Below is a list of number and how to say them in

Spanish Numbers
Below is a list of numbers and how to say them in Spanish. Write the
Spanish name for each number in the spaces to the right of the number.
0 cero
1 uno
2 dos
3 tres
4 cuatro
5 cinco
6 seis
7 siete
8 ocho
9 nueve
10 diez
Spanish Numbers Quiz
1. What is 9 in Spanish?
2. cuatro – tres =
3. ocho – cuatro + dos = ____________
4. nueve +seis + uno + cinco = ____________
5. siete + ocho + diez + cero + uno = ____________
6. diez – dos + seis – cuatro + ocho – tres =
7. You’re told an item costs cinco euros*. How much is that? _______
8. You’re are buying two items. Item one costs tres pesos*, item two
cost siete pesos How many pesos is that? ____________
* Spain dollars are called Euros.
* Mexican dollars are called Pesos