1. Match and complete - CSLP - Colegio Secundario La Plata

Colegio Secundario La Plata
Plan de Continuidad Escolar
Materia: Inglés
Grupo 2 y 3
Prof. Hernán Rodriguez- Fernando Córdova González
1. Match and complete
Hugo Baskerville
died in...
Charles Baskerville
is alive
Henry Baskerville
died in...
The Grimpen Mire is
two towers
The Moor is
is a wet, dangerous place
Baskerville Hall has
an open wide area.
Dr. Mortimer
is a naturalist who lives...
Mr. Barrymore
is the doctor who presents the case
Mr. Stapleton
is a servant in Baskerville Hall
2. Number these events in the story.
a. Watson and Henry Baskeville go to the Baskerville Hall.
b. They see a man with a black beard in a taxi.
c. Dr. Mortimer visits Sherlock Holmes and Watson.
d. Henry Baskerville receives a strange letter.
e. Charles Baskerville dies.
3. Answer
a. Who's your favourite character in the story?
b. What do you think will happen next?
c. Add and describe a new character for the
story. Why would he/she be important?
4. Read chapter 4 and do the reading comprehension
exercises on pages 48 and 49.