THE MASTER GEAR SANTA MARIA, CALIFORNIA No. 1288 9Bor,rd HERSCHEL SCOTT TOM GURNEE HENRY. PETZONI PAUL NEI.5ON 3crc'v-?!.reant Apiil 15 2,to attend, 'the, big PIJAY DAY aud TITACK rVU E't. ou llob Bruce's reservatiorr. Your elub is the backbone of this rnovemeut, so journey over to El Ca. nrino school wey nnd you 'l I see it's glory. it you are haudy with witli a $!op rvatch or youth .ix aU eare to judge;1 ge.t -in .[urr.,h wi1h,, ,;= -. -'CHIPS O$'T' THE GEAR_ 0ONGRATULATIONS to Bob. ' J. Thomas Crow, the uew District Governor uoroiuee from Visalia. Nuruber one fror6 your Rotar-v , Uode of Ethicrs:'"fo cou.:ider ot 4Dlrcctort SETSUO ARATA}.II CTARENCE IYf/\GNER GEORGE SCOTT Reserve L922 T. A. TWTTCHELL ?residcnt vol,. VII-NO. I, Chsrt€red ruy Rotary International MARCH 29, tory. Here'it is ; Santa,llaria nbtary ,CIub was organi zed through the iustrumentality of Wm. Strat- enjoy 'with a certain duty we owe ton Porter, Bt the time he w&g president of the Santa Barbera Rotary Club. Jesse Chambers was named first president of this club. Recorcls show that C. Ir. P*eisker was second .presideut, to be suc- son, a pust-president, who g&ve the club it's greatest boost in member- ship during his Mussoliniship, . . Aee Aratani's son, George, attending Keiagijuku university expecls to return for a visit this summer. . . . Charles Bird of Stochton, hag 18 years' of 100 per cent rttendBnee. . . June L8-23, lg15 had fggg Rotari&ns gathered in San Franciseo for the eonvention-more than 10,000 persons are expected to eonvene tlere ,in Jun€. , . Again, could therc have been any relationehip in trflr. Masonts talk on ,,Air Conditioning" and Preeident Eerscbel's brief nemark on attendance ! Newer members of this elub msy be unacquainted with its early hie- Here's a complete roster at Satsuo Ara[ani:E, .8. Bryant of the club were Orla lld. Cannon,' Ed Canat- teX, Dr. Bert Coblent4 Jeese If. Chambers, Art D. Church, R, E. Arthur F. Fugler, K. B. Frank Johnson, tr'red May, F'rank J. McCoy, Fred MarEaston, Holeman, shall, Olin Marriott, M. D[. purkiss, Chris Rector, Alfred Roemer, Ireo , George Scott. Roget's Thenaunrs lists manJi nouns, adjectivea and verbs after the word "ODOR", which bringu mind. that our attendanso for Febnrary Fas TB.'ll. Thore ano 82 clubs in our district lffi, and the "Whito filpot" of Califomia trailed last Lnt'g try snd attend every meeting pmsible, not beeaure we'rc compelled, but becaue€ of the good fellowship we anh Maria Inn-Tu6d ay-Iz: Ace Britt Eddie E H, Baird-Bob R, A. Bruce-.J. lL Chambers- Jess Lloyd Clemons-,- Clem Wm. H. Conser- BiU Harry H. C. DorseyFtank F. H. Gates-Robert Gooden- Bob Tom H. R. GurnesE. H. HumPhrBY:- Earl IL Y. Katayarna- Henry Tom Thomas LukeY/m. MacDonald- BiU F. L.'MayDutch C. P. MagnerCyril Garratt-- Cy Maure M. MesirowF.rank F. J. McCoyAuggie A. L MollathAllie G. A MartinPatrt Paul Nelson York Y. PetersolE LPetersop- E L. Hank H. E. PezzoniL€o C. L PreiskerSyd Sydney PeckB. Roseblum-: Bert G€orge G. M. Scott-W. W. Stokes-- Walter Ed E. A'Sakaf,$o L P, $ggrsnillerschel Scott- Iferechel Scottis S. F., SinclairT. A I\ritchell- Csp L, D, L: D. WallerProt W. J, IVilsonRugt B. R. GriffiOlT. E; D. Ilolbrooh-Ted George Watern- George tr', O, SherriU- Fred Morris Stephan- Morrlr Owen SilerIr" Membet Iath and Hermhel Scott. to speaher ,8. M. Rotary Club members: Marvin Andrews- Andy Henry B. Ames---,' Henry Gates, R. E. I![cCabe, D, T. Batchelder, H. C. Dorsey, 'W". W. Stokes, Dr. 'Wm. H. Conser, W. J. Wilson, Robert Bnrce, Dr. August IJ. Ifol- P. Searoni, C. Ir, Prcisker and program i--_ by A D. Church, fr_ N. Crawford, I/. D. 'Waller, Frank H.. Charter membens tbe the guqst who at no time enjoys addressiog ,a row of empty chairs. eeeded vocation worthy and &s afforcling me distinct opportunity to Berve $ociety ". o . Salute to Jesse Wil- President Ilemchel, ,eommittee and 1938 1 0