Hi, I'm going to talk about thinking outside the box. The term 'think outside the box' is a metaphor used today that means to think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective. This expression has become widely used again in business environments, especially by 'management consultants'. 'Think outside the box' is not just staying with the obvious things, but you have to try to go further. Currently, the world in which we move is characterized by being dynamic, uncertain and insecure. In the same way, companies compete in the market, characterized by being in constant change. In the context of the current crisis, it is necessary for companies to find new methods to manage their business. For this reason, the concept of 'thinking outside the box' has begun to be discussed. In order to think outside the box, survive in the market and face tough competition, organizations had to reorient their strategy towards creativity and innovation. This is not an easy task but the long-term benefits of applying them are worth thinking about. In the event that a company does not know how to carry out innovation and creativity, a solution could be hiring an innovation consultant that allows the organization to follow the most appropriate path. First, the members of the organization must be mentally prepared for the changes that are going to be made. This is a prior and essential task because without the support of the workers it will be very difficult to apply innovation and creativity. This task can be carried out through constant and effective communication, enhancing the reception of feedback. Once this first obstacle has been overcome, employees will have to be trained and their proactivity towards innovation must be enhanced. Hi, I'm going to talk about thinking outside the box. A good guide to innovate can be the book Creativity and Innovation, from the Harvard Business Review. Innovation and creativity are key factors to obtain competitive advantages. Both are much more than the result of inspiration and chance, as there are specific techniques to manage and guide the organization in that direction. The book has been designed to provide managers and professionals with the essential information they need to remain competitive in a fast-moving world. Finally, and by way of conclusion, 'think outside the box' is an expression that should not be taken lightly, but rather should be applied as seriously as possible, in order to adapt to the constant changes in the environment and become leaders in the market.