Boston University Study Abroad Madrid Destino Madrid Fall 2015

 Boston University Study Abroad Madrid Destino Madrid Fall 2015 Carmen Bordón [email protected] Office hours: By appointment (through email) General Overview This course strengthens student immersion by presenting a variety of aspects of the Spanish culture through lectures, stories, and articles, film analyses, and contact with the city itself. Diverse topics will be covered such as the history of Madrid and its neighborhoods, current events, and important figures from the past and present, as well as grammatical structures and uses. Special attention is given to vocabulary expansion so that students may acquire an advanced level of oral and written expression in order to be able to express themselves within any formal or informal communication situation. Objectives ‐ Students will acquire the ability to use more complex grammatical structures and use verb tenses correctly. ‐ Students will be able to identify and analyze Spanish grammatical structures in authentic texts. ‐ Students will reinforce and improve their Spanish communicational competence in Spanish through readings, written exercises, in‐class debates, and audiovisual materials. ‐ Students will reach an advanced level in their control of the Spanish language. Course Materials • Readings: Barea, A. (1977). “Madrid” La forja de un rebelde, Madrid: Ediciones Turner, p. 94‐110. Chaves Nogales, M. (2011). “Y a lo lejos una lucecita” A sangre y fuego, Madrid, Espasa Libros, S.L.U. p. 89‐113. García Hortelano, J. (1967). Gente de Madrid. Barcelona, Seix Barral. Marías, J. (1996). "En el viaje de novios”. Cuando fui mortal. Madrid: Alfaguara, 1996. p. 83‐102. Vázquez Montalbán, M. (1996). “Madrid en estado de sitio”. Un polaco en la corte del Rey Juan Carlos. Madrid, Alfaguara. p. 11‐46. 1
Language textbook: Erasmus 2, ed. (2008). Barcelona, SGEL. •
Other texts to consult: Grammar: Bowdoin website for Spanish: Gómez Torrego, L. (2004). Nuevo manual del español correcto II. Madrid: Arco/Libro. Cultural topics: Manifiesto del 15M:‐comun Readings on the Movida Madrileña:‐de‐la‐movida.html‐
La transición:‐transicion‐serie/ News from different Madrid media sources related to social, political, and cultural aspects that occur throughout the semester. • Dictionaries Moliner, M. Diccionario de uso del español, 2 vols. Madrid: Gredos, 1998. R.A.E. Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, 22nd ed. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 2001. R.A.E. Ortografía de la lengua española. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1999. R.A.E. Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid: Santillana, 2005. • Grammar Books: Alarcos Llorach, E. Gramática de la lengua española.. Madrid: Espasa Calpe, 1994. R.A.E. Nueva gramática básica de la lengua española. Barcelona: Espasa Libros, S.L.U. 2011. • Blackboard: Course information, review exercises, links for more information on class topics. Grading Policy Attendance, assignments and participation 15% Compositions (5) 25% Midterm 15% Oral presentations (2) 25% Final project 20% • Students must be prepared and actively participate in class and other activities to get the most out of the course. • Exams will include sections related to the topics studied in class (culture, grammar, and vocabulary), as well as an essay. • Essays must be turned in on time. Four of the essays will have A and B versions and the final grade will be the average of those received on each. Thus, students must turn in both versions. The grade will not improve unless students correct all errors marked by the 2
professor. Students can use guides, notes, and dictionaries, but may not ask for help from others. The fifth/final essay will be written in class and will have only one version. Students will give two 10‐minute oral presentations in class and they must prepare questions for their classmates. Afterward, students must turn in the final outline of their presentation. The final project will consist of an essay on one of the topics covered during the course (to be chosen by each student) which must include the vocabulary and grammar studied during the semester. Up to three absences will be permitted, but any subsequent, unexcused absences will negatively affect the final grade. Both the syllabus and materials for the course are subject to change depending on the needs of the course. •
COURSE CALENDAR Week 1: Unit 1 Now that we're in Madrid, what do we know about the city and the Madrileños? Class Topic Assignments/Readings Class overview Accent review exercises. Sept. 15th General information, personal descriptions. Placing events in the past. Placing Reading: La forja de un rebelde, Ch. 7 Sept. 17th an event in a moment in the past. (Arturo Barea) Week 2: Unit 2 Description of Madrid's neighborhoods. In‐class presentation of reading and comparison with current situation. Describing location and In textbook: characteristics of a city. Otras Actividades (OA): Ch. 1, ex. 2‐6, 8 Describing people, places, and Destino Erasmus (DE): p. 24 Sept. 22 things. Vocabulary: Places, services, and characteristics of the city. Describing the requirements of a OA: Cap. 2, ex. 11‐13 Review exercises. person, place, or thing. Essay 1‐A: Description of your house, Sept. 24 street, and neighborhood in Madrid, and what your life is like here. Week 3: Unit 2/3 Describing your own life in the OA: Ch. 3, ex. 5‐9 past. Telling a story. Telling an Conjugation 9. Sept. 29 anecdote. Vocabulary: tense markers. Oct. 1 Essay 1‐B Week 4: Week 4 Recommending places in Madrid and how to get to them. Situating objects. Getting OA: Ch. 4 (2‐6) Review exercises. directions. Conjugation 3 Oct. 6th Vocabulary: transportation, tourism, spacial markers. Oct. 8th Giving recommendations. OA: Ch. 4 (7, 8) Review exercises. Week 5: Unit 5 Madrid described in songs ("Madrid", "La puerta de Alcalá", "Pongamos que hablo de Madrid" and "Lady Madrid"). 20th‐century history of Madrid. Describe the different phases of an Ch.5, ex. 2 event. Conjugación 6, 9b, 10 Oct. 13th Vocabulary: Politics, social Essay 2‐A: Past description of a trip you've organization. taken since being in Madrid, and give recommendations. Vocabulary: Politics, social DE: p.57, ex. 1B Oct. 15th organization. Week 6: Unit 5 Discussion of the reading. OA: Ch. 5:5,6 Oct. 20th Relating past events. Essay 2‐B 4
In‐class presentation on a 20/21st Watch film: El próximo oriente (Fernando century person or event in Madrid. Colomo) Week 7: Unit 6 Madrid in films: Discussion on El próximo oriente Expressing opinions and reactions. Ch. 6 (ex. 2‐6) Rating an event or situation. Conjugación 7 Oct. 27th Expressing emotions. Vocabulary: film. Essay 3‐A (in class): Giving an opinion, rating an event or situation, expressing Oct. 29th emotions. Week 8: Unit 7 Nov. 3rd Midterm Review Nov. 5th MIDTERM Week 9: Unit 7 Making future plans. What will you do after Madrid? Locating events in the future. DE: p. 84‐85 Nov. 10th OA: p. 173 (4), 174 (5) Conjugación 7 Referring to a situation with DE: p. 85 Nov. 12th different degrees of certainty. OA: p. 171 (2), 172 (3) Essay 3‐B Week 10: Unit 7 Is Madrid a clean and environmentally‐friendly city? Expressing the cause and effect of DE: p. 88, 89 (D), 90. an action. Expressing OA: Ch. 7, ex. 6. Nov. 17th consequences and results. Essay 4‐A: The current state of the Vocabulary: cause, effect, final environment and how it may change in result connectors. the future. Group presentation of positive DE: p. 88, ej. 1 (A, B) Nov. 19th and negative aspects of the environment in Madrid. Week 11: Unit 8 What would you like to change about Madrid? What would you like to take away from it? Expressing real conditionals with OA: Ch. 4, p. 159, ex. 8 (2nd part) varying degrees of certainty. OA: Ch.8 (5‐8) Nov. 24th Expressing unreal conditionals. Conjugación 8 Describing situations from Reading: En el viaje de novios (Marías, J.) different perspectives. Essay 4‐B Current‐day writers from Madrid. Find a news article from a Madrid What do they think about Madrid? newspaper. Nov. 26th Discussion about En el viaje de novios and written in‐class summary (Essay 5). Week 12: Unit 9/10 Madrid Newspapers Repeating a message. Reporting what someone else said. Referring to a past event. Dec. 1st Vocabulary: the media. In‐class presentation about a news story from a Madrid newspaper. Oct. 22nd 5
Dec. 3rd Expressing agreement/disagreement. Making arguments. Preparing for the oral debate presentation. Give arguments for and against your stay in Madrid. Week 13 Madrid newspapers. Dec. 10th Oral Presentation Week 14 FINAL PROJECT DUE 6