152 soccer drills

Drill 1
initially a block of seven players (canon block defense-midfield module 433), of which 5 yellow
(the numbers 2,3,4,5,6) and 2 (8:10) as wildcard. the block composed, acting in Sector A,
performs movements according to the movement of the ball (steps 1,2,3,4,5,6) that occurs during
the execution of the exercise by the players Red 4.5, 6,7,9,11 in the opposite half of the field, and
according to the following sequence: ball 6 to 7 (step 1), subsequent discharge of 7 out of 6 came
to support (step 2) and step 6 to 4 (step 3 ) with 7:06 that change their position (7 after stroke to
circumvent the pole P1). Same combination (in the opposite direction) occurs between the
players 4:11 (4.5 steps) with the ball after the passage 6 at the end will be replayed from the red
player 5 Sharing from the cone A (and thus starts the sequence of steps 1, 2,3,4,5,6 to signal
At the signal of Mister players red 4,9,7, and 11 will move in Sector A and at this point the jokers
8:10 will be part of the Red Team, triggering a 6vs5 situation in favor of the red team (4.8, 7.9 red
+ the two wildcard 8:10 against 2,3,4,5,6 yellow) with the red team that will go into the penalty
area only through a pass and after running at least 10 consecutive passes, while the yellow
players will try to recover the ball (using the offside) and go to the destination (exit Sector A and
enter the other half of the field) in a situation of 5vs4 (2,3,4,5,6 yellow against 4, 7,9,11 red) as
the wildcard 8:10 once lost the ball can no longer play with the players red and their action will be
Meanwhile the two players red 5:06 will move on each path called "Slalom" where they will find a
ball and, therefore, will have to run a slalom with the ball until the signal of the coach: the signal is
interrupted Mister play in Sector A and one of the two players 5 or 6 will be called to play long ball
towards the Sector a, where it will launch a new game with the same theme after the recovery of
a "second ball" by one of the teams.
Drill 2
GAME THEME: In this tutorial, we have a situation of 2vs2 in A (5:06 9:10 red against yellow)
while in Sector B we have a situation of 6vs5 in the players favor red + 1 wildcard (number 4).
The two teams (whose common task in not being held will be to retrieve the ball in the shortest
possible time), in phase of possession have different objectives:
1. When holding the Yellow team the playing field will consist of both sectors A and B with players
who can not get out of their own sector. Aim for the Yellows will be to overcome the defense of
the players red (in a 8vs8 situation including the joker playing with Yellow) by attacking the blind
area of defense after combination with at least one of the tips (steps 1,2,3, 4.5 in the figure).
Once past the defense and entered the penalty area the player in possession must conclude with
the shot within 5 seconds.
2. When holding the Red team the playing field will be the only sector B, with players red 2:03
reds that are going to be placed on the outside of the field B (2 in Sector 3 there in Sector D) and
play along side as the outer banks, while one of the two attackers yellow will enter Sector B in aid
to fellow in defense: therefore we will have a situation of 5vs5 (including the joker playing with
red) + two banks outside red. Objective of the players Rossi will be to conclude a network of
cross lateral performed by either the outer banks after performing a minimum of 6 passes.
Meanwhile one of the two defenders Rossi 5:06 (ie. Before the player 5) come to rest on cone
labeled "Cross 1" and put the ball in Sector And where his partner (the player 6) will counter the
tip remained in Sector A who will attack the ball in Sector E (first situation 1v1). Subsequently,
after the first Cross, the other defender (the player 6) come to rest on cone labeled "Cross 2" and
put the ball in Sector And where his partner (the player 5) will counteract the tip in a second 1v1
Drill 3
tutorial, we in Sector Two teams playing a possession in a situation of 4vs4 (G1, G2, G3, G4
against B1, B2, B3, B4) with 2 the outer banks (N3 and R3) with legal goal after holding the ball
for as long as 20 seconds. At the same time 3 players blacks (N1, N2, N4) and 3 players red (R1,
R2, R4) perform the following exercise represented in the figure: the player N1 part in slalom with
ball between the Chinese guy blue, with the player positioned N2 at the end of the path; just
before the slalom finish N1, N2 part, goes to get the passage of N1sul cone C1 (step 1) after
passing a stake, replay the ball on N1 (step 2) and starts again to go to get the ball on the cone
C2 (step 3) after passing a second pole. Once the path, N2 plays the ball on N4 (which will initiate
the same combination with N1) with N2 going to get back to the starting position. For each signal
Mister player at that time will have finished the course will take the place of the bank as a partner
in possession. So we'll have that players red and blacks will alternate every signal in the role of
Mister outer bank at Sector A (the path described applies to players red).
It continues until the Mister signal with a very specific call players to run the second part of the
year: in fact the player will end the path (in the example N2), instead of starting the combination
passing to the player who must run the slalom with the ball, pass the ball to the player with whom
he received step 3 (in N1 with step Az. 1) which in the meantime will run a course in overlap with
the next slalom between the posts (Route 1). Along the way players in the sector called by Mister
will reach the Sector B identified in the box: the situation will be chosen by Mister based on the
players called, and therefore in Sector B will have different situations of side passages (of course
from both the right and then the left side). We can then have situations ranging dall'1vs1 to 4vs4
is of equal numbers of numerical inferiority of one of the two teams. The defending team in Sector
B will be the one who had to retrieve the ball in Sector A
Rotate players.
Drill 4
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial (which takes place in the example with 8 players) we
have the elements initially positioned as shown, with the ball placed on the cone blue A2. The
exercise is as follows:
1. Part player G1 that the cone A1 moves quickly on the cone A2 (after passing the pole P1) and
goes to the player to perform step R1 (step 1) that was started from the cone to move the cone
A4 A3 after circumvented the stake P2;
2. the player R1 passes the ball back to the player G1 (step 2) after the step 1 is returned quickly
on the cone A1 after passing for the second time the stake P1;
3. The player G1 passes the ball back to the player R1 (step 3) that after step 2 is returned
quickly on the cone A4 after passing for the second time the stake P2;
4. The player G1 passes the ball to player R1 (step 4) that after step 3 has moved to the cone in
place at the center of the center circle;
5. The player passes the ball to the player G1 G3 (step 5) that the cone A5 has moved quickly on
the cone A6 after passing the stake P3;
6. The player G1 from the cone A moves faster as shown to the Chinese guy where yellow
running direction changes between the same Chinese guy (CDD1), and then goes to occupy the
position on the cone A4 behind the player R2; same thing will make the player R1 from the cone
A4 moves quickly as shown to the Chinese guy where yellow running direction changes between
the same Chinese guy (CDD2), and then goes to occupy the position on the cone A5 behind the
player G4;
The exercise continues with the same series of steps (6,7,8,9,10) as described above, and
among the players G3 and R3 to start again from the cone A2 and continue in the circuit up to the
signal of Mister.
At the signal of Mister players will compete in a 4vs4 for possession within the Zone 1 indicated
by the dotted lines yellow.
N.B. : The exercise can also be done with the use of two balloons, with the second ball, which will
be initially placed on the cone A6.
Drill 5
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, fundamental and primary goal is to train your defense
to the outputs under the defensive pressure of the opponents. Inside the Sector A we have
initially a situation of 4vs4 (R1, R2, R3, R4 vs G1, G2, G3, G4) that play a ball possession. At the
same time within the Zone 1 and Zone 2 (indicated by yellow dotted line) we have four defenders
red (Zone 1) and 4 yellow (Zone 2) that perform continuous exchanges between the cones blue
as shown (use 2 balls for each area) and, therefore, at each step both players placed in the
middle (eg. G6 and G7 in Zone 2) and external (G5 and G8 always in Zone 2) are to carry out a
series of "go and return" between cones for all the time in which it takes place in the possession
Sector A (same exercise is performed by R5, R6, R7, R8 in Zone 1).
Players in the Sector A will try to serve the goalkeeper's team with a passage that has to go
through the main door indicated by the blue stakes. In this case (Step P1 in the figure) players
red R1, R2, R3, R4 will have to quickly get into the area where there are the opposing defense
(Zone 2 in the example) where you play a 5vs4 situation (including the goalkeeper) in favor player
yellow G1, G2, G3, G4 + goalkeeper, who will avoid pressing the opponent (step P2, P3) and
send the ball in Sector A mate who passed the ball to the goalkeeper (G3 in the example) through
one of two small doors marked with white cones red (step P4). If the Reds can win the ball shot
off within 5 seconds.
Meanwhile, the other 3 players yellow (G1, G2, G4) will receive the ball from one of defending the
red seats in Zone 1 and Zone 1 will attack the defense in favor of a temporary 3vs2 fact: after
giving the ball to the opponents, two outer R5 and R8 must perform fast path consists of the
ladder and poles and fall in Zone 1 to establish a position of superiority in numbers of 4vs3 in
Zone 1. Therefore, during, execution of these paths, players red R6 and R7 will try to delay the
conclusion of the opponent network cards to allow companions to return.
VARIATION: the coach can call pressure a number less than 4 players, making it possible for
those who remain in Area A to avoid receiving G3.
Drill 6
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have the players initially arranged as in the figure
with the players G1 and G4 in possession of the ball. Part player that G1 (step 1) passes the ball
to Mister (positioned as in the figure) and part to perform the path 1 (direction changes between
the cones A, B, C, D, E) for receiving the return passage on the cone E (step 2). Meanwhile, both
G2 G3 (both parties without the ball cones labeled c1) are also running them on Route 2
(direction changes with 1,2,3,4 return on the cones c1) changes in direction between the cones.
The player G1, received the ball from the coach, the play on the companion G2 (step 3) and
rapidly moves the cone F to receive the discharge (step 4). Then play the ball on the companion
G2 (step 5) and goes to get the same ball on the cone E1 (step 6). At this point, the player
passes the ball to his G1 G5 placed on the cone A (step 8) and should be starting to take the
place of G3 cone c1, while G3 to G6 queues after running a quick tutorial to skip on the ladder. At
this point the player G4 from the cone A1 and performs the same path in the opposite direction to
that described (ip routes are symmetrical). Proceed as described to signal the coach, when the
two players placed on the cones A and A1 will start quickly and after conducting the ball (shown)
in Area A (indicated by the red dashed lines), challenge the two companions that at the time of
the signal will trails 2: we have a 2vs2 situation in Sector A.
VARIATION: the players called by coach to run the game with players located on Route 2 will be
more than 2 and then you will have a 3vs2 or a 4vs2. Therefore, it is possible to vary the size of
the Sector A.
Drill 7
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A of 4vs2 (N1, N2, N3,
N4 vs. G3, G4) with three players N1, N2, N4, located along the three sides of Sector A lens for
blacks to keep possession for as long as possible (or the time set by coach) without the constant
pressure of the cards: this situation follows a defensive output with a back 3 more a midfielder
underwent the pressure of two opposing forwards. At the same time both in Sector B Sector C we
have a 2vs1 situation between two players red and a yellow player (R1, R2 vs. G1 in Sector B,
R3, R4 against G3, G4 in Sector C) with a red player out of place industry: objective in this case
is to maintain possession of the ball for a period determined by the coach.
The main objective of the yellows in the various sectors will be to win back the ball. In the event of
recapture will be activated the following exercise: if the ball is regained in Sector A player who
wins the yellow ball (if the player figure G3) will play the ball to one of the two companions in Area
B or C (in 'as switching Az. 1 to G1 in Sector C) and will move to Zone 1 (shown in the figure with
orange dotted lines) after running the Route A without the ball; players yellow G1, G2 and G3 in
Zone 1 will play a 3vs2 situation against the defending Red R2 and R3 with the yellow should go
into the penalty area after a combination and shot off within 10 seconds.
In the meantime, the players red R1 and R4 will start one at a time to run the ball with Route B
where the ball will go in Zone 2 to the attacker yellow G4 (cross) and after running a slalom
between cones with yellow ball, a step (Az. 1) to G4, a slalom between the poles without the ball
and receiving the blue cone A; the action of the ball players N4 blacks on one side and the other
N2 will prevent cross to R1 and R4. In Zone 2 (indicated in the figure by the dashed orange lines)
we have two situations 1v1 between G4 and N1 cross lateral (or oblique plane) from either the
right or left.
If the ball is won back by one of two players in the Yellow Areas B and C, one of the two players
yellow (called by the coach) must reach the Zone 1 after running the Route A (ladder + over) and
the rest of the tutorial is take place in the same way described above.
Turn the four players in the different starting positions.
Drill 8
EXERCISE IN CIRCUIT The exercise in the figure, which takes place in the circuit (and
depending on the intensity can be used both for heating in the central part of the training) is
performed in the following way:
1. The player R1 starting place on the cone A passes the ball to the player R2 place the cone B
(step 1) and follow the step by moving the cone B;
2. The player goes to the player R2 R3 (step 2) on the cone D, which meets; the same player
after the R2 side step quickly back to Route 1 (slalom between the poles and changes of
3. The player R3 replay the ball back on the cone B to the player R1;
4. The player R1 R2 passes the ball to the player who had since arrived on the cone C (step 4);
5. The player R2, in turn, plays the ball player R3 on the cone D (step 5) and follows the passage
reaching the corner where he addressed the ball (cone D);
6. The player R3 starts a run of the ball between the cones blue (Route 2), and at the end of the
path (cone E) passes the ball to R4 player on the cone F (step 6) and goes to perform the
combination with the same player R4 (exhaust passage 7 and 8), with the player R3 that after the
combination takes the place of R4 on the cone F;
7. The player R4 running the slalom with yellow ball between the Chinese guy (Route 3) and goes
to take the place of the player on the cone G R5 that during the course described, exchanged the
ball with the player R6 as shown in figure (steps 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a);
8. R5 R6 take the place of that it will take in the queue to the row in the initial position with the
players R4 and R5 that swap ball with the combination on the cones white green G, H, I as shown
in figure (with a player standing on the cone G and one in movement between the cones H and I).
The red player R7, as well as other posts in a row, you can already start after step n. 1.
Drill 9
In dead-ball situation by the component "time" is firm, and is a factor that depends on who has to
put the ball in play. To those who defend it is obviously important to the position of the ball and
the opponent of the door. If the ball is stopped, assumes major importance (and often crucial) the
starting position of the opponent. As a starting position, in the case of a corner in our favor
suggest you have players like in the picture ...... for the rest of you do the pattern .......
Drill 10
exercise (which is also organic in nature, as well as technical and tactical) takes place in the
circuit as can be seen in the drawing. We have two pairs of players (the blacks N1, N2 and the
red R1, R2) playing the ball according to the combination illustrated: in the example the N2 that
player receives the ball on the cone C2 from N1 party from the cone C1 (step 1) guide the ball
from cone to cone C2 C3 and executes the transition to the N1 companion who has reached the
cone C4 with a run in the overlap. Continue to Step 3 (second superposition of N2 on N1) N1 and
then the player moves to the blue cone at the edge of the area to receive the companion (step 4)
and a finish. Perform the same exercise on the opposite side players red R1 and R2. at the end
of each step the players will move from a side band to another to perform the exercise in the
circuit and for the number of repetitions set by the coach.
The exercise can also be performed by multiple pairs of players and can also be used in the
heating phase.
Drill 11
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have the three players blacks N1, N2, N3 in Area
A and the three players yellow G1, G2, G3 in Sector B, who are continuously following
combinations on the square to three players: in Sector A, we initially players positioned on the
vertices A, B, C as follows: N3 on the vertex A, vertex B N1 and N2 on the vertex C.
The player N1, from the vertex A passes the ball to player N2 (step 1) on the vertex B and, after
receiving the return pass on the cone C1 (step 2), passes the ball to the player on the vertex C
N3 (step 3) ; N1 moves to the vertex B, while N2 moves to the cone C2 to receive the ball from
N3 (step 4); the player will then pass the ball to N2 N3 player that after step 4 had moved quickly
on the vertex D (step 5); N2 will move to receive the discharge of N3 on the cone C3 (step 6) and
pass the ball to the same player N3 (step 7), which in the meantime has moved quickly on the
vertex A; N2 after step 7 will move on the vertex C. At the end of the combination will have
players always positioned on the vertices A, B, C, but in the following way: N3 on the vertex A,
vertex B on the N1 and N2 on the vertex C. L 'exercise continues the same way until the signal
Players G1, G2, G3 will perform the same combination in Sector B, and will be willing "mirror"
than blacks players in Sector A.
Simultaneously players red R1, R2, R3 are running a series of exchanges as in figure (steps
1,2,3,4) using two balloons, and at the same time running over to trade a series of "go and back"
between the cones .
At the coach's signal, the two players positioned on the top "A" of the two segments A and B (in
the N1 and G1) will start to enter the Sector C where they will be addressed by the red player R1
in two situations 2vs1 (to the detriment of R1 ) on cross side (grazing or plane) performed by
players before the red R2 and R3 from the left (cross 1) and then from the right (cross 2).
Turn the sets of players.
Drill 12
2vs2 FINAL: In this tutorial within the space formed by the Sector A + + Zone 1 Zone 2 and along
the sides of Area A we have a 6vs6 situation (the external defensive 2:03, the outside midfield
7:11; 8 central midfielder and striker 9) + 2 jokers (the 4 central midfielder and another striker 10).
As shown in the figure, each player of the team in possession (in the red) plays "in position" with
the attackers 9:10 (wildcard) and midfielders 8:04 (wild card) that you can alternate (but do not
stay at the same time) Sector A; same is true for the pairs of right and left 2:07 3 and 11 (if one is
in Area A the other is in Zone 1 (left) or Zone 2 (right). Meanwhile in Zone 3 (the between area A
and the penalty area) we have a second situation 2vs1 (two central defenders 5:06 against an
attacker 9 or 10) where the two stations during the holding period of the opponents perform
movements based on the displacement of the ball and attacking opponents, whereas the two
central defenders of the team in possession (5:06 red) running throughout the ownership of fellow
trade at the edge of the door (as shown) with travel around the pole (P1 and P2) to each
The exercise is being held in the following way:
• The defending during the possession of the opponents can not get out of the Sector A. The
players in possession in Sector A, assisted by the 4 outer banks (in the figure the fullbacks 2:03,
midfielder and striker 8 9) must keep the ball in and out of Area A in the time set by the coach in a
Zone 1 or 2 (the red in the example) and, therefore, can trigger an action on one of the two side
bands with one of the external (the 2 red example) that receives the ball and countered by an
opponent who will exit the sector a (2 yellow in the example), will quickly lead ball in one of the
sectors C or D (in C) to go to the cross (step 6) in Sector B where you will be moved in the
meantime, the two central defenders, 5:06 and 9:10 two strikers who will compete in a situation of
2 vs 2 If the recapture yellow ball within the time limit set by Mister then the 'action is reversed
and the central defenders 5:06 of the two teams will exchange positions (a couple works with the
ball and another holds the position during the tenure of then go to the 2 vs 2 in the case of signal
The exercise lends itself to a considerable number of variants.
Drill 13
1 vs 1 AFTER COMBINATION WITH THREE PLAYERS: In this tutorial, we have the three
players blacks N1, N2, N3 positioned as shown with the N1 player in possession of the ball that
serves the N2 player who, starting from the cone and moves quickly to get on the cone C (step
1); N2 player in turn serves the player N3 which, starting from the cone B has quickly brought the
cone D (step 2) with N2 that goes later to perform an exercise dry "go and return" between the
cones C1 and C2 ; player N3 N1 serves the player that after step 1 has moved quickly on the
cone E with a run outside the pole P1 (step 3); after the passage player N3 part from the cone D
and reaches with a run external to the bollard path "slalom" to receive the return pass of the
companion N2 (step 4), while N1 moves to perform together with the N2 exercise Cleaning to "go
and return" between the cones C1 and C2. The two players will have to perform the "go and
return" until the player has finished the N3 route in Slalom with the ball at the end of the Slalom,
and signal Mister, the two players must quickly enter Area A place to give a 1v1 situation on side
passage where the role of defender will be covered by the player who will enter first in Sector A.
The exercise may be carried out with more sets of players, and subsequently also in the mirror,
with the player in possession initially placed on the cone B and the player N2 initially positioned
on the cone F. Rotate the players in the starting positions.
Drill 14
GAME THEME WITH PENALTIES ': In this tutorial, you play initially in Sector A (identified by the
two red dashed lines) in a game of 5 vs 4 situation between players red (2,3,4,5,6) and players
yellow (7,9,10,11). The two teams have different objectives: Players red, in numerical superiority
will have to try to score in one of the four ports shown in the figure (port 1, port 2, port 3, port 4)
avoiding the recapture of the ball by the players yellow. This situation simulates defensive output
of the 4 defenders (supported by a median) on a pressure ultraoffensivo performed by attacking
opponents. One of the two central defenders during the round ball in turn will leave the sector A
and position themselves behind the boundary of the sector A (practically in the penalty area)
In the case of recapture of the ball striker that interrupts the action (as in the figure with the
reconquest by the yellow player n. 7) will have 5 seconds to enter the area undisturbed and a
finish. After the conclusion of one of the players in the door of the Red Team, chosen by Mister,
will execute as a penalty, the dry path shown in the figure (starting from cone to cone A and M):
therefore his teammates will play for a period of time (time of the organic route) in situation 4 vs 4
If the opponent striker scored the winning goal with a shot on goal the red player will have to
perform as a penalty, the path back and forth (so the situation will last for a 4 vs 4 longer period).
The action (or after the shot in case of recapture that after the goal in the doors) always starts by
players red: in the case described above (loss of possession and shot on goal) will have to keep
the ball in order to enable the partner to re-establish after the path numerical superiority.
If players red mark in one of the 4 ports will be one of the players yellow, by way of penalty,
having run the course dry, and therefore will be in the yellow double outnumbered (5vs3). The
route will be double if the players red mark in one of the two central doors (port 2 or port 3).
Drill 15
EXERCISE OF HEATING CIRCUIT: Exercise in the figure, which takes place in the circuit, is
performed in the following sequence:
1 player Apart ball at his feet and leads as shown in slalom between the Chinese guy yellow
(Station 1);
2 Player A at the end of Station 1 passes the ball to player B (step 1), which in the meantime has
performed a skip between the poles lying on the ground (Station 2). Player A after the passage
goes on the run and he also performs the skip between the poles (Station 2) and goes to take the
place of player B.
3 Player B passes the ball to player C (step 2), which has since run the slalom between cones
blue (Station 3) with B that after the passage continues and he also runs the slalom between
cones blue, taking on the position originally occupied by the player C;
4 Player C plays the ball on the player D (step 3) and follows the passage reaching the corner
where he addressed the passage;
5 The D player passes the ball to player B (step 4) and is to receive the return pass after running
the slalom between cones blue (Station 4);
6 Subsequently, the D player performs the combination of steps in the figure with the player E
(steps 6,7,8) And with that in the meantime has bypassed the stake to run the reception (step 6)
and around again after unloading (step 7), with the player after the combination D which takes the
place of E;
7 The player with the ball and run the slalom between the Chinese guy yellow (Station 6) to move
to the initial position.
The red player F, as well as other posts in a row, it can start as early as after the passage n. 1.
Drill 16
1 VS 1 AFTER COMBINATION AND OVERLAP: In this tutorial, we have three players on yellow
cones blacks arranged as in figure (N1 cone A, B cone on the N2 and N3 on the cone D) with N1
in possession of the ball. The exercise consists of a quick combination between the three players
is performed as follows: N1 plays the ball on N2 (step 1) and is to receive the return pass on the
cone C (step 2); at this point the player always N1 passes the ball to the player N3 (step 3) which
in turn exchanges ball with N2 with a "from and Go" (steps 4 and 5) with the same N3 going to
receive the step 5 on cone E; N1 going to take place in Sector A, N2 and N3 serving player (step
6), which in the meantime with a run in the overlap has reached the Sector B; N3 will collect the
cross of N2 (step 7) in Sector A after performing passed over the places along the route, and will
be thwarted in the end by the player to network N1 in a 1 vs 1 situation.
At the conclusion of the combination described start from the opposite side of the players R1, R2
and R3 that will be running the same combination.
At the end of the two combinations of the backhoe players will start from the opposite side, and
perform the exercise in this way both from the right from the left.
The exercise can be performed by several sets of players.
Drill 17
GAMES positional (MODULE 4-4-2) OFFENSIVE END WITH DEVELOPMENT: In this tutorial
within the Sector A we have a situation of 4vs4 (defensive line 4) + 1 wildcard (number 4 central
midfielder), where each player on the team in possession plays "in position". At the same time we
have a second in Sector C 4vs4 situation (two outer and two strikers), where in this case each
player of the team in possession plays "in position". The exercise is being held in the following
• the players in possession in Sector A, in addition to the jolly n. 4, are supported by two external
sides (wildcard) represented by the second central midfielder n. 8 (which is located in Sector B
where they can not get out) and the doorman n. 1 (in the box). Therefore we will have a 4vs4 + 3
jokers including two outside the Sector A. The objective of the team in possession will be to keep
the ball and get out of Area A in the time established by the Mister making ineffective the action of
pressure from the opponents. If the goal is reached, the team that fails to win back the ball with
the action of pressure, the next action will have to play with one less player until the reconquest.
The player who regains the ball will enter the area and shot off within 5 seconds. The first team to
suffer three-goal play for the remaining time outnumbered both in the possession of which in not
being held.
• In Sector C instead of the 4 players in possession are helped by the always jolly n. 8, which
plays practically simultaneously in possession in Sector B than in Sector A (with the only
constraint of being always in Sector B). Objective 4 of the attackers will be to go to back of the net
by a combination after holding the ball for 10 consecutive seconds (in steps 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5a)
At the signal of Mister exercise and changes will take place in the three adjacent sectors C, D, E
with respective pairs fullbacks who will occupy the yellow sectors (those right n. 2 Sector D, n
those claims. 3 Sector E ) with the player jolly n. 8, which will come into play regularly in Sector C
(always playing "position" of central midfielder). We will have therefore a situation of total 6 vs 6 +
1 wildcard where the goal will be to go to the net after a combination on the wings of the pairs of
external (2:07 or 3:11) and pass into the box (grazing or plane) . The pairs of external constraint
will only ever play both in the same area (if one is in the Yellow Sector, the other must stay
outside) and with the help of jolly n. 8 (therefore in a situation of 3 vs 2).
N.B. : No jokers. 4 and n. 8 during exercise can exchange positions at the invitation of Mister.
Drill 18
player positioned on the N1 A blue cone without the ball, while the other players are positioned as
in each figure and each holding a ball (N2 cone c1; N3 on cone c2, c3 N4 on the cone, the cone
N5 and N6 cone c4 c5).
The player N1 part and executes the path as indicated by the dashed lines in the figure, reaching
the cones blue according to the following sequence: AB (dashed stroke 1) - BC (dashed stroke 2)
- CB dashed stroke 3) - BE (dashed stroke 4) - ED (dashed stroke 5) - DE (dashed stroke 6).
Finally took the lead cone c1 (dashed race 7). At the end of each race mates pass the ball on the
respective blue cone towards the N1 that returns again to his companion (steps 1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7-8,
9-10, 11-12).
At the end of the path the player positioned on the cone c5 (in N6) passes the ball (transition
labeled AZ. 1) to the companion on the cone C4 (in the example N5) and goes to receive the
return pass in Sector B (transition labeled AZ. 2) after stroke in the overlap. At this point the
player positioned on the cone c3 (N4 in the example) will prevent the passage towards the Sector
A reaching in the shortest time, the Sector B (first situation 1vs1 between N6 and N4).
During the 1v1 between N6 and N4 player positioned on the cone c2 (in N3) will have to go to
receive the pass (AZ. 3) in Area A for a finish on the cross side, contrasted with the player
positioned on the cone c1 (example N2), who left behind, will recover as soon as the position
(second 1v1 situation between N2 and N3).
Thus the task of defending N4 and N2 will be to take place immediately in order to avoid the end
of the action and retrieve the ball.
At the end of the action described on the players rotate positions clockwise and then we will have
the second step with the departure of N6 and the other comrades placed on the cone next to that
of the previous step.
Drill 19
have a total of Sectors A and B in a 4vs4 situation jolli + 1, where each player of the team in
possession plays "in position". The exercise is performed in the following manner: 5:06 players
from both teams can not get out of Sector B (which starts the exercise) and are assisted b
y jolli n. 4 that, in this case, play from outer bank. Objective of players n. 5:06 is to send the ball to
fellow n. 8:10 in Sector A situation where we have a 2 vs 2 + the usual jolli n. 4 At the same time
in Sector C we have two strikers (also wildcard) exchanging the ball with outsiders 2:03 (also in
position) of both teams waiting for the signal to pass through the Mister; in this way, as seen in
the figure, the players 2-3 and 9-11 are running at each passage also an exercise in "go and
back" (the 9 and 11 of the cones EF, the numbers 2 between yellow and red cones AB and the
numbers between 3 yellow and red cones CD).
At the signal of the Mister, the team in possession will serve players 9:11 in Sector C (step 4) and
the numbers 2 and 3 of the opponents (in the yellow 2 and 3) will retrieve the position to
challenge the attackers in a situation of 2 vs 2 in C Serttore and prevent attackers in the
maximum time of five seconds to come into penalty area (Area D) at the end of the action
described the two players teammates reds (which had won in the possession and served the
attackers) will move each on a path (Path 1 and 2). Where they will find each and a balloon at the
end of the slalom (one at a time) put the ball in Sector C, where there will be two more situations
of 2 vs 2 (with ball Side) 9:11 between the players and the players yellow 2:03).
Meanwhile, defenders and midfielders yellow, and as a penalty for losing in possession, will
perform the coordinative Paths 1 and 2 shown in the figure (5:08 Route 1; 6:10 Path 2).
Drill 20
1 VS 1 AFTER COMBINATION: In this tutorial (which can be done by using multiple sets of
players) we have the three players R, N and G initially positioned as shown with N in possession
of the ball. N The player passes the ball to the player on the cone G A (step 1) and performs a
slalom between cones to receive the next step back from the companion (step 2). The player G
after performing step 2 runs the Route 1 (ladder - over - shot between ver blue cones BC) to go to
get step 3 suyl cone C. Subsequently, the player returns the ball to the yellow G black player N
(step 4) and snaps quickly to the Sector N A. The player passes the ball to the player on the cone
c2 R (step 5), which in the meantime will have performed a "go-back -vai "between the cones c1,
c2, c3 as in the figure. The red player A passes the ball to the player in Sector A yellow G (step
6), which will try to shot off before the recovery by the black player N. Otherwise it is considered a
1 vs 1 between G and N in Sector A.
At the end of step 6, the red player R will run the route 2 (+ poles over), and at the end of the path
to find a ball that should be directed towards the sector A, where you will have a new situation of
1 vs 1 between N and G this time on a side passage (grazing or plane).
Rotate the players.
Drill 21
COMBINATION WITH OVERRIDE: In this tutorial (which depending on the intensity of
development can have a valence organic) at the beginning we have the players arranged as in
the figure: BLACK 1 and BLACK 2 players on the blue cone A (with 1 in BLACK possession),
GREEN player on the blue cone C, ORANGE player on the blue cone D, RED player on the blue
cone E, YELLOW player on the blue cone F, BLU player on the blue cone A.
Part 1 NERO player who passes the ball on the cone c1 (step 1), where the player has moved
ORANGE, which returns the ball to BLACK 1 on the cone c2 (step 2) and is to occupy the blue
cone E; NERO player 1 passes the ball on the cone c3 (step 3) where you have moved the player
YELLOW which in turn passes the ball on the cone C4 (step 4) where in the meantime has
moved the RED player with a race in outer overlap the pole P1; NERO player is to occupy the
blue cone F YELLOW while the player is to occupy the blue cone D; RED player passes the ball
to player BLU (step 6) and goes to stand in line on the blue cone b. At the end of the first
sequence (as shown in the figure STEP 1) we have the players positioned as indicated in the
figure with STEP 2.
The sequence is repeated in contrast with the steps 6,7,8,9,10 and with the player YELLOW that
will ultimately be to stand behind the player BLACK 2 A blue cone after stroke overlap in external
pole P2.
Continue in this manner until the coach at the end of one of the "STEP" call between those two
players positioned on the blue cones C, D, E, F, which will soon reach the Sector A to compete in
a situation of 1 vs 1 on side passage (grazing or air) coming from the cones blue A or B.
Rotate the players in the various starting positions.
Drill 22
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A 3 vs 3 (N1, N2, N3
against R1, R2, R3) with 4 banks of external N4, N5, N6, N7 (so a total 7vs3) and with the 4
players red R4, R5, R6, R7 running drills dry "and go back" between the blue cones. It always
plays out the door occupied by the keeper. Players Red R1, R2, R3 will have to try to recover the
ball within the period of 20 seconds with an action of continued pressure on opponents, in order
to allow their fellow R4, R5, R6, R7 to replace players in blacks role banks play and, therefore, a
favorable situation of 7vs3. For every ball recovery is assigned 1 point (2 points if such recovery
occurs in the first 10 seconds). At the signal of the coach, the team in possession (in blacks
players) will have to send the ball (steps 1,2,3,4,5) to the N6 side (attacker) placed behind the
door marked with cones white yellow A and B. The striker will serve one of the two side walls
(step 6 on the N7 in Sector B) is to speed up the control to prevent the recovery of the player R7,
and go to the cross in the penalty area (step 7) always for the player that N6 R6 will be countered
by the opponent in a 1v1 situation on cross side. Goal of this situational assigning 3 points.
Drill 22
EXERCISE FOR DEFENSIVE LINE MOVEMENTS + 4vs4 FINAL: In this tutorial, we have 4
players blacks initially positioned as shown in figure (N1 cone A in possession of the ball, on cone
N2 And N3 and N4 D cone on the cone C). Part of the N1 player and runs the slalom run to cone
B and then pass the ball to the player N4 (step 1 diagonal); the player passes the ball to player
N4 N3 (step 2 vertical); N3 in turn passes the ball to player N2 (step 3 horizontal); meanwhile the
players at each step moving from their initial position (N1 goes to take a position on the cone D,
N4 going to take a position on the cone E; N3 goes to take a position on the cone A). The player
N2 runs in the slalom run up to the cone F and then pass the ball to the player on the N1 cone D
(step 4 diagonal) and goes to receive the return pass on the cone C (step 5 vertical). The tour
ends with the horizontal passage 6 of N2 to N3 on the cone A. It starts again with the player
positioned as follows: N3 on the cone to hold the ball on the cone and N4, N1 and N2 D cone on
the cone C.
It continues the same way until the signal Mister with the steps that must be performed quickly in
order to give the tutorial also organic in nature.
In the time of execution of the steps as described, the 4 players Red R1, R2, R3, R4, located in
Area A shown in the figure must perform movements based on the movement of the ball (used to
run the slalom course also not sudden but gradual movements respect to the movement of the
ball in order to give different movement times to the defensive line).
At the coach's signal will activate a situation of 4 vs. 4 blacks between the players and the players
in the Red Sector A with defending that will prevent the attackers from entering the area in
combination with a time of 10 seconds from the time that part of the signal .
Drill 24
this tutorial, we initially two central defenders (R1 and R2) and two strikers (G1 and G2) placed
on top of the Sector A; We also have two side (R3 and R4) and a midfielder (G3) positioned as
The players running with the ball combinations indicated in the figure: R4 plays the ball on G2
(Step 1) that get it on R2 (step 2); R2 to R4 passes in the meantime has moved to the cone B2.
Players R2 and G2 after the respective passages exchange the position with the players G1 and
R1 (who performed the same combination on the opposite side with R3). Therefore, to return the
player to play the ball on the player R4 R1 (step 4) that get it on G1 (step 5), which in turn passes
the ball to R4 (step 6), which in the meantime has reached its starting position on the cone A2 .
Therefore, players also perform exercises "and go back to" during the combinations described.
The player G3 instead plays the ball between the cones E and F (steps 1 and 2) and at each step
must reach the ball from the opposite side (after passing the blue cone G) for rigiocarla: G3
practically passes the ball to if and performs the same he thus exercises "and go back."
At a signal from the player's Mister G3 will run a ball in Sector B R3 and R4 and the players will
have to move quickly in Sector B to prevent the passage (only intercept) filter of G3 to the two
strikers G1 and G2, which will be obliged to perform appropriate movements of dissociation to
receive and challenge the two central defenders, R1 and R2 in an attack in central situation of 2
vs 2 to enter into the area and shot off in a maximum of 10 seconds.
Drill 25
DOUBLE 1 vs 1 AFTER COMBINATION: In this tutorial, we initially two players red R1, R2, and
two players yellow G1, G2 positioned as in figure (R1 on the cone A, B R2 on the cone, the cone
D G1 and G2 on the cone C, with the ball placed on the cone a (where R1). at the start signal
Mister players R1, R2 and G2 and everyone goes to work around the pole located at a distance
of about 6 feet from the start of each cone and then return to the position starting (R1 around the
pole P1, P2 and R2 stake G1 stake P3).
Returning to the starting position player passes the ball to player R1 R2 (step 1), which in turn
plays on G2 (step 2). The G2 player plays the ball in Sector B (step 3) to the G1 player in the
meantime (at the end of go back and run from R1, R2, G2) has moved from the cone D to reach
the Sector B after running the path that consists of circles and over. After that G2 has performed
step 3 to the Sector A, players G2 and R2 will move as quickly as possible in Sector A and
following the path indicated in the figure (the outer race to the poles P4 and P5 with the next
ladder up to the cones G and F and then Sector A), where the player will receive the cross G2
(step 4) of the companion G1 and where it will be opposed by R2 (1vs1 situation in Sector a). The
player R1 instead (always after step 3) will reach the Sector B as soon as possible to avoid step 4
from G1 to G2 addressed in Sector A: therefore, also in Sector B you will have a 1v1 situation
between G1 and R1.
Drill 26
tutorial, we have three players blacks (N1, N2, N3), three players yellow (G1, G2, G3) and the red
player R arranged as in the figure. The two players N1 and G1 are in possession of the ball. The
exercise is being held at first in the circuit and in the following way: the player passes the ball to
player N1 N2 on the cone A (step 1); N2, in turn, the player passes the ball to the player that
starting from N3 cone B has moved to the cone F (step 2); the player passes the ball to player N3
N1 which in the meantime has moved to the cone E (step 3); N1 player passes the ball to player
N2 in the meantime with a run in the overlap outside the pole P1 has moved to the cone B (step
4) the player passes the ball to player N2 N3 which in the meantime has moved to the cone B1.
Eventually we will have, therefore, a different starting position players: R will be departing on the
cone A1, N1 on the cone A, B N2 and N3 on the cone on the cone B1. Same combinations occur
between players G1, G2, G3 with the steps 6,7,8,9 and 10. The exercise continues for the time
set by the coach and repetitions.
At the coach's signal, players must get into the rectangular space indicated by the yellow dotted
line where they'll play a possession in 3vs3 situation (N1, N2, N3 against G1, G2, G3) R with the
player who will assume the role of joker.
To the new signal Mister players will resume the series of the combinations described above, and
so on.
Alternates in this way an exercise of combinations with another of possession.
Drill 27
have 4 groups of 3 players positioned as shown in the figure and in the following sequence:
1. Starts a player that performs two BLACK "go back and" between the cones (sequence EF-EGGE-FE) and then plays the ball on the cone c1 (step 1), where a player has moved RED party A
and cone after performing the change of direction between the cones AB-BC-CC1;
2. Player RED plays later the ball on the cone c2 (step 2) where you have moved the player
YELLOW, who started from the cone D, and has performed leaps monopodalic between the
circles on the ground;
3. Player plays back on YELLOW RED player who has moved to the cone c3 (step 3);
4. The RED player plays on the cone C4 (step 4), where the player has moved GREEN after
jumping over the blue and avoided the stake;
5. Player plays on the cone GREEN c5 (step 5) which in the meantime had moved the player
YELLOW following the step 3 and after following the path consists of the green poles on the
ground (2 touch to any space);
6. YELLOW The player plays the ball on the cone c6 (step 6) where he goes to get the RED
player running a race in outer overlap at stake blue;
7. Player RED at the end of the race in overlapping run a ball (step 7) to the players BLACKS.
At the end of the combination described above we have that the players will be in a different
position and will take place in the end of each row as shown in the figure.
Drill 28
GAME THEME: In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A of 4vs4 (yellow players against
players marked with red numbers 4,7,8,10). The objective of one of the teams is to try to serve
his fellow attack 9:11 in one of two areas adjacent to Area A (Sector B for the yellow team, Sector
C for the red team) through the two small doors (P1, P2 for yellow, P3 and P4 for the reds) in
Sectors B and C, we first of two situations between players 2vs2 red and yellow players
(defenders against attackers 5:06 9:11). In the event that one of the teams manages to serve the
comrades, the player who performed the passage through the small door in the sector can move
to play with friends in a 3vs2 situation: in the example the red player 8 ball can give 9 smarcatosi
mate with a movement along the short-and therefore can not enter the sector C to play with his
teammates. Next objective for players red will be to serve a comrade in Sector And in order to
reach the conclusion, with the transition that must take place through one of the three doorways
bordered by yellow cones (P8, P9, P10) with the defending yellow will intercept the ball to play it
to his companions in Sector A.
N.B. If the 4 players in the sector to fail to serve the companions, may retain possession for as
long as 30 seconds to earn 1 point even without going to the goal.
Drill 29
players red R1 and R2 and two blacks players N1 and N2 arranged as in the figure (R1 and N1
on the vertices of one side of Area 2 with N1 on the cone A and R1 on cone B while R2 and N2
are positioned on the first cone and the second cone A1 B1). The four players exchange as in the
figure with the use of two balloons and each at each passage moves between the cones
performing in this way also the exercises of "go and return" (N1 and R1 between the cones AB,
N2 between the cones B1-D1 and R2 between the cones A1-C1).
At a signal from the coach the players N1 and R1 moving as shown in the figure: N1 goes to
occupy the vertex C (which belongs to the Sectors 1 and 2), while R1 is to occupy the summit of
the F Area 2 where you will find a ball . The two players will play some "give and go" (steps 1,2,3)
with travel around the pole while moving to receive. In step 3, we have N1 with a ball on top and
Sector 2 and R1 without the ball on the vertex D (which belongs to both sectors). At this point N1
R1 challenge in a 1v1 situation in Sector 2 with the objective of overcoming the enemy within 5
seconds and lead the ball in Sector 1 for a finish.
At the same time the two players R2 and N2 must be running at speed the path shown in Figure 1
until reaching the cones placed on the lateral side (E1 R2 on the cone and the cone N2 F1)
where they will find each a balloon. Each of the two players will have to put the ball in the
Industry! where players will be moved to R1 and N1 that will compete in two 1v1 situation in
Sector 1 on the ball side (sliding or air) coming from both the right and left. On the red cross of
the player R2 (Cross 1) the defender is the player N1 black, while the black cross of the player N2
(Cross 2) the defender will be the red player R1.
Change the position of the players at the end of the year.
Drill 30
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a lot in Sector A theme 2vs2 (yellow G2, G3
against red R5, R6) with two yellow outer banks (G1 and G4): Players with the help of the yellow
outer banks should seek to maintain possession for 30 consecutive seconds (or the time set by
coach), while the two red R5 and R6 will prevent the continuous passages and, once in
possession of the ball must leave the arena past the two central defenders G2 and G3 with a
combination to go to the shooting. In Sector B we have another game-themed with a 4vs2
situation (yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 against red R7, R8) with red players (in inferiority within the
rectangle) that are supported by four banks each disposed on one side (R1, R2, R3, R4):
objective for players red (R1, R2, R3, R4, R7, R8) is to maintain possession for 30 consecutive
seconds (or for the time established by mister) alternately switching the ball from inside to outside
and from outside to inside (as shown in the figure), while the yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 once in
possession of the ball will have to score in one of the two small doors indicated by the white
cones and blue (port 1 or port 2) with the port that will be defended by the player R2 (which in this
way will run a shuttle route to defend the two small doors). It is played continuously in the two
sectors with the ball change at the time of the field or at the end of each action (keep many balls
in hand edge of the two fields). At a signal from the other side of the coach R4 red, received the
ball from the coach (fl. 2) with a through ball will trigger their peers R5 and R6 in a 2vs2 situation
against the defending G2 and G3 which will try to intercept the passage, while one of the players
side yellow on the sides of Sector A (in this case G1) received the ball from the coach (fl. 1) will
have to play for their fellow yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 Area B will be in a situation favorable 4vs2
against R7, R8 (the banks do not participate) and will release a companion to shoot in the penalty
area in a time of 10 seconds (ie the offside).
Drill 31
situation in the A 3vs3 (R1, R2, R3 against N1, N2, N3) + 2 sides red (R4 and R5) that allow the
team to play in a red 5vs3 situation of numerical superiority. At the same time three players red
(R6, R7, R8) play a bull against the N4 black player in the field delimited by the red-white cones,
while the other side of the field four defenders blacks N5, N6, N7, N8 running steps "give and go"
with N6 and N7 which alternate as in the figure to exchange the ball once with and once with N5
N8. All 4 defenders blacks between a pass and therefore also perform other exercises "and go
back" between the blue cones. The exercise is carried out with the following rules: if the player
N4 bull recovers the ball in the net can be concluded without opposition of any opponent; in the
field to the red team, being outnumbered, in order to attack the defensive line must keep
possession for 30 seconds at a time if this happens the action will take place with the holder of
the ball (R3 in the example) that will play on a bank specified by the coach (R5 example) and will
receive after passing the white cone to green (running overlay) while all the other comrades who
will attack the defense position and prevent players from entering the red zone 1 (in the penalty
area) whose limit is indicated by the yellow dotted line. We will have a situation of 5vs4 (R1, R2,
R3, R4, R5 against N5, N6, N7, N8). Players blacks N1, N2, N3 instead, being outnumbered in
sector A, can attack the defensive line consists of three players red R6, R6, R8 (which will
position itself) to each flask recovered leaning on companion N4 that can exit the sector where he
plays the young bull with a movement against long-short and red defenders must prevent the
attackers from entering the red ZONE 2 indicated by the yellow dotted line in a 3vs4 situation (R6,
R7, R8 against N1, N2, N3 , N4). In both actions worth the offside trap to be triggered over the
dotted line. The team that at the end of the prescribed time will have scored more goals. Play two
times and invert the teams.
Drill 32
1v1 RECOVERY AFTER EXERCISE BALL AND COMBINATION: In this tutorial in the two areas
A and B we have two young bulls (the player G2 yellow and black N2 player against player B in
R2 red and yellow player G3 and N3 against black player the red player R3 in A). The outside
players to sectors A and B can move freely along the sides of the sector itself but can never move
both on the same side. At the same time the player plays R1 constant "give and go" blue cones
with players G1 and N1 (so that all three players perform moves to shuttle between the cones at
the same time after performing the upgrade). This exercise will be carried out in order that one of
the pair of R1 win the ball in one of two bulls. In the moment in which a red player (in this
example, R2) wins the ball, the coach will indicate the transition to be made. The ability to play 3
of R2 will be the first (denoted by 1 and pass pass1A) is to perform a one-two with fellow R1 that
returns the ball in the D area and at this point it triggers a 1v1 situation between R2 and N1 in B;
the second (indicated with pass 1A and 1B pass) is to play the ball on that play R1 to R3 in the
field of bank C and at this point it triggers a 1v1 situation in the sector B between R3 and N1; the
third is to serve directly the companion R3 in B (game changer) and at this point it always triggers
a 1v1 situation in the sector B between R3 and N1. The yellow player will prevent the player R2
G2 to serve fellow through an action of interception the ball. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 33
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we in the central square In a 2vs2 situation (the two
players red R1, R2 against the two players blacks N1, N2) with a bank for each team (N3 and R3)
arranged as in the figure (as a variant you can also play a 3vs3 or 4vs4). You play for possession
by assigning one point for each reconquest by interception. The role of the bank may be coated
with a striker (one in the example, but can also be two on the same side) in order to accustom the
player to search for the companion standing behind the door. At the same time we have two
players outside blacks N4 and N5 exchanging with two players red R4 and R5 at the same time
doing exercises to shuttle between the exchange and the other.
To the signal of the coach the team in possession of the ball (in this case the blacks) must play
within 5 seconds towards the shore (N3 in this case) which in turn through one of the small doors
indicated with cones white-blue will serve outside one of the two teammates (N4 in this case) that
the height of the cone white-red cross in the sector will have to go to the place in the penalty area
(area C in the example) and where you will create a 3vs2 situation on cross side in favor of the
attacking team (N1, N2, N3 against R1, R2). The choice of coach cross can be made in a grazing
or plane and the action must be completed in a time of 15 seconds (or within the time set by the
coach) from the moment the signal part of the coach to start the action .
VARIATION: possession can also be played with the "in and out" that every exchange with the
bank the player who performs the transition takes place in the same bank that comes to play in
the Sector A with her boyfriend.
Drill 34
EXERCISE WITH OVERRIDE AND 3VS2 FINAL: In this tutorial, that depending on the intensity
can also have a valence organic), the main objective is to train times overlap, and of course the
passage and control with the ball in motion.
We initially players red N1, N2 exchanging the ball with the players G1, G2 as shown in the figure
(the exercise is performed using 2 balls, one on the cone C and a cone D). N1 and N2 exchange
alternately with fellow G1 and G2 moving at each step from the blue cones C and D (continuous
run of "go and come back"). Even the players G1 and G2 at each step perform each a "go and
return" between the cones (G1 between the cones AB and G2 between the cones EF).
At the same time on one side of Sector A players R1 and R2 are running continuous exchanges
on the same side and at each step to perform a run around a pole, therefore races "and go back."
At a signal from the coach one of the two players yellow indicated by the coach (in G1) plays the
ball on the yellow cone C1 (pass. 1) where you have moved the black player who at the time of
the passage is on the cone D (in 'example N2), while the other player black spot on the cone C
(in the example N1 goes to run a race in overlapping external to the bollard and up to receive the
passage of N2 on the cone "Cross" (pass. 2). in time required to reach the cone in N1 "cross" the
other players G1, G2, N2 will move to receive the pass in Sector a (pass. 3), and therefore we will
have a 3vs2 situation in Area A with the two players red-R1 and R2 that will have to avoid the
opponents' goal G1, G2, N2.
Drill 35
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, you will set up a playing field (as shown) with length
equal to twice the penalty area and width equal to the long side of the goal. Within the range we
have two pairs of players (G1, G2 against R1, R2) that will compete with different goals. The pair
R1, R2 must maintain possession of the ball for as long as possible (or the time set by coach)
with the help of the outer banks N1, N2, B1, B2 (2vs2 situation of the banks +4). Each bank
occupies an external sector. For any exchange with the players the Red side who performed the
passage will then reach the blue cone on the line outside your sector and return to the blue cone
on the side of the playing field (eg. N1 after the passage, from his position must reach the cone A
and B back on the cone, while B2 after receiving R1 and R2 reaches the cone played on H and
returns to the cone G) thereby performing a "go and return" between the blue cones at each
exchange. Players yellow G1 and G2 must perform an action instead of pressure in order to
retrieve the ball and try to score goals in one of the two doors of the playing field, forcing
opponents R1 and R2 in position to defend the port chosen at will by the Yellow G1 and G2 after
retrieving the ball, and then try to establish a 2vs2 situation.
Alternate pairs of players inside the field of play.
VARIATION: the banks at each step, after performing the "go back and" exchange all 4 and their
position (B1 and B2 exchanges exchanges with N1 N2).
Drill 36
POSSESSION OF CONDUCT JOINT EXERCISE + + 2vs2: In this tutorial, we have a situation of
3vs3 (R1, R2, R3 against G1, G2, G3) in A. You play for possession of the ball with the team that
follows a point where able to maintain possession for 25 consecutive seconds without
interception by the opponent and with the condition that a player can not return the ball to the
partner from which receiving the pass (Rule of Third Man). At the same time the players G4, G5,
R4, R5, perform the following exercise: as shown in the figure is played with only one ball per pair
(one ball for R4 and R5 for G4 and a ball, and G5); the player with the ball about to give the ball
to the opposite player must perform the path with the ball between the cones quickly as the other
player in the meantime will try to do as much "go and return" between the first and l ' last cone (in
the player receiving the pass 1 R4, G4, and in the time between step 1, the technical route of R4
between blue cones C and D and step 2 to get the ball, will perform the largest number high as
possible to "go back and" among the red-white cones A and B). After R4 and G4 have finished
each of 4eseguire exchange and run with "go back and" between the cones, the player who has
made the highest number of go back and earn a point for their team. It goes on until the sign of
the coach and the same exercise is performed by the players and R5 G5 on the other side. At a
signal from the coach when the red team will have the ball placed one of the players in the field A
(R2 in the example) will play to a teammate (R5 example) which mate with each other R4 attack
in B while players yellow G4 and G5 will take place immediately in the field B in a 2vs2 situation.
VARIANT IMPORTANT: If the sum of the points earned by the players yellow G4 and G5 will be
greater than the sum of the points scored by players red R4 and R5 can call the coach a yellow
player to move from sector to sector A and B to the aid of G4 and G5 to perform an action in
terms of 3vs2 B in favor of the players yellow. The opposite happens (3vs2 in favor of the Reds) if
the points won by the players in red R4 and R5 will be superior to those achieved by the yellow
G4 and G5.
Drill 37
DOUBLE OVERLAP AND FINAL 1VS1: In this tutorial, the main objective is to train the timing of
overlap. Initially the players are arranged as in the figure. Part one of the first two players blacks
(in the N1 on the cone A) player who plays on the red R1 on the cone C (step 1) and goes to
receive the return pass moving quickly on the cone B (step 2); N1 then plays the ball on the
yellow player G1 on the cone D (step 3); G1 in turn played the ball on the cone F (step 4) to R1
player who had moved with a run in the overlap; at the same time G1 overlapping portion to reach
the cone G and to receive the ball from R1 (step 5). The player G1, G reached on the cone will
have to put the ball in the area to where you were previously moved fast players N1 and R1 after
performing the path between the poles (as shown in the figure). You will have at the end of a 1v1
situation in Sector A of the side passage (air or grazing). At the end of the combination described
three players will leave the N2, R2 and G2 with the steps that follow the path opposite.
Rotate players in the starting positions.
Drill 38
1v1 IN THE FORM OF EXERCISE NOTICE: In this tutorial, we have two situations 3vs3 in areas
A and B (R1, R2, R3 against N1, N2, N3 in the A and R4, R5, R6 against N4, N5, N6 in the field
B): You play for the possession for the time and with the rules established by the coach. At the
signal of the coach are called a red player in the field B (R5 example) and a black player in the A
(N1 example): each of the players called by the coach will have to run fast to the path shown in
the figure for first get on the ball positioned in Area C; The player who first reaches the ball will
have to take the time to set and defend it from attack from their opponent (1v1 situation in the
sector D) and then try to go to completion. At the end of the two players N1 and R5 will quickly
exit the area D to run the route in each run the ball between the cones blue (path B) and try to get
there before your opponent at the end of the technical route. The player who arrives first at the
end of the path B will have to go in the area close to their technical path D or E (in the player
before the player arrives N1 R5 and leads his own ball in D) while the opponent is complete path
will quickly recover the position in the D area to prevent the player from N1 shot off (another 1v1
situation from a different location than the previous year). During the race between N1 and R5
described in the two areas A and B by two 3vs3 situations we have gone to two situations in
which a 3vs2 team in favor of black and one in favor of the red team. At the end of the path the
two players N1 and R5 fall in the areas A and B and leave the other two players, and so on.
Drill 39
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have the portion of the field between the two areas
of rigor that is divided in the three sectors A, B and C.
In Sector A challenge in a possession of the ball players blacks N1, N2, N3, N4 against players
yellow G1, G2, G3, G4. This situation is a typical case of defensive output "from behind" which is
opposed to an action of pressure exerted ultraoffensivo of attacking opponents (4vs4 situation).
At the same time we have the other side of the field players red R1, R2, R3, R4, exchanging the
ball as shown in the figure: the players alternatively R2 and R3 exchange with fellow R1 and R2
at each step moving between blue cones C1 and C2, R1 and R4 while the players to perform
each step each a "go and return" between the cones (R1 between cones E1-F1 and R3 between
the cones A1-B1). Even the players R2 and R3 will run during each pass of the races "and go
back" between the cones C1-D1.
In Sector A goal of the players blacks N1, N2, N3, N4, will be to overcome the opposition of the
players yellow G1, G2, G3, G4, passing the ball in the field B (step 5) players red R1, R2, R3, R4
after a combination, resulting in dissociation and receiving the ball in Sector C (in step 4 on the
N2 player who passes the ball then in Sector C). In this case the players yellow, not being able to
retrieve the ball will have to move quickly in Sector B to play a 4vs4 against the players and avoid
the red ball is played by the players in the new Red Sector A, while the players blacks N1, N2,
N3, N4 will move the blue cones A, B, C, D, E, F to perform the steps between the cones waiting
to receive the ball again in Sector A and replay a 4vs4 against one of the two teams. If the
players yellow (during the action of pressure) fail to recover the ball, the player in possession of
the ball will go into undisturbed area in a maximum time of five seconds for a finish.
Therefore, in the case of ball recovery, after the conclusion of blacks in the network will be the
players (who lost the ball) to deal with the players in the Red Sector B in a new 4vs4 situation
with the same rules as described above, while the players will play the yellow exchanges with the
ball "and go back" between cones A, B, C, D, E, F.
Therefore Sectors A and B will be those where you play ball for the recovery and output
defensive with translocation of the ball, while the sector C (neutral zone) will be the one where
you will get the step (step 4) before and after dissociation to transfer the ball from Sector A to
Sector B, or vice versa.
Drill 40
INTEGRATED EXERCISE BY '1vs0 (on goal) TO 2vs2: In this tutorial, which also has valence
organic and technical, we first black player N1 positioned on the cone blue B and the players red
R1, R2 and blacks N2, N3 posts each with a ball on the cone blue A one behind the other in an
alternating manner (ie, R1, N2, R2, N3). Part of the R1 player running with the ball path (Slalom
1); at the end of the path R1 combination with the player plays the N1 (steps 1,2,3) and faster to
execute the path part 1 (changing direction between the yellow cones) to move to the blue cone
B; meanwhile the player N1, received the ball with step 3 performs the route with the ball (Slalom
2) and reached the goal at the end (standing fast in the A after performing the path 2 (ladder, over
and poles).
Subsequently part of the player with the ball and performs N2 R1 with the same combination
described above (R1 depart from the cone blue B previously reached). at the end of the
combination R1 player instead of running on goal will have to play the ball to the N1 player in the
A and try to reach the same area A within the 10 seconds after performing the path 2 (ladder,
over and poles) to challenge N1 in a 1v1 situation (R1vsN1).
A follow part of the player with the ball and executes R2 with N2 always the same combination
described above (R1 depart from the cone blue B previously reached). At the end of the
combination player N2 instead of running on goal will have to play the ball to the player in the A
companion N1 and try to quickly reach the same area A within the 10 seconds after performing
the path 2 (ladder, over and poles) to challenge together with its companion R1 opponent in a
2vs1 situation (N1, N2vsR1).
In the last part of the player with the ball and performs N3 with R2 always the same combination
described above (R2 depart from the cone blue B previously reached). At the end of the
combination the player R2 instead of running on goal will have to play the ball to the player in the
A companion R1 and try to achieve the same Sector A after performing the path 2 (ladder, over
and poles) within the time 10 Seconds to challenge N1 and N2 in a situation of 2vs1 (N1,
N2vsR1, R2).
The player N3, which is to last without a companion to the starting position, it will be the first to go
on the next repetition.
N.B. : Using more players and changing the size of the area A can perform exercises in situations
of 2vs3, 3vs3 and 4vs4 up to.
Drill 41
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : The main objective of this exercise is to train the defenders in 2vs2
against two attackers. In fact, we have a situation in Sector B of the initial 2vs2 between players
red R1ed R2 ( attackers) and the players yellow G1 and G2 ( defenders ) . The two red strikers
will have to give priority to attack the defending yellow trying to get out from the side of Sector B
coincides with the penalty area , and then enter the penalty area past the opposition with a
combination. Otherwise, waiting to find the right timing to enter the area with a combination , the
two attackers will be able to maintain possession with the help of the banks N1 and N2 for 20
seconds ( or the time set by the coach ) during which defending the two will try to recover the ball
to earn a point. After 20 seconds the coach assigns one point to the attackers, and calls one of
the two sides black (in N1) that you have to uncheck the blue cone placed on top of the penalty
(in the cone A); the red attacker in possession of the ball (in R1) will have to play the ball on the
edge of R1. The black side not receiving the pass (in N2) will try to get in Sector A to receive the
passage of the companion N1 ( step 4 ) after performing the path shown in the figure (over)
attacking from behind the defender G2 will move in the same Sector A ( after performing the path
shown in the figure) to defend in a 1v1 situation , while the other defender will have to exit the G1
Sector B to prevent the passage of N1 in Sector A.
NB : During the possession the defending G1 and G2 must have an aggressive stance to prevent
R1 and R2 conquer a point after 20 seconds, and in this way will give the opportunity to the
players to be able to perform a combination to try to get an area penalty from the side of Sector B
which coincides with the box itself. Therefore the defending must simultaneously exert a pressure
and mutual coverage .
Drill 42
1VS1 AFTER STROKE IN DOUBLE OVERLAY : In this tutorial , you follow with the use of
multiple sets of players , we have the first three players R1 , R2 and R3 positioned as shown, with
R1 in possession of the ball .
The three players start at the same time : R1 drove the ball in slalom between cones white to
yellow to blue cone B; R2 running direction changes between yellow Chinese guy until you get to
the blue cone D; R3 is running a slalom between the posts until you get to the blue cone C. The
player R1, come to the end of the path , passes the ball to R3 on the blue cone C ( Step 1 ) and
partly overlapping with stroke ( outside the poles blue ) to reach the area B; R3 player in turn
plays the ball to the player on the cone R2 blue D ( step 2 ) and partly overlapping with stroke (
with over by quickly jump ) to reach the first cone blue E and then the area A, while the R2 player
, after running the slalom between cones white yellow , play the ball in the field B to R1 and
quickly moves into the field to get to the cross ( step 4 grazing or plane) and face the R3 player in
a 1v1 situation in A. Obviously , this situation occurs if the player has recovered the R3 position in
the A to prevent R2 shot off without any opposition.
Then another part triad of players. Alternate players in the various starting positions .
Drill 43
we initially , as shown in the figure , the two players blacks N1 and N4 placed on the cone A (
vertex of the square ABCG ), each with a ball, while the other two players N2 and N3 are placed
without the ball on the cones H and I (vertices of the square HILM ) .
First part of the player playing the ball on N1 N2 ( step 1 ) which download on N3 ( step 2) , which
in turn plays that moved quickly on the cone of N1 B after running the slalom between the poles .
After this first step N4 part that performs the same exercise of N1 between cones A and B , while
the same N1 continues to travel the square playing on the cone L N3 ( step 4 ), which has now
been moved to the same cone L ; player N3 , immediately after step 4 , will have to quickly return
to the cone H in the replay step 3 on the N4 . Continue in this way for the next steps (
5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ) between two sets of players (N1 , N2, N3 and N4 , N2 , N3 ) to the signal of '
Therefore, players N1 and N4 , as well as combinations of steps , will run along the perimeter of
the square ABCG two clicks in a straight line, a slalom between the poles and changes of
direction , while the players will perform N2 and N3 between the vertices of the square - HILM
exercises continue to "go and come back " (N3 between cones LH and N2 between the cones IM)
. Alternate pairs of players in their respective squares.
Drill 44
EXERCISE TO TRAIN THE OVERLAP : In this tutorial (which depending on the intensity can be
used both for heating and exercise as organic ), the main objective is to train the overlay. Initially,
we have two players (in the yellow and red G6 and G5 R5 , R6 ) placed on their c6 Chinese guy
while the other will be positioned as shown. Part player G5 G4 exchanges with the player (steps 1
and 2) and R2 plays the ball on the opposite side ( step 3 ) . The player then plays the ball on R2
R3 ( step 4 ), which plays the ball on the cinesino c3 ( passaggi0o 5 ) R1 toward the partner who
has since run the race to overlap around the outside of the post to receive. Finally, the player
passes the ball to his R1 R6 placed on cinesino initial c6 and goes to stand behind his companion
after performing the path formed by the ladder and over . The players after making the move
moving on Chinese guy occupying a position different from the initial one (the race of each player
is indicated with a dashed line ) . On the opposite side the exercise is performed in the same way
with the steps 1,2,3,4,5,6 .
The tutorial goes on continuously until the signal of the coach. Therefore, each player in turn , in
addition to the passages from different points on the various ranking Chinese guy , run a race
after receiving an overlap outside.
Drill 45
BUILT IN THE FORM OF EXERCISE NOTICE : In this tutorial, we have four players ( both G1
and G2 yellow and two red R1 and R2) which, using two balloons , perform continuous changes
as shown in the figure with the player that runs between the R1 cones a and B and the player G1
running between the cones E and F , while the other two R2 and G2 run between the cones C
and D by performing continuous " give and go " once with a partner ( with R1 and R2 G2 G1 as
shown by steps 1-2 ) and once with an opponent ( R2 with G1 and G2 with R1 as shown by steps
3-4 ) . At a signal from the coach pairs of players will have to perform the following played at a
fast pace : the red player R2 once you exchange with 1-2 R1 run a race to get around in
overlapping cone F andandosi to place on the cone while the H mate R1 performs the path 1 with
the ball between the Chinese guy yellow ; R2 receives R1 on the cone H ( pass. 1 ) ; while R1 (
after having given the ball with the pass . 1 ) executes the path without the ball quickly between
the poles (indicated by SLALOM ) to move on the edge of the area A, the player R2 must perform
fast path between the 2 yellow Chinese guy with the ball. From the opposite side of the exercise
is the same. Therefore we will have a competition between the players R2 and G2 ( after
exchange of the ball described ) whose purpose will be to arrive early with the ball at the end of
the path 2 , while his companions are going to position yourself ( after trade and the paths
described ) at the edge of the area to receive the ball from the companion that arrives first at the
end of the path 2 . example comes first player that will mate G1 G2 which will enter the sector fell
to R1 , while G2 ( after performing the passage pass . 2 ) will have to go to the rescue of G1 to try
to establish a position of superiority in numbers 2vs1 . Meanwhile, the player R2, arrived at the
end of the path 2 after the opponent G2 , will perform the path formed by coordinative over and
only after that path will quickly move in to try to restore a situation of equal numbers of 2vs2 . The
objective will be to one of the two pairs (in the pair G1- G2) to try to come out with a combination
from sector A in time max. 10 seconds ( or the time set by the coach ) to get into the penalty area
and shot off .
Drill 46
EXERCISE FOR THE SHOOTING IN PORT IN A STATE OF 1vs1 and 2vs2 : . The height of the
center circle having the Chinese guy A, B , C, D , rhombus as shown in Fig . Place 4 cones blue
as in the picture and have a player at each cone (G2 , G3, R2 , R3 ), each with a ball. On
cinesino D we have the yellow player G1 and behind him another player that R1 is in possession
of the ball . The yellow player G1 part and needs to make the maximum speed the path 1-2-3-45-6 as shown in the figure and every little Chinese , before the change of direction , must
exchange the ball with a player : the exchange of ball occurs with the sequence G2 on cinesino
A, R3 on cinesino B , R1 on the Chinese guy D , G3 on cinesino C , R2 on cinesino B with return
on the cone D. at this point the player R1 passes the ball to the player who enters the G1 area A
and R1 challenge in a 1v1 situation , while the coach called one of the two players yellow (G2 or
G3 ) leading ball in B and yellow along with fellow attacking the pair R2 , R3 in a 2vs2 situation .
Rotate the players.
Drill 47
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have n. 8 players making continuous steps as
shown in the figure. The two defenders red R1 and R2 initially placed on the blue cones A and B
exchange the ball with 4 players blacks: R1 exchanges with N3 on the cone L, while alternating
the "give and go" with N1 and N2 on the cone M; R2 exchanges with N4 on the cone D while
alternating the "give and go" with N1 and N2 on the cone N. The two midfielders red R3 and R4
exchange alternately with N3 and N4. All 8 players running at the same time racing "go and
return" between the blue cones. To the signal of the coach one of the two midfielders red
(Example R3) will serve one of the two strikers N1 or N2 and is activated in this way a situation of
4vs2 (N1, N2, N3, N4 against R1, R2) in the field A (indicated by the dashed yellow lines):
Players blacks should try to overcome the sector A in 10 seconds, at which time the red
midfielder who did not perform step (in R4) will try to give back to a hand to the two companions
in the recovery of the ball. The reception of blacks should be done with a motion being careful not
to be cut at the time of the passage beyond the boundary of the sector at the door, as this line
represents the limit beyond which there is offside
Drill 48
EXERCISE BALL WITH ORGANIC : In this tutorial (which you have to perform high intensity )
we have 3 players N, R and G are initially arranged as in the figure ( the blue cone N on the
player A, player A cone on blue B and G player on the blue cone C). The player N part in run up
to the yellow cone c1 and play the ball on the yellow cone c2 ( step 1 ), where the red player has
moved to receive ; then R plays on the yellow cone c3 ( step 2 ), where N is moved in the
meantime that will play after the ball on the yellow cone C4 ( step 3 ) where R is moved back
quickly after passing the post. At this point N moves quickly to take a stand on the blue cone D
while continuing the exchange as described in the figure between the player and the player
yellow red R G. The series of steps continues without interruption until the time set by the coach ,
and with three players at the end of each exchange take place on 5 alternating blue cones . This
exercise can be used (of course with a different intensity ) even in the heating phase .
Drill 49
EXERCISES AFTER DOUBLE 1VS1 COMBINATIONS : In this tutorial, we have the two players
R2 and G2 , starting with the Chinese guy yellow as in the picture at each step must get around a
trading post next to each cinesino yellow alternately with the players G1 and R1 fact players G1
and R1 ( the stroke of which is indicated with dashed lines ) to each exchange must move from
the opposite side jumping an obstacle placed in the middle between the two paths . For example .
G1 after the player scoring the first exchange with R2 between the cones blue A1- B1 (steps
1,2,3) goes to move quickly after missing the obstacle on the blue cone C and perform the step of
R1, for then return with a further stroke on the cone blue D1 , and so on. The same will be the
player R1. At the end of the course we will have the red player receives the ball from R2 to R1 in
B , and must be countered by the player that the G1 yellow blue cone E must move quickly in the
field B to prevent the passage of R1 and R2 to their partner after step 9 will be attached to the
field to receive. Meanwhile, the G2 player at the end of their path will reach the area A to thwart
the player R1 and preventing the conclusion to the network.
The exercise can be performed by several groups of four players divided as in the example , with
each group at the end part of each combination of the four players .
Drill 50
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we in the industry at a 3vs3 situation (R1 , R2 , R3
against G1 , G2 , G3 ) + 4 banks (R4 , R5 and G4 , G5 ) positioned next to the little doors
indicated by the blue cones . You play for a goal in the little doors that will be valid after a ball
team will be exchanged with one of the two sides next to the door to attack (in the example in
figure G1 player red team leans on R5 companion that makes the bank to R2 which achieves the
goal) . At the same time two players yellow ( G6 and G7) and two players red (R6 and R7 )
exchange the ball between the cones and blue between a pass and the subsequent running
speed in the path indicated ( + pallet changing direction between Chinese guy yellow ) and then
return to execute a new exchange , and so on. At the time of realization of the goals by one team
player who has not performed the shore (in R4 ) is automatically served in B (in the case of a
mark , goals will be served by the yellow one bank in C), and at that time the coach called one of
the two players who carried the ball exchange (in G6) that will prevent the direct shot of the
opponent challenging him in a 1v1 situation . The attacker must R4 red shot off within a maximum
of 5 seconds.
Rotate players in the roles of banks and exercise ball and route of exchange between the poles
and changes of direction.
Drill 51
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in the sector A of 2vs2 ( R1, R2
against G1, G2 ) + 4 banks (G3 , G4 for the amplitude and N1E N2 for depth ) . You play for the
possession intensive : each team gets one point for each ball recovery and every possession for
25 continuous seconds. You play for iu time set by the coach . The banks at the same time the
game will be engaged also in possession of the following exercises : each of the two sides will
exchange the yellow ball with a " give and go " (step shown in figure 1 and 2 and the same on
both sides) with the two players outside blacks (N3 and N4) with which the ball must travel all the
time established by the coach ( in return) the technical course in conduction between the cones
and blue poles ; each of the two sides black N1 and N2 will have to exchange the ball all the time
with the players red ( N1 and N2 with R3 and R4 ) with the two red players performing at each
step a path back and forth between the cones blue ( R3 part of the cone 1 and cone 2 goes on ,
making the exchange indicated by steps 1-2 , then back to cone 1 and again toward the fastest 3
cone where exchanges with steps 3-4 and return on cone 1, and so on ..... ) . In this way the
players R1 and R2 also carry out an exercise to "go and return " between cones 1,2,3 . At a
signal from one of the players of coach blacks (in N4 will play in one of the areas B and C (in B)
to their partner (in the N1 which activate B in a 1v1 situation (N1 against R3 ) to conclude , with
the defending red will immediately take position in the industry . conclusion to the network must
be made within 5 seconds. Rotate players in different positions .
VARIATION: the transition can take place even after the " give and go " between blacks and one
of the players of the banks yellow and thus simulate a vertical cut of the attacker .
Drill 52
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have the player G1 exchanging the ball alternately
with the players G2 and G3 as shown in the figure. During transmission of the ball , players G1 ,
G2, G3 with their movements running for a predetermined number of repetitions also exercises to
shuttle between the cones blue AB and CD . At the same time the sector is playing a 3vs2 (R3 ,
R4 , R5 against G4 , G5 ) with the aim of recovering the ball from the players yellow with a
constant pressure , while in Area C to play a 2vs1 (R1 , R2 against G6 ) with the aim to G6 to
steal the ball and shot off . At the signal of ' G1 coach the player plays the ball ( step 1 ) on one of
the two companions places in Sector A ( G4 example) that came out of the square and go to get
on the cone white yellow F and then return it to the companion G1 on the blue cone E ( step 2)
and go in turn to get on the cone white yellow G ( step 3 ) with a stroke in progression and
overlap . The action ends with G1 that attacks in the area of cross G4 ( grazing or air ) in Area C
in 3vs2 situation in favor of the players yellow ( Sector C is also attached to G5) . In Sector B
instead of the three players red R3 , R4 , R5 attack players yellow G3 and G3 in a favorable
situation for 3vs2 .
Drill 53
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have the range shown in the figure , which is
divided in the two sectors 1 and 2: the separation line between the two sectors ( red dashed line )
are indicated with three doors stakes (port 1 , port 2 and port 3 ) . In Sector 2 you play a
possession in 4vs4 situation between the players yellow G3 , G4 , G5 , G6 and players red R3 ,
R4 , R5 , R6 with different objectives : the players yellow , aided by fellow G1 and G2 ( attackers )
must try to keep possession and try to go to attack the players R1 and R2 in Area 1 for the goal
only if the transition to one of the pair passes through one of three doors 1,2 or 3. Otherwise
players red R1 and R2 will only work from the banks with their classmates and when receiving the
ball must return to a teammate in the field 2 without being able to attack, while defending the red
R1 and R2 will prevent the transfer is made through the ports 1,2,3 . In the case in which (as
shown in the figure by the steps 1,2,3,4 ) the transition occurs through one of the three ports ( the
first example) in Sector 1 there will be a situation of 2vs2 between R1 , R2 and G1 , G2 . At this
point, the coach will call two players red ( R3 and R6 in the example ) which will have to perform
each path with a change of direction to give rise to a situation of 4vs2 in favor of the players red
and prevent the goal . Therefore reds waiting companions must perform retarding action against
the players yellow in order to establish a situation of numerical superiority .
Players will have to look red instead of action with constant pressure to steal the ball to the
players in the sector 1 yellow , and once won the ball , players red R1 and R2 will be able to enter
the field to help his teammates in a 6vs4 situation , while the players yellow G1 and G2 must
perform a path with each change of direction to give rise to a situation of 6vs6 (and hence
numerical parity ) in Sector 1 and win back the ball to restart its attack action .
Drill 54
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial in the two areas A and B, located at the edge of each
box we have two situations 3vs2 both for possession of the ball ( in A we have 3 players 2 players
against yellow , red in B we have 3 players red 2 players against yellow ): these situations are
modeled often what happens in the race for the exit from the defensive back with the central
defenders, supported by the central midfield . At the same time two defenders side yellow (G4
and G5 on the one hand and on the other R4 and R5 ) exchange ball as shown with one of the
two players yellow that remains stationary and the other running at each exchange a "go and
return " between cones . At a signal from the coach the players will be called by the coach to
enable a predetermined action or on the wing side ( SIDE solution called by the coach ) or a
vertical in the central area ( CENTRAL solution called by the coach ) : in case of attack side , the '
yellow exterior (in this case G5 ) will find a ball at the beginning of the path and the coordinative
will exchange along at the same time as shown in the figure ( double exchange " give and go "
with a mate of a mate of sector a and sector B come to meet with short -run and long one
dissociation of the ball between the cones white - yellow ) to go to carry out a cross from the final
cone white-blue for their fellow G6 and G7 that will attack the three defending red R1 , R2 , R3 in
a 3vs2 situation ; in the case of central attack the possessor of the ball called by the coach
(shown the yellow player G2) plays on the comrades who are meeting in breaking free from
changing the field to go to face the defending Red R1 , R2 , R3 in a 3vs3 situation ; the yellow G2
, G6, G7 will have to close the action and go to the shooting in a maximum time of 10 seconds (
or the time set by the coach ) .
Drill 55
TWO AREAS AND CONDITIONS OF 3vs3 ON SIDE STEP : In this tutorial, we have two
exercises that take place both on the mirror white yellow cones A, B , C , D, E that on the
cones white yellow A1, B1 , C2, D1 , E1 , where the three players N1, N2 , N3 perform the steps
as shown in the figure and with the player who makes the first pass ( indicated with the number 1
from the cone A to cone B) which is superimposed on the companion and take a position on the
cone D; the sequence of steps proceeds as indicated in the figure and the movements of the
players are shown with the dashed line . It will have the following sequence of steps and
movements : ball from N1 to N2 sol cone B ( step 1 ) with N1 which moves on the cone D to
receive the step 2 while N2 moves on the cone C ; ball from N1 to N2 from the cone D to cone C (
step 3 ) with N1 which moves the cone E; ball from N2 to N3 at the time of the previous step has
shifted to the cone B ( step 4 ) ; N1 to N3 ball on the cone E ( step 5 ) and the next step of N1 to
N2 (step 6 ) that after step 4 has moved to the cone A. At the end of the tour players will find
themselves on the same initial cones A, B, E , but arranged differently ( we initially on A N1 , N2
and N3 of B to E , but now we N2 on A, B and N1, N3 out of E). The combinations will continue to
be part of the players red R1 , R2 , R3 cones A1, B1 , C1 , D1 , E1 signal up to the coach. At the
same time in the A players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 are also running them a " give and go " in the field
with the player after performing step ( as shown in the figure) moves to the leisure sector after
running the coordinative path formed by the ladder . Although these combinations continue until
the signal of the coach.
At the signal of the coach will be referred to one of two teams ( red or black) which will start the
action as indicated in the figure by the passages P1 , P2 , P3 , P4 , P5 with the player who will be
on the cone B or B1 ( in the example on the cone N2 B) will receive from R1 ( which will run the
route shown in the figure to get the passage of R2) on the cone 2 blue and will have to address in
the field a ( ground or air ) where you will have a 3vs3 situation between players yellow G1 , G2,
G3 and the players red R1 , R2, R3 . Turn the sets of players.
Drill 56
2vs1 ON SWITCHING FROM SIDE AREA : In this tutorial, we have three players yellow G1 , G2
, G3 and three players red R1 , R2 , R3 initially placed on the blue cones that perform
the following combination : G1 to G2 plays the ball placed on the cone a ( step 1), which in turn
plays on G3 placed on the cone B ( step 2) playing on the stroke of G1 on the cone F ( step 3 )
and in the meantime G3 moves from the cone D on the cone B (stroke indicated with dashed line
) and restarts the combination of G1 , G2, G3 ( ball from G2 to G3 on the cone B that download of
G2 on the cone a playing on the cone G G1 , G2 that moves A cone on the cone C (stroke
indicated with dashed line ) , and so on around the rhombus E, F , G, H with G2 and G3 that each
pass moving (G3 D from the cone to the cone B and vice versa and G2 from A cone to cone C
and vice versa). Carry on up the signal of the coach. the same combinations are performed
simultaneously by three players red R1 , R2 , R3 .
At the same time in the fields of A and B will play two 1v1 situations with inner bank (G4 against
R5 and R6 in the A side against internal and R4 G5 G6 in B with inner bank ) . At each step of
intercepting the team outnumbered gains a point . At the end of the time set by the coach , the
team that has achieved the most interceptions passing will have a chance to attack the
opponent's goal in the following way : the player who performed the combinations with two
companions circling the diamond E, F , G, H , now in its initial position (in this case R1 on the
cone G) plays the ball on the companion who moves from the area in which he played a 1vs2
situation in the sector CROSS indicated in the figure by a movement against long-short (in the
example R4 ) is to receive and have to cross ( or oblique plane) before being attacked by the
opponent ( example G5) . Meanwhile, the three players red R1 , R2 , R3 attack the sector D
which must be defended by G1 and G6 from the bank will have to take a position and act a
situation of numerical inferiority in the field of 2vs3 D. Alternate players in different roles. Vince at
the end of the time the team that scores the most goals .
Drill 57
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in the sector A of 2vs2 ( R1, R2
against G1, G2 ) + 4 banks (G3 , G4 for the amplitude and N1E N2 for depth ) . You play for the
possession intensive : each team gets one point for each ball recovery and every possession for
25 continuous seconds. You play for time set by the coach . The banks at the same time the
game will be engaged also in possession of the following exercises : each of the two sides will
exchange the yellow ball with a " give and go " (step shown in figure 1 and 2 and the same on
both sides) with the two players outside blacks (N3 and N4) with which the ball must travel all the
time established by the coach ( in return) the technical course in conduction between the cones
and blue poles , each of the two sides black N1 and N2 must exchanging the ball all the time with
the players red (N1 and N2 with R3 and R4 ) with the two players red performing at each step the
path back and forth between the cones blue (R3 part of the cone 1 and cone 2 goes on , carries
out the exchange indicated by steps 1-2 , then back to 1 and starts fast cone to cone 3 , where
she exchanged with steps 3-4 and return on cone 1 , and so on .....) . In this way the players R1
and R2 are also running an exercise to "go and return " between cones 1,2,3 . At a signal from
one of the players of coach blacks (in N4 will play in one of the areas B and C (in B) to their
partner (in the N1 which activate B in a 1v1 situation (N1 against R3 ) to conclude , with the
defending red will immediately take position in the industry . conclusion to the network must be
made within 5 seconds. Rotate players in different positions .
VARIATION: the transition can take place even after the " give and go " one of the players
between blacks and one of the sides yellow and thus simulate a vertical cut of the attacker .
Drill 58
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we initially a 4vs2 situation ( 2 red R1 , R2 + 2 blacks
N1 , N2 against two yellow G1, G2) where you always play against two teams for the reconquest
of the ball. The two teams in possession must pass from one player to another in an alternating
(in 1.2 steps with the ball must be passed by a black to red , then from red to black and so on .... )
between players of different colors. The team that regained the ball via interception will start the
next attack action : the player who regains the ball ( G1 example) will move toward the path
formed by the cones where you will find a blue ball and will have to run the course in conduction
with the ball to serve in the B companion G2 coming out of the field A and field B in the attacks
after performing the fast changes of direction in the form of white yellow cones . G2 will arrive
before N2 ( ie the player that you saw intercept the pass 3). N2 will therefore arrive in the B sector
before this is achieved by the passage ( pass. 1 ) to avoid the conclusion to network and
challenge G2 in a 1v1 situation after following the path consisting of pallets and over . At the time
the two players often red R1 and R2 will move quickly in C ( indicated by the dashed blue line )
where you will find a balloon and will challenge the player that will quickly take the N1 position
and prevent ( through an action of procrastination ) that the two rivals go beyond the maximum
time of 5 seconds, the dotted line and enter into the penalty area for a finish : it will therefore have
a 2vs1 situation in Area C in favor of the players blacks . The team that at the end of the exercise
will have been fewer goals than the other two .
Drill 59
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have four players yellow (G1 , G2 , G3, G4) each
with a ball positioned on the vertices of the rectangle bounded by the blue cones (A, B , C, D , E,
F , G, H ) , while the vertices of the sector A in correspondence with the red and white cones (A1 ,
B1, C1 , D1 ) are positioned four players red ( R1, R2 , R3, R4 ) . Players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 ,
G4 have to travel continuously counterclockwise until the signal of the coach and the rectangle
defined by the cones blue running a " give and go " with the players as red as shown in the figure
( steps 1, 2,3,4 a cone with a cone blue red white and back, etc. .....) and running during the race
to get the ball to the paths shown in the figure ( in a straight speed , alternating with a sudden
obstacle + ladder and all of a sudden with poles ), while the red players (R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 ) to
each exchange with a gfiallo player must perform a go and come back in its white cone and the
cone red white yellow ( section A1- R1 A2, B1 -B2 R2 stretch , stretch R3 C1 -C2 , D1 -D2 R4
tract ) . At the same time in the field B ( bounded by yellow and white cones identified by the
dashed lines ) to play a 2vs2 + 4 outer banks (G5 , G6 against R5 , R6 + R7 banks , R8, and the
G7, G8) with the players who have to make a continuous pressure to recover the ball (each ball is
assigned a recovery point ) . To the signal of the coach are called a player yellow and a red
player ( nell'e4sempio R1 and G8) , and also is called a yellow player between G1, G2 , G3, G4 (
G4 in the example ) with the red player who must defend in the area called (Sept. C ) in a 1v1
situation on cross side . Changing the players in different roles.
VARIATION: the coach can call one of the players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 , G4 to put the ball in the
areas C or D from any cone blue and you can have short passes , long, filtering , ground or air .
In addition, players are called to trigger the action may well be one of the players playing the
yellow ball possession in the field B and the attack will be led by one of the players yellow G1 ,
G2, G3, G4, always defending against a red .
Drill 60
groups of players ( the yellow G1 , G2 , G3 , G4 , reds R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 and blacks N1 , N2 , N3,
N4 ) arranged as shown in figure . The exercise takes place involving 3 players at a time : the
yellow player G1, received the ball from the goalkeeper ( step 1 ) 1 slalom run the ball between
the Chinese guy with yellow and in the meantime the N1 black player , starting with the little
Chinese blue in the center , executes the movements 1,2,3,4,5,6 (indicated with dashed line )
between the cones blue C, D , E, F and goes to receive the passage of G1 on the cone C ( step 2
) ; player G1 after performing step 2 to N1 has to reach as soon as the blue cone B ( overcoming
the obstacles placed half-way) to receive the pass of the player N1 ( step 3 ) and address in the
slalom 2 ball and chain Chinese guy yellow ; N1 in the meantime with the race 7 moves on the
cone blue And , at the end of the slalom 2 with ball G1 serves the red player R1 ( step 4 ) which
downloads the black player N1 ( step 5 ) which in turn concludes network ( shot 6). At this point,
the player goes to black N1 to queue players red , the red player R1 is going to be queued to the
players yellow , while the yellow player G1 goes to queue up players blacks . And it starts again
with R2 , G2 and N2 , and so on. At the end of each turn, players will find themselves starting
from different positions.
N.B. : The exercise you can ' even run using the two ports , ie by starting both groups of players
from one port or the other, dividing them into groups further to give more continuity and less
breaks at work every single player and run therefore also a good job of the organic type .
Drill 61
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in the A 2vs2 (G1 , G2 against R1
, R2 ) + 2 sides for each team (G3 , G4 and R3 , R4 ) arranged as shown in Fig . The objective of
the exercise is to score goals in the doorways indicated by the blue cones . The game in the area
A is " oriented " in the sense that the Reds will have to score in the right-hand door of the sector
A, while the yellows will have to score in the opposite door . Simultaneously players G5 (
positioned on one side of sector B) and R5 ( positioned on a side of the sector C ) perform
continuous combinations of " give and go " (steps 1,2,3,4 ) moving both on its side . A similar
exercise running from the opposite side players G6 ( on one side of the sector D ) and R6 ( on
one side of the sector E) . At a signal from one of the players the coach of the team in possession
(R2 in the example) will have to lean on one of the outer banks (in R4 with step 1 ) and run in a
race to reach the overlap area where you will find a companion (in the sector and where R6) .
The bank will play on R4 R6 ( step 2) while the player tries to recover the G6 position in the
industry and to play in a 1vs2 situation against R2 and R6 ( step 3 or a combination of the two
players red ) and prevent the passage 4 the penalty area. In the box instead there will be a
situation of 4vs3 on side passage in favor of defending as at the time when the signal part of the
coach players yellow G1 and G3 and G4 G2comprese the banks must defend itself from the two
shores red R3 , R4 and R1 red player .
VARIATION: the box can be attached (choice of coach ) also by the players red R4 ( bank ) and
R5 in order to have a numerical superiority of 5vs4 situation in favor of the attacking team and a
1v1 situation in sector and between R6 and G6.
Drill 62
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have two players yellow G1 and G2 at the height
of the center circle constantly exchanging the ball (steps 1 and 2 ) performing at each step a
coordinative exercise to "go and come back " with the use of the ladder . At the same time the
yellow player G3 continuously exchanges the player with the ball is red R1 ( steps 1 and 2 ) and
with both the red player R2 ( steps 1 and 2 ) : the player G3 at each step will move along the side
of the sector a and in this way perform a series of "go and return " between the blue cones , while
the players red R1 and R2 at each step will execute every path in "go and return " between the
over as shown in the figure. At a signal from the coach the player to play the ball to the G2 G1
mate and start to quickly run the path formed by yellow stakes to go to position in the field B. At
the same time the player G3 ( action that simulates the movement of a match striker to play of
bank ) will move to the blue cone ( cone 1 ) to receive the passage A1 by the player will return to
the G1 and G1 in correspondence of the row of blue cones (step A2) . G1 will run the route
between the cones with the ball and pass the ball to G2 in B (step A3) where in the meantime has
moved (and G2) that will address also the player R1 G2 in a 1v1 situation to prevent the passage
( air or grazing ) in A. players G2 and G3 have attacked the space in A. In the same area A will
also move the player R2 to counter the opponents in a 2vs1 situation on side passage (step A4)
in the A favorable to the players yellow .
Drill 63
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a themed game that takes place in a
rectangle divided into three sections (A, B, and C) where you play only within the industry at a
3vs3 between players red R1 , R2 , R3 and the players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 . Simultaneously
players R4 , R5, R6 carry a series of steps with the yellow player G7 according to the sequence
shown in the figure ( steps 1 to 5 ) with only the R5 which remains stationary on the spot, while
the other players at each step performing a "go back and " G7 between cones A and B red white
and R4 , R6 between the Chinese guy yellow , the same exercise is carried out on the opposite
side of the three players yellow G5 , G6, G7 and the red player R7 . The objective of the teams is
going to perform the following maneuver attack : the two teams involved in the field A, from the
same sector ( without invading the areas B or C) will try to serve their benchmark advanced on
white red cone ( C or F) through one of the small doors consist of blue cones and then turn a
2vs1 situation on side passage in the penalty area . The opponents must therefore seek to
prevent the passage through doorways through an action of interception , recovered the ball and
activate the action to try to serve his companion . In the example the player fails to serve the
yellow G3 G5 companion on the cone F ( pass. 1 ) playing on the shore of companion G4 ( pass.
2), which in turn puts the ball into the area where you will have the situation between 2vs1 players
yellow G5 and G6 R7 against the red player . The team that at the end of the time set by the
coach will have scored more goals .
Drill 64
have a 4vs4 in A (R1 , R2 , R3 , R4 against N1 , N2 , N3, N4 ) + 4 banks G1 , G2 , G3 , G4
placed on each one side of the sector . You play for the possession and for thetime and with the
rules established by the coach . At the signal of the coach are called two players of the team in
possession of the ball (in the R1 and R2) . For one of the two players ( R1 in this example) is
referred to one of the two areas B and C ( sector B in the example) where these must be directed
not fast until you make the coordinative path shown in the figure , the player R1 ( after performing
the path coordinative ) just before entering the field B will conduct a ball in space where he will
face the shore G1 which has since taken a position in the field B in a 1v1 situation : the bank will
prevent the player G1 R1 serve with a through grounding the comrade R2 in D. If R1 R2 will be
able to serve , in D we have a 1v1 situation between R2 and G2 side . The bank shall prevent R2
G2 of a finish. At the same time the other side of the field players red R3 and R4 will come out in
turn by each sector to take on the cones and blue (in R3 and R4 on the cone 1 cone 2 ) where
they will find a ball. Players R3 and R4 will then turn to face the bank and the bank G3 G4 ( G3
against R3 and R4 against G4) in a 1v1 situation always in E. Players blacks N1 , N2 , N3 , N4,
which were not in possession ball as a penalty for losing possession in the comparison will have
to move in the opposite corners of the field and perform ( two on one side and two on the other )
tutorials dry " and go back " among the red- white cones for the duration of 1v1 duels between the
yellow team and the red team . Rotate the teams in the role of the outer banks .
Drill 65
AND CONDITIONS OF STEP UP FILTER 2vs2 : In this tutorial, you run continuously in the form
of circuit all the time established by the coach we have in the field to a situation of 2vs2 + 2
external banks (R1 , R2 against G1 , G2 + B1 , B2 which act as the outer banks ) where you play
the ball and with the rules established by the coach . At the same time the two players blacks N1
and N2 are running an exchange in motion as shown in the figure : it starts from the blue cone
with N1 that part quickly and goes to get the ball on the little Chinese blue after passing the post (
step 1 ) and returns the ball -mate on the first cinesino yellow ( step 2) , and so on continuously
proceed with N2 after passing the ball to his companion on every little Chinese blue shifts from
one to another cinesino yellow (dashed lines written with N2) and with N1 which returns the ball
to fellow Chinese guy on yellow after passing every post. The sequence of steps is shown in
figure (steps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 ) . Arrived at the edge of the players N1 and N2 , after
performing the path indicated in the penalty area ( ladder and circles) moving on the path where
they will find a balloon and where the roles are inverted , ie N2 be around the poles with fast
racing returning the ball to the Chinese guy N1 N1 while yellow will pass the ball to his companion
on the Chinese guy blue . It continues until the signal of the coach in the form of circuit . At a
signal from the coach the two teams that played for the possession in the field will have to move
immediately and take a position in one of the areas B and C (in the sector C ), where the team
will be in the role of attack will be to possession of the ball at the signal of the coach (in the yellow
) and the other team ( the red in the example) must defend itself from a through ball that the
player N1 or N2 will in favor of one of the two attackers : in ' example, we will have a 2vs2
situation between R1, R2, G1 and G2 that defend against the pass made by N2 . The coach can
call the passage from any cinesino yellow along the way so you can get steps by N1 or N2 from
different distances , both short and long . At the end of the sides blue blacks replace the players ,
and the team that defended nell'1vs1 going to play the role of the bank . Turn the 4 teams in the
role of banks and on the course.
Drill 66
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in the area A of 2vs2 ( yellow G1
and G2 players against players red R1 and R2 ) + 4 outer banks ( 2 players N1 and N2 blacks
and 2 blue players B1 and B2) . You play for possession of the ball and with the following
constraint : the steps must always be performed alternately between a player inside the area A
and an outer wall , so the player in the field A will always serve an outer bank and the bank must
always serve different player from the one who gave him the ball previously . In the example B1
plays on G2 ( step 1 ) that they can not serve the G1 companion must play for the force on a
bank outside ( step 2 to N1) which in turn will serve to force G1 ( step 3 ) , and so on. The
objective of the two teams in the A will be to intercept the ball as soon as possible in order to
initiate an attack action to the door and try to finish on goal. In the event that one of the teams
intercepts the ball players (in R2 to R1 gives the ball to step 5 after intercepting step 4 with R1
which drove the ball out of the area A) may bring an action to attack in 2vs1 situation against the
player must try to overcome N1 and N1 through combination before the dashed blue line that
coincides with the penalty area , the N1 player will try to slow down the action of R1 and R2 in
waiting for the arrival Comrade N2 to reconstruct a situation of equal numbers of 2vs2 after
performing in a fast path shown in the figure that will be executed (right or left side of the cone
passing blue a or B) at the discretion of the coach. Once this first action , the two sides blue B1
and B2 will start in the execution path to enter in the fields C and D where they will find a ball
each and where quickly moved the two players yellow G1 and G2 that have previously lost the
ball is will have two 1v1 situations in the fields C (B2 against G1 ) and D ( B1 against G2) with
blue players , which in turn will put the ball ( grazing or air ) in B (cross 1 and cross 2) where you
will have two situations 2vs2 between R1 , R2 and N1, N2 of side passages from right and left.
Turn the pairs of players in different roles.
Drill 67
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A of 3vs3 (players red
R1 , R2 , R3 against blue players B1 , B2, B3), assisted by two banks of yellow G1 and G2 : You
play for possession of the ball. At the same time we have a practice of continuous passages
between players at the same time , at each step , perform a "go and return " between cones blue
as shown in the figure (G3 and N3 run vertically with respect to the field of play while N1 and N2
run horizontally with respect to the playing field and exchange once with G3 and once with N3) .
At a signal from the coach the player plays the ball on the cone G3 red white where in the
meantime you move the shore G1 . G3 The player must take the path between the poles at high
speed to go to get the ball on the white red cone at the height of the edge of the penalty area .
Meanwhile, a team player within the Sector A, called by the coach ( example B1 ) must leave the
space to prevent cross into the area of the player G3 , while the banks yellow G1 and G2 attack
in the penalty area challenging defending the blue B1 and B2 in a 2vs2 situation . On the front of
the three players red R1 , R2, R3 compete the three defending blacks N1, N2 , N3 in a situation
of 3vs3 with attack from a central position. Turn the backhoe and the players alternate play from
the right and from the left.
Drill 68
initially 4 players (R1 , R2 , R3, R4) on three stations ( R4 R1ed on Station 1 , Station 2 on R2
and R4 on the Station 3 ) running continuously the following exercise: R1 part with the ball at his
feet and leads to slalom between cones blue , while the other comrades R2 and R3 are running
routes ( R2 slalom between the posts and over ; R3 go back and continue between the red- white
cones ) at the end of the course played on R1 R2 ( step 1 ) that moved in the meantime the little
Chinese yellow spot at the end of Station 2 , and then R2 ( step 2) will play on R3 that leave the
"go and return " to go to get the blue cone ; R3 R4 play of (Step 3 ) put on hold at the beginning
of Station 1 . The players at each step will change their position by positioning each to the next
station with respect to the initial (R1 from Station 1 to Station 2 ; R2 from Station 2 to Station 3 ,
R3 from Station 3 to Station 1) . It continues the same way until the signal of the coach.
In the meantime, the players R5 and R6 each running a technical course with ball and go back on
the cones white yellow as shown in the figure .
At a signal from the coach the six players leave the previous exercises , and while the players red
R5 and R6 should immediately take position in the industry to defend , the other 4 players R1 ,
R2 , R3 and R4 instead of concluding the round of steps previously described , immediately after
the step n. 2 there will be passage of lateral opening ( pass. 1) on the blue cone and one of the 4
(in R4) will have to go to address the cross ( pass. 2 ) in the A position from lateral ( or oblique
plane) while mates attack within the sector A. It will therefore have a situation of 2vs3 in Sector A
of the side passage (in the example R5, R6 vs R1 , R2, R3 ) .
Drill 69
and B are running an ongoing bull with the players yellow on the sides of the square and on
which may move freely without occupy the same side by two players. In the field we have to G1 ,
G2 , G3 against R3 , R4, while in B we G4 , G5 , G6 against R5 , R6 . Players must try to
intercept red broadcasts of the ball between players yellow . At the same time the two players red
R1 and R2 are running the continuous transitions between blue cones with a "go and come back
" at every step performed ( as shown in the figure) . At a time when one of the players red seats
in the fields of A or B intercepts a pass through the opponents yellow (in R3 ), can play the ball to
his choice on the blue cone A or B on the blue cone (in the example plays with the companion R1
cone 1). The player yellow spot on the side of the square where the transition occurs ( G1 in the
example) must try to turn to intercept the ball ( step 1 which must occur in a limited space by the
presence of bollards ) ; mate R1 must return the ball to R3 in Area C to the conclusion ( step 2 ),
while the yellow player ( which starts at the time of step 1 ) which is in the opposite sector ( sector
B) and on the side closest to the area where C is the transition 2 ( G4 in the example) must try to
arrive on time after running a slalom between the stakes to counter R3 in a 1v1 situation in C.
The red player R3 , where G4 arrive on time to avoid a shot on goal, will have 10 seconds (or the
time set by the coach ) to exceed G4 and a finish. Rotate and alternate players in the role you
shores .
Drill 70
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we initially players yellow G1 and G2 and the players
red R1 and R2 positioned on the square indicated with the Chinese guy A, B , C, D ( as in the
figure) , that must perform exchanges of the ball as shown in figure with continuous movement by
four players at the end of each pass and reception ( steps 1 and 2 ) . The exercise takes place
with the use of two balloons and the displacement ( R1 and G2 continually exchange the position
among the Chinese guy B and C while G1 and R2 continually exchange the position among the
Chinese guy A and D ) must be bypassing the bollard. The exchanges between the players
continue for the allotted time.
At a signal from the coach the players who will be on the Chinese guy A and B (which will always
be one red and one yellow, G1 and R1 in the example ) , you must move both in A, while the
other two players will each R2 and G2 execute the path formed by the ladder and over until the
beginning of the path composed of the blue cones where they will find each a balloon. Each of
the two players run with the ball between the slalom cones blue . In the A 2 should reach cross (
air or sliding ) by two players ( crosses the first to arrive to finish the technical route ) and the role
of striker in the A between R1 and G1 on both cross will be carried out by the partner team 's first
player to finish the technical route with the ball . Therefore you will have a 1v1 situation in the
area A between the players R1 and G1 .
Drill 71
situation in the A 3vs3 (R1 , R2 , R3 against N1 , N2 , N3 ) + 2 sides red ( R4 and R5) that allow
the team to play in a red 5vs3 situation of numerical superiority . At the same time three players
red (R6 , R7 , R8 ) play a bull against the N4 black player in the field delimited by the red- white
cones , while the other side of the field four defenders blacks N5 , N6 , N7 , N8 running steps "
give and go " with N6 and N7 which alternate as in the figure to exchange the ball once with and
once with N5 N8 . All 4 defenders blacks between a pass and therefore also perform other
exercises " and go back " between the blue cones . The exercise is carried out with the following
rules: if the player N4 bull recovers the ball in the net can be concluded without opposition of any
opponent in the field to the red team , being outnumbered , in order to attack the defensive line
needs to maintain possession for 30 seconds at a time if this happens the action will take place
with the holder of the ball ( R3 in the example) that will play on a bank specified by the coach (R5
example) and will receive after passing the white cone green A ( race overlap ), while all the other
comrades who will attack the defense position and prevent players from entering the red zone 1 (
in the box ) whose limit is indicated by the yellow dotted line . We will have a situation of 5vs4 (R1
, R2, R3 , R4, R5 against N5 , N6 , N7 , N8 ) . Players blacks N1, N2 , N3 instead , being
outnumbered in sector A , can attack the defensive line constituted by the three players red R6 ,
R6 , R8 (which will position itself ) to each flask recovered leaning on companion N4 that can exit
the sector where he plays the young bull with a movement against long-short and red defenders
must prevent the attackers from entering the red ZONE 2 indicated by the yellow dotted line in a
3vs4 situation (R6 , R7 , R8 against N1 , N2 , N3 , N4) . In both actions worth the offside trap to
be triggered over the dotted line. The team that at the end of the prescribed time will have scored
more goals . Play two times and invert the teams .
Drill 72
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation of 3vs3 (G1 , G2 , G3 against R1
, R2, R3) in the A where you play for possession of the ball: you earn one point for every
regaining the ball within 10 seconds while the team holding the ball for at least 20 seconds earns
2 points. At the same time the three players blue B1 , B2 , B3, perform a combination of exercise
and run the ball as follows : the player B1 part albatross from cinesino yellow ( Ch. 2 ) and leads
him to the slalom cone indicated by the blue n . 3 circled and then transfer it to the player B3 (
step 1 ) on the cinesino yellow ( Ch. 3), the player returns the ball B3 ( step 2) to the player B1 (
which has since gone back without the ball by running a slalom between cones white blue)
cinesino yellow ( Ch. 2), B3 part in slalom without the ball between the posts and go back to your
seat until you receive the ball back from the G1 to the next round , while the player B1 drove the
ball in slalom between blue cones up to perform the transition to G2 ( step 3 ) , B2 returns the ball
to his B1 ( step 4 ), which in the meantime has come back without the ball by running a slalom
between cones blue ) on cinesino yellow ( Ch. 2 ), in the time between step 4 and step 1.2 G2
player is running the slalom between the posts as indicated in the figure. Continue in this way
until the signal of the coach. At a time when the coach intervenes , the team in possession of the
ball in the A starts the following action : a player (in G1) plays the ball on the white cone red spot
at the B sector ( step 1 ) to a partner ( G2 as an example ), which in the meantime has moved
rapidly on the cone , and the two players G1 and G3 running a slalom without the ball between
the red- white cones to go to get the side of the companion G2 on one of the five Chinese guy
yellow . 4 or five . 5 (in the player on the G1 cinesino five . 4 ), the player receives and enters G1
ball and chain in B together with two companions G2 and G3 to deal with the blue players B1 , B2
, B3 in a 3vs3 situation in sector B : The players blue yellow will prevent players from entering in
the penalty area in a maximum of 5 seconds.
Players Red R1 , R2 , R3, during the action described will go to perform the exercises of "go and
return " among white yellow cones placed in the opposite side as shown in the figure. Turn the
sets of players.
Drill 73
EXERCISE IN THE CIRCUIT: In this tutorial , whose main objective is to train a striker against a
defendant in a 1v1 situation , there are three players red (all three attackers) and three players
yellow (all defenders ) initially positioned as follows: two red against a yellow rectangle in a in
which you play a 2vs1 (simulation output of the defenders from the corner of the field with
pressure attacker's opponent ), while the height of the midfield running a tutorial " and follow the "
three- players ( one yellow and two red ) . At a signal from the coach defender yellow and a
striker who performed the red " and follow the " run inside the rectangle B ( the edge of the
penalty ) where they found a ball and where they play a 1v1 with the lawyer must prevent the
attacker to get into the penalty area. Meanwhile, fellow striker red runs quickly to the technical
path indicated by the red and white cones where you will find another ball with which to address
the slalom between cones at the end of the path the attacker should serve the diagonal running
mate who will have to stick with the ' penalty area and conclude directly to the network countered
by the defender yellow . At the end of the backhoe will change position and the triad that comes
out of the rectangle A will run the route coordinative before going to play the " give and follow ."
Drill 74
1v1 EXERCISE IN PORT AND CONCLUSION : In this tutorial, we have a 2vs2 situation in the
area A between the R1 and R2 red players who play for possession of the ball against the players
yellow G1 and G2. In the field we have the two players R3 and G3 exchanging the ball as shown
in the figure, and R3 , which is still in place and G3 that each exchange (steps 1,2,3,4 ) moves
between the cones blue , and in this way also performs an exercise of "go and come back ." On
the left side of the field instead of the three players to have blacks N1 , N2 , N3 running of the
continuous three-player combinations as shown in the figure: the tutorial starts from the blue cone
and continues with the sequence of steps 1,2,3 , 4.5 and with players moving as indicated by the
dashed lines in the figure to get the yellow ball on the Chinese guy . At a signal from the coach
(who will be in one of the moments when the ball is in possession of the players red ), the black
player who will be on the Chinese guy closest to the door (R3 in the example) must make a
diagonal stroke of dissociation in B to receive from the red player in possession of the ball ( R1 in
the example) with the players yellow G1 and G2 that seek to intercept the passage (in this case it
is a pass ) . At the same time the yellow player G3 abandon the exchange of the ball with R3 and
, after performing the fast path between the posts and over , the player will face N3 in a 1v1
situation in the field B. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 75
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have the two players G1 and R1 running a " give
and go " around the center circle at each step to get moving on the next yellow and white cone
after passing a pole as shown in the figure (steps 1 , 2,3,4,5,6 , and so to follow) . At the same
time the two players R2 and G2 exchanging the ball between the cones white yellow even going
to their place around the pole near the right cone , while in the field to have a 2vs2 situation (R3 ,
R4 against G3 , G4 ) + the R5 red bank must help their companions to handle the ball in
possession , while we also have the yellow player G5 waiting performs continuous "go and return
" between cones blue : yellow if the players win the ball , the player red R5 will execute the "go
and return " blue cones (top of the figure) and the situation of numerical superiority in favor of the
players will be yellow . You play for time set by the coach : the coach's signal to begin the attack
action indicated by the coach of the team itself (in the yellow ) toward the door in search of goals :
the player who performs the exchange on the opposite side of the field ( G2) will play for the
companion in the center circle (G1) and will receive the ball in the area indicated by the coach (in
area C ) after performing the path and overcome the obstacles and should address the ball in the
a sector ( where in the meantime also moves the player G1) before it reaches the player R1 to
combat it in C in a 1v1 situation . In sector A, there will be a situation of 3vs3 (R3 , R4, R5 against
G1 , G3, G4 ) of the side passage . Worth offside. Rotate players in different roles.
Drill 76
OR IN PENALTY AREA : In this tutorial, we have two players in the field at the N1 and N2 blacks
running continuous " give and go " along the rectangle as shown in Figure ( 1,2,3,4 steps with
shifts of N1 and N2 along the short side of the rectangle ) . At the same time two players red R1
and R2 placed at the edge of the penalty on the blue cones E and F exchanged the ball with
players alternately yellow G1 (located on the blue cone C) and G2 (located on the blue cone D):
red players at each step to move from one cone to another must do the work on co-ordinating
ladder placed between the cones , while the two players yellow ball at each transmission must
perform the path between the obstacles to return to kick on its cone . At the signal of the coach
called one of the players blacks (N1 example) that will serve the yellow player opposite to its side
(in G1) that will have to wait inserting overlapping the other player black (N2) to serve on the race
and on the cone white yellow A. G1 , G2 and N1 attack at the same time the sector B on lateral
passage of N2 from yellow to white cone , while the defending Red R1 and R2 will take place in
the area and preventing the conclusion of the three opponents in a situation of numerical
inferiority ( 2vs3 area penalty )
Drill 77
: In this tutorial, we have the two players blacks N1 and N2 initially positioned on the blue cones 1
and 2 and the two players G1 and G2 both positioned on the blue cone which is also the starting
point . The steps between the players and the movements take place as shown, with G1 running
a " give and go " with N1 and returns the ball on cinesino A ( steps 1,2,3) after N1 with a fast race
has bypassed the cone 3 white red ; G1 at the end of step 3 will move to the cone 1 color blue .
The runs without the ball players are shown with dashed lines and indicated on each of the player
who performs the move. In turn, the player exchanges N1 as shown in figure (steps 4,5,6 ) with
N2 which receives on cinesino B after passing with a fast running the cone 4 white color red ; N1
at the end of step 6 will move to the 2 white blue cone , the player N2 in turn play (step 7) to G2
remained on the initial cone blue and will get in queue for the next departure at the end of the
subsequent exchanges. And so it continues until the whistle coach. In the meantime, the players
R1 and R2 are continuously making exchanges between the Chinese guy and D and "go and
come back " at every step. To the signal of the coach and at the moment when one of the two
pairs ( yellow or black ) will positioned on the cone blue starting , one of the two players red (
Example R1 ) must within 5 seconds to put the ball in the the space provided in the penalty area
where the couple lying on the cone blue initial ( in this case, G1 and G2) stick to the conclusion at
the door and must be countered on the other pair (in the N1 and N2) in a situation of 2vs2 . Turn
the pairs of players.
Drill 78
EXERCISE FOR THE CONCLUSION TO DOOR : This tutorial is intended to treat as its main
objective the shot on goal in a 1v1 situation . In the field at the players play a 1v1 R1 and N1 for
the defense of the ball, while the other two players R2 and N2 perform a continuous exchange of
the ball while standing still among the Chinese guy yellow as shown in the figure . At a signal
from the coach depending on the player in possession of the ball in the A (N1 in the example) is
given the go-ahead to his companion that carries out the exchange stationary (N2 example)
which must cover the route in more shortest possible time, while in the meantime the companion
N1 must take the ball and defending the attack of R1 until N2 arrives in B. At this point N1 N2
plays out in the sector B and Part B to complete the route in the shortest possible time and before
that R1 reaches the sector B to counteract the companion N2 . At the time of departure of the N1
player R2 exchanged the ball with N2 firm will achieve the sector C before it reaches the passage
of N2 to N1. If the player arrives in R2 C before it reaches you must wait for the N1 to challenge
him in a 1v1 situation in the area and prevent C on goal to N1.
Drill 79
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a central rectangular space divided into three
sections A, B , C. Within each sector we have two players who during the first stage of the
exercise will not get out of the area in which they are found ( G1 and G2 in A, R2 and R3 in B; G3
and G4 in C). Outside there are two sides of the space R1 and R4. The objective is the
transmission of the ball between players of the same team avoiding the interception of the
passage by opponents . At the same time , we have 4 outside players (G5 , G6 , R5 , R6 )
exchanging running the ball between the cones with the white-blue "go back and " continuous (
G5 and G6 exchanges with R5 , R6 and R5 G5 exchanges with , G5, G6 and exchanges with R6
, R5 exchanges with G6 and R6) .
At the signal of the coach by the team that will be in possession of the ball inside the space
station will have the following two situations : if the ball is in possession of the red players , these
will attack the defense with three players yellow R2, R3, R4 with support vertically on R4 to serve
as a side for insertion of R2 and R3 and must be countered by G3 , G4, G5, which must each
retrieve the location and position in order to counteract the action of the players red in a situation
of 3vs3 ( example see the sequence of steps ATT . 1 ) . If the ball is in possession of the players
yellow , these two players will have to stick with the G1 and G2 Red defense consists of R1 , R5
in a 2vs2 situation ( see the example the sequence of steps ATT . 2 ) .
Drill 80
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a situation in the area A of 3vs3 (R1 , R2 ,
R3 against N1 , N2 , N3 ) playing for possession with the help of two sides for each team (R4 , R5
N4 , N5 ) . At the same time in 4 areas delimited by white - yellow cones are 4 pairs of players
(alternatively, one red and one black) that play a constant " give and go " . In the A team gets one
point for every 20 seconds of possession . At the whistle of coach the team in possession of the
ball ( the blacks in the example) must score in one of the three doorways marked with cones
white and blue : the goal in the center door is worth 2 points , one on either side is 1 point . In
addition, the realization of the goals in the door will activate two types of actions ( shown in figure
1 with Az and Az 2 ) : If you scored in the side door ( Az 1 ) the player will receive a pass in the
corresponding square in their square from her partner who has scored the goal (in N3 to N7) and
will serve the bank ( N5) which will overlap with a ride to make a cross on the far post where it will
trigger a 1v1 situation between players square opposite ( N56 against R6 ) if you scored in the
door station ( Az 2 ) the player N3 will initiate a 1v1 situation (in the example against N7 R7 ) on
the central cut of a mate.
Drill 81
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we initially a series of steps between 3 black players
(N ), red ( R) and yellow (G), each of which initially occupies a corner of Area A , which is
performed in the following way : the step should always be directed to the player from which you
did not receive the ball (in N plays the step 1 on R which in turn must play to strength with the
passage of G 2 and G in turn must play on N step 3 , and so on ) and each player after the
passage must go to occupy the free corner of Area A (the figure shows the first 3 steps 1,2,3 and
related races of players N, R , G ) . The series of steps continues until the signal Mister .
At a signal , each player will be called by the coach to take the preset position : the first (in R)
moves to the beginning of the path composed of the blue cones ( Slalom 1 ) where you will find a
ball , and the second (in the N ) at the beginning of the path composed of 4 stakes , and the third
(in G ) at the beginning of the path composed of yellow Chinese guy ( 5 Slalom ) where you will
find a ball.
At this point, after performing the Slalom R 1 with the ball, passing the ball to N ( Pass. 1 ) who
had performed the Route 4 without the ball , the player N itself after running the Slalom 2 with the
ball, passing the ball to R ( Pass. 2 ) who performed the Route 1 without the ball , the player in
turn R again after running the Slalom 3 with the ball, passing the ball to N ( Pass. 3 ), from the
last player N after performing the Slalom 4 with the ball shall serve in Sector B Comrade R who
performed the Route 2 without the ball for the final conclusion on goal. Meanwhile, the player
must perform the Slalom G 5 with the ball and the next obstacle course to try to reach in Sector B
before A receives the ball from N so you can fight in a 1v1 situation on side passage ( or oblique
plane ) .
This exercise can also be performed with the use of multiple sets of players who will leave at the
end of each step. The winner is unable to perform the most goals during the time of the exercise
Drill 82
place in the form of competition , we have 3 players N1 , N2 , N3 which start each as shown in
the figure : A blue cone from N1 , N2 from the cone B blue and white N3 from the cone C blue .
The ball is played by Mister player that N1 ( step 1 ) is the player N2 . The player immediately to
execute the N1 part path consisting of changes of direction , bollards , barriers (over) and ladder
trying to reach the area A before the player N3 after the series of steps 2,3,4,5,6 and overlap with
each pass servant mate N2 ( step 7 ) in the field at the conclusion to the network. If N1 arrives in
time , there will be a 1v1 situation in the area A and the N2 player will have to enter the penalty
area to the conclusion in a maximum of 5 seconds after receipt of the Step 7. The exercise can
be done by using multiple sets of players. Rotate each triad in the three starting positions .
Drill 83
EXERCISE 1VS1 AFTER COMBINATION : In this tutorial (which can also be done with more
players arranged in a row and rolling on the various stations ) have between players R1, R2 , R3,
arranged as in the figure that the signal of the coach running each a path : R1 part of the cone
white yellow and executes the path represented by the ladder and the stakes in return ; R2
performs the path between the over (the number of touch must be determined by the coach )
back and forth , while R3 is running the route consists of the Chinese guy leading the yellow ball.
At the moment in which R3 terminates the conduction path in part the combination as shown in
the figure (steps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 with the races of the players that are indicated with dashed lines .
Player R3 after performing step n . 3 from the blue cone A to cone blue B must run fast and tackle
the course consists of the pole and blue around the cone , taking first in the industry to conclude
that R1 and R2 combinations of steps 4, 5,6,7 R1 in the field that will lead to the end goal . R3 If
R1 comes before a in the sector will be a 1v1 situation between R1 and R3 in which R3 a with 5
seconds must prevent the conclusion to ' opponent. Carry in succession with R2 that are going to
take place in the queue of the queue , with R1 which takes the place of R2, and R3 going to take
the place of R1 and R4 which takes the place of origin of R3 with the ball.
Drill 84
FROM 2vs1 to 2vs3 : In this tutorial, we initially in Sector A of a 2vs1 situation (R1 , R2 against
G3) where players red R1 and R2 must maintain possession as long as possible and up to the
coach's signal , a situation resembles that of an output of the two central defenders pressed by a
striker . In the case in which the attacker G3 conquer the ball ( before the signal of the coach ) will
enter into the area and shot off just out of the Sector A.
At the same time the two players yellow G1 and G2 are running (up to the coach's signal ), a
series of exchanges between the coinage blue A and B (steps 1,2) , with travel around the pole at
each step performed : so run , as well passages, also a continuous " and go back " from the cone
to the respective post.
At the coach's signal G1 goes to the player receiving the pass companion G2 on cinesino C and
then plays the ball on the companion G3 in A.
At this point, the two players yellow G1 and G2 must run as fast as possible to their own path (
path 1 G1 , G2 path 2 ) to move in Sector A and result in a favorable situation for 3vs2 in favor of
the yellow (initially you had a situation of numerical inferiority of 1vs2 in the players favor red ) . In
the time that players G1 and G2 shift in the A companion G3 will have to defend the ball players
from the attack of red R1 and R2 which, if they win the ball , they can conclude directly and
without any opposition in the door on the halfway line formed by blue stakes .
If players arrive in G1 and G2 and G3 to have retained possession when the paths of the two
companions , one of the three players yellow must leave within 10 seconds (or after the time set
by the coach ) from Sector A to receive a pass ball in the penalty area for a finish .
Rotate players in different roles.
Drill 85
PRACTICE OF SIMULTANEOUS 1vs1 : In this tutorial in the areas A and B have two initial
situations of 2vs1 ( R1, R2 against G1 in the sector A and G2 and G3 against R4 in sector B) .
You play for possession of the ball according to the rules established by the coach . At the same
time in the space bounded by the blue cones players R3 and G4 are running a continuous " give
and go " as shown in the figure ( sequence steps 1,2,3,4 ....) . At a signal from the coach a player
red (in R1) plays the ball towards the companion R3 ( pass. 1 ) which enters ball at his feet in the
space bounded by the blue cones, triggering a 1v1 situation against G4. This duel between R3
and G4 will take place until the player R1 will have taken the path between the poles and
obstacles to get to receive the return pass in C ( pass. 2 ) . At the same time a yellow player in
the sector B (G2 example) will quickly run the path shown in the figure to challenge the player in
C R1 R1 and avoid entering into the penalty area for a finish unhindered by any opponent.
Therefore the signal of the coach will simultaneously four situations 1vs1 in 4 sectors , namely in
the areas A, B , C , and in the area delimited by the cones , and in 4 different areas of the field of
which a situational type (the one in the sector C ) . As shown in the figure must have a second
ball outside the area A so as to use it in the situation of 1vs1 between G1 and R2 after that party
will be the player R1 .
Drill 86
1v1 EXERCISE IN VARIOUS SECTORS : In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A of 1v1
with players R1ed N1 which fight for the possession with the help of the outer banks R2 , R3 , N2,
N3. After a certain period of time determined by the coach, the signal is given to interruption of
possession . At this point the players R1 and N1 leave the ball in the A to engage in a duel to
those who arrive first in the D area after running each separately to the path shown in the figure ,
and where they will find a ball : who comes first on the ball engages the duel with an opponent
(another 1v1 situation ) for the shot on goal . Simultaneously also the outer banks perform
coordinative the path as shown in figure ( R3 and N3 each path B , and also R2 and N2, the path
C ) ; players R3 and N3 at the end of each path to find a balloon before entering the near sector
(R3 close to sector C and N3 near the area B) where everyone will have to face their direct
opponent always in 1v1 situation on the side band (R3 and R2 against against N3 N2). The task
of R2 and N3 will be to remove the ball to the opponent , while that of R3 and N2 to keep it as
long as possible because at the end of the action in the area D between R1 and N1 holders ball
to ' internal areas B and C will be called by the coach one at a time to come out of the industry
albatross to carry a cross in the D area for the companion (and thus you will always have a 1v1
situation in D cross from the right and from left). Rotate players in the role of the outer banks .
NB : the paths B and C in the first section where the obstacles are positioned coincide, for which
the side walls depart after that are parties R1 and N1 .
Drill 87
areas A and B we have two young bulls (the player and the player G2 yellow black red R2 N2
against the player in the field B and the player and the player black yellow G3 N3 against the red
player R3 in sector A). The outside players to sectors A and B can move freely along the sides of
the sector itself but can never move both on the same side . At the same time the player plays R1
continuous " give and go " on the cones with blue players G1 and N1 (so all three players perform
moves to shuttle between cones at the same time after performing the upgrade) . This exercise
will be carried out in order that one of the pair of R1 win the ball in one of two bulls . In the
moment in which a red player ( in this example R2 ) wins the ball , the coach will indicate the
transition to be made. The ability to play 3 of R2 will be the first ( denoted by 1 and pass pass1A )
is to perform a one-two with fellow R1 that returns the ball in the D and at this point it triggers a
1v1 situation between R2 and N1 in B , and the second (indicated with pass pass 1A and 1B ) is
to play the ball out of play R1 to R3 in the field of bank C and at this point it triggers a 1v1
situation in the area between B R3 and N1, the third is to serve directly the companion R3 in B (
game changer ) and at this point it always triggers a 1v1 situation in the sector B between R3 and
N1. The yellow player G2 will prevent the player R2 to serve the comrades through an action of
interception the ball. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 88
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, the targets are shooting at goal, the game-changer
and dissociation . As shown in the figure we have in the areas A and B, two situations of 2vs1 (
R1ed R2 against G3 in the sector A and G1 and G2 against R3 in sector B). You play for the
possession and the team outnumbered earn one point for every interception in their field of
passage. At the same time we have three players blue (B1 , B2, B3, B2 and B3 each with a ball )
that exchange of the ball after the coordinative path consists of a series of over and with a
number of touch between the over- laid by ' coach. At the coach's signal , is called one of the two
players blue B2 or B3 ( B2 in the example) which will shorten towards the neighboring sector (
sector B in the example ) to receive the ball from one of the two players yellow (G2 in ' example)
and play the other side of the field in the opposite sector ( sector A in the example) for the player
who is outnumbered ( the yellow G3 in the example) which in the meantime has to carry out a
dissociation to receive . Upon receipt of the G3 blue player B1 must move at maximum speed in
the area C to receive the pass . Meanwhile G3 must defend the ball from an opponent (R1 in the
example) that must delay the passage of G3 in C for B1 and allow your partner to arrive before
R2 B1 in C after the circumvention cone white yellow and the path between the posts shown. If
R2 will arrive before B1 in C instead of the direct shot on goal you will have a 1v1 situation in
Area C between B1 and R2. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 89
EXERCISE 1vs1 IN FORM OF NOTICE : In this tutorial we have two situations 3vs3 in the areas
A and B (R1 , R2 , R3 against N1 , N2 , N3 in the sector A and R4 , R5 , R6 against N4 , N5 , N6
in the field B) : You play for the possession for the time and with the rules established by the
coach . At a signal from the coach are called a red player in the field B (R5 example) and a black
player in the A (N1 example): each of the players called by the coach will have to make fast path
A shown in the figure for arrive first on the ball positioned in the C and the player who first
reaches the ball will have to take the time to set and defend it from attack from their opponent (
1v1 situation in the sector D) and then try to go to the end . At the end of the action the two
players N1 and R5 will quickly exit the area D to run the route in each run the ball between the
cones blue (path B) and try to get there before your opponent at the end of the technical path .
The player who will be first at the end of the path B will have to go in the area close to their
technical path D or E ( Example N1 player arrives before the player R5 and leads his own ball in
the D area ) while the opponent completed path will quickly recover the position in the D area to
prevent the player N1 back of the net ( other 1vs1 situation from a different location than the
previous year). During the race between N1 and R5 described in the two sectors A and B of two
situations 3vs3 it has gone to two 3vs2 situations , one in favor of the black team and one for the
red team . At the end of the path the two players N1 and R5 fall in the areas A and B and will
leave two other players , and so on.
Drill 90
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial in the two areas A and B, located at the edge of each
penalty area we have two situations 3vs2 both for possession ( in A we have 3 players 2 players
against yellow red in B we have 3 players red yellow against 2 players ) : such situations are
modeled often what happens in the race for the exit from behind with defensive central defenders,
supported by the central midfield . Simultaneously two defenders yellow side (G4 and G5 from
one side and the other R4 and R5 ) exchange ball as in the figure with one of the two players
yellow that remains stationary and the other running at every exchange a "go and return "
between cones . At a signal from the coach the players will be called by the coach to activate a
predetermined action or side band ( SIDE solution called by the coach ) or a vertical in the central
area ( CENTRAL solution called by the coach ) : in the case of lateral attack , l ' yellow exterior (in
this case G5 ) will find a ball at the beginning of the path and the coordinative will exchange along
at the same time as shown in figure ( double exchange " give and go " with a companion of sector
a and sector B a companion come to meet with dissociation along one short -run ball between
cones white - yellow ) to go to make a final cross from the blue - white cone for their fellow G6
and G7 that will attack the three defending red R1 , R2 , R3 in a 3vs2 situation in the case of
central attack the possessor of the ball called by the coach (shown the yellow player G2) plays on
the comrades who are meeting in breaking free from changing the field to go to face the
defending red R1 , R2 , R3 in a 3vs3 situation ; the yellow G2 , G6, G7 will have to close the
action and go to the shooting in a maximum time of 10 seconds (or the time set by the coach ) .
Drill 91
POSSESSION OF CONDUCT JOINT EXERCISE + + 2vs2 : In this tutorial, we have a situation of
3vs3 (R1 , R2 , R3 against G1 , G2 , G3) in A. You play for possession of the ball with the team
that follows a point in case is able to maintain possession for 25consecutive seconds without
interception by the opponent and with the condition that a player can not return the ball to the
partner from which receiving the pass (Rule of third Man ) . At the same time the players G4 , G5
, R4 , R5 perform the following exercise : as shown in the figure is played with a ball in pairs ( a
ball for R4 and R5 for G4 and a ball, and G5 ), the player with the ball to give the ball to the
opposite player must perform the path with the ball between the cones quickly as the other player
in the meantime will try to make as many "go and return " between the first and the last cone (in
the example R4 player receiving the pass 1 , and G4 in the time between step 1 , the technical
route of R4 between blue cones C and D and step 2 to receive the ball , you must run the highest
possible number of "go back and " between the cones white red A and B). After R4 and G4 have
finished each of 4eseguire exchange and run with " and go back " through the cones , the player
who has made the highest number of go back and earn a point for their team . It goes on until the
sign of the coach and the same exercise will be performed by the players and R5 G5 on the other
side . At a signal from the coach when the red team will be in possession one of the players
positioned in the A (R2 in the example) play to a teammate (R5 example) which mate with each
other R4 attack in B while players yellow G4 and G5 will take place immediately in the field B in a
2vs2 situation .
VARIANT IMPORTANT: If the sum of the points won by the players yellow G4 and G5 will be
greater than the sum of the points scored by players red R4 and R5 can call the coach a yellow
player to move from sector to sector A and B to the aid of G4 and G5 to perform an action in
terms of 3vs2 B in favor of the players yellow . The opposite happens ( 3vs2 in favor of the reds )
if the points won by the players red R4 and R5 will be superior to those achieved by the yellows
G4 and G5 .
Drill 92
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : This exercise situational main objective is to train the restarts in a
state of equal numbers (in this case 3vs3 ) in addition to coaching situations of possession , the
defense on cross side and attack / defense in 2vs2 situation . Inside the square drawn at the
height of the center circle , he plays a 3vs3 ( red vs. blacks ) + 1 jolli yellow for ball possession. At
the corners of the field are held the two exercises held in 2vs1 situation . At the whistle of the
coach one of the players starts blacks a pass to a teammate that is located inside the space
station and the time when the black player touches the ball , defending the three reds will have to
flee to the Zone 1 to defend from ' attack led by three players blacks , who will try to conclude the
necessary action in time during which the fellow blacks (the launch and another of the opposite
sector ) to perform in a fast path to reach the cross in the zone 2 is the ball that the ball 2 1 . In
the event that the players arrive on the ball before the end of the action is the three defending the
three attackers will have to leave the action to reboot, and defend and attack on the cross from
the wing side . At the same time the jolly yellow (using the ball remained in the field of midfield
and left by others) must leave the square and trigger the two strikers blacks defending against the
two red that you will move in Zone 3, resulting in a 2vs2 situation .
Drill 93
EXERCISE 1v1 CIRCUIT IN AND IN VARIOUS SECTORS : In this tutorial, we have two
situations 2vs1 initials in the areas A and B ( G1 , G2 against R3 in Area A and R1 , R2 against
G3 in B) where you play for possession with R3 and G3 can only retrieve theball by intercepting
the pass. At the same time the players blacks N1 , N2 , N3 perform a continuous " give and go "
between the blue cones ( cone A and cone B) as shown in the figure. At a signal from the black
player that the coach will be on the cone A ( N1 in the example ) will start in the direction of the
field C to receive a pass from a vertical red player in the sector B ( R2 in the example ) and must
be countered by a yellow player of the sector a ( G2 in the example) in a situation of 1vs1 in
sector C. Therefore, after the signal of the coach in this first step we therefore have the situation
in the field of 1vs1 C just described , and will remain the following situations : in sector A will
remain a situation of 1vs1 between G1 and R3 , in the field B will always have a situation of 2vs1
(R1 and R2 against G3) which is played with a second ball in the corner of the field B, while N1
and N3 blacks players will continue to play always a " give and go " but to Step 3 : The player
who receives step 3 should lead the ball on the cone 2 and repeat the exercise . At the second
signal part of the coach the second step tutorial: a red player in the sector B ( R2 in the example)
must leave the field after a triangulation with partner and deal with the technical route between
blue cones with the ball at foot to go to the cross ( grazing or plane) from the Chinese guy in the
yellow D N2 and G2 where players will face off again in a new situation of 1vs1 on side passage .
Meanwhile we will have, in addition to the situation in the sector D 1v1 , 1v1 two other situations :
in a field A ( G1 against R3 ) and a sector B (R1 against G3) . Once the exercise is part of a
circuit : the players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 will perform the play of " give and go " and will be
replaced in the field by the players A and B blacks N1 , N2 , N3, and so on in turn between the
sets of players blacks , yellows and reds .
VARIANT: the circuit can also be done by putting in every sector players in different colors : one
yellow, one black and one red in A, a yellow, one black and one red in B , a yellow, a red and a
black one cones 1 and 2 for the " give and go " signal to the coach will leave a yellow, one black
and one red (eg a yellow cones from the blue , a red from sector A , a black man from sector B
will the assist and then continue with the second step) .
Drill 94
SIDE . In this exercise, the main objective is to coach the defensive line (in this case consists of 4
players yellow ) to make the elastic through synchronized movements and in order to read a
tactical situation in a unique way. Between the two areas of rigor we have 4 areas (A, B , C , D ) .
Within the space consists of both areas A and B are playing a 4vs4 players between blacks and
reds players for possession , with the obligation to exchange the sphere that must be performed
at each transition from one sector to another (ie from A to B , from B to a, and so forth) up to a
predetermined number of consecutive passages alignment (in our case 3 ) . In case of loss of the
sphere starts to count for the team that won the ball and always with a change of the field at each
step . During the sequence of steps with change of sector , the four defending yellow moving will
move according to the movement of the ball , if the ball is in the A position will have all the
yellows together in C , and the change in the field ( ball will move together in the D area ,
simulating in this way ( according to the sequence of steps with change of sector between A and
the elastic movement of the defensive line . Upon reaching the predetermined number of passes
the team in possession of the ball ( nell'4esempio the red ones) achieve a point and attack the
defensive line yellow in a 4vs4 situation with the first step that must be made through the door
indicated by the blue cones . Meanwhile, two players who have lost their confrontation with
opponents ( two blacks in this case) will leave the area and find each a ball : then carry out the
technical route leading the ball up to the respective square (E and F ) and must carry the cross in
the penalty area where there will always be a 4vs4 situation on cross side before and then from
right to left. Rotate the players.
Drill 95
INTEGRATED IN THE FORM OF EXERCISE NOTICE : In this tutorial, we have four players (the
two yellow G1 and G2 and two red R1 and R2) which, using two balls , perform continuous
changes as shown with the player that runs between the R1 cones a and B and the player G1
that runs between the cones E and F , while the other two R2 and G2 run between the cones C
and D by performing continuous " give and go " once with a partner ( with R1 and R2 G2 with G1
as shown by steps 1-2 ) and once with an opponent ( R2 with G1 and G2 with R1 as shown by
steps 3-4 ) . At a signal from the coach pairs of players will have to perform the following played
at a fast pace : the red player R2 once you exchange with 1-2 R1 following a course in overlap to
circumvent the cone F andandosi to position the cone H while the mate R1 mows 1 with the ball
at his little Chinese yellow ; R2 receives R1 on the cone H ( pass. 1 ), while R1 ( after having
given the ball with the pass. 1) performs the path without the ball quickly between poles (indicated
by SLALOM ) to move out of the maximum of the A, R2 player must perform fast path 2 between
the Chinese guy with yellow ball. On the opposite side the exercise is the same. Therefore we will
have a competition between the players R2 and G2 (after the exchange of the ball described )
whose purpose will be to arrive early with the ball at the end of path 2 , while his companions will
go to position ( after trade and the paths described ) at the edge of the area to receive the ball
from her partner who arrives first at the end of the path 2 . In the example comes first player that
will mate G1 G2 which will enter in the A thwarted by R1, while G2 (after performing step pass . 2
) will have to go to the rescue of G1 to try to establish a position of superiority numerical 2vs1 .
Meanwhile, the player R2 , arrived at the end of the path 2 after the opponent G2 , will perform
the path formed by coordinative over and only after performing such a path will quickly move in to
try to restore a situation of equal numbers of 2vs2 . The aim will then be to one of the two pairs (in
the example the pair G1- G2) to try to come out with a combination of sector A in time max. of 10
seconds (or the time set by coach ) to get into the penalty area and a finish.
Drill 96
exercise is carried out in two phases. In the first stage (part 1) we have three players yellow (G1 ,
G2 , G3) and three players red (R1 , R2 , R3 ) with R1 , G2 , R3 , G3 placed on the cones blue
1,2,5,6 each with a ball. The players exchanged ball in the following sequence : G1 ( initially
positioned on the cone 3 ) plays on the one hand a " give and go " with R1 on the cones 1 and 2
(step 1-2 in the example ) and then moves quickly going to play a " give and go " with R3 on the
cones 5 and 6. Similarly, the player R2 ( initially positioned on the cone 4 ) plays a " give and go "
on the cones 5:06 with G3 (step 1-2 in the example ) and then moves quickly going to play a "
give and go " with G2 on the cones 1 and 2. In practice the six players play a continuous " give
and go " with exercise shuttle .
At a signal from the coach the players drop out Part 1 of the tutorial and move as indicated in the
figure ( Part 2) A and B in the areas where they will find an equalizer in turn will make
combinations of three players (a combination with dissociation of the internal player in a and a
dissociation with the external player in the sector B) as shown in the figure and the two players
who will not go to the cross (R1 and G2 in a, R2 and G3 in B) will compete in two situations (
before and a then the other ) of 1v1 in C on cross side .
Drill 97
we have two players who carry R1 and N1 changes of direction at full speed through the cones
and blue simultaneously exchanging the ball as shown in the figure (steps 1,2,3 and 4) in the
meantime two other players if R2 and N2 coordinative make the path shown in the figure to reach
each cinesino the yellow spot on the corner of the penalty area . When the two players R1 and
N1 will come to the end of the path , R1 will be in possession of the ball and play to his
companion R2 must return the ball inside the area A in order to prevent the arrival of N1 to
counter the companion. If R1 retrieves the location in sector A in time to avoid the direct shot of
R1 triggers a 1v1 situation between R1 and N1.
Change with each repetition the player who starts with the ball ( once part of R1 with the ball and
once N1) and after the number of repetitions established players in the two alternate routes ( ie
swap the positions of R1 and R2 N1 on those and N2) .
Drill 98
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial in the square in place at the height of the center circle
we have a 2vs2 for possession ( red 1R and 2R against blacks 1N and 2N ) with two yellow outer
banks 1G and 4G. In two other rectangles (B and C) we have the same situation 2vs2 with a
yellow inner side : You play for the goal in the doorways bordered with white cones yellow . At the
edge of the penalty defenders 2G and 3G exchanging the ball at the same time performing the
movements to shuttle between cones blue as shown in the figure. At a signal from the coach the
player of the team in possession of the ball inside the square A ( the blacks in this case) triggers
their fellow people in the two rectangles B and C ( in this case, 3N, 4N , 5N , 6N ) against yellow
banks (4G , 5G , 6G ) in a situation of central attack 4vs3 in favor of attack blacks . At the same
time one of the players positioned in the red rectangles B and C ( in this case the player 4R in
rectangle C ) with a passage that must cross the door goes to serve the companion 3R that
bypasses outside the door and goes to the lateral cross from the blue cone ( shown in the figure
with the word "Cross " ) . On cross it creates a situation of 4vs3 on favorable side connection to
the red (1R, 2R, 5R , 6R ) that will attack the banks yellow 1G, 2F, 3G. Rotate players in the role
of bank and central defenders .
Drill 99
of the center circle having the little Chinese A, B , C , D, rhombus as shown in Fig . Arrange 4
cones blue as in the figure and each cone have a player (G2 , G3, R2 , R3 ) each with a ball. On
cinesino D we have the yellow player G1 and behind him another R1 player who is in possession
of the ball. The yellow player G1 part must perform at maximum speed and the path 1-2-3-4-5-6
as shown in the figure and every cinesino , before the change of direction , must exchange the
ball with a player : the exchange of ball is with the sequence G2 on cinesino A, R3 on cinesino B ,
R1 Chinese guy on D , G3 on cinesino C , R2 on cinesino B with return on the cone D. At this
point the player R1 passes the ball to the player who enters the G1 A and R1 challenge in a 1v1
situation , while the coach called one of the two players yellow (G2 or G3 ) leading ball in B and
together with the mate yellow attack the pair R2 , R3 in a situation of 2vs2 . Rotate the players.
Drill 100
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial in the rectangular spaces 1,2,3,4 positioned on the
wings we 1v1 situations (vs. yellow. Red). At the same time two defenders red (R5 and R6)
positioned at the height of the penalty area the ball exchange with two strikers yellow (G5 and
G6) Placed at the half of the field and both pairs run between each step and the other of
exercises to shuttle between cones As indicated in the figures. At the whistle of the coach, a
player is called yellow (in the example G4 sector 4) which serves one of the pair (G5 and G6) with
a passage Within the space delimited by yellow cones. The players Placed in the red areas 2 and
3 (R2 and R3) must recover immediately the central position on the two white yellow cones on the
line of the penalty area to deal with G5 and G6 in 2vs2 situation of central attack. The action must
be completed for the attackers yellow over time up to 15 seconds (or in a different time
established by Mister). At the same time the yellow player positioned in the same band side of the
one who set up the goal (G3 in the example) is the companion (G4, smarcatosi after the passage
of a motion against long-short) and is to receive with to run in the overlap, while R1 and R4 will
recover the position and retract the line of defenders R5 and R6 to redial the defensive line That
will be Attacked by players G1, G2, G3 and G4 Resulting in a situation of lateral attack in 4vs4
Drill 101
TACTICAL EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have two rectangular spaces where you play a 1v1
side and one in the middle where you play a 2vs2. Among the three rectangles 1,2 and 3 are
placed two players each side plays simultaneously with peers (in this case black) placed in the
space where you play 2vs2 and with both the companion place in space where you play the '1
vs1. In the vicinity of the penalty area at the same time there are two defenders who provide each
other the ball alternating at each step to circumvent the pole. The coach that guide the exercise,
after a predetermined time, called aloud the number of the rectangle (in this case the n. 3) where
to start the transition and simultaneously to step two players of the other two rectangles (in this
case no. 1 and 2) come out to get to challenge the two defenders in a 2vs2 and space trapezoidal
reported by the Chinese guy. It is offside rule.
NB : The black player who must leave the central rectangle must be called by Comrade passing
the ball.
VARIANT: the three players can get out blacks to challenge the defenders in a 3vs2 situation.
Drill 102
POSSESSION WITH CHANGES IN THE INDUSTRY. In this tutorial, the main objective is to
maintain possession of the ball with different situations depending on the area that will be
designated by the coach during the exercise. Also we will have , always on the recommendation
of the coach, times when the same exercise will become a situational type . It starts with a
situation in possession of 2vs2 + 4 outer banks within the square A ( R1 and R2 against G1 and
G2 with R3 , R4 , G3 , G4 as the outer banks ) . At the same time the players G5 , G6, G7, G8
and R5 , R6, R7, R8 places outside the square B continually exchange the ball standing still on
the spot (as indicated in the figure) . On the coach's whistle and according to the directions given
you will always have the following games for the possession of the ball is played in a 4vs4 Sector
B (G1 , G2 , G3 , G4 against R12 , R2 , R3 , R4 ) with 4 banks for each team (G5 , G6, G7, G8
and R5 , R6, R7, R8 ), ie the banks of yellow and red in the square to play for possession in
square B and players who exchanged the ball becomes the outer banks , is played in the Sector
yELLOW (half of the square field B where the banks are located yellow ) and you can have
multiple situations that may be the following : dall1vs1 + 4 + 4 4vs4 shores yellow to yellow banks
( with others who go to play another Sector rED with red sides ) . For example if we have a 2vs3 (
2 against 3 red yellow ) + 4 banks in yellow YELLOW FIELD , therefore we will have a 2vs1 ( 2 on-1 Yellow Red) + 4 banks of red in the red zone (the middle of the square field B where they
are positioned the banks red ) . If we have a 4vs4 in Sector YELLOW sides will play a red " and
follow by " having no player in the red zone . Further command of the coach you will have two
situations 4vs4 (or other situations described by the coach ) players with red R1 , R2 , R3 , R4,
which will address the players yellow G5 , G6, G7, G8 and the players yellow G1 , G2 , G3 , G4,
which will address the players red R5 , R6, R7, R8.
Drill 103
EXERCISE IN CIRCUIT: In this tutorial, whose main objective is to train a striker against a
defender in 1v1 situation, there are three players red (all three attackers) and three players yellow
(all defenders) initially positioned as follows: Two red against a yellow rectangle in a in which you
play a 2vs1 (simulation output of the defenders from the corner of the field with pressure
attacker's opponent), while the height of the midfield you run a tutorial and follow the three
players (one yellow and two red). At the whistle of the coach yellow defender and a striker who
performed the red "and follow the" run inside the rectangle B (at the edge of the penalty area)
where they find a ball and where they play a 1v1 with the lawyer must prevent the attacker to get
into the penalty area. Meanwhile, fellow striker red run towards the technical route indicated by
the red and white cones where you will find another ball with which to address the slalom
between cones: the end of the path the attacker will have to serve the diagonal running mate who
will have to stick with the 'penalty area and conclude directly to network countered by the
defender yellow. At the end of the backhoe will change position and backhoe coming out of the
rectangle A will perform the path coordinative before going to play the "give and follow."
Drill 104
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have a match in the rectangle A theme 2vs2 (
yellow G2 , G3 against red R5 , R6 ) with two yellow outer banks (G1 and G4) : Players with the
help of the yellow outer banks should seek to maintain possession for 30 consecutive seconds (
or the time set by Mister ), while the two red R5 and R6 will have to prevent the continuous
passages and , once in possession of the ball must leave the rectangle exceeding the two central
defenders G2 and G3 with a combination to go to the shooting . In the other rectangle we have
another game themed with a situation of 4vs2 ( yellow G5 , G6, G7, G8 against red R7, R8) with
players red ( in inferiority within the rectangle ) which are backed by 4 banks side (R1 , R2 , R3,
R4) : aim for players red (R1 , R2 , R3 , R4, R7, R8) is to maintain possession for 30 consecutive
seconds ( or the time set by coach ) exchanging the ball alternately from inside to outside and
from outside to inside (as shown in the figure) , while the yellow G5 , G6, G7, G8 once in
possession of the ball must score in one of the two little doors indicated by the white and blue
cones (port 1 or port 2) with the port that will be defended by the player R2 (which in this way will
perform a shuttle route to defend the two doorways ) . It is played continuously in both rectangles
with ball change when leaving the field or at the end of each action (keep many balls available on
board of the two fields ) . At the side of the coach whistle R4 red , received the ball from the
coach ( attn 2 ) with a through ball will trigger their peers R5 and R6 in a 2vs2 situation against
the defending G2 and G3 which will try to intercept the passage , while one of the players yellow
side (in this case G1) received the ball from the coach (fl. 1 ) will trigger the yellow fellow G5 , G6,
G7, G8 in a favorable situation for 4vs3 against R2 , R7 , R8
Drill 105
INTEGRATED EXERCISE : In this tutorial, we have the two players N1 and N2 that are running
a continuous combination of " give and go " on the cones blue A, B , C , D and little Chinese
Yellow E , F arranged as in the figure and according to the following : N1 ( initially positioned on
the cone a plays the ball ( step 1 ) to N2 (located on the cone B) and moves the cone and with
linear stroke ; N2 plays the ball on N1 ( step 2 ) and goes to move the cone C after passing the
cinesino and ride with overlapping; plays the ball on N1 N2 ( step 3 ) and goes to move the cone
D after passing the cone C with stroke overlap , continue with the steps 4,5,6 and races each
player indicated by the dashed lines (for each round each player will perform a linear stroke and
two strokes overlap .) the same exercise is performed by the players red R1 and R2 located on
the circuit indicated by the blue cones A1 , B1, C1 , D1 and the Chinese guy E1, F1. Concurrently
with these exercises in the areas a and B are playing a 2vs1 between defenders and striker in the
A players will have red R4 and R5 against the black player N3 , while in B we have the players
blacks N4 and N5 against the red player R3 . the goal in this exercise is to keep the ball from the
defending aggression of the attacker who wins if the ball can back of the net without being
obstructed by opponents. at signal of the coach the black team will have to attack the two
defending red in A with the following combination : the black player with the ball placed on the
cone A ( N1 example) play the ball towards his companion N3 in the A and will have to run fast
the path shown in the figure ( over + ladder ) to reach receive the pass with the blue indicated
with the word CROSS , in the meantime the player has downloaded the ball on N3 N2 ( steps
shown with AZ. 1 ) that will play for N1 and go to attack the sector a in a situation of 2vs2 in the
sector a of the side passage . Same situation of attack will be performed by players red R1 , R2
and R3 by the attacker on the opposite side of the field where there will be a situation of 2vs2 in
the field B always on the side passage . Rotate players in different roles.
Drill 106
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have two players yellow G1 and G2 at the height
of the center circle, constantly exchanging the ball (steps 1 and 2) performing at each step a
coordinative exercise to "go and come back" with the use of the ladder . At the same time the
yellow player G3 continuously exchanges the ball with both the red player R1 (steps 1 and 2) and
with both the red player R2 (steps 1 and 2): G3 player at each step will move along the side of the
field a and in this way perform a series of "go and return" between cones blue, while the players
red R1 and R2 at each step will execute each path in "and go back to" the over as indicated in the
figure. At a signal from the coach G2 player play the ball towards his companion G1 and quickly
start to run the path formed by yellow stakes to go to position in the field B. At the same time the
player G3 (action that simulates the movement of a striker to play meeting of the bank) will move
to the blue cone (cone 1) to receive the pass from A1 G1 and the player will return to G1 at the
row of blue cones (step A2). G1 will run the route between cones with ball and pass the ball to G2
in B (step A3) where in the meantime has moved (and G2) that will address also the player R1
G2 in a 1v1 situation to prevent the passage (by air or grazing) in A. Players G2 and G3 have
attacked the space in the A. In the same area A will also move the player R2 to counter the
opponents in a 2vs1 situation on passage side (Step A4) in the field in favor of the players yellow.
Drill 107
SITUATIONAL : In this tutorial, we have three groups of players . Each group consists of 4
players perform the following exercise: Players R1 , R2 , G1, G2 in the corners of the square on
the edge of the penalty area who perform continuous passages in the sequence shown in the
figure and each, after each step , make a "go and come back " on the respective blue cone
placed near (R1 on the cone 1 , G1 on the cone 2 , G2 on the cone 4 and R2 on the cone 3 )
players G3 , G4 , G5 , G6 and placed on white cones blue positioned on the center line perform a
continuous exchange of the ball , G3 and G6 are still in place , each with a ball and exchanged
alternately with G4 and G5 that at each step change their position by making a continuous " and
go back " through the cones . The players R3 , R4 , R5 , R6 representing a defensive line 4 to
perform an exercise ball without performing the movement between the sectors 1 and 2
(indicated with white cones red ) in function of the displacement of the ball in the tutorial, which is
accomplished by players placed on the edge of the square when the ball is played by the players
yellow G1 and G2 towards the players red R1 and R2 ( n steps . 1 and 3) the four players R3 , R4
, R5 , R6 should move forward in running from sector 2 to sector 1. Conversely, when the ball is
played by the players red R1 and R2 towards the players yellow G1 and G2 ( n steps . 2:04 ) the
four players R3 , R4 , R5 , R6 running in retreat must move from sector 1 to sector 2 . In this way
the movement is simulated with elastic defensive line. The exercises described last time
established by the coach . To the whistle of the coach, the same indicates to one of the two
defenders R1 or R2 to move to the right cone of the reference ( in this case R2 on the cone 3 )
where it will find a ball kicking along towards the 4 defenders red R3 , R4, R5 , R6 which will have
to reject the sphere (see pass . 1 and 2 pass ) . At the time of the 4 players rejected yellow (G3 ,
G4 , G5 , G6 ) will pounce on the rebound before 4 defenders red to retrieve the ball and attack
the defensive line in a 4vs4 situation and actions according to pre-established and established by
the coach . At the same time the two players yellow G1 and G2 attack the defenders R1 and R2
in a situation of 2vs2 with one of the two red defending that after the ball must retrieve the
position to restore the numerical equality .
Drill 108
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we initially a situation of 4vs2 (2 red R1, R2 + 2 blacks
N1, N2 against two yellow G1, G2) where you always play two teams against one for the
reconquest of the ball. The two teams in possession must pass from one player to another in
alternate way (example 1.2 steps with the ball must be passed by a black to red and then from
red to black and so on .... ) between players of different color. The team that regained the ball
through interception will start the next attack action: the player who regains ball (G1 in the
example) will move to the path made by the cones where you will find a blue ball and will have to
run the course in conduction with to serve the ball in the B companion G2 coming out of the field
a and field B in the attacks after making the changes of direction at a fast pace between cones
white yellow. G2 will arrive before N2 (ie the player that you saw intercept the pass 3). N2 will
therefore arrive in the area B before this area is reached from step (pass. 1) to avoid the
conclusion to network and challenge G2 in a 1v1 situation after performing the path consisting of
pallets and over. At the time the two players often red R1 and R2 will move quickly in the field C
(indicated by the blue dashed line) where they will find a balloon and N1 that will challenge the
player must quickly take a stand and prevent (through an action of procrastination) that go
beyond the two opponents in a maximum of 5 seconds, the dotted line and enter into the penalty
area for a finish: it will therefore have a 2vs1 situation in Area C in favor of the players blacks.
The team that at the end of the exercise will have been fewer goals than the other two.
Drill 109
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the A 2vs2 (G1, G2 against R1,
R2) + 2 sides for each team (G3, G4 and R3, R4) arranged as in the figure. The aim of the
exercise is to score goals in the doorways indicated by the blue cones. The game in the A is
"oriented" in the sense that the Reds will have to score into the right side of the field A, while the
yellows will have to score in the opposite door. Simultaneously players G5 (positioned on one
side of sector B) and R5 (positioned on a side of the sector C) perform continuous combinations
of "give and go" (steps 1,2,3,4) moving both on its side. Similar exercise running from the
opposite side players G6 (on one side of the sector D) and R6 (on one side of the field E). At a
signal from one of the two players the coach of the team in possession (R2 in the example) will
have to lean on one of the outer banks (in the example R4 with step 1) and run in a race to reach
the overlap area where you will find a companion (in the example the E where R6). The side will
play on R4 R6 (step 2) while the player G6 try to recover the position in the field and to play in a
1vs2 situation against R2 and R6 (step 3 or combination of the two players red) and prevent the
passage 4 in the penalty area. In the box instead there will be a situation of 4vs3 on side passage
in favor of defending because at the moment in which part of the signal of the coach the players
yellow G1 and G3 and G4 G2comprese the banks must defend itself from the two shores red R3,
R4 and R1 from the red player.
VARIANT: the penalty area can be attached (choice of coach), even from players red R4 (bank)
and R5 in order to have a numerical superiority of 5vs4 situation in favor of the attacking team
and a 1v1 situation in sector and between R6 and G6.
Drill 110
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the area A of 2vs2 (yellow G1
and G2 players against players red R1 and R2) + 4 outer banks (the 2 players N1 and N2 blacks
and 2 blue players B1 and B2) . You play for possession of the ball and with the following
constraints: the steps must always be performed alternately between a player inside the area A
and an outer wall, so the player in the field A should always serve an outer bank and the bank
must always serve different player from the one who gave him the ball previously. In the example
B1 plays on G2 (step 1) that they can not serve the companion G1 must play for the force on a
outer bank (step 2 to N1) which in turn will serve to force G1 (step 3), and so on. The aim of the
two teams in the A will be to intercept the ball as soon as possible in order to start an attack
action to the door and try to finish on goal. In the event that one of the teams players intercept the
ball (in the R1 to R2 gives the ball to step 5 after intercepting step 4 with R1 which drove the ball
out of the area A) may initiate an action for attack in 2vs1 situation against the player must try to
overcome N1 and N1 by combination before the dashed blue line which coincides with the
penalty area, the N1 player will try to slow down the action of R1 and R2 waiting for the arrival
mate N2 to reconstruct a situation of equal numbers of 2vs2 after performing in a fast path shown
in the figure that will be executed (right or left side of the cone passing blue A or B) at the
discretion of the coach. Once this first action, the two sides blue B1 and B2 will start in the
execution of the path to enter in the fields C and D where they will find a ball each and where
quickly moved the two players yellow G1 and G2 who have previously lost the ball: it will have
two 1v1 situations in the fields C (B2 against G1) and D (B1 against G2) with blue players, which
in turn will have to put the ball (grazing or air) in the field B (cross 1 and cross 2) where you will
have two situations 2vs2 between R1, R2 and N1, N2 of side passages from right and left. Turn
the pairs of players in different roles.
Drill 111
place in the form of competition, we have 3 players N1, N2, N3 which start each as shown in the
figure: A blue cone from N1, N2 from the cone B white and blue N3 from the cone C blue. The
ball is played by Mister player that N1 (step 1) is a player N2. The player immediately to the N1
run the path that consists of changes of direction, pallets, obstacles (over) and ladder trying to
reach the area A before the player N3 after the series of steps 2,3,4,5,6 and overlap with each
pass servant mate N2 (step 7) in the A for the conclusion on goal. If N1 arrives in time, there will
be a 1v1 situation in the A N2 and the player will have to enter the penalty area to the conclusion
in a maximum of 5 seconds after receipt of the Step 7. The exercise can be done by using
multiple sets of players. Turn every triple in the three starting positions.
Drill 112
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a themed game that takes place in a
rectangle divided into three sections (A, B, and C) where you play only within the industry in a
3vs3 between players red R1, R2, R3 and the players yellow G1, G2, G3. Simultaneously players
R4, R5, R6 carry a series of steps with the yellow player G7 in the sequence shown in figure
(steps 1 to 5) with the only R5 which remains stationary on the spot, while the other players at
each step performing a "go and return": G7 between the white cones red A and B and R4, R6
between the Chinese guy yellow, the same exercise is done on the opposite side of the three
players yellow G5, G6, G7 and the red player R7. The aim of the teams is going to perform the
following maneuver attack: the two teams engaged in A, from the same sector (without invading
the areas B or C) will try to serve their point of reference on the advanced red white cone (C or F)
through one of the doorways consist of blue cones and thus activating a 2vs1 situation of side
passage in the penalty area. The opponents must therefore seek to prevent the passage through
doorways through an action of interception, retrieve the ball and activate the action to try to serve
his companion. In the example the yellow player fails to serve the G3 G5 companion on the cone
F (pass. 1) playing on the shore of companion G4 (pass. 2), which in turn puts the ball in the area
where you will have the situation between 2vs1 players yellow G5 and G6 R7 against the red
player. The team that at the end of the time allotted by the coach will have scored more goals.
Drill 113
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation of 3vs3 (G1, G2, G3 against R1,
R2, R3) in the A where you play for possession: you earn one point for every regaining the ball
within 10 seconds while the team who holds the ball for at least 20 seconds earns 2 points. At the
same time the three players blue B1, B2, B3 perform a combination of conduction and exercise
ball as follows: B1 player the ball and chain from cinesino yellow (Ch. 2) and lead up to the cone
slalom in blue with the indicated n. 3 circled and then dispose the player B3 (step 1) on the
cinesino yellow (Ch. 3), the player returns the ball B3 (step 2) to the player B1 (who has since
gone back without the ball by running a slalom between cones white blue) cinesino yellow (Ch.
2), B3 part in slalom without the ball between the posts and go back to your seat until you receive
the ball back from G1 to the next round, while the player B1 drove the ball in slalom between blue
cones up to perform the transition to G2 (step 3), B2 returns the ball to his B1 (step 4), which in
the meantime has come back without the ball by running a slalom between cones blue) on
cinesino yellow (Ch. 2) in the time interval between the passage and the passages 4 1.2 G2
player is running the slalom between the posts as indicated in the figure. Continue in this way
until the signal of the coach. At a time when the coach intervenes, the team in possession in the
A starts the following action: a player (in the example G1) plays the ball on the white cone red
spot at the field B (step 1) on a companion ( G2 as an example), which in the meantime has
moved quickly on the cone, and the two players G1 and G3 running a slalom without the ball
between the red-white cones to go to get the bank of the G2 companion of one of the two little
Chinese five yellow. 4 or five. 5 (in the player on the G1 cinesino five. 4), the player receives G1
and enters ball and chain in B together with two companions G2 and G3 to address the blue
players B1, B2, B3 in a 3vs3 situation in Sector B: The players blue yellow will prevent players
from entering in the penalty area in a maximum of 5 seconds.
The players red R1, R2, R3, during the action will be described to perform the exercises of "go
and return" between the cones white yellow seats in the opposite as shown in the figure. Turn the
sets of players.
Drill 114
tutorial, we have 4 players R1, R2, R3, R4 (we can of course use more than 4 arranged in rows
on each of the 4 zones). Each player starts from a different area and takes the path shown in the
figure: R1, positioned with ball in zone 1, leads blue ball between the cones; R2, located in zone
2 carries the slalom between the poles and the next ladder, R3, located in zone 3, takes jumps
with both feet together on the rope as shown, and R4, located in Zone 4, performs the path
formed by the ladder and the over (or touching the over are to be determined by the coach). At
the end of each path, three of the four players (R1, R2, R3) will perform in fast form a
combination to three players as indicated in the figure (steps 1,2,3): ball from R1 to R3 on the
cone A (step 1) which downloads on R2 on the cone B; R1 and R3 are both e4seguire to a run of
overlap (both indicated with a dashed line) with R1 that attacks in the sector a and R3 that is to
receive the passage of R2 on the cone C; R2 after the passage execute the path constituted by
the over before entering the sector A. The combination described R3 will bring the player to
perform step n. 4 (by air or grazing) to the field for his teammates to R1 and R2. Meanwhile
player R4 must quickly perform the path and bring in the sector A to intercept the passage n. 4
direct product A: therefore we will have a situation of 2vs1 (R2 and R3 versus R4) in A. Turn the 4
players in areas 1,2,3,4.
Drill 115
EXERCISE 1VS1 AFTER COMBINATION: In this tutorial (which can also be done with more
players arranged in a row and in rotation on the various stations) have between players R1, R2,
R3 arranged as in the figure that the signal of the coach running each apath : R1 part bdal white
cone yellow and executes the path represented by the ladder and the stakes in return; R2
performs the path between the over (the number of touch must be established by the coach) back
and forth, while R3 is running the path that consists the Chinese guy leading the yellow ball. At
the moment in which R3 terminates the conduction path in the combination part as represented in
figure (steps 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 with the races of the players who are indicated with dashed lines. R3
The player after performing step n. 3 from cone to cone a blue blue B must run fast and tackle the
course consists of the pole and around the blue cone, taking first in the industry to conclude that
R1 and R2 combinations of steps 4, 5,6,7 R1 in the field that will lead to the conclusion in the
door. R3 If you arrive earlier than R1 in the A will be a 1v1 situation between R1 and R3 in which
R3 Entropy a with 5 seconds to prevent the conclusion to 'opponent. continue in succession with
R2 that are going to take place in the end of the line, with R1 which takes the place of R2, R3 with
going to take the place of R1 and R4 which takes the place of departure of R3 with the ball.
Drill 116
IN TWO AREAS AND SITUATION ON SIDE PORT 3vs3: In this tutorial, we have two exercises
that take place both on the mirror white yellow cones A, B, C, D, E that on the cones white yellow
A1, B1, C2, D1, E1, where the three players N1, N2, N3 perform the steps as shown in the figure
and with the player who makes the first passage (indicated with the number 1 from the cone to A
cone B) that goes to overlap to mate and take a position on the cone D, the sequence of steps
proceeds as indicated in the figure and the movements of the players are shown with the dashed
line. It will have the following sequence of steps and movements: ball from N1 to N2 sol cone B
(step 1) with N1 that moves on the cone D to receive the step 2 while N2 moves on the cone C;
ball from N1 to N2 by the cone D to the cone C (step 3) with N1 which moves the cone E; ball
from N2 to N3 at the time of the previous step has moved to the cone B (step 4); ball from N1 to
N3 on the cone E (step 5 ) and the next step of N1 to N2 (step 6) that after step 4 has moved to
the cone A. End of the tour players will find themselves on the same initial cones A, B, E, but
arranged differently (we initially on A N1, N2 and N3 of B to E, while we now have on A N2, N3
and N1 of B to E). The combinations also continue from the players red R1, R2, R3 on the cones
A1, B1, C1, D1, E1 until a signal of the coach. At the same time in the A players yellow G1, G2,
G3 are also running them a "give and go" in the field with the player after performing step (as
shown in the figure) moves to the leisure sector after running the coordinative path consisting of
the ladder. Although these combinations continue until the signal of the coach.
To the signal of the coach will come indicated one of the two teams (red or black) which will start
the action as indicated in the figure by the passages P1, P2, P3, P4, P5 with the player who will
be on the cone B or B1 ( N2 on the cone B in the example) it will receive from R1 (who should
make the path shown in the figure to receive the passage of R2) on the cone 2 blue and will have
to address in the field A (ground or air) where you will have a 3vs3 situation between players
yellow G1, G2, G3 and the players red R1, R2, R3. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 117
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have the two players G1 and R1 running a "give
and go" around the center circle moving at each step to receive on the next yellow and white
cone after passing a pole as shown in figure (steps 1 , 2,3,4,5,6, and so to follow). At the same
time the two players R2 and G2 exchanging the ball between the cones white yellow even going
to circumvent the stake their place next to your cone, while in the A we have a situation of 2vs2
(R3, R4 against G3, G4) + the R5 red side which ought to help their peers to handle the ball in
possession, while we also have the yellow player performs a continuous waiting G5 "and go
back" through the cones blue: yellow if the players win the ball, the player red R5 will execute the
"go back and" cones on blue (top in the figure) and the situation of numerical superiority in favor
of the players will be yellow. You play for the time established by the coach: the coach's signal to
start the attack action indicated by the coach of the team itself (in this example, yellow) toward
the door in search of goals: the player who performs the exchange on the opposite side of the
field (G2) will play for the companion in the center circle (G1) and will receive the ball in the area
indicated by the coach (in the sector C) after performing the path and overcome obstacles and
should address the ball in the sector a (where in the meantime also moves the player G1) and
where there will be a situation of 3vs3 (R3, R4, R5 against G1, G3, G4) of the side passage.
Worth offside. Rotate players in different roles.
Drill 118
RECOVERY BALL POSSESSION: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the A 3vs3 (R1, R2, R3
against N1, N2, N3) + 2 sides red (R4 and R5) that allow the red team to play in a position of
numerical superiority 5vs3. At the same time three players red (R6, R7, R8) play a bull against
the black player N4 in the field bounded by the red-white cones, while the other side of the field
back four blacks N5, N6, N7, N8 perform steps "give and go" with N6 and N7 which alternate as
in the figure to exchange the ball once with and once with N5 N8. All 4 defenders blacks between
a pass and therefore also perform other exercises "and go back" between the blue cones. The
exercise is carried out with the following rules: if the player N4 in the bull recovers the ball can
back of the net without any objections opponent in the field to the red team, being outnumbered,
in order to attack the defensive line has to maintain possession for 30 seconds at a time if this
happens the action will take place with the holder of the ball (R3 in the example) that will play on
either side indicated by the coach (R5 example) and will receive after passing the white cone
Green A (race overlap) while all the other comrades attack the defense that will have to position
themselves and prevent players from entering the red zone 1 (in the penalty area) whose limit is
indicated by the yellow dotted line. We will have a situation of 5vs4 (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5 against
N5, N6, N7, N8). The players blacks N1, N2, N3 instead, being outnumbered in sector A, can
attack the defensive line consists of three players red R6, R6, R8 (which will position itself) to
each flask recovered leaning on companion N4 that can exit the sector where he plays the bull
with a movement against long-short and red defenders must prevent the attackers from entering
the red ZONE 2 indicated by the yellow dotted line in a 3vs4 situation (R6, R7, R8 against N1,
N2, N3 , N4). In both actions is the offside trap to be triggered over the dotted line. The team that
at the end of the prescribed time will have scored more goals. Play two times and invert teams.
Drill 119
2VS1 ON SWITCHING FROM SIDE AREA: In this tutorial, we have three players yellow G1, G2,
G3 and three players red R1, R2, R3 initially positioned on the blue cones that perform
the following combination: G1 plays the ball on G2 positioned on the cone A (step 1), which in
turn plays on G3 positioned on the cone B (step 2) that giuoca on race G1 on the cone F (step 3);
meanwhile G3 moves from the cone D on the cone B (stroke indicated by dotted line) and restart
the combination of G1, G2, G3 (G2 to G3 ball on the cone B to get it on the G2 cone A playing on
the cone G G1, G2 that moves A from the cone on the cone C (stroke indicated with dashed line),
and so on around the rhombus E, F, G, H with G2 and G3 that with each pass moving (G3 D from
the cone to the cone B and vice versa, and G2 from A cone to cone C, and vice versa.) Continue
until the signal of the coach. The same combinations are carried out simultaneously by the three
players red R1, R2, R3.
At the same time in the areas A and B play two 1v1 situations with inner bank (G4 against R5 R6
in the field A with inner bank and R4 in the field against G5 G6 B with inner bank). At each step of
intercepting the team outnumbered gains a point. At the end of the time allotted by the coach, the
team that has achieved the most interceptions of passage will have a chance to attack the
opponent's goal in the following way: the player who performed the combinations with two
companions circling the roar E, F, G, H, now in its initial position (in this case R1 on the cone G)
plays the ball on the companion who moves from the area in which he played the situation in the
field of 1vs2 CROSS shown in the figure with a movement against long-short (in the example R4)
is to receive and have to cross (brushing or air) before being attacked by the adversary (in the
example G5). The steps in this situation are indicated with AZ. 1. Meanwhile the three players red
R1, R2, R3 attack the sector D that must be defended by G1 and G6 from the bank that will have
to take a position and act a situation of numerical inferiority of 2vs3 in the field D. Alternate
between players in different roles. Vince at the end of the time the team that has scored more
Drill 120
OR IN PENALTY AREA: In this tutorial, we have two players in the field at the N1 and N2 blacks
running continuous "give and go" along the rectangle as shown in Figure (steps 1,2,3,4 with
changes in N1 and N2 along the short side of the rectangle). At the same time two players red R1
and R2 placed at the edge of the penalty on the blue cones E and F exchanged the ball with
players alternately yellow G1 (located on the blue cone C) and G2 (located on the blue cone D):
red players at each step to move from one cone to another must do the work on co-ordinating
ladder placed between the cones, while the two players yellow ball at each transmission must
perform the path between the obstacles to return to kick on its cone . At a signal from one of the
players the coach is called blacks (N1 example) that will serve the yellow player opposed to his
side (in the example G1) that will have to wait inserting overlapping the other player black (N2) to
serve on the yellow race and the white cone A. G1, G2 and N1 attack at the same time the sector
B of the side passage of N2 from yellow to white cone, while the defending Red R1 and R2 will
have to take a position in area and preventing the conclusion of the three opponents in a situation
of numerical inferiority (2vs3 in area penalties).
Drill 121
POSSESSION OF CONDUCT JOINT EXERCISE + + 2vs2: In this tutorial, we have a situation of
3vs3 (R1, R2, R3 against G1, G2, G3) in A. You play for possession of the ball with the team that
follows a point in case is able to maintain possession for 25 consecutive seconds without
interception by the opponent and with the condition that a player can not return the ball to the
partner from which receiving the pass (Rule of Third Man). At the same time the players G4, G5,
R4, R5 perform the following exercise: as shown in the figure is played with a ball in pairs (a ball
for R4 and R5 for G4 and a ball, and G5), the player with the ball to give the ball to the opposite
player must perform the path with the ball between the cones quickly as the other player in the
meantime will try to make as many "go and return" between the first and the last cone (in the
example R4 player receiving the pass 1, and G4 in the time between step 1, the technical route of
R4 between blue cones C and D and step 2 to receive the ball, you must run the highest possible
number of "go back and "between the cones white red A and B). After you have finished each R4
and G4 data to be exchanged and run with "and go back" through the cones, the player who has
made the highest number of go back and earn a point for their team. It goes on until the sign of
the coach and the same exercise will be performed by the players and R5 G5 on the other side.
At a signal from the coach when the red team will be in possession one of the players positioned
in the A (R2 in the example) play to a teammate (R5 example) which mate with each other R4
attack in B while players yellow G4 and G5 will take place immediately in the field B in a 2vs2
VARIANT IMPORTANT: If the sum of the points won by the players yellow G4 and G5 will be
greater than the sum of the points scored by players red R4 and R5 can call the coach a yellow
player to move from sector to sector A and B to the aid of G4 and G5 to perform an action in
terms of 3vs2 B in favor of the players yellow. The opposite happens (3vs2 in favor of the reds) if
the points won by the players red R4 and R5 will be higher than those achieved by the yellows
G4 and G5.
Drill 122
1. four players red R1, R2, R3, R4 each places on the vertices A, D, G, L, of a first rectangle
defined by the cones white yellow (A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, L, M, N) and each holding a ball.
2. four players yellow G1, G2, G3, G4 first placed on the vertices of a rhombus bounded by the
blue cones (A1, B1, C1, D1) without the ball;
3. four players red R5, R6, R7, R8 places each on the vertices of a second rectangle defined by
the cones white yellow A2, B2, C2, D2, and each holding a ball.
4. four players red R5, R6, R7, R8 places on the vertices of a rhombus second delimited by blue
cones (A3, B3, C3, D3) without the ball;
The players red R1, R2, R3, R4 places on the vertices of the first rectangle will run around the
rectangle itself and will have to exchange the ball with each player yellow spot on the vertices of
the first rhombus G1, G2, G3, G4, according to the indication in the figure ( constant "give and
go" indicated by alternating steps 1,2,3,4,5,6 a run in a straight line to a race between obstacles
and stairs) while each of the players red R5, R6, R7, R8 placed on top of the second rectangle
will have to follow the square A2-B2-C2-B2 by performing the played indicated in the figure with
all 8 players cards in the path along the sides of the square (in the example 1,2,3 steps: R5 to
G5; from G5 to G1 and G1 race on R5 to receive the cone B2). Players yellow stand still on the
way up and alò signal of the coach. In particular, the players yellow G1, G2, G3, G4 exchange
simultaneously with either R1, R2, R3, R4 and both R5, R6, R7, R8. At a signal from one of the
players of coach Red positioned on a large corner of the rectangle (in the example R4) will be
called to play the ball (denoted by Az step 1) on the companion who will be on the corresponding
vertex of the inner rectangle (in 'R8 example) that will guide the ball to the penalty area for a
finish contrasted by the yellow player G4 that will prevent him from entering the penalty area. It
will therefore have a situation of 1vs1 between R8 and G4.
Drill 123
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial we have a situation in the sector A of 3vs3 (R1, R2, R3
against G1, G2, G3) + 4 banks (R4, R5, and G4, G5) positioned to the left to the small doors
indicated with cones blue . You play for the goal in the little doors that will be valid after a ball
team will be exchanged with one of the two sides next to the door to attack (example in figure G1
player red team leans on R5 companion that makes the bank to R2 which achieves the goal). At
the same time two players yellow (G6 and G7) and two players red (R6 and R7) exchanging the
ball between the cones and blue between each step and the next run in the path indicated speed
(stake + direction changes between the Chinese guy yellow) to then return to perform a new
exchange, and so on. At the time of realization of the goal by one of the teams the player who
has not performed the bank (in the example R4) is automatically served in the field B (in the case
of a mark, goals will be served by the yellow one bank in C) and at that time the coach called one
of the two players who carried the ball exchange (in the example G6) that will prevent the direct
shot of the opponent challenging him in a 1v1 situation. The attacker will have red R4 back of the
net within the maximum time of 5 seconds.
Rotate players in the roles of banks and exercise ball and exchange path between the poles and
changes of direction.
Drill 124
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the sector A of 2vs2 (R1, R2
against G1, G2) + 4 banks (G3, G4 for the amplitude and N1E N2 for depth). You play for the
possession intensive: each team gets one point for each ball recovery and every possession
continuously for 25 seconds. You play for iu time established by the coach. The banks will be
held simultaneously with the game also engaged in the following exercises: each of the two sides
will exchange the yellow ball with a "give and go" (step shown in figure 1 and 2 and the same on
both sides) with two players outside blacks (N3 and N4) with which the ball must travel all the
time established by the coach (in return) the technical route in conduction between the cones and
blue poles, each of the two sides black N1 and N2 will exchanging the ball all the time with
players red (N1 and N2 with R3 and R4) with the two players red performing at each step a path
back and forth between blue cones (R3 part of the cone 1 and cone goes on 2, carries out the
exchange indicated with steps 1-2, then back to cone 1 and starts fast towards the cone 3 where
exchanges with steps 3-4 and return on the cone 1, and so on .....). In this way the players R1
and R2 also carry out an exercise to "go and return" between cones 1,2,3. At a signal from one of
the players of coach blacks (in the example N4 play in one of the areas B or C (example B)
towards their partner (in the N1 that will activate B in a 1v1 situation (N1 against R3 ) to conclude,
with the defender red will immediately take position in the industry. Network The conclusion must
be made within 5 seconds. Rotate players at various positions.
VARIANT: the transition may occur even after the "give and go" one of the players between
blacks and one of the yellow banks thus simulate a vertical cut of the attacker.
Drill 125
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have four players yellow (G1, G2, G3, G4) each
with a ball positioned on the vertices of the rectangle bordered with blue cones (A, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H ), while the vertices of the sector A in correspondence of the cones biancorossi (A1, B1, C1,
D1) are placed four players red (R1, R2, R3, R4). Players yellow G1, G2, G3, G4 have to travel
all the time counter clockwise until the signal of the coach and the rectangle defined by the cones
blue running a "give and go" with the players as red as shown in the figure (steps 1, 2,3,4 by a
cone with a cone blue red white and back, etc. .....) and running during the race to get the ball to
the paths shown in the figure (a rectilinear reciprocating speed in a sudden obstacles + ladder
and all of a sudden with stakes), while the red players (R1, R2, R3, R4) to each exchange with a
gfiallo player must perform a go and back between your cone white yellow red and white cone
(section A1-R1 A2, B1-B2 R2 stretch, stretch C1-C2 R3, and R4 stretch D1-D2). At the same time
in the field B (bounded by yellow and white cones identified with dashed lines) to play a 2vs2 + 4
outer banks (G5, G6 against R5, R6 + shores R7, R8 and G7, G8) with the players who have to
make a continuous pressure to recover the ball (each ball recovery is assigned a point). To the
signal of the coach are called a yellow player and a player red (nell'e4sempio R1 and G8), and
also is called a yellow player among G1, G2, G3, G4 (G4 in the example) with the red player who
must defend in the area called (Sept. C) in a 1v1 situation on cross side. Changing the players in
different roles.
VARIANT: the coach can call one of the players yellow G1, G2, G3, G4 to put the ball in the
areas C or D from any cone blue and you can have short passes, long, filtering, ground or air.
Also players called to trigger the action may well be one of the players who play the yellow ball
possession in sector B and the attack must be carried by one of the players yellow G1, G2, G3,
G4 always defending against a red.
Drill 126
OF SITUATION 2vs2 through-ball: In this tutorial, you run all the time in the form of circuit all the
time established by the coach we have in the field to a situation of 2vs2 + 2 outer banks (R1, R2
against G1, G2 + B1, B2 which act as the outer banks) where you play to the ball and with the
rules established by the coach. At the same time the two players blacks N1 and N2 are running
an exchange in motion as shown in figure: it starts from the cone with blue N1 which starts early
and goes to get the ball on the blue cinesino after passing the bolt (step 1) and returns the
sphere-mate on the first cinesino yellow (step 2), and so on continually proceed with N2 after
passing the ball to the partner on each cinesino blue shifts from one to another cinesino yellow
(dashed lines written with N2) and with N1 which returns the ball to his companion on the yellow
Chinese guy after passing every post. The sequence of steps is shown in figure (steps
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). Arrived at the edge of the players N1 and N2, after performing the path
indicated in the penalty area (ladder and circles) moving on the path where they will find a balloon
and where the roles are inverted, ie N2 be around the poles with sprinting returning the ball to the
little Chinese yellow while N1 N1 pass the ball to his companion on the little Chinese blue. It
continues until the signal of the coach in the form of circuit. At a signal from the coach the two
teams playing for the possession in the A will move immediately and take a position in one of the
areas B and C (in the sector C), where the team will be in the role of attack will be to holding the
ball at the signal of the coach (in this example, yellow) and the other team (the red in the
example) will have to defend the pass that the player N1 or N2 will in favor of one of the two
strikers: in 'example we will have a 2vs2 situation between R1, R2 defending against G1 and G2
on a through ball made from N2. The coach can call the passage from any cinesino yellow along
the way and therefore you can have steps by N1 or N2 from different distances, both short and
long. On completion of the banks blue blacks replace the players, and the team that defended
nell'1vs1 going to play the role of the bank. Turn the 4 teams in the role of the banks and on the
Drill 127
and B performs a continuous bull players with yellow on the sides of the square and on which
may move freely without occupy the same side by two players. In the field we have to G1, G2, G3
against R3, R4 while in the B we G4, G5, G6 against R5, R6. The red players must try to
intercept transmissions of the ball between players yellow. At the same time the two players red
R1 and R2 run of continuous transitions between blue cones with a "go and come back" at every
step performed (as indicated in the figure). In the moment in which one of the players red seats in
the areas A or B intercepts a pass between opponents yellow (in the example R3) these may play
the ball at his choice on the cone on the cone or blue A blue B (in the example plays with the
companion R1 on the cone 1). The player yellow spot on the side of the square where the
transition occurs (G1 in the example) must try to turn to intercept the ball (step 1 which must take
place in a space limited by the presence of bollards); mate R1 must return the ball to R3 in the
area C for the conclusion (step 2), while the yellow player (that part at the time of step 1) which is
located in the opposite sector (sector B) and on the side closest to the area where C is the
transition 2 (G4 in the example) must try to get there in time after running a slalom between the
stakes to counter R3 in a 1v1 situation in the field C. The red player R3, where G4 arrive on time
to avoid a shot on goal, will have 10 seconds (or the time set by the coach) to overcome G4 and
a finish. Turn and alternate players in the role you shores.
Drill 128
In this tutorial, we have the two players blacks N1 and N2 initially positioned on the blue cones 1
and 2 and the two players both G1 and G2 placed on the blue cone which is also the starting
point. The steps between the players and the movements take place as shown, with G1 running a
"give and go" with N1 and returns the ball on cinesino A (steps 1,2,3) after N1 with a quick race
has bypassed the cone 3 white red; G1 at the end of step 3 will move to the cone 1 color blue.
The runs without the ball players are all indicated with dashed lines and indicated on each player
that navigates. In turn, the player N1 exchanges as in figure (steps 4,5,6) with N2 which receives
on cinesino B after passing with a fast running the cone 4 white color red; N1 at the end of step 6
will move to the cone 2 color blue and the player N2 in turn play (step 7) to G2 remained on the
initial cone blue and will get in queue for the next departure at the end of the subsequent
exchanges. And so it continues until the whistle blows the coach. Meanwhile the players R1 and
R2 are continuously making exchanges between the Chinese guy and D with "go and come back"
at every step. To the signal of the coach and at the time when one of the two pairs (yellow or
black) will positioned on the blue cone of departure, one of the two players red (R1 in the
example) must within 5 seconds to put the ball in the the space provided in the penalty area
where the couple located on the cone blue initial (in this case, G1 and G2) stick to the conclusion
at the door and must be countered the other pair (in the N1 and N2) in a situation of 2vs2. Turn
the pairs of players.
Drill 129
premise that has a predominantly tactical objective (searching for the third man) as well as
technical (step on the way), depending on the arrangement of the cones, the duration and speed
of execution, can also have conditional goals. We perform continuous changes as shown in the
figure and the players who play the first two steps (step 1 and step 2 of the blue player's player
yellow) on the cones rotate and move in a clockwise direction after the path coordinative shown.
The Third Man (in the example the red player) will go directly to take the position of the yellow
player. It continues until the signal of the coach after which the third man that will to receive the
ball on the blue cone will have to kick in the door. This exercise can have several variations and
above can be carried out in different areas of the field depending on the combinations that you
will want to study in attack.
Drill 130
FROM ONE ANOTHER SECTOR: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the area A of 2vs2 (R1,
R2 against G1, G2) playing for possession with the help of two sides black (N1, N2). The aim is to
keep possession of the ball in possession for 30 consecutive seconds (or for as long as the
trainer). At the same time you play for possession of the ball even in areas B and C in a 1v1
situation with the help of an inner bank (R3 against G3 with inner bank N3 in B and G4 against
R4 with inner bank N4 in C). Such situations of possession in the end when one of the teams to
keep possession for the specified time, or to signal a surprise coach. The coach called one of the
players in possession in the areas B or C (R3 in the example) and you will begin the series of
steps between one sector to another (steps indicated by the sequence 1,2,3,4,5, 6) which will
take place between a player of the team in possession of the ball (the red in the example) and a
bank with alternating color mesh in steps (in the example R3, N1, R2, N4, R4) until you get to
mate R4 in the area opposite to the departure of the balloon (in the example from sector to sector
B and C by a player to a red red player). At a time when the inner bank N4 receives the ball
player in the A that has not made the transition (R3 in the example) will have to move quickly in
the field at the edge of the penalty area (area E in the example) after passing the blue cone that
will be indicated by the coach prior to departure, and will receive with the others trying to R4 back
of the net before the arrival of defending yellow on the opposite side of the field (G3 sector B)
who, after you run at a fast pace in the path indicated figurta, will try to prevent R3 conclude on
goal. In the case where G3 arrive on time will give rise to a situation of 1vs1 in the field E with R3
must conclude that in the network over time of 5 seconds. The team that scores the most goals.
Rotate players in the role of the outer banks and sectors A, B, C.
Drill 131
EXERCISE WITH INTEGRATED PENALTIES ': In this tutorial, we have a situation of 3vs3 + Jolly (R1, R2,
R3 against G1, G2, G3 + the Jolly Black), while in the B and C we have two situations 3vs2 (G4, G5, G6
against R7, R8 in C and R4, R5, R6 against G7, G8 in B. You play for possession with the following rules: A
field in one of the teams with the help of the Jolly will have to take possession for 25 consecutive seconds
(or the time set by the coach) in the B and C the defenders (who are outnumbered) must keep hold for 25
seconds (or the time set by the coach), and forwards each time which will come into possession of the ball
must, in a time of 5 seconds (or the time set by the coach) to conclude the action with a combination for the
next shot at the net (as shown in the C: Steps 1 and 2 end 3 ).
In the area A at each interception during the possession and if you have not yet passed the 25 seconds (or
the time set by the coach) a player of the team that loses the ball given by the coach and in turn, will have to
leave the sector A and move the path indicated by the blue cones (if it is a red player on the field indicated
with RED TEAM or if it is a player on the field with yellow indicated TEAM YELLOW) and will have to
perform directional changes in shape fast and up to when teammates have won the ball, to the conquest of
the ball players will exchange pathways between cones on blue (if a red was punished with the penalty, to
the conquest of the ball, this falls within the area A and the same sector exits a yellow player, and so on). If
one of the teams in the field to manage to keep the ball with the help of wild cards for the stated time, it may
initiate an action for vertical integration through the wild card towards their attackers and the area A can
release a player who, after a slalom between the poles, the bank receives the companion in the side D or E
(in the example the joker played on G8 plays on the side for G3) and must put the ball behind the defense
and space within the dashed after passed one of the defenders who are coming out to deal with it in a 1v1
situation in the field side (in the 1v1 between G3 and R6 in E). At the end of the shift to the defenders of the
team against which the action described above should get out and go to run the route with changes of
direction until their fellow attack will not be able to score a goal on the opposite side and then they will be
forced to play in equal numbers (2vs2) until the goal of his companions.
In areas B or C, the following rules apply: each goal (not at each intercept) of the attackers come out of the
three defensive backs and each path twice, while waiting for the attackers exchanged the ball in a defender
and goes for The route with the changes of direction, while in the case in which the defendants maintain
possession of the ball for as long (25 seconds) to carry out both the attackers to 2 times the path while the
defenders waiting exchanging the ball in the field. If, during such exercises the opposing team is able to
trigger the action after the possession at the time of this cross you can find or two companions in free area
or just opponents.
The team that the end of time established total score more goals. So the goal in this tutorial are used to
restore the numerical superiority of its defenders in case the opposing team in the field to be able to keep
the ball for as long as, to apply the penalty to the opposition's defensive line and win the game, while in the
possession A field is used to penalize the opponents and in particular, in case you keep the ball in the
allotted time, they help the attackers to perform other networks as play on an equal footing numerically.
Drill 132
EXERCISE 1v1 CIRCUIT IN AND IN VARIOUS SECTORS: In this tutorial, we have two
situations 2vs1 initials in the areas A and B (G1, G2 against R3 in Area A and R1, R2 against G3
in B) where you play for possession with R3 and G3 can only retrieve the ball by intercepting the
pass. At the same time the players blacks N1, N2, N3 perform a continuous "give and go"
between the blue cones (cone A and cone B) as shown in the figure. At a signal from the black
player that the coach will be on the cone A (N1 in the example) will start in the direction of the
field C to receive a pass from a vertical red gi9ocatore sector B (R2 in the example) and must be
countered by a yellow player of the sector A (G2 in the example) in a situation of 1vs1 in sector C.
Therefore, after the signal of the coach in this first step we therefore have the situation in the field
of 1vs1 C just described, and will remain the following situations: in sector A will remain a
situation of 1vs1 between G1 and R3, in the field B will always have a situation of 2vs1 (R1 and
R2 against G3) which is played with a second ball in the corner of the field B, while N1 and N3
blacks players will continue to play always a "give and go" but to Step 3: The player who receives
Step 3 should lead the ball on the cone 2 and repeat the exercise. At the second signal part of the
coach the second step tutorial: a red player in the sector B (R2 in the example) must leave the
field after a triangulation with partner and deal with the technical route between blue cones with
the ball at foot to go to the cross (grazing or plane) from the Chinese guy in the yellow D N2 and
G2 where players will face off again in a new situation of 1vs1 on side passage. Meanwhile we
will have, in addition to the situation in the sector D 1v1, 1v1 two other situations: in a field A (G1
against R3) and a sector B (R1 against G3). Once the exercise is part of a circuit: the players
yellow G1, G2, G3 will perform the play of "give and go" and will be replaced in the field by the
players A and B blacks N1, N2, N3, and so on in turn between the sets of players blacks, yellows
and reds.
VARIANT: the circuit can also be done by putting in every sector players in different colors: one
yellow, one black and one red in A, a yellow, one black and one red in B, a yellow, a red and a
black one cones 1 and 2 for the "give and go" signal to the coach will leave a yellow, one black
and one red (eg a yellow cones from the blue, a red from sector A, a black man from sector B will
the assist and then continue with the second step).
Drill 133
1v1 EXERCISE IN THE DOOR AND CONCLUSION: In this tutorial, we have a 2vs2 situation in
the area A between R1 and R2 red players who play for possession of the ball against the players
yellow G1 and G2. In the field we have the two players R3 and G3 exchanging the ball as shown
in the figure, and that R3 is still in place and G3 that each exchange (steps 1,2,3,4) moves
between the cones blue, and in this way will also perform an exercise to "go and come back." On
the left side of the field instead of the three players to have blacks N1, N2, N3 running of the
continuous three-player combinations as shown in the figure: the tutorial starts from the blue cone
and continues with the sequence of steps 1,2,3, 4.5 and with players moving as indicated by the
dashed lines in the figure to receive the ball on yellow Chinese guy. At a signal from the coach
(which will happen in one of the moments when the ball is in possession of players red) the black
player who will be on the Chinese guy closest to the door (R3 in the example) will have to make a
run diagonally in the field of dissociation B to receive from the red player in possession of the ball
(R1 in this example) with the players yellow G1 and G2 that seek to intercept the passage (in this
case it is a pass). At the same time the yellow player G3 abandon the exchange of the ball with
R3 and, after performing the fast path between the posts and over, the player will face N3 in a
1v1 situation in the field B. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 134
PRACTICE OF SIMULTANEOUS 1vs1: In this tutorial in the areas A and B have two situations
initial 2vs1 (R1, R2 against G1 in the sector A and G2 and G3 against R4 in the sector B). You
play for possession of the ball according to the rules established by the coach. At the same time
in the space bounded by the blue cones players R3 and G4 perform a continuous "give and go"
as shown in the figure (sequence steps 1,2,3,4 ....). At a signal from the coach a red player (in
this example R1) plays the ball towards his companion R3 (pass. 1) which enters ball at his feet
in the space bounded by the blue cones triggering a 1v1 situation against G4. This duel between
R3 and G4 will take place until the player R1 will have taken the path between the poles and
obstacles to get to receive the return pass in C (pass. 2). At the same time a yellow player in the
sector B (G2 example) will quickly run the path shown in the figure to challenge the player in the
C R1 R1 and avoid entering into the penalty area. Therefore the signal of the coach will
simultaneously 4 1vs1 situations in the 4 sectors, ie in the areas A, B, C, and in the area delimited
by the cones, and in 4 different areas of the field of which a situational type (the one in the sector
C ). As shown in figure must have a second balloon outside the sector A so as to use it in the
situation of 1vs1 between G1 and R2 after that will be party player R1.
Drill 135
areas A and B we have two young bulls (the player and the player G2 yellow black red R2 N2
against the player in the field B and the player and the player black yellow G3 N3 against the red
player R3 in sector A). The outside players to sectors A and B can move freely along the sides of
the sector itself but can never move both on the same side. At the same time the player plays R1
continuous "give and go" on the cones with blue players G1 and N1 (so all three players perform
moves to shuttle between cones at the same time after performing the upgrade). This exercise
will be carried out in order that one of the pair of R1 win the ball in one of two bulls. In the
moment in which a red player (in this example R2) wins the ball, the coach will indicate the
transition to be made. The ability to play 3 of R2 will be the first (denoted by 1 and pass pass1A)
is to perform a one-two with fellow R1 that returns the ball in the D and at this point it triggers a
1v1 situation between R2 and N1 in B, and the second (indicated with pass pass 1A and 1B) is to
play the ball out of play R1 to R3 in the field of bank C and at this point it triggers a 1v1 situation
in the area between B R3 and N1, the third is to serve directly the companion R3 in B (game
changer) and at this point it always triggers a 1v1 situation in the sector B between R3 and N1.
The yellow player G2 will prevent the player R2 to serve the comrades through an action of
interception the ball. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 136
1v1 EXERCISE IN VARIOUS SECTORS: In this tutorial, we have a situation in Sector A of 1v1
with players R1ed N1 which fight for the possession with the help of the outer banks R2, R3, N2,
N3. After a certain period of time established by the coach, thesignal is given to interruption of
possession. At this point the players R1 and N1 leave the ball in the A to engage in a duel to
those who arrive first in the D area after running each separately to the path shown in the figure,
and where they will find a ball: who comes first on the ball engages the duel with an opponent
(another 1v1 situation) for the shot on goal. Simultaneously also the outer banks perform
coordinative the path as indicated in figure (R3 and N3 each path B, and also R2 and N2, the
path C); players R3 and N3 at the end of each path will find a balloon before entering the near
sector (R3 close to the sector C and N3 near the area B), where everyone will have to face their
direct opponent always in 1v1 situation on the side band (R3 and R2 against against N3 N2). The
task of R2 and N3 will be to remove the ball to the opponent, while that of R3 and N2 to keep it as
long as possible because at the end of the action in the area D between R1 and N1 holders of all
ball 'internal areas B and C will be called by the coach one at a time to come out of the industry
ball and chain to a cross in the D area for the companion (and then you will always have a 1v1
situation in the field of D cross from the right and from left). Rotate players in the role of the outer
NB: the paths B and C in the first section where the obstacles are positioned coincide, for which
the side walls depart after that are parties R1 and N1.
Drill 137
a 4vs4 in the A (R1, R2, R3, R4 against N1, N2, N3, N4) + 4 banks G1, G2, G3, G4 placed on
each one side of the sector. You play for the possession and for the time and with the rules
established by the coach. At the whistle of the coach are called two players of the team in
possession of the ball (in the R1 and R2). For one of the two players (R1 in the example) is
referred to one of the two areas B or C (field B in the example) where these must be directed not
fast until it has been co-ordinating the path shown in the figure, the player R1 (after performing
the path coordinative) just before entering the field B will conduct a ball in space where he will
face the shore G1 who has since taken a position in the field B in a 1v1 situation: the bank will
prevent the player G1 R1 to serve with a through grounding the companion R2 in D. If you fail to
serve R1 R2, in D we have a 1v1 situation between R2 and G2 shore. The bank will prevent G2
R2 of a finish. At the same time the other side of the field players red R3 and R4 will turn out to
everyone in the industry and take the blue cones (in the example R3 and R4 on the cone 1 cone
2) where they will find a balloon. Players R3 and R4 will then turn to face the bank and the bank
G3 G4 (R3 and R4 against against G3 G4) in 1v1 situation always in the field E. Players blacks
N1, N2, N3, N4, which were not in possession of the ball as a penalty for losing possession in the
comparison will have to move in the opposite corners of the field and perform (two on one side
and two on the other) exercises dry to "go back and" among the red-white cones for the duration
of 1v1 duels between the yellow team and the red team. Turn the teams in the role of the outer
Drill 138
we have two players who carry R1 and N1 changes of direction at full speed through the cones
and blue at the same time exchange the balls as shown in the figure (steps 1,2,3 and 4) in the
meantime two other players if R2 and N2 coordinative make the path shown in the figure to reach
each cinesino the yellow spot on the corner of the penalty area. When the two players R1 and N1
will come to the end of the path, R1 will be in possession of the ball and play to his companion R2
must return the ball inside the area A in order to prevent the arrival of N1 to counter the
companion. If R1 recovers posiziopne in the area A in time to avoid the direct shot of R1 triggers
a 1v1 situation between R1 and N1.
Change with each repetition the player who starts with the ball (once part of R1 with the ball and
once N1) and after the number of repetitions established players in the two alternate routes (ie
swap the positions of R1 and R2 N1 on those and N2).
Drill 139
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, the targets are shooting at goal, the game-changer
and dissociation. As shown in the figure we have in the areas A and B, two situations of 2vs1
(R1ed R2 against G3 in the sector A and G1 and G2 against R3 in sector B). You play for the
possession and the team outnumbered earn one point for every interception in their field of
passage. At the same time we have three players blue (B1, B2, B3, B2 and B3 each with a ball)
that exchange of the ball after the coordinative path consists of a series of over and with a
number of touch between the over-laid by 'coach. On the coach's whistle is called one of the two
players blue B2 or B3 (B2 in the example) which will shorten towards the sector B to receive the
ball from one of the two players yellow (G2 example) and play the other side of the field in the
area A for the yellow player G3 which in the meantime has to carry out a dissociation to receive.
Upon receipt of the G3 blue player B1 must move at maximum speed in the area C to receive the
pass. Meanwhile G3 must defend the ball from an opponent (R1 in the example) that must delay
the passage of G3 in C for B1 and allow your partner to arrive before R2 B1 in C after the
circumvention cone white yellow and the path between the poles ndicato in the figure. If R2 will
arrive before B1 in C instead deo direct shot on goal you will have a 1v1 situation in Area C
between B1 and R2. Turn the sets of players.
Drill 140
tutorial, we have three groups of players. Each group consists of 4 players perform the following
exercise: Players R1, R2, G1, G2 in the corners of the square on the edge of the penalty area
who perform continuous passages in the sequence shown in the figure and each, after each step,
make a "go and come back" on the respective blue cone placed near (R1 on the cone 1, G1 on
the cone 2, G2 on the cone 4 and R2 on the cone 3) Players G3, G4, G5, G6 and placed on white
cones blue positioned on the center line perform a continuous exchange of the ball, G3 and G6
are still in place, each with a ball and exchanged alternately with G4 and G5 that at each step
change their position by making a continuous "and go back" through the cones . The players R3,
R4, R5, R6 representing a defensive line 4 to perform an exercise ball without performing the
movement between the sectors 1 and 2 (indicated with white cones red) in function of the
displacement of the ball in the tutorial, which is accomplished by Players placed on the edge of
the square: when the ball is played by the players yellow G1 and G2 towards the players red R1
and R2 (n steps. 1 and 3) the four players R3, R4, R5, R6 should move in running advancement
of the sector 2 to sector 1, and conversely when the ball is played by the players red R1 and R2
towards the players yellow G1 and G2 (n steps. 2:04) the four players R3, R4, R5, R6 running in
retreat must move from sector 1 to sector 2. In this way the movement is simulated with elastic
defensive line. The exercises described last time established by the coach. To the whistle of the
coach, the same indicates to one of the two defenders R1 or R2 to move to the right cone of the
reference (in this case R2 on the cone 3) where it will find a ball kicking along towards the 4
defenders red R3, R4, R5, R6 which will have to reject the sphere (see pass. 1 and 2 pass). At
the time of the 4 players rejected yellow (G3, G4, G5, G6) will pounce aulla rejected before 4
defenders red to retrieve the ball and attack the defensive line in a 4vs4 situation and actions
according to pre-established and established by the coach. At the same time the two players
yellow G1 and G2 attack the defenders R1 and R2 in a situation of 2vs2 with one of the two red
defending that after the ball must retrieve the position to restore the numerical equality.
Drill 141
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial we have a situation in Sector A of 3vs3 (players red R1,
R2, R3 against players blue B1, B2, B3) assisted by 2 banks of yellow G1 and G2: You play for
possession of the ball. At the same time we have a practice of continuous passages between
players at the same time, at each step, perform a "go and return" between cones blue as shown
in the figure (G3 and N3 run in a vertical direction with respect to the field of play when N1 and
N2 run in a horizontal direction with respect to the playing field and exchange once with and once
with G3 N3). At a signal from the coach G3 player plays the ball on the cone red white where in
the meantime you move the shore G1. G3 The player must make the path between the poles at
maximum speed for going to receive the ball on the white red cone at the height of the edge of
the penalty area. Meanwhile, a player of the teams within the Sector A, called by the coach
(example B1) must leave the space to prevent cross into the area of the player G3, while the
yellow shores G1 and G2 attack in the penalty area challenging defending the blue B1 and B2 in
a 2vs2 situation. On the front of the three players red R1, R2, R3 compete the three defending
blacks N1, N2, N3 in a situation of 3vs3 with attack from a central position. Turn the backhoe
players and toggle the play from the right and from the left.
Drill 142
was inspired by an exercise of conditional dry proposed by his friend Salomon Lab and has been
revised with the introduction of the ball and inserting two tactical situations: l '1v1 and 2vs2 for the
conclusion. The height of the center circle having the little Chinese A, B, C, D, rhombus as shown
in Fig. Arrange 4 cones blue as in the figure and each cone have a player (G2, G3, R2, R3) each
with a ball. On cinesino D we have the yellow player G1 and behind him another R1 player who is
in possession of the ball. The yellow player G1 and has to copmpiere at maximum speed the path
1-2-3-4-5-6 as shown in the figure and every cinesino, before the change of direction, must
exchange the ball with a player: the exchange of ball is with the sequence G2 on cinesino A, R3
on cinesino B, R1 Chinese guy on D, G3 on cinesino C, R2 on cinesino B with return on the cone
D. At this point the player R1 passes the ball to the player who enters the G1 A and R1 challenge
in a 1v1 situation, while the coach called one of the two players yellow (G2 or G3) leading ball in
B and together with the mate yellow attack the pair R2, R3 in a situation of 2vs2. Rotate the
Drill 143
EXERCISE FOR THE CONCLUSION TO DOOR: This tutorial is designed to cure as its main
objective the shot on goal in 1v1 situation. In the A players R1 and N1 play a 1v1 for the defense
of the ball, while the other two players R2 and N2 perform a continuous exchange of the ball
while standing still among the Chinese guy yellow as shown in the figure. At a signal from the
coach depending on the player holding the ball in the A (N1 in the example) is given the signal to
start the partner who carries out the exchange stationary (N2 example) which must cover the path
in the most shortest possible time, while in the meantime the companion N1 must take ball and
defend the attack of R1 until N2 arrives in the area B. At this point N1 plays of N2 in the field B
and part to fulfill the path B in the shortest possible time and before that R1 reaches the sector B
to counteract the companion N2. Upon departure of N1 R2 player he exchanged the ball from
stationary N2 will reach the area C before it reaches the passage of N2 to N1. If the player comes
in R2 C before it reaches you must wait for the N1 to challenge him in a 1v1 situation in the sector
and prevent C on goal to N1.
Drill 144
POSSESSION WITH CHANGES IN THE INDUSTRY. In this tutorial, the main objective is to
maintain possession of the ball with different situations depending on the area that will be
designated by the coach during the exercise. Also we will have, always on the recommendation
of the coach, times when the same exercise will become a situational type. It starts with a
situation in possession of 2vs2 + 4 outer banks within the square A (R1 and R2 against G1 and
G2 with R3, R4, G3, G4 as the outer banks). At the same time the players G5, G6, G7, G8 and
R5, R6, R7, R8 places outside the square B continually exchange the ball standing still on the
spot (as indicated in the figure). On the coach's whistle and according to the directions given you
will always have the following games for the possession of the ball is played in a 4vs4 Sector B
(G1, G2, G3, G4 against R12, R2, R3, R4) with 4 banks for each team (G5, G6, G7, G8 and R5,
R6, R7, R8), ie the banks of yellow and red in the square to play for possession in square B and
players who exchanged the ball becomes the outer banks, is played in the Sector YELLOW (half
of the square field B where the banks are located yellow) and you can have multiple situations
that may be the following: dall1vs1 + 4 + 4 4vs4 shores yellow to yellow banks (with others who
go to play another Sector RED with red sides). For example if we have a 2vs3 (2 against 3 red
yellow) + 4 banks in yellow YELLOW FIELD, therefore we will have a 2vs1 (2-on-1 Yellow Red) +
4 banks of red in the red zone (the middle of the square field B where they are positioned the
banks red). If we have a 4vs4 in Sector YELLOW sides will play a red "and follow by" having no
player in the red zone. Further command of the coach you will have two situations 4vs4 (or other
situations described by the coach) players with red R1, R2, R3, R4, which will address the
players yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 and the players yellow G1 , G2, G3, G4, which will address the
players red R5, R6, R7, R8.
Drill 145
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a central rectangular space divided into three
sections A, B, C. Within each sector, we have two players which quadrant the first stage of the
exercise can not exit from the sector in which they are found (G1 and G2 in the field A; R2 and
R3 in the field B; G3 and G4 in the sector C). Outside there are two sides of the space R1 and
R4. The aim is the transmission of the ball between players of the same team avoiding any
unnecessary interception of passsaggio by opponents. At the same time, we have 4 outside
gioicatori (G5, G6, R5, R6) exchanging the ball running between cones white-blue with the "go
back and" continuous (G5 and G6 exchanges with R5, R6 and R5 exchanges with G5 , G5 and
G6 exchanges with R6, R5 and R6 exchanges with G6). At the whistle of the coach by the team
that will be in possession of the ball inside the space station will have the following two situations:
if the ball is in possession of red players, these will attack the defense with three players yellow
R2, R3, R4 with support vertically on R4 to serve as a side for insertion of R2 and R3 and must
be countered by G3, G4, G5, which must each retrieve the location and position in order to
counteract the action of players red in a situation of 3vs3 (example see the sequence of steps
ATT. 1). If the ball is in possession of players yellow, these two players will have to stick with the
G1 and G2 Red defense consists of R1, R5 in a 2vs2 situation (see the example the sequence of
steps ATT. 2).
Drill 146
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a situation in the area A of 3vs3 (R1, R2, R3
against N1, N2, N3) playing for possession with the help of two sides for each team (R4, R5 N4,
N5 ). At the same time in 4 areas delimited by white-yellow cones are 4 pairs of players
(alternatively, one red and one black) that play a constant "give and go". In the A team gets one
point for every 20 seconds of possession. At the whistle of the coach the team in possession of
the ball (the blacks in the example) will have to score in one of the three doorways marked with
cones white-blue: the goal in the center door is worth 2 points, one in one of the two sides is
equal to 1 point. In addition, the realization of the goals in the door will activate two types of
actions (shown in figure 1 with Az and Az 2): If you score a goal in the side door (Az 1) the player
in the corresponding square will receive a pass in their square from her partner who has scored
the goal (for example N3 N7) and will have to serve the bank (N5) that with a run in the overlap
will carry out a cross on the far post where it will trigger a 1v1 situation between players square
opposite (N56 against R6), and if you score a goal in the door station (Az 2) the player N3 trigger
a 1v1 situation (in the example against N7 R7) on the central cut of a mate.
Drill 147
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we in the central square of sitruazione In a 2vs2 (the
two players red R1, R2 against the two players blacks N1, N2) with a platform for each team (N3
and R3) arranged as in the figure. You play for possession of the ball. At the same time we have
two players outside blacks N4 and N5 that exchange with two gioicatori red R4 and R5 by running
at the same time exercises to shuttle between an exchange and the other. To the whistle of the
coach the team in possession of the ball (in this case the blacks) must play within 5 seconds
towards the shore (N3 in this case) which in turn through one of the small doors indicated with
cones white-blue will serve outside one of the two teammates (N4 in this case) that the height of
the cone to the white-red cross in the penalty area and where we will create a situation of 3vs2 on
cross side in favor of the attacking team (N1, N2, N3 against R1, R2). The choice of coach cross
can be made in an oblique or plane and the action must be completed in a time of 15 seconds
after receipt of the passage by the shore R3.
Drill 148
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial in the two areas A and B, located at the edge of each
penalty area we have two situations 3vs2 both for possession (in A we have 3 players 2 players
against yellow red in B we have 3 players red yellow against 2 players): such situations are
modeled often what happens in the race for the exit from behind with defensive central defenders,
supported by the central midfield. Simultaneously two defenders yellow side (G4 and G5 from ul
side and R4 and R5 on the other) exchange ball as in the figure with one of the two players
yellow that remains stationary and the other running at every exchange a "go and return"
between cones. At the whistle of the coach the players will be called by the coach to activate a
predetermined action or side band (SIDE solution called by the coach) or a vertical in the central
area (CENTRAL solution called by the coach): in the case of lateral attack, l 'yellow exterior (in
this case G5) will find a ball at the beginning of the path and the coordinative will exchange along
at the same time as shown in figure (double exchange "give and go" with a companion of sector a
and sector B a companion come to meet with dissociation along one short-run ball between
cones white-yellow) to go to make a final cross from the blue-white cone for their fellow G6 and
G7 that will attack the three defending red R1, R2, R3 in a 3vs2 situation in the case of central
attack the possessor of the ball called by the coach (shown the yellow player G2) plays on the
comrades who are meeting in breaking free from changing the field to go to face the defending
red R1, R2, R3 in a 3vs3 situation; the yellow G2, G6, G7 will have to close the action and go to
the shooting in a maximum time of 10 seconds (or the time set by the coach).
Drill 149
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial, we have a match in the rectangle A theme 2vs2
(yellow G2, G3 against red R5, R6) with two yellow outer banks (G1 and G4): Players with the
help of the yellow outer banks should seek to maintain possession for 30 consecutive seconds (or
the time set by Mister), while the two red R5 and R6 will have to prevent the continuous passages
and, once in possession of the ball must leave the rectangle exceeding the two central defenders
G2 and G3 with a combination to go to the shooting. In the other rectangle we have another
game themed with a situation of 4vs2 (yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 against red R7, R8) with players
red (in inferiority within the rectangle) which are backed by 4 banks side (R1, R2, R3, R4): aim for
players red (R1, R2, R3, R4, R7, R8) is to maintain possession for 30 consecutive seconds (or
the time set by coach) exchanging the ball alternately from inside to outside and from outside to
inside (as shown in the figure), while the yellow G5, G6, G7, G8 once in possession of the ball
must score in one of the two little doors indicated by the white and blue cones (port 1 or port 2)
with the port that will be defended by the player R2 (which in this way will perform a shuttle route
to defend the two doorways). It is played continuously in both rectangles with ball change when
leaving the field or at the end of each action (keep many balls available on board of the two
fields). At the side of the coach whistle R4 red, received the ball from the coach (attn 2) with a
through ball will trigger their peers R5 and R6 in a 2vs2 situation against the defending G2 and
G3 which will try to intercept the passage, while one of the players yellow side (in this case G1)
received the ball from the coach (fl. 1) will trigger the yellow fellow G5, G6, G7, G8 in a favorable
situation for 4vs3 against R2, R7, R8
Drill 150
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial in the square in place at the height of the center circle
we have a 2vs2 for possession (red 1R and 2R against blacks 1N and 2N) with two yellow outer
banks 1G and 4G. In two other rectangles (B and C) we have the same situation 2vs2 with a
yellow inner side: You play for the goal in the doorways demarcated with cones biancogialli. At
the edge of the penalty defenders 2G and 3G exchanging the ball at the same time performing
the movements to shuttle between cones biancoblu as shown in the figure. At the whistle of the
coach the player of the team in possession of the ball inside the square A (the blacks in this case)
triggers their fellow people in the two rectangles B and C (in this case, 3N, 4N, 5N, 6N) against
yellow banks (4G, 5G, 6G) in a situation of central attack 4vs3 in favor of attack blacks. At the
same time one of the players positioned in the red rectangles B and C (in this case the player 4R
in rectangle C) with a passage that must cross the door goes to serve the companion 3R that
bypasses outside the door and goes to the lateral cross from the cone biancoblu (indicated in the
figure with the inscription "Cross"). On cross it creates a situation of 4vs3 on favorevile side
connection to the red (1R, 2R, 5R, 6R) that will attack the banks yellow 1G, 2F, 3G. Rotate
players in the role of bank and central defenders.
Drill 151
EXERCISE IN CIRCUIT: In this tutorial, whose main objective is to train a striker against a
defender in 1v1 situation, there are three players red (all three attackers) and three players yellow
(all defenders) initially positioned as follows: Two red against a yellow rectangle in a in which you
play a 2vs1 (simulation output of the defenders from the corner of the field with pressure
attacker's opponent), while the height of the midfield you run a tutorial and follow the three
players (one yellow and two red). At the whistle of the coach yellow defender and a striker who
performed the red "and follow the" run inside the rectangle B (at the edge of the penalty area)
where they find a ball and where they play a 1v1 with the lawyer must prevent the attacker to get
into the penalty area. Meanwhile, fellow striker red run towards the technical route indicated by
the red and white cones where you will find another ball with which to address the slalom
between cones: the end of the path the attacker will have to serve the diagonal running mate who
will have to stick with the 'penalty area and conclude directly to network countered by the
defender yellow. At the end of the backhoe loaders and backhoe sicambiano position coming out
of the rectangle A will perform the path coordinative before going to play the "give and follow."
Drill 152
INTEGRATED EXERCISE: In this tutorial within a square bordered by yellow cones we have a
situation of 3vs3 (red and blacks) that play a possession with the aid of 2 shores yellow. At the
same time in a larger square, bounded by the cones biancoblu, we find at every turn a player
yellow, each of which exchanges the ball just alternately with the two central defenders, with an
exterior that run (both central and exchanging the position of both the exterior ) as shown in
exchanging the ball continuously with shuttle rides. At the whistle of the coach of the team that
the player is holding the ball in the central square (red in this case) must leave the square with a
"give and go" and, with the help of the exterior (which fits with a cut to come) is to challenge two
central defenders blacks in a 2vs2 situation. At the same time a player yellow place in the corners
opposite to the one where the action happens the red (in this case the lower left) waits for input in
the yellow area opposite to him and the other yellow fellow who did the bank in possession and
that has not made the "give and go" above to trigger an action against the defenders of 2vs2 red
ball on the side.