1. Listen to the sentences that have to do with different meals. Then

What I need to know for my test
1. Listen to the sentences that have to do with different meals. Then decide whether the
person is talking about a) desayuno, b) almuerzo, or c) cena.
2. Listen to this conversation. For each question or statement decide whether the person is
a) saying what food is normally like, b) saying what the food tastes like, or c) ordering
3. Lectura ( Reading and answer questions)
4. Cultura:
Mexican cena is a light supper.
In Mexico, family members come home from work and school to eat a full lunch.
Mexico claims this as its own and has the earliest varieties at its Museum of Anthropology.
Answer: Corn
Chiles en nogada is a dish typically eaten at Christmas time.
5. Conjugaciones
6. Say what the following people are going to order based on what they want or like.
A Carola le gusta tomar algo caliente para el desayuno. ________________________
A Pedro le gusta comer con tocino para el desayuno. __________________________
Mi tío quiere comer una verdura anaranjada (orange). _________________________
Maria quiere tomarlos fríos con leche. ______________________________________
Beto quiere probar este pan para el desayuno. ________________________________
7. Use direct object pronouns to say who is going to help make breakfast today.
¿Quién va a calentar el agua? ______________________________________
¿Quién va a limpiar la sala? ________________________________________
¿Quién va a lavar los vasos? _______________________________________
8. Use commands to tell your sister to do the following things.
limpiar la cocina
ir a la sala
ser cuidadosa (careful)
abrir la puerta del horno
sacar la comida
calentar la sopa
9. Escribamos (Write a paragraph)