FINGER PRINTTING (Please come into the office and let me know

To the parents of ___________________________
We are so excited you wish to be a volunteer! Please look over the following information,
there are some things we need from you before you start 
UPDATED BACKGROUND CLEARANCE form for 2016-2017 school year
Available in office or online 
FINGER PRINTTING (Please come into the office and let me know when you would
attend one of these sessions)
(Fingerprints have no expiration date so take chance of this opportunity!)
SEPTEMBER 8 ------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Lincoln School 10:00am
OCTOBER 13--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm
NOVEMEBR 10------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Wilson School 10:00am
DECEMBER 8--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm
*Fingerprints (Cost is $65. Please stop by the office for more information)
TB Test Results
*if tested positive please submit proof of X Rays
*if you are up for a new TB Test there is no need for another test. Parents will now need to
fill out a questioner form (School Nurse will have these forms at hand)
*TB Test (once taken the TB test is good for up to four years)
If you have any questions, please stop by the office! Thank You!
Etna Medina
Community/ Parent Liaison
Roosevelt School
1046 W. Sonora
Tulare, Ca
Nota para los padres de ________________________
Nos encantaria que fueran a paseos con nosotros! Para ir a nuestros paseos tendran que
entregar las siguentes formas
Prueba de tuberculosis (se toman una ves cada 4 años)
Verificación de Antecedentes (está forma la pueden encontrar en la oficina)
Huellas Digitales( Por favor de pasar por la oficina para reciber mas información)
*Huellas no tienen expiración !
Nosotros necesitamos de usted:
Pruebas de Tuberculosis
* Si tienen resultados positivos por favor de entregar pruebas de radios X
Verficacion de antecedentes para el año 2016-2017
*forma que tenemos en la oficina
Huellas (Por favor de confirmer antes si va visitor unas de estas escuelas)
SEPTEMBER 8 ------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Lincoln School 10:00am
OCTOBER 13--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm
NOVEMEBR 10------------------------Maple School 8:00am & Wilson School 10:00am
DECEMBER 8--------------------------Tulare District Office 4:30-6:30pm
*Fingerprints (Cost is $65. Please stop by the office for more information)
Si tienen preguntas, por favor pase por la oficina. Gracias!
Etna Medina
Community/ Parent Liason
Roosevelt School
1046 W. Sonora
Tulare, Ca