Create a crown!

Create a crown!
¡Crea la Corona!
Color and cut out the crown to wear. Glue or
staple your crown to complete the band. Please
ask an adult to help you with the scissors.
Colorea y recorta la corona que te vas a poner.
Pega y engrapa la corona para completar la
banda. Por favor, pídele ayuda a un adulto
cuando estés usando las tijeras.
Major funding for Maya & Miguel is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and a
Ready To Learn Television Cooperative Agreement from the US Department of Education through the Public Broadcasting Service.
©2009 Scholastic Entertainment Inc. SCHOLASTIC, MAYA & MIGUEL and logos are trademarks of Scholastic Inc.
The PBS KIDS GO logo is a registered mark of the Public Broadcasting Service and is used with permission. ©2009. All rights reserved.
Major funding for Maya & Miguel is provided by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and a
Ready To Learn Television Cooperative Agreement from the US Department of Education through the Public Broadcasting Service.
©2009 Scholastic Entertainment Inc. SCHOLASTIC, MAYA & MIGUEL and logos are trademarks of Scholastic Inc.
The PBS KIDS GO logo is a registered mark of the Public Broadcasting Service and is used with permission. ©2009. All rights reserved.