4th Attachment : AS MFL NAME OF FILM

4th Attachment : AS MFL NAME OF FILM : ________________________________
Context of the film – when / where was it set?
Main Themes
Outline of the Story
Main character and other characters – how
do they develop?
Film Methods
(use of music, action, dialogue, lighting, etc)
Your opinion / reaction about the film
– how did you feel at the end ?
Anything else of interest – eg the success of the film, the importance of this film in French cinema,
did it win awards?
How to analyse a text or a film
When candidates study a text or film, they could explore the following elements,
making possible connections between them and finding enough evidence in the text or
film to justify and develop their views on them.
Protagonist: leading character.
Antagonist: character, group of characters, or institution that represents the opposition
against which the protagonist or protagonists must contend.
Focal: character that has a decisive role, but does not have to be the protagonist.
Minor character: character that is not essential to the story.
Static and dynamic characters: Dynamic characters are the ones who change over
the course of the story, while static characters remain the same throughout.
Purpose, actions and goals of the characters.
Characterisation: ways in which character is portrayed including physical appearance
and personality.
Key themes/issues
Why was it written / made?
What was the purpose of it?
Is there a moral in the story?
Social and cultural settings
Historical: historical period or periods that are portrayed in the story, as well as the
moment in history when the text or film was made and its impact on it.
Cultural: elements of the society that are present in the text or film, either in an implicit
or explicit way.
Geographical: place or places where the story takes place.
Time: flash‐back, flash‐forward or ellipsis.
Author’s biographical information: this can have an effect on the story.
Styles/techniques used
Linguistic elements: auto‐biography, description, narration, dialogue and monologue.
Rhetorical devices: alliteration, allusion, amplification, analogy, antiphrasis, antithesis,
epithet, hyperbole, metaphor, onomatopoeia, oxymoron, personification, parallelism,
simile, understatement, among others.
Time: circular, cyclical, lineal or anachronistic.
Plot: foreshadowing, suspense, conflict, exposition, rising action, crisis and resolution.
Symbolism: use of symbols to represent an idea, a feeling or another key element.
Point of view: narrator, 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person (objective) or omniscient.
Styles/techniques in a text
Genre: drama, romance, satire, tragedy,
comedy, tragicomedy, fiction and
Choice of language: verbs and tenses,
adjectives and nouns.
Syntax: structure of the text, types of
Styles/techniques in a film
Genre: action, adventure, comedy, crime
& gangster, documentary, drama, epics,
historical, horror, musicals, dance,
science fiction, war and westerns.
Visual elements: images, shapes, lines,
colours, use of the camera, light, shot
sentences and punctuation.
Imagery: use of elements to create a
mental picture using visual and other
Audio elements: words, sound effects,
silences, music and accents.
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Spanish AS level Student Guide
Is this the right subject for me?
If you enjoy meeting and talking to people from other countries, finding out about their
cultures and learning how language works, then studying AS level Spanish is an excellent
choice for you!
Why should I study a language?
Learning languages encourages you to:
• Meet people from different countries and find out more about them
• Learn many skills which are useful in a wide range of careers, such as the ability to
communicate clearly, be confident about speaking in public, use problem solving strategies
and write coherently
 Develop critical thinking, creativity and independence
• Add an international dimension to your choice of AS level subjects, which is something many
employers and higher education providers want
• Have greater opportunities to work and/or study abroad, or work for companies in the UK
with international links
• Discuss interests, ideas and opinions with other people who speak the language
• Learn more about countries where the language is spoken, and the people who speak it
• Read books and watch films in their original language
• Spend time abroad (e.g. at university or on a work placement).
What do I need to know, or be able to do, before taking
this course?
If you already have knowledge of a variety of topics, and can express your opinions, you are
ready to build on this at AS level, though you can also start from scratch. You will learn about
different aspects of Spanish culture, literature or film, and be able to use more complex
grammar and more vocabulary. This enables you to really develop an understanding of the
language, the countries where it is spoken and the people who speak it.
What can I do after I’ve completed the course?
People with language skills and knowledge usually have an advantage over people without
them. They stand out as talented and successful people, with broad and exciting horizons.
Success at AS level Spanish means you will:
• Add an extra international dimension to your personal skills profile which will impress people
who read your CV
• Be in a stronger position to get a job in companies with international links
 Be able to work or study in a Spanish-speaking country in later life
 Progress to study A level Spanish to further your knowledge of the language and culture
 Find it easier to learn other languages later if you want to
 Add a useful skill if your main subjects are not languages: languages support careers in a
range of areas including management, business, science and tourism.
What will I learn?
AS level Spanish helps you explore a wide range of topics, which will add to your
understanding of the language and country. Topics include work, evolving society and tourism
in Spain, and music, the media and festivals in Spanish-speaking countries. The book or film
you study may link to the topics, giving you further insight into Spanish culture. You will also
learn new grammar and vocabulary and you will be able to translate into and out of Spanish.
You will develop your critical thinking, creativity and independence and also develop skills to
be able to learn other languages.
How will I be assessed?
You will take three exams which make up the total available. Paper 1 is 40% of the
total marks; Paper 2 is 30% and Paper 3 is 30%. You will be given a certificate with a
grade between E and A with A being the highest.
Paper 1
Paper 2
Paper 3
Listening, reading and
Written response to
works, grammar and
In this paper you will write
about a book or a film that
you have studied
throughout the year. There
will also be a translation of
a passage from English
into Spanish.
In the listening section of
this paper, you will answer
multiple choice and
comprehension questions
in Spanish on a variety of
recordings. In the reading
section, you will also
answer multiple choice
and comprehension
questions in Spanish,
based on a variety of
written passages. You will
also translate a passage
from Spanish into English.
Before this exam you will
have 15 minutes to read
two short texts on the
topic of Evolving Spanish
Society. You will then
discuss the texts with
your examiner, who is
usually your teacher.
You’ll also discuss an
aspect of political and/or
artistic culture in a
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Example questions
An example of a multiple choice question
“Mi familia sabe que componer música es mi pasión, esté donde esté, mi habitación, un avión,
un hotel… siempre estoy tratando de hacer nueva música”, asegura el jovencísimo músico
español, Abraham Mateo.
Question : Escoge la terminación correcta para esta frase. Pon una equis (X) en la casilla
Abraham Mateo escribe canciones…
de vez en cuando.
en cualquier lugar.
normalmente en su casa.
con su familia.
Answer : B
An example of a comprehension question
En España, se dice “En 13 y martes, ni te cases ni te embarques” mientras que para los
americanos el peor día es un viernes 13. Suena ridículo pero la verdad es que habiendo tantos
días en el año para elegir, yo personalmente no elegiría un día 13 ni martes ni viernes.
Question : Según la superstición española, ¿qué no se debe hacer el 13 y martes?
Answer : Casarse/embarcarse/ ir en barco
Next steps
Talk to your teacher about taking AS level Spanish.
Visit the Edexcel website (www.edexcel.com/alevel2016) for more information about what
you will be studying and how you will be assessed.
This draft qualification has not yet been accredited by Ofqual. The draft specification
is published to enable teachers to have early sight of our proposed approach for AS
level Spanish. Further changes may be required and no assurance can be given at
this time that the proposed qualification will be made available in its current form, or
that it will be accredited in time for first teaching in 2016 and first award in 2018.
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Spanish Writing – AS and A level
The following document is a draft version of writing support available for the new
Edexcel A level Spanish specification. It is based on the draft specification submitted
to Ofqual in July 2015 and is subject to change. A final version will be made available
following accreditation. Please note: these words and phrases are provided for ideas
only and are not prescriptive.
This draft qualification has not yet been accredited by Ofqual. The draft specification
is published to enable teachers to have early sight of our proposed approach for A
level Spanish. Further changes may be required and no assurance can be given at
this time that the proposed qualification will be made available in its current form, or
that it will be accredited in time for first teaching in 2016 and first award in 2018.
Vocabulary useful for writing about film and literature
la obra
la escena
el diálogo
el monólogo
la cita
la trama
la subtrama
los personajes
el personaje principal/el/la protagonista
el/la protagonista
el personaje
secundario/el personaje secundario
el héroe/la heroina
el papel
contar(una historia)
el narrador/ la narradora
es sobre
es sobre, trata de (un tema)
el tema
la proposición, la teoría
el estilo
la relación
las relaciones, las circunstancias
el significado, el sentido
significar, representar, transmitir
el efecto
tener efecto sobre algo
la influencia (sobre algo)
la representación, la caracterización
al principio
al final
juzgar, hacer un juicio
the characters
main character/protagonist
secondary/minor character
to tell (a story)
it is about
it is about, it deals with (a theme)
proposition, theory
relationships, circumstances
meaning, significance
to mean, to stand for, to convey
to have an effect on something
influence (on something)
to symbolise
to represent
representation, characterisation
to develop
in the beginning
at the end
judge, come to a judgement
tratar, discutir, tratar con
la escenografía
el clímax
gracioso, ingenioso
extraño, raro, inusual
la melancolía
la tragedia
la comedia
la tragicomedia
el drama
la sátira
la biografía
la tension, el suspenso
personificar, representar
la personificación, la representación
expresar (se)
cuestionar algo
la premier, la primera presentación de
una obra o película
ser principal
la remembranza
el monólogo interno
entablar un monólogo
la novela, publicada en (1912)
la alusión
la antítesis, el opuesto
la metáfora
el tema recurrente
to explain
treat, discuss, deal with
the setting
the climax
funny, witty
strange, funny, odd
tension, suspense
to personify, to represent
personification, representation
to express (oneself)
to question something
premiere, first performance of a play or
to be central
an inner monologue
to hold a monologue
to interpret
to publish
the novel, published in (1912)
antithesis, opposite
recurring theme
Useful phrases for writing about film and literature
los personajes menores influyen..., por
que ...
los personales menores influyen en el
desarrollo (del héroe), porque...
a través de la personificación (de la culpa)
en la figura de..., se cuestiona y se
examina mas detalladamante
la caracterización del protagonista es
realista y convincente.
la relación entre el protagonista y los
personajes menores simboliza la relación
the minor characters influence …,
the minor characters influence the
development (of the hero), because…
through the personification (of guilt) in
the figure of …, … is questioned and
examined more closely.
the characterisation of the protagonists is
realistic and convincing.
the relationship between the protagonist
and the minor characters symbolises the
relationship between…
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Vocabulary useful for writing about literature
el texto
la historia
la novela
la novela corta
la obra
el acto (de una obra)
la parte
el capítulo
el párrafo
la línea
el escritor/ la escritora
el autor/ la autora
el lector/ la lectora
el escenario
subir a escena
el modernismo
el expresionismo
el período post modernista
el narrador/ la narradora en primera
el narrador/ la narradora (omnisciente)
en el curso de la historia…
hacia el final…
por eso, el autor quiere decir que...
a partir de eso, podemos concluir que...
la acción toma lugar en (tiempo, lugar)
hacer un tema de discusión
la descripción
el diálogo interno
act (of a play)
to come on stage
the postmodern period
first person narrator
(omniscient) narrator
in the course of the story...
towards the end...
by that, the author wants to say that...
from that, we can conclude that...
the action takes place in (time, place)
to make a subject of discussion
stream of consciousness
Useful phrases for writing about literature
la obra puede ser fácilmente vista como
una tragicomedia, porque...
el autor usa parrafos cortos para crear
la escena es deprimente hasta que los
personajes principales llegan a escena
el autor tematiza...
una interpretación alternativa de la obra
es posible.
todo el trabajo consiste en el diálogo
interno del protagonista, que simboliza el
aislamiento del protagonista.
the play can easily be seen as a
tragicomedy, because…
the author uses short paragraphs to
create tension.
the setting is depressing until the main
characters come on stage
the author thematises …
an alternative interpretation of the work is
the whole work consists of the
protagonist’s stream of consciousness,
which symbolises the isolation of the
Vocabulary useful for writing about film
El director/ la directora
El productor/ la productora
El/la guionista
El camarógrafo/ la camarógrafa
El diseñador/ la diseñadora de vestuario
El compositor/ la compositora
camera man /woman
costume designer
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el actor/ la actriz
la dirección (por ejemplo de películas)
el guión, el libreto
el libreto
filmar una película
la iluminación
la producción, la escenografía
la locación
bajo la dirección de
escrita, escrita como un guión
ensayar una escena
la edición/el corte
la toma
la toma larga
la toma completa
el acercamiento
la iluminación es natural / artificial
la/el... luz crea un/una... atmósfera
la toma de picada, la toma aérea
la toma en contra-picada
el cuadro
la composición de imagen
el movimiento de cámara, paneo
el seguimiento de la cámara
fuerte/ primario/ colores pastel/
dominante, lo que significa/ simboliza,
la edición
la estructura:
1. principio= comienzo de la situación
2. crisis/ conflicto
3. resolución/ superación de la crisis
o conflicto
direction (e.g. of films)
screenplay, script
to film
to shoot a film
production, staging
under the direction of
scripted, written as a script
to rehearse a scene
long shot
full shot
close up
the lighting is natural / artificial
the … light creates a … atmosphere
bird’s eye view, view from above
worm’s eye view (literally frog’s eye
view), view from below
image composition
camera movement, panning
camera tracking
strong / primary / pastel colours
dominate, which signifies / symbolises,
1. Beginning = starting situation
2. Crisis / conflict
3. Resolution / overcoming the crisis
or conflict
la mayoría de los largometrajes siguen...
(esta estructura clásica narrativa)
Most feature films follow… (this classical
narrative structure)
Useful phrases for writing about film
la puesta en escena de esta tragedia tiene
un gran efecto en el público.
la iluminación en esta película simboliza la
vida interna del personaje principal
esta película trata de la vida moderna.
the staging of this tragedy has a great
effect on the audience.
the lighting in this film symbolises the
inner life of the main characters.
this film deals with modern life.
Additional vocabulary
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