Resultado 19 (PDF 158 Kb)

Outcome 19 - Member State place an integrated approach to decent work at the heart of their
economic and social policies, supported by key UN and other multilateral agencies
Indicator 19.1: Number of member States that, with ILO support, make the goal of decent work increasingly central to policy-making
To be counted as reportable, results must meet at least two of first four, plus the final criterion:
1. The generation of decent work opportunities is adopted as an overarching policy goal of the national development strategy alongside other national
2. The execution of an integrated Decent Work Country Programme supports the implementation of the national development strategy.
3. National or sectoral programmes in fields such as education, health, gender equality, trade, finance, enterprise development, rural development and
poverty reduction integrate decent work aspects.
4. Statistical services are upgraded to improve measurement of progress towards decent work in line with the provision of Convention No. 160.
5. Development of the overall development strategy includes consultation of ILO constituents in line with the provision of Convention No. 144.
Country/ Country
Outcome (CPO)
Result Achieved
ILO Contribution
United Republic of
Tanzania/ TZA901:
Policy coherence
The National Poverty Reduction Strategy,
MKUKUTAII, MKUZA, Vision 2025, and the UN
Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP)
articulate decent work and employment as the
goal of working out of poverty and enhancing
economic growth.
Provided technical assistance to constituents and advocacy in
upstream interventions (policy development and advice),
including through joint initiatives and programmes under
Delivering as One.
A Decent Work Country Profile was finalized
and endorsed by tripartite constituents.
Implementation of the Decent Work Country
Provided technical input and support to constituents in
Programme (DWCP), in which selected national articulating priorities and in the process of developing the
priorities (youth employment, child
development, social protection, skills
development, governance) are incorporated.
The budget of the Ministry of Labour (MOL)
takes into account the DWCP priorities.
Tenets of decent work were incorporated into
sectoral programmes implemented under the
auspices of UN Joint Programmes (social
dialogue, working conditions, equal opportunity
- JP2 and JP10).
Introduced CEB Toolkit as a major tool for facilitating the
integration of the Decent Work Agenda into sectoral policies.
Provided technical assistance under the auspices of UN Joint
Programmes and UN Fund throughout the joint programme
Assessment of selected policies using the CEB
Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and
Decent Work completed.
ILO constituents engaged in process of
articulating, developing and executing
development strategies: Poverty Reduction
Provided technical assistance for participation of constituents
in sectoral and national fora on articulating and drafting
development strategies, both through ILO-specific
interventions and through UN Joint Programmes (led by ILO).
Inclusion of constituents in governance
structure of development frameworks (UNDAP,
Decent work at the
centre of economic
The Government launched the New Growth
Path Framework (2010), a policy framework
which aims to maximize the creation of decent
work opportunities.
One of the strategic objectives of the MediumTerm Strategic Framework (2009-2014) that
guides the Government's Programme of Action
Provided capacity-building support to enhance constituents'
understanding and knowledge of the Decent Work Agenda.
This has facilitated vibrant national policy dialogue around
decent work.
is to promote more inclusive growth, decent
work and sustainable livelihoods. Outcome 4 of
the Strategic Framework specifically seeks to
promote decent employment through inclusive
The South Africa Decent Work Country
Programme, launched in 2010, responds to the
national development strategy outlined in
Government's Medium Term Strategic
Framework (2009-2014). A strategic priority area
outlined in the Medium-Term Strategic
Framework is acceleration of growth and
transformation of the economy to create decent
work and sustainable livelihoods.
Provided technical support and guidance in the drafting of the
Decent Work Country Programme - The process took into
account national priorities and national policy responses to
key decent work deficits in the country. The DWCP is the
culmination of a close partnership between the ILO and
NEDLAC (National Social Dialogue Institution) in identifying
key decent work deficits in South Africa and developing
focused strategies to address such deficits. Held several
consultative workshops with Government and the social
partners in formulating the DWCP, which strengthened
capacity of constituents on decent work and the Decent Work
a) The employers' and workers' organizations
made technical inputs into the New Growth
Path Strategy that was launched by
Government in 2010.
b) Formulation of the National Response
Framework (NRF) on the Global Economic
Crisis was a culmination of tripartite
consultation. The NRF is currently being
implemented by the tripartite partners.
a) Held training workshops for members of a labour
federation to enhance their understanding of the
proposals contained in the New Growth Path Strategy,
enhancing their capacity to engage in national dialogue
and influence the policy framework; supported study
undertaken by Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) aimed
at strengthening employers' capacity to take a policy
position on inclusive job-rich growth, which resulted in a
discussion paper discussed at a policy forum workshop
held in October 2010.
b) Held workshops with the Turin Centre to strengthen the
capacity of constituents to engage effectively in social
dialogue, including two capacity-building workshops for
trade union affiliates, aimed at strengthening the capacity
of trade unions to contribute effectively to the
implementation of the NRF.
Arab States
Mainstreaming decent
The Eleventh Five Year National Development
Plan (2011-2015) included employment and
decent work as one of its key pillars. Likewise, the
draft UNDAF (2012-2016), which was prepared by
the UN jointly with the Government, also included
specific mention of employment creation and
decent work under one of its outcomes.
The Tenth and draft Eleventh Five Year Plans both
included specific reference to the creation of
employment and decent work, with a focus on
social protection.
A decent work tripartite committee was actively
engaged in the implementation and monitoring of
the DWCP and they also participated in the
discussions leading to the preparation of the
Second Country Analysis and UNDAF (20122016).
The National Mid-term Development Plan (RPJMN)
has mainstreamed decent work. The Indonesian
Jobs Pact (IJP) provides an overarching policy
framework to promote decent work.
Provided technical assistance for the drafting of the
employment chapter of the Eleventh Five Year Plan and
contributed a paper on mainstreaming employment and
decent work in the UN Country Analysis. Many components
of the latter were used in drafting the relevant sections of
the CA/UNDAF (2012-2016).
With ILO assistance, the first DWCP for Syria was prepared
in line with the Tenth National Five Year Plan (FYP) (20062010). Through advocating for social protection, promoting
social dialogue and international labour standards and
contributing to job creation and SMEs development, the
DWCP, which was implemented with ILO support,
contributed to the realization of the objectives of the
National FYP related to providing a more active role for the
private sector and other development partners in the
planning process; job creation with a focus on SMEs.
In order to ensure a substantive role for this committee that
was tasked with monitoring the implementation of the
DWCP, provided technical assistance for developing the
capacities of its members in a number of areas, including
results-based management, monitoring and evaluation, and
UN Reform (CEB Toolkit and CA/UNDAF process).
Indonesian Jobs Pact
Implemented activities to raise awareness about decent
work among policy-makers; published the Global Jobs
Pact Scan for Indonesia, which provided technical support
to the IJP process and helped the IJP mainstream decent
Pakistan/PAK126 :
The Decent Work
Agenda mainstreamed
into the One UN
Reform Pilot
DWCP in Indonesia reflects the priorities of the
national development strategy.
Provided technical assistance to support the DWCP,
effective support to national development and support for
the realization of the RPJMN in various areas, such as
reducing child labour, promoting gender equity and
improving vocational education and training.
As RPJMN mainstreamed the Decent Work Agenda,
many national and sectoral programmes reflect
decent work aspects. For example, entrepreneur
education is incorporated in the vocational high
school curriculum. The Government has adopted
sexual harassment guidelines. It also established a
policy working group on trade and employment.
Provided technical assistance to constituents to integrate
decent work aspects in national or sectoral programmes.
Indonesian constituents have developed Decent
Work Indicators and a Decent Work Country Profile
for Indonesia.
Provided technical assistance to constituents for the
formulation of the Decent Work Country Profile and
decent work indicators, including through capacity
Development of the RPJMN and the IJP both involved Implemented capacity-building activities to enable
consultation with constituents.
constituents to actively take part in policy debate and
identify the priorities of the Indonesia Jobs Pact.
The value of workplace conditions in productive
human and social capital development for sustainable
employment was incorporated as an important
priority in the new Pakistan Growth Framework
adopted in May 2010.
The new Pakistan Growth Framework (May 2011)
With resources provided by the One Pakistan Fund,
recognizes the role of workplace organization and the conducted a series of capacity-building and awareness
Provided technical inputs to the various UN system-wide
needs assessments over the course of 2010 and 2011
(PCNA, DNA, DLA, FIMA, One Programme I) that highlight
the importance of the quality, as well as the quantity of
employment as being a prerequisite for sustainable
livelihoods and peace building. Conducted awareness
ILO's TREE (Training for Rural Economic
raising and capacity building on decent work using the
Empowerment) methodology recognized by the
CEB Toolkit on Employment and Decent Work, as a
World Bank in Pakistan as a sustainable response to prerequisite for sustainable livelihoods and peace
the post-crises needs in KP and FATA.
building. Replicated the TREE methodology in the postcrises implementation programme for KP and FATA.
regulatory environment in the productivity of
Pakistani workers and the economy.
The DWCP I (2005 - 2009) formed the basis of the
DWCP II (2010 - 2015) and articulated four decent
work priorities: labour law reform, employment
generation, expansion of social protection and social
dialogue. DWCP outputs have been incorporated in
the One Programme I (2004 - 2012) (Pakistan
a) National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA)
formally gave notification of a policy on nondiscrimination on the basis of sex and gender roles in
any disaster response interventions, particularly
those relating to livelihoods recovery.
programmes on the use of the CEB Toolkit for
Employment and Decent Work, and advocated with the
National Planning Commission to acknowledge that
quantity and quality are important factors for increased
productivity and competitiveness.
Conducted advocacy programmes (workshops and expert
group meetings), in partnership with the National
Commission on Status of Women (NCSW), the Ministry of
Women’s Development (MoWD) and NDMA on nondiscrimination in disaster response interventions.
Fifty road safety training institutes managed by the
National Highway and Motorway Police have agreed
to incorporate the training programme to facilitate
women’s mobility through public transport into their
regular syllabus before the end of 2011.
Under the One Pakistan Funded Towards Gender Parity
(TGP) project, conducted 12 baseline/assessment studies
to assess gender disparities in employment-related
policies and programmes, including women’s mobility
through public transport, residential facilities and day care
facilities for working women, the national SME Policy,
National Skills Strategy, selected national youth
Workers’ Welfare Board in Sindh has agreed to
employment programmes (such as the National
provide subsidies to employers who provide
residential and day care facilities for women working Internship Programme), labour forces survey methods
and social protection programmes (especially in the
outside their home towns.
informal economy), and on the situation of home-based
The federal Labour Market Information and Analysis Provided technical assistance to support the analysis of
(LMIA) Unit produced district-level employment
district-level data and the production of district-level
trends reports for the first time (Faisalabad District of employment trends reports.
Punjab). A set of five reports focusing on general
employment trends, youth, women and skills now
provide more focused information to policy-makers
and other labour-market stakeholders.
Philippines /PHL102:
National employment
policy and decent work
strategy integrated into
the new Medium-Term
Philippine Development
Plan and UNDAF
Decent work and the importance of workplace issues
is being increasingly acknowledged and used by both
UN and non-UN partners. The tripartite grouping of
government, employers and workers is no longer
questioned in the development and implementation
of One UN programmes. Decent work is increasingly
being quoted by other UN agencies in written and
verbal communications.
a) The Philippine Development Plan (PDP) for 2011- a) Delivered a paper on employment, which was
2016 underscores that the policy challenge is to
presented during tripartite consultations conducted to
increase decent and productive employment and
gather inputs to the Philippine Development Plan;
to enhance inclusive job-rich growth.
delivered training on employment targeting for the
b) The Philippine Labour and Employment Plan
Department of Labour and Employment and relevant
(LEP) for 2011-2016, a sectoral plan of the PDP,
national agencies, which enabled them to develop
provides the strategic directions for labour and
employment targets included in the Philippine
employment in the medium term, following the
Development Plan.
decent work framework.
b) Provided technical assistance for the formulation of
c) A National Strategy on Youth was adopted and
the Labour and Employment Plan for 2011-2016,
presented to the President during the
including a country paper which was used as input to
International Youth Day on 12 August 2011.
the plan and inputs to consultations conducted for the
d) Under the new UN Development Assistance
Framework (UNDAF), 2012-2018, Outcome 2 (of c) Provided technical assistance for the preparation of
four outcomes) is on decent and productive
the strategy paper, through the MDG Achievement
employment for sustained and greener growth.
Fund Joint Programme on Youth, Employment and
d) Provided technical assistance for the UNDAF
formulation process and leading consultations on the
formulation of inputs to Outcome 2 of the new
a) Know About Business (KAB) modules were
adopted as instructional materials on
entrepreneurship in public high schools. Private
Provided technical assistance to constituents to engage in
the implementation of the One UN reform pilot
programme since 2007. Ministry of Labour, with the ILO
co-chair the Task Force on Decent and Productive
Employment of the Agriculture, Rural Development and
Poverty Reduction.
a) Provided technical assistance to the Bureau of
Secondary Education in the roll-out of the programme
through the Youth Employment Project. Provided
high schools are encouraged to use the modules.
technical assistance to the Bureau of Local
b) The National Commission on Indigenous Peoples
Employment on the development of training and
(NCIP) adopted a master plan for indigenous
assessment guidelines and in the capacity building of
peoples’ empowerment and the development of
Public Employment Service Offices in four project
ancestral domains.
c) Participatory gender audit results used as
b) Provided technical assistance to the NCIP through the
baseline and to mainstream gender in
process leading to the adoption of the plan.
programmes and projects of national agencies: c) Conducted training of facilitators on Participatory
Departments of Labour and Employment, Social
Gender Audits, provided assistance for the
Welfare and Development, Interior and Local
implementation of participatory gender audits, and
Government, and Philippine Commission on
shared publications and materials on gender equality.
d) Provided technical inputs to consultations on the
d) The National Climate Change Action Plan
National Climate Change Action Plan and the forum
incorporates green jobs.
on greening of the Labour and Employment Plan.
a) The National Statistical Office and Bureau of
a) Delivered training on the Philippines Employment
Labour and Employment Statistics are now able
Projections model, including simulations for
to conduct data tabulations and analysis on
remittances and consumption, green jobs and
labour market and decent work indicators,
vulnerable employment; provided technical assistance
simulate employment projections and gather
for the compilation and tabulation of Statistical
provincial-level estimates on the labour force.
Decent Work indicators (1995-2010), review of the
Labour Force Survey to ensure capture of decent
work elements, completion of sampling and survey
b) The National Statistics Office included, for the
design for provincial estimates of the Labour Force
first time, ethnicity variables in the 2010 census.
Survey, and preparation of the Decent Work
The ongoing data processing will produce
Philippines Country Profile.
statistics on indigenous peoples.
b) Delivered a national training of NCIP focal persons
and enumerators of the National Statistical Office
enumerators on understanding and applying the
ethnicity variable; conducted regional and provincial
orientation of enumerators of the National statistical
office where NCIP focal persons became resource
speakers to explain the application of the ethnicity
Viet Nam/ VNM128:
Improved policies,
strategies and data for
employment creation
and labour market
The Trade Union Congress of the Philippines,
Provided technical assistance for tripartite-plus
Federation of Free Workers and Alliance of
consultations conducted at the national and sub-national
Progressive Labour and other trade unions, together levels.
with the Employers’ Confederation of the Philippines,
participated in the national and sub-national multisectoral consultations conducted by the Department
of Labour and Employment to generate inputs to the
formulation of the new Philippine Development Plan
(2011-2016) and the Labour and Employment Plan
DWCP 2012-2016 for Viet Nam developed and
addresses the country’s priorities as set out in the
Socio-economic Development Strategy and the Socioeconomic development Plan. It is fully in line with the
UN One Plan 2012-2016 for Viet Nam.
Provided technical assistance, and held consultations with
the social partners and the UN team in Viet Nam
throughout the process of developing the DWCP and One
Decent work aspects integrated into such important
national or sectoral programmes as the National
Social Protection Strategy 2011-2020 and the
National Employment Strategy 2011-2020.
Conducted assessment of mainstreaming of employment
and decent work in the National Social Protection Strategy
2011-2020; provided technical assistance to the
government in developing the National Employment
Strategy 2011-2020.
Development of the DWCP and One Plan 2012-2016 Conducted capacity-building activities to improve capacity
involved participation and consultation with
of ILO constituents in policy debates and in identifying
priorities for national and sectoral strategic planning;
undertook close consultations with constituents in the
development of the DWCP and One Plan 2012-2016, as
well as in the preparation of UN/ILO input for the
country’s SEDS and SEDP.
Argentina/ARG 101: Capacidades del MTESS
y de los actores
El gobierno ha adoptado el TD como meta de su
estrategia de desarrollo nacional y como bandera en
diferentes foros internacionales. Prueba de ello son:
En el marco del Pacto Mundial para el Empleo, la OIT
brindó asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de estudios
analíticos, tal como: examen de la situación nacional
sociales fortalecidas, de
acuerdo con sus
específicas, para
adecuadamente las
políticas laborales con
las económicas y
sociales, con base en el
Pacto Mundial para el
Empleo la solicitud conjunta de Argentina y Brasil (a iniciativa
de Argentina) de incorporar a la OIT en las
discusiones del G-20 en relación a la crisis mundial;
las acciones desarrolladas para morigerar el impacto
de la crisis mundial en el marco del Pacto Mundial
para el Empleo (Argentina es país piloto); la
incorporación del concepto de Trabajo Decente en la
currícula de la enseñanza media a nivel nacional, etc.
(country scan), documentos de análisis del mercado de
trabajo, informe sobre la situación de Argentina en el
contexto internacional: macroeconomía, mercado
laboral, protección social y distribución del ingreso (serie
Crecimiento con equidad, IIEL), y documento Impactos
de la crisis sobre las relaciones industriales y la
negociación colectiva en Argentina.
La OIT también apoyó varias reuniones, tal como la
reunión Tripartita Políticas Frente a la Crisis: El PME en
Argentina y la Reunión preparatoria G-20 en Buenos
Aires, 2011 (publicación)
El II PTDP 2008-2011, acordado y aprobado
tripartitamente, refleja las prioridades tanto del
Gobierno como de los actores sociales. Asimismo, es
plenamente coherente con el MANUD Argentina
2010-2014, donde el Trabajo Decente tiene un lugar
destacado, en línea con la incorporación a los ODM
del objetivo adicional "Promover el Trabajo
A partir de las prioridades identificadas en el PTDP,
se acordaron las acciones principales en el marco del
PME, del cual Argentina es país piloto.
En relación con el Trabajo Decente, el proceso de
Serie OIT Notas Trabajo Decente en Argentina: A partir
de los ejes prioritarios del PTDP 2008-2011,
diagnósticos recientes sobre la situación nacional y otros
documentos sobre temas específicos, las Notas OIT
brindan un análisis estratégico de las dimensiones que
se proponen como ejes prioritarios de acción para el
PTDP 2012-2015, en coherencia con las prioridades de
OIT, a fin de promover el empleo pleno y productivo y
el TD como elementos centrales de las políticas
económicas y sociales, de acuerdo con la Declaración
sobre la justicia social para una globalización equitativa
y el Pacto Mundial para el Empleo.
ARG 102: Sistema de
Indicadores de Trabajo
Decente consensuado
por los mandantes, en
aplicación, produciendo
información que
permita monitorear la
situación laboral en
evaluación como país piloto del Pacto Mundial de
Empleo, apunta a asumir el actual PTDP como un
insumo y a partir de allí, fortalecer el PME para luego
integrar su contenido en el nuevo PTDP 2012-2015.
Se ha entendido por los actores tripartitos que el
potencial que surge de entrelazar el PME con el
PTDP es garantía para hacer sostenibles las políticas
de Trabajo Decente y acompañar una estrategia de
desarrollo incluyente y con empleo.
El Gobierno argentino puso en marcha la Asignación
Universal por Hijo, en línea con la iniciativa ONU de
un Piso de Protección Social.
El Ministerio de Educación ha incorporado a la
currícula de la enseñanza media el concepto de TD y
los contenidos de la Declaración de Principios y
Derechos Fundamentales en el Trabajo.
El Poder Ejecutivo declaró 2011 como el "Año del
Trabajo Decente, la Salud y Seguridad de los
Trabajadores". Ello implica que toda la papelería y
letreros gubernamentales (plazas, obras públicas,
etc.) tendrán este lema. El Decreto (75/2011) hace
expreso reconocimiento al Programa de Trabajo
Decente de la OIT.
-Publicación "Aportes para la construcción de un piso de
protección social en Argentina: el caso de las
asignaciones familiares" sobre el impacto de los
programas de transferencias para la niñez en la pobreza
y la desigualdad
-Estudio sobre el impacto de la Asignación Universal por
Hijo (AUH) en el mercado de trabajo y otro -de carácter
cualitativo- sobre la AUH en la población indígena en
-Documento OIT-CEPAL Previsión social en Argentina:
reformas, cobertura y desafíos
-A propuesta de OIT y el desarrollo de materiales
referidos a la iniciativa del PPS, el Coordinador
Residente asumió el liderazgo de una iniciativa ONU en
Argentina sobre el PPS.
-Desarrollo de un curso virtual "Construir futuro con
Trabajo Decente" en la Plataforma de capacitación
multimedial EXPLORA del Ministerio de Educación
dirigido a profesores de enseñanza media de todo el
-Divulgación y difusión de los documentos OIT en
congresos, seminarios y jornadas académicas
El Ministerio de Trabajo ha fortalecido su capacidad Participación de delegaciones tripartitas argentinas en
técnica para producir, aplicar y difundir regularmente talleres regionales sobre medición del TD (Lima, 2010) y
un Sistema Nacional de Indicadores de Trabajo
Belize/BLZ 152:
Belize has adopted an
integrated approach to
decent work
uso y aplicación de estadísticas armonizadas sobre
empleo e ingresos en el Mercosur (Asunción, 2010),
ambos organizados por o con la OIT.
- A partir de la revisión y actualización del Sistema de
Indicadores de Trabajo Decente (SITD) elaborado en
2007 con apoyo de la OIT, relanzamiento del SITD visa-vis los avances conceptuales y metodológicos y la
disponibilidad de información.
- Actualización y publicación de los resultados del SITD
(2011, en curso) y definición de una línea de trabajo
permanente en el Ministerio de Trabajo para la
actualización periódica de este instrumento.
El II PTDP Argentina (2008-2011), acordado y
aprobado tripartitamente, está en línea y refleja las
prioridades tanto del Gobierno como de los actores
En el marco del II PTDP 2008-2011, se creó el Grupo de
Seguimiento del PTDP -de composición tripartita- que,
con la secretaría técnica de la OIT.
The Decent Work Agenda underpins the national
Provided technical assistance to constituents and held
development goals of Belize, and supports the
consultations held with the social partners and UN team.
objectives outlined in the Medium-Term Development
Strategy (2010-2013). The DWCP for the period
2012-2015 is aimed at positioning Belize to “enjoy a
more harmonious industrial relations climate, built on
enhanced social dialogue and human resources
development, contributing to the achievement of its
national development goals.” The outputs and
outcomes of the Belize United Nations Development
Assistance Framework (UNDAF, 2012-2015) also
mainstream decent work.
The revised priorities of the DWCP for the period
2012-2015 (as agreed with the tripartite partners in
July 2011) will continue to address issues related to
(i) the modernization and harmonization of national
labour legislation; (ii) strengthening the public
Provided technical assistance and held consultations
throughout the process. The Ministry of Labour, Local
Government and Rural Development, as well as senior
representatives from various ministries and government
departments and the social partners, participated in the
employment service and enhancing linkages with
national initiatives for skills development (with a
special focus on disadvantaged groups); and (iii)
institutional strengthening of the social partners.
Brazil/ BRA201: Los
national processes for the development of the DWCP.
Development of the DWCP and UNDAF, 2012-2015
involved participation and consultation with
La CNETD será realizada en mayo de 2012 y
antecedida por más de una centena de conferencias
municipales y regionales y 27 conferencias estaduales
(entre junio y noviembre de 2011). Los resultados
esperados son la actualización del Plan Nacional de
Empleo y Trabajo Decente y la definición de
directrices de una Política Nacional de Empleo y
Trabajo Decente. La Agenda Nacional de Trabajo
Decente para la Juventud fue aprobada por consenso
tripartito en noviembre de 2010. El Subcomité de
Juventud y el Grupo de Consulta Tripartito promueve
la integración del contenido del ANTDJ a los procesos
de la I CNETD y de la II Conferencia Nacional de la
Juventud. Se consolidan las Agendas Estaduales de
Trabajo Decente de Bahía y de Mato Grosso,
discutidas con amplia participación de los actores
tripartitos. En Bahía, fue formulado, a través de un
amplio proceso de discusión tripartita, el Programa
Estadual de Trabajo Decente, con planes de trabajo
definidos en cada uno de los 9 ejes de la Agenda
El trabajo decente es una de las cuatro prioridades del La OIT participó activamente de la elaboración del
MANUD 2012-2015. La Agenda y el Plan Nacional de MANUD, de la ANETD y del PNETD.
Empleo y Trabajo Decente son instrumentos
tripartitos del país, elaborados e implementados con
el apoyo de la OIT y que enmarcan las acciones de la
Planes Nacional,
Estaduales y
Municipales y la Agenda
Nacional de Trabajo
Decente para la
Juventud son
implementados y
monitoreados en
consulta con los
tripartitos, tomándose
en cuenta la Agenda
Hemisférica La OIT esta integrada, en calidad de asistencia técnica
permanente, al Comité Ejecutivo Interministerial y el
Grupo Técnico Tripartito (GTT) de la ANTD, al
Subcomité y al GTT de la ANTDJ, al recién creado
Subcomité de la Igualdad Racial, así como a la Comisión
Organizadora Nacional de la I CNETD (que empezó sus
trabajos en mayo de 2011) y a varias comisiones
organizadoras estaduales. Las municipalidades de
Curitiba (PR), Guarulhos (SP), la Región del ABC
paulista, los estados de Paraná y Mato Grosso do Sul
(MS) y el Distrito Federal (DF) también han solicitado la
asistencia técnica de la OIT para la construcción de sus
respectivas agendas de trabajo decente. La OIT estuvo
presente en 18 estados brasileños apoyando el proceso
de organización de las conferencias estaduales: Alagoas,
Bahía, Ceará, Distrito Federal, Goiás, Maranhão, Mato
Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, Paraíba,
Pará, Paraná, Pernambuco, Piauí, Rio Grande do Sul,
São Paulo, Sergipe y Tocantins.
OIT en el País.
El Comité Ejecutivo Interministerial (CEI) de la
La OIT participa y presta asistencia técnica al CEI y a lo
Agenda y del Plan Nacional de Trabajo Decente
Subcomité de Asesoramiento Técnico (SAT).
cuenta con la participación de 18 ministerios, entre
ellos los responsables por los temas de: educación,
salud, igualdad de género, industria y comercio,
finanzas, desarrollo rural, desarrollo social (reducción
de la pobreza), etc.
El sistema estadístico nacional (Instituto Brasileño de
Geografía y Estadística - IBGE - y otras instituciones
estadísticas existentes en diversos estados del país)
han incorporado progresivamente la importancia de la
producción de datos estadísticos relativos a las
diversas dimensiones del trabajo decente. El país se
ofreció como piloto para la elaboración de perfiles de
trabajo decente de acuerdo a las dimensiones e
indicadores definidos por la OIT en 2008 y viene
participando de diversas actividades conjuntas con la
Oficina con el objetivo de perfeccionar sus
metodologías e instrumentos en el sentido de
responder a la necesidad de generación de nuevos
datos relativos a esas diversas dimensiones. Está en
proceso el diseño e implementación de una encuesta
suplementaria a la encuesta permanente de hogares
(PNAD) del IBGE sobre diversas dimensiones del
trabajo decente.
La ANTD, el PNETD, la ANTDJ, la Agenda y el Plan
La OIT participa, en calidad de asistencia técnica, de
estaduales de Trabajo Decente de Bahía y de Mato
todas esas instancias tripartitas. En el CDES la OIT
Grosso, la agenda intermunicipal de Trabajo Decente participa en calidad de observadora.
del ABC paulista han sido formuladas y son
monitoreadas por instancias tripartitas, en
conformidad con el C. 144. Lo mismo ocurre con
todas las instancias de organización y coordinación de
La OIT elaboró el segundo "Perfil del Trabajo Decente
en Brasil", que incluye informaciones desagregadas de
los 27 estados de la federación. Atendiendo a una
demanda del Foro Nacional de Secretarias del Trabajo,
la OIT realizó seis talleres de construcción y análisis de
indicadores de Trabajo Decente, abarcando todas las
grandes regiones del país. Los talleres fueran
direccionados a la capacitación de técnicos de las
secretarias estaduales de trabajo y otras instituciones
relevantes en cada estado y tenáin como objetivo
inmediato capacitarlos y contribuir a la construcción de
diagnósticos estaduales, territoriales, subregionales y
municipales de Trabajo Decente como parte del proceso
de preparación de las conferencias estaduales de
Trabajo Decente. Los 6 talleres regionales de
construcción de indicadores del trabajo decente
contaron con la participación de técnicos de 24 (de un
total de 27) estados brasileños.
la Conferencia Nacional y las conferencias estaduales
de trabajo decente. Las prioridades de la ANTD y el
PNETD han sido considerados en la definición de la
Agenda Nacional del Desarrollo (por el Consejo de
Desarrollo Económico y Social) - CDES - que asesora a
la Presidenta de la República y el en Plan Plurianual
de Inversiones (PPA) 2011-2015.
The goal of decent
work is made central to
A country-specific programme has been developed for Provided technical assistance to the tripartite
implementation in Grenada within the framework of
constituents in Grenada for the implementation of the
the Decent Work Programme (DWP) developed for
Decent Work Programme in Grenada.
members of the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean
States. The four overarching priority areas identified
for the DWP are: review and updating of labour
market legislation; strengthening of labour market
information systems (LMIS); promoting inclusive
workplace policies on HIV/AIDS; and increasing
dialogue among Government, workers and employers.
Representatives of the employers' and workers'
organizations in Grenada have a better insight into
the application and promotion of decent work as a
tool for development in the context of trade and
development, and of the trade negotiation process
and the labour provisions of the European Union
(EU)/Caribbean Forum (CARIFORUM) Economic
Partnership Agreement (EPA).
In collaboration with the Office of Trade Negotiations of
the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), held three
workshops on external trade agreements. One of the
workshops dealt specifically with the needs of the
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS), of
which Grenada is a member.
The Government of Grenada has recognized the need
for all stakeholders to work to create a climate where
dialogue and consultation replaces confrontation, as
evidenced by statements of the Prime Minister of
Grenada published in the media in October 2010.
In collaboration with the Grenada Employers'
Federation, organized a four-day training workshop on
conciliation, mediation and negotiation skills (May
2010), in which representatives of the employers' and
workers' organizations and Government officials
participated. Conducted a similar training workshop for
trade unions (October 2009). In addition, facilitated a
tripartite-plus workshop on decent work and policy
coherence which incorporated a briefing session on the
work programme for Grenada, within the framework of
the subregional Decent Work Programme in June 2010.
En un contexto con las menores tasas de desempleo La OIT brindó asistencia técnica a los mandantes para la
desde que se llevan registros, una de las prioridades organización y participación en los Diálogos en materia
del Gobierno del Uruguay es progresar hacia otras
de empleo y seguridad social
dimensiones del Trabajo Decente, tales como la
igualdad de oportunidades, salario suficiente,
protección social, negociación colectiva y diálogo
social. Esto se ve reflejado en la implementación del
Diálogo Nacional por el Empleo y el Segundo Diálogo
Nacional de Seguridad Social
El Gobierno tiene fijadas sus prioridades en material La OIT brindó asistencia técnica a los mandantes en el
de Trabajo Decente y la adopción de medidas de
desarrollo de una estrategia nacional para el Trabajo
política está teniendo lugar, tanto a través de los
Diálogos, como de espacios de Diálogo Social más
institucionalizados, como el Banco de Previsión Social,
los Consejos de Salarios y el Instituto Nacional de
Empleo y Formación Profesional.
En el marco del Observatorio de Mercado del Trabajo La OIT brindó asistencia técnica a las secciones
del MERCOSUR, la sección nacional tripartita está
nacionales tripartitas del Observatorio de Mercado de
desarrollando una aplicación de indicadores de
Trabajo del MERCOSUR.
Trabajo Decente, de forma armonizada con el resto
de los países del bloque.
Actualmente, las políticas y normativas nacionales
relativas al empleo, la formación profesional, la
seguridad social, y la negociación colectiva, son
objeto de consulta tripartita.
Espacios tripartitos
generados para la
implementación del
pacto global sobre el
empleo en el marco de
la actual crisis La OIT brindó asistencia técnica en cada una de las
instancias tripartitas en el que se debaten las políticas y
normativas nacionales.
Indicator 19.2: Number of key international agencies or multilateral institutions that, through collaboration with the ILO, mainstream
decent work in their policies and programmes
To be counted as reportable, results must meet at least one of the following criteria:
1. There is an increase in the extent to which decent work is mainstreamed in the policies and programmes of the international agency or multilateral
institution, drawing on reports on the application of the CEB Toolkit for Mainstreaming Employment and Decent Work.
2. New initiatives that coordinate inter-agency policies and programmes related to the Decent Work Agenda are established. International agency or multilateral Measurement
Result Achieved
ILO Contribution
International Monetary Fund
Joint ILO/IMF Oslo Conference led to
follow-up collaboration, including joint
consultations in several countries
experiencing balance of payments
difficulties due to the economic crisis. The
previous and current IMF managing
directors have cited the importance of
employment and decent work and
collaboration with the ILO during high
level fora, such as the G20.
Co-organized high-level Oslo conference with the
IMF and Office of the Prime Minister of Norway;
drafted discussion paper with the IMF. Participated
in joint consultations in Bulgaria, Dominican
Republic, Greece, Romania and Zambia, bringing
social dialogue and employment concerns into
United Nations Food and Agriculture
Elaboration of the joint web site with the
ILO: “Food, Agriculture & Decent Work”
Coordinated joint FAO/ILO web site and provided
technical inputs for drafting of guidance publication
and brochure.
Development of Guidance on How to
Address Rural Employment and Decent
Work Concerns in FAO Country Activities,
and the accompanying brochure Quick
Reference for Addressing Rural
Employment and Decent Work for FAO
staff at regional and at country level.
European Commission
In its October 2011 “Agenda for Change”,
which presents the guiding principles for
future EU external development policy, the
significance of promoting decent work was
made explicit.
The Agenda for Change is the result of a very wide
consultation launched in November 2010, to which
the ILO responded by suggesting detailed policy
orientations. Under the “inclusive and sustainable
growth for human development” nexus, the EU has
explicitly recognized that "The promotion of decent
work covering job creation, guarantee of rights at
work, social protection and social dialogue is vital".
EU development policy documents have included
references to decent work since 2005 (European
consensus on development, decent work
communication) but this is the first time that
decent work and its strategic objectives are so high
and central on the development agenda.
The European Commission is an important partner
and donor for ILO technical cooperation. At the
end of 2011, the EC and ILO had a portfolio of 30
TC projects.
United Nations Development
UN Country Teams and Resident
Contributed, including through the Turin Centre, to
Coordinators have increased
the design of training, materials and an online
understanding of decent work, in order to course, as well as facilitated training activities.
include decent work in UNDAFs.
a. UNDP Executive Board endorses the
a. High-level advocacy and policy coherency
Global Jobs Pact as an institutional
objective, integrating it into the
b. Contributed to joint programming exercises at
organization’s operational activities
the country level, notably in the formulation of
(January 2010).
UNDAFs in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Pakistan,
b. b. Joint programming activities at the
Paraguay, Philippines, Syria, United Republic of
country level with UNDP increase the
presence of decent work outcomes in
Universal Postal Union
Tanzania and Uruguay.
a. Using the toolkit self-assessment, the a. Facilitated workshops and provided materials.
UPU developed an action plan to
b. Provided technical inputs for the elaboration of
integrate decent work and trained
a brochure on HIV/AIDS in the postal sector.
their headquarters staff and
This product was a product of “Global
constituents on the Decent Work
Partnership for a global campaign on
HIV/AIDS for the postal services”, a joint
UNAIDS, UNI, UPU and ILO initiative.
b. Development of materials on HIV and
the postal sector for use in trainings in
Global Campaign pilot countries or
other countries on request.
Database on Short-term indicators of the labour market
Governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, labour market analysts and the media can now count on a new public labour statistics tool to better
monitor, analyse and understand recent events in the labour market to inform adequate economic and social policy responses, especially in times of crisis.
The database covers some 100 countries and territories, providing monthly updated labour market and consumer price indicators. It is accessible through an
interactive map organized by country and topic and contains sex-disaggregated data wherever possible, as well as seasonally adjusted sectoral data. The
statistical country profiles provide a quick and accurate snapshot, while information organized by topic allows for cross-country comparison and global
analysis. The resource is available online at:
Global Jobs Pact web site
The trilingual Global Jobs Pact web site was launched in February 2010 to share information on the implementation of the Global Jobs Pact in ILO member
States. It is an important aspect of an overall communication and advocacy strategy for incorporating decent work principles in responses to the global jobs
crisis. As of the end of 2011, 58 stories had been added, covering 21 countries. There were 57,375 visits to the site, of which 68 per cent were directed from
search engines. The web site has been complemented by a news alert (eight issues) sent to over 1,100 recipients, including constituents, ILO colleagues, and
staff of diplomatic missions, international organizations, NGOs, think tanks, the news media and academia. The web site can be viewed at:
The joint ILO/IMF conference, “The Challenges of Growth, Employment and Social Cohesion”
Hosted by the Office of the Prime Minister of Norway in Oslo in September 2010, this historic conference brought together leaders from government, labour,
business and academia to tackle the sharp increase in unemployment and underemployment since the 2008 global financial crisis. At the conference, the ILO
Director-General and the Managing Director of the ILO agreed to deepen cooperation between the two organizations in two specific areas: a minimum social
protection floor and promoting policies for employment-focused growth. The follow-up to the conference has also resulted in enhanced policy dialogue,
including joint consultations in Bulgaria, the Dominican Republic, Greece, Romania and Zambia, where the ILO was able to bring social dialogue and
employment concerns into the post-crisis policy discussions on economic recovery. Further information, including the background report written by the ILO
and IMF, is available at: