Colegio Franciscano del Virrey Solís Bogotá D.C. “Educar para la Justicia, la Paz y las Nuevas Relaciones” English Area SIXTH COMPLEMENTARY ACTIVITY TEACHER CECILIA FALLA DATE NAME CRITERIA GRADE This complementary activity helps you to know something about food groups. This activity has some tips to take into account and present it in class. THE FOOD PYRAMID SHOWS US HOW TO KEEP HEALTHY. IT HAS 6 GROUPS (1) FIRST GROUP: CARBOHYDRATES (2) SECOND GROUP: (3) THIRD GROUP: INCLUDE BREAD, CEREAL, RICE, PASTA, CAKE. CEREAL… FRUITS INCLUDE APPLES, PEACHES, STRAWBERRIES, BANANAS… VEGETABLES INCLUDE CORN, PEAS, TOMATOES, POTATOES… (4) FOURTH GROUP: MEAT (5) FIFTH GROUP: MILK & DRY BEANS INCLUDE FISH, CHICKEN, MEAT, SAUSAGE, HAM, EGGS, RED BEANS… PRODUCTS INCLUDE MILK, CHEESE, BUTTER, ICECREAM, YOGURT… (6) SIXTH GROUP: FATS, OILS AND SWEETS INCLUDE OIL, CANDIES, COOKIES AND E ENGLISH ACTIVITY : You do this activity in class taking into account the food pyramid above. 1. Choose food from magazines or advertisements as (Carulla, Exito, Jumbo, etc). 2. Classify and paste food into each group of pyramid. 3. Name each food group. 4. Bring information of each food group then; write a little paragraph about how these food groups help to Keep our body healthy.