Rana dedos delgados labios anchos (Plectrohyla pycnochila)

Rana dedos delgados labios anchos
(Plectrohyla pycnochila)
N omb res comu n es: Ranita de labio grueso (Español) / Thick-lipped spikethumb frog (Inglés)
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Range description 1,2
This species is known only from the Meseta Central of Chiapas, in northern San Cristobal de las Casas,
Mexico, at 2,400m asl.
Habitat and ecology 1,2
Hab i tat an d Ecol ogy
It occurs in pine-oak forests, presumably inhabiting and breeding in mountain streams.
Iucn red list assessment 1,2
R ed Li st Category
Critically Endangered
R ed Li st Cri teri a
Versi on
Year Assessed
Needs updating
Georgina Santos-Barrera, Luis Canseco-Mrquez
R evi ewer/s
Global Amphibian Assessment Coordinating Team (Simon Stuart, Janice Chanson, Neil Cox and Bruce
Con tri b u tor/s
Ju sti fi cati on
Listed as Critically Endangered because its Extent of Occurrence is less than 100km2, all individuals are
in a single location, and there is continuing decline in the extent and quality of its habitat in Chiapas,
Population 1,2
Pop u l ati on
This is a rare species.
Pop u l ati on Tren d
Threats 1,2
M aj or Th reats
The major threat to the species is clear-cut logging of its forest habitat, and transformation of the forest
to agricultural land. Chytridiomycosis might also be a threat, since this is a high-elevation streamdwelling species, and declines due to the disease have already been detected in other species of this
Conservation actions 1,2
Con servati on Acti on s
The range of this species does not include any protected areas, and protection of the forested areas
surrounding San Cristobal de las Casas is needed. This species is listed as "Threatened" (Amenazada)
by the Mexican government. In view of the threat of chytridiomycosis, the population status of this
species should be closely monitored, and ex-situ populations might need to be established.
1. Georgina Santos-Barrera, Luis Canseco-Mrquez 2004. Plectrohyla pycnochila. In: IUCN 2014 . IUCN
Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1 . <www.iucnredlist.org>
2. © International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, some rights reserved