PLEASE visit another time if you are ill Wash hands upon entering. Bathroom sinks or hand sanitizers are located in the main lobby. Cover coughs or sneezes with a tissue or sleeve. POR FAVOR SI ESTÁ ENFERMO VISÍTENOS EN OTRA OCASIÓN Lave sus manos al entrar. Los lavabos de los baños o desinfectantes para manos están localizados en la sala principal. Cubra sus estornudos o su tos con un pañuelo o su manga. Evite propagar las enfermedades Cúbrase la boca al Toser Cúbrase la boca y la nariz con un pañuelo cuando tosa o estornude. o Tosa o estornude en su manga, no en sus manos. Tal vez le pidan que se ponga una mascarilla para proteger a los demás. Ponga su pañuelo usado en la basura. Límpiese las manos Después de toser y estornudar Para personas discapacitadas, este documento está disponible a su pedido en otros formatos. Para hacer su pedido llame al1-800-525-0127 (TDD/TTY 1-800-833-6388). Lávese con agua y jabón o Límpiese con un limpiador de manos a base de alcohol. Keep Germs to Yourself! Cover Your Cough Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or Put your used tissue in the waste basket. Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve – not your hands. Clean Your Hands Wash vigorously with soap and water or Use an alcohol-based hand cleaner. Stop the spread of germs that make you and others sick! COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM: 360-754-3352 Maine Health and Human Services 24 HOUR RECORDED LINE: 360-786-5470 Public Health THURSTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT 412 LILLY RD NE, OLYMPIA, WA 98506 Keep Germs to Yourself ! Cover your cough or sneezes with a tissue or your sleeve. Don’t forget to throw away the tissue! Wash your hands often for roughly the time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday.” Stay home if you are ill Keep your child home from school or day care if he or she has a fever or is otherwise ill. COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL PROGRAM: 360-754-3352 24 HOUR RECORDED LINE: 360-786-5470 Maine Health and Human Services DEPARTMENT THURSTON COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES Health 412 LILLY Public RD NE, OLYMPIA, WA 98506