Readings for This Sunday Mass Intentions For This Week

Readings for This Sunday
Calendar of Events
Calendario de Eventos
Sunday, Sept. 18th
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
25 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
1st Reading: Ex 32: 7-11, 13-14/ Exodo
2nd Reading: 1 Tm 1: 12-17/
Gospel: Lk 15: 1-32 or 15: 1-10/ Lucas
Daily Readings for the Week
Monday, September 19, 2016
1st Reading: Prv 3: 27-34 / Proverbios
Gospel: Lk 8: 16-18 / Lucas
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Memorial of St.s. Andrew Kim Tae-Gon and Paul Chong-Ha Sang
1st Reading: Prv 21: 1-6, 10-13 / Proverbios
Gospel: Lk 7: 11-17 / Lucas
Wednesday, September 21, 2016
Feast of St. Matthew
1st Reading: Eph 4: 1-7,11-13 / Efesios
Gospel: Mt 9: 9-13 / Mateo
Thursday, September 22, 2016
1st Reading: Eccl 1: 2-11 / Eclesiastes
Gospel: Lk 9: 7-9 / Lucas
Friday, September 23, 2016
Memorial of St.. Plus of Pietrelcina
1st Reading: Eccl 3: 11 / Eclesiaste
Gospel: Lk 9: 7-9 / Lucas
Saturday, September 24, 2016
1st Reading: Eccl 11: 9-12: 8 / Eclesiaste
Gospel: Lk 9: 43-45 / Lucas
Next Sunday’s Readings
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time
26 Domingo en Tiempo Ordinario
1st Reading: Am 6: 1, 4-7/ Amos
2nd Reading: 1 Tm 6: 11-16 / 1 Timoteo
Gospel: Lk 16: 19-31 / Lucas
Parish Staff Email Contacts
Fr. James Coleman
Fr. Scott Baier:
Christine Vistica:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Domingo, 18 de Septiembre
Coffee & Rolls
Monday, Sept. 19th
Church Cleaning
SP Pastoral Family Gp
Lunes, 19 de Septiembre
Limpieza de la Iglesia
Grupo Pastoral Familiar
Tuesday, Sept. 20th
Martes, 20 de Septiembre
Wednesday, Sept. 21th
Miércoles, 21 de Septiembre
7:00pm Corresponsabilidad con Koren
Thursday, Sept. 22th
Sp Prayer Gp (Rubis)
Friday, Sept. 23th
Jueves, 22 de Septiembre
Gpo de Oracion (Rubis)
7:00pm Apostoles de la palabra (KC)
Viernes, 23 de Septiembre
Sp. Prayer Gp. , Church
7:00 pm
Gpo de Oración, Iglesia
Saturday, Sept. 24th
Sábado, 24 de Septembre
Mass Intentions For This Week
Sat. Sept. 17 5:00 pm
Sun. Sept. 18 7:30 am † Dave Smith
At St. Agnes 9:00am
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
11:30am † Agustine Valle Figeroa
1:30 pm † Maria Isabel Garcia
Tues. Sept. 20 9:00 am † Robert Andrews
Wed. Sept. 21 9:00 am † Mary Lou Rigdon
Thurs. Sept. 22 9:00 am
Fri. Sept. 23 9:00 am
Sat. Sept. 24 5:00pm
Sun. Sept. 25 7:30 am
9:30 am (St. Luke Parishioners)
1:30pm † Reyna Flores
Around the Parish / ALrededor de la Parroquia
¡Atención Miembros de Ministerios y
Miembros de la Parroquia en General!
La próxima fecha para la sesión del prógrama “Corresponsabilidad ” cón Kóren Ruiz, sera
este Miércoles, 21 de Septiembre a las 7pm en el salón Rubis.
Marquen sus calendariós servidóres! Ahí lós esperamós!
Formación Para Adultos
RCIA Formation
Do you feel called to be Catholic?
Are you interested in knowing more about
the Catholic Faith?
Need Adult Baptism, First Communion or
Confirmation? Classes starting in October! Please contact Fr. Scott Baier in the parish office at 503-981-5011.
Registration for
Religious Education
Registration form may be turned in on:
Te sientes llamado a ser Católico?
Estas interesado en conocer mas sobre la fe
Necesita ser el Bautizo, Primera Comunión o la
Confirmación para adultos? Las clases empiezan en
Octubre! Favor de registrarse en la oficina.
Para Catecismo
Forma de registro puede ser entregado:
Monday, 9:30am-12:00pm
Tuesdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Thursdays, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Lunes, 9:30am-12:00pm,
Martes, 3:00pm-5:00pm,
Miércoles, 3:00pm-7:00pm
Jueves, 3:00pm-5:00pm
If this is your first year registering a child, please bring
a copy of the baptismal certificate. There is a $40 fee
per child due together with the completed forms. You
can pick up forms in the parish office or in the Church.
Si este es el primer año que registra a su hijo, favor de
traer su certificado de bautismo. Hay un pago de $40
por niño cunado entregue sus formas completas. Puede
recoger las formas en la oficina parroquial o en la
Classes will begin the last week of September, the 27th,
28th, 29th and October 2nd for the Sunday class.
Last day of registration is September 25th at 8:00am
to 3:00pm at the parish office.
New Members Dinner
We are having a welcome dinner for all the
new members who have recently registered to
the parish. The dinner will be taking place on
Saturday, October 1st at 6:00pm in Rubis
hall. Please RSVP at the church office.
Clases van a empezar el 27, 28, 29 de Septiembre, y el
2 de Octubre para la clase del Domingo.
Ultimo día de registración es el 25 de septiembre
8:00am a 3:00pm en la oficina de la iglesia.
Cena de Nuevos Miembros
Vamos a tener una cena para todas la personas
que se han registrado a la parroquia
recientemente. La cena será el Sábado, 1 de
Octubre a las 6:00pm en el salón Rubis.
Around the Parish/ Alrededor de la Parroquia
St. Luke Feast
Fiesta de San Lucas
The feast of St. Luke is approaching! This
year it will be on Sunday, October 16th.
We will be celebrating St. Luke at all the
masses. The event will begin with a St.
Luke vs. Mt Angel Seminarian soccer
game followed by food in Rubis Hall.
La Fiesta de San Lucas se esta acercando!
Será el Domingo, 16 de Octubre.
Estaremos celebrando a San Lucas en todas
las misas. El evento comenzara con un
partido de fútbol mexicano San Lucas vs.
Seminaristas de Mt Angel siguiendo con la comida en
el salón Rubis.
This will be a BBQ/Potluck, you may bring a main
entrée, salad, side dish or dessert. Please call and let the
office know what you will be bring. We’ll see you all
Esto sera una comida de BBQ y de traje, puede traer un
platillo principal, plato adicional, ensalada, o postre.
Favor de llamar la oficina parroquial para dejarnos
saber lo que puede traer. Los vemos ahí!
Saint Luke Productions Presents…. / La Producción de San Lucas Presenta...
When / Cuando: Tuesday October 18th, 2016
Where / Donde: St Luke Catholic Church
417 Harrison St.
Woodburn OR 97071
Time / Hora:
Admission is a free-will offering / donaciones voluntarias
*The play is in English / La obra es en Ingles*
Maximilian: Saint of Auschwitz, performed by Leonardo
Defilippis of St. Luke Productions, holds a powerfully relevant
message for our culture at a time when religious freedom and
values are under attack. The drama poignantly illustrates the life
of Father Maximilian Kolbe, whose courage in the face of attacks
against his Catholic faith led to his imprisonment in the
Auschwitz concentration camp. He was forced into slave labor,
tortured and finally came forward to take the place of a married
man, who was condemned to death by starvation. Witness Fr.
Maximilian as he boldly confronts the Nazi regime and
asks, “What if they kill us? That would be free passage to
Heaven….In short, we are invincible!”
From Father Coleman
Father Phil Bloom and I recently made our annual visit to Ashland for the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. I share
with you some reflections written by Fr Bloom a good week at the Ashland Shakespeare Festival. We saw five
Shakespeare plays (Timon, Twelfth Night, Winter's Tale, Hamlet & Richard II) plus five others:
Great Expectations based on the novel by Charles Dickens
Vietgone about Vietnamese refugees and how they see the Vietnam War
Yeoman of the Guard - Gilbert & Sullivan musical with a country western setting
The Wiz – musical based on Wizard of Oz
Roe about the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that removed legal protection from unborn children
Roe deals with the most controversial issue so I'd like to say a bit more about it. The playwright, Lisa Loomer, attempts to emulate Shakespeare by portraying all her characters with sympathy. Even though she, the director and
most of the actors lean “pro-choice” they represent “pro-life” characters in a fair manner – far more fairly than the
media who seem incapable of depicting us as people who have hearts and brains.
Lisa Loomer writes that she “it would have been simpler to write a play with ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’” but that she
was “more interested in messy human beings.” The play focuses on two of them: Sarah Weddington, the lawyer
who argued the Roe V. Wade case and Norma McCorvey who was Jane Roe. The latter, abused by men, became
involved in drugs, alcohol and lesbianism. Pregnant and not wanting her child, Sarah Weddington gets Norma to
sign as the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade. The case proceeds but the decision does not arrive in time to abort her baby. She becomes convinced that Weddington used her and did not care about her as a person.
Norma subsequently gets a job at an abortion clinic and begins to realize the reality of abortion: the tiny arms, torso,
head and legs that must be assembled after the abortion to make sure none of the fetal tissue remains inside the
mom. At that point Philip "Flip" Benham and other Operation Rescue workers reach out to her. In 1995 she experiences forgiveness, makes a profession of faith and receives baptism. Three years later her prayer brings her to the
Catholic Church. “After many months of prayer, and many worried nights, I am making the joyous announcement
today that I have decided to join the mother church of Christianity -- by which I of course mean the Roman Catholic
Church,'' she said.
In all of this Norma has a partner named Connie Gonzalez. While Norma's life is an emotional roller coaster, Connie provides a more stable presence. In becoming a Christian Norma renounces homosexual activity but continues a
deep friendship with Connie.
Mark your calendar! Oct 1st from 9:45am-11:45am. St. Luke Church will be hosting the third
session in our seminar series—“Life-Care Issues Planning for Baby Boomers.” This event will
help to answer questions regarding Medicare, Long Term Care, Disability, Life Insurance, Social
Security, and Elder Care issues. What can you do to plan ahead and what options are right for you?
Our own lector coordinator, Linda Reinsch will be presenting along with community experts.
Refreshments will be provided and door prizes will be given away! Contact the church office for
more information.
Financial Peace University
The class will start on October 2nd at 6:00pm. You must pre-register for the class. For more
information please call Mario Sisto at 503-984-2430 or see upcoming bulletins.
Around the
the Parish
Parish// Alrededor
Alrededor de
de la
la Parroquia
We Have A New Deacon! / Tenemos Un Nuevo Diacono!
My name is Deacon John Kucera and I was born and raised in Lewiston, Idaho. Before I went to the seminary
I graduated with a degree in Biology in 2010 thinking I wanted to be a doctor, but God had other plans for me
wanting me to be a doctor of souls instead. In the Fall of 2010 I started at Mount Angel Seminary where I took
two years of philosophy before studying theology. After my second year of theology I did an immersion in
Morelia, Michoacán for 10 weeks where I learned Spanish and was able to practice it a lot during my pastoral in
2014 in Rupert, ID. I was ordained a transitional Deacon last May, and God willing will be ordained a priest for
the Diocese of Boise, ID next June!
Mi nombre es Diacono John Kucera, yo nací y crecí en Lewiston,
Idaho. Antes de que fuera al seminario me gradué con un título en
biología en el 2010 teniendo en mente de ser un doctor, pero Dios
tenía otros planes para mí queriendo que fuera un médico de almas.
En el otoño del 2010 empecé el seminario en Mount Ángel donde
tome dos años de filosofía antes de estudiar teología.
Después de mi segundo año estudiando teología hice una inmersión
en Morelia, Michoacán por 10 semanas donde aprendí español y
tuve la oportunidad de practicarlo mucho durante mi pastoral el
2014 en Rupert, ID. Fui ordenado diacono transitorio en mayo, y
con Dios dispuesto me ordenara sacerdote para la Diócesis de
Boise, ID el próximo junio.
St. Agnes Corner / Santa Inez
Craft Bazaar Coming Soon
St. Agnes will again host a Craft Bazaar on November 12, 2016 from 9:30am to 4:00pm. A wide
variety of handcrafted items are needed. If you are a
crafter and would like a table, please call Mary
Bowman at 503-982-0367 or Anne Hilgers at
The annual St. Agnes yard sale will be Friday
and Saturday, September 30th and October
1st, 2016 at St. Agnes Mission in Hubbard from
9:00am-4:00pm. There will be furniture, tools,
electronic, and household items. If you have
something to donate for the sale and would like
a pick up, please call Al and Anne Hilgers at
Help or Assistance / Ayuda o Asistencia
St. Vincent de Paul
To contact St. Vincent de Paul for assistance please call
(971) 338-1074. Your call will be returned within
48 hours. (Monday-Friday)
St Vincent de Paul Food Bank
Open: on the 2nd and 4th
Thursday of the month.
(Closed on Holidays)
Hours: 5:00pm-7:00pm
San Vicente de Paul
Para contactar a San Vicente de Paul para ayuda
favor de llamar al (971) 338-1074. Le regresaremos su
llamada dentro de 48 horas. (Lunes–Viernes)
Banco de Comida
Abierto: cada 2º y 4º
Jueves del mes.
(excepto días festivos)
Horario: 5:00pm a 7:00pm
Pray for the Sick of our Parish
Orad por los Enfermos de la Parroquia
Vicki Spencer
Margaret Krupicka
Theresa (Terry) Seaton
Martina Ybarra
Evangelina Tapia
Luz Gonzalez
Bob & Cleo Miley
Kevin Bernabe
David De La Vega
Bob Hartsook
Hilda Vicente
Gracie Garcia
Juan Antonio Tarula
Carmen Navarro
Marilu Will
Felipe Delgado Garcia
Rita Henkes
Irene Saucedo
Online Giving
To donate according to our online giving system, go to the
parish website, and look
for the link, DONATE. We pay some small fees when you
make an online gift. The best method to pay, that charges
us the least, is to enter your checking information for a
bank account transfer. These can be one time or recurring.
This can be helpful if you sometimes forget your donation
or for when you might be sick or on vacation.
The website also offers payment through debit and credit
cards, but these charge more of a fee to the parish. The
best way is to pay using your checking account.
Please Remember St. Luke In Your Will
Please use the following language when making your estate plans: “I give, devise, and bequeath _________
(Describe gift and purpose) to St. Luke Catholic Church,
Woodburn, Oregon (Our official legal name). It is understood in making this gift that it can only be used by St.
Luke Catholic Church, Woodburn, Oregon.
Pray for those in Harms Way
Chase Cowley, USMC 
Alexania Ramos
Chavez, USMC
Tanya Quiñones,
Ezequiel Cervantes, US
Kelly Berkey, USMC
Joe Lonergan,
US Army
Thomas K. Demelo,
NOTE: Please help us keep our list current and let us
know who needs to be added or removed. Thank
NOTA: Ayúdenos a estar al corriente con nuestra lista
y hacernos saber si alguien tiene que ser agregado o
eliminado de la lista. Gracias.
Advertiser of the Week
Woodburn therapeutic massage
Please support our Advertisers!
Their ad on the back supports the printing of
this bulletin.
Ministry to the Sick & Homebound
Holy Communion Can be brought to the sick or
anyone who’s unable to come to church. To arrange this
service for yourself or for a loved one please contact the
parish office at (503) 981-5011. Thank you .
La comunión puede ser llevada a una
persona enferma que no pueda venir a la
iglesia. Para poder organizar este servicio
para usted o para un ser querido favor de
contactar la oficina parroquial al
(503) 981-5011.
To have a St. Luke Parish registration form sent to you please fill out this temporary form and drop it in the Sunday
collection basket
Para obtener una forma de registro de San Lucas por favor rellene esta forma temporal y ponerla en la canasta de la
Address/ Domicilio______________________________________________________________________________
Zip Code/CodigoPostal________________________
□New Parishioner/ Nuevo a la Parroquia □Would like envelopes/ Desea Sobres □New Address/ Nuevo Domicilio