Jesus tells us good news.

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January 24, 2016
3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus tells us good news.
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I tell good
are !
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In his Gospel (Luke 1.1-4; 4.14-21), Luke
pictures Jesus as a man with good news
to tell. Jesus actually is the good news,
the Messiah sent by God to bring justice and peace to the
world. Seeds provides activities which help children to
experience the many ways they tell good news to others
and others pass on good news to them. They learn a new
way to tell good news about God the creator by praying in
sign language. Have your child teach you the gestures, so
you can praise God for creation together.
Take a walk or drive with your child. Look for something
that is good news by each house or in each block.
Examples: flowers, a shoveled sidewalk, a colorful flag,
people waving or greeting, people obeying traffic laws. The
first person who spots something says, “I see good news,”
and points out what he or she sees.
Nihil Obstat: George W. Brucker Imprimatur: +Edward B. Scharfenberger, Bishop of Albany, October 30, 2015. SEEDS Copyright © 2016 by Pflaum Publishing Group, a division of Bayard, Inc. Editor: Therese Sherlock, CSJ.
Printed in the U.S. Material in this issue may not be reproduced in whole or in part in any form or format without special permission from the publisher.
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ood news.
En este Evangelio, Lucas imagina a Jesús
como un hombre con buenas nuevas que
contar. En realidad, Jesús es la buena
noticia; él es el Mesías que Dios envió para
traer justicia y paz al mundo.
Seeds brinda actividades que ayudan a los niños a
experimentar muchas maneras de contar buenas noticias a
los demás y de cómo otras personas les transmiten las
buenas nuevas. Ellos aprenden una nueva forma de contar
las buenas noticias sobre Dios el Creador, orando en el
lenguaje por señas. Pida que su hijo/a que le enseñe con
ademanes, de manera que juntos puedan agradecer a Dios
por la creación.
Salga a caminar o en un automóvil con su hijo/a. Busque
algo que sea una buena noticia en cada una de las casas o
calles. Ejemplos: las flores, una acera limpia, una bandera
colorida, personas saludando, otras obedeciendo las leyes
de tránsito. La primera persona que descubra algo dice, “Veo
buenas noticias,” y señala lo que ve.
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I pray with my hands.
Thank you,
for the rain
for the sun
for the world
For free at-home activities, visit us at: