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English B1 Evaluation Quiz - Unit 2

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Página Principal / Cursos / INGLÉS B1 - (900003A_1394) / Evaluation
/ Unit 2 - Task 3- Let's review - Evaluation quiz
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martes, 17 de octubre de 2023, 10:32
martes, 17 de octubre de 2023, 11:17
44 minutos 55 segundos
53,3 de 80,0 (67%)
Nivel medio Se puede evidenciar que existe un nivel suficiente de logro del
resultado de aprendizaje esperado, sin embargo, es necesario profundizar en
los recursos y actividades de aprendizaje que le permitirán reflejar un mayor
nivel de apropiación y demostración del aprendizaje.
Pregunta 1
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Choose the correct answer according to the context.
You ________ go to the Alfonso Bonilla Aragon airport in Cali today and don’t _________ bring your suitcase with you, it is
very important.
a. needing - forgetting
b. to need - to forget
c. need to - forget to
Pregunta 2
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Listen to the recording and choose the option that best answers the question:
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0:00 / 0:00
How many times do you have to visit the course?
a. Twice a week.
b. Once a week.
c. Three times a week.
Pregunta 3
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Read the following text and answer the question:Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was a German -born Swiss-American
physicist and philosopher. He is considered the father of modern physics. He spent his life going back and forth between
Germany, Switzerland and the USA. He finally settled in New Jersey in 1933. Until his death, he taught classes at Princeton
University and developed his theory of relativity. He also won the Nobel prize of Physics in 1921 for the discovery of the
law of the photoelectric effect.Why was he awarded the Nobel Prize?
a. Albert Einstein was awarded the nobel prize for his contribution to physics.
b. Albert Einstein was awarded the nobel prize for his contribution to chemistry.
c. is responded
d. Albert Einstein was awarded the nobel prize for his contribution to literature.
Pregunta 4
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Choose the correct answer according to the context.
When learning languages, _____ practice______ required
a. Little - are
b. much - is
c. no - am
Pregunta 5
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Listen to the audio and then choose the best option for the question.
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What is the speaker talking about?
a. He is talking about living in Canada.
b. He is comparing Canada and Australia.
c. He is explaining why we have to visit Australia.
Pregunta 6
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Read the text and choose the correct option for the following question. How TikTok Is Rewriting the WorldTikTok is an app
for making and sharing short videos. The videos are tall, not square, like on Snapchat or Instagram’s stories, but you
navigate through videos by scrolling up and down, like a feed, not by tapping or swiping side to side.Video creators have
all sorts of tools at their disposal: filters as on Snapchat (and later, everyone else); the ability to search for sounds to score
your video. Users are also strongly encouraged to engage with other users, through “response” videos or by means of
“duets” — users can duplicate videos and add themselves alongside.Hashtags play a surprisingly large role on TikTok. In
more innocent times, Twitter hoped its users might congregate around hashtags in a never-ending series of productive
pop-up mini-discourses. On TikTok, hashtags actually exist as a real, functional organizing principle: not for news, or even
really anything trending anywhere else than TikTok, but for various “challenges,” or jokes, or repeating formats.Taken and
adapted from: to the author, what is one of the
biggest Tik Tok features?
a. To scroll down videos continually.
b. To keep up with young people needs
c. To cheer up the lifes of millions of users.
Pregunta 7
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Choose the correct answer according to the context:
____________ and ____________ is not allowed during the final Physics exam.
a. To talk - Chatting
b. Talking - chatting
c. Talk - Chat
Pregunta 8
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Choose the correct answer according to the notice:
a. A lion is attacking people on the main road because it mustn’t feel safe.
b. You should try to lock the lion in a cage if you see it at night.
c. Animals and people in the area could be in danger from a wild animal in this area.
Pregunta 9
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Please choose the combination of words that best complete the following sentence.
If you ______ that glass, it might ______.
a. dropping - breaking
b. dropped - broke
c. drop - break
Pregunta 10
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Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context: She had __________ in Charleston, and
her father had given her an _________ far better than most young girls received. She had become a clever, loving daughter,
filled with opinions on art and politics and literature. She was able to sew and play the piano and was talented at
_________. Frazier, C. (1997). Cold Mountain.
a. held up – education – sewing
b. stood up – experience – driving
c. grown up – education – painting
Pregunta 11
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Read the following text and answer the question:To: Grace YangDate: 6 SeptemberSubject: Invitation to job interviewDear
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Grace,Thank you for your application for the position of sales manager.We would like to invite you for an interview at 10
a.m. on Monday 21 September at our offices at The Shard, 32 London Bridge Street, London.You will meet with our head
of sales, Susan Park, and the interview will last for about 45 minutes. During this time, you will have the opportunity to
find out more about the position and learn more about our company.Please bring your CV and references to the
interview. You will also need to show a form of ID at reception to receive a visitor's pass. If you have any questions, please
call me on 555-1234 or email me by 12 September.I look forward to meeting you.Best regards,Anna GreenHuman
Resources AssistantWhich position did Grace apply for?
a. Grace applied for the sales manager position
b. Grace applied for the head of sales position.
c. Grace applied for the sales assistant position
d. be awake
Pregunta 12
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Choose the correct answer according to the context.
I want _______ to Canada because I want __________ french.
a. going - learning
b. to travel - to go
c. to go - to learn
Pregunta 13
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Read the definition and choose the word that best relates to it.A game played between two teams of five players in which
goals are scored by throwing a ball through a netted hoop fixed.
a. Basketball
b. Volleyball
c. Swimming
Pregunta 14
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Check the following sentence and pick the correct set of words for it.
Their car _______ ______ two days ago.
a. broke down
b. lock down
c. breaks down
Pregunta 15
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Read the text and fill in the blanks with the correct option according to the context: Herzog’s first short film. The film
__________ the legendary Hercules and the twelve Labors he was sentenced to _________ in order to atone for having killed
his own children. Several of these heroic impositions pose questions to disrupt the tale. The film’s more explicit inquiry is
around de bodies ________ at the gymnasium, as if Herzog were asking himself, and consequently the audience, about the
origin and meaning of body building and its continued existence in our own time. Mapfre, F. (2012). Festival Simultáneo
de Cine. 4+1.
a. remembers – get – playing
b. recalls – accomplish – exercising
c. brings – manage – working
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