This study containsthe story of an encounter between the International Labour Organization (DID) and three Latin h e r i m countries. The question is addressed how the has w e s e d &the trade union situation in Chile, Colombia and Mexico. Olle of the main assumptions is that relatiomhips between the state m d the labour moement in Latin American countries have been close. This situation has darnrnaged the free functioning of labour .unions and has put labour rights in jeopardy. The choice of the three countries has been made on the basis of certdn differences in, govementalplcplicies towards the laborur movement. In literature on Iatin American labour politics a distinction is aften made between repression and control. Repression ensues from overt conflicts between the authorities and am autonomous and militant labour movement. Grave violations of labour rights and other fundamental human rights are often embedded in and even justified by the National Security-Doctrine.The labour pollicy of the Pinochetregme isr Chile provides a classic example. In the case of control, on the other hand, seemingly harnaanious relations between labour and the authorities prevail. Close cooperation reflects mutual interests "but at the same dime conceals the fact that the labour movement lacks independence and is a continuation of economic policy. Clrganiaagional linkages between one or more labour confedemdons and the government party and huge social gaps between labour leaders and the rank-and-file are typical of control patterns. In Latin America the labour situation in Mexico best matches the above description. The situatian in Colombia presents an interesting example-in-between:after havingacquiesced i nastate-imposed organizational stmmre, the labour movement gradually radicalized and consequently faced irrcreairrg repression. For the purpose of this study these sketchy typologies are taken as a frame of reference. Wether these patterns of repression and control can be discerned in IUI-case law3 is the pivotal question of my investigations. The core hypothesis underlying this research is that it is likely tbat the ILO has no problems in detecting repression as a (grave) violation of tradeunion rights, whereas control measures could easily escape the attention of the IH-IO. Chapter1 starts with a general introduction on the LO-standards and supervisory. naechmisms in the field of trade union freedom. Next, the intricate question of universality of human rights is extensively discussed. The main conclusion of this section is that, ]in the opinion of union rights i n d d haw universal! didi'ly in that manner that n3Sp@ctfor the Il.0, trade union ripha should be jwdged in each coulntq dong the same yard-stick. This is a v e q important starting-point for the rest of our shldy as it means that ueuses for infractions of trade union rights on political loia socisrl/emnomic $rounds dl1 noit be accepted. In order to get a clear picture of the general wessrnent by the Il.0 of repredon and control, in the next sectiom tzlasle instmen%$are seleded which maybe cornidlered as more or less reprmion ar contrd sit~at:i!oim. From the d y r i s dW-erase law, it hkenbtively concluded that f a d control measures - such as obligatory arbitration p r w h r e s or Begsully i o d stmdures - are mqdvocally qualified a infractions of IECT-standark in the field of trde-union freedom. ma question why b t i n h e d c a n labour unions have come to be involved in politics is the subject ofCkq~ter2.Crucial to the undentmding of this phenomenon, atIleas%in the opinion of the author, is the rise of natioml-ppulist governen& in the thirties, in reaction to internatianal clevelopments, i n search of political Begitimag these governments courted labour. On the other hand, labour unions were in dire need of state protection, a%their bargaining psitian vis a vis employers was generally weak in view of a tight labour market. Furthermore, there w s a oertah logic in raising wages gradually: the "easy"phase of Impfl-Subtihtion-Industuializaaion required the broadening of the internal market. fnmwistencies in the economic policies and new international developments after World War lI - aspccidly the rise of Multi Wationd Corlparatim - caused the decline of the nationalpopulist governments. In the major industrial countries of Latin America the military took power and paved the way for the so called Bureaumatic-Au&oritarian State. h h u r militancy was totally incompatible with the new economic policy and the authoritarian regimes tried to crush the social and political power of labour by repressive measures. Mer the restoration of democrag in the eighties, labour's involvement in national politics has; continued, as is shown by the Labour Pacts between the trade union movement and the authonitie~.However, there are signs that the labour movement is gradually gaining more independence, C/#upter3deals with the 1LO-reactionon the labour politics ofthe Pinochet-regime in Chile from 1973 until 19901. The initid harshness of lal>ourrepression is explained by the militant and autonomous character which labour in Chile has developed overtime. This militancy can be attributed to the primal .importanceof the mining sector within the Chilean economy. The eqeriences of nitrate and coppewnrkers have strengthened their class-caunsciousness, have Ied to a preference for left-wing politicail parties and have made them insensitive to co-opting attempts by corporatist and populist gavernnlents. The Coimp of 11 september 1973 has induced the 1LiO to the establishment of a Fact Rnding and Conciliadon Commission on the Trade Union situation in Chile*The Commission has vehemently disapproved of repressive measures towards labour, such as dissollution of trade unions, dismisd of trade union leaders, detention without trial, tomm, '~isappeahe17lces" and aemdaas. After 19'76 repression slightly relaxed. However, restdctions of labom rights were fonnajhedby the sa called Zabour Plm (1979) which was drafted by the nuthadties in order Po f l E i ~ m i zthe interference of organized labout with the free hnctioning of the market. The Committee on Freedom of Association has been critical on the b b o u t Plan and its applicatbn. h particular 1%has criticized the severe restdctions ion the right to s&ike, One remwkable feature of the ll0-case law in connection with Chile is the rejacdon of h e goverments" contentian that repressive measures were justified as a reacdon to political "tzesspasesdng" by the labour movement. The Committee exposed the trmvarant alibi by emphasizing that politics, within certain limits, belong to the scope of t r d e union actividiles. The appraisal by the TCO of the trade union situation in Galomlbja is examined in daoer detail in chapter4. Whereas the face of the Chilean labour movement is determined in g e a t deal by the experiences of nitrate- and coppeworkers, the origins of the labour movement in Colombia a n be traced to the fate of workers in the coffee-zone. Small peasants became mmive1y involved In the struggle for Ithe land and this fostered a specific attitude. Generally kdividudistic and mmemtive-minded, the coffeeworkers were not susceptible to tbe appeals of the political left and the labour movement who naturally advocated collective action. Trade unions made some headway in foreign-owned export enclaves, but generally remained weak, During the thirtjes the labour movement flourished under the slzelter of the Liberal Party and cancentrated on "polliticd bargaining'"e. decline of the Liberal Party after World Was ;[lC left the l a h u r movement weak and divided. New labour legislation procured the atomisation of the labour movement, as it prescribed that colllective bargaining could only be conducted at the level of the enterprise. The ILO has criticized this legislation, as it takes the view that it should be left to the paskies to decide at which level collective bargaining should take place. Furthemore, the Il.0 has rejected legal provisions which allow (for) extensive state interEerenre in labour matters, such as mandatory arbitration in case of labour disputes. llwing the seventies, in the face of economic recession, trade unions gradually radicalized and started to join forces in order to confront bath employers and authorides. The government. reacted with mcrderate repression, especially after the general strike of 1977, This repression w the prelude to a general deterioration of the human rights situation and an erosion of the d e of law. lncreminglyworkers and labour leaders were harassed by narcotic traffickers, death squads md guerrilla's. The iwolwernent of the authorities in these human righb dolatiam is a matter af controversy, Man-GovernmentaE-Organizarions in the fjeld of human rights M well as the WN-Working Group on Disapperanccs have pointed to the close relations between the death squads and the military or security police. The 1L.D on the other hand, dthough admitting that isolated cases of offjcial involvement do exist, maintains that meither the m y , nor the security police as such can be held responsibie for massive violations of human rights. The pattern of ~elatiansbetween labour and the state in Mexico - the subject of Chapter 5 -has been highly influenced by the Mexican Revolution ( 3 910-1917). From the start, labour formedpart of aha reva8utiamry fadBy. The mrdM relations bemeen the Iabaus movement a d the revelubioq g w e m e n t were a%cialJy mmobmkd by the o ment of the lwglesr codedesaGon CTM and the govemenml party PRI in 1936. Espeddly during the fifties and sixties, eanontic growth was prapelled by the effective oontr01 orf the labour mlawement. Partly thki control was realized by a system d Conxciliadoa a d kbitration (bards) whi~ehprovided for metimJa3us arrmgnernena rslF work disputes in order $0avdd stdkes. But tha authorities also relied on indirect control: infsnmousi labux ledem (the "charros'q were lavishly rewmded for r e e n g the wage ddm of the d - w d ale. E3rufig the ei@ties labour u&ons in the ~tpa@dc s e d o slamded ~ xd wesesting themselves from the tight pip of the government. However, lack of independence from the state remains a remarkable feature of the Mexican labour movement. If we ~ s u m l that e state control over labour siw'fias m infaaion af trade union liberty7 it is quita striking that these Mexican corurr~lpatterns have hardly surfwed in ILO-case law. One obvious eqlamtion might be that workers who are, effeaively ~onbr0Pedlare reluctant to submit manplaints to the ILQ, in fear af repriesion, Furthermore, to: a large extent Mexim labour legislation as such is not in contravention of ILO-standardsin the field of trade union freedom; it ody offers possibilities of Infringements. Although these explanations undoubtedly have some validityBin the opinion of the author there is a third reaon. One quite effective instrument of control is the clersed shop-provision: in order TOget a job, workers are required to be a member of a particular union. Rebellion or the mere: threat of leaving the union in order lojoin anotl~ermay occasion expulsion &om the union and (hence) dismissal. The ELOI, however, does not consider such closed shop provisions a violation of the workerskight to join orgganimtions of their own choosing, a right which is guaranteed in article 2 of [LO-Convention No. 8'7. Finally, in Chapter 6 a more thematic approach is followed in analysing the results of the investigations. It is submitted that the initial hypothesis, advanced in the introduction of this study, is toa simpljstie and needs further qudification. Especially the findings in the Colombiacase give rise to ae%)"ust our suppolsitions. On the lane hand, the ILO seems perfectly capable of qualibing formal contralrneasures as a violation iof Labolarr rights. Oln the other hand the 1L.D is faced with serious difficulties in case of "informal'~tepressionwhere the involvement of state-sponsored agencies is hard to assess. In four separate sections reasons are advanced which might account for the IEOQ"predicamen%".The first concerns the ILO-view on political strikes. Investigations reveal that the ILO employs different standards in different cases as to the admissibility of political strikes. The daring made that the ILO tends to be mare lenient towards politicdl strikes if they are aimed at a repressive government. This position however, would mean a radical departure from the HLQ-view on universality and would shield states such as Mexico where more covert forms d labour-domination Elre excerted, from criticism. On further conrsideratilan this supposition seems unwarranted: overtime the ILO. hsls changed its view in that it has extended the pûssiblirtpes of pllitid stnkes. There are nia indiadom that the i U3&s&"u,ishm betwrean states m the bais of dernomatic quality. In the next section the question is addressed whether the supervlsory on;gm off the Pb.0 show reluctimce in Çnfficizlngjudicial decisionsi, n i e proposition stems from the fact ithet the ILO attaches great value to judicial involvement in case of conflicts betweeni labour m d the aiutholrities. However, judicial renwiew may be pointless if judges are bound ta apply national law which is mot in confoumitywith international labour standards. The investigationsdo not confirrn this f e u . The ElYOi systematically rrejects contentions by goverments especially the MeAcan governent - that international orgainizatiens are not allowed ta cdticixe jjudiclal de&hm. n i e superwisory organs have laken cognirmce of judicid decisioins and have P L d I y made criticai remarks if the application of national law amouritedl to aviolation of1CO-standauds. The fihiad section deais with the b u e off Inade union mon8sm versus trade nnloni pluralism. The Mexico-case hm demonstrated that the government's indirect control over labour il; effectively perpetuiated due to the fact that the 'bfficiai" labour movement enjoys a virtual monapoly. This rnonopoly is not irnposed by law (with the exception of the public sector), but is the result of widely pracftised union security clauses. The Ilil)i-smdpoht on tmde union monism is amblvdent. Whereas trade union monoplies Znstihted or maintained by legislation are çonsidered ta be in conflict with trade union freedom,faaual situationswhlch rnight be the reswlt of elosed shop-provisionsare condoned. En this study the view is taken that this dogrnatic distinction may be untenable in view of the fact that closed shop-provisions in practise impede the free choice olworkers to jain the organizaitiaini of dheir own choasing. - Whereats the previolis sections have searched for possible explanations for the diflriculties whieh the IL0 faces as regards the assessment of unoffifficial control, in the last section the emphasis shifts ta unofficial repression. Alluding to the Colombia-case,the discussion starts from the premiise that large discrepancies in the imarion of aparticwlnr trade union situation are unidesirable inview of the c o m o n effort to irnprove the situation of human rights. The disparate opinions of the I L 0 and some NOCI%s regards the situation in Calornbia are attributed to differences in characteu and aims which are reflected in Cliffercint methods of fact-finding. The question is raised whether the ILO-assessrnent of the traie'le union situation in Chlombia is mot overcautious in relying tao much on govermental information. Hesitaliom are expressed about the suitability of informal "Direct Contacts"-procedures to shed a light on çomplex and obscure tuade union sibations, swch as that iar Colombia. The pracedure of the Fact Finding and Conciliatio~nCommission on Freedom of Associadon provides for quite thorou& hvestigations and 'buthe spot" vîsirs. As this procedure offers extensive pussibilitiles to gatheu information from NGO-sources anid hence rnlght contribute ln obtaining a more balanced Yiew, a more frequenit use of the Fact Finding and Conciliation Gommissioin Is recommended. En el piresenite mtudlto se narra la historia de un enwentro entre Irl Oqaaizacidn Entesniaciad del Trabajo (OU]y tses paises btinoamericanos. la cuestibn central es la açritud de la OIT ante Ia situacidn de los sindicatos en Chile, Co~lombiay México. Una de las tesis principales que aquf se reçogen es que en h é r i c a h t i n a el Estado ha mantenido una estrecha relaci6n con el movimiento laboral, lo que ha perjudicado el iibre fnincionamiento de los slndicatos y ha arneruazado el ejercicio de los derechos de los uabajadrsres. elecddn de las palses mencionados se basa en determinadas dlferençiasen la respectiva polltica pbemamental en rellacibn con el movimiento obrero. Los escritores que tratan Na polltica labord en AmtLniiço.Latina suelen distinguir encre los canceptoç de represidn y mntrol. La represidn es consemencia de confiidos mdfiestos entre las autoridades y los rnovimientoç sindiades independientes y militantes. Bajo la doctrina de la "seguridadnacionai" con fremencia se mbren, e lnclwso se justificaq graves violaciones de los deaechos labordes y otms derechos humanos. El régimen de Pinochet en Chile es un ejemplo clasico. En la sltuacibn de controll, sin embargo, impera wna aparente relaci6n de armania entre trabajadores y autoridades. La estrechaco3aboracibn existente es reflejo de los mutuos intereses, pero encubre a1 mismo ciempo la falta de independencia del niovinaienta sindical y sui condicidn de prolongacidn de lagoEith e m n 6 ~ c gubemamental. a A p n a s manjfestaçBçrnescarackrfstiw de la sikuaci6n de mntrol son los Yrfnculos organinativos entre un%o rnh cconfederaçianes Iaborales y el gabierno y 'lasenormes diferenciaias sociales entre Bos Ildenes sindicales y los miembros de base, Clara ejemplo de esta situacibn es el cas0 de México. C!olombia, por su parte, presenta ma interesante copntuza intemedia. Tras haber axreptado una esbruçlura.irnpuedzl por el Estdo, el rnowniento siridid se ha ido radiulhndo palilatinamante para awbar acerchdose a una situaci611de represibn. A los efectos del presente estudio se ha tomado cesrno marco de referencia Ya tipologla que brevemente se acaba de expaner. El tema. central de mi investigaciijn consiste en ver hasta cpé punto estas manifestaciones de represibn y contra1 se aeflejan en la jurisprudencia de ]la OFli: El estudio parte de la hipdtesis de que para la OIT no es diffcil constatar situadones de represibn,colnsidergnddascomo (graves)violaciones de los derechos sindicales,al tiempo las medidas de control poddan escapar f6dilmente a la atencidn de la OIT. 1"1 e ~ l & I o1 wdena;a icon una h t m d u d b n general en la que se t m m los c-smdm& y de rxlntrol de la O R en materia de WMad siridid. A eonhua"nhnise discute & m e n & el prablem de la u n i v e d m de los dermhm b m o s . hprin.cippal mnclm1si6n ss que, a juicio de !an OIT, los dereçhoç sindides poseen cîert;unente validez universal, en el sentldo de que el raspeto de dichos derechos deberfa ser jusg-ido en todos los p&s de m e r d o con lafi misrna8 par!t;$rnetros.Es bste hm punto de partidai Importante para el resta del estudio, puiesto que habran de considersrseinacjepbbles l a e x w presentda contra! Isis violacionles de Bos darechos sindieales y que se basen en argumentos sstlciaeclrnbdms. Para dquidr .lahagen fiel de la valoracibn genead de la OIT respcto de las situaciones de represibn y control, se selemionan aquelllos instrumentos que, en mayar O menor grado, pueden considerar~erepresentativos de dichas;situaciones. El mJialisis de la jurispmdencia de lai OIT fionduce a u m primera conclucli6rn provisional, segm la mal 1% asedidas foraales de control - tales mrno la! prescdpcibn de promdimientos de arbitraje a la Pmposicihn legal de estructuras orgaf3ijaatîvrrs - deben ser caliEimd~15sin ningih g6nero de daidas oomo yiolaciones de los estaradards de la OIT en rnaterîa de libestad sindical. En el c q M o 2 se andiza el proceso que ha conducido a la inrervenicibn adva del mowimienti sindical latinomericaino en la poliitica El autor estima que Pa chva: de dicho proceso se encuentra en el surgimientoen los &os rreinta de goblernos nadonal-popukta, como reamibn a determinados acontecimientas internacionales. Estos gobiernos procuraron aproximarse d movinniento sindiai en busça de legitimaicibn politica. Por su parte, dach su posicidn negociadorai generalmante débil respecta de la patronal a causai del restringido mercado de trabaijo, Um sindiatos pneçisaban del apqo estatd- rridemh, el paulatino inicremento salarialno mecfa de sentédo: la 'Isencilla"fase de impxrrtacidn-sustiUcibn-indu~a1izacinrequetla el emnche del meamdo interior. El declive de 1% gabiernos nacional-ppuljstas se produjo corno conseouenda de diversas incongrueincias en, las pollticas econ6micas asi corno de cierdos desarrollos internacionales en açpecid el surimienta de lm complrnfas mmr~lliniaciondes- tras la Segunda Guenra Mundial. En los palsies altamente indl~strializahde h k r i c a Latina los militares se hiciaxon con el padar, prepamdo el carnino parsi lo que habrka de llagar a çer el Ilmado Estado burocrfiticoautaritario. La rnilitmcia sindical era completamente incompatible con la nueva politica econ6mica, par Io que los reglmenes autoritarios tratarcsni de reprimlr el poder p~lîticoy social de los sindicaros. La restavracibn deinocxfitica de los ochenta no ha puesto fin a Ba intewenabn polltica de las sirrdimtos, ral y corno demuestran los convenios laborailes celebrados entre sindicatos y ek poder polltico. No obstante, se pereiben alg~inosindicios de cambio hacia imna mayor independencia sindical. - El cr;ipIfdo3 maliza la reaccibn de la OIT frente a la polrticalsiboral del dgimen del general Finachet entre 1973 y 19910. Za durem de la represibn!sindical en los comienzos del ritEgimen se exprlim par el carficrier militante e iindependiante Iradiciciand del movimiento sindical dileno. principal de esta rnilitr$rmdadelx en Ia h p r E a n ~ capital a del sitoictar minera para la c a n a d a chigena. Las egedaacias sufrida~par los mberm del dtrtatlo y del cabre hakrtdeddo su mnaeslrviade clase3favaseciendolasprefetenclas pior partidos izquierdism e tnsemibil&do1es mite los intentos de capataci6n de gobiernos de cotte oorpora~dsta y poprilista, El golpe de estado que hivo lugar el 11 de septiernbre de 1973 movi6 ia la OIT 8 Ia comtltu@ibnde una Comisibn de Investigaciidny Concillacidnipara la Libertacl de Asociacitln Sindical que habrlai de estudiais la dtuaci6n sindicd chilena Esta CarnisiilSn ha: reiterado su enkrgica ccondena de las mniedas tendentes a la repisesibn del mofimlelito sindical, corno disoJuila6n de shdicatm, despido de ifderes sin&des, Cletenciones sin prxrwia prmeso, tomru$ "desaparicianes'" ejecudones. A pairtir de 1976 lai represibn fue Hnitighurdosa. Sin ereaibagoi, el Ilmado Han Labord de 1979, disefiado por las autoridades con el fin de mijnimalizar la interferencia del trabajo sindicado en el fvncionamiento de un mescaido libre, content tdavlla dertas zestnccioms de las derechos labordes. El Cornite por Y a Zibertad de Asacirrcidai Sindial se ha manifestado en contra del Plan Laboral y de su âplicacion, en espeçial por la que se refieae a 1% restricciones al derecho de fraielga. Una aùacterfstica signeficativa de la jurispmdencia de la OIT en relacibn con el casa çhileno es el rechazo de lia arpmenitacibn @bernamentail en el sentido de que 1% medidas represkaisvedan,justificadas corno reaccibn a los "excesos"pofi'ticos del movim9ento abcers. El Comité desestimd esta evidente coarrada sefialando que la cuesti6n politic-, dentro de ciertos 1 pertenece al grnbito de la actividad sindical. El capituto 4 andiza con mayor detalle el tratamiento de la situacion sindical en Colombiâ por la O K Mientras que el movimiento chileno esth determinade en buena parte por las experiiencias de los mineras del nitrato y del cobre, los orlgenes del movimienro sindical colombiano hay que ~ L I S C ~ P Ien O Slas circunstancias de Iostrabaijadoresde las zonas cafeteras. Los pequeiios campesinos se vieron envueltos en la lucha por la tieara, lo que fornent6 un& peeuliar ardtud. Los tirabajadores del caf6, par la general dl: carActer individuallçta y cornuservdor, no se vefan especialmente atraldos par pasliciarues izquierdistao;ni por un movimienta sinckiçd de suyo propenss a la accldn colectiva. Pese a una cierta pentetracidni lein empresas de: lrxpartacidn extranjera, la preslencia sinidical permaweci6 generalmenae dbbil. Durmurte las afios dteinta el molvirniento nbrero conocib un perlodo de pujarna bajo In p l r a b d a del Pastido fiberal, oanentr6.ndoçesu acicibzr en el plano de "potidcd bargaiining". Fixmlimda la Segunda Guerra Mundid, la @aidadel Partido Liberai dej6 al rnoaPidento ahrem debilitado y diidido. La nueva legislacibn labral provocd la atamizad6n de dicha mowimiente al prescribiir coma tini-i. forma de negociacidn colectiva la negociacibn a nivel de empresa. La OIT ha cslticado esta legislacibn par estirnar que deben ser los propios agentes sociales los que decidan el nive1 al que debe llevarse a cabo la negociaci6n coPechiva. AdlemAs, lei OIT ha rcrchaz-ado prrivisilanes legales que permiten una interferencia intençivzl del Bkadirr en materla Iabarailes, como plueden ser lai canciliaci6n obligatoriai en casa de Iitigia. En trBflaarrJO [Q$ Elenta 1%recesibn e@anblmicaprovo& Uns p r o ~ e g i ~ r da d i de ]asindiaforj;,que uirtrefon sue h e m par&isina acCi6~icorniin ker.ktea 10%pari.on~~ y el pporier polj2Bm. h aewcidn de9 gohiesno h e una moderacla represibn, esp&dmente: después de la h u e l e pleneral de 1977, Esta represibn puede coinsiderarse como el pirdudio de un detedorai general del. respeto de los derechos h m n o s y de la erosion pdncipio de legdidd. "Frabdadoreay lfdeses sindicalesheronvlctima con medente frecuenda de nascotraficmtes, esaadrcunes de la m e r t e y perrillas. Una m~estidnclmntnovertida es el grado de iateweneih de llw autoridadee en est% dicslacionies de 10s derechos humanos. Tanto orgenizaciones na pbernamentales activas en el canpo de los derechos haimanos coma el Gmpo de Trabaja de lm Nadones Unidas solitrre Desapariciones Fomdas o Invaluntarias se han heçho eeo de 1% eestrecltas relaciones existentes entre los esmaduones de ka muerte y al ejhrcito y Ias fuerm de sepgridad. Pas su paste, la OIT, si bien ha admitides en aligunoa casos dsladcus la intervenci6n oficàal, estima que ni el ejército ni l a Euerzas de seguridad pueden ser compr;ideradasresponsables de las violadanes masivas de 10s dereohos humno&. &bn h relaeiones entra el movirniento obrero y el! Estaido en MÇxico - el tema del c a i p i ~ b5 han sida elarameatc: Influidas por la revolucihn (1910-1917)).El movirniento obrero farrn6 pwte de la familia tevlc~lucionariadesde el primer momento. Las cordiales telaciones entre dichol movhiento y el gobiemo rewlwcionarioberon ratificadas aficitalmente en 1936mediante la Mrnculaçidn organizaitiva entre la rnayor confederacibn sindical, la ICTM, y el pmtido gubernamental PRI. El creclmiento econbrnico fue propiciado especialmente durante los afios cincuenta y sesenta gradas al control efectivo del mavimienito obrero. Este control fue posible, en buena medida, par la implantaci6n de un sistema de Conciliacion y kbitraje que contenia unai reguilad6n metinilosa de los cainflictçsslaborales tendente a evitar Ias huelgas. No olbstanre, las autoridades también hicieron uso de medios de control indirects, por ejempllo el saborno de las Ilmados 'kharaos'" infames lideres sindiales, para mderar las reivhdicaciones salariales de lm bwes. EFIEE euwo de los ailas r~hentaeli rnov1natenro sindiad logrd esatpar ai Mrreo ic~nlrolestalal en diversios seclores el;tratBgPcos, aiunque la Edta de indepeindencia respecta del plrder pdfdco gigue siendo un raîlgo canstitutivo del movimienzo abrero mexicano. Si se parte de la hase que el contrai astatan del movimienao obrero constituye unavialacihai de 1â liberrad sindical, llamapoderosamenfe la atencibn el hecho de que en lajurispmdencia de la 01T ;aiPenasse perciban los sintomas del eontsol mexiçano que acabo de iexpionea. Una posible explicacibn de este fendmeno podrla ser el aernor a las represalias da los trabajadores efeetivmente conlsolados si presenrssen sus quejas ante el cttado orgarnisrno. Adembs, la Iegislacidn labaral mexicsna, en buenn. parte, na es en sf misrna contraria a los estadards de la OFlf, aunque ofrezca posbbilidades de conrravencibn. El autor estimai, sin embargo, que aunque estas razones no cararecen de validez, hay un tercer motiva rn& poderoso, h afjliaci6n obligatoria en forme de clausulas de exclusihn es, en efeda, un sistema da cointrol efeclivo. b s trabajadores que deseen obtener un empleo deben pertenenecer a un sindiçato d e t e ~ m i n dh ~i. ~~xurreecldn o la mera amenaza de abandonar el sindicat~para &lliarse a otra puede mdlevar la expulsion del mÜma y. en conseniencia, la pCrdida del empleo. Sin embmgo, la OIT no c0inzÜdera la apliaciSia de dausutas de @xclwi6nuna vialacibn del derecho de los trabajaidaires ai d l l i m a las orgdmiaicioaes que ellos dijan, myo derecho garantha d azulmio 2 de la Goavencisin na 87 de la OIT. Par 6IItimq en el c q d d o 6 tiene un m&cter temdtifxu, con el fin de arraha Im res3t-adas de las inv~Bgacionieçiprevias. la hi@tesis anrllmtada en la iniC'rBducd6nse demuestnt mesivamente simpliJ'tzr y pitecisa, p h ello, ser m h d a En especia2 los resultados del m o colombiano justrfican esta rnathcibn. De una parte, la OIT parece estar pesfe;ctamente capacitada para califlm 1% medidas brmales de c ~ n t r acarno l iuna violacihm de les deaechos labarales. De otna, 1sQ m s e we confrontada con serias difialtades en los casos de represisn '5n£uissmJU", en los que es déflcél de amtatar la irrterwencibn de dementas apoyados par el Estado. En cuatro suhpbnilos se exponen las rmries que podrfan avülaz la opinibn de Ia O R respecto del tema que nos ocupa. El primer subpltulo trata la postura de la OIT ante las huelgas politicas. las inves~gaeirr nes indican que este oganismo ernplea diferentas estandards se&n sea el casa. Se ha dicho, no sin cierta audacia, que la OIT tiende a set nias condescendilente con las huelgas polfticas si &tas van dirigidas contra un rrSgiwen autoritaria. Sin embargo, esta opinidiin significarla d abandono de la opciibn de la OlT'por ]launiversalidad de 10s derechols laborales y absolveth a estados como M ~ G O en,las que se dan formas e n d i e r r a s de dorninacibn laborali. Si se mzrnaliza can detalle, esta tesis se dernuesrra insostenaible. La OIT ha modificado su postura, inc2inhdose pauilatinamente por una mayor aceptacibn de la huelga poililtica. No existen indiclos que apunten a un trato desigual de los estados, segUn su mayor O menor inspiracibn democr&tic%por parte de la 017'. En el slguiente subcapfitulo se estudia la pasibile retlcencla de los brganos de control de la OIT por 10 que respecta a la crltica de las decisionesjvdiciales nacionales. Esta suposici611 se basa en el hecho de que la OIT valarai en gran medida la intemencldo judicial en los conRicrtos entre el mavimientto obrero y las autoridades. Debe admitirse, sin embargo, que esta htemenc56n caaece de senrida mando las autoridades jiwdiciales estuviesen obligadasi a aplicar m a legislacibn que no se aciectiir a 10%estandards Interruaciondes. Nuestras investigaciones NO confirman este ternos. La OIT ha rechwddo sistemAtic.amentelas quejas de los lestdm - en espcilail del Estado rneuciao - que estiman que las organizaciones internaciorraies wem de autoljdd para criticar la decisiones judiciales, Sus Grgrnos de central han tomildo conocimiento de las decisionesjudiciales y han çnticado honestarnenite aquellas apliçaciones de la ley nacional que consideraban en desacuerdo çan los estandards de la C E lr La dispntiva: rnonisrno O pluralisme sindical, se estudia en el tercer swbcapftulo. El casa meximne demestra que el control directo de los trabajadores por parte del @bierna se p q e t f i a efectivarnenteen vittud del monopolio fActico de que d i s h t a el blndicaro "oficial". Dicho monopolio, aungue no est6 irnpuesto legalmente (salvo en el casa del sectoa pliblico), es el resulrado de una extendida praclica da clAusulas de exclusidai. La OTT manriene una prrsmra mbigua anee la 6nrestid.n del molnisrna sindical, Meirtr;us que h hlniplmab~no el m & d ~ e n t legal o dei monopaEos s u d t - 8e a i d e r a ~anainicPl&bade la libertaci sindical, se d d t m simaciones de rnonopolno fddm m m mmemencia de las dispsicione~en maeria de &liaciE-jn obligatoria. El ppresente estudso estima que esta dkdnd6n d o p A ~ m na d o m suficientementeel hecho da que la aElia&6noibligatona puiede vulnerar en L pr8rXic.a la Iibeirtad de eliemibn s i ~ & ddie 10s tr&&id~re~. Si en el! &ubeap%alo precedente traraban de explicarse las dificultades de h OIT en 10 que e rs&re a la de contra1 ofiiiloso, el iiltho submpftuim maka lm smpcstos de reprsseâibn olficiosa El , I wlombian~~ se estudia partiendo del fnechlo que rua es awnuej&le mireaer grandes dgerenda de aprt-éacibaé en b que se refiere a wia d e k m a situaban sindical mando es manifiesta el desea de mejorar la sltuacidn de los desechos h u m o s . Ha diveraidaid de opinilanes de la OIT y de Orgadzagiones No Cubernamentaieles (ONO) por la que se refiere a la mestibn calorruhiana se derivan de los distintos caracteres y fines, y se?madifiestan eni los diversoos miéitodlos de malimr los hechas. Cabe pregurrtarse si la açtitud de la OIT rra es demasiado cautelosa al baarse excesivamente en idorrnaci6n de origen pbesnrtmental. El presenta estudio duda de la efiçacia de lois procedimienlos informâles da 'Cmtacicitos Directos" para esclarieeer intirincacias y osaras situaicionas sindicales como la colombim&Las acmtulacioiresde la Cornisiciin de Investigacidn y iCanciliaci6n para Ba Cib-ntad de Asociacibn Sindical ofiecen lnvestigacionas la suficientemente completas y visitas Ilocailles. Vistw laposlbllidades de esta Cornisiibn para recabar idormaci6n de las ONG, Io que pueda facilitar una vlisidn ni& ecwanirne, se propimgna und rnayor intenrenci6n de la mencionada Comlsibn.