How to obtain the `Credencial` for the admission in the Catholic

How to obtain the ‘Credencial’ for the admission in the Catholic
University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM)
Each student from a foreign education system has to submit a document called ‘Credencial’ in order to
formalize the enrollment and to prove the fulfillment of legal requirements to access to the Catholic
University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM). The completion of this document entails the approval for the
Spanish Educational System of High Education or an equivalent educational system in the home country.
This is compulsory, in order to prove the legal access to the University in Spain.
In order to obtain that, students have to contact UNED (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia).
Guide for the enrollment and the inscription at the UNED website
1. Access to UNED website:
2. On the top-left, click on the ‘Estudios’ section:
3. Next step is click on the ‘Acceso a la Universidad’ section. There you will find a pull-down menu. Click on
‘Credencial de acceso a la Universidad, estudiantes U.E. y otros’:
4. In the left-menu , click on ‘Solicitud de Credencial’ and next page will open.
5. Click on ‘Registrarse’ and introduce the data requested for the enrollement to UNED.
6. Insert your data to get the access:
7. Now, please fill in your personal information:
8. Once you have introduced your personal data, you have to continue processing the payment since the
application of the ‘Credencial’ for the Admission to the Spanish University requires the payment of 85.22€.
N.B. You can decide between two payment methods:
• Online payment
• Not online payment
We suggest to choose the NOT ONLINE option, because you will need to submit hard copies later.
9. Now you will be able to request the Certificate in pdf format, by clicking on the button indicated by the
arrow. Imprimir Solicitud/Print Application Form
10. This pdf document consists of 5 pages that you have to print:
• Pages 1 and 2 must be sent to UNED (to the address provided at the end of this guide) after
obtaining the stamp from the bank (as a the 85,22€ fee payment proof).
• Please, keep page 3 by yourself.
• Page 4 is for the bank, to where you will make the payment of 85,22€. You have to do it
throughout next bank account:
11. To finish, click on ‘Desconectar’
How to proceed
Upon finishing the ‘Credencial’ for the Admission to the Spanish University application process , you must:
1. Complete the payment in the bank (mentioned before).
After the payment, you have to make 3 copies of the Bank receipt , (a document from the bank proving the
payment itself). You have to keep one copy for yourself, the sencond copy must be sent to the Catholic
University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM), and the third one must be sent to UNED.
2. You have to send to UNED, by traditional post:
• Certified copy of the identity document (Passport or Identity Card. You could ask for a
certified copy at your registry office, for example).
• Certified copy of the last 3 years High School Academic Reports.
• Certified copy of the High School Diploma.
• Pages 1 and 2 of the pdf document which has been stamped by the Bank upon making the
payment of 85,22€, and a copy of the Bank receipt , proving this payment.
N.B. You must also send a copy of the pdf document mentioned above (pages 1 and 2, point 10) to the
Catholic University San Antonio of Murcia (UCAM). We also suggest to keep one more copy for yourself.
Important: each pdf page has to be signed. Remember to keep the pdf page 3.
Please, send the certified documents by traditional post to:
Calle Juan de Rosal, 14 (ciudad universitaria)
3. On the other hand, send the Bank receipt to the Catholic University San Antonio de Murcia
(UCAM). Furthermore, you have to send:
Copies of page 1 and 2 of the pdf document (point 10) which have been legalized and
stamped by the bank.
Copy of the Bank receipt proving the payment of 85,22€
4. Please, send these documents to:
Secretaría Central, Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia,
Campus de Los Jerónimos 135,
30.107, Guadalupe (MURCIA) – ESPAÑA