The Asociación Latinoamericana de Teoría Económica (ALTE)

The Asociación Latinoamericana de Teoría Económica (ALTE) and the
Departamento de Economía of the Universidad Nacional del Sur sponsor the X
Jornadas Latinoamericanas de Teoría Económica (Latin-American Meeting of
Economic Theory) to be held on October 5-7th, 2009, in Bahía Blanca
Perspective contributors are invited to submit complete papers by August 3,
2009 at the following e-mail address:
[email protected] (subject: JOLATE submission). Dra. Silvia London
[email protected] Academic Committee
Papers on any branch of Economic Theory (General Equilibrium Theory, Game
Theory, Agency Problems, Mathematical Models of Environmental Economics,
etc.) are welcome, preferably in .pdf, .doc or .rtf format. The papers, 30 pages
long or less, should include a brief abstract both in English and Spanish and at
least one JEL code. Submissions must be accompanied by a pre-registration
Accepted papers, upon agreement of the author(s) will be published in the
Proceedings of the Meeting.
The Brazilian Journal of Business Economics (BJBE) will dedicate a special
issue to papers presented at the X JOLATE. The BJBE is a general economics
journal, covering a wide range of economic issues. BJBE is ranked “B” by
CAPES foundation, an official institution of the Brazilian Ministry of Education
responsible for evaluating and certificating all graduate level courses in the
country. That journal is also indexed in the EconLit and it is included in the database of the EBSCO Publishing. After the meeting, authors are invited to submit
their papers after the conference for consideration for publication in BJBE,
subject to the usual refereeing process. Papers can be sent by email to the
Editor, Jose Angelo Divino, at the address: [email protected]. The BJBE
looks forward to receive your submission.
The Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems International Journal
( invites to submit papers mainly related to
models intended to prospect and evaluate social end economical situations.
Mathematical techniques include, but are not limited to, time series forecasting,
inference procedures, stochastic and/or dynamic systems, modeling of
biological systems, optimization, computational and knowledge-based
representations of organizations, cultural, and societal structures, as well as any
other method able to predict the future behavior of these systems are welcome.
After the meeting, authors are invited to submit their papers to the usual
referring process.
The accepted submissions will be either allotted 20 minutes plus 10 more
minutes for discussions or just 20 minutes for exposition and Q&A. Up to 20
papers will be selected for each category of presentation.
The official language of the Meeting is Spanish, but papers may also be
presented in English.
Submitting authors should commit to attend the Meeting. Doctoral students are
eligible for partial funding.
Important Dates:
Paper Submission: August 3.
Notification of acceptance: September 4.
JOLATE Meeting: October 5-7
Academic Committee
• Elvio Accinelli, UASLP, México
• Silvia London, UNS-CONICET, Argentina
• Alejandro Neme, IMASL-CONICET, Argentina
• Fernando Tohmé, UNS-CONICET, Argentina
• Jorge Oviedo, , IMASL-CONICET, Argentina
• Gabriel Brida, Universidad Libre de Bolzano, Italia
• Federico Weinschelbaum, UDESA, Argentina
• Leandro Arozamena, UTDT-CONICET, Argentina
• Jorge Rivera, UC, Chile.
• Wilfredo Maldonado, UCB, Brasil
Organizing Committe
• Silvia London (Chair)
Fernando Tohmé
Karina Temporelli
Mara Rojas
Pablo Monterrubianessi
María Marta Formichella
Natalia Kruger
Normal registration fee: U$S 50
Graduate student fee: U$S 25.
Undergraduate students: free
The organizing committee will grant 4 scholarships (covering lodging in Bahía
Blanca and registration fees) to non-Argentinean graduate students. Only
authors of accepted papers are eligible, based on the quality of their papers.
Interest in this possibility must be explicitly stated in the pre-registration form
that has to accompany the submission.
Previous JOLATE Meetings
The JOLATE Meetings series started in 1999 in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, under
the title “New Trends in Economic Theory”. Since then they were held at San
Luis, Argentina (2000); Punta del Este, Uruguay (2001); Mexico City (2002);
Santiago, Chile (2003); San Luis Potosí, Mexico (2005); Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
(2006) jointly with the Symposium of Mathematical Economics in honor of
Aloisio Araujo; Medellín, Colombia (2007) and San Luis, Argentina (2008).
Sponsoring institutions were, among others, Universidad Nacional del Sur
(Argentina), Universidad Nacional de San Luis (Argentina), Universidad de la
República (Uruguay), UNAM (Mexico), ITAM (Mexico), Universidad de San Luis
Potosí (Mexico), Universidad de Chile (Chile) and IMPA (Brasil). The JOLATE
Meetings are recognized by the Econometric Society as a companion to its
Latin American Meetings.
During the last meeting, the Asociación Latinoamericana de Teoría Económica
(Latin-American Association of Economic Theory) was created. The current
president is Elvio Accinelli (USLP- México). Luis Quintas (UNSL- Argentina) and
Silvia London (UNS-CONICET, Argentina) are the Association’s vice-president
and academic secretary, respectively.
(Please complete this form and send together with your contribution to the X
JOLATE Meeting. Send it by email to [email protected], or by fax to 54-2914595138)
TITLE OF THE PAPER:___________________________________________
AUTHOR(s) (highlight the name of the presenter): _______________________
AFFILIATION: ___________________________________________________
ACADEMIC DEGREE: ____________________________________________
short ___
ABSTRACT (Spanish) :