Transition Worksheet 3 Name: Class: 1 Read and write. bat goal hoop mat net racket rope stopwatch trampoline whistle 1 You use this to hit the ball when you play table tennis. 2 You hit a ball over this when you play tennis. 3 You can jump up and down very high on this. 4 You need this to hit the ball when you play tennis. 5 You put this on the floor and stand on it when you do yoga. 6 You or your friends can turn this over and over while you jump. 7 You kick a ball into this to score in football. 8 Someone blows this when you do something wrong in a football game. 9 You move this around the middle of your body to get fit. 10 You use this to find out how fast you can run. 2 Read, look and draw lines. go around go down 1 go through 3 2 6 4 5 go over go up Heroes 5 © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2017. This page may be photocopied and used within the class. go under P H OTO C O P I A B L E