CONFIERE CRÉDITOS LEED REVESTIMIENTO DECORATIVO IMPERMEABILIZANTE FIBRORREFORZADO A BASE DE AGUA PARA LA PROTECCIÓN DEL HORMIGÓN USO PROFESSIONALE • FOR PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. è consigliato per impermeabilizzare muri di fondazione in calcestruzzo. • MODALITÁ D’IMPIEGO. La superficie da trattare deve essere asciutta, pulita e priva di parti di distacco. Le parti friabili vanno eliminate e ricostruite. Per l’adesività sulle superfici porose e secche, è consigliabile la stesura una mano di diluita al 30% con acqua. va mescolato prima dell’uso con trapani mmani di prodotto. Non eccedere nel consumo per mano per non l’evaporazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto applicato. • CONSUMI. 0,500 kg/m2 per mano. I GB D F NL ONE-COMPONENT A MONOCOMPONENTE RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING TO BE MEHANICALLY MI E D SPRAY APPLICATION TO BE APPLIED BY PLASTERING TROWEL APPLICARE A SPRUZZO APPLICARE CON FRATTAZZO MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE MINIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE APPLICARE CON PENNELLO APPLICARE CON RULLO TEMPERATURA MIN. DI APPLICAZIONE KEEP AWAY FROM FROST USE SUITABLE PROTECTION STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO UTILIZZARE DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONE INDIVIDUALI D.P.I. + 5ϒC • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. H2O TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER I GB WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER BASED VEICOLO ACQUA TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. D F NL 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona - ITALY Partita kg e • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. USO PROFESSIONALE • FOR PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. è consigliato per impermeabilizzare muri di fondazione in calcestruzzo. • MODALITÁ D’IMPIEGO. La superficie da trattare deve essere asciutta, pulita e priva di parti di distacco. Le parti friabili vanno eliminate e ricostruite. Per l’adesività sulle superfici porose e secche, è consigliabile la stesura una mano di diluita al 30% con acqua. va mescolato prima dell’uso con trapani mmani di prodotto. Non eccedere nel consumo per mano per non l’evaporazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto applicato. • CONSUMI. 0,500 kg/m2 per mano. I GB D F NL ONE-COMPONENT A MONOCOMPONENTE TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING TO BE MEHANICALLY MI E D SPRAY APPLICATION TO BE APPLIED BY PLASTERING TROWEL APPLICARE A SPRUZZO APPLICARE CON FRATTAZZO • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. D • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. H2O VEICOLO ACQUA TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE MINIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE KEEP AWAY FROM FROST APPLICARE CON RULLO TEMPERATURA MIN. DI APPLICAZIONE USE SUITABLE PROTECTION D.P.I. + 5ϒC APPLICARE CON PENNELLO I GB WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER BASED ELASTOLIQUID STRONG STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO UTILIZZARE DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONE INDIVIDUALI • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. F NL 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona - ITALY Partita kg e • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. CARACTERÍSTICAS MONOCOMPONENTE BASE AL AGUA MODO DE EMPLEO IMPERMEABLE PROBLEMA IMPERMEABILIZAR SUPERFICIES DE HORMIGÓN SOMETIDAS A TRANSITABILIDAD Y ESFUERZOS MECÁNICOS ECO GREEN APLICACIÓN CON PINCEL APLICACIÓN CON RODILLO APLICACIÓN TEMPERATURA CON LLANA DE APLICACIÓN SOLUCIÓN SECTORES DE EMPLEO ELASTOLIQUID STRONG es un revestimiento elastomérico impermeabilizante, listo para usar, a base de polímeros sintéticos en dispersión acuosa, con agregado de fibras especiales que aumentan la resistencia a la transitabilidad continua y a los esfuerzos mecánicos en general. Después del secado, ELASTOLIQUID STRONG forma una película resistente que se adhiere perfectamente sobre los elementos sobre los que se aplica. ELASTOLIQUID STRONG está recomendado para revestir e impermeabilizar techos de hormigón. Se utiliza para la impermeabilización de terrazas de hormigón antes de encolar las losas de gres o clinker, y en términos más generales, en las superficies con geometría compleja donde no se posible aplicar membranas de bitumen-polímero. ELASTOLIQUID STRONG es apto para impermeabilizar terrazas con pisos de hormigón, membranas de bitumen-polímero autoprotegidas con escamas de pizarra o grava mineral. Sobre las membranas de bitumen-polímero viejas o sobre revestimientos bituminosos, la adhesión varía según el grado de envejecimiento de los revestimientos. En este caso, es necesario verificar la capacidad de adhesión de ELASTOLIQUID STRONG antes de aplicarlo. VENTAJAS Las membranas líquidas impermeabilizantes tradicionales no son aptas para soportar la transitabilidad continua y, en general, no resisten esfuerzos mecánicos intensos. MEZCLAR MECÁNICAMENTE +5°C +35°C • Mayor resistencia a la transitabilidad y a los esfuerzos mecánicos. • Reduce la degradación debida a la carbonatación del hormigón. • Óptima resistencia a los rayos ultravioletas. • No es inflamable. • Producto atóxico. MODO DE EMPLEO • PREPARACIÓN DEL SOPORTE Las superficies deben estar bien limpias, secas y sin impurezas ni polvo. Los agujeros, las fisuras y las cavidades se deben reparar con argamasa RESISTO UNIFIX (1) • PREPARACIÓN DE LA PASTA Para superficies muy ‘harinosas’ y polvorientas, se aconseja dar una mano de fondo con ELASTOLIQUID diluido en 30% de agua. ELASTOLIQUID STRONG se debe mezclar adecuadamente en el envase antes de usar. El producto está listo para usar y no se aconseja la dilución con agua; si fuese necesario, diluir como máximo con 10% de agua (2). • APLICACIÓN La aplicación se puede realizar con rodillo, espátula y pincel. Se aconseja aplicar dos manos cruzadas; la segunda mano se debe aplicar sobre la película de la primera mano seca (3). Las superficies deben tener una inclinación mínima de 3% y, de todos modos, suficiente como para permitir el drenaje del agua de lluvia. No es apto para superficies planas con estancamiento de agua prolongado. CONSUMO El consumo de material depende de la naturaleza y del grado de porosidad del soporte, así como del espesor que se desea lograr. Con dos manos, que equivalen a un consumo de 1,5-2 Kg/m2, se obtiene un espesor medio de película seca de 0,8 mm. ADVERTENCIAS PARA LA COLOCACIÓN • Mantener los contenedores cerrados antes del uso. • No es a prueba de hie1 lo. Conservar a temperaturas >+5° C. • Aplicar a temperaturas entre +5° C y +35° C. • Aplicar ELASTOLIQUID STRONG sólo sobre superficies con drenaje regular de agua; no aplicar sobre superficies sujetas a estancamiento de agua. • No aplicar con mucha humedad o con riesgo de lluvia mientras la película se está secando. • ELASTOLIQUID STRONG no es un producto apto para la transitabilidad. Se puede transitar sobre él sólo para el mantenimiento periódico. • No se aconseja la aplicación sobre superficies bituminosas nuevas que presentan en general afloramientos de hidrocarburos que impiden la perfecta adhesión de la película de ELASTOLIQUID STRONG. (continua) 2 3 USO PROFESSIONALE • FOR PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. è consigliato per impermeabilizzare muri di fondazione in calcestruzzo. • MODALITÁ D’IMPIEGO. La superficie da trattare deve essere asciutta, pulita e priva di parti di distacco. Le parti friabili vanno eliminate e ricostruite. Per l’adesività sulle superfici porose e secche, è consigliabile la stesura una mano di diluita al 30% con acqua. va mescolato prima dell’uso con trapani mmani di prodotto. Non eccedere nel consumo per mano per non l’evaporazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto applicato. • CONSUMI. 0,500 kg/m2 per mano. I GB D F NL ONE COMPONEN T A MONOCOMPONENTE RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING TO BE MEHANICALLY MI E D SPRAY APPLICATION I USO PROFESSIONALE • FOR PROFESSIONALE USE ONLY • CAMPI D’IMPIEGO. è consigliato per impermeabilizzare muri di fondazione in calcestruzzo. • MODALITÁ D’IMPIEGO. La superficie da trattare deve essere asciutta, pulita e priva di parti di distacco. Le parti friabili vanno eliminate e ricostruite. Per l’adesività sulle superfici porose e secche, è consigliabile la stesura una mano di diluita al 30% con acqua. va mescolato prima dell’uso con trapani mmani di prodotto. Non eccedere nel consumo per mano per non l’evaporazione dell’acqua contenuta nel prodotto applicato. • CONSUMI. 0,500 kg/m2 per mano. GB WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER BASED TO BE APPLIED BY PLASTERING TROWEL • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. I GB D F D • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. H2O VEICOLO AC U A MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER MINIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE APPLICARE CON PENNELLO APPLICARE CON RULLO TEMPERATURA MIN. DI APPLICAZIONE APPLICARE A SPRUZZO APPLICARE CON FRATTAZZO KEEP AWAY FROM FROST USE SUITABLE PROTECTION STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO UTILIZZARE DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONE INDIVIDUALI D.P.I. + 5ϒC NL ONE COMPONEN T A MONOCOMPONENTE • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING RIVESTIMENTO ELASTOMOERO-BITUMINOSO ALL’ACQUA WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING kg e TO BE MEHANICALLY MI E D SPRAY APPLICATION TO BE APPLIED BY PLASTERING TROWEL • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. D • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. H2O MESCOLARE MECCANICAMENTE TO BE APPLIED BY BRUSH TO BE APPLIED BY ROLLER MINIMUM APPLICATION TEMPERATURE APPLICARE CON PENNELLO APPLICARE CON RULLO TEMPERATURA MIN. DI APPLICAZIONE APPLICARE A SPRUZZO APPLICARE CON FRATTAZZO KEEP AWAY FROM FROST USE SUITABLE PROTECTION STOCCAGGIO: TEME IL GELO UTILIZZARE DISPOSITIVI DI PROTEZIONE INDIVIDUALI D.P.I. + 5ϒC • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. I GB WATER-BASED ELASTOMER/BITUMINOUS COATING WATER BASED VEICOLO AC U A F NL 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona - ITALY Partita • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. F NL 37060 Castel d’Azzano - Verona - ITALY Partita kg e • APPLICATIONS. is recommended to waterproof foundations walls made in concrete. • DIRECTIONS. The surface to be treated has to be dry, clean and with no detaching parts. Weak parts have to be eliminated and replaced with new material. In order to improve the adhesive onto porous and dry surfaces, it is recommended to previously spread a first layer consisting in a 30% water-diluted . has to be mixed before use with mechanic drills. Application can be made with brushes, rollers or spraying devices. • CONSUMPTION. 0.5 kg/square metre/year. 3a DIVISIÓN CARACTERÍSTICAs TÉCNICas ELASTOLIQUID STRONG Aspecto Color Peso específico (densidad) a 23° C (UNI EN ISO 2811-1) Flexibilidad con frío Extracto seco (UNI EN ISO 3251) Tiempo de secado fuera del polvo Elongación máxima de la película de 1,4 mm (norma NFT 46002) Carga máxima de la película de 1,4 mm (norma NFT 46002) Flexibilidad con frío (–5° C) de la película de 1,2 mm (UNI EN ISO 1109) Conservación en el envase original líquido pastoso Gris RAL 7004 Rojo RAL 3009 1,40±0,05 Kg/l –5° C 64±3% 4-8 horas 100÷250% 15-30 Kg/cm2 supera la prueba 12 meses (segue) sario combinarlo con el refuerzo RINFOTEX. utilización del producto. Considerando las numerosas posibilidades de empleo y la posible interferencia de elementos que no dependen de nosotros, no asumimos ninguna responsabilidad respecto de los resultados. El Comprador debe establecer bajo su propia responsabilidad la idoneidad del producto para el empleo previsto. agua. • Después del uso, limpiar las herramientas con agua y, si el producto se hubiese secado, se aconseja removerlo con aguarrás o agua caliente. • Si se aplica ELASTOLIQUID STRONG sobre membranas de bitumen-polímero enarenadas colocadas sobre paquetes aislantes, es nece- NORMAS DE SEGURIDAD ADVERTENCIAS GENERALES • Evitar el contacto con los ojos. • No arrojar residuos en sumideros. PACKAGING Cubo de Cubo de 20 kg. 5 kg. UTILIZAR DISPOSITIVOS DE PROT. INDIVIDUAL Pu - 1.000 - 07/2011ita • PARA EL EMPLEO CORRECTO DE NUESTROS PRODUCTOS CONSULTE LOS PLIEGOS TÉCNICOS INDEX • PARA OBTENER MAYOR INFORMACIÓN O PARA USOS ESPECIALES, DIRÍJASE A NUESTRA OFICINA TÉCNICA Internet: e-mail Inform. Tecniche Commerciali: [email protected] e-mail Amministrazione e Segreteria: [email protected] e-mail Index Export Dept.: [email protected] Via G. Rossini, 22 - 37060 Castel D’Azzano (VR) - Italy - C.P.67 - Tel. 045.8546201 - Fax 045.518390 © INDEX S.p.A. socio del GBC Italia Los datos expuestos son datos medios indicativos y relativos a la producción actual. INDEX S.p.A. se reserva el derecho de modificarlos y/o actualizarlos en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso. Las sugerencias e información técnica suministradas representan nuestros mejores conocimientos respecto a las propiedades y la • En el caso en que se prevea el uso de un revestimiento bituminoso nuevo, la membrana del último estrato deberá ser del tipo pizarra. • En el caso de pintura de viejos revestimientos bituminosos, se deberá verificar la adherencia de ELASTOLIQUID STRONG y eventualmente eliminar el polvo soluble en agua presente en la superficie con una lavadora a chorro de