COLEGIO LA SALLE BUCARAMANGA “Formación Humana Cristiana y Académica de Calidad” GUIA DE REFUERZO Y SUPERACION NOMBRE Y APELLIDO: PERIODO: PRIMERO DOCENTE: Jorge Celis GRADO: SEXTO AREA/ASIGNATURA INGLÉS BÁSICO 2 FECHA ENTREGA FECHA DEVOLUCION CRITERIOS DE EVALUACIÓN COGNITIVOS PRAXIOLOGICOS Reconocimiento y uso de estructuras gramaticales y vocabulario y expresiones. Ejercicios de relacionar, ordenar, clasificar. MAYO 11 CRITERIOS DE EVALAUCION AXIOLOGICOS Y/O ACTITUDINALES Comprensión y seguimiento de indicaciones. Empleo adecuado del tiempo. ESTANDAR 1 Utiliza las estructuras gramaticales del inglés en los contextos comunicativos propuestos en clase y relacionar la palabra con su correspondiente imagen. CALIFICACION I. Please fill in the gaps with the correct pronoun und short form of the verb "to be": IS/ARE/AM 1. Hello. _______ the new teacher. 2. Where is John? - ______under the table. 3. Samantha and Julie! Where are you? - ______here. 4. John and Julie are new. _______at their new school. 5. Julie is late. ______always late. 6. Where's my book? - _________in my bag. 7. My house is in England. _______ a nice house. 8. Children! Where are you all? - ______here! 9. Hi! I am Simon. _____ your new pupil. 10. That is the new teacher. Her name is Mrs Smith. ______ nice. II. Develop the wordsearch. Use the possessive pronouns. 1 Across: 2. I 3 2 5. she 4 5 5 4. we 6. it Down: 1. they 6 3. you 5. he 2. Where is ruler? (I) 3. You left it on desk. (you) 4. Ok, thanks. Where is 5. I like 5. next lesson? (we) dress. (she) clothes are very smart. (he) down 6. Look at the dog chasing tail. (it) 1. Those tourists look a little confused. I think they have lost way. (they) III. Write 5 senteces use This - That – Those – These. CALIFICACION ESTANDAR. 2: Comprende textos literarios, académicos y de interés general, escritos con lenguaje sencillo e identifica elementos culturales en ellos. 1. Read your book “Tom Sawyer” chapter 1 and answer the questions. a. Write the names of the characters you found. b. Who is aunt Polly? c. Describe Tom 2. Now read chapter 2 and draw your favorite part, describe the situation. 3. Read chapter 3 and write the main ideas. ESTANDAR. 3: Describe con frases cortas personas, lugares, objetos o hechos relacionados con temas y situaciones que me son familiares. CALIFICACION 1. Describe your house. UseThere is/there are. Use at least ten lines. ESTANDAR 4: Comprende información general en textos orales y expresa manera sencilla. CALIFICACION ideas de 1. Visit the next page and work on the listening activities(ELEMENTARY): 2. Listen the CD of your book “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” and repeat the text I order to practice your pronunciation. 3. Prepare an oral report in which you describe your house.