GRAMMAR. UNIT 1. Present Perfect and Past Simple. El Present

Present Perfect and Past Simple.
El Present Perfect Simple se usa en los siguientes casos:
Acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado, sin especificar cuándo han ocurrido. Se hace
referencia a experiencias generales.
He has visited England several times.
I have never been to Italy.
Have you ever tried Indian food?
Acciones ocurridas en el pasado cuyos efectos son visibles en el momento actual.
Jill is home in bed. She has caught a cold.
I have already finished. I’m bored now.
Acciones que empezaron en el pasado y aún continúan. La frase suele llevar las
preposiciones for o since.
We have been friends for years.
I haven’t seen her since Wednesday.
Acciones que acaban de terminar.
Tom and Fred have just left the party.
Acciones que hacen referencia a un tiempo o situación que aún es presente, aunque
hayan comenzado en el pasado.
We have had a lot of exams this week.
Isabel Allende has written lots of books. She has just published her last novel.
Cervantes wrote Don Quijote.
Con el Present Perfect Simple se suelen utilizar las siguientes expresiones temporales
y adverbios:
Ever: Have you ever been to London? This is the most boring book I have ever read. I
haven’t ever seen a house like that.
Never: She has never called me.
Always: You’ve always been her friend
Already: We have already finished the exam.
Yet: He hasn’t found her glasses yet. Has the bus left yet?
Just: They have just arrived.
For: I have been a teacher for ten years.
Since: I have been a teacher since 2.004.
Recently: Has Lisa phoned you recently?
Lately: Jim has been ill lately.
Several times: We have seen the film several times.
So far: Nadal has won ten tennis tournaments so far.
En general expresiones que hagan referencia a un tiempo o situación presente: this
week, in my life…
I have been to the supermarket (he ido y he regresado)
The children have gone to the pool (Han ido y todavía están allí)
How long have you had these shoes?
I have had them for two years.
I have had them since last Christmas.
El Past Simple se utiliza para:
Acciones ocurridas en un momento concreto del pasado. Se especifica cuándo. No
guardan relación con el presente.
He didn’t watch tv last night.
Acciones consecutivas que ocurrieron en el pasado.
Yesterday I went to school, but I became ill and I returned home.
Expresiones temporales con Past Simple:
Yesterday, in 1990, last…, a week…ago.
How long ago did you buy those shoes?
I bought them last week.
Complete the text using the Present Perfect or Past Simple.
My friend George was born in New York, but when he __________________ (be) two years
old, his family _________________ (move) to Chicago. He ____________________ (live) in
Chicago most of his life. George _________________ (always, love) computers. In fact, his
parents ___________________ (buy) him his first computer when he __________________
(be) only five years old.
George also loves basketball. He _______________ (be) a big fan of the Chicago Bulls ever
since they _________________ (win) the NBA in 1998. George __________________ (never,
miss) a game. He usually watches his team on TV, but he __________________ (also see) them
play in the stadium many times.
Complete the sentences with YET – ALREADY AND JUST
1. We aren’t late. The programme hasn’t started ___________.
2. I’ve ___ seen that film. I saw it last year.
3. You’ve ___ missed the bus. It left a minute ago.
4. We’ve ___ eaten. We had lunch an hour ago.
5. She’s tired because she’s ___ woken up.
6. Have you finished this unit ___ ?
Complete the sentences with the past simple or the present perfect.
1. ____ you ___ (watch) tv last night?
2. Paul ___ (run) away from homer when he was 13.
3. They ___ (not go) to a concert before.
4. I ___ (not like) my brother when I was younger.
5. She is the most tolerant person I ___ ever ___ (meet).
6. ___ he ___ (have) any problems since last week?
Complete the text with FOR – SINCE – AGO.
I’ve known Rachel, my best friend, ___ a long time. We met at primary school 30 years
___. We’ve stayed good friends ___ then, even though I moved to a different town a
few years ___. I haven’t seen Rachel _____ last summer and we haven’t written ____ a
few months. But she’s still my best friend!.
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
Did – yet – for – already – has – ago - just – since – was – hasn’t
1. Quick! Someone has .... stolen my purse.
2. Ricky’s been insecure .... he was young.
3. Who .... you see at the party?
4. What ... Angelica wearing?
5. My parents got married sixteen years ...
6. Don’t move! I haven’t taken the photo ...
7. I’ve ... met Gerard. We met last year.
8. Amy’s left school but she ... found a job.
9. We waited in the library .... half an hour.
10. My dad ..... never been abroad.
Write the words in the correct order.
1. a / bought / yesterday / Mark / for / I / present.
2. in / who / the / hugging / you / in / photo / were /?
3. he / people / any / meet / interesting / didn’t
4. long / we / them known / for / time / a / have.
5. screamed / when / everyone / door / opened / the
6. that / you / yet / have / seen / film / new / ?
7. ago / started / lesson / minutes / the / twenty.
8. you / books / who / the / gave /?
9. has / an / sent / aunt / email / never / my
10. school / I / raining / ran / because / to / was / it
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.
1. We … (visit) America last summer.
2. The film … just … (start).
3. It started raining while we … (walk) home.
4. Tom … (play) football when he fell over.
5. The party was boring so we … (not stay).
6. I … already … (eat).
7. The teacher … (get) angry because nobody was listening.
8. … anyone … (go) to the new shopping centre?
9. When we … (come) home, we saw the news.
10. Ssssh! The baby … (not wake) up yet.
Complete the dialogue with phrases in the box.
How have you been? Where have you been? Good to see you around again
What was it like?
I haven’t seen you for ages.
I haven’t seen you for ages Anyway I’d better go
What were you doing there?
Chris Julie, How are you?
(1) ______________________
Julie I know. I’ve been away for a few weeks.
Chris Really? (2) _________________________
Julie I’ve been to Norway with seven other people.
Chris Norway? (3) ____________________________
Julie We were helping some scientists there.
Chris Cool! (4) ____________________________
Julie Freezing! But it was an incredible experience. What about you?
(5) ___________________
Chris Not bad, but I haven’t done anything interesting like you.
Julie (6) __________________________ I’ve got geography now.
Chris OK. (7) _______________________-