their designated activity immediately following the school day.
● Children waiting at school 30 minutes after dismissal may be placed in the custody of
Desert Hot Springs Police. Late pickups are monitored by the main office. Excessive
late pickups will lead to SART or Child Protective Services referrals.
Emergency Cards and Information
Each year parents/guardians must complete a new emergency card,
which is filed in the school office. It is imperative that the school office be
kept informed of all changes of address or telephone number(s). Current
addresses assure delivery of information from the District Office,
important notices, etc. Current telephone numbers enable the school to
contact parents or guardians for emergency purposes, to clear absences,
other circumstances
as needed. Please inform the office any time there
is a change in the basic information or a change in emergency contact
persons authorized to make decisions in emergency situations.
It is essential that the information on the card is kept current. Current and accurate
information is necessary to contact parents in times of student need.
In an emergency, parents/guardians will be the first person called. When parents/guardians are
unavailable, the emergency numbers will be used. If you or the emergency contacts cannot be
Page 19
reached, the only option is to use site administrator judgment in obtaining medical attention for
a seriously ill or injured child.
Emergency Situations
In the event of an emergency situation, students will be moved to a safe assembly area. Parents
arriving to pick up students will report to a check-in location. Parents will not be allowed in the
Emergency Assembly Area. A staff member will take a name request from the parent and send
for the student. Parents will be required to show government issued identification during
emergency pick-up routines. This process is intentionally somewhat slow and methodical,
allowing the school to ensure student safety throughout the process. Communication from the
school will be authorized by PSUSD and made to parents once student safety has been
assured. No communication will originate from the school site until such authorization has been
granted. Parents must not enter campus during emergency events, as this can compromise
student safety. Parent patience during emergency situations is appreciated.
Digital Citizenship:
Technology and Internet Usage
Palm Springs Unified School District has stringent policies regarding the appropriate use of
technology and internet access. All students have the opportunity to access programs and
information from the internet. Parent permission via signed consent and student training is
required before access is granted. Teacher training and monitoring policies and procedures are
in place. Violations of acceptable and instructional use of district provided technology or
internet access will result in loss of technology privileges and possible further consequences
through progressive discipline processes. Unapproved personal technology usage may lead to
consequences regarding further use of site technology resources.
Table of Contents
USB Clubs
Page 9
Sports Activities and Eligibility
Page 11
General Information………………………………………...………….….. Pages 13-27
Absences Over Five Days
Advanced Placement and Honors Courses
Accidents and Injuries
Address Changes
Child Labor Laws and Work Permits
Closed Campus
Damaged Books-Textbooks
Delivery of Gifts, Cake, or Personal Messages
Dress Code
Electronic Devices
Page 20
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Page 17
Exclusion List
Food and Drink
Hall Passes
I.D. Cards
Illness at School
Lost and Found
Medications on Campus
Monitoring Your Students Progress
Off Campus Privilege
Parent Center
Payments or Purchases
Phones in Office
Physical Education Uniform Policy
Physical Education Attendance/Tardy Policy
Police Contact
Progress Reports and Report Cards
Schedule Changes
Search and Seizure
Senior Scholarship Application Process
Senior Celebrations
Sexual Harassment
Skateboarding and Scooters
Student Parking
Teacher‟s Assistants (TA)
Visitors on Campus
Attendance and Tardy Policies …………………
Bell Schedule …………………………………………..
Graduation Requirements
Code of Conduct …………………………………………
Parent Participation Requirements……………………
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Tabla de Contenidos
Cuerpo Estudiante Escolar (USB)
Página 10
Actividades Deportivas y Elegibilidad
Información General…………………………………………..……….Páginas 14-28
Ausencias por más de Cinco Días
Colocación Avanzada (AP) y Cursos de Honores
Accidentes y Lastimaduras
Page 21
Página 14
Página 14
Página 14
Cambios de Domicilio
Leyes Sobre Labor de Menores y Permisos de Trabajo
Campus Cerrado
Libros Daños/ Libros de Texto
Entrega de Regalos, Pasteles o Mensajes Personales
Código de Vestuario
Aparatos Electrónicos
Correo Electrónico (E-Mail)
Lista de Exclusión
Comida y Bebidas
Tarjeta de Identificación (I.D.)
Enfermedad en la Escuela
Artículos Perdidos y Encontrados
Medicamentos en el Campus
Monitoreo del Progreso de su Estudiante
Privilegio para Salir del Campus
Centro de Padres
Pagos o Compras
Teléfonos en la Oficina
Póliza del Uniforme de Educación Física
Póliza de Asistencia/Tardanza de Educación Física
Contacto con la Policía
Reportes de Progreso y Boletas de Calificaciones
Cambios de horario de clases
Búsqueda y Embargo
Proceso de Solicitud de Becas de Seniors (12º grado)
Celebraciones de Seniors (12º grado)
Acoso Sexual
Patinetas, Patines, y Scooters
Estacionamiento Estudiantil
Asistentes de Maestros (TA)
Expediente Académico
Visitantes en el Campus
Póliza de Asistencia y Tardanza…………………
Horario de Clases …………………………………………..
Requisitos de Graduación
Código de Conducta…………………………………………
Requisitos de Participación de los Padres……………………
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The First Step To A High School Diploma – GET INVOLVED!
Clubs available at DHSHS for the 2014/2015 school year
Get more information on all clubs in USB - Room 102
Anime/ Mr. Francoisse- Room 416
Band/Drumline-Guard/Mr. Ingelson – Room 606
Black Girls Rock/ Mrs. Clark
Book Club/ Mrs. Stagg- room 258
Chorale & Concert Choir/Mr. Bukraba – Room 504/603
Chess Club/ Mr. Sturms - Room 216
Class of 2015-Seniors/Mrs. Claxton – Room 357
Class of 2016-Juniors/Ms. Matacia-Room 105
Class of 2017-Sophomores/Mr. Harrison- Room 422
Class of 2018 Freshman/ TBD
Close Up - Mrs. Kegel - Room 201
Color Guard/Drill Team/Nichelle Webb – Room 604
Cooking Club/Mrs. Hutchison – Room 303
Cosplay/ Ms. Virgo- Room 403
Crossroads Christian Club/Ms. Matacia – Room 105
California Scholarship Federation – Ms. Morgan – Room 211
Dance/Mrs. Woodard- Room 801
Debate Club/TBD –
DHS Youth Council/Mr. Mesicek – Room 252
Drama Club/Mr. Landmann – Room 615
Engine works/ Mr. Romero - Room 503
Fashion Club/Mrs. Loughnane – Room 503
Fellowship of Christian Athletes/ Ms. Matacia- Room 105
French Club/Ms. Farve – Room 214
Future Doctors and Nurses Club/Ms. Virgo – Room 403
Garden Club/Mrs. Kegel - Room 208
Gamer’s Guild/ Mr. Soto- Room 460
Gay Straight Alliance/ Ms. Todd - Room 506
Interact Club – Community Service/Ms. Claxton – Room 357
Link Crew/ Mr. Jauregui – Room 603
Media (Video & Journalism)/Ms. O’Neil – Room 506/605
Page 23
PLUS (Peer Leaders Uniting Students)/Mr. Jauregui – Room 603
ROTC/Col. Lewke – Room 604
Spanish Club/Ms. Valdivia – Room 262
Spirit Cheer/First Sergeant Webb – Room 604
S.T.E.M./ Mrs. Romanek- Room 150
United Student Body Leadership/USB/Mr. Jauregui – Room 603
Yearbook/Ms. O’Neil – Room 506/605
Wellness Council/ Mr. Lister Looker -Room 315
Wii Club/Mr. Soto – Room 404
The student government of DHSHS (USB) consists of student body officers, class representatives,
commissioners and committee members who enter office by election and appointment. This organization
is responsible for directing all student activities, promoting the Golden Eagle pride and spirit, creating a
sense of identity, unifying all co-curricular organizations and overseeing student body funds. All students
can purchase a USB card for a $25 fee that entitles them to special discounts on yearbooks, dances, home
sports events, gym clothes, etc.
Primer Paso Para un Diploma De Preparatoria – ¡ESTAR INVOLUCRADO!
Clubs disponibles en DHSHS para el año escolar 2014/2015
Obtenga más información sobre todos los clubs en USB - Salón
nime/ Sr. Francoisse- Salón 416
Band/Drumline/Guard/Sr. Ingelson – Salón 606
Black Girls Rock/ Srta Clark
Book Club/ Srta Stagg- Salón 258
Chess Club/ Sr. Sturms- Salón 216
Chorale & Concert Choir/Sr. Bukraba – Salones 504/603
Clase del 2015-Seniors/Srta. Claxton- Salón 557
Clase del 2016-Juniors/ Srta – Matacia - Salón 105
Clase del 2017-Sophomores/ Sr. Harrison – Salón 422
Clase del 2018-Freshman/ TBD
Close Up- Srta Kegel- Salón 201
Color Guard/Drill Team/ Nichelle Webb – Salón 604
Cosplay/ Srta Virgo- Salón 403
Page 24
Crossroads Christian Club/Srta. Matacia – Salón 105
California Scholarship Federation (CSF) – Srta. Morgan – Salón 211
Dance/ Srta Woodard- Salón 801
Debate Club/TBA
DHS Youth Council/Sr. Mesicek – Salón 252
Drama Club/Sr. Landmann – Salón 615
Engine works/ Sr. Romero - Salón 503
Fashion Club/ Sra. Loughnane – Salón 503
Fellowship of Christian Athletes-/Srta Matacia- Salón 105
French Club/Srta. Farve – Salón 214
Future Doctors and Nurses Club/Srta. Virgo – Salón 403
Gamer’s Guild/ Sr. Soto- Salón 460
Garden Club/Sra. Kegel – Salón 208
Gay Straight Alliance/ Srta Todd- Salón 506
Interact Club- Community Service/ Srta. Claxton Salón 357
Link Crew/Sr. Lyles - Oficina 920
Media (Video & Journalism)/Srta. O’Neil – Salones 506/605
PLUS/Sr. Farris – Salón 406
ROTC/Col. Lewke – Salón 604
Spanish Club/Srta. Valdivia – Salón 262
Spirit Cheer/Primer Sargento Webb- Salón 604
S.T.E.M/ Srta. Romanek- Salón 150
United Student Body Leadership/USB/Sr. Bukraba – Salones 504/603
Wrestling Club/Sr. Phelan – Salón 418
Yearbook/Srta. O’Neil – Salón 506/605
Wellness Council/ Sr. Lister Looker- Salón 315
Wii Club/Sr. Soto – Salón 404
El gobierno estudiantil de DHSHS (USB) es compuesto por los oficiales del cuerpo estudiantil,
representantes de la clase, comisionados y miembros del comité que ingresan a su cargo por elección y
nombramiento. Esta organización es responsable de las actividades estudiantiles, promover el orgullo y
espíritu de las ―Águilas Doradas,‖ unificar las organizaciones /programas después de clases, y supervisar
fondos monetarios. Todos los estudiantes pueden comprar una tarjeta USB por $25. Esta cuota les da
derecho a obtener descuentos especiales en libros de recuerdos, bailes, eventos deportivos, uniformes para
educación física, etc.
Page 25
DHSHS offers a full schedule of sports activities:
Fall Sports: Football, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Girls Golf, Boys and Girls Cross Country.
Winter Sports: Girls Basketball, Boys Basketball, Girls Soccer, Boys Soccer, and Wrestling.
Spring Sports: Baseball, Softball, Swimming, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis, and Track & Field.
Our sports teams compete in the De Anza League, as well as against other schools in Southern California.
Students interested in joining a sport, even if they have never played that sport, should see Mr. Lyles.
Palm Springs Unified School District Board policy /CIF (California Interscholastic Federation) requires
that all high school students participating in extra-curricular athletics must maintain a 2.0 grade point
average, with no more than two “F‟s” for each grading period. If the student is at risk academically, he or
she will be required to have a weekly progress report until he or she has stabilized his or her grades.
Students must be currently enrolled in at least 20 semester credits of work. Students must be passing in
the equivalent of at least 20 semester credits of work at the completion of the most recent grading period.
Athletic eligibility also includes completion of the athletic packet, proof of insurance, and a yearly
We encourage all students to try out regardless of their ability or talent. Students are encouraged to talk to
the coaches of the sport, PE teachers, or the Athletic Director at any time during the year, if they are
interested in participating in athletics. Students participating in the sports programs must ride the bus to
and from all athletic activities. A student must attend the full day of school on the day of an event if
he or she wishes to participate that day.
If you are planning on playing sports at the college level, your counselor and the Career Center Specialist
will help you complete information on the National College Athletic Association‟s requirements for
athletic scholarships. For further information, see the NCAA website (
Page 26
DHSHS ofrece un calendario lleno de actividades deportivas:
Deportes de otoño: Fútbol Americano, Tenis de mujeres, Voleibol de mujeres, Golf de mujeres y
Carreras de larga distancia para hombres/mujeres.
Deportes de invierno: Baloncesto para mujeres/hombres, Fútbol Soccer para hombres/mujeres y Lucha
Deportes de primavera: Béisbol, Softbol, Natación, Golf de hombres, Tenis de hombres, y Carreras de
pista y campo.
Nuestros equipos compiten en la liga deportiva ―De Anza.‖ así como contra otras escuelas del Sur de
California. Los estudiantes interesados en participar en un deporte, incluso si nunca has jugado ese
deporte, deben ver al Sr. Lyles.
La póliza del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs / CIF (Federación Interescolar de California)
requiere que todos los estudiantes de secundaria que participan en deportes extracurriculares deben
mantener un promedio de calificaciones de 2.0, con no más de dos "F" para cada período de
calificaciones. Si el estudiante está en riesgo académico, él o ella estarán obligados a contar con un
informe semanal de progreso hasta que él o ella hagan estabilizado sus calificaciones. Los estudiantes
deben estar matriculados en un mínimo de 20 créditos por semestre de trabajo. Los estudiantes deben
estar pasando el equivalente de al menos 20 créditos por semestre de trabajo al finalizar el período de
calificaciones más reciente.
La elegibilidad atlética también incluye en llenar el paquete atlético y presentar pruebas de seguro médico
al igual que un chequeo físico anual.
Animamos a todos los estudiantes que intenten participar, independientemente de su habilidad o talento.
Se les anima a los estudiantes que hablen con los entrenadores deportivos, maestros/as de educación
física, o con el director atlético en cualquier momento del año si están interesados en participar en estos
programas de atletismo. Los estudiantes que participan en los programas deportivos deberán ir y regresar
en el autobús escolar. El estudiante deberá asistir a clases el día del evento deportivo si él / ella desea
Si están planeando jugar deportes a nivel universitario, su consejero y la especialista del Centro de
Planificación de Carreras les ayudarán a completar la información para los requisitos de la Escuela
Nacional de la Asociación Atlética de becas deportivas. Si quieren más información pueden visitar la
página de internet de NCAA. (
Page 27
A student‟s parent or guardian can request short term independent studies if it is necessary for the student
to be out of school for a planned period of time, for non-medical reasons if a student will be out of school
for more than five days. Students and parents should contact their counselor for more information.
Students who want an academic challenge to better prepare for education beyond high school should
strongly consider taking Honors and Advanced Placement courses. AP classes prepare students to take
the College Exams in May. If the exam is passed with a score of 3, 4, or 5, most institutions of higher
education will award the passing grade as the equivalent of course work completed and give college units
(check your intended college for specifics) saving money and time in college. There is a fee for each AP
test you take.
Summer reading assignments vary for A.P. classes and are available for pick up the week prior to the
close of school. The AP teacher‟s plans one event prior to the last week of school in June to discuss their
specific classes, expectations, requirements and summer homework. Students enrolled into the Honors
and/or AP classes will need to attend this event. Summer homework counts for roughly 10% of the
overall course grade and builds the foundational structure for the beginning of the course.
DHSHS also offers several college classes for which students receive both high school and college credit.
See your counselor for more information.
School related accidents or injuries must be reported immediately to the Health Office and an accident
report must be completed. A nurse‟s assistant is available in the Health Office area of the Student
Services Building. A school nurse is on site one day a week. If the situation warrants, paramedic services
will be called. In all cases, an attempt will be made to notify a parent or guardian as soon as possible.
It is absolutely essential to have a properly completed Emergency Card on file at the school to ensure the
ability to promptly notify a parent or emergency contact. Please call 288-7011 or 288-7012 for the
Attendance Office if you have questions or if you have any changes in phones numbers or address.
Page 28
If you move you MUST complete a new emergency card and change of address form and submit it to the
Registrar‟s office immediately along with a verification of your new address, i.e. utility bill, rental receipt
or mortgage paperwork.
Bicycles, Skateboards and scooters cannot be used on school grounds or in conjunction with school
activities by students and others. Students who use bicycles, skateboards or scooters for transportation
to and from school are to lock these items up on the bike or skateboard racks provided. Students are
required to provide their own lock. Students may NOT ride these items in school parking lots or on
campus. Students are to disembark upon arrival at the parking lot and CARRY or WALK these items to
the designated area. Any student found riding a bicycle, skateboard or a scooter on SCHOOL
GROUNDS will have their skateboard and/or scooter confiscated. Students are also not allowed to walk
around campus with these items, or store them in teachers classrooms. Desert Hot Springs High School
assumes no liability for loss, damage, injury, or other negative consequences associated with use or
ownership of these and similar items.
El padre o tutor de un estudiante puede solicitar estudios independientes a corto plazo (Short Term
Independent Studies) si es necesario para que el estudiante esté fuera de la escuela por un período previsto de
tiempo, por razones no médicas si un estudiante va a estar fuera de la escuela por más de cinco días. Los
estudiantes y padres deben contactar a su consejero/a para más información.
Los estudiantes que quieran un reto académico para preparase mejor para los estudios superiores después de la
preparatoria, deben considerar seriamente tomar cursos de Honores y de Colocación Avanzada (AP). Las
clases de AP preparan a los estudiantes para tomar los exámenes de universidad en mayo. Los examines se
deben pasar con una puntación de 3, 4, o 5. La mayoría de las instituciones de educación superior otorgan a las
calificaciones de cursos aprobados el equivalente al trabajo de curso universitario completo más bien
entendido como unidades de universidad así ahorrando dinero y tiempo en las universidades. (Compruebe con
su Universidad de preferencia para detalles). Hay una cuota por cada examen AP que tomen.
Tareas de lectura de verano varían para las clases de AP y están disponibles para recoger la semana previa a la
clausura de la escuela. Los maestros de AP planean un evento antes de la última semana de clases en junio para
discutir sus clases específicamente, expectativas, requerimientos y tareas de verano. Los estudiantes inscritos
en cursos de honores y /o clases de AP tendrán que asistir a este evento. Las tareas de verano cuentan
aproximadamente el 10% de la calificación entera del curso y construye la estructura fundamental para el
comienzo del curso.
Page 29
La preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs también ofrece varias clases de la universidad para que los estudiantes
reciban créditos de la preparatoria y créditos universitarios. Consulte con su consejero/a para más información.
Accidentes o lesiones relacionados con la escuela deben ser reportadas inmediatamente a la oficina de salud y
un reporte de accidente debe ser completado. Una asistente de enfermera está disponible en la Oficina de Salud
del Edificio de Servicios Estudiantiles. Una enfermera escolar viene al plantel un día a la semana. Si la
situación lo amerita, se llamará a los paramédicos. En todos los casos, se hará el esfuerzo de notificar a los
padres o tutores lo más pronto posible.
Es absolutamente esencial tener una tarjeta de emergencia completa adecuadamente en los archivos de la
escuela para asegurar la capacidad de notificar de inmediato a los padres o contacto de emergencia. Por
favor llame a la oficina de asistencia al 288-7011 o 288-7012 si tiene preguntas o si usted tiene cualquier
cambio en números de teléfono o domicilio.
Si usted se muda DEBE completar una nueva tarjeta de emergencia y de cambio de domicilio y presentarlo a la
oficina de asistencia de inmediato, junto con una verificación de su nuevo domicilio, es decir, factura de
servicios públicos, recibo de alquiler o papeleo de hipoteca.
Bicicletas, patinetas y scooters no se pueden usar en la escuela o en conjunción con las actividades
escolares de los estudiantes y otros. Los estudiantes que usan bicicletas, patinetas o scooters para el
transporte hacia y desde la escuela deben asegurarlos con candado en los bastidores proporcionados. Los
estudiantes deben proporcionar su propio candado. Los estudiantes NO pueden montar estos artículos en
los estacionamientos de la escuela. Los estudiantes tienen que desembarcar al llegar al estacionamiento y
CARGAR estos artículos a la zona designada. Cualquier estudiante que se encuentre usando una patineta
o una bicicleta en el PLANTEL ESCOLAR tendrá su patineta y/o bicicleta confiscadas. Los estudiantes
no pueden cargar su bicicleta, patineta, o scooter en la escuela y tampoco puede guardar los en salones
con los maestros., La Preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs no asume ninguna responsabilidad por pérdidas,
daños, lesiones u otras consecuencias negativas asociadas con el uso o la propiedad de estos y otros
artículos similares.
We recognize that creating a safe learning environment is a critical part of helping each child achieve academic
success. Sprigeo is a new online system that students can use to report bullying incidents and school safety
threats. Sprigeo will give your child another medium for communicating with our school administration when
bullying or school safety incidents occur. All information sent through the Sprigeo system goes directly to
school administrators through a secure online connection. Students can access the reporting form directly
through a link on our school web site or they may go to the web site. After completing the
reporting form and clicking the “submit” button, the report details are sent in a secure email to our school
administrators. Over 90% of students include their name when using the Sprigeo system. But they can also
submit anonymous reports if they feel more comfortable.
Page 30
Students needing a work permit should see Mr. Rodriguez in the Career Center. Any student who is employed
and is under the age of 18 shall have a permit to work (Education Code 12765). State law requires that minors
who are employed will be in regular attendance at school for a minimum of four hours each day.
All work permits expire five days after the school year begins. A new work permit application must be filled
out even if continuing at the same place of employment. Students must have a “C” average with good
attendance. Grades received from the previous semester must meet the standard or no work permit will be
issued in the next enrollment session.
No employer shall employ a minor for more than 4 hours on any day in which such minor is required to attend
school except in approved Work Experience Education Programs (Education Code 12774).
Minors 16-17 years of age shall not be permitted to work before 5 a.m. or after 10 p.m., but a minor may work
until 12:30 a.m. on any day preceding a non-school day (Labor Code 1391).
Work permits may be revoked at any time for poor academic performance and/or poor attendance at
The Desert Hot Springs High School campus is “closed” for students during the school day. Once students
arrive at school, they are not allowed to leave without parental or office permission (see PASSES). Due to
healthy lunch requirements, fast food cannot be delivered to campus by anyone for students.
All textbooks will be distributed from the Library during the first week of school. ID Cards are required for
textbooks to be issued. Students are responsible for all textbooks issued to them.
When a textbook is issued, the students should put their name and their teacher‟s name on the nameplate in the
front of the textbook in ink. It is the student‟s responsibility to cover all textbooks and maintain them in good
condition. Charges will be levied for lost or damaged books. When a book with prior damage is issued, the
damage is noted in the margin of the book so that the new owner will not be charged for existing damage. If
the book is damaged and not marked, a student should report this immediately.
Books not returned by the deadline will be considered lost and the students will be charged. Outstanding
textbook fees can affect students obtaining their diploma upon graduating.
An alternative to carrying textbooks is a textbook on CD. See the librarian if interested.
Delivery of gifts, cakes, or personal messages is not allowed. Birthday gifts, flowers, birthday cakes, cupcakes
and other such items or special gifts will NOT be delivered to classrooms during class time or to the student
during lunch time.
Page 31
Reconocemos que la creación de un ambiente de aprendizaje seguro es una parte fundamental de ayudar a cada niño
a lograr el éxito académico. Sprigeo es un nuevo sistema en línea que los estudiantes pueden utilizar para reportar
incidentes de intimidación y amenazas de seguridad escolar. Sprigeo le dará a su hijo/a otro medio para comunicarse
con nuestra administración de la escuela en que la intimidación o incidentes de seguridad escolar se produzcan.
Toda la información enviada a través del sistema Sprigeo va directamente a los administradores de escuelas a través
de una conexión en línea segura. Los estudiantes pueden acceder al formulario de presentación de informes
directamente a través de un enlace en nuestro sitio web de la escuela o pueden ir al sitio web Después
de completar el formulario de notificación y haciendo clic en el botón "enviar", los detalles del informe son enviados
en un correo electrónico seguro a nuestros administradores de la escuela. Más del 90% de los estudiantes incluyen su
nombre cuando utilizan el sistema de Sprigeo. Pero también pueden presentar denuncias anónimas si se sienten más
Los estudiantes que necesiten un permiso de trabajo deberán ir con Srta. Emery en el centro de planificación de
carreras (Career Center). Cualquier estudiante que este empleado y sea menor de 18 años debe tener un permiso de
trabajo (Código Educativo 12765). La ley estatal requiere que menores de edad que trabajan deberán asistir
regularmente a la escuela por un tiempo mínimo de cuatro horas diarias.
Todos los permisos de trabajo vencen a los cinco días después de que comience el año escolar. Una nueva solicitud
de permiso de trabajo debe ser completado incluso si continua en el mismo lugar de trabajo. Los estudiantes deben
tener un promedio de "C" y buena asistencia. Las calificaciones recibidas el semestre anterior deben cumplir con
la norma o no se dará permiso de trabajo en la próxima sesión de inscripción.
Ningún empleador deberá emplear a un menor de edad por más de 4 horas durante días escolares excepto en
programas de Experiencia de Trabajo (Código Educativo 12774). Menores de edad de 16 a 17 años de edad no se le
permitirá trabajar antes de las 5 de la mañana o después de las 10 pm, pero un menor de edad puede trabajar hasta
las 12:30 am siempre y cuando no le siga un día (Código Laboral 1391).
Los permisos de trabajo pueden ser revocados en cualquier momento por bajas calificaciones y/o escasa
asistencia en la escuela.
El campus de la preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs está "cerrado”" para los estudiantes durante el día escolar. Una
vez que los estudiantes llegan a la escuela, no se les permite salir sin permiso de los padres o de la oficina (ver
PASES). Debido a los requisitos de almuerzo saludable, comida rápida no se puede entregar a la escuela por
cualquier persona para los estudiantes.
Todos los libros se distribuirán durante la primera semana de clases en la biblioteca. Tarjetas de identificación (ID)
son requeridas para los libros de texto que se entregaran. Los estudiantes son responsables por todos los libros de
texto que se les entreguen.
Cuando un libro de texto sea entregado, los estudiantes deben poner su nombre y el de su maestro/a en la placa de
identificación en la parte delantera del libro de texto en tinta. Es la responsabilidad del estudiante cubrir todos los
libros de texto y mantenerlos en buenas condiciones. Los cargos serán impuestos por los libros perdidos o dañados.
Cuando se entrega un libro con daño previo, el daño se nota en el margen del libro para que el nuevo propietario no
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sea cobrado por el daño existente. Si el libro está dañado y no marcado, el estudiante debe reportar esto
Los libros no devueltos en el plazo vencido se considerarán perdidos y los estudiantes serán multados. Cuotas
pendientes de libros de texto pueden afectar a los estudiantes que obtengan expedientes académicos al graduarse.
Una alternativa para llevar los libros de texto es un libro de texto en CD. Consulte con la bibliotecaria si está
No se permite la entrega de regalos, pasteles, o mensajes personales. Regalos de cumpleaños, flores, pasteles de
cumpleaños, y otros artículos o regalos especiales NO se entregarán a los salones durante el horario de clases o para
el estudiante durante el almuerzo.
Students at DHSHS are only allowed to wear baseball style team hats with the official school logo. Any
other type of baseball style hat such as blank hats, hats with other logos, or personalized hats are
not allowed during school hours (this includes before school and after school). If a student is seen
with a baseball style hat that does not comply with this policy, the hat will be confiscated and will have to
be picked up by a parent. For chronic offenses, the hat will be confiscated and returned on the last day of
school when classes are over.
Teachers and staff at Desert Hot Springs High School can in most cases be contacted via email by using
the first letter of the staff member's first name followed by the last name
Students have an e-mail account as well which should be their student ID number followed by Students should check their email regularly for school notifications and scholarship
Exclusion List
A student may be placed on the exclusion list as a disciplinary measure for up to 30 days for any code of
conduct offense. Additional offenses will place the student on the exclusion list for the remainder of the
school year. Students on the exclusion list may not participate in school sponsored events such as school
dances, sporting events or senior activities such as Grad Nite or the graduation ceremony.
A los estudiantes de DHSHS sólo se les permite usar gorras estilo béisbol con el logotipo oficial de la escuela.
Cualquier otro tipo de gorras estilo béisbol, como gorras en simples, gorras con otros logotipos, o gorras
personalizados no están permitidos durante el horario de clases (esto incluye antes y después de clases).
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Si un estudiante es visto con una gorra que no cumpla con esta política, la gorra será confiscada y tendrá que
ser recogido por un padre. Por delitos crónicos, la gorra será confiscada y devuelta el último día de clases
cuando las clases hayan terminado en junio.
Los maestros y el personal de la Preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs puede en la mayoría de los casos ser
contactado por correo electrónico utilizando la inicial del nombre seguido por el apellido: [email protected].
Los estudiantes tienen una cuenta de correo electrónico, usualmente es su número de identificación de
estudiante seguido por
Un estudiante puede ser colocado en la lista de exclusión, como medida disciplinaria por un máximo de
30 días por cualquier código de conducta ofensiva. Otros delitos también podrían colocar al estudiante en
la lista de exclusión por el resto del año escolar. Los estudiantes en la lista de exclusión no pueden
participar en eventos escolares como bailes escolares y eventos deportivos. Estudiantes que estén en la
lista de exclusión no podrán participar en eventos escolares como bailes, eventos deportivos, actividades
de seniors como Grad Nite o ceremonia de graduación.
Students will be billed for unpaid fees, damage to books, materials, uniforms, equipment, fundraisers, and
supplies. Any student who has not cleared his or her account will not be allowed to participate in school
activities including senior activities (i.e. Prom, Grad Night). Payment plans are available on request.
Unpaid fines will result in holding your diploma until the fines are paid. See Deneen Kuhlman in the
Activities office or Ms. Hutchison in the library for more information.
Food and drinks are prohibited in classrooms during class time. Exceptions due to medical reasons must
be approved in advance through the school nurse. Food should not be ordered by students for delivery to
the campus.
Students who leave a classroom for any reason are to have an official hall pass signed by a teacher or
office staff member. A hall pass gives the student permission to go from the classroom to a specific
location and then return. A hall pass is not a license to wander. Students who are out of class continually
without a pass can be cited for truancy. DHSHS has a “10 minute” rule, students will not be given passes
during the first 10 minutes and last 10 minutes of any class.
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Students are required to wear their official school ID card on a lanyard at all times to ensure a safe campus
environment. ID cards will be provided to all students free of charge during validation. If a student shows
up at school without an ID, a new one can be purchased for a small fee in the student store or the student
can wear a t-shirt that day stating that “My ID has been verified.”
The Lost & Found is located in the front lobby of the Student Services Administration building. See the
school‟s receptionist to locate items you may have lost or to turn in items you have found. Items not
retrieved will be donated to a local charity approximately every nine weeks; DHSHS assumes no
responsibility for lost or stolen items.
Breakfast and afterschool meals are provided free to every student. If you would like to pay for your
student‟s lunch in advance you can do this at the school cafeteria or online at Lunch for students is $2.75.
See the Palm Springs Unified School District Parent/Student Information booklet regarding this
provision. (See EC 49423, BP 5141.21 on file at PSUSD District Office). Students may not carry
prescription medication around campus. All medication must be checked in at the Health Office. A form
for permission for school staff to administer medication is available from the school nurse.
Parents and guardians can receive access information for the PSUSD online grading and attendance
program PVUE from the DHSHS Parent Center room 280.
A los estudiantes se les cobrará por honorarios no pagados, daños a los libros, materiales, uniformes, equipos,
eventos para recaudar fondos. Cualquier estudiante que no pague su cuenta no se les permitirá participar en
actividades escolares incluyendo actividades para estudiantes del 12º grado (ejemplo: Prom, Grad Nite).
Planes de pago están disponibles bajo petición. Multas no pagadas resultará en que su diploma sea detenido
hasta que las multas se paguen. Pueden hablar con La Sra. Deneen Kuhlman en la oficina de actividades para
obtener más detalles o la Srta. Hutchison en la biblioteca para más información.
Comida y bebidas están prohibidas en los salones durante el tiempo de clase. Las excepciones por razones
médicas deben ser aprobadas previamente por la enfermera de la escuela.
Los estudiantes que salen de un salón de clases por cualquier motivo deben tener un pase oficial firmado por
un maestro/a o un miembro del personal de oficina. Un pase les da permiso a los estudiantes para ir del salón
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de clase a una ubicación específica y luego regresar. Un pase de no es una licencia para vagar. Los estudiantes
que estén fuera de la clase continuamente sin un pase pueden ser citados. DHSHS tiene la regla de “10
minutos”, no se le dará un pase a ningún estudiante durante los primeros diez minutos de la clase o los últimos
diez minutos de la clase.
A todos los estudiantes se les requiere tener puesta su tarjeta de identificación a todo tiempo durante la
escuela para mantener un plantel seguro. Todos los estudiantes recibirán una tarjeta de identificación
gratis cuando vengan a inscribirse. Si su estudiante viene a la escuela sin su identificación podrá
comprar una nueva o el estudiante tendrá que ponerse una playera que dice “mi identidad ha sido
Si un estudiante se enferma en la escuela y no puede asistir a clase, el estudiante debe reportarse
inmediatamente a la oficina de salud de donde se llamará a los padres. Un permiso para salir de la escuela se
dará antes que el estudiante salga de la escuela. En casos no urgentes se le animara al estudiante que regrese a
clases. A los estudiantes no se les permite salir de la escuela sin la autorización de los padres / tutores y la
escuela. Los estudiantes deben tener un pase para ir a la oficina de salud en cualquier momento, excepto
durante el almuerzo.
El área de artículos perdidos y encontrados se encuentra en el edificio de la Administración de Servicios
Estudiantiles. Comuníquese con la recepcionista de la escuela para localizar artículos que usted haya perdido o
entregar artículos que se haya encontrado. Artículos no recuperados serán donados a una organización
benéfica local aproximadamente cada nueve semanas. DHSHS no asume ninguna responsabilidad por artículos
perdidos o robados.
El desayuno y comidas después de clases son gratuitos para todos los estudiantes. Si usted desea pagar el
almuerzo de su hijo/a por adelantado puede hacerlo en la cafetería de la escuela o por internet en El almuerzo para los estudiantes cuesta $ 2.75.
Ver el folleto de Información de Padre/ Estudiante del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs respecto a
esta disposición. (Vea el Código Educacional EC 49423, BP 5141.21 archivado en la Oficina del Distrito de
PSUSD). Los estudiantes no pueden llevar medicamentos recetados al campus. Todo medicamento debe ser
revisado en la Oficina de Salud. Un formulario de permiso para que el personal de la escuela administre el
medicamento está disponible con la enfermera de la escuela.
Los padres y tutores pueden recibir información de acceso para el programa de monitoreo de asistencia y
progreso académico de PSUSD llamado PVUE en el Centro de Padres salón 280.
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DHSHS Seniors meeting the requirements (GPA 3.5, no suspensions, passed CAHSEE, and 90% or better
attendance) may receive an Off Campus Lunch Privileges card from Administration. Only seniors who
have earned this privilege and have documented parent authorization may go off campus for lunch. 18
year olds cannot sign themselves off campus for lunch without meeting the above requirements.
The mission of the Parent Center is to connect parents with school and the community. In the Parent
Center we encourage families in supporting the unique learning potential of their students because we
believe that this will lead students to succeed in school and in life. The Parent Center helps parents
support their children‟s success in school by assisting parents in setting up appointments with teachers
and/or counselors, making contact with teachers in regards to student‟s progress in class, and by giving
parents access to the internet program that allows parents to see their student‟s progress on a daily basis.
The Parent Center also serves as an on campus community resource center. The Parent Center can help
parents find community resource such as; substance abuse treatment centers, emergency shelters, food
bank location and much more. We also have two computers that parents can use to pay school lunch
balances and to research any resource that is beneficial for their families. We believe that parents make
the difference in having a child succeed and we can accomplish this by having schools and families work
together in partnership. Hours for the Parent Center are Monday- Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cash payments, money orders, or cashier checks will be accepted as payment for purchases from DHSHS.
Please indicate on the cashier‟s check or money order what is being purchased and the student‟s full
Students are not allowed to use the office telephones unless it is an emergency. The student will need to
state the nature of their emergency. If it is determined by office staff not to be an emergency the student
will need to get permission from an Administrator before they will be allowed to use the office phone.
Students in a PE class are required to dress for class in solid colored shirt and shorts or a DHSHS PE
T-shirt (gray) and shorts (blue). They are also required to wear athletic shoes. Sandals or flip flops are
not acceptable. Students who do not dress out for PE class are considered a “non-suit.” They will not
receive participation points for the days they are a non-suit. In addition, the following progressive
discipline system will be employed:
1st Offense - Verbal Warning
2nd Offense - Mandatory lap
3rd Offense or student refuses to do the lap - Referral to administration for disciplinary action
Each time a student is a non-suit, he/she is required to stay by the teacher for the entire period. If a
student does not follow this procedure, he/she will be sent to the discipline office.
Page 37
PE uniforms will be sold during validation. If a student loses or damages their uniform, they will be
required to purchase a replacement. If a student forgets their uniform at home, a loaner will be provided
by the PE teacher.
Alumnos del 12º grado (Seniors) de DHSHS que cumplan con los requisitos (promedio de 3.5, no haya
suspensiones, pasado el CAHSEE, y el 90% o mejor de asistencia) pueden recibir una tarjeta de almuerzo
fuera del campus de la Administración. Sólo Seniors que se han ganado este privilegio y han
documentado la autorización de los padres pueden ir fuera de la escuela para el almuerzo. Estudiantes de
18 años no pueden firmar ellos mismos para salir de la escuela para el almuerzo sin cumplir con los
requisitos anteriores.
La misión del Centro de Padres es conectar a los padres con la escuela y la comunidad. En el Centro de
Padres animamos a las familias a apoyar el potencial único de aprendizaje de sus alumnos porque
creemos que esto va a conducir a los estudiantes para tener éxito en la escuela y en la vida. El Centro de
Padres ayuda a los padres a apoyar el éxito de sus hijos en la escuela, ayudando a los padres en obtener
citas con los maestros y/o consejeros, haciendo contacto con los maestros en lo que respecta al progreso
del estudiante en la clase, y dando a los padres el acceso al programa de Internet que permite a los padres
ver el progreso de sus estudiantes en una base diaria. El Centro de Padres también sirve como un centro
de recursos de la comunidad en el campus. El Centro de Padres puede ayudar a los padres a encontrar
recursos en la comunidad, tales como: centros de tratamiento de abuso de sustancias, refugios de
emergencia, localización de bancos de alimentos y mucho más. También tenemos dos computadoras que
los padres pueden usar para pagar los saldos de almuerzos escolares y para investigar cualquier recurso
que es beneficioso para sus familias. Creemos que los padres hacen la diferencia en que su hijo tenga
éxito y esto se puede lograr a través de las escuelas y las familias trabajando juntas en alianza. El horario
del Centro de Padres es de lunes a viernes de 7:30 am a 4:00 pm.
Los pagos en efectivo, giros postales o cheques de banco se aceptarán como medio de pago para las
compras de DHSHS. Por favor, indique en el cheque de banco o giro postal lo que se está comprando y el
nombre completo del estudiante.
No se les permite a los estudiantes usar los teléfonos de la oficina. Si tienen una emergencia, tienen
que indicar el motivo de su emergencia. Si no es una emergencia, el estudiante tendrá que obtener el
Page 38
permiso de un administrador para poder utilizar el teléfono. (Una emergencia, es decir: enfermos,
problema médico, cambio de ropa).
Los alumnos de educación física (PE) son requeridos a vestirse para la clase en camiseta y shorts de color
sólido o en una camiseta (gris) y shorts (azules) que es el uniforme de PE de DHSHS. También están
obligados a usar zapatos tenis. Sandalias o chanclas no son aceptables. Los estudiantes que no se visten
para clase de educación física se consideran "sin vestimento." Ellos no recibirán puntos de participación
por los días que estén sin vestimento. Además, el siguiente sistema de disciplina progresiva se empleará:
1ra Ofensa
2da Ofensa
3era Ofensa
Advertencia Verbal
Hacer una vuelta obligatoria
Si el estudiante se niega a hacer la vuelta - referencia a la administración para
acción disciplinaria
Cada vez que un estudiante este sin vestirse, él/ella es requerido quedarse junto al maestro durante todo el
periodo. Si el estudiante no sigue este procedimiento él/ella será mandado a la oficina de disciplina.
Uniformes de educación física se venderán durante la validación. Si un estudiante pierde o daña su
uniforme, serán obligados a comprar un reemplazo. Si un estudiante olvida su uniforme en su casa, se le
prestara uno provisional por el maestro/a de educación física.
Roll Call is done on the outdoor basketball courts at the beginning and end of each period. Students will
be assigned a number to sit on during roll call. Students have seven minutes to dress and report to their
number at the beginning of the period. If a student is not on his/her number at roll call, he/she will be
marked absent. At the end of the period, students who do not return to their number will be marked
Law enforcement is allowed to interview a student without the permission or presence of a
Progress Reports/Report Cards are mailed out at every grading period. You should receive a report card
or progress report each quarter. If you are not receiving report cards please contact the Registrar‟s office
to make sure your addresses is correct.
Changes in class schedules will be permitted under the following circumstances:
First two weeks of each semester to support a student in meeting graduation and/or A-G
Page 39
· A withdrawal form must be signed by the teacher, student and parent.
· A parent, teacher, counselor conference must be held if this is considered a change of
Administrative and school program needs, such as
· Program adjustments made necessary based on staffing
· Class Balancing
(Ed. Code 48921, 44806, 44014) A search will be conducted when there is reasonable suspicion involving
controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, stolen property, weapons, or other objects prohibited or which
constitute a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of the occupants of the school facility or in conjunction
with a school sponsored activity. In accordance with California and Federal law, PSUSD reserves the
right to conduct random searches of students, persons and property.
Seniors can fill out a local DHSHS Scholarship Application and turn it into the Career Center by midDecember of their senior year. It consists of three pages of personal information about the student‟s top three
college and career choices, educational background, place of birth, involvement in sports and school activities,
work experience, community service, family details, a 500-word essay called a “Personal Statement” which
describes something special, unique, and personal about the student, and at least two letters of recommendation
written by a teacher, coach, counselor, or adult from the community. Completing this local DHSHS
Scholarship Application prepares the student to have much of what he or she needs to apply for various
scholarships during senior year. Copies of this application are also submitted to local scholarship providers
when the student fits specific eligibility requirements. Scholarships are awarded during May, and usually are
paid in September to the college the student is attending instead of personally to the student.
In order to participate in the senior class party and Grad Night at Disneyland, students must be
graduating. This means that students who have not met all graduation requirements, will not be able to
attend these celebrations or come as guests.
Asistencia se realiza en las canchas de baloncesto al aire libre al comienzo y final de cada período. A los
estudiantes se les asignará un número para sentarse cuando estén pasando lista. Los estudiantes tienen siete
minutos para vestirse y reportarse al número de ellos al comienzo del período. Si un estudiante no está en su
número al pasar lista, él / ella será marcado ausente. Al final del periodo, los estudiantes que no regresan a su
número serán marcados ausentes.
El departamento de policía es permitido entrevistar a un estudiante sin el permiso o que el padre/guardián este
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Reportes de Progreso / boletas de calificaciones son enviadas por correo cada período de calificaciones. Usted
debe recibir un reporte de progreso y boleta de calificaciones como una vez al mes. Si usted no está recibiendo
las boletas de calificaciones, por favor comuníquese con la oficina de asistencia para asegurarse de que su
domicilio este correcto.
Los cambios en los horarios de clase serán permitidas en las siguientes circunstancias:
Las primeras dos semanas del semestre para apoyar al estudiante en reunir los requisitos A-G para
Una forma para darse de baja deberá ser firmada por el maestro, el estudiante y los padres.
● Se deberá realizar una conferencia con un padre de familia, maestro, consejero si se considera
un cambio de programa.
Necesidades de los programas de administración y de la escuela, tales como
Ajustes de programa hechos por necesidad basada en el personal disponible
Balance de clases
(Código Educacional 48921, 44806, 44014) La búsqueda se llevará a cabo cuando hay una sospecha
razonable que se utilicen sustancias controladas, parafernalia de drogas, bienes robados, armas u otros objetos
prohibidos o que constituyan una amenaza para la salud, la seguridad o el bienestar de los ocupantes de las
instalaciones de la escuela o en combinación con una actividad patrocinada por la escuela. De acuerdo con la
ley de California y Federal, el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs se reserva el derecho de realizar
búsquedas sin previo aviso de estudiantes, personas y propieda.
Los alumnos del 12º grado (Seniors) pueden llenar una Solicitud para Becas locales de la Preparatoria de
Desert Hot Springs y entregarla en el Centro de Planificación de Carreras (Career Center) a mediados de
diciembre de su último año. La solicitud es compuesta de tres páginas de información personal sobre las tres
universidades y carreras elegidas por el estudiante, historial académico ,lugar de nacimiento , participación en
deportes y actividades de la escuela ,experiencia laboral , servicio comunitario, datos familiares , un ensayo de
500 palabras llamado "Declaración Personal ", que describe algo especial , único y personal sobre el alumno ,
y por lo menos dos cartas de recomendación escritas por un profesor, entrenador, consejero, o un adulto de la
comunidad. Completar la Solicitud de Becas locales de la Preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs prepara al
alumno a tener mucho de lo que él o ella necesitan para solicitar varias becas durante el último año. Las copias
de esta aplicación también se someten a proveedores de becas locales si el estudiante tiene los requisitos
específicos de elegibilidad. Las becas se otorgan durante mayo, y por lo general se les paga en septiembre a la
universidad que el estudiante este asistiendo.
Con el fin de participar en el festejo de graduación y Noche de Graduación en Disneylandia, los estudiantes
deben graduarse. Esto significa que los estudiantes que no han cumplido con todos los requisitos de
graduación, no podrán asistir a estas celebraciones, o ir como invitados.
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Sexual harassment will not be tolerated and should be reported to the discipline office immediately. See
the Palm Springs Unified School District Parent/Student Information booklet for guidelines to make a
complaint if this issue is not addressed.
All PSUSD SITES ARE NON-SMOKING FACILITIES. This includes tobacco and other electronic
nicotine delivery devices like hooka pens, or electronic cigarettes. All staff, students, and visitors are
asked to comply with this policy. Smoking on any California school facility or under the auspice of a
school-sponsored activity constitutes a violation of California law.
The only area designated for student parking is located at the front of the school. Vehicles must be pulled
head first into the parking spot, not backed into the spot. Cars must occupy one space only.
All vehicles parked in the student parking lot must display a valid DHSHS parking permit. Any vehicle
not displaying a school permit may be towed at the owner‟s expense. These parking permits are obtained
from the Security Office. There is no charge for the first student parking permit sticker per vehicle.
Replacement stickers will be issued at a cost of $5.00. Permits remain the property of DHSHS and are
NOT transferable.
In addition students must have a valid driver‟s license, current registration and proof of insurance.
Students who violate traffic laws or school parking regulations may have their privileges suspended at the
discretion of the administration. The administration at DHSHS reserves the right to verify records and
survey vehicles as it deems appropriate.
Desert Hot Springs High School and Palm Springs Unified School District assume no responsibility for
any damages, loss, theft, or injuries for student vehicles.
Driving on campus is limited to the parking lots. AT NO TIME should students drive in an undesignated
area on campus except with administrative permission. Failure to follow these or subsequent guidelines
may result in losing parking privileges and additional sanctions as warranted. The on-campus speed limit
is 5 MPH.
Requirements to be a Teacher‟s Assistant -- T.A. (in the classroom or the office)
A student must be a junior or a senior
Must have a G.P.A. of 3.0 or higher
Must have passed both CAHSEE exams
Must not have been a T.A. before (students are allowed to earn only 10 credits of T.A. during their
entire high school experience)
Students must not have any discipline issues
Page 42
Must have 85% attendance
Teachers are allowed only ONE T.A. per period
All Special Education students wanting to be a T.A. must have pre-approval through Administration
El acoso sexual no será tolerado y se debe informar a la oficina de disciplina de inmediato. Vea el folleto de
información de Padre/Estudiantes del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs para información sobre
como presentar una queja.
incluye tabaco, y todos los tipos de cigarros electrónicos o hookah pens. Se solicita a todos los empleados,
estudiantes y visitantes a cumplir con esta póliza. Fumar en cualquier plantel escolar de California o bajo el
auspicio de una actividad patrocinada por la escuela constituye una violación de la ley de California.
La única área designada para el estacionamiento de estudiantes se encuentra en frente de la escuela. Los
vehículos deben ser estacionados de frente, no estacionado de reversa. Los coches deben ocupar un solo
Todos los vehículos estacionados en el estacionamiento de los estudiantes deben mostrar un permiso de
estacionamiento de DHSHS. Cualquier vehículo que no presente el permiso de la escuela puede ser remolcado
al costo del propietario. Estos permisos de estacionamiento se obtienen en la Oficina de Seguridad. No hay
ningún cargo por la primera etiqueta para el estudiante por vehículo. Etiquetas de repuesto se darán a un costo
de $ 5.00. Los permisos son propiedad de DHSHS y NO son transferibles.
Además los estudiantes deben tener una licencia de conducir válida, el registro actual y comprobante de
seguranza. Los estudiantes que violen las leyes de tráfico o de las normas de estacionamiento de la escuela
pueden tener sus privilegios suspendidos a discreción de la administración. La administración de DHSHS se
reserva el derecho de verificar los registros y vehículos cuando sea apropiado.
La Preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs y el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs asume ninguna
responsabilidad por cualquier daño, pérdida, robo, o daños a los vehículos de los estudiantes.
Conducir en el campus se limita al estacionamiento. EN NINGUN MOMENTO los estudiantes deben
conducir en un área no designada en el campus, excepto con autorización administrativa. El no seguir estas
reglas puede resultar en la pérdida de los privilegios de estacionamiento y sanciones adicionales como sean
necesarias. El límite de velocidad en el campus es de 5 MPH.
Requisitos para ser ayudante de un maestro - TA (en el salón o la oficina)
1. Un estudiante debe estar en tercer o cuarto año de preparatoria
Page 43
2. Debe tener un promedio (G.P.A.) de 3.0 o más
3. Debe de haber pasado los dos exámenes CAHSEE
4. No debe haber sido un T.A. antes (los estudiantes pueden ganar sólo 10 créditos de asistentes en su historial
de preparatoria)
5. Los estudiantes no deben tener problemas de disciplina
6. Debe tener 85% de asistencia
7. A los maestros sólo pueden recibir UN T.A. por período
8. Todos los estudiantes de Educación Especial que deseen ser un TA deben tener la aprobación previa a
través de la administración.
If you would like to request an official or unofficial transcript please visit and
create an account to have your transcript sent electronically to the address you provide. Transcripts can
be sent to colleges or to your home address. You can also see Ms. Brown in the Registrar‟s office or call
(760) 288-7051 to pick up your transcript. This is especially important for seniors who are applying for a
4 year college, at the end of 1st Semester and at the end of the school year. There is no fee for a transcript
through December of the year after your senior year. After that there is a $2.00 fee for an official copy of
your transcript.
Parents are encouraged to visit campus to observe and become involved in their children‟s educational
experience. Twenty-four hour notice is required for such a visit to be productively accomplished. All
visitors are required to register with the main office receptionist to obtain a visitor's pass. If you have
further questions, please call 288-7000 ext. 5501. No student visitors or former students will be allowed
during the school day.
Si usted desea solicitar un expediente académico oficial o no- oficial visite y creé
una cuenta para que su expediente académico sea enviado electrónicamente a la dirección que usted
proporcione. El expediente académico puede ser enviado a las universidades o a su domicilio. También
puede ver a la Sra. Brown en la oficina de Registro o llame al (760) 288-7051 para recoger su expediente
Page 44
académico. Esto es especialmente importante para los Seniors que están aplicando a una universidad de 4
años, al final del 1er semestre y al final del año escolar. No hay que pagar para obtener una copia a través
de diciembre del año después de su último año de secundaria. Después de eso hay una cuota de $ 2.00 por
cada copia de su expediente académico.
Los padres están invitados a visitar la escuela para observar y participar en la experiencia educativa de sus
hijos. Se requiere veinticuatro horas de anticipación para que su visita sea productiva. Todos los visitantes
deben registrarse con la recepcionista principal de la oficina para obtener un pase de visitante. Si usted
tiene preguntas, por favor llame al 288-7000 ext. 5501. No se permite a estudiantes o antiguos alumnos
visitar durante el día escolar.
Absence Policy
Page 45
Student attendance at school is mandated by the State of California. Students who are continually absent
cannot benefit from regular school instruction. For a list of excused absences and penalties for nonattendance see the Palm Springs Unified School District Parent/Student Information booklet. (Ed code
Absence Procedure
1. To have an absence cleared, we must receive notice from a parent or guardian.
Parents/guardians may either call the Attendance Office or send a note with the name of their
child, the reason for the absence, the date(s) of absence, and parent signature. A parent or
guardian may call the Attendance Office: A-L: (760) 288-7011, M-Z: (760) 288-7012.
2. If a student is ill for more than five (5) consecutive days, a doctor‟s verification will be
required to clear the absence and may be required for subsequent absences.
3. Parents may request homework for their student for extended absences (usually an absence of
three days or more). Prior to making the homework request in the office please check Parent
VUE on the website to see if the teacher has homework posted. If there is nothing on the
website you can contact the Attendance Office to request homework. Please allow 48 hours
for the teachers to prepare the homework and forward it to the Attendance Office. A parent
or guardian may call the Attendance Office at (760) 288-7011 (A-L), (760) 288-7012 (M-Z).
4. Students who must leave campus any time after their arrival must receive an “Off Campus
Passport” from the Attendance Office. Parent permission may be given either in writing or by
telephone but must be received prior to the student‟s dismissal. Any student leaving without
the required passport cannot clear his/her attendance and the absence will be noted as a
truancy, with the student being subject to a citation.
5. A student who is 18 years old or older may sign himself/herself out or excuse his/her absences
with parent authorization. Students acting on their own behalf will be held to the strictest
attendance standards. When signing out a student early, allow yourselves at least 20 minutes
to pick up the student.
6. Excessive absences and tardies can prevent a student from participating in school activities.
Three tardies equal 1 unexcused absent.
Student Sign Out Procedure
A Parent/guardian or persons previously authorized by parents must sign students out in the attendance
office if a student is leaving campus during regular school hours. Emergency contacts are for use when
parents cannot be reached in an extreme emergency. Students CAN NOT be released to emergency
contacts WITHOUT parent‟s authorization.
Tardy Policy and Procedures
Students arriving late to campus must go to the attendance windows for a pass to class. According to
California Ed. Code (48260) a student that is late to class 30 minutes or less is considered tardy. Students
arriving late to class by 30 minutes or more are considered truant. Excessive absences and tardies can
prevent a student from participating in school activities, 3 tardies equal 1 unexcused absent. Students
who are habitually tardy or truant are subject to disciplinary action
Page 46
If a student has already reported to 1st period and then is late (tardy) to 2nd – 6th period, the student must
report to their appropriate class, not the attendance window. Students are subject to the teacher‟s
classroom tardy policy.
All students with unscheduled periods/classes MUST leave campus after their last scheduled class unless
they are approved to be on campus for official school business. If a student remains on campus without
approval, they will be subject to disciplinary actions.
La asistencia del estudiante a la escuela es obligatoria por el Estado de California. Los estudiantes que
están continuamente ausentes no pueden beneficiarse de la instrucción escolar regular. Para obtener una
lista de las ausencias y sanciones justificadas para la inasistencia mire el folleto de Información de Padre/
Estudiante del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs. (Código Educacional 48205)
1. Para justificar una ausencia debemos recibir notificación por parte de un padre o tutor. Los padres /
tutores pueden llamar a la Oficina de Asistencia o enviar una nota con el nombre de su hijo/a, la razón
de la ausencia, la fecha(s) de la ausencia, y la firma del padre. Los padres o tutores pueden llamar a la
Oficina de Asistencia: A-L: (760) 288-7011, M-Z: (760) 288-7012.
2. Si un estudiante está enfermo durante más de cinco (5) días consecutivos, se requerirá la verificación
del médico para aclarar la ausencia y puede ser requerida para ausencias posteriores.
3. Los padres pueden pedir la tarea de su estudiante por ausencias prolongadas (por lo general una
ausencia de tres días o más). Antes de pedir la tarea en la oficina por favor revise PVUE en la página
web para ver si el maestro tiene la tarea publicada. Si no hay nada en el sitio web usted puede ponerse
en contacto con la Oficina de Asistencia para pedir la tarea. Por favor, espere 48 horas para que los
maestros preparen la tarea y la entreguen a la Oficina de Asistencia. Los padres o tutores pueden
llamar a la Oficina de Asistencia al (760) 288-7011 (AL), (760) 288-7012 (MZ).
4. Los estudiantes que deban salir de la escuela en cualquier momento después de su llegada deberán
recibir un "Pasaporte Fuera de Campus " de la Oficina de Asistencia. El permiso del padre se puede
dar por escrito o por teléfono, pero debe ser recibido antes de la salida del estudiante. Cualquier
estudiante que salga sin el pasaporte requerido no podrá limpiar su asistencia y la ausencia será
señalada como injustificada, y el estudiante está sujeto a una multa.
5. Un estudiante de 18 años de edad o mayor puede firmar por sí mismo para salir fuera, o excusar sus
ausencias con autorización de los padres. Los estudiantes que actúen en su propio nombre serán
sujetos a las más estrictas normas de asistencia. Cuando recoja a un estudiante temprano, permítanse
al menos 20 minutos para recoger al estudiante.
Un padre/tutor o personas previamente autorizadas por los padres deben firmar en la Oficina de
Asistencia para sacar a los estudiantes si el estudiante va a salir durante el horario escolar regular.
Contactos de emergencia son para su uso cuando los padres no pueden ser localizados en caso de
Page 47
emergencia extrema. Los estudiantes NO PUEDEN ser entregados a los contactos de emergencia SIN la
autorización de los padres.
Los estudiantes que llegan tarde a la escuela deben ir a las ventanas de asistencia para obtener un pase a
clase. Según el Código Educacional de California (48260) un estudiante que llega tarde a la clase 30
minutos o menos es considerado tarde. Los estudiantes que lleguen tarde a la clase 30 minutos o más se
consideran injustificadas. El exceso de ausencias y tardanzas pueden impedir que un estudiante participe
en las actividades escolares. Tres tardanzas equivalen a 1 ausencia injustificada. Los estudiantes que son
habitualmente tarde o ausente están sujetos a una acción disciplinaria.
Si un estudiante ya se reportó a 1er periodo y luego llega tarde de 2do- 6to periodo, el estudiante debe
reportarse a su clase apropiada, no a la ventana de asistencia. Los estudiantes están sujetos a la póliza de
tardanza del maestro/a.
Todos los estudiantes con períodos/ clases no programadas DEBEN salir de la escuela después de su
última clase, a menos que sean aprobados para estar en el campus por negocios oficial de la escuela. El
exceso de ausencias y tardanzas pueden impedir que un estudiante participe en las actividades escolares.
Tres tardanzas equivalen a 1 ausencia injustificada. Si un estudiante permanece en el campus sin
autorización, serán sujetos a acciones disciplinarias.
Desert Hot Springs High School
BLUE SCHEDULE (Regular Schedule)
Period 0 6:55 - 7:54
Period 1 8:00 - 8:59
8:59 - 9:05
Period 2 9:05 - 10:04
10:04 -10:10
Period 3 10:10 -11:16
Lunch 11:16 -11:50
11:50 -11:56
Period 4 11:56 -12:55
12:55 -1:01
Period 5 1:01 -2:00
2:00 -2:06
Period 6 2:06 -3:05
3:05 – 3:06
Period 7 3:06 – 4:05
GOLD SCHEDULE (Every Wednesday)
Period 0 7:43 - 8:33 except 12/16, 6/8)
Period 1 9:35 – 10:18
10:18 – 10:24
Period 2 10:24 – 11:07
11:07 – 11:13
Period 3 11:13 -12:04
Lunch 12:04 - 12:38
12:38 - 12:44
Period 4 12:44-1:27
Period 5 1:33 -2:16
Period 6 2:22 -3:05
3:05 – 3:11
Period 7 3:11 – 3:54
Parent Conf. & Rallies/Assemblies
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Period 1 8:00-8:36
8:36 -8:42
Period 2 8:42 -9:18
9:18- 9:24
Period 3 9:24- 10:00
10:00 - 10:06
Period 4 10:06 - 10:48
Lunch 10:48-11:22
11:22 – 11:28
Period 5 11:28 – 12:04
12:04 – 12:10
Period 6 12:10 - 12:46
Finals Grades 9, 10, 11 Dec. 16,17,18 & June 7,8,9
Home of the Golden Eagles
Desert Hot Springs High School‟s College Prep courses have been approved by the University of
California system. That means that the students who successfully complete these courses with grades of
„C‟ or above, meet the course requirement to be accepted at a University of California or California State
University school. Students who plan to go directly to University cannot receive D‟s or lower on these
classes without it impacting their ability to graduate on time.
University of California A-G Requirements
History/Social Science
2 years
20 credits
English Language Arts
4 years
40 credits
3 years
30 credits
Laboratory Science
2 years
20 credits
Language Acquisition
2 years
20 credits
Page 49
Visual/Performing Arts
1 year
10 credits
College Prep Electives
2 years
20 credits
Graduation Requirements: Students earn credits towards graduation by receiving D‟s or better in these courses.
Courses Required
English/Language Arts
4 years
40 credits
2 years
20 credits
World History
1 year
10 credits
U.S. History
1 year
10 credits
½ year
5 credits
½ year
5 credits
Physical Science
1 year
10 credits
Biological Science
1 year
10 credits
Physical Education
2 years
20 credits
Fine/Vocational Arts
1 year
10 credits
Fine Arts/Foreign Language
1 year
10 credits
75 credits
All students must pass the CAHSEE. (California High School Exit Exam) Students who have
not passed by February their senior year cannot walk in the school‟s June graduation.
Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 1.51 or better.
Students are required to enroll for a minimum of four (4) periods per day, subject to
administrative review in the second semester of their senior year.
Exemption from Physical Education will be permitted when the student is engaged in regular
school sponsored interscholastic athletic program scheduled after school hours. The student
must obtain permission to receive credit within the first week of the athletic season via a form
entitled Application for Extracurricular Credit – Athletic and meet the requirements as stated
on the form. Students enrolled in specialized physical education programs offered outside of
the school‟s curriculum can apply for an application for “Off-Site High School Physical
Page 50
Los cursos de preparación universitaria de la Preparatoria de Desert Hot Springs han sido aprobados por el
sistema de la Universidad de California. Esto significa que los estudiantes que completen exitosamente estos
cursos con una calificación de "C" o más, completaran los requisitos del curso para ser aceptados en una
escuela de la Universidad de California o la Universidad Estatal de California. Los estudiantes que planean ir
directamente a la universidad no pueden recibir D's o menos en estas clases sin que afecte su capacidad para
graduarse a tiempo.
Universidad de California Requisitos del A-G
Historia/Ciencias Sociales
2 años
20 créditos
Artes del Lenguaje Inglés
4 años
40 créditos
3 años
30 créditos
Ciencia y Laboratorio
2 años
20 créditos
Adquisición de Lenguaje
2 años
20 créditos
Artes visuales / Escénicas
1 año
10 créditos
Electivas para Preparación
2 años
20 créditos
Requisitos de Graduación: Los estudiantes obtienen créditos para su graduación si reciben D's o mejor en sus
Cursos Requeridos
Inglés/ Artes de Lenguaje
4 años
40 créditos
2 años
20 créditos
Historia Mundial
1 año
10 créditos
Historia de los EE. UU.
1 año
10 créditos
½ año
5 créditos
½ año
5 créditos
Ciencias Físicas
1 año
10 créditos
Page 51
Ciencias Biológicas
1 año
10 créditos
Educación Física
2 años
20 créditos
Bellas Artes/ Vocacional
1 año
10 créditos
Bellas Artes/ Idioma
1 año
10 créditos
75 créditos
Todos los estudiantes deben pasar el Examen de California de Salida de la Preparatoria (CAHSEE).
Estudiantes que no hayan pasado para febrero de su último año no podrán participar (caminar) en la
graduación de la escuela en junio.
Los estudiantes deben mantener un promedio académico mínimo de 1.51 o mejor.
Se requiere que los estudiantes se inscriban en un mínimo de cuatro (4) períodos por día, sujeto a
revisión administrativa en el segundo semestre de su último año.
Excepción de Educación Física se permitirá si el estudiante está en un programa atlético interescolar
programado después del horario escolar. El estudiante debe obtener permiso para recibir crédito
dentro de la primera semana de la temporada atlética por medio de una forma titulada Solicitud de
Crédito Extracurricular—Atlético y cumplir con los requisitos como se indica en la solicitud. Los
estudiantes registrados en programas especiales de educación física ofrecidos fuera del currículo de la
escuela pueden solicitar una forma para “Educación Física de Preparatoria Fuera-Del-Plantel”
2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR
I. The following California Education Code infractions are grounds for probable expulsion from the Palm Springs
Unified School District and Desert Hot Springs High School regardless of whether the infraction occurs at school, on
the way to school, on the way home from school or at a school sponsored or related activity.
Possession of a gun or replica, knife, explosive, weapon or other dangerous object.
Possession of any controlled substance, or replica of a controlled substance, with the probable intention of selling,
distributing, or sharing.
3. Offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance or alcoholic beverage or replica of a controlled
substance or alcoholic beverage.
4. Possession of any large amount of a controlled substance.
5. Under the influence of any controlled substance for the second time.
6. Possession of any controlled substance for the second time.
7. Robbery.
8. Terrorist threats against school officials or school property.
II. The following California Education Code infractions are grounds for possible expulsion from the Palm Springs
Unified School District and Desert Hot Springs High School regardless of whether the infraction occurs at school, on
the way to school, on the way home from school or at a school sponsored or related activity.
Page 52
Possession of alcohol or controlled substance, or replica thereof.
Under the influence of alcohol or any controlled substance.
Possession of drug paraphernalia.
Habitual profanity or vulgarity.
Sexual harassment.
Willful defiance of school personnel.
Use and/or possession of tobacco products.
Causing, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to another person.
Intentional harassment or hate crimes.
Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private property.
Stole school property or private property.
Knowingly received stolen school property or private property.
Aiding or abetting, the infliction or attempted infliction of physical injury to another student.
Harassed threatened or intimidated a pupil who is a witness.
All of the above infractions are grounds for suspension from DHSHS.
The Code of Conduct is automatically in effect if you are suspended for:
Possessing, using, selling or furnishing a gun or replica, knife (regardless of blade length), explosive, weapon or
dangerous object.
Possessing, using, selling, or negotiating to sell, any drugs, alcohol, or intoxicant of any kind.
Offering or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled substance, alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind, and
then sold, delivered, or otherwise furnished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented the
liquid, substance, or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic beverage or intoxicant.
Committing robbery or extortion.
Terrorist threats against school officials or school property.
If you violate any California Education Code, the Desert Hot Springs High School Student Code of Conduct will be imposed.
The Code of Conduct may also be imposed for any violation(s) that result in your being suspended from school. In addition,
per the Palm Springs Unified Infractions for Minors, students will be cited for the following offenses:
R.C.O. 9112.030A Riverside County Loitering/Truancy
490.1 PC Petty Theft $50 in value of less
415(1)(2 (3)PC Disturbing the Peace (1) fighting (2) loud noise
(3) offensive and/or fighting words
485 PC Appropriation of lost property
24662 B&P Possession of Alcohol by Minor
417.27(b)PC Possession of laser pointer on school premises
308(b) PC Possession of Cigarettes/Tobacco/Paraphernalia
374.4(a) PC Littering
640.6(a)(1)PC Graffiti on another‟s property <$250
R.C.O. 9.22.030 Illegal fireworks
640.5(a)(1)PC Graffiti on government facilities or vehicles
R.C.O. 9.22.030 Nuisance skateboarding or rollerblading
12500(a) VC Unlicensed driver
23109(c)VC Exhibition of speed (NO street racing of any
12814.6(b)VC Provisional license for minor
AÑO ESCOLAR 2014-2015
I. Las siguientes infracciones del Código Educativo del Estado de California son motivos probables de expulsión del
Distrito Escolar Unificado de Palm Springs y de la Preparatoria Desert Hot Springs si la infracción se produce en la
Page 53
escuela, camino a la escuela, camino hacia la casa de la escuela o en una actividad patrocinada o relacionada con la
La posesión de un arma de fuego o una réplica, cuchillo, explosivo, arma u otro objeto peligroso.
Posesión de cualquier sustancia controlada, o una réplica de una sustancia controlada, con la probable intención de
vender, distribuir o compartir.
3. Ofrecer o negociar la venta de cualquier sustancia controlada o bebida alcohólica o una réplica de una sustancia
controlada o bebida alcohólica.
4. La posesión de cualquier cantidad grande de una sustancia controlada.
5. Estar bajo la influencia de cualquier sustancia controlada por segunda vez.
6. Posesión de cualquier sustancia controlada por segunda vez.
7. Robo.
8. Amenazas terroristas contra oficiales escolares o alguna propiedad escolar.
II. Las siguientes infracciones del Código Educativo de California son motivos probables de expulsión del Distrito Escolar
Unificado de Palm Springs y de la Preparatoria Hot Springs si la infracción se produce en la escuela, camino a la escuela,
camino hacia la casa de la escuela o en una actividad patrocinada o relacionada con la escuela.
1. Posesión de alcohol o sustancias controladas, o una réplica de la misma.
2. Bajo la influencia del alcohol o de cualquier sustancia controlada.
3. La posesión de parafernalia de drogas.
4. Extorsión.
5. Profanidad o vulgaridad habitual.
6. El acoso sexual.
7. Desafió intencional del personal de la escuela.
8. El uso y/o posesión de productos del tabaco.
9. Causar, intentar causar o amenazar con causar daño físico a otra persona.
10. Hostigamiento intencional o crímenes de odio.
11. Causó o intentó causar daño a la propiedad de la escuela o propiedad privada.
12. Robo de propiedad escolar o propiedad privada.
13. Recibir con conocimiento propiedad robada de la escuela o propiedad privada.
14. Complicidad, el causar o intentar causar daño físico a otro estudiante.
15. Amenazar o intimidar a un alumno que es un testigo.
Todas las infracciones anotadas arriba son motivos para suspensión de DHSHS.
III. El Código de Conducta está automáticamente en efecto si eres suspendido por:
1. Poseer, usar, vender o facilitar un arma de fuego o una réplica, un cuchillo (sin importar la longitud de la navaja), explosivo,
arma u objeto peligroso.
2. Poseer, usar, vender o negociar la venta de alguna droga, alcohol o intoxicante de cualquier tipo.
3. Ofrecer, arreglar, negociar, vender cualquier sustancia controlada, bebida alcohólica, o intoxicante de cualquier tipo, luego
vender, entregar, o facilitar a cualquier otra persona otro líquido, sustancia, o material representando el líquido, sustancia, o
material como sustancia controlada, bebida alcohólica o intoxicante.
4. Cometer robo o extorsión.
5. Las amenazas terroristas contra los oficiales escolares o la propiedad escolar.
Si usted viola cualquiera Código Educativo de California, el Código de Conducta del Estudiante de la Preparatoria Desert
Hot Springs se impondrá. El Código de Conducta también puede ser impuesto por cualquier violación (es) que resulte en ser
suspendido de la escuela. Además, por las infracciones del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Unificado de Palm Springs para
menores, los estudiantes serán citados por los siguientes delitos:
R.C.O. 9112.030A Condado de Riverside Vagancia / Ausentismo
490.1 PC Robo de $ 50 en valor o menos
415(1)(2 (3)PC Interrumpiendo la paz (1) pleitos (2) fuerte ruidos (3)
485 PC Apropiación de objetos perdidos
palabras ofensivas y/o lucha
24662 B&P Posesión de Alcohol por Menores
417.27(b)PC Posesión de un láser de punta en el plantel escolar
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308(b) PC Posesión de Cigarrillos / Tabaco/Parafernalia
640.6(a)(1)PC Grafiti en propiedad ajena <$ 250
640.5(a)(1)PC Grafiti en propiedades gubernamentales o vehículos
374.4(a) PC Tirar basura
R.C.O. 9.22.030 Fuegos artificiales ilegales
R.C.O. 9.22.030 Uso indebido de patinetas o patines
<$ 250
12500(a) VC Conductor sin licencia
12814.6(b)VC Licencia provisional para menor
23109(c)VC Exposición de velocidad (NO carreras de calle de
cualquier tipo)
Desert Hot Springs High School
Parent Participation Plan
Parent Involvement:
Administration and faculty recognize that parent involvement is a key component to ensuring
student success. To encourage parent involvement DHSHS invites the following activities:
● Back to School Night
● Two Parent-Teacher Conference Nights
● Bi-Monthly English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings. For more information
contact Claudia Sanchez.
● Parent access to the Student Information System (PVUE login is available in Room 280.)
● Pathway and Academy Parent Nights
● Bimonthly Principal‟s Newsletter
● Parent volunteer sign ups during registration in fall
● Open door policy to visit classrooms with 24 hour advanced notice
● Open communication via telephone, email or other written correspondence, as well as face-toface conferences
● Teleparent Mass Communication System
● Various student performances
● IEP, SST and/or 504 Meetings
● The Parent Center is open five days a week from 7:30-4:00 in Room 280.
Ongoing Communication:
Ongoing communication is essential for parents and educators to work as a team in meeting the
needs of students. Ongoing communication is valued and promoted in the following ways:
● Parent-Teacher Conferences (May be requested through your student‟s counselor.)
● ELAC meetings
● School Site Council Meetings
● Parental online access in the Student Information System (PVUE)
● Open communication policy including conferences with staff members and classroom visitations
with 24 hours advanced notice
● IEP, SST, and/or 504 Meetings
● Translations (in all oral and written communications)
● PSUSD Parent Survey High School Parent Survey (completed annually-online and hard copy)
Capacity for Involvement:
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Parents are provided multiple opportunities to participate and have influence in the following
capacities and are a part of the Single Plan for Student Achievement.
● School Site Council and ELAC committees
● Parent-teacher Conference Nights
● Parent Center - Room 280
● Tutoring
Volunteering – If parents are interested in volunteering they can sign up in the Parent Center
Preparatoria Desert Hot Springs
Plan de Participación de Padres
Participación de Padres:
La administración y profesores reconocen que la participación de los padres es la llave para
asegurar el éxito estudiantil. Para alentar la participación de padres la Preparatoria de Desert Hot
Springs los invita a las siguientes actividades:
● Noche de Regreso a la Escuela
● Dos Noches de Conferencias de Padres y Maestros
● Juntas bimestrales del Comité Concejero del Lenguaje Inglés como segundo Idioma (ELAC).
Para más información póngase en contacto con Claudia Sánchez
● Acceso para los padres para el Sistema de Información Estudiantil (PVUE acceso está disponible
en el salón 280.)
● Noches Académicas de Padres
● Boletín Bimestral del Director
● Listas para apuntarse como padres voluntarios durante registración del otoño.
● Póliza de puerta abierta para visitar salones con aviso anticipado de 24 horas.
● Comunicación abierta a través de teléfono, correo electrónico u otra correspondencia escrita, así
como conferencias cara-a- cara
● Sistema de comunicación Teleparent
● Varias presentaciones de los estudiantes
● Juntas IEP, SST y/o 504.
● El centro de padres está abierto los cinco días de la semana de 7:30am- 4:00pm en el salón 280.
Comunicación continua:
La comunicación continua es esencial para los padres y educadores para trabajar en equipo
para satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes. La comunicación continua es valorada y promovida en
las siguientes maneras
● Conferencias de padres y maestros (puede ser solicitada a través del consejero/a de su estudiante)
● Juntas de ELAC
● Juntas del Concilio Escolar
● Acceso de los padres en línea en el Sistema de Información Estudiantil (PVUE)
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Póliza de comunicación abierta que incluye conferencias con miembros del personal y visitas a
los salones con aviso anticipado de 24 horas.
Juntas IEP, SST y/o 504
Traducciones (en todas las comunicaciones orales y escritas)
PSUSD Encuesta de Padres de Preparatoria (completada anualmente – por internet y por escrito)
Capacidad para la Participación:
Los padres reciben múltiples oportunidades para participar y tener influencia en las siguientes
capacidades y son una parte del plan individual de rendimiento estudiantil.
● Comités del Concilio Escolar y ELAC
● Noches de Conferencias de padres y maestros
● Centro de Padres- Salón 280
● Tutoría
● Voluntarios - Si los padres están interesados en ser voluntarios pueden inscribirse en el Centro de
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