VIRGINIA OLIVEROS Department of Political Science Columbia

Department of Political Science
Columbia University
420 W 118th St., 7th Floor lAB
NewYorlç NY 10027
[email protected]’—vo2llO
Visiting Scholar, Research Department, Inter-American Development Bank, September 2012August 2013
Ph.D. Program in Political Science, Columbia University, New York (expected Spring 2013)
Dissertation: “A Working Machine: Patronage Jobs and Political Services in Argentina”
Advisors: Maria Victoria Murillo (chair), Timothy Frye and Isabela Mares
M. Phil in Political Science, Columbia University, October 2008
General exams in Comparative Politics and Quantitative Methods
M. Phil Paper: “Socio-economic Status and the Peronist Vote in the 2007 Argentine
Presidential Election”
M.A. in Political Science, Columbia University, October 2006
L.A. (Licenciatura) in Political Science (Honor Diploma), Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 2001
Political Economy of Development
Comparative Political Institutions
Clientelism and Patronage Politics
Latin American Politics
University Fellow, Columbia University, 2005- 2012
Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Graduate Student Travel Grant, to assist to the XXX
International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, May
23-26, 2012
Center for the Study of Development Strategies (CSDS) Summer Grant, Columbia University,
Summer 2011
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Institute of Latin American Studies (ILAS) Tinker Summer Field Research Travel Grant,
Columbia University, Summer 2009, Summer 2010 and Summer 2011
Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Research Grant, Columbia
University, Summer 2010
Brooks World Poverty Institute Fellowship, University of Manchester, to assist to the
Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization, 2010
Saltzman Institute of War and Peace Studies Methods Fellowship, Columbia University, to
assist to the Institute of Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (IQMR), Syracuse
University, 2009
Graduate School of Arts and Science Summer Fellowship, Columbia University, Summer 2006
and Summer 2008
Fulbright Fellowship 2005/2006 (declined)
Universidad de Buenos Aires Travel Grant Award to assist to the 6th National Congress on
Democracy, Rosario, Argentina, October 2004
Argentine National Council of Scientific and Technological Research (CONICET) Graduate
Fellowship, 2004/2005
Argentine National Agency of Scientific and Technological Promotion (Agenda Nacional de
Promocidn CientIjIcay Tecnológica) Graduate Fellowship, October 2002 August 2003
“Economic Constraints and Presidential Agency” (with Maria Victoria Murillo and Milan
Vaishnav), 2011. In Steven Levitsky and Kenneth Roberts (eds.) The Resurgence of the
Latin American Left, John Hopkins University Press.
“Electoral Revolution or Democratic Alternation?” (with Maria Victoria Murillo and Milan
Vaishnav), 2010, Latin American Research Review 45 (3): 87-114.
“La Legislatura de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Un estudio sobre las relaciones
Ejecutivo-Legislativo en el nuevo marco institucional (1997-2000)” (with Fernanda
Araujo), Revista SAAP 3(2), June 2008: 353-393.
“Uso y abuso de las instituciones electorales. El caso de las internas partidarias y las fechas de
las elecciones de 2005” (with Gerardo Scherlis) in Revista Res Publica Argentina, JuneSeptember 2007: 51-72.
“Reformas politicas: internas abiertas obligatorias y unificación electoral en las elecciones de
2005” (with Gerardo Scherlis) in Isidoro Cheresky (ed.) La poiltica después de los
partidos, Prometeo, Buenos Aires, February 2007.
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“Entre lemas y neolemas. Las elecciones de 2003 en Ia provincia de Tucumán”, in Isidoro
Cheresky and Inés Pousadela (edsj, El voto liberado. Elecciones 2003: perspectiva
históricay estudio de casos, Biblos, Buenos Aires, December 2004.
“LElecciones concurrentes o elecciones desdobladas?: La manipulación de los calendarios
electorales en Ia Argentina, 1983-2003” (with Gerardo Scherlis) in Isidoro Cheresky
and Jean-Michel Blanquer (edsj, ~Qué carnbió en Ia polItica Argentina? Elecciones,
institucionesy ciudadanla en perspectiva cornparada, Homo Sapiens, Buenos Aires, April
“The Electoral Bases of the Peronist Party in Argentina”
“Public Employees as Political Workers. Evidence from an original survey in Argentina”
“Clientelism in Argentina” (with Maria Victoria Murillo and Rodrigo Zarazaga)
2012 American Political Science Association, New Orleans, August 30
September 2
2012 Latin American Studies Association, San Francisco, May 23-26.
2012 Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 12-15.
2011 American Political Science Association, Seattle, September 1-4.
2011 Fourth Annual Hamilton Graduate Student Conference on Political Economy, New York
University, New York, May 11.
2011 Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, March 31- April 3.
2010 Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization; Brooks
World Poverty Institute, University of Manchester; June 21-July 9 2010.
2004 Argentine 6th National Congress on Democracy, Universidad de Rosario, Rosario,
October 19-22.
2003 Argentine 6th National Congress of Political Science
Science (SAAP), Rosario, November 5-8.
Argentine Society of Political
2003 Second Meeting of Young Researchers, Instituto Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires,
Buenos Aires, October 2-3.
2001 Argentine 5th National Congress of Political Science
Science (SAAP), Córdoba, November 14-17.
Argentine Society of Political
2001 First Meeting of Young Researchers, Instituto Germani, Universidad de Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, November 29.
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Advanced Graduate Workshop on Poverty, Development and Globalization; Brooks World
Poverty Institute, University of Manchester; June 21 July 9 2010
Institute of Qualitative and Multi-Method Research (IQMR); Maxwell School of Syracuse
University; May26 June 9 2009
Research Assistant, Professor Isabela Mares, November 2010
Research Assistant Professor Maria Victoria Murillo, 2006-2009
Research Assistant Professor Pablo Pinto, Summer 2009
Research Assistant, Professor Ernesto Calvo, Summer 2009
Junior Researcher, Professor Isidoro Cheresky, Project: “Political Institutions, Elections and
Citizenship,” Fall 2001- Spring 2005
Junior Researcher, Professor Miguel de Luca, Project: “Institutions, political parties and
electoral representation in the City of Buenos Aires (1983-2003).” March 2004February 2005
Project Research Assistant, Professor Isidoro Cheresky, Project: “Political Institutions,
Elections and Citizenship,” 2003
Junior Researcher, Professor Miguel de Luca, “Politics and government in the City of Buenos
Aires (1994-2002),” March 2002-February 2003
Research Assistant Professors Miguel De Luca, Mark Jones and Maria Inés Tula, NSF Project:
“Candidate Nomination in Argentina,” October 2000- March 2001
Student Researcher, Professor Maria Inés Tula Project: “Political Institutions and
Representation: elections, electoral systems and partisan competition,” July- December
Preceptor,Senior Honors Seminar, Professor Fazal, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012.
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Comparative Politics, Professor Tamas, Spring 2011
Teaching Assistant, Latin American Politics, Professor Murillo, Fall 2009 and Fall 2010
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Comparative Politics, Professor Huber, Spring 2008
Teaching Assistant Introduction to Comparative Politics, Professor El-Ghobashy, Fall 2007
Teaching Assistant, Latin American Politics, Professor O’Neil, Spring 2007
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Teaching Assistant, Theory of the State, Professor Lopez, Department of Law, Spring 2003Spring 2005
Teaching Assistant, Govern ability, Representation and Accountability in the Southern Cone,
Professor De Luca, Department of Political Science, Summer 2004 and Spring 2005.
Teaching Assistant, Introduction to Political Science, Professor Pinto, 2001-2002
Junior Consultant/ Research Assistant, United Nations for Development Program (UNDP),
“Political Reform in Argentina” (ARG/00/007), 2001
Languages: Spanish (native language), French (proficient), German (basic)
Statistical Software: R, Stata
Co-coordinator, Comparative Politics Graduate Student Workshop, Columbia University, Fall
2008- Spring 2010.
Political Science Graduate Student Council, Columbia University, Fall 2007 Spring 2008.
American Political Science Association (APSA)
Latin American Political Science Association (LASA)
Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA)
Argentine Political Analysis Society (SAAP)
Victoria Murillo
Columbia University
mm2 [email protected]
Timothy Frye
Columbia University
[email protected]
Isabela Mares
Columbia University
[email protected]
Ernesto Calvo
University of Maryland
[email protected]
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