th Page 2 October 19 , 2014 Twenty- ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time “Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caeser and to God what belongs to God.” (Matthew 22) th th October 25 &26 , 2014 MASS TIMES MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS LECTOR # 1 LECTOR # 2 Sat. 5:30 p.m. Fr. Ramel Portula, C.I.C.M. & Deacon Donovan Bates, M.; Bates, K.; Jaslow, D.; Jalsow, K.; Obora, H. Cross Bearer: Server 1: Server 2: MacClain Ropp Sun. 8:00 a.m. Fr. Pascual NG. Kumanda, C.I.C.M Joyce, S.; Babiak, J.; Hewitt, R.; Kormos, J.; McCarthy, D. Cross Bearer: Server 1: Server 2: Shoemaker Eastwood Sun. 9:30 a.m. Fr. Ramel Portula, C.I.C.M. Derbyshire, B.; Fraser, M.; Fraser, Z.; Greco, P.; Lekang, D.; Lekang, J.; Stephenson, A. Cross Bearer: Server 1: Server 2: Corrado Bardo Sun. 11:00 a.m. Fr. Pascual NG. Kumanda, C.I.C.M & Deacon Donovan Rivera, S.; Burke, P.; Butler, A.; Cooper, R.; Hines, M.; Horner, F.; Kfoury, D. Cross Bearer: Server 1: Server 2: Rogers Kirincich Sun. 1:30 p.m. Fr. Ramel Portula, C.I.C.M. Blanco, C.; Melendez, M.; Rios, M.; Herrera, V. Check w/ Coordinator Carmen Pineda Wendy Peña Weekday Mass Schedule: 8:30 a.m. Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. – Saturday Next Week’s Readings: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5c-10; Matthew 22:34-40 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturdays: 3:45-5:00 p.m. (in English) Sundays: 1:00 p.m. (in Spanish) Following the 8:30 a.m. Mass on Friday, in the Sanctuary or Chapel, and concludes with Benediction at NOON Lost & Found: This Saturday and Sunday, October 18 and 19, the ushers will have a table set up in the Parish Hall with assorted lost and found items. If you see something that belongs to you, take it. Honor system, please. After that remaining items will be donated to Goodwill. Thank you! New!! Contemplative Prayer Groups Forming Feeling Disconnected Spiritually? Seeking Community? Searching for a relationship with God? Days/Times/Locations: 2:00 pm Tuesday, October 14, Old Chapel in Rectory, 4:30 pm Wednesday, October 15, Room 108, & 7:00 pm Thursday, October 16, Room 105/106 Questions? Contact Lynn Heaton (703) 533-0545 [email protected] Monthly Prayer Intentions of the Holy Father for October 2014 Peace. That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the world most battered by war and violence. World Mission Day. That World Mission Day may rekindle in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Upcoming Dates for Saint Ann Commitment Sunday!!! - Weekend of October 18/19 – Announcement Weekend - Weekend of October 25/26 – Commitment Sunday and In-Pew Process Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish: Betsy Buscher, Edie Hendricks, Ed Masternak, Andy Weatherby, Regina Panca, Michael Elgart, Gwen Leonard, Orwin Dow, Patty Baker, Elizabeth Kirincich, Ann S. Burnett, Jane Hendrix, Stephen McAllister, Richard Simko, Michelle Hunter, Mary Jo Miller, Gerard Brannon, Megan Brennan, Lorraine Blaise, Joan MacClain, Angela Bettenger, Carmen Regio, Angie Cullen, Kathryn Rodriguez, Elizabeth Platt, Gina Johnson, Julie Rossettie, Arline Schroeder, Teresa Berna, Susan Wardynski, Stephen Paulus, Louise McLaughlin, Ronald Weist, Pam Curry, Annina Tucci, Jennifer Brusstar, Barbara Dennison, Norma Pena, The Lewis Family, Leland Tramm, Steve Upton, Karen Bilbo, Julio Perez, Maria Van Order, Pat Lowery th Page 3 October 19 , 2014 th Fr. Mel Blesses the New Saint Ann Church Signs! What a beautiful new addition to the Saint Ann Campus. Saturday, October 18 8:30 a.m. + John Simko Special Intention for the Babiak Family Special Intention of Thanksgiving for the th 45 Wedding Anniversary of Dick & Chris Strasser 5:30 p.m. + Armando Ruben Inchauspe + Rosemary & Edward Balchun + Maria Antonieta De Martini th Credit Union News: Spanish Financial Literacy: The Credit Union is sponsoring a Free Financial Literacy Course in Spanish following the Spanish Mass on Sundays October 19 and November 2. While membership in the Credit Union is limited to Parishioners, this free course is open to all. If you know anyone whose primary language is Spanish who you think would benefit from the course, please invite them to attend. The course will help participants: * Create effective spending and savings plans; * Understand how to access and read their credit reports; * Learn steps to take to rebuild their credit and maintain a good credit record; * Start using creative strategies for saving money. Sunday, October 19 8:00 a.m. No Intention Offered 9:30 a.m. + Mary Helen Wright + Maureen Brady + Irene Less 11:00 a.m. + O.D. Renalds + Robert Clarke, Sr. 1:30 p.m. For the People th Monday, October 20 8:30 a.m. + Arlene Rutledge st Tuesday, October 21 8:30 a.m. + Eugene R. Verrilli nd Fliers are available at the Credit Union. A similar course could be presented in English. If interested, contact Mary Green at [email protected]. Santa Ana Arlington Federal Credit Union auspicia un Curso Gratuito de Educación Financiera: (realizado por el Servicio Extendido de Virginia) a llevarse a cabo Domingo Octubre 19 y Noviembre 2 a las 2:30 pm (despues de la Misa en Español) La membresia en el Credit Union de Santa Ana es limitado a nuestro parroquianos pero el Curso Gratuito es abierto a todos los interesados. El curso ayudara a los participantes a: * Crear planes efectivos de gastos y ahorros * Entender como obtener e interpretar su Reporte de Crédito * Aprender los pasos que necesitan seguir para reconstruir y mantener un buen Reporte de Crédito * Empezar a utilizar estrategias creativas de ahorro La clase se llevará acabo en el Hall de la Parroquia Santa Ana localizado en el 5300 10th St. N. Arlington, VA 22205. La registracion es Gratuita y agradecemos puedan hacerlo con anticipacion para tener suficiente material disponible. Registrarse via email [email protected] Fall Series of the St. Ann Parish Adult Enrichment Program around the theme: Responding to Pope Francis’ Joy of the Gospel. You are invited to hear Antonio Bautista from Hogar Immigrant Services of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Arlington will speak on the topic Welcoming the Stranger. His presentation will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014 from 7:30 –to 9:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. Mr. Bautista will share his own personal story, his work at Hogar, and ways in which individuals and parishes can heed Pope Francis’ call to encounter personally those in need. Wednesday, October 22 8:30 a.m. + James Montgomery rd Thursday, October 23 8:30 a.m. + Theresa Sheppard th Friday, October 24 8:30 a.m. None Offered th Saturday, October 25 8:30 a.m. + Don Stocking 5:30 p.m. + Ernest Buzalski + Don Stocking + Scott Pierce th Sunday, October 26 8:00 a.m. + Don Stocking 9:30 a.m. Special Intention for Fr. Frederic’s Mabe Mizengo’s Birthday + Irene Less 11:00 a.m. + Jeanne Savoie Miller 1:30 p.m. For the People TAKE COMMUNION TO HOSPITAL PATIENTS – TRAINING SESSION October 30, 4:45 pm (Thursday) St. Ann parishioners are taking communion to Catholics in the Virginia Hospital Center, more volunteers are needed for weekdays. You will visit once a week or every other week. Please join us in this valuable ministry. The Hospital's “Volunteer Training” session of about an hour is on October 30 in their auditorium. If you want to explore this option, you could visit with a current Hospital Minister first. We are organized into small teams for each day of the week. After training, you visit patients in one area of the Hospital on a particular day. Call Mary Green, coordinator, 703-850-0971 cell, or 703-5342166 [email protected]. (Mary has the form that the Hospital requires) th Page 4 October 19 , 2014 Faith Formation News 703-528-6199 November 14: November 22: December 5: [email protected] Confirmation with Bishop Loverde Advent Wreath Making Workshop First Scripture Study Meeting Christmas, Christmas Time Is Here… Okay, not quite…but it is definitely time to start thinking about Advent! On Saturday, November 22, at 10a in the Parish Hall, we will have a gathering to make Advent wreaths for home. Big hands and little hands are welcome, and all the necessary supplies will be provided. A donation of $10 is requested. If you would like to participate, please e-mail Laura Ryan at [email protected] to RSVP this week, so we may purchase supplies. A blessing of Advent wreaths (made at this event or brought from home) will be offered at the Masses on the First Sunday of Advent. It’s Ladies’ Night… …or, more precisely, ladies’ morning! We will begin a woman’s gathering for Scripture study, faith sharing and fellowship at 9:30a on December 5. This will allow people time to attend the 8:30a Mass, if desired, then to spend time in Eucharistic Adoration afterwards, if they wish. If you would like to be placed on an e-mail list for more information about this group, please e-mail or call Amy in the Faith Formation office The Good News Saint Ann Catholic School Believe • Achieve • Inspire • Thanks to everyone who came to the Fall Festival last Saturday. Despite the dreary weather, many people of all ages came to enjoy games, food, music, a silent auction and white elephant sale. We are grateful for everyone’s support of the school! • Middle school students continue to pray the rosary daily for the needs of our families, our parish, the Church and the world. A blackboard is filled with prayer intentions, including those for parishioners who are ill or who have passed away. • Sixth-graders have become amateur sleuths while reading The Westing Game, a murder mystery. Students act like detectives by assembling “case files” with characterization charts and context clues. • The student council kicked off “Justice Is Served!” this week, collecting canned or boxed food for the poor every day. Collections will be combined with donations from the parish. Saint Ann Catholic School. . . . The Little School with Big Results Invictus Youth Ministry weekly events are now in full swing! All groups will be meeting in the Common Room. st Bible Study meets Tuesday, October 21 , at 7:30PM. st d.Group meets Tuesday, October 21 , at 8:30PM. th d.Group meets Sunday, October 26 , at 11AM. th Invictus meets Sunday, October 26 , at 12PM. Please continue to turn in registration forms and fees. Interested in volunteering with children? If so, there are many opportunities available, but they all require a background check by the Diocese of Arlington, as well as training on how to preserve a safe environment for minors. Please contact Amy in the Faith Formation office if you want more information on this painless process. Got Sacraments?? This month, the Faith Formation Office will begin offering two “sacramental catch-up” classes. The first is for elementary school aged children who have either been delayed in receiving Baptism and/or First Communion OR who have not received in-class faith formation in both 1st and 2nd grade. The second is for middle and high school aged children who have been delayed in receiving Baptism, First Communion and/or Confirmation OR have not received in-class faith formation in 7th and 8th grade. If you have any questions or wish to enroll your child, please contact Amy in the Faith Formation Office immediately. [email protected] (703) 528-6276 • Adoración al Santísimo todos los primeros viernes del mes en la capilla al las 7:30 P.M. • Reunión de Parejas segundo domingo del mes después de la misa. The 4 Steps of LECTIO DIVINA or Prayerful Reading: 1. Lectio: Read a Scripture passage aloud slowly. Notice what phrase captures your attention and be attentive to its meaning. Silent pause. 2. Meditatio: Read the passage aloud slowly again, reflecting on the passage, allowing God to speak to you through it. Silent pause. 3. Oratio: Read it aloud slowly a third time, allowing it to be our prayer or response to God’s gift of insight to you. Silent pause. 4. Contemplatio: Read is aloud slowly a fourth time, now resting in God’s word. th Page 4 October 19 , 2014 The next blood drive is scheduled for Sunday November 9th from 7:30 AM-12:00PM in Room 105. Please donate and save a life! If you have questions or would like to schedule an appointment. Please call Maria Shirron cell: 571-228-3193 or home 703-243-6787 October 19 World Mission Sunday – Organized by the Society for the Propagation of the Faith, World Mission Sunday is an important day in the life of the Church because it reminds Catholics worldwide about the importance of giving: “…as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration” and for the missionary activity of the Church (see Redemptoris Missio 81). We are reminded, as stewards and disciples, that it is the Lord through His universal Church, who we are called to serve - with the same love that He gives to each of us. Octubre 19 Domingo Mundial de las Misiones – Organizado por la Sociedad de la Propagación de la Fe, el Domingo Mundial de las Misiones es un día importante en la vida de la Iglesia porque recuerda a los católicos del mundo la importancia de dar: “…como un ofrecimiento hecho a Dios, en la celebración Eucarística,” y para la actividad misionera de la Iglesia (ver Redemtoris Missio 81). Nos recuerda, que es al Señor, a través de Su Iglesia universal a quien somos llamados a servir como corresponsables y discípulos, con el mismo amor que Él da a cada uno de nosotros. Thank You Saint Ann Parish! th The Blessing of the Animals on October 4 was a success and we raised $150 in cash and gift cards, as well as three bags of items for the wish list at Arlington Animal Welfare League! Thank you to everyone who helped organize the event and to those families who participated! Book of Remembrance During the month of November, the “Book of Remembrance”, will be available. Please take the time to write down the names of those whom you would like to be included in the intentions of all the Masses offered here during the month of November. Parishioners are also invited to bring a picture of your loved one who has passed away to be displayed in the Church as we pray for all the faithfully departed during November. Mass of Remembrance at St. Ann’s nd On November 2 at the 5:30 p.m. Vigil Mass, there will be a Mass of Remembrance for those who have died and had a funeral here at St. Ann Parish this past year. Families and friends who have experienced a death of a loved one and have had a funeral here at St. Ann’s as well as fellow parishioners are invited. RCIA at St. Ann Parish St. Ann's Parish warmly welcomes anyone unbaptized or baptized in another denomination to explore and inquire about the Catholic faith through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults or RCIA. This program is also beneficial to baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacraments of First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation and are 18 years of age or older. Does that describe youor someone you know? If so, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call our Office of Faith Formation at (703)528-6199 for more information. La Parroquia Santa Ana le de una cordial bienvenida a todos los no bautizados o los bautizados en otra denominación a explorar e indagar acera de la fe católica a través del Rito de Iniciación Cristiana de Adultos o R I C A. Este programa también es de beneficio a los bautizados católicos que aún no reciben los sacramentos de La Primera Comunión y/o Confirmación y ya son mayores de 18 años. ¿Le describe esto a usted o a alguien que usted conoce? Se es así comuníquese con la oficina de Formación de Fe para más información a: [email protected] or 703-528-6199. Why not make a change this Fall in the way you support St. Ann Catholic Church? Sign up with eGiving through Faith Direct, which is the most convenient and secure way for you to make your weekly offering to St. Ann Catholic Church. Making either one-time or automatic contributions through Faith Direct will also save valuable time for both you and our parish staff. To enroll, please visit Faith Direct's website and use our parish code VA366. You can also fill out and mail a Faith Direct enrollment form from the parish office. Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) Pledge Fulfillment We are grateful to everyone who made a pledge or gift to the 2014 BLA as it funds vital programs in our diocese. If you made a pledge, you should be receiving monthly reminder statements or you may go online to to set up pledge payments using a debit or credit card. Please call the BLA office at 703-841-2570 with questions. Thank you.