Subido por Odette Alegato

Pure Substance Properties: Thermodynamics Module

Module 5
of Pure Substance
Roster Method
Set Notation
Set Builder Notation
Set Equality
A. Operations
Pure Substance
B. The
a Pure
Substanceof Sets
C. Phase Change Processes of Pure Substances
The Set of Real Numbers
The Natural Numbers
The Irrational Numbers
This section is an introductory concept of the properties of a pure substance. The different phases
B.and phaseThe
Numbersof a pure substance will be discussed in this section. Concepts of saturation
temperature and pressure as well as phase equilibrium will also be considered. These are very significant
C.for our study
devices and thermodynamic systems. Water for example, as pure substance, it is essential
to know its properties in order to properly size equipment such as heat exchangers, turbine, and pump for
The Rational Numbers
the desired transfer of energy and flow of water.
The Real Numbers
G.After careful
of Numbers
as Subsets
of this lesson,
students should be able to:
Real Number
1. The
a pureSystem
substance from mixture.
2. Identify the different phases of a pure substance determine its phase change processes.
InequalityI.................................................................................................... Introduction to Sets
Set Notation
Roster Method
Set Builder Notation
Set Equality
Set Operations
The Union and Intersection of Sets
The Set of Real Numbers
The Natural Numbers
The Whole Numbers
The Integers
The Rational Numbers
The Irrational Numbers
The Real Numbers
Sets of Numbers as Subsets
The Real Number System
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
A. Pure Substance
A pure substance is one that has an invariable chemical composition like water, helium, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide. A mixture of several elements is also considered as pure substance as long as its resulting
mixture is homogeneous.
If a mixture exists in two or more phase, but the chemical composition is the same in all phases, it is still
considered as pure substance. An example is liquid water which is a mixture of liquid water and water vapor
(steam), as well as a mixture of ice and liquid water, since every phase has the same chemical composition.
On the other hand, a mixture of liquid air and gaseous air is not a pure substance since they are not chemically
homogeneous. This is because the composition of the liquid phase is different from that of the vapor phase.
Distinguishing between pure substance and a mixture
➢ A pure substance consists only of one element or one compound while a mixture consists of two or
more different substances, not chemically joined together (figure 1).
Figure 1
The components of a mixture can be
separated without chemical reactions
➢ Pure substance has a sharp melting point while mixtures melt over a range of temperatures. This
difference is most easily seen when the temperature of a hot liquid is measured as it cools and
freezes. Example, the graph (figure 2) shows the cooling curve for a sample of a compound called
Figure 2
The temperature stays the same while a
pure substance changes state
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
B. Phases of a Pure Substance
Substances exist in different phases. A phase is known as having a distinct molecular arrangement that
is homogeneous throughout and separated from the others by easily identifiable boundary surfaces.
There are three different phases of a pure substance:
1. Solid
The molecules are closely packed together. They are arranged in a three-dimensional pattern that
is repeated throughout (figure 3). Due to the small distances between each molecule, the attractive forces
of each are large which keep it at fixed positions.
Figure 3
Molecules of solid in 3-D
pattern (lattice)
2. Liquid
The molecules are no longer at fixed position relative to each other and they can rotate and translate
freely (figure 4). The intermolecular forces are weaker relative to solids, but relatively strong compared to
Figure 4
Molecular structure of liquid
3. Gas
Molecules are far apart from each other and has no molecular order (figure 5). Gas molecules moves
in random and continuously colliding with each other and the walls of the container they are in. Molecules
are at higher energy level compared to liquid or solid phases. Thus, the gas releases a large amount of
its energy before it can condense or freeze.
Figure 5
Molecular structure of gas
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
C. Phase Change Processes of a Pure Substance
Compressed Liquid or Subcooled Liquid (figure 6)
It is the phase at which the liquid is non-saturated, means any liquid that it is not about to vaporize. Any
addition of heat increases only the temperature of the liquid but does not cause any change of its phase.
Figure 6
At 1atm and 200C, water exists
in the liquid phase
Saturated Liquid
In this phase, any addition of heat causes some liquid to vaporize leading to a mixture of saturated liquid
and vapor.
Figure 7
At 1atm and 1000C, water
exists as a liquid that is ready
to vaporize.
Saturated Liquid-Vapor Mixture
Liquid and Vapor phases coexist in equilibrium at these states.
Figure 8
Part of the saturated liquid
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
Saturated Vapor
In this phase, the vapor has absorbed more heat than necessary to vaporize it and convert all liquid into
vapor. A vapor that is about to condense is called saturated vapor.
Figure 9
At 1 atm, the temperature
remains constant at 1000C
until the last drop of liquid is
Superheated Vapor
In this phase, all liquid had converted to vapor and any addition of heat will lead only to hotter vapor. A
vapor that is not about to condensate is called superheated vapor.
Figure 10
As more heat is transferred,
the temperature of the vapor
starts to rise
The constant pressure phase change process can be illustrated on a T-V diagram shown in figure 11.
Figure 11
T-V diagram for heating process of
water at constant pressure
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
Saturation Temperature and Saturation Pressure
Water boils at 1000C when pressure is held constant at 1 atm (101.325 kPa). If say for example we raise
the pressure to 500 kPa, then water would start boiling at 151.80C. Thus, the temperature at which water starts
boiling depends on the pressure; it follows that if pressure is fixed, boiling temperature is also fixed.
At a given pressure, the temperature at which a pure substance changes phase is called the saturation
temperature Tsat. Likewise, at a given temperature, the pressure at which a pure substance changes phase is
called the saturation pressure Psat.
Table 1 shows a list of the saturation pressure against the temperature for water. This table shows
that the pressure of water changing phase (boiling or condensing) at 25 0C must be 3.17 kPa, and
the pressure of water must be maintained at 3976 kPa to have it boil at 2500C. Likewise, if we drop
pressure below 0.61 kPa, the water will be frozen.
Table 2
Variation of the standard
atmospheric pressure and the
boiling temperature of water
with altitude
Table 1
Saturation (boiling) pressure of
water at various temperatures
The variation of the boiling temperature of water with altitude at standard atmospheric condition is
given in table 2. As indicated, for every increase of 1000m elevation, the boiling temperature drops
by 30C.
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
Phase Equilibrium
Phase equilibrium
It is the study of equilibrium which exists between or within different states of matter namely
solid, liquid and gas. Equilibrium is defined as a stage when chemical potential of any component present
in the system stays steady with time.
Phase equilibrium has wide range of applications in industries including production of different
allotropes of carbon, lowering of freezing point of water by dissolving salt (brine), purification of
components by distillation, usage of emulsions in food production, pharmaceutical industry etc. Solidsolid phase equilibrium has a special place in metallurgy and is used to make alloys of different physical
and chemical properties. For instance, melting point of alloys of copper and silver is lower than melting
point of either copper or silver.
Phase Diagrams
Phase diagrams (figure 12) are used to understand the relationship between different phases
and are usually represented as the change in the phase of a system as a function of temperature, pressure
or composition of the components in a system.
This diagram is often called the phase diagram since all three phases are separated from each
other by three lines. The sublimation line separates the solid and vapor regions, the vaporization line
separates the liquid and vapor regions, and the melting (or fusion) line separates the solid and liquid
regions. These three lines meet at the triple point, where all three phases coexist in equilibrium. The
vaporization line ends at the critical point because no distinction can be made between liquid and vapor
phases above the critical point. Substances that expand and contract on freezing differ only in the melting
line on the P-T diagram.
Figure 12
Phase diagram for onecomponent system
Phase Transitions
When matter changes from one state to another it is called phase transition.
It is the phase transition of a substance from solid to liquid form. Melting occurs when something
that is solid turns back to liquid state like ice to water.
It is the phase transition of a substance from solid directly to gas/vapor form. Solid carbon dioxide
known as “dry ice” sublimates at room temperature.
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU
Chapter 2: Properties of Pure Substance
It is the phase transition of a substance from liquid to solid form. When water turns to ice is a
common example. Water becomes cold enough that it turns into ice. In fact, every known liquid except
for helium is known to freeze in low enough temperatures.
It is the phase transition of a substance from liquid to gas/vapor form. Example is the
transformation of water to steam in which water is vaporized when boiled where it forms a thick steam.
It is the phase transition of a substance from gas/vapor to liquid form. Example is the
transformation of water vapor to dew where water vapor turns from gas into a liquid such as dew on the
morning grass.
It is the phase transition of a substance from gas to solid form. Gas can transform directly into
solid under certain circumstances. Example is the transformation of water vapor directly to ice without
becoming a liquid.
Triple point
It is the point on the graph where all the three states coexist and is unique for every component.
Figure 13
Triple point pressure and
temperature where substance
exists in three phases in
Critical point
The condition for which liquid and its vapour phases becomes identical and is defined by critical
temperature, critical pressure and critical density.
ME 111: Thermodynamics 1
ME Department, COE -MMSU