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english 3

Universidad del Istmo
English VI
Activity N°3
Opinion Essay
Castaneda Sara
Andres Avelino Sánchez Montero
June 25th 2023
Essay Outline
Mental Health
Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we
think, feel, and act
1) How do you stay healthy and
happy during hard times?
Why is it important to do
During challenging times, staying
healthy and happy requires a
encompasses both mental and
physical well-being.
2) What recommendations would
3) Which of the aspects of personal
you give to keep our mental and
health (physical, emotional,
physical health even in difficult
spiritual, social, financial, and
times? Explain why.
In order to maintain our
mental and physical health
even in difficult times, several
intellectual) do you often neglect?
Explain why.
In my personal journey, I often find
myself neglecting my spiritual wellbeing. The demands of a fast-paced
establishing a routine that
pressures tend to consume my time
incorporates regular exercise
and energy, leaving little room for
is crucial. Physical activity not
introspection and connection with
only helps to keep our bodies
my inner self. The pursuit of
material success
endorphins that uplift our
mood and reduce stress.
and financial
stability often takes precedence,
spiritual nourishment.
Life is a journey filled with both triumphs and tribulations. Throughout this voyage, it is essential
to navigate the challenges with a resilient spirit and unwavering positivity. By cultivating a
positive attitude and prioritizing our mental and physical well-being, we equip ourselves with the
tools necessary to overcome difficulties. In this essay, we will explore the significance of
maintaining a positive mindset and delve into the importance of nurturing our mental and
physical health amidst life's adversities. Through personal anecdotes, factual evidence, and
practical examples, we will uncover the strategies and recommendations that enable us to thrive
even in the face of hardship. By acknowledging the power of positivity and investing in our holistic
well-being, we can forge a path towards resilience and happiness in the midst of life's ups and
How do you stay healthy and happy during hard times? Why is it important to do this?
It all began when I faced a series of personal setbacks that left me feeling overwhelmed and drained.
Determined to regain my balance, I embarked on a journey of self-care and resilience.
To maintain my physical health, I incorporated daily exercise into my routine. Whether it was a brisk walk
in nature or a rigorous workout session, the endorphins released during physical activity provided a muchneeded boost of energy and positivity. Additionally, I paid attention to my nutrition, fueling my body with
wholesome foods that nourished both my body and mind.
However, I soon realized that taking care of my mental well-being was just as crucial. I made it a priority
to carve out time for relaxation and self-reflection. Engaging in mindfulness exercises, such as meditation
and journaling, helped me gain clarity and reduce stress. Seeking support from loved ones and sharing my
struggles openly allowed me to alleviate the emotional burden and find solace in their understanding.
In the midst of these difficult times, I discovered the significance of spiritual nourishment. Exploring my
spirituality, whether through prayer, meditation, or connecting with nature, brought a sense of peace and
purpose to my life. This newfound spiritual connection provided me with inner strength and a deeper
perspective, enabling me to face challenges with resilience and hope.
The importance of staying healthy and happy during hard times cannot be overstated. By prioritizing selfcare, I not only preserved my well-being but also became better equipped to overcome obstacles. Taking
care of myself physically, mentally, and spiritually allowed me to maintain a positive outlook, make sound
decisions, and persevere through adversity. Moreover, my journey served as an inspiration to those
around me, demonstrating that even in the face of difficulties, prioritizing one's health is a transformative
act that leads to personal growth and well-being.
What recommendations would you give to keep our mental and physical health even in
difficult times? Explain why.
During difficult times, it is crucial to prioritize both our mental and physical health. Here are some
recommendations to maintain well-being in challenging circumstances:
Practice self-care: Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, such as hobbies, reading,
or taking soothing baths. Self-care nurtures your mental and emotional well-being, allowing you
to recharge and cope with stress effectively.
Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or support groups. Sharing your feelings and concerns
with others not only provides emotional support but also fosters a sense of connection and
belonging, reducing feelings of isolation.
Prioritize physical activity: Regular exercise releases endorphins, which boost mood and reduce
stress. Incorporate activities you enjoy, such as walking, dancing, or yoga, into your routine to
keep your body active and your mind refreshed.
Practice mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Engaging in mindfulness exercises, such as
meditation or deep breathing, helps calm the mind, reduce anxiety, and improve overall mental
well-being. Set aside dedicated time each day for these practices.
Maintain a healthy routine: Establish a consistent sleep schedule to ensure adequate rest. Eat a
balanced diet that includes nutritious foods to support your physical health and provide the
energy needed to navigate challenging situations.
Limit exposure to negativity: While staying informed is essential, excessive exposure to negative
news or social media can heighten anxiety and stress. Set boundaries and take breaks from media
consumption to protect your mental well-being.
Focus on gratitude: Cultivate a mindset of gratitude by acknowledging and appreciating the
positive aspects of your life. Regularly expressing gratitude helps shift your perspective and
promotes a more positive outlook.
Which of the aspects of personal health (physical, emotional, spiritual, social, financial, and
intellectual) do you often neglect? Explain why.
I often find myself unintentionally neglecting my financial health. As I navigate the demands of
daily life and strive to achieve personal and professional goals, financial matters sometimes take
a backseat. The complex world of finances can seem overwhelming, leading me to prioritize
immediate needs over long-term financial planning.
The neglect stems from a lack of financial literacy and the misconception that focusing solely on
physical and emotional well-being is sufficient for a fulfilling life. I may find myself immersed in
work or personal pursuits, neglecting the importance of financial stability and long-term financial
However, I am aware that neglecting my financial health can have long-lasting consequences.
Without proper planning and financial management, I risk facing unexpected financial burdens
or limited opportunities for growth and security in the future. It is essential to recognize the
significance of financial well-being and incorporate it into the broader spectrum of personal
To address this, I am committed to increasing my financial literacy and seeking guidance from
experts in the field. By setting aside dedicated time to understand budgeting, saving, and
investing, I can take control of my financial future and create a solid foundation for overall wellbeing.
Through education, discipline, and conscious decision-making, I aim to strike a balance between
addressing immediate needs and planning for long-term financial stability. By actively addressing
this neglected aspect of personal health, I can align my financial well-being with other dimensions
of my life, ensuring a more comprehensive and fulfilling journey towards overall wellness.
What is mental health?
Why is mental health important for overall health?