SUMMER SCHOOL. 4TH TO 8TH JULY 2016. "THE MOON: FROM LABS TO TOWNS” REAL CENTRO UNIVERSITARIO MARÍA CRISTINA (Paseo de los Alamillos, 2, 28200 San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid) CONTENIDO: INTRODUCTION: THE MOON FROM LABS TO TOWNS THE MOON AND HUMAN HABITABILITY THE MOON AS AN ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY LIVING THE MOON: LAW AND HOUSING PROBLEMS BUILDING THE FUTURE CURSO COMPLETO O 3 JORNADAS 350 EUROS 2 JORNADAS 150 EUROS EL PRIMER DÍA DE CURSO SERÁ OBLIGATORIO PARA TODOS LOS ALUMNOS Y DARÁ COMIENZO A LAS 9.00 H. INFORMACIÓN Y PREINSCRIPCIÓN: AEGORA. [email protected] EL PAGO SE EFCTUARÁ EN METÁLICO EL PRIMER DÍA DE CURSO (4 DE JULIO 2016) NÚMERO DE TELÉFONO: ----91-3944058---ORGANIZAN: AEGORA RESEARCH GROUP INSTITUTO IBEROAMERICANO DE DERECHO AERONÁUTICO Y DEL ESPACIO Y DE LA AVIACIÓN COMERCIAL. 4th July: INTRODUCTION : THE MOON FROM LABS TO TOWNS. - Lecture 1:“Current Perspectives for Lunar exploration and colonization, a global view.” (AEGORA, UCM). - Lecture 2:“The European plans for lunar exploration: Scientific and technological Challenges. (ESA/ESTEC). - ROUND TABLE. The kick-off for Lunar exploration. Representatives of Space Agencies, Engineers 5th July: THE MOON AND HUMAN HABITABILITY. - Lecture 1: Results from Lunar reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) (Planetary Science Institute). Lecture 2: The vision of the Russian Space Agency on the robotic settlements in the Moon. (Russian Academy of Sciences) ROUND TABLE: The pros and cons of human versus robotic exploration of the Moon. Representatives of space agencies, legal advisors. 6th July: THE MOON AS AN ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY - Lectures : The Advantages of the Moon for astronomical observation (Scientist, UCM) ROUND TABLE: Lunar based versus pace based observatories (representatives from the Spanish 10m telescope (GTC) and scientist working from the James Webb Project. Companies representatives). 7th July: LIVING THE MOON : LAW AND HOUSING PROBLEMS - - Lectures:The Legal Framework for Lunar Bases: growing on the experience of the International Space Station. (IIDAEAC Working Group. Legal Advisors) Round Table: International Coordination, law and living in the Moon (IIDAEAC, OOSA, Space Agencies). 8th July: BUILDING THE FUTURE - Finance-based time scales for the lunar exploration. (ISDEFE, CDTI)