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Concrete Proportioning Guide: Normal & High-Density Mixtures

Ih-Pou Ut
Iterto Stem of Ut
Selecting Proportions
for orma-Density and
HighDensity Concrete
Reported by AC Committee 211
can nc nsu
Always advancing
First Printing
July 2022
A  I
Always advancing
Selecting Proportions for Normal-Density and High-Density ConcreteGuide
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American Concrete Institute
38800 Country Club Drive
Farmington Hills, M 48331
Phone: +1.2488483700
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
ACI PRC-211.-22
Selecting Proportions for NormalDensity and
HighDensity ConcreteGuide
Reported by ACI Committee 211
zgi Wio Cai
Kamra Amni
Wiiam L Brrige
Kate J. Bojay
Mmme P A  Bashee
James C Blnkeip
Casimi J. Bognacki
Pete Bome
Aony J Cadioo
Ramo L Crquio
Bryn R Ctle
Teck L Chu
Mchael A Wisoant, Secrety
John . Cook
Kik K Deic
Berd J choldt III
Johua J Edwars
imoy S. olks
Davd W. owle
Brett A ari
G. ery Hari
T J is
nce S Heiige
Ric D i
Dvi . Hoingswort
TarifM Jer
Robet S. Jenkis
Joe Kelley
Gy  Knigt
rc P Koele
Frk A Koeliski
Robe C ewis
Tyer Ley
Joh J. ucino
Dawa Ldija
Ally C e
Kevin A MacDo
 . McGie
Kik  Obl
H Celi Ozyiiim
Jmes S. Perce
Steve A Rga
G Mcael Roinon
Jame M Shione
awence . Stte
Consulting Mebers
Doa E Dixo
Si avni
Jme N. ingscei
Royce J Rhd
Joh P. Ri
Av Shypl
This guide to concrete proportioning provide background ior
mation on, and a procedure fo electing and adjuting concrete
mixture proportion. It applie to normal-densi concrete both
with and without chemical admixtures, supplementa cementitiou
materials or both he procedure ues calculation baed on the
abolute olume occupied by the mixture constituent. The proce
dure incorporate consideration of requirement for aggregate
gradation worabili trength, and durabili Example calcula
tions are provided including adjustment baed on the reults of
the rt trial batch Appendixe cover laborato tets and propor
tioning of highdensi concrete
Keywords: asoute volme; mixe; air conte riiy; mixe
propotoning  pplemety cemeniios mate ial tchig waercemeiious matei io (w/cm); woability yield
ACI Committee Reports and Guides are intended r
gidanc in planning, dsigning, xcting and inspcting
constrction This docment is intended r the se of individuals who ar comptnt to valat th signicanc and
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contains The American Concrete nstitute discaims any and
all rsponsibility r th statd principls. h nstitut shall
not be iable r any loss or damage arising thereom.
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Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
Woodwar L  Vogt
1 . 1Histoca ackgound, p 2
1 .2Inroducton, p 2
1 .3Scope p 3
2.1Noaion p 3
2.2Dnions, p 
3 . 1Water-ceentious maerals rao (w!) p. 4
3.2Worabity p 4
3 .3Consstncy p. 
3.4Sengh p 
3.5Duabiity, p 5
3.6Densy p. 
3 .7Geneation of heat p 
3.8Paly, p 5
AC! PRC-21 1  1 -22 spss AC! 21 1  1- 91 (09) an was aope a pbsd
Juy 2022.
Copyg © 2022  Ameran Cocre Inse
All rghts resve incldng igs of reprouco a us n ay m or by any
mas, g e mang o opes by ay poo pocess, o by ron o m
chaica dvc prined witte or ora o coig  son o visal reproucton
or r use  ay knowdg or rval sysem or v nless pemsso   wng
i obane om the copyig popreors.
39Shrnkage p. 5
3   OModls of ascity, p 5
1Tial atching, p 6
2Smp p 6
3Aggrgas p. 6
4Water p 7
5Chemical admxtues p. 7
6A p. 7
7Water-cementios mateials aio (wlcm), p. 8
A 7Mxtes  sma os p. 32
B1Gnal p. 33
B2Aggregate selecton p 33
B 3Adjstmnt n ancipaon of dyng, p 33
B4Adjstment r entaned ar  p. 33
B5Handlng of hgh-density aggregates p 33
B6Prpacd aggga  p. 33
5. 1Backgond, p 1 
5.2Seection pocess p. 14
5. 3simaion of atch wghs p. 1 4
6. 1Backgond p 1 7
6.2A-entanng admixures p 18
6.3 Watr-dcng admixrs p . 1 8
7. 1Backgond p 1 9
7.2Pozzolanc vrss cmntios p. 1 9
7. 3Types o f sppemenary cementios mateials p
7.4Mixr poporonng wh sppmnay cmni
ios matrals, p 20
7.5 Teary sysems p 2 1
7.6Impac of SCMs on ssanablity, p  2 1
9. 1Backgond, p 2 1
9.2Example 1 : Mxure propotioning sng portland
cement only p 22
9.3 xampl 2: Mixr poporonng of nay mixtr
contanng y ash p. 24
9.4xampl 3: Mixr propotioning sing cmni
ios ecency cto p. 26
9.5 Example : Mxtue propoionng sng tage pase
volm, p 27
Ahord docmns p. 29
A. Need  laboaory esing p 29
A.2Pqaicaion of matials, p  30
A.3 Popts of cmntios matrals, p  30
A.4Popetes o f aggregaes p. 30
A.5Tial ach srs p. 3 1
A.6Test mehods p . 3 1
Copyright Am
1.-Historical backgound
Th aliy o talor concr proprs n accordanc
wih proect reqiemens eecs technological deveop
mns tha hav tan pac r th mos pat, snc th arly
1 900s  Th s of th watr-cmnt rao (/)on of h
key paameers of mxure poporonngas a tool r est
maing stngh was rcognizd n appoxmaly 1 9 1 8. In
the ealy 190s mpovements n dabilty wee acheved
wih he  se of ar entainment These m ajor developments
in concrt tchnology wr agmntd by h dvlop
men of chemcal admixures to achieve specal poperies
conrac possl dcncis, and mpov cost c
tiveness (ACI 21 2.3R). The s water-edcng admxte
was developed n he 1 920s and was paented in Erope
in 1 932 , and hn in h Und Sas n 1 939 . Slowly,
wate-edcng admxtues came ino wdespread se n he
1 970s and played a mao ole in improvng wokability
thby adsng mxt poporons. Arond ths tim, t
was also nd hat som concrt characistcs cold b
improved wih the addtion of cetan ndsial y-podcts
now cald spplmntay cmnitos matrals (SCMs).
The se of hese maeials has no ony mpoved varos
concee popertes b also played a maor ole in coni
ng o nvronmnal sstainabily With h mpmna
tion o these technologcal developmens n crent prac
tic mos commcaly prodcd conct conans som
type of chemical admixres SCM or oth and ther pes
ence needs o e consi deed while mixure proporonng
Concr is composd pncpay of agggats, a port
land o blended cement and waer and may contain SCMs
chemcal admixres or oth I wll contain some amont
of ntrappd a and may also contain prposly nrand
air creaed wh he se of an admxtue o ar-entanng
cmn. Chmical admixrs a qnly sd to acc
ra or rad h im of stng, mpov woabity, o
redce wate reqiemens (ACI 2 1 2. 3R)  Thei se may
ac strngth and ohr conct proprs. Dpndng
on the type and amon cean SCMs sch as y ash
(ACI 232.2R), nara pozzolans, slag cmn (ACI 233R),
and sica m (ACI 23R) may b sd in conjncton
wih potland o lended cemen. They are added o povde
spcic poptis sch as highr srngth dcasd pm
ability essance o he ntusion of aggressive sotons
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
inceased essance to alkali-aggregae eacton and sule
atack (ACI 225R and ACI 233R) rducd hat of hydra
tion educed shinage iproved late-age sengh devel
opent and r econoic reasons
Th sction of mxu propotions nvovs a alanc
between economy and equrements  duality strengh,
woabilty dnsty and apparanc Th rquid cha
acerscs are deterned y the inended appcaion of
concree and y the condions expected to e encountered
a th tim of placmn and yond Ths chaactrsics
should be deailed n the o specicaions Soe characer
istics a govd by h concr uildng cod A road
rang of chaactriscs rangng o hgh stngth o slf
consolidaon and owale lls o low-pemeablty rdge
dcks o pvous concr paking los and any oth
characeistcs and applicaons have been made possile
wih th us of adixturs and SCMs
Th bs concr proporions a asd on prvous xp
rience wth he maeials ha will e used on siila poj
cs. Lacking tha nuous mthods hav bn dvlopd
 propoioning concee xtues. Mehods have een
developed angng om abiary ceen:sand:roc:wae
proportions (hat s 1 :2 3 :0 5) prcal hods such as
wokability cors (Shlstone 1 990), and mehods developed
o st prncipls such as packng modls (d Larard and
Sedan 2002) and suspenson ehods (ACI 2 l l 6T) I
is beyond he scope of his dscussion to revew he back
ground and hoy bhnd ths hods o hos of h la
tivey simple procedues of ths gude. Computer programs
 concree mixre desgn ncopoating many of hese
thois ar comrcally avalab.
Frquntly xistng conct popotions a popo
tioned o nclude chemical adxtues SCMs, o a dieren
aial sourc Th pranc of h rproporiond
concree should agan e veied y ral atches n he labo
ratoy or eld
Proporons calculad by any mthod should always 
consideed provisional subect to revson based on tral
batch rsus Dpnding on crcumstanc tral atchs
ay e pepaed in a laoratory. With success n the la
the ras should move on o ll-size eld baches wh he
aials ans and mthods xpctd r th pojc. This
procedue when asle avods pitlls of assung tha
data o small bachs mixd n a laboatoy nvronn
will pedict permance unde eld condions When using
axmum-sze aggregaes larger han 2 n. laoraory ral
batchs should  vid and adjusd n th ld using
ixtres of he size and type o e used duing constrction.
Tral batch pocdurs ar dscussd in Chapt 8 wih add
tional bacground and dals provdd in th appndxs
Ths guide descries a ehod  selecng proporions 
concr mad wth hydauc cnt mting ASTM C l50/
Cl50M C595/C595M or Cl l57/Cl l57M wh or whou
othe ceenitous ateials chemical admixres o boh.
This conc consists of noal-dnsy aggrgats high
densiy aggegaes, o boh (as disinguished om gh-
weght aggregates) wih a worabilty sutable r normal
cast-n-plac constucton (as disngushd o spcalty
concete mixures such as pevious o self-consolidatng
concetes) Poporonng with lghtwegh aggegaes and
rcycld aggrgas ar ohr comon optons; howv
they ae beyond the scope of ths docuent. Please efe to
ASTM C33 0/C330M and ACI 213R  lightwght agg
gaes, and ACI 555R  recycled aggregaes
Also incuded are seveal design exaples applying the
pocdu o a vaiy of situaons Fo popoonng wth
gound liesone or othe aggegate mneal ller efe to
ACI 21 1 7R
Inrmation is providd on trms and concpts usd in
the poporionng pocedue tha may e unmila to a
ovic usr
The procedue poduces a s approxiaion r propor
tons of a concr mixur I s inndd tha h propor
tons  chcd by tial batchs n h laboaoy ld or
boh and adusted as necessary o poduce a concrete wth
al th dsd chaactistics
pecentage ofee oiste on an aggregae%
pcntag of supplmntay cntious
 '
aeral to otal ceenitous by wegh %
pecentage of otal evapoable moisre
connt %
pcntag of oisu asorpion of an
aggegae, %
pecentage of concrete volume occuped by
ai %
ceent weght, lb
cntious wgh lb
specied compessive srength, ps
requied aveage compressive srength, ps
pcntag of moistur connt of an agg
gae %
pcntag of  oistu contn of an
agggat %
intial wegh of sample eng tested r
oistu connt b
oven-dy wegh of sample, b
satuatd suc-dry wight of sapl l
 wa wght lb
paste volume  
rlativ yild %
wae weght, lb
bach-ady oistu-adjustd wa wight
toal ee wae, lb
wght of agggat n saurad surc-dy
conditon 
yeld %
dsign targ volum ft
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
Plas rr to h las vrsion o f ACI Conct Trmi
nology r a comprehensive ls of dentions Dentions
povided heren complement hat esource
 h srngh gand om ac h pound
of cement in a cuc yard Wth unts of ps/l/yd  ,  s
computd by dvding h  sngh by h wgh of cmn
 a cuc yard of conct mixur
  weight pe unit volume of
ovn-dry agggat compacd by roddin g. I is also known
as "dry-rodded density. In his guide, dy-rodded density s
usd as th prrrd tm
h aily o lvl smooth consolida
and oherwse eat suces of esh o recenly placed
concr to produc a dsd apparanc and suc
 he rao of weight of a volume of a
matial at a sad tmpratur to th wght of h sam
volum of dslld watr at tha satd mpatu (rr
o ASTM Cl2 r details). It is also known as "ela
iv dnsity. In ths guid spcic gaviy s usd as th
prered tem
 the weight per unt volume of a mateal. I
s also known as "dnsity. In his gud dnsy is usd as
he pered term.
h amount or quantity of havinss. I is aso
nown as "mass In ths gude, weigh s used as the
prered tem
The selection of concree proporons involves maching
h qurmnts of h projc wh h matials and
mthods availal. In ths chap som of h commonly
encounered propertes hat go nto specfyng, designing,
and proporioning conct will b discussd. Concr
properes descie he way concee behaves whle eing
mixed, placed, cued, or in use.
Concrt propotons usually consid woraily
srengh, and durabily needed  he specic applica
ion. Oth popris may nd to  consdrd to nsur
meeng he expectatons of he nsalled maerials These
properes include pumpabily, nshability, leeding,
dnsiy hat gnraion and pmaliy Fo concr
slabs, morta conent and admxtues used can sgnicantly
act nishing and s chaactrsics of th conct mat
ials A proect can mpose the need  a parcula property
such as rapd sengh gain, modulus of elasiciy, lling of
a stl-congsd spac color and archtctual nsh For
some of these popeties, we ll-estalished elatonships are
nown. Fo oths h laonshp wn th spcic
propry and h mxu dsgn can gnraly  dscibd
with the deails wored ou though tal aches.
3.1-Watercementious maeals ao (w/c)
I has long n known (Aams 1918) ha r a givn s
of matras and co nditons concr sngh and durablity
ae dectly related o the /. Ths s he raio o f he weigh
of war xcudng tha asord y th agggat dvidd
y he weigh of cementious maeials n a mxtue, stated
Copyright Am
as a decimal. The abreviaton of cm epresens cement
and supplemenary cementious materials (SCMs) such as
y ash sl ica m and slag cmnt as dscussd th n
Chape 7
Dncs in stngh at a gvn / may sult om
changes n placemen or curing conditons; he maxmum
sz gradaton surc txur parcl shap stngh
and stness of aggegates; derences in cement types o
sources ar conten and he use of chemcal admixres
tha ac th cmnt hydation pocss o hat dvlop
cemenitous properes hemselves. Because mos o f these
cors a masuabl hy a accountd  in h com
mndations r quaniy of watr Accuat prdictons of
srength and he meeting of stengh tages should e based
on ial achs o xprnc wih th poc matials
and equements.
Wokaliy is tha propery of eshly mixed concete
tha dtrmins th as wth which i can b mxd placd
consodated, and nished to a homogeneous condion. I is
aeced by wae quanty, aggegate grading, paricle shape,
and proporions of aggrgat as wll as y th amounts and
qualties o f cemen and othe cementious materals, chem
ical admxurs amount of ntrand air and th conssncy
of he mixre
Conssency s he degree o which a eshly mxed concete
resists demaontha is, s abilty to ow. It s measued
in tms of slump (ASTM Cl43/Cl43M); th hgh h
slump h mor mobil th mxtu wll b. This aily o
ow aects the ease with which the concree can e placed.
In poply propotond conct h uni war connt
required o produce a given slump will depend on seveal
cors. The wae equrement inceases as aggegates
bcom mo angula and rough-txurd (bu hs disadvan
tage may be oset y mprovemens n oher chaacteistics
such as bond to cmnt past). Th qud mixing wat
decreases as he maxmum sie of well-graded aggregate is
inceased, or the level of a entrainment inceases Mxng
wat rquimns usually ar ducd by watr-ducng
admxues (ACI 2123R). Slump chaactestics ae used
 dvloping spcal concts such as sf-consoldatng
concee (ACI 237R), or othe applcaions needng close
conol of worabilty (ACI 238 R)
Convnonaly h avag of wo 6 x 1 2  n. o th
4 x 8 n. cylndrs rcad curd and sd a h ag
of 28 days s he value accepted as concree's compessve
srngth (ASTM C3 9/C39M). It s usd as a conrolling vau
 srucural desgn, concree poporonng, and evaluaton
of con. Conct s commonly s pcid wh comps
sv sngths om 2500 p si to gat han 1 0000 ps . Th
varabe naue of its consituents, the eects of he place
mn and curng nvionmnt all ac conct stngh.
Sengh is aeced by vaiaons in mixure consituents,
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
producton processes and cuing conditons and can e
expected o vary an allowable amoun aound a cental
mean value (ACI 2 1R). Fo insance some hghway pave
men mxtes require eachng age srength n 6 hous
accomplished wh high cementious conents and multiple
admxtes In mass and high-strength concees (8000 psi )
mixtures are ofen poporoned to povde he design
srengh at an age greaer han 28 days Howeve such
concrete may equre a minmum ealy-age stengh such as
3 days, to povde r adequae ealy sengh  opeatons
such as m emoval rm anchoage o pesressing The
choice of stengh o w/c m can e aected by early-stengh
or duraily equiements
Concrete s expeced to have a long sevce li
and herere duraily is pat of he specicaion 
concrete construction (ACI 301), and concete bulding
codes (ACI 318) (rer o ACI 201.2R  rher details).
Alhough meetng the specied compressive stengh is an
essenal and mpoan chaacterisic of concrete dura
bily consdeaions may requre a lowe w!c m, resulting
in srength greater than speced A low w/c m wll prolong
the li of concete y reducng pemeaily Ressance o
weatheing patcularly eezng and hawng and to salts
used  ce emoval s geatly mpoved y ncopoation
of an entaned ai system. Enained a s used in exteio
concrete where eezing occus (ACI 20 1 .2R) . The duraliy
of concree exposed o seawater or sulte-bearng so ls can
be enhanced wh the use of sule-ressng cement slag
cemen silca me o other SCMs In some aeas, aggre
gates should e checked r alali-aggegate reacvy
(AAR). If AAR is deected migatng seps should e taen
Rer to ACI 201 2R, AC I 2 2 1  l R  and ASTM C l 8 
moe inmaon on the migaton ofAAR
For ceran applcaions concete may be needed pimaily
 s densiy. Normal-densiy concete s appoxmately
10 to 10 lb/ (with o wihout ai entranment) Hgh
densiy concee s ofen used  counerweghs on lif
brdges, weghs r sinking oil pipelnes , a shield om adi
ation and insulaion om sound. S ome applcations o f low
densiy concree ae some rdge decks and elevaed oos
By usng specal aggegates densties as hgh as 30 l/f
and as low as 0 lb/ can e oained
3.7-Generation of hea
The hydration of cemen generaes heat (rer o
ACI 20.lR and ACI 301 Secton 8. 1 3  more inma
tion) Theee in many lage stctual elemens where a
hgh volume o f concree s pl aced, heat geneaton should
be consideed A mao concern n proporionng mass
concete, o  any concete element of sucien sze and
shape, i s the accumulaton of excessive hea and consequen
expanson of volume Thee can e a high hermal die
ental beween he coe and the elavely cool surce of
the concree elemen. The sesses nduced y the hemal
derential can lead to unaccepable cracks Temperare
conrol measures ncludng a themal derential of 3°F
 1 9. °C) o less should be consideed o educe he potenial
r such themally nduced crackng Concree placemens
paticularly when the mnmum cross-seconal dimensons
of a solid concrete meme approach o exceed 2 to 3 ft or
when low w/c m ae beng used may require that measures
be taken to conol the geneation of hea It s po ssible r
concete empeate to exceed 160°F (70°C) and if the
temperaure rse of the concete s no mnimized and the
hea is not disspated at a reasonale ate, or ifthe concrete is
subjeced to a severe empeaue deental (3 °F [ 1 9 4°C]
o more) o themal gradien, cracing  s lely o occur. Such
cracing occus a he suce of the concete typcally rst
at he cener of he lage suces  concete where estrant
is pimaly neal (e to ACI 20  l R Secion 4.3 5) .
Temperature conol measues can nclude a relaively low
intial placemen temperaure replacement of cemen wth
SCM educed quanties of cementious materals use of
chemical admxtues, o crculaion o f chlled wae. In some
situaions insulation of concete suces may e requed to
adjus  hese various concree condions and exposures.
I should be emphasized hat mass concee s not necessarly
lage-aggegate concete and hat conce abou generaon
of an excessve amount of heat n concree s no  conned to
massive dam or undaton structues
Low pemeaily s an mpotan cto r the poduc
ton of duable concree by minmzng ngress of harml
chemicals whch is oen accomplshed by he addiion of
an SCM o usng low w/cm. Chemcal admxtues can also
be used  f low pemealiy is requied (e to ACI 212.3R
r permeability-reducing admxes) Ths s of paticular
inerest conceing highway idges needng to prevent
chlorde nsion ha ultimately corodes the einrcng
steel At he othe end of the permeablity scale, pervous
concete is used in areas where i is desrale o have waer
pass though the concrete r hydrologcal envronmenal
o susanablity easons This s managed by he use of
ltle o no nes with he help of chemical admixures.
Re o ACI 5221 r addional nmaion regadng
pevious concree.
Reducing shrnkage is citcal to mmg concete
cracing Mehods r educng shrnkage nclude he reduc
ton of paste conent usage of shinkage-reducng admx
tues, usage of shrnkage-compensatng concete adequate
cuing and conol of waer conten (rer o ACI 209R
and ACI 224R r the nmaion). ACI 223R provides
inmaon on shrnkage-compensatng concrete
3.10Moduus of easticy
The modulus ofelascity is someimes of conce in appl
catons where deectons ae consideed such as brdges
oors and he sway of tall buldng s.
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
4.1-Trial batching
Tal baching s a pocess tha demonsates tha a
concr mxur wih qud propris can  producd
wih a given se of mateials and ools y mxtue popo
tions. Shotcomings dnd in th tral achs ar
addrssd though mxtu dsgn modications o mov
closer to he desired popetes The process contnues until
all h rqurmns a saisd.
Slump is th masu of consistncy of shy mixd
concree mortar or stcco equal o the subsidence measured
to th nast 1 /4 n. of th spcimn immdatly ar
removal of he sump cone (rer o ASTM Cl 43/C1 43M r
thr nmaon). Th quanty of wat p uni volum
of conc qud to poduc a givn slump is dpndn
on he nominal maximum se paricle shape and gading
of th agggats; th conct mpatu; th amoun of
entraned a; and use of chemical admxues Slump s no
greay aected by he quanty of cemen o cementious
matrials whin nomal us lvs Dpndng on aggga
textue and shape mixng-wate equrements may e some
what abov o bow th taulatd vaus, ut thy a su
cently accurate r he rs estmate The derences n water
demand ae not necessarly reected n srength ecause
oth compnsaing cors may  nvovd A oundd and
an angula coarse aggregae boh well and smilaly gaded
and of hgh qualy can e expeced to produce concete of
approximatly h sam comprssiv stngh r th sam
cmn cor dsp dncs n war-cmnt ato (/)
or w!cm, esultng om he dieen mixng-wate equre
mns. Paticl shap is no ncssarly an ndicaor tha
an aggregate wll be eher aove o below in s sengh
producing capaciy Mxtues of the siest cons istency tha
can b placd cntly should b usd
The slump val ues  concete containing aggregae lager
than 1 - 1 2 in ar basd on sump tss mad af rmoval of
parcles larger than 1 - 1/2 i n by wet screenng
431 Wellgraded-A well-gaded aggregae has a
parcl-sz dsriution hat poducs maximum dnsy
that s minmum vod space Such an aggegae mnimies
the requed pase needed to ll the aggegate vods (rer
to ACI 2 l l .6T r dals on optmal grading and pacing
density) The aggregate combnations  his gude are
assumd to  wll-gradd and mt ASTM C33/C33M
qualis o rgonay availal agggas accpd y th
local stae agencies
432 Nominal maximum aggregate size Usd r th
esimaon ofthe intial wate conten he nomna maximum
aggrga siz is ndd in conjuncton wih h slump
This s bcaus gnrally th arg an aggga s, th
less wate s needed to mobie . The nomina maximum
aggrga sz is th smals siv opning hrough which
he enre amount of the aggregate s pemtted to pass 
Copyright Am
Large nomnal maxmum ses of well-graded aggre
gats hav w vods han smallr szs Hnc, concts
wih the larger-sied aggregates requie less mota pe unt
volume of concree Geneally he nomnal maximum sie
of aggga should  th lagst that is conomically avail
able and conssent wth dmensons of the sucure In no
cas sould th nominal maxmum sz xcd 1 /5 of h
narowes dimensi on etween sdes of ms; 1/3 he deph
of slabs; o 3/4 of he minmum clear spacing beween
indvidual incng bas bundls of bars o ptn
sonng strands (e to ACI 3 18 Secion 26.42 l (a)(5))
Ths limitaons a somms wavd f worabity and
mhods of consolidaton ar such tha th concr can b
placed without honeycomng o vods. In areas congesed
wih nrcng sl, post-nsiond ducts, o conduts,
the propotioner should selec a nominal maximum se of
agggat so conct can  placd whout xcssv  sgr
gaton pocts, o vods Whn high-stngh conct is
desired es esuls may e obtaned with educed nomnal
maxmum sizs of aggrga bcaus hs produc high
srengths at a given w!cm (ACI 363R ACI 2 1 l .4R).
4 33 Large aggregate sizes-I general he larges aggre
gat siz praccal  th spcic job should b usd. Som
specia consideatons ae needed when using hese age
szs (aov 1 n.)
Less morar per unit volume of concete requires a
reducton when propotoning waer cemen and sand 
a givn mxu Bcaus hr s lss pas and gnraly
lowe slumps (1 o 2 in) admixure dosages can e signi
canty deent to oban he same esults as a mixure wih
small aggrgas Air-nraning admxus may qui
grar dosags
Enained a may be proporioned nto the mxtue o
incas worabity Whn using larg aggga wih low
cemen ctors ai entranment is no necessaily detrmenal
to srength In mos cases he mxng-wae equrement is
rducd scnty to improv th ! and to hus compn
sae r he stengh-educng eect of a entranment. Fo
concs w ith lag nomnal maximum sizs of aggrga,
air conents recommended  exreme exposure should be
consideed even hough thee may be lile o no exposure o
mosr or zng
For some applications aggregae sies over 6 in are avail
abl In h nitd Sats, projcts usng larg aggrgat
ses have been typcally propotioned and placed usng 3  n.
nomina maxmum sie aggregae
4 3.4 Bulk volume ofcoarse aggregate per unit o lume
The voume of loose stone compacted to speccaons of
ASTM C29/C29M tha wll b akn up in h unit volum
of h oncrt mixu
43 5 Fineness modulus-U wth the maximum aggre
gat sz th nnss modulus s usd o simat h bu
volume of coase aggegae pe unt volume ofconcete. This
valu suls om an ASTM C 1 36/C l 36M siv analysis. It
is a cto oband y progrssivly adding h cumulav
sums of the percenages reaned on specied sieves hen
divding ha sum y 100 Th svs, halvng in opnng
se ae 6 n (150 mm) 3 n (75 mm) 1-1/2 in (375 mm)
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
3/4 in (19 ) 3/8 in. (9 ) No. 4 (4.7 ) No. 8
(2 36 ), No. 1 6 ( 1 . 1 8 ) No 30 (600 ), No. 50
(300 ) and No 1 00 ( 1 0 ). I is an esae of he
posion in he seve sack whee he aveage se parcle is
locad In ohr words,   s a asu of h avrag partcl
se hat aecs the way he voids eween the coase aggre
gat patcls a l ld
436 Drydded densiU  deerinaion o f he
weigh of coase aggegate ae he bulk volue has een
caculad,  is th wigh p unt vou of ovn-dry
aggregate copaced y oddng as dened n ASTM C29/
43.7 Saturated suace-d relative densi (specfc
gravi)U  detenng he asolute volue of
coars agggat and usd to drin th wght of h
ne aggegae  s he ato of the weght of a volue of a
aial (ncl uding th wgh of watr wthn h voids bu
no includng th vods wn paricls) at a sad tpr
aue to the weigh of an equal volue of distilled waer a
a stad patu. Satuatd surc-dry (SSD) spcic
gravties ae easued usng he procedues ofASTM Cl 27
and C l 2 8 r coase and ne aggregates respecively.
Wat usd in xg conct should conrm o
ASTM Cl602/Cl602M. ASTM C l 602/C l 602M allows he
use of potale wate wihou testing and ncludes ethods
 qualfyng nonpoal soucs of wa wh consdr
aion of eects on seing e and strength Testng equen
ces ae esablshed to ensue connued ontoring of wae
qualy Th sandad ncluds oponal lis  chords,
sus aalis, and solds n xing watr that can 
invoed when appropiae
4.5-Chemical admixures
Cheical adxtues are used o odfy the properes of
concr o a  o worabl duabl or conocal;
incease o dec ease the e of set acceleate stengh gan
or conrol tpraur gan. Chcal adxus should 
used only afe an appopiae evaluaton has been conduced
to show hat the desied eecs have een accoplished n
th concr und h conditons of inndd us. Wa
reducing adxres se-conrollng adxtues or boh
conrming o th qurnts of ASTM C494/C494M,
when used sngulaly o in cobnation wih othe checal
adxtues wil sgncany reduce the quanty of wae
pr uni volu of concr. Th us of so chca
adxtes even at the sae slup wll iprove such qual
its as wokablity, nshaity pupailiy duabity
and coprssiv and xural stngh. Whn only usd
to incease slup checal adxtes ay not iprove
any ohr of th poptis of h conct ASTM C 1 602/
C l 602M eques liquid adxtures used in quanites tha
incas h / y or han 0.0 1   cound as pat of
th ixng wa.
Th volu of a nds to b known caus  is
included n the su ofthe volues of he known ngredients
when applyng he absolute volue ethod o deerine
th vou of n aggrgat. A n conc appars n wo
rs: entrapped and enained Enrapped ar bubles are
gnally largr han nraind ons and irgularly shapd
and dispsd. ntaind ubs a gnray sallr han
0 1  and are ound unde icroscopc exainaon The
dsiution of th ubls asurd by h spacing cor
is as porant as the se Enained air is ntoduced into
conct to nhanc h concr's zng-and-hawng
rssanc. I is poducd wh h addion to h conct
xtue of ai-enraning adxtues.
4.61 Entrapped ntrappd ar s h air vods in
concete tha ae no purposely entained. They are lage
irgular n shap lss us than thos of ntaind ar and
0 04 in ( 1 ) o lagr n sz. ntrappd a is sn against
the sdes of he r and n broken concree as vsible voids
ndr aggrga paticls
Tale . 3. 3 appoxaes th e aount of enapped ar to
be expected n non-ar-entaned concree in he tale.
4.62 Entrained ntrand a tas h  oficro
scopc ar bules inentionally incopoated n a ceen
tous past duing ixng usually y us of a surc-aciv
agen. The air bubes ae ypically etween 00004 and
0 04 in ( 1 0 and 1 000 µ) in daeer and spheical o nearly
so. As iporant as h siz of th ubls is thr dispson
thoughou the ceent paste Soe waer-reducing adix
tues w l unntentionally entran ai
Tal 5 .3 3 ndicas h approxiat aount of ntrappd
ai to b xpct d in non-ai-ntrand concrt and shows th
recoended average ar conten  air-enraned concete.
If air nrann s ndd or dsid, th rquid toal ar
conent levels ae gven  each aggregae sie dependng
on the pupose of the entained air and the severy of expo
sur if ntrand ar s ndd r duraily
The use of noal aouns of ai enrainen in concete
wh a spcid stngth of approxialy 5000 ps ay not
be possibe because each added percent of air lowers the
axiu sengh oainale wth a given coinaon of
arals In ths cass, h xposu o wa dicing salts,
and eeng teperaes should e caelly evaluated If
a r is n ot contnually w and wll no t b xposd to
decng sas lower air-conent values such as hose gven
in Table  3 .3 r F 1 exposue class ae approprae even
though th concr is xposd to zng-and-hawng
teperaures Howeve r an exposue condtion where the
b ay b saturatd por to zng th us of ar
nainn should no  sacrcd r stngh. In crain
applicatons i ay e und ha he conten of entraned
ai s lowr than hat spcid, dspit th us of usually
satiscory levels of ar-enainng adixure Ths happens
occasionallyr xap, whn vry hgh cn contnts
ar nvovd In such cass , th achivn of qud
duablity ay be deonstraed y satisctory esults of
xainaon of a-vod srucur n h past ofth hardnd
concete (Ley et a 20 12 )
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
When rial atches are used o esalish stength ela
ionshps o vify strngth-poducng capabity of a
ixure, he least vorale coinaon of xing water
and ai conent should e used. The a conent should e
h axiu pmid o likly to occu and h concr
should be designed o he highes pessle slup. Ths
will avoid dvopng an ovr-opsic sia of stngth
on he assupton ha aveage, athe than exee, condi
ions wll pevail n the eld If he concete otained in the
ld has a lowr sup ai connt or oh th propotions
of ingredents should e adjusted to ainan required yield
Fo addtional nration on air connt condations
 to ACI 201 .2R 3 01  and 302.lR
4 6 3 Eect on trength Fo noral concee, he addi
ion of ach addiional prcnag pont of a will rduc
he sengh of he concree appoxaely 5% ( Yudaku
 al. 201 ).
4.7-Watercementitious maeas aio (w/c)
Th wa-cntous aras ao (w/cm) is th
ao paraeter controllng concee srengh Fo a given
ixure of concree aterals, a specic w/cm produces a
uniqu stngh. Fo h sa ixur achving a spcd
srengh requies a paricula w/cm.
Alhough t s piariy a dnan of concr
srengh, w/cm aecs othe porant properes such as
density, elasic odulus, duablity, shrnkage and cracing,
and prmabity. Achivng on of hs poptis ay ca
  w/cm lowe than one that ght e dctaed y strength
Once he / s chosen,  is used o detene the weigh
of cnitous atials f th quanty of wa s nown
or vc vrsa
471 w/c selectionT selecion of w!cm s ade
asd on h srngth qud Howv hr a svral
possbilies and ore han one w/cm ay e ndcated, and
an oderly consderaon is needed Frst, w/cm ay e spec
d n conac docunts. Nx th nvironntal condi
ions should be exaned. ACI 3 18 Chape 19 lss several
xposu cagois wih ultipl casss ach calling r
a parcula srength and w/cm The lowest w!cm r any of
the applcale cases, or he w/cm requied o produce he
rquird sngth nds o b consdd Finally o account
 he vaiabliy of concee, the requred aveage copes
sve strength, J', wll dcate a paticular w/cm The w/cm
slctd r th dsign wll b h lowst valu slcd o
beween hose required by speccaon, exposue class, o
rquid avag coprssv strngth Th rlaionshp
beween w/cm and strength can be evaluated though w/cm
cuves tha plot he srengh poduced by a patcular set of
ingdns as  w/cm is changd. Withou such an analysis
Table 5 . 3 4 can be used o estate w/cm
472 w/c speced by contractW  w/cm is spc
d by conac t should b copard to thos ndd 
duablity and strength If anoher consdeaion produces
a lowr w/cm, h spcication is consdrd to hav
been exceeded
473 w/c neededfor durabiliT qud w/cm and
strngth  duabilty s dpndnt on th xposu.
ACI 3 1 8 Chaper 1 9 requires consideaton of exposue o
th llowng u catgors: sul xposur (S) zing
and-thawing exposure (F), exposure when n contac wh
wae (W), and exposue o corosion (C) ACI 30  Chape 
also adopts ths ur xposur cagors dscid n
ACI 3 1 8 Chape 1 9
Tal 4.3a shows h rquirns r xposur Ca
goy S r sulte exposure
Tale 4.7.3 shows the requireens r Exposue Cae
goy F r zng-and-hawng xposur
Tale 4.73c shows he requireens r Exposure Cae
goy W n conac wih wae
Tal 4..3d shows th rquirns r xposu Ca
goy C  condtons rquing corosion protcton of
4 7 31 Freezing-and-thawing exposureT zing
and-thawing exposue class has u categores: F, F  ,
F2, and F3. The F caegory is not exposed to eeng
and-thwing condi ons and Catgois F l though F3 a
exposed o a lesse to a greaer exent The a conen 
zing-and-hawing rssanc s spcd n Tal 4.   3 l .
Tabe 4.3aRequiemens or concee by Exposue Caegoy S fo sulfae exposue (ACI 30120
Tabe 4.2.2.G(b))
Exposre cass
w/cm *
Optio I
Optio 2
Requied cemetitious mateals-types
Calcum chlode
Minimum.', psi ASTM C O/C OM
ASTM C 57/C1157M
ASTM C595/C595M
No rsictio
Typ wih MS) signation
No rsictio
Typs wit S) sigion
No pmid
V pl pozzoan or
ypes wit (HS) esigion
HS pu pozzol o
No pmid
lg cmt
pl pooa o lg cmt
lg cm
Typs wit S) sigion
No pmid
'Th mamm wlcm lms o no app o gwegh ore
tAlteative combiatons of cementious maeials of ose
ised n his able are acceptabe f este r slte resisance and meeig the crieia n Tabe 4  6(b  
or sawa posue oh ps o poran cemes wh cacm alma  C 3A) cons p o 1% are apab e cm os o ced 0
!Othe avaiabe types of ceme suc as Type I l o Type I are acceptabe n Exposre Cass es S  o S2 if the CA coens ae less an 8% or % especively
The amon of the specc source of the pozzoan or slag cemet to be se sha be at least the amout deemie by tes or sevice record to mprve slte resisance whe
se i cocee coaning Type V cement Alteaively he amon of the spec c souce of he pozzan or sag se shal ot be less an e amon este i accordance wi
AST C /C2M a meng h qurmns o Tab 4.2 26 b  .
I Tpe V mn s sd as e sol cemos maera,  opoa su ssace eqme 0 40% mamm epanson  n ASTM C 1 50/C  5M  s appcab
Copyright Am
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Table 4.73b-Requements for concree by
Exposue Categoy F or feezngandthawing
exposure (ACI 3020 Tabe
Exposue Maxmm Mnimm
', psi
Ai content
abe 42.6(c) 
abe 42.6(c)
abe 42.6(c) 
4.2 1 )
Tabe 6 c) I
•Te maimm wlcm limits do o appy o lightweight concree
Tabe 4.73c-Requiemens o Exposure Categoy
W n contact wth wate (ACI 30120 Tabe
Exposre cass
' psi
Addtona minmum
"e maximm wm limis do o appy o lighweigh onree
Tabe 4.73d-Requiemens or Exposure Cate
goy C or condions requing corrosion protec
ion of einfocemen (ACI 3020 Tabe
Maximum watesobe
choride on C) content
Exposre Maximum Mnmm
in concete, % by mass of
', ps
cementtous materias!
o-petesed cocee
Prestrese concree
Te maimm w/cm limits do o appy o lightweight concree
e maximm emeniios maerias onen se in deemiing hloe one
sha ot ecee wo times e mass o porand ceme.
Tabe 4.73.1-Toa ai content o concrete
exposed to cyces of feeng and hawing
(ACI 3020 Tabe)
Nomna maximm
aggegate sze, n.
Tota ai content, % •t
Exposue Casses
F2 and F3
Exposre Cass Fl
5. 5
'Toeance o a r cote as delvere sha be ± 1 %
oj; eqa o or greaer ha 50 ps i, i is aepable o ree air one by 1 0
peceage point
able 4.73.2-Limts on suppementay cementi
ous materias fo concrete assigned o Exposure
Class F3 (ACI 3020 Table 4.2.1.(b))
Sppementay cementitious matea
y ash or nua pozzons coming to
Sag cemen coming to ASM C989
Silica me conming to ASTM C  0
otal o fy ash or aural pozzoas sag
cement n siic me
Toal o y ah or ual poolans ad
lca me
Maximum % of tota
cementtos materia
by mass
35 
Tota cemenitios materia also incldes ASTM C 1/C  0M  C9/CM ad
  157/C   57M eme he maximm peeages above sha  le:
(a) Fy ash or natal pozzoans pese  ASTM C 1 / C 1 M or C9 /C M
ype I P blee eme
(b Slag cemet pese  ASTM C 1 1 /C   M or C9/C M Type IS bened
(c) Sca me comig toASTM C 24 present in ASTM C  1 /C 1 M o
595 /C5 5M ype I bended emen
FJy ash o naura pozzoans and silica ume sal constitte o moe an 2% and
0% especvey, of he oa mass of he emeos maeals
able 4.73.3Sufae concenration ranges
fo each sufate exposure (ACI 20.2R6
able 6..4.1 (a))
Sfte exposre
SO, egigie
S I  Moee!
S Severe
S3, Very sevee
Wate-soue suate (S04) in
so (% y weigt)
000 to 01 0
0.1 0 to 0.20
00 to 00
over 00
Sfte S0) n
water ppm)
0 to 1 50
15 0 to 15 00
1500 to 10,000
ove 10000
When se an be epenishe by owg waer or om aoher exerio soe,
the pesece o  to 10 ppm o se shod be consdeed moerae epose
 fhe oree w be exposed o ses a maxmm wlm of05 wi a
inimmJ' o  ps s eede r moeate epose o e sevee ad vey
severe exposes a wlm of05 ad a minimm sreng of 5 ps ae neee
4732 When SCMs are used r Exposue Class F
lis on ther use ae lsed in Table 
47 33 Suate exposure-Tl .  . lists the sulte
concentraon anges  each sule exposue class Exposue o seawae can be consi deed an equvalent to modeate
sulte exposue Sulte concenraon ranges  the sulte
exposure classe s are n Tale 
When sulte exposue i s ancipaed, consult ACI 0  .R
4734 PermeabiThere ae also Permeablity Caegoies WO and W   stuctures n consant conac wth
wae In the rst case peealiy is no a con sideation;
in he second case i s
In Table ., concrete exposed to water whee pereablity is not an ssue has only a requiemen of 500 ps.
Concete exposed o wae where permeabity s an ssue
such as concete used n a waer arer elementha s the
wall of a wae tankcan have a axiu w/cm of 050
and mnu compessve strength of 000 ps.
473 Coon Finally thee is he corosion class with Caegoies CO through . In he CO caegoy the stuctue is dry or protected om oistue. In the
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
Tabe 4.74.-Requied average compressve
stengh er f daa ae no avaiabe o esabsh
standad deviaon (ACI 30120 Tabe
Speced c mpressive stengt
', psi
Requied aveage
cmpessve strengt', psi
Les than 3000
3000 to 5000
Ove 5000
lc'  1000
', ps
Use the larger f:
 + 100
  f' + 700
5000 or le
fc, = lc'  I  34
, =l' + 33k - 500
Ove 5000
f,' = lc  I 34
J= 09 0/c' + .33k
Tabe 4.74.3-kaco or inceasing sampe
sandard deviaon or numbe of strengh ess
consideed in calcuaing standad deviation
(ACI 30120 Tabe
Total nm be o tests cnsdeed
30 o more
k-ct fr nceasing sampe
standad deviaton
oe Lnea epolao r nermeae nmbe of e  aepable
C 1 category here s no exposue o exeal chloides b
n Categoy C2 there ae exernal chlorides. In the C and
C l categoies a mnimm compessve strength of 2500 ps 
s the only reqiremen. In he C2 caegoy, whee here s
expose o exeal chloides such as deicng sas acksh
water seawaer or spray om these souces a maximm
w/cm of0. 40 and mnmum compressive stengh of00 0 ps
ae reqied as shown in Table 47 .3 d
474 w/cm fm rquird strngth-Bee of the vai
aly of concree, a eqied aveage compressive stength
J' is often equired. The equired average compressive
srengh shold exceed the specied compressive stength
' by a sucien margin to keep the nume of noncom
plian test esults elow 1 % (ACI 2 l 4R; ACI 301 ). Several
methods ae used o determine the reqed average
sengh dependng on he amount of stengh es daa tha
is availale.
4741 n no data ar avaiab-We no daa
ae availale r deerminng the sandard devaion
Tale 4. 7 4. 1 can e used to deermine he required average
compessve strength
47 4.2 Standard diation  dtrmindfrom 30 strngth
tsts-We he sandard deviaton is determned om more
than 30 strength ests, i s sed whou modicaion.
47 4. 3 Standard diation dtrmindfrom fwr than 30
strngth tsts- When s is based on 1 to 29 tests the s of
those est esls is multiplied by the approprae modca
tion ctor otained om Table 4 7. 4 3.
4744 Rquird avrag strngth whn standard dia
tion is dtrmind-Wh an applicale vale of the sandard
deviaon  he equaions om Table 47 .4 4 can e used to
calclae c.
4745 w/cm through watrcmnt ratio curs-A good
way to desgn a concree mixure is based on expeence
wih he mateias to e used and the esults achieved in the
pas. It is hghly desiable o have or to develop he ela
tionship beween strength and w/cm  the materals to e
Copyright Am
Table 4.74.4-Requred aveage compessive
strengh fer if daa are avaiable to esablsh
a sample sandard deviaon, ps (ACI 3020
', psi
Noe: / is requed average compressive steng;' s spec e cocee strength k
 o om Table 423 3(a)2 and ,  anda evaon aulaed n acorace
wi 4.23 2.
sed. Whe n such a relaionshp s availale he /  he
required aveage compressive sengh can be chosen
4746 w/cm by tabl-Approximate and relatively
conservative vaes w/cm r concree containng potland
cemen can e taken om Table 53.4 Wh typcal mae
rals, the taulated w/cm shold podce 28-day srengths
close o those shown ased on ess of specimens cued
nde standard laboatoy condions.
475 Cmnt-Cement shold mee the equrements
of ASTM Cl50/Cl 5 0 MAASHTO M 85 ASTM C595/
C9M-AASHTO M 240M/M 240 o ASTM Cll7/
C l l 5 7 M Specc gravty  cemen s generally assmed
to be 315  ASTM Cl50/Cl 5 0 M; al ohers may be
slightly lowe
47.6 Suppmnta cmntitious matrials-Supple
menary cementious maerals (SCMs) ae ofen used n
concete n combnation wth potland o lended cement
 economy redction of hea of hydation improved
wokablity and mpoved strength or duability nde he
antcpated sevice envonment These benets depend on
the amount and ype of SCMs used sch as y ash natal
pozzoans (ASTM C618) slag cemen (ASTM C989/
C989M) and silca me (ASTM Cl240)
As dened n ASTM C61 8 pozzolans ae "sliceous o
slceous and alumnos maeals which n themselves
possess lle or no cemenitos vale b wll in nely
dvded rm and n the pesence of mosure chemicay
reac wih calcm hydroxide a odnary temperaures o
m componds possessng cementios popeties.
Fly ash is he ney dvided esde tha esls om he
comstion of gound or powdered coal Fly ash sed n
concete s classed ino two categores: Class F whch
has poolanc properes and Class C whch n additon
to havng pozzolanc properes also has some cementios
poperies in tha ths maeral may e self-seing when
mxed wih water Class C y ash may conain lme (CaO)
amounts hghe than 1 0% The use of y ash in concree is
moe lly descred and discssed in ACI 2322R
Blas-ace sag is a y-prodct of the poducion of pg
iron. When his slag s apdly quenched and gound   wll
possess laent cementious popeties. Aer pocessing he
maeial is known as slag cemen whose hydralic proper
ties vary and can be separaed nto gades noted n ASTM
C989/C989M. The grade casscaton gves gudance on
the elave stengh poental of 0% slag ceme nt moars o
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
the rerence poland ceent motar a 7 and 28 days. Slag
cmn grads ar 80, 1 00, and 1 20, i n ordr of ncrasing
srengh poentia When slag ceent is used n concree
wih potland ceent he leves and ae of srength devel
opmnt will dpnd o n th poptis of h s lag cn, h
properes of the potland cemen and he relave and toal
amounts of slag cmnt and potland cmnt
Silca e as used n concete s a y-poduct resulting
o the reducton of high-pury quarz wth coal and wood
chips n an lcic ac ac during th producton of
slicon eal o rosilcon alloys (ASTM Cl240) Silca
m, whch condnss om th gass scaping o h
acs, has a vry high connt of aophous slicon
dioxde and consists of very ne spheical patcles Othe
nas hat hav n usd includ sli ca dust condnsd o
precopaced slica me and microslica he most appro
prat is silca m.
Mthods  popotoning and valuating concr
ixtres conaning these SCMs should e ased on ral
batchs using a rang of ngrdin proporions By valu
aing the eec on stengh wae equieen tme of
se and other impotan popetes he optmum amount of
cmntious matrals can b dnd In h asnc of
pror inrmaton and n he neres of preparng esaed
proportions  a s tral bach or a sis of ral batchs n
accordance wth ASTM C 1 92/C l 92M he llowng ypcal
ranges are gven ased on he percentage o f he ingedents
by h oal wght o f SCM usd i n th batch r srucua
Cass F y ash15 o 25%
Class C y ash15 o 35%
Natal pozzolans1 0 o 20%
Slag cn25 to 0%
Silca e5 to 10%
Whn using SCMs, h quantity of h matrals usd p
cubic yad of concree may be derent o hat pevi
ously shown. Often cerain specal equred properies
such as vy high strngth odulus of lasticy or slf
consoldaton nvolve usng ternary o quaternary blends
usng muipl SCMs.
In cass wh hgh aly strnghs ar qurd th toal
weigh of SCM ay e geate han would e needed if po
land cn wr th only cmntious matrial Wh
high early stengh s no requied highe pecenages of y
ash ar qunty usd
Oftn i s und tha wh h us of y ash and slag
cemen the amount of mxing wae equied o obain he
dsrd slump and worabity of conct may b ow
than hat used in a mixre usng only potland ceen.
Whn slica m s usd, addional xing wa s usuay
rqurd han whn using only potland cn. In calcu
lating he aoun of chemical adxtes to dispense 
a givn batch of conct, h dosag should gnrally 
appled o the toal aount of cementious aeral. Unde
these condtions the educon in mi xng wate  conven
tional wa-rducng admxus (Typs A, D, and E should
be a leas 5% and  high-ange wae-reducng admix
turs (HRWRAs), a last 1 2%. Whn sag cnt s usd n
concete xtues contanng some HRWRA the admixre
dosag ay b rducd y approximaly 25% copad to
xtues conaining ony porland cement
Due o dieences n hei specc gravties a gven
wght of an SCM wll not occupy th sam voum as an
equal weight of potland cemen. The specic gravity of
blndd cns wll b lss han that of porland cnt.
Thus when using eher blended cemens o SCMs the yeld
of the concete mixre should be adjusted using the acual
spcic gavis of h arals usd.
Class C y as h noally of exeely low caon conent
sualy has ltl or no c on nraind a or on th air
nainng adixtur dosag at. Many Class F y ashs may
requie a hgher dosage of ai-entraning admxre o oain
spcid air connts; if cabon contnt is high, h dosag
rae may e seveal es tha of non-y-ash concrete The
dosag rquird ay also  qut vaial Th ntand ar
connt of concr conainng hi gh-caron-contn y ash
ay be dicul o obtan and mainan. Oher ceentious
marals ay  tatd th sam as cn n dtrminng
the poper quantiy of ar-entainng admixtures per cubic
yad of concree o pe 1 00 l of cementious maeial used.
Concr contaning a poposd lnd of cnt, ohr
ceentious aeials and admixures should be esed to
dn h tm qud  sttng a varous mpa
tues. The use of os SCMs generally slows the ie-of
settng of the concee and his perod ay be polonged
by hghr prcntags of hs matals n h cntiious
blend cod weaher and he pesence of chemical adix
tues no ulated speccally r acceleraon
Bcaus of th possil advrs cs on nshng
tm and consqunt laor coss in som cold clmas,
the popoton of other ceenitous maerals n he bend
may hav to  rducd low th opum amoun r
strength consderaons. Some Class C y ashes ay aect
settng ie wheeas soe othe cementious maeials may
hav lttl c on sting  Any ducon in cmnt
conent wll educe heat geneaton and noay polong
th sing tim.
When naral pozzolans y ash slag cement and slica
e are used n concree a wate-cemen-plus-SCM raio
o / should b considd in plac of h radtional /
by weigh.
4.77 Absolut volum mthod-I his pocdur th
weghts o f waer ai ceenitous aerals and coarse
aggegate ae deened eher hrough speccaton expe
rnc, or chats. Onc ths valus ar known th asolut
volues of these aeials ae deermined usng he proper
spcic gravtis. Thn thos volums ar sumd along
wh th volum pcntag of ai That sum is sutactd
om the unit volume to deermine he required volue
of n aggga Th volum of n aggrgat s hn
convered o s equivalent wegh usng he specic gravty
and h wgh-volu rlaonshp.
4.7 7 1 Unit volumTe unt volu  ths pocdur
is 1 yd  The sum or the absolute volues of all the concete
mixur ngrdints wll  th uni volu.
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
4772 Abolut olumI the case of solids he
displacmnt voum of paticls thmslvs, ncuding
thei peeale and peeale voids bu excludng space
beween parcles; in the case of uids hei volue
A mor xac pocdu r calculatng th quird
amount of ne aggregate nvolves the use of volumes
displacd y th ingdnts. Th asout volum mhod
presened subtacts he sum of he absolute volues of the
deermined constients o he unt voue o deterine
th rqurd volum of th sand om whch h wight of
sand is deermined The desgn s checked y measuring the
yild wth pocdurs of ASTM Cl38/C l 3 8 M as wll as
tsng h mixur's ohr rquird propris.
4773 Spcc graviwightvolum rlationhipTe
volum occupd in conct by any ingdn s qual to s
weigh divided y the densiy of tha ateial
Th spcic gravity is th ao of th dnsity of a
susanc to h dnsy o f wat at a spcd mpratur
and pessure. The densy s he wegh per un volue of
a substanc Th wgh-voum rlaionshp dnd y
the specic gravity of a susance is used o deene the
volume of a known susance if he wegh s known and
vic vrsa. Th dnsiy of a susanc wll b th spcic
gravty mulpled by he densty of waer. Once the density
is known, h wigh of a gvn volum of h susanc
can be und y dividing the volue by he densty If the
volume is known he weigh is und by mutiplying it y
th dnsy
47 7 4 hortical a irr dniThe su of the
weighs of the constuens of a concete ixtre dvided
by h sum of h absolut volums ss h vou of ar.
478 Moitur adjutmnt Knowng th mostur
conten of aggegae sockples s vaiale the ne water
bachd o h xtu ypcally has to  adjustd to accom
odae tha varaily Moiste adjusens ae no par of
the desg n They are adusens to the design weghs of the
aggrgats and wa nd d to achiv th conct ixtur
desgn wth respec o wae. The weight of he design water
should  adusd  wat on h agggats tha s 
to hydrae ceent. The ee waer s the toal aoun of
water minus h e absobed wae. When aggegaes are elow
SSD, hy wll absor war so addtional war will nd
to e added to the batch wate When aggregaes are above
SSD, th s  wa on h aggrgat so wat will 
suraced om the atch waer.
4781 On Oven dry is he mosture condion
achvd whn an aggrga s did to consant wight In
this state he aggegate contains no osure a all If an
SSD wight s known, th ovn-dry wight can b und
usng h l lowing quaton.
When he oven-dry weigh  s known the SSD weght can
be und us ing he llowing equaion
m = m 1 + 
47 82 Saturatd cdry i s the mosture condi
ion achivd af a lly sauratd aggrgat is did untl
all he surce oiste has been evaporated.
Copyright Am
4783 otal moitur contntThe moisture content
is th amoun of moisu hat can b vapoatd om
an aggrgat undr contolld condtions and compud
om ASTM C66  I contains boh he asored and he
surc moistu.
The ota osure conten compuaion s
m;  m
%total =
4784 AborptionDetened though the pocedures
ofASTM Cl 27 and C l 2 8 absopon s th mosur connt
when he aggegate s dried o ts SSD condion to its
oven-dy state A he SSD sae he aggegate has absored
as much wa as possibl, ut th s no moisu on h
surce of the parcles.
A% =
m  m
4785 Fr watr ee waer is the toal amoun of
wa ss h wat absobd ino h aggrga. Ths wat
is on he surce of the aggregae paricles and is availale
to hydat cmnt.
%total  A%
47.86 Fr watr wight computation whn ovn-d
wight i kownTo compue the ee wae the oven-dy
weght of he aggegate is ultiplied y he ee moistue
connt o dtrmin th wigh of war ndd o adjust h
design wate conent
47.87 Fr watr wight computation whn SSD wight
i kownWhen the weight s given in erms of SSD
wght  s convtd no ovn-dy wght y divding y
(l +
mw 
l + 
A% 
478 8 Conntional mthodfor computation offr watr
wightBecause typcal batch ckets give he weighs of
th concr constitunts in SSD ms  s convnnt
to copute the ee water based on these values wthout
convrng o ovn-dry wght Th  watr is compud
as the SSD weght mulipled by he moi stue conent.
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Ths method poduces an insignicant deence
compared o the heoreical mehod  hard aggegates. I
overesmaes the ee water because it ovestates he oven
dry wegh slghtly resuling n a ltle moe aggegate and a
lile less water n the mixure han called  by he design
usually well wihin the weighng toleances r wae
given y ASTM C94/C94M Cae should be exercsed
however, when using highly asoben aggegates a high
mosure conens whee  is possle o shi he ! o he
nearest 0.0 1 
479  
47.91 Yield s he volume of eshly mixed
concrete produced om a known quaniy of ingedens:
the total wegh of ingredens divded y he densiy of he
eshly mixed concree It is compued based on he elaion
ship given in ASTM Cl38/C13 8 M Concrete is poduced on
a volumeic ass ethe as a cubc yad or a cubic meter
bu i is atched on a weigh ass accoding to a mxtue
desgn o mxtue propotions If he mxte propoions ae
no ached o detemned properly he comned materals
may produce eihe more or less than the desred volume
of concree.
I s the sum of the weight of he ngediens bached
dvded y he esh densiy, also determined y ASTM C 1 3 8/
Cl38M The result is a volume tha is compared o he
volume he ingredens wee supposed o poduce The age
yeld is 1 yd o 27 ft of concree maeial in most cases.
4.7.92  Relative yield () is he raio of
the actual volume of concree obaned (  o he volume as
designed (Yd)  the atch calculated as llows
A value r  geaer han 1 00 indicates an excess of
concete eing produced whereas a value less han 1 .00 nd
cates the atch o be shot o f s desgned volume
Even though he concete aching pocess i s designed o
produce 1 yd (27  ) varaions in bach weghs, specic
gaviy of maerials aggregae moi stue condions and ai
conent will result n ucaions in the batch volume Thee
is no publshed yield toleance n eithe ASTM o ACI docu
mens bu a pacical olerance can e esmaed.
4793 B In the eld, ASTM C94/C94M
batchng olerances allow the atch weghs o vary ±1 %
 cemenitous materals and up to a maxmum ±2% 
aggegates when weghed n indvidual batches nained
air tolerances allow r as much as ± 1 .5 % of the mxtue
volume If he poduce decides o monito the overall toler
ance of he yield of the atchng pocess a 1 or 2% yield
would gve the numbers dealed n Tale 4.7 9.3 
A 1 % ove ach on aggegaes and a 2% addtional (ove
target) air conten can resul in a yeld o f 1 03 on some
As long as the  is withn 0.98 o 1 02  the yield s pob
ably wihin accepable oleances; howeve a contactor wh
a 1000 yd placement might oject to havng o purchase an
exta 20 yd above wha he anicipaed.
able 4.79.3-0verall batch oleances for yied
Overall batch toerances fr yied
 ft
Over eld (+)
Under ield (-)
47.94 B of  Typcally in batchng
concete materals the weighing ou of he cementious
maerals s more consant than hat of he aggegates due
to compensaion and adjustment of ee mosre on the
aggegate Also, he cos dierence of cemen compaed to
aggegate puts a cus on coec oleance r cemen Fo a
gven mxe desgn the cemenitous conent is elatvely
xed o he accuacy of he scale om batch to atch This
relatively consant cement cto has he llowing eec on
changing batch yields caused by a vaey of cors
If the concee ach under-yelds (produces less han
the desied concee volume), he llowing condions
may occu:
(a) Cementious maeals ae ypically weighed on a sepa
rae scal e and are ily constan r a given bached mixre
design. When a load ofconcree is atched and und o e in
an unde-yield conditon, the pecent of cement pe volume
of materal is geate han ha of he desgn thus causing a
lower / (pesumng oginal wate content wih smlar
slump) and leadng to highe compressive senghs, and a
more cosly concree per cubic yad
(b) I f the atch sie  s smalle than expeced, bu the waer
conent s not changed the concete mixre may have a
gher-han-accepable slump
(c) The contacto wll eceive less concete than requesed.
If he concete ach ove-yields (poduces more han
the desied concee volume) he llowing condions
may occu:
(a) As stated prevously the same amoun of cement is
bached and he concee is und o e in an over-yeld
conditon. Ths equres the same amount of cemen to cover
a larger popotion of aggegates and resuls n less net
cemen pe yad hus lowe stengths
(b) The larger ach will require more water r a gven
slump which wll result in a highe / and lower-than
ancipaed strength
(c) If he wate conten s no changed, the concete
mxtue may have lowe-han-equesed slump
Relative yeld  trial batches should be repored n the
eld o la epot
The pocedure r selecon of mixtre proporions gven
in this secon s applcale to nomal-densy and high
densy concetes. The same asc data and pocedures can
also be used n propotionng concetes using mulple aggre
gae sze acions mulple ypes of cementious mateials
o oh. Sample compuaions r hese ypes of concee are
gven n the examples of Chapter 9.
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
Am ercan Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material -
Slction of concr popotons should b asd on s
daa o expeence wih the aeials o e used. Where
such bacground s limied o no avalable esaes given
hn may b mployd Th innt is o produc a al
ach which will e tesed  the requied esh and had
nd propis and modd as ncssay to produc th
qurd proprs Th llowing nrmaton r avalabl
materials is usel:
(a) Sv analyss of n and coas aggrgats
() Densty of coase aggegate
(c) Bul spcic gravtis dnsty a SSD conditons, and
asorpons of aggrgas
(d) Mxing-waer equrements of concree developed
o xprnc wih avalabl aggrgas
(e) Relatonships etween stengh and he rao of / or
w/cm r avalabl cobinaions of cns ohr cni
ious matrals if considd and aggrgas
( Specic gavies of hydaulc cemen and other
cmnttious matials, f usd
Esaes om Tables 53.3 and 5.3.4 espectvely
may e used when inaon o Seps (d) and (e) are
not avalabl
5.2Seecon pocess
The selecon process egins by esang the equired
ach weghs r he concete. The esaon nvolves a
squnc of logcal, saightrwad stps tha, in c, 
he chaactestics of he availale materals no a mixture
sutable r he wo The jo speccaons ay dicae
som o all of h llowing
(a) Maxmum w/cm
() Miniu cementious mateials content
(c) Air connt
(d) Slump
(e) Nominal axum sie of aggregae
( Stngth
(g) Oher equrements elating to requred average
stngh, admixurs and spcial yps of cnt, othr
cementtious mateials o aggegae
5.3Esmaon o batch weghs
Regardless of whethe the concree characeistcs are
pscrbd y h spcications or ar lf to h ndividual
selecing the poporons esaon of atch weights per
cuic yard of concree can e es accomplshed in the
llowng squnc
531 Stp  Choc of sump-I slup s no speci
d, a valu appropra  h wo can b slctd o
Tal 5.3 . 1  Th valus providd n Tal 5.3  1 apply to
concree poduced whou a waer-reducing admixture
(WA). Most structual conct includs a WRA or hgh
ange water-educng admixure (rer o Chapter 6 r more
nration). Th slumps shown n Tal 5. 3  1 may incas
whn chmcal admxurs ar usd, provding h admxur
reated concete has he sae or lowe w/cm and does no
xhi sggaon pontal and xcssiv lding Th
slup ranges shown apply when vbraion is used o consol-
Copyright Am
Table 5.3.1-Typca sump ranges or concee
wthout waterreducing admixtures or various
ypes of consucon
ypcal slump
rages, n.
Types f costructio
I o 4
2 o 4
Mass oncree
2 o 5
3 o 5
Pavemets  ss pi fotigs aissos substucre walls reire atio w, ad foings
Beams eirce ws ad uiig colns
Slmp ay be ncreased w e -age or hg-ange water-ecg amxtues
are ue, pove a h amreae coce a e ame o ower wlcm
a does no exhbit segegation or excessve beeng.
idae the concete This table is povded as gudance 
a starng poin r ial batchs and slump valus should
be adjused ased on vaous condtions I should no be
appld as a spcication.
53.2 Stp 2: Choc of nomna maxmum sz of aggr
gat-Geneally the noinal maxmum se of aggregate
should b h lagst tha is conoically availal and
consisen with densions of he structure. The nonal
axmum siz shou ld no xcd 1 /5 of h narowst
dmnsion wn sds of rms; 1/3 th dph of slabs;
o 3/ of the iniu clea spacing between ndvidual
rncing bas, undls of bas o ptnsoning stands
(ACI 30 1 ; ACI 31 8)
53.3 Stp 3 Estmaton ofmxng watr an da r contnt
Th qantity of watr pr cuc yad of conct rquid
to poduce a gven slup s dependent on the nonal
axmum s parcl shap surc txtur and gadng
of th aggrgas th concr tmpraur h nrand
air contn; and us of chmical admixurs. Slump is
no signcanly aected by the quanity of ceentious
ails withn normal us lvls An nial sat 
the ixing-wate weght can e taken o Table 5.33. It
povids appoxmat ixing-wat wghs pr cuc yad
of concr mad wth vaious nonal maximu sizs
of aggregaes wth and wthou ar enainmen T he ai
rquirmns shown ar hos om ACI 3 1 8 Chaptr 1 9
duabilty equements.
5331 Afe deemnng the appoxmate waer and
air contns adus h valus r h applicabl condi
tions provided in Table 5 3. 3 1 . I is ecomended o wth
hold approxaly 1 0% o f his watr intially and hn
add slowly o oban poper slup  an ntial rs ral.
The qanity of water can be the rened depending on
numrous cors such as agggat xtu and shap, h
type and dosage of admixures epeaue changes and
oh vaious ctos as listd in Tal 5 3. 3 . 1 
53311 Chmca admxturs-eil admixures
are use d to odi vaious properies of concrete Ch ecal
adxus should b usd only aft an appopiat valua
tion has been conduced o show that the desied eects can
b accop lishd in th paticular conct und h cond
tions o f inndd us If such adxtus ar usd, th slu mp
can be increased he water content can be adused llowng
Tal 5 .3 3  1 , o a coinaton of boh ASTM C9/C9M
and ASTM C 1602/C l 602M equre the weight of the wate
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Tabe 5.3.3-Appoxmate mixing wae and ai content o deren slumps fo concrete whout water
reducing admxtues and nomna maxmum szes o aggegates
Water of concrete  indicated nominal maximum szes o aggegates, lb/yd
Slmp n.
Non-air-etined coee
I to 
3 to 
37 5
5 to 6
6 to 7
Moe hn 
Approximate entrapped i coten i on-air-eained cocete, %
Air-enraie concrete
3 to 4
5 to 6
35 5
6 to 7
Moe hn 7
Required oal i, %
Exposure Cas FI
posue Case 2  3
5. 5
'Sl umps are maximum amonts r angua aggregates gade wihi imis of acceped speci aios
1Te slmp vaes ar based o slmp ests mae ae remova of paces larger a  - / i by we sceeg
!S lump vale o more a 7 n are  al oba e roug he ue o waeredcng adme. We ug waeeducng admre, llow maucurer
Noe: ee qane o mng wae ae  ue  compug cemeniou coe r ra bace a 68 o 77°F
Tabes to esmated wae
conten or vaous condons (adaped rom
Bueau o Recamaion Concrete Manua, A Water
Resources Technical Pubication, Chape I,
Secton 45)
Changed condtion
Wate content %
Rounde ggege
Eac I % inease i ai coent
Eah I% decree in i oten
Wereding mite (WRA) sed
Higrge waereduig amire HRWR) use
a lmp iease of I in.
Eah sump decrease o I in
ah I 0° incree in oncrete temperatre
c I 0 eease n cocete empeatre
Ec I 0% inrease i y ash onet as cemet
eplcemet by weight
a 1 0% decree in y ah coet  ement
eplcemet, by weight
Eh 10% incree in sag cement onte as
ceme eplement by weigh
Ec I 0% ecese in lag eme coent 
ceme eplement by weigh
Mucte sad i ed
'Tese adjusmens assme te user s startig a stana laboraory emperatues o
68 o 77F wh concee avng a 3 o 4 n. ump a coanng reaoab we 
shaped aggregates gaded wi i limis of acceped speccaio s a naua sa
havg a ee moulu o2 7 5 e mbo "+ epeen he ado o wae
weeas e symbol  repeses e eucton i wae coent
in lqud admixurs  includd as pat of h toal mxing
water when t causes a change of the / of 0 01 o moe.
53312 Air contnt-The secton of Table .33 
non-ai-nrand conct appoxmas th ntrappd a
content o be expeced in mxtues ased on the nominal
maximum sz of agggat In th low pat of h al
the required otal air conent r Classes F 1  F2 and F3 spec
id n A CI 3 1 8 Chapr 1 9 ar also providd Inial propor
toning calculations should use he a conten as a pecent
of th whol Additonal ecommendaons r a conent
and toleances r air conten conrol in the eld are given in
ACI 3 18 ASTM C94/C94M also povds a connt limits.
The equrements n other documents may not always match
xacly; thr in proporionng consdraon should b
gven to selecting an ar conent tha wll mee he needs of
the jo as well as mee the applcable speccatons.
5.34 Stp 4: Slction of w/cmTh quid w/cm is
deemned no only y sength requiremens bu also by
cors such as duabilty Bcaus drnt aggrgas and
cmntious maials may produc dirn sngths a th
same w/cm, it s desiable o have o to develop he relation
ship bwn sngth and w/cm r th marials to b u sd.
In the absence of such daa, appoxmae and elatvely
consvatv valus r conct conaning p I porland
cmnt can  takn om Tabl 5 3 .4
The elatonship n Table 3.4 assumes a nomnal
maximum siz of aggga of approximatly 3/4 o 1 n.
For a given source of aggregate stengh poduced at a
gven w!cm wll ncrease as nomnal maxmum se of
aggga dcrass.
Wih ypical maeials, the abulated w/cm should produce
strngths clos to thos shown asd on 28-day tsts of
specimens cued under standad laoraory condions.
Codes require ha he average strengh selected should
exceed he speced sengh y a sucien margin o keep
the numbe of low tests wthn specc limts (ACI 214R;
A CI 3 0 l ; AC I 3 1 8) .
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
Tabe 5.3.4-Relationship beteen w/c and
compressive strengh o concee
Table 5.3.6-Buk voume o coarse aggegate pe
unt of voume o concrete
w!cm, by weight
Compessve strengt
at 28 days ps'
Aientrained concrete
Vaues ae estmate aveage sengs o  ccree ctaining t mre an % a 
o n-ai-naned nre ad 6% a a cn or a-eraie cce F
a cnstat wlm, the sregth  ccree s edce as e air cnte is icrease
wnygh-day sregh vales may be csvave ad may ag we vars
cemius materas ae sed Te ate a wc e 8-day steng is evelped
may als age
Cmpessve sregth s base n  x  n  r 4 x 8 n  cylders mis ced i
acrda wi ASM 3 /3 IM s are cyins ms ure a 73 4 ± 3°
p t tesing
1Cncre wi a wlcm hat s less an 033 may eqire e addtn f cemica
admires, supplemeay meiius maias a hgh cemis maeras
cn  aive a 28ay cmpressiv sng  70  psi
For exposure casses of S hrough S3 F  though F3 ,
W2 and C2 the w!cm shoud be kep low even though
srengh equieents ay be et with a hgher vaue.
Rer o Tabe 47.3a hrough Tae 73d r axiu
w!cm and niu stengh equreents. Tabe 4 7. 3  1
addionally povides equred ar contens r Exposure
Casses F 1 though F3 as a ncon of noinal axiu
sze of aggregae.
535 Stp 5 Calculation of cmntitious matrials
contnt-Te quantiy of ceentious aeials pe uni
voue of concete s xed y the determinaions ade in
Seps 3 and 4. The requied quanty of ceentious ate
rias is equa to the estaed ixng-wate content o
Sep 3 dvided by he w!cm o Sep  If however the
speccaton ncudes a sepaae inu li on ceeni
tious aerals in additon to requireens r strength and
duraiy, the ixure shoud e based on whcheve crte
rion eads o the arger quanty of ceentious ateras.
SCMs or cheica adixures are often used to
increase wokabity strength, duraiy, appeaance, and
othe cors ipotan to he perance of concree
Rer o ACI 234R 232.2R 233R and 212.3R r ore
deaied inraton.
536 Stp 6 Estimation of coars aggrgat contnt
Aggegates of essentay he sae noinal axu sze
and gadng w produce concree of satiscory wok
ay when a paicular voue of coarse aggregate on an
oven-dry-rodded basi s s u sed pe unit voue of concree.
Appopate vaues r ths aggregae voue ae gven in
Tae .3.6.
The u volue of aggegae needed r a cuic yard of
concree, n cubc e t on an oven-dry-rodded asis, is equa
o he vaue o Tabe . 3. 6 uliped y 27. This voue
s convered o he dry wegh of coase aggregate y uli
pyng the u voue y the oven-dry-odded densiy of
he coarse aggregate. The oven-dry wegh i s then converted
Copyright Am
Nomna maximum
sze f aggegate, in.
Voume  ven-drydded case
aggegate• per nt voume f concrete 
dierent neness mdl  ne aggegate I
Vlmes ar based  aggregaes n ven-dy-e cdtn as descibe i
ASM 29/ 9 s e vlms are secd m mpica reanships 
pce ncete wth a egree f wrkably stabe or usual enoce cstrc
n F ss wab re sh as qid o cce pavmen nsuc
tn they may be ncrease by apprmaely  0%
Rer  ASM   36/ 3 M or caluan  ness mls
Table 5.3.8Design egh summary*
Design weight
Mixing wer
Cementitous maerls
Cose aggregate (S SD)
Fine ggregate (SSD
Toal weight
Step 3
Step 5
Step 6
Step 
f cemca admxures ae used rec the amixure dsage (z/yd) Rec te
arg ar ne perage acrding  e prvidd vales  ab 53 3 (Sep 3) .
to an equvaen SSD wegh by uiplying by 1 pus he
absorption (1 + A ) .
537 Stp 7 stimation ofn aggrgat contnt- he
copeton of Sep 6 he weghs of all he ngredients of
th e concete ixure have been esiaed except the weight
of ne aggregae. Cacuaing he required quanity of ne
aggegate nvoves the use of the voues dispaced by he
ingedents. In concrete the voue occupied y any ngre
den s equa to is wegh dvided y the densiy of hat
aeial (the atte eing he poduct of the densty of wae
and he specc gavy of he aea). For his cacua
tion he toa voue dspaced y he known ngediens
xing water ai, ceentiious aeras, and coase aggre
gate (SSD)s subacted o he unt voue of concee
27 ft  o otain he requied nue of cubc et of n �
aggegate needed. To copee he desgn, hat voue of
sand s then converted to an SSD weight based on s SSD
densy by utpyng he voue y he specc gavy of
the aggregae tes the density o f water.
538 Stp 8 Dsign wight summarnte he
consuen weghs oained o the previous steps ino
Tabe 53.8
539 Stp 9 : rial batch-Tral batches of a proposed
concete xte ae ade to conr tha he conaton
of aerals w produce he equred esh and hardened
popeies. The ixture design weights of Tabe .3.8 yp
cay need adusens to accoun r changes n aggregate
oistre contens pio to baching. These adjustents ae
to accoodate changes n sockpe condtons and are not
adjusens o he design of he xue
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Table 5.3.9.-Batch weigh summay*
Design weigt
Batch weigh
Step 3
Cemeniious meial
Step 5
Coarse ggrege SSD)
Step 6
Fie ggege (SSD )
Step 7
Tot weigh
'If cmca admxr a d, rec he admure ag (zy ) Rco 
target air cnte percenage accrdng o e prided vales i Tabe 5 . 3  3 (Step 3.
53. 91 Moisture adjustmentsTyy, aggrgas will
have geater oistue conent than hei SSD cond tion. The
aount atchd will nd to  incasd om h dsign
weigh expessed as SSD by he ee wae on he aggre
gate so tha he corect aoun of aggegate is used. I can
happn tha h aggga is so dry h aoun to b wighd
ou needs to e deceased wh additonal waer added o
brng it to SSD Th nsrucions tha llow wll work 
boh cases.
To deterne the weght of aggegate to be ached, use
th llowng mula  ach aggrga and hn n
these values into the atch wegh sumary (Table 5 .3 .9. 1 )
( + MC%)
(l + A%)
 SSD
Th dinc twn th atchd wat and th mixng
wate weght o the mixure propotions s the weigh of
th  watr It s suracd om th xing-wa wigh
 the weight of wae o e atched. Ene his value ino
Tabl 5 .3 9 . 1  Th wat addd o h mixur plus th 
wate should equal he mixng-water weght. The otal ach
wight af osur adjustnts should ach h toal
xtu wght
The otal aount of mateials wll e needed o compute
th yd. Th pocdu s llusatd in h xaps of
Chape 9.
53.10 Step 10: Post-trial batch adjustmentsT calcu
latd ixtur propotions should  chcd  rquird
perance by eans of ral aches pepared and esed
in accodanc wih ASTM Cl 92/Cl92M o ll-szd ld
batches. Only sucent waer should be used to poduce
the equred slup regadless of the quanty assued
in scting h tial propotions Th concr should 
checked  density and yeld (ASTM Cl38/C 1 3 8 M) and
 air contn (ASTM C l 38/C l 3 8M; ASTM C l 73/Cl 73M
ASTM C23 l /C23 1M ). It should also be caelly observed
 wokablity resistance o segegaton and nishing
proprtis. Appopiat adustmnts should b ad in h
propotions  subsequen baches o corect deciences n
accordanc wth h ll owng suggstions
53 10 1 Adjustment Re-esae he quanity of he
requied mxng wae per cubic yad of concree by ulti
plyng th nt xing-war contn of h ria bach y 27
and divding the poduct y the yield of he tial atch n
cubc t If h sup of h tal bach was not corc
incas o dcas h r-stimatd quantiy of watr y
  lb  each 1 n. equied ncrease or decrease n slump.
In cases wher e he addtion of water is undes able, he use
of wat-ducng admixturs can b consdrd.
53 10 2 Adjustment If he desred ai conten (r
ai-ntrand concrt) was not achivd -stimat th
admixre dosage r he requed ai content, and educe or
incease he xing-wae conent of Section 5. 5 . 1 y 5 lb
r ach 1 % by whch h ar connt is o  incasd or
deceased o tha of he pevious ral bach.
5.3 10 .3 Adjustment If h dsrd strngth was not
achvd /-vrsus-strngth cus can b usd to adjust
the value. An example s sh own n Chaper 9.
Th masurd cmn cincy can also b usd to adust
the sengh. Cement ecency s he srength gained o
ach pound of cmn n a cuic yad. Wih unts of ps/
/yd , i is computed by divding the tal atch srength
by h wght of cnt r a cubic yard of th tral ach.
Dvidng th dnc btwn h inndd stngh and
the measued sengh by the cemen ecency esuls in the
wght of cmn to  addd to a cubc yad to ncras
o sutraced o decease he stengh. To eep he w!cm
consant a waer adustment wll e needed. The ne volue
chang rsuling o hs changs s ost by an adjus
ent to he weight of sand to keep he yield constan at one
cuc yard. An xap is shown in Chapt 9.
5 310 4 Postadjustments new batch weghts
staing wih Sep 5 (Section 5.3.5) and odify the volue
of coars agggat om Tal 5  3. 6 f ncssay o povid
pope wokablity.
Checal admixures ae dened as liquids or dispes
ile powdes used as ingedents n ceenitous mixres
to impov th conoy proprs or boh in th pasic
o hadened sae.
This chap wll provid basic nmaion ndd r
poportoning of concree xes ncorporaing cheical
admixres. Although he desgn method presened n his
gud maks only passing ntion ofhis vry ltl comr
cial concree is poduced whou cheical admixures.
Chca admixurs a usd o ailo h poptis of
concrete mixres to mee specc permance requie
ents o f a gven project such as worabity, e of setng
stngth shikag duabilty prmabity viscosiy
rheology colo and othe popeties. The ype and dosage
of chmica admixurs ar slctd basd on th dsd
panc qumnts. As war-rducing admixurs
(WRAs) and a-entraning admixtures (AEAs) ae aong
th ost comonly usd chical admixurs in th
concrete ndusy ths chape will ephase the eects
of ths wo admixur typs on mixur poporonng.
Howvr admixurs ohr han WRA and AA such as
set etarders acceleatos, and shinage-educng adix
turs a also usd o  vaious prmanc targts. For
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
rther detals on admxue types and ther use in concree,
 to ACI 2 1 2.3R
6.2-Arentranng admxtures
Ai-ntraning admxtus (AAs) ar usd o pupos
lly entran a system of nely dispersed a ubles
primarly o incas th sistanc against zng-and
hawing damage whee ccally satated exteio concree
s exposed to epeated eeing-and-thawing cycles n cold
wath climats. Conct s svly damagd whn
enough ce rms in the capllares ecause ice creates a
prssur gra than th nsil sngh of th cmn
pas whch disrupts th capillay wals. Th addton of
AEAs stablies microscopic air bubles (enained a)
durng mixng. Ths ubbls povid a svor r watr
o mgrae nto durng eeing, hereby reducing he tensle
rcs crad in th cmn past causd by th xpansion
of zing wat in h smallr capllary vod spacs Whn
hawing occurs, the wate is rced ack nto he capllaies
y compssd ar n th vods thby ng h vods
r use agan durng the next eeng cycle. Howeve, 
should e noed tha he ar bubles entained y he AEA
a dirn han th ntrappd ai n conct. nappd
ar voids are incopoated no he concete durng mxing
Ths a manly rgula n shap and usuay 004 in
( 1 mm) or lage in se Enraned air bules are inen
ionally added into concree o stalie andomly distb
ud microscopic ai bubls tha a typically sphrca or
neay so, ranging in se eween 0.0004 and 0.04 n (0. 0 1
and 1 mm) n damete Due to he lage sie, enapped air
ubbs do no povd th ncssary proction against th
cycls of zing and thawng of h crically saturatd
concree A-entrained vods ae needed  poecion and
can b achvd hrough h us of an AA
AEAs may also be used to mpove wokabliy as
he enained air ubles have a lubrcation eec on the
mixur Du o th sz and shap of th a voids a
enraned concete typically contans up o 1 0% less water
han non-air-naind concrt of qual wokablity. Ths
educon n he volume of mixng water as well as the
volume of entained and enrapped ai mus be consdered
n popoonng. In additon h ncras o f a contn may
cause a educion n stengh. Therere, mixre popo
ionng should  don with th cons draion of h tag
ar conten's mpact on srength (efe to ACI 2123R r
moe inrmaton)
Th quanty of AA qurd to achiv an appropa
level of ar enainmen n concree s vaiale and depends
on many mxur dsgn chaactrsics. Among hs ar
h chaactistics of aggrgats yp and propoions of th
concree admixres, ype and duation of mixng, conss
ncy tmpraur cmn nnss and chmistry and th
use of other cemenitous maerials
6.3Watereducng admixures
Water-educng admixres (Ws) are used to educe the
amount of wat qurd to achv and maintain th tag
slump of eshly mxed concete The educon of wae in
Copyright Am
the mxe can also have oher enes such as loweing he
w!cm, hry ncasng th stngh. Rducng wa can
also mpove the duability, educe shrnkage and cacng
poental, and reduce pemeaily The use of a WRApemts
a rduction in cmnitous connt whn poporonng
concee mixures due to he reducion n wae conten r a
gvn w!cm. WRAs can also  usd to ncras slump whl
mantaining he oignal wae conten of he mixe
WRAs ae gouped ino hree geneal categoies based
on th xpctd amoun of wa ducon although th
is no standad classcaon indcating the amoun of wae
rducton associad wth ach cagoy Nomal-rang
WRA rduc th amoun of watr by a minmum of 5%.
Mid-range waer-reducing admxtes (MRWRAs) reduce
wat connt y btwn 5 and 1 0% Hig h-ang war
reducing admxtues (HRWRAs) can acheve wae educ
tions of twn 12 and 40% (Kosmatka and Wison 2016).
Howvr h watr rducton may vary (abov o low)
om he ypcal amouns listed herein. Theee, these
limits hould sv ony as a gnrc stating poin that may
be u sel r water adjusmen n mixre proporionng
WRAs are ypcally used to produce slumps in he
lowng angs
(a) ormal-ange WRA: 0 o 6 in .
(b) MRWRA 2 to 7 in
(c) HRWRA: 5 o 9 n.  convenonal concete and up
to 30 n o f slump ow  self-conso lidaing concete (SCC )
WRAs ar on muatd n comnaon with st
reades or acceleaos Se reardes extend he tme
concee remains plastc (wokable), whch is u sel dung
ho wahr o xndd tanspotaton im. St accraors
rduc th tm of sttng and acclra stngh gain This
can e usel in cod weaher o anytime reduced tme of
sting o acc lrad strngh gain is dsird.
ASTM C494/C494M species the characeistcs  s even
wate-educng and se-control lng admixures as llows
( 1 ) yp AWatr-ducng
(2) ype BRetading
(3) yp CAcclatng
(4) ype DWate-educng and reardng
(5) ype EWater-reducing and acceleang
(6) yp FWa-rducing high-ang
(7) ype GWate-educng, high-range, and readng
ASTM C494/C494M has on addtional admxtu cassi caon, Type SSpecc Permance Admxres. Type S
admxes ae desgned to aec specc permance char
actrsics of h concr without substanally impactng
the slump, time o f seting, o strength gain of he concete.
Thr ar many cass whr mo han on or two drnt
typs of chmcal admixurs a addd to conc. Whn h
use of muliple admxtes  s anticpated, especally n chal
lngng applicaons chmical admixtur supprs should
be consu led while stl l n the concete mxue poporonng
phas. In addtion h mixur propotioning phas should
includ a discuss ion o n h ach war adjustmnt ndd o
accoun r he waer n he admixures (especi ally f added
at hig dosag ras) and hir xpcd watr-rducton
levels The compablty of chemcal admixtures wih each
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
othe and cementios mateials as well as he combined
cts of sing mltpl chmical admxts on concr
permance shold be assessed dng the ral aching
phase. Fll-scale al atches and mockps of srucal
lmns will hlp idni any nxpctd bhavios and
allow  mixtre adjstments.
Spplmnay cmnios matials (SCMs) a sd
to mpov prmanc and cos-cncy of concr
mixtures while conrtng to sstanabil ty. Many of these
maials a naral maals whas oths ar indsral
by-prodcs, as shown n Table 7. 1 
2Pooanc vesus cementous
Fly ash, slica me, slag cemen, meakaoln, and
calcind clay a som of th mos commonly sd SCM s
When blended wth porland cement, S CMs conrte o he
properes of concete hrogh hydalc actvity, poolanc
acivty or oth (Kosmata and Wlson 201 6) Hydalc
acivty occs when phases in the SCM chemcally reac
wih war hry mng cmntos hydraion pod
cts simlar o those med hrogh he hydraon of pot
land cemen. Poolanc actvity occs when silceos o
alminoslicos marial n th SCM acts wih calcim
hydoxde (porlandite), whch n t ms calcm sl 
cae hydrae (C-S-H) Fthemore, poolans do not have
any cmntios propris whn sd alon Howvr
whn sd in connction wh potland cmnt hy rac
wih calcm hydoxde. Consideing calcm hydoxde
is h most solbl of h hydraon prodcs (and hs s a
weak lin in concree om poosiy and dability perspec
tives, as opposed to C-S-H, whch conites to stengh
and pmaily nhancmn of concr) pozzolanc
acivty s highly desed Table 7.2 shows the comparson
Tabe 1Supplementay cementious maeials
hat are classifed as byproducs vesus naural
Natral oducts
Cas C y ah
Ca F y ash
Calined ay
Slg ceme
Ccie shale
Siic me
Rice u ash
Tabe 2Supplementay cementitous materas
hat ae cassifed as pozzolanic versus cementitous
Pozzolanc + Cementtios
Cas F y as
Ca C y 
Siic fme
Slg cemet
Ccie cly
Calined e
Rice husk s
of commonly sed SCMs ased on ther poolanc verss
cmntios chaactrisics.
Dependng on the ype and amont of SCMs being sed,
they geneally:
(a) Improv h woraly of concr and dcras th
tendency o bleed and segegae
(b) Rdc po sz and h porosty o f boh th cmnt
marx and he nercial ransiion one
(c) Enhance dailty and sevice life in tems of
dcasng prmablity ncasng sistanc to chmical
atac, deceasng shrinkage, and ncreasng ressance to
thmal cracng and alali-aggrgat xpansion
(d) Incas arly o lma srngth
SCMs are added to concree as a pecentage weigh asis
as pat of h otal cmntios sy sm whr thy may b
sed as a patal replacemen of hydalc cemen where
th toal cmnitos matrals contn s incasd hld
consant o dcrasd dpnd ng on h prrmanc of th
SCM, n the rm of a hydalc cement The decsion on
th SCMs ng addd as a rplacmn or addtion o th
oveall cementios sysem as well as he selection of the
toal cementios materals conent shold e made based
on th ovrall prmanc rqrmns
3Types of supplementay cementitious
A ief smmay of he mpac of some of he most
commonly sd SCMs on conct popts along wth
the key consideaton poins whle poporonng mixres
conainng SCMs, is povided in he llowing.
7.3  1 Fy Fly ash s a y-prodct of h combson
of gond or powdrd coal. Dpndng on th soc o f th
coal, chaacerscs o f y ash may vary, heey derng
thr in nc on concr pmanc. Thr a wo yps
of y ash ha are commonly sed n concete: Class C and
Class F y ashes (ASTM C618 also recognes Class N
naral pozzolans). Fly ash shold conm to h rqi
ments of ASTM C6 l 8.
Class F y ashs gnally contan a low amon of lm
(sally less than 1 8% CaO), whereas i is typcal  Class C
y ashes to have higher lime conens (typically moe han
 8% CaO ) Dpnding on h prmanc qmnt y
ash is ypically sed within 1 5 to 3 5% o f he toal cemen
tos marals connt (ACI 232.2R). Howv highr
and lowe amons than the ypcal vales lised have been
sccesslly sed and can be selected depending on the
poc qrmns.
Althogh he mpac of y ash on concete popeties
dpnds on th yp and amon of y ash th llowng
statmnts a applicabl  mos mxts. Fly ash nds
to mpo ve wokabliy de o its sphercal mo phology hat
lads to h dcion of h inrpatcl cion Th
re, whle poportoning a mxtue ncooraing y ash,
dpnding on h slctd amont and typ ofy ash slighly
lowr wa connt (p o 1 0%) may b ndd compad
to a plain concete mixre conanng porland cemen only
to achv th sam slmp. D o ts slow pozzolanc ac
tvity, y ash can ncease the settng tme and decrease the
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
hea of hydation. Consideing ths reardng eect, the type
and amoun of y ash should b carully slcd r po
ecs hat eque early tme of settng o are exposed o cold
weathe condtions
Mixurs ncopoating y ash spcially whn usd
highe han 20% of he otal ceentious conent, can reduce
shinkag thby ducng th potntial r shnag
elated cracs Dependng on the physical and chemcal
properes of y ash, i also deceases permeablity, enhances
duraily and may incas h ula stngh of th
mixures However, at early ages (especally up o 3 days),
mixurs wh y ash ay show lowr sngh gan than
mixurs wh poland cmnt only For mor nmaion
on y ash, rer to ACI 232.2R and 232.3R.
732  Slag cn s a by-product of on
producton n a blas rnace ASTM C989/C989M classies
slag cn ino th ll owng hr grads asd on s rac
ivy lvl: 1 ) Gad 80; 2) Gad 1 00 and 3) Grad 1 20
Dependng on the perrmance equeent, slag cemen s
ypcally usd o rplac 20 to 50% of h toal cmntious
materials conent. However, higher and lowe aounts than
he typical values listed have been successlly used and can
 slctd dpndng on h pojc rquirmns and in
some applcaions, up o 80% of slag cemen ay e used
(ACI 233R)
Depending on the neness and amoun used, slag ceen
may incease o decrease the wate deand Mxtues
contanng slag cnt may qui slghly low watr
contens (up o %) copaed to a plain concete ixture
contanng porland cemen only o acheve the sae
slup Slag cn typically dcrass th ha of hydra
ion howvr i has a no impact on th im of sting
dependng on he aoun and aen epeatue. I
nhancs durabilty and ulimat srngth For or in
maton on slag ceent, efe to ACI 233R.
733  Slica me  s he y-poduct of
h producon of lntal silicon o alloys contaning
silicon Silica e should conrm to he equieens
of ASTM Cl240. Dpndng on th pmanc qur
men, slica me is ypically used wihn  to 1 0% of the
otal cementious mateials conent Howeve, highe and
lowr aounts than th typcal valus listd hav bn
successlly used and can e seleced dependng on the
projc rquins
Slica e has a very ne paricle sie tha s, on average,
1 00 tme s saller than he paricle se o f potland cemen
Du to s parcls having a high spcc suc ara
silica e often ncreases the waer demand and ay
promo sckinss of a concr mxtu. Thr whn
all othr condtons ar kp th sa whn popotioning
a xtue containng slica me, he use of a hgh-range
watr-rducing admixur (HRWRA) an incas in watr
conten, o he conaton of boh wll be needed to match
h slump of a mixur containng porland cmnt only
Unl os of h ohr SCM typs slica u dos no
have a reardaion eect on tme of seting. In addtion, i s
usd to ncras boh arly-ag and ultimat strngth du to
ts very high poolanic eactivty I sgnicantly reduces
Copyright Am
the peealiy; hence, it is ofen used n ixtures whee
xpos to dltious susancs such as chloid pntra
tion is a conce. Moe nrmation on slica me can be
und n ACI 234R
73.4 Makaoln s a natural pozzolan
tha cons to he equirements of ASTM C618 Type N.
Mtakolin s ypically usd wthin 5 to 1 5% of h toal
ceenitous materials conten. Howeve, hghe and
lowe aouns han he typical values lsed have een
succsslly usd and can b slctd dpnding on h
proec equreents.
Maoln is usd in applcations wh hgh sngh
and low prmability a qud Fo mor inrmaton on
eaaoln and othe natual poolans, rer to ACI 232 l R.
74-Mxture propooning wh supplementay
cemenious materias
In th dsgn hod condd by this guid unlss
a pelended ceent s eng used, each SCM added is
tra as an addional xtu componnt wth its patic
ula specic gravty occupying whaever volume is dicaed
by he quanty used us lke cement) and included in he
volu calculations Pozzolans a typically rncd n
terms of pecen by weight of otal ceenious materals,
although so locations rrnc hm in trs of prcnt
by volume. Where no specc efeence o he conay
is ncluded, he deul rerence should e as a percent
by wigh.
When popotoning concee xtues contaning SCMs,
the llowng ctos should e consdered whle deer
ning th dsd yp and aoun:
(a) Pozzolanic actvty of h SCM and is ct on
concee strengh at oth ealy and lae ages
(b) Ipact on th sing ti and tardation
(c) Eect on the wate demand neede d r the desied
wokablity and placeabilty
(d) Spcic gravty of h SCM and ts ct on h
volue o f concree produced n the batch
() ct on h dosag ra o f chmical admxurs usd
in he m xue
( Eect of SCMs on heat of hydraion, permeabilty,
and shinag
(g) Amount of SCM and cemen needed o ee he
prmanc qurmnts
(h) pac on leedng rae and the need r addtional
Tabl 74 s povdd as guidanc r th poporonng
of xtues containng SCMs. The elationship esablshed
in ths abl r a gvn SCM typ and thir corspondng
ipact on concr popris is applicabl only whn all
the oer paaeers are ept consant (r exaple, toal
cnitous aials contn / and chical admix
tue dosage ate) It should e noed ha thee may be cases
wh th rlaionshp may ll outsid of th ons shown
hr dpndng on th slcd sourc and amount of SCM.
In the ody of he table are arrows up, down, sideways,
and up and down anng hat ncrasing th amount
of a constiuent will cause the easue of the propery
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Table 74-Eecs of SCM ypes on concete properties (Taylor et al. 2006)
Cass  y ash
Class C y ash
Sag cement
Silica fme
Heat o hydraton
Tme o settng
Ar content
Early strengt
Long-term strengt
Coride ngress
Alal-sca eacton
Sulate esistance
Feezng-and-tawing resistance
Drying srinage
Note:  lncass; ! Decreases  Inceases or decreases � Neutra.
to go up down stay th sam or chang could go th
way, respecvely.
75Tenary sysems
Dependng on the selected ype and amoun of SCM,
incooatng xcssiv amouns of a sngl typ of SCM
(bnary mxtues) may have negaive sde eecs such as
extended seting me In such cases, a possile soluton is
to us a ay mixur which is a combnation of th
cementious maerials that are lended to balance esh
proprs duraliy and strngth For xampl dpnding
on he selected amount, comining SCMs su ch as y ash and
slica me may e ale to ose he advese eects of y
ash on sing tm whas y ash may ost th incasd
watr dmand associad wih sl ca m.
76lmpac o SCMs on sustanabilty
Cmnt producon ms appoxmaly 5% of gloal
caon doxide and consumes % of global enegy
consumption (Hndiks  al. 2004). Thr th plac
men of cement wth SCMs improves susanab lity y using
natual pozzolans, consuming y-poducts, and educing he
dmand on cmn cln producton considing h dirc
relaon etween he amouns of cemen cline poduced
and th caron doxd gnrad. In addtion h incasd
durailty acheved wih SCMs educes he need  epai
and eplacement, esulng n geater susainabliy.
Onc th proprs rquird of a concrt hav n
detemined, the next step is to determine he mxte mae
rials and poporons tha wll acheve hose properes.
Thos poporons can b asd on prvous xpinc o
can e developed usng an assormen of desgn methods.
Lacng thos th mthod commndd n his guid can
b usd o stablsh popotons  th s tial ach Onc
those popotons have been detemined, tral baches ae
conducd to dmonsra hat h ndd propts a
indeed poduced. This noton is ndamenal o his gude.
By whatv mthod h proporions a sablshd h
tral atchng should show ha all h qud poprtis a
withn applcale oleances r the tes. If none are given
in th spccaton ASTM C9/C94M givs guidanc on
slump and air connt olancs. Only thn can i  said
tha the purpose of ths guide has been met.
On h rquisi poprtis ar no achvd on h st
tial Whn his happns th mixur propotons ar adjustd
to move he perrmance of the mxte n he desed diec
ton. Somms tha adusmn wors o improv on
popey, ut causes anoher to ecome decien. Anoher
adjusmen i s then made, anothe tial ach is rn, and so on
nil all th qurmnts hav n mt. Onc h mixur
poduces desed esults in he la, i s ecommended tha it
b bachd a producton-lvl amounts using h matials
means, and methods o be used  he poec to e su re the
mxtue wos he same way when scaled up
Tral aching s xcud llowing h pocdurs of
ASM Cl92/Cl92M. his standard is usd  mixur
popotoning, evaluaion of dieren mxues and mateials ,
corlaion wh nondstuctv tss and rsarch purposs.
 spcis h standard condtions qupmn and proc
ues needed to test poposed mixtures r the esh pop
rs. Tss such as ASTM C l 06/C1 06M r mpau
ASTM C l43/C143M  slump, ASTM C l3 8/C 138M r
ensy and yeld, and ASTM C23 l/C23 1M or ASTM C 1 73/
C l 3M r ar connt a lsd among th pocdurs.
Following pope cuing pocedues s very impotan r
poducng rpoducibl rsuls and r compang wth th
results comng om he eld. To assure elale results, ests
should e perrmed y an appropraely ceted peson
Th mhod of h h-point cu can b usd to
scover he elaionshp between w!cm and sength r a
mily of mxtus wh simila poptis bu dng in
strength Such a curve can  e use d r he desgn of mixres
whin he sengh range of the cuve, as well as srength
adjusmn of th mixur f ndd.
Once he results of he ial bach have been gatheed,
Tabl 8 may hlp gud th ncssary adjusmns.
Th llowng ur xampl poblms will b usd to
dmonstat th popotoning procdur Th condions
lsed in the llowing apply to all examples 
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
Tabe 8-Eect o addtonal consttuents on vaous fesh properties (Kosmatka and Wson 2016)
Fly ash
Sag ement
Siia ume
Water demand
Ar cntent
Beedng and segregaton
Tme o settng
Heat of hydraton
j Icases; L Derases; ! Incass or dereases; < Nutal.
(a) ASTM Cl50/C150M Type I porland cemen wll e
used. Is specc gravty s assmed to e 3  1 5 .
() Coase and ne aggegates in each case meet the
equements of ASTM C33/C33M
9.2-Example 1: Mixtue popotonng usng
portand cement ony
Concete is required  a porion of a scure tha will
e elow grond level in a locaon whee i will no e
exposed o severe weatheing constan weing or sule
atack. It is in Class FO. A sengh of 2500 psi at 28 days s
speced A locally avalable onded coase aggegate with
a nomnal maximm sze of 1 5 in  s suitale This coase
aggregate has a saaed sce-dry (SS D) specic gravity
of 2 68  asopon (%) of 0.5%  and a dry-rodded density
of 100 l/f  The ne aggegae has a neness moduls of
2.80, an SSD specc gravity of 264, and an asorpion
(%) of 07% The quanties of mxtue constients per
cubic yard (yd ) of concete ae determned as olined in
the llowing steps.
92 1 Step 1  Estimate slump-O he basis of he inrma
tion n Tale 5 .3  1 as well as pevos experence a sl ump of
3  4 n  wi ll be tageed r the selece d placemen mehod
22 Step 2 Select nominal maximum size of aggre
gateThe locally availale ounded coarse aggegate with
a nmnal maximum aggegae sze of 1 .5 n. is sed in his
;23 Step 3 stimate mixingwater contentBecase
the srucre is n Class FO exposure class non-ar-enained
concete wll be sed. From the op porton of Tale 5. 3 3,
the appoximate amount o f mixng wate needed o poduce
a 3 o 4 n slump  n non-ar-enained concete usng 1 5 in
nominal maxmm se aggegate s 300 l/yd , and the
approximate amon of entapped ar 1 %
924 Step 4 stimate w/cmThe applcaion species
an aveage 28-day compessve sengh ) of 2500 ps
Fo poporionng wihot a standard devation the stength
overdesgn  concrees wih a speced strength less than
300 0 psi as eqed y Tale 4.  4. 1 s 1 000 psi. There
e, the reqied aveage compressive strength ') r hs
mixture propotion becomes 3500 psi Because no dura
ily issues ae ndcaed strength alone can dictate the
w/cm. Based on Table 53.4, the w/cm estmated to poduce
a sengh o f 35 00 psi in non-air-enrained concete i s ine
polaed to be 062.
Copyright Am
925 Step 5: Calculate cement contentFrom the nr
mao developed in Steps 3 and 4, he reqired cement
conent is calculated as: 300 lb/yd/062  484 l/yd 
926 Step 6 Calculate coarse aggregate contentTh bl
volme of coase aggegate s estimated om Table 5.36.
Wth the ne aggregae having a neness modlus o f 2 8 0
and he 1 .5 n . nominal maxmm sze of coase aggregae
the able ndcaes hat 0  1 ft of coarse aggregae on a dry
rodded ass, s a good estimae  a cuic ot of concee.
Becase its dy-odded densy is 100 l/  each ulk cuic
ot of coarse aggregate wold weigh 0 7 1 ft  100 l/
f =  1 l. Because a cuic yard (2   ) s being popor
toned he amount will be adjused as he llowin g:  1 l/
f  27 ft/yd  1 91 7 l/yd  Absorpton (%) wll e aen
ino accon o convet he dy-rodded densy to the core
sponding SSD wegh, as shown n the llowng
19 17 l/yd
(1 + 0.5%)  1927 lb/yd 
927 Step 7 Calculatene aggregate contentConcete
consiss of water ai cement coase aggregae and ne
aggegate For the cuic yad being proporoned, he weights
of all hese excep he ne aggregae have een determined.
The rst step necessary to deermne he weight of the ne
aggegate is y rst calclaing the asolte volumes o f each
of the known mixre constens. The asole volumes
are calculaed thogh ther weigh-volme relaionships
detemned y heir coesponding specc gravties (rela
tve densites). The volme of he ne aggregate sogh is
detemned y adding he otal volume of all oher mxtue
constens sbaced om the otal volme of one cuic
yard. The weigh of he ne aggegate s then calclaed
based on is weght-volume relationship sing he known
parametesnamely its volme and specc gavy
9271 Absolute volume computations
Volme of water = 300 lb/62.4 l/f = 481 f
Volme of cemen  484 lb/(3. 1 5  624 lb/ )  2 46 f
Volme of coarse aggegae  1 927 lb/(2.68  624 lb/ft)
= 1 1 .52 
Volme of ar  1 %  27.00 f  0.2 7 ft
Toal volme except  ne aggegate = 1 9. 06 f
Volme of ne aggregate = 2 00   1 9.06 f = 94 f
Toal volme of ngediens  270 0 f
Reqired SS D weigh of ne aggregate =  94 ft  264 x
62 4 l/f  1308 lb
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
able 9.2.8-Constiuent weghts
Tabe 9.2.72-Consuent weighs
Mixtue costtuents
Mixing waer
Cemetitiou materia
Coarse aggegate SSD)
e aggregate SSD)
Toal weig
Mxtre constituets
Mixig waer
Cemeniios maerials
Coae aggregate SSD)
ine aggregae (SSD)
Tota weight
res denity at 1 % a
Ar-ee esity
resh deniy
Aifee denity
w!cm =300 lb/484 lb = 0.62
9.27.2 For he rst laboatoy ral bach he consten
wighs as wll as th xpctd sh dnsty and h ar
ee densty (needed r compuation of yeld and a conten
per ASTM Cl38/C l 3 8 M), are calculaed as shown n
Tabl 92.2 pror o th mostur adusmns
9.28 Step 8 Moisture adjustment-Th consten
wighs r his mixur hav bn sablishd Howvr
mosur adusmns may b ncssay at th tim of
batchng o properly manage the amoun of waer requied o
achiv th targt prrmanc rqurmns. This s usually
due o he presence ofwate on the surce of aggregates tha
is availabl o hydra cmnt as opposd o war absorbd
by aggrgats. Fr wa s th dirnc bwn h
toal amount of water subtraced by the absorbed wae. If
th aggrgat moisu s abov SSD an adustmnt should
be made o the aggegate weights wth the excess moistue
above SSD beng subaced om he mixre water This
assus hat h toa amount of wat n th batch quals h
amount rquid as sad in Tabl 5.3.3 Ths adjustmnts
are not apparent n he nital mxe poporionng phase
and can ony b dtmnd ar h ia batch is compld.
For th matials avalabl tsts indcat a oa mos
te conen (%) of 2%  the coase aggegate and 6%
 h n aggrga. Rcaling tha th absorptons of h
coarse and ne aggegaes wee 0.5% and 0.7% respec
tivly mosur-adusd wights bcom
Coase aggegate: 1927
Fin aggrgat 1308
 + 2%
 + 05%
1 956 lb/yd
= 13 lb/yd
 + 0.%
Th  wa conrbutd by th coars agggat s h
dierence beween he mosure-adjused aggregate weigh
Uus compud) and h SSD wght om Sp 6 Fo coars
aggregate ee water s detemned as
1 956 lb/yd  192 lb/yd = 29 lb/yd
For n aggrga  wa s
13 lb/yd  13 08 lb/yd = 69 lb/yd
Th otal  war s th sum of th wo amouns
29 lb/yd + 69 lb/yd = 98 lb/yd
able 9.2.9Constiuent weghts
Mixtue costtuents
Oignal /t3
Mixing waer
Batched /t3
Cemetitiou matera
Coarse aggegate (SSD)
Fie aggegate SSD)
Toal weig
e esity
Air-ee desiy
Th h wa rquid r batchng s
300 lb/yd  98 lb/yd = 202 b/yd
Wih aggrgats adustd o th curn moistu cond
ton h constun wights ar shown n Tabl 92 8 .
Note hat after he moiste adjusmens, he sum of the
wghts of th consuns p cubic yard (yd ) and pr
cubc ot (f ) do no change om he oignal poporons.
92.9 Step 9: Posttrial batc-A nial 1 f ral batch
of ths mxte was pepared. Alhough the quanity of waer
r h tral bach was proporiond to b  48/ft   h amount
of water added to reach the desied 3 to 4 in. slump resulted
in a sump of 2 n. Thr o ncas th slump o ach
the design values of3 to 4 n., an additonal water conent of
 02 lb/f was added that inceased the oal waer conent
o 8. 50 lb/f  Th batchd wighs a shown n Tabl 92 .9. 
92.91 The tral batch poduced concete wh a 2 n.
slump tha s blow h 3 to 4 in slctd a Stp 1 . Ev
wth xtra war of 1 02 lb/f addd slump was oo low; 
herere, additonal wate was needed. The mixing wae i
h bach was no jus h 48 b/  tha was wighd out
bu also ncluded the ee wate on he aggegaes The ee
war wghs a und by rvsing h compuations 
drmining th moist wghs om h SSD proporionng
weghs The aggregate batched weght s st divded by 1 +
% to tu o ovn-dy condion and hn multplid by
 + % o brng he aggregate to SSD. The esultng equva
lnt SSD wgh is subtactd om th batchd wghs to
drmin th amoun of  wa on th aggrgas n th
tial batch
Coars aggrga
7244 (mos)
1 + 05%
1 + 2%
7 1 37 lb/ (SSD)
Fr war = 2.44 lb/ft   1 .3  lb/ft = 1 .0 lb/ft
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
Am ercan Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material -
Tabletuen weighs
Fne aggegae
5 1 00 (ost)
 + 0.7%
 48.45 b/ (SSD)
 + 6%
Free wate  5 1 00 /f  48 45 l/f  255 /f
Theree, the ixng waer n the tra ach was
8.50 lb/f bached + 1 07 l/f ee on coarse aggregae +
255 lb/f ee on ne aggregate  1 2 1 2 /f
To produce a cuc yad of concete wth the sae 2 n
slup as h ial batch would us
1 2. 12 lb/ft
2.0 0 ft = 32 l/yd  of wa
To ncras th sup o h asurd 2 n. o th 3
to 4 in rang slctd in Sp 1  h aoun of wat gh
be ncreased by anothe 15 l  1 .5 i n addional slup,
brngng th ixtu wat r h nx tral to 34 2 b/yd .
9292 The density was easued to e 147.5 lb/  , and
the yed was
147.5 l/f
270 0 f/1 48.9 lb/  2675 ft
Kowing the air-ee density to be 150.4 /ft , the gravi
tic a conn was coputd o 
Air% =
(150.4 /   14 75 l/  )
1 50 .4 lb/ft 
100  19%
92.93 With th ncrasd xing wat addiona cn
is needed o ainain he w!cm of 0.62 The ceen conten
 the next ral becoes
342 lb/yd/062  552 /yd 
9294 As workabilty was und o e satsctoy,
h wight of coars aggga wll rain as oignally
9295 With hese changes ade, Step 6 is eappied to
drmin th aoun of n agggat ndd  h nx
ral batch
Voue o f wae  342 /62 4 /f  5.48 ft
Volu of cnt = 5 52 l/(3. 15 x 62.4 l/ft ) = 2.8 1 f
Voue of SSD coarse aggregate  1 927 /(2.6 8 
62.4 lb/ ) = 1 1 .52 
Voue o f a (usng easued air o tra)  1 .9% 
27.00 f  0.5 1 f
Total volu of ingrdns xcpt n agggat =
20.3 2 f
Volu of SSD n agggat rquird = 200 f  
2032 f  6.68 f
Requed weigh of SS D ne aggegae  6 68   2.64 
62.4 lb/ = 1 100 lb
9296 Prior o tia batch osure adjusens, the
constunt wighs  h nx tial atch pr cubic yard
and pr cubc o ar dnd as shown n Tabl 92 9 .6 
Copyright Am
Mixture consttents
Mixig wate
Cemeiious mteials
Corse ggege (SSD
Fine aggege (SSD)
Totl weight
Feh denity
Ar-fee eity
Th / is antand o b 062 (342 lb/552 b)
92.97 Th rsuls of th nx tial atch wi b valuad
 its properies, and if und decent agan, the adust
ns o h popotioning will b ad un th dsid
properies are achieved. However,  shoud e noed hat
an adsn o corct on popry ay advrsly act
anohr propry Th procss contnus unti all th rquid
properies of the ixure ae acheved.
9.3-Example 2: Mixure popotionng of binay
mixture contanng fy ash
 conct xtu s ndd r sval ponds on a lo s
 ocaed in Nothe Maine The ponds wil e operaed
in such a way as o  lly nuncd by h ids ut not
the drect pact of the waves For duraiiy, this appca
tion s cassed as S  , F 3, and W  . For additona duabilty,
y ash at 20% by wgh as cn rplacn is spcid.
 oca ounded coarse aggegae wth nona axu
sz of 1 .5 n. wth sutab gradaion SS D spcc gaviy
of 2.6 6 a dy-oddd dnsty of 1 0 1 l/f  and absopton
(%) of 0.8% s avaabe  ocal naral sand, havng a
neness odulus of 2.80, an SSD specc gravty of 265,
and an absorpton (%) of 1 .0% wi   usd.  sapl
standad deviaon (S) of 300 psi has been deterned o
silar xus
931 Step 1 Estimate slump- slup of 5 to 6 n. is
93.2 Step 2 Select nominal maximum size of aggre
gate-Th ocaly availae rounded coarse aggegate wih
a nona axu aggrga sz of 1 5 n is usd in his
933 Step 3: Estimate water contentv saltwae
and zng-and-hawing xposus plac this applicaton
ino Exposure Cass F3 . The evel o f ar entranent  F3
is und in Ta 5.33 Givn th nonal axiu aggr
ga siz of 1 5 n. a toal ai contn of 5 5% is quid. To
enain 5.5% a, an ai-enanng agen (AEA) wl e used.
Fo hs xposur consdraions along wth h 5 o 6  n.
sup and he 1 5 in. noina axiu se of aggregae,
an appoxa ixng-watr wigh of 280 l s co
ndd  conct whou a war-rducing adxtu
(WR) ased on Tabe 5.3.3 Howeve, a WR wihin he
anucur's rcondd dos will b usd Thr
Tabe 5 .3 3  1 suggess water reducion of 5% when using a
WR, whch ylds a 1 4  wat rducton.
Th us of 20% y ash rplacn aows  a th
wae reduction of 6%, which yed s to 1 7 b based on
Tabl 5.3 3 1 .
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
Furhermore, Table  3. 3   suggests a wae reducton of
8%  h us of oundd aggrgas whch yilds to an
addiional 22 lb.
The estmated mxng water hen ecomes
280 lb  14 lb (due to W)  1 7  (due to y ash)  22 l
(du o roundd agggas) = 22 lb
Ths war ducons a stimats and should  valu
atd wth a ral batch.
934 Step 4 Estimate w/cmThe selection of w/cm
rqurs considation of oth th duraily and stngh
requrements Based on Table 47.3a though Table 4.7.3d,
F3 zing-and-hawing xposur allows only a maxmum
w/cm of0.40 and minmum' of5000 psi. In h tida splash
one  seawae exposure, S  pems only a maximum /
cm of 0 50 and minimum ' of 4000 ps i Fo wa tght
ness, W  has a minmum of 200 ps i Based on ths, he
F3 equiemens r eeing-and-thawng exposue goves
duabity considations
The srength needs o comply wh speccaons 
th rquird avag comprssv srngh ) Th local
suppler antcpated  in he 000 psi ang e Fo these
mxtues, a sample standad devation s) of 300 ps was
computd Appying h mula om Tabl 4.44 h
requied aveage strength will need o be the larger of
' ' +  .34  000 psi + (1 .34
300 ps)  400 ps
  + 2 33  00  000 ps + (23 3
= 5200 ps
300 ps)  00
As i is high 5400 psi is slcd r fc,1• Fom
Tal 534 inrpolatng btwn 5000 and 6000 ps valus
 air-enrained concrete,  w/cm of0 37 is chosen Because
0.3 is lowr han h w/cm of 040 rquird r ssanc
to eeng and hawng, 037 s he w/cm selected 
93.5 Step 5 Calculate cementitious materials content
Because the w/cm selected r proporionng s 037, he
cmnitous maials connt s th watr contn dvidd
by 0.37 Mixng-wate weght of 227 lb s divided y he
selected w/cm of 0 37 to calculate he cementous materals
connt whch s 614 lb. Fy ash at 20% rplacmn lv
will yield 123  while he emanng amount (491 lb) wil
constut potland cmn Th local y ash wih spcic
gravity of 24 0, w ll have a volume of 08 2 f  The cemen
volume wll e 20  • When y ash is used, Tae  3.3  1
suggsts a wat rduction o f 3 % r ach additonal 1 0%
y ash eplacement Ths wae adjusmen was already
accound r n Sp 3
936 Step 6 Calculate coarse aggregate content-B
on Table  3 6, a dy-odded volume of 0.7 1 f per un
volum s commndd  a nomnal maximum siz of
aggegate of 1 . n. and a neness moduus of sand of 2.8 0
Consdng h dry-roddd dnsy ing 1 0 1 b/ft  a dy
roddd volum of 0  1 f suls in h ovn-dy wight of
Table 9.3.72-Constiuent weghts
Mixture costtents
Mixing wate
l ash
Coarse ggege (SSD)
Fie aggege SSD)
Tol wei g
Fres denity at 55% air
Air-fee esit
coas aggrgat o b  1  l  Th  corspondng wgh pr
yad s calculated by multplyng 7 1 7 l  2700  , which
poducs an ovn-dy coas agggat wgh of 1 93 6 b/
yd  • Asopon (%) wil l be taken ino account to convet
th dy-oddd dnsity o h cospondng SSD wigh as
shown in he llowing
1 936 l/yd
(1 + 0.8%) = 195 1 lb/yd
9.37 Step 7 Calculatene aggregate content Usng th
calculated volume of each mixre constent, the wegh of
n agggat s calculad as shown in 9 .3 .   .
9.371 Absout volum computaons 
Volume of wate  227 lb/62.4 lb/   364 
Volum of cmn = 491 lb/(3  1 5  62 4 l/f ) = 250 ft 
Volume of y ash  1 23 lb/(2.40  62 4 l/f)  08 2  
Volume of coase aggregae  1 9 1 lb/(26 6  62.4 l/f )
= 1 1 5 f
Volume of air  . %  2700 ft  1 49 ft
Total volume of ingedents excep ne aggregate 
202 0 ft
Volum of n aggga rqurd = 2  00 ft  2020 
 6 80 ft
Rquid wgh of SSD n aggrgat = 6 .8 0 f  265 x
62 4 l/f  1 124 b
Air-ee volume  2 1 f
/ = 22 l/(491 l + 123 lb) = 0.3
9372 For the s laoraory tral ach, the consient
wghts as wll as th xpcd sh dnsity and th air
ee densiy (needed  computaton of yel d and ar conent
pe ASTM C38/C 1 3 8 M), ae calculated as shown in
Tabl 9 .3  2 pio to h moistu adjusmns
938 Step 8: Moisture adjustment-For the maeials
avalabl tsts indcat a otal moistu contn (MC%) of
 % r the coarse aggregae and 3% r the ne aggregate.
Recallng hat he asopons of he coase and ne agge
gas wr 0. 8% and 1 .0% spctvly moistu-adjustd
weghts ecome
Coars aggga 1 95 1
F e aggregae:
1 1 24
 + 08%
= 1 955 /yd
1 + 3% 
- 146 lb/yd
 + 1.0%
Th  war contrbud by h coars aggrga is th
derence eween the moiste-adjusted aggegae weight
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
Am ercan Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material -
Tabe 9.3.8-Consuent weghs
Mixture costtuents
Mixing water
ly ah
Coarse aggegte (SSD)
Fie aggegate SSD)
Toal weigh
Feh desity
Ar-fee desiy
us coputed) and he S SD weight om Step 6. Fo coase
aggregate, ee wae s determined as
1955 lb/yd  195 1 lb/yd = 4 lb/yd
and r ne aggregae, ee wae s
1 146 lb/yd  1 124 b/yd = 22 lb/yd
Th toal  war s h sum of h wo aouns
4 lb/yd + 22 b/yd = 26 lb/yd
Thr th watr qurd  baching s
22 7 lb/yd  26 lb/yd  201 lb/yd
Wth aggegaes adjused to her curen osre condi
ion th consitunt wghs a shown in Tabl 9 3. 8
No tha aft th mosur adjustnts th su of h
wighs of h consitunts pr cubc yad (yd ) and pr
cubic o ( ) do not change om the orgina proportions
93.9 Step 9: Post-trial batchTh tral bach producd
he llowing resuls:
Th sup was masurd to b 55 n. Thrr no
adusmn on th WR dos s ndd. Howvr th sh
densiy was measued o be 146.0 lb/ft , and he yeld was
14 60 lb/f  200 /1 450 lb/f = 2.1 9 f  Knowing th
ar-ee densiy o be 1 53 4 b/f , he graveric ai conten
was coputd as lows
 _ (1 5 3  4  1 4 6 0)
 .
 i r% 
The ai conten was 0.7% lowe than the aget air conten
of 55% and h mixur ov-yildd slghtly. Th rsus
ae generally good. A slght incease in AEA dosage will
sighly incease the a conen nto the accepable range
and incas h slup sighly as wll Consdr doing
the nex tral bach of a couple yads in a mixe of he type
(r xampl cntal-mixd truck-mixd) to b usd on
th pojc.
9.4Example 3: Mixure popoonng usng
cementous eciency faco
Th cmntious cncy cor is h comprssiv
srngh achivd divdd by th aoun of cmntious
ateial used (ps/b). Ths cor s ofen used to copare the
prmanc of drnt xtus A atonal way to adjus
Copyright Am
the stengh of a concete ixture s by using the cement
tious eciency cto I can be used to ehe ncrease o
dcras h sngh of a xtu by sval hundd ps.
Because sength is aeced by w!cm, when he ceentious
cncy cor is usd o adjust h srngth of a xtu
it s mpotan o ensure he / s not kep he same to see
an pac on the stength. Ths can be acheved by keepng
th wa connt h sam whl adustng th cntious
aeial conen.
94.1 Step 1 Calculate cemen titious eciency factor
Th us of his ctor  stngth adusnt will b
deonsraed starng wth he llowng mixure popor
tions r a cubc yard tagng 4500 psi hat whn ral
batched, only reached 4200 ps. In ths xe, a coarse
agggat wth nominal axum sz of 1 n. wh suiabl
gadaton sauad surc-dry (SSD) spcic gaviy of
273 ad absopton (%) of 0.7 % was used. The ne aggre
gat having an SSD spcc gaviy of 2.6 4 and an absorp
tion (%) of 06% wil be used
Cement: 564 lb
Fine aggregae: 1550 lb
Coas agggat: 1600 lb
Wae: 300 b
Toal wght: 4014 lb
Densty: 1487 lb/f
The w/cm was calcuated o be 300 lb/564 lb = 0.53
Th cntious ara cincy cto was calculad
as 4200 psi/564 lb = 745 psi/lb.
942 Step 2 Adjust mixture constituents bas ed on the
desired strength gainT slump was und o b satisc
toy Howvr bcaus 300 psi of srngh gain s ndd
the / was educed by inceasng he cementious ae
ra connt whil ping th war contn th sam.
(1 ) The ceentous aeal eciency ctor s 745 ps/b.
(2) The stengh gain needed s 4500 psi  4200 psi =
300 ps.
(3) T he additional cementious weigh needed to be added
is dtmind by dvdng th srngth incras ndd by h
ceenitous ecency cor: 300 ps i/745 ps /lb = 40 lb.
(4) The new ceenitous weigh s 564 lb + 40 b = 604 lb .
(5) Th wa contnt s kp constan as 300 lb Thr
re, he new w/cm is 300 lb/604 lb = 050
(6) B caus  w/cm is ducd o 0.5 3 to 0. 50 a WR
whin the manucue's ecomended dose is used o
antain he age slump.
() Th yild is pt constan by moving a volum of
ne aggegae equal o he volume of he addional ceenti
tous maial
(8) Th volum of additonal cmntious aal is
40 lb/(3.1 5  624 lb/) = 0 20 f •
(9) Th volum of n agggat is rducd by 020 f  .
The coresponding ne aggregate weight is calculaed as
020   x (264  62 4 lb/ft) = 33 lb. Hnc h n aggr
ga wight is ducd by 33 b.
( 1 0) The new ne aggregae wegh is 1 550 lb  33 lb =
1 5 1  lb
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
943 Step 3: Calculate the new mixture pportions
The poporons  the nex ial ach ae shown in he
Cement 604 lb
Fine aggregae: 1 5 1 7 l
Coase aggegate: 1 600 lb
Wate: 300 l
Toal weight: 402 1 lb
Densy 1489 lb/ft
strength and resistance o chloide penetrailty) will lead to
a lower pase volue
25% pase volume n 1 yd of concete s 25%  2 7.0 0 ft
 6 75 ft , which wll e the new paste volume.
The new cement wegh is calculaed as llows
(V  62.4  (1  %SCM))
l w cm + (1  %SCM)
9.5-Example 4: Mixture popoionng using
aget pase voume
The pase volue ( is dened as he su of volues of
the ceentous maerals and wae expressed as a percen
of the otal concee volume A lower paste volue can lead
to lower concree shinage lowe concete temperaure due
to lower heat of hydaton lowe maerials cos and lowe
caon otpin of concete. AASHTO PP 84 lss a pase
volume of2 5% as one of the approaches o reduce unwaned
slab warping and cackng due to shinage (if cacking is
a conce)
95.1 Step 1 Calculate paste volume- concree mxtue
has een desgned r concee ples exposed o aggessve
seawaer in Floida The exposure class  the concete is
F, C2, S l , and W l . Accoding to Tales 4.7 3a though
4.73d, the concete needs to have a w/cm of 0.40 and
have a mnimu compressive srength of 5000 ps. Due
to he desed esstance o chlorde peneraon, a xte
contaning slag ceent at 50% eplacemen level (by wegh)
is used The llowing mixure whch has een und o
atain he sengh ressance o chloide penetraion and
wokability levels, s desgned
Cement = 350 l/yd with a specic gravity of 3 . 1 5
Slag cement  35 0 lb/yd wih a specic gavity of2.90
Toal ceentitous aeals content  35 0 l/yd + 35 0 l/
yd = 700 l/yd
Wate  280 lb/yd 
w/cm = 280 lb/yd/700 l/yd = 0.40
Coase aggregae  1 800 l/yd with a specic gavity of
Fin e aggregae = 1 200 lb/yd  wih a specc gravty of
Fine-to-coarse aggregate raio s 40%/60%
The percen paste volume of he aove mxtre is shown
in he llowing:
Cement = 350 l/(3. 1 5  62.4 lb/f ) = 1.78 
Slag cement  350 l/(2.90 x 62.4 lb/ )  1 .93 f
Wate = 28 0 lb/(1  62.4 lb/ ) = 4.49 f
Toal paste volume = 8 20 f
Percen paste volue  8. 20 f/2700   30.4%
9.5.2 Step  Adjust mixture constituents to achieve the
target paste volume of Because the xtue already
attans the target sengh and essance to chloide pene
tration t was decided to manan the sae w/cm of 040
and 50% eplacement level of slag cemen A lower wae
conent along wih the targe w/cm (r aainng age
Insering he appropae values, he new ceen weight is
deemned as shown in the llowing
C eent =
(6.75  62.4 (l 50%))
= 288 b
(1  50%)
Cemen  %SCM
(1  %SCM)
288  50%
288 l
Theee otal cementous maeial content is calcu
laed as 288 lb + 288 l = 576 lb.
Because  w/cm s kep constan as 040, water content is
calculated as 040  576 = 230 l
953 Step 3 Calculate the new paste volume for
New paste volume
(23 0 l/62 4 l/f + 288 lb/3. 15 /624 lb/ft +
288 lb/2.90/62.4 lb/ )  6.75 f
New pecent pase volume
6.75 f /2700   25%
Reducon n paste volume compared o oignal mixure
(8 20 f  6.75  )  1 .45 f
Ths reducton wll need an ncrease n otal aggegate
volue o poduce he cubic yad. Dvdng his aggegate
volume y he ne-to-coase aggregate ratio of 40%/60%
yelds the llowng adjustents
Increase in coarse aggregae = 60%  1 45   280 
624 lb/ft  152 l
Incease in ne aggregae = 40%  1 45 f
624 l/ft  94 l
9.54 Step 4 Calculate the new mixture proportions
Ceen  288 lb
Slag cemen = 288 lb
Waer  230 l
Coarse aggregae = ( 1 800 lb + 1 52 lb) = 1 952 l
Fne aggegate = (1 200 l + 94 l) = 1 294 l
Because he new xing-wate conten s 230 lb, which
is 1 8% lowe than ere (280 lb) the xture should be
desgned wh a high-ange wate-educng admixre
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
(HRWRA) to atan the tage worail y It should e noted
hat vy low mxing-war contns (particulay low
200 lb/yd ) wll result n diculty n nshng in the eld
The equations povded in his example can be used  any
argt pas volum w/cm, SCM% and spcic gaviy.
Comm ttee documens ae lised s y document number
and yea of publcation llowed by auhoed documens
listd aphabically.
American Association ofState Highway and Transportation
Ocials (AASHTO)
AASHTO M 8-2020Sandard Specication r Pot
land Cmn
AASHTO M 240 M/M 240- 2020Sandard Speci cation
 Blndd Hydraulic Cmnt
 AASHTO PP 84-202 0Standard Pactc  Dvloping
Pmance Engineeed Concete Pavement Mxtes
Aerican Concrete Institute AC!)
 CI 20 1 2R- 1 6Guide o Durable Concete
CI 20 l R-05( 1 2)Gud to Mass Concr
 ACI 209R-92(08)Pedicon of Ceep, Shinage, and
Tmpatur cts in Concrt Srucurs
ACI 2   4R-08Gude  Se ecting Poporons r
High-Srengh Concrete sng Portland Cement and Other
Cmnitous Marals
ACI 2   6T- 4Aggregate Suspenson Mxre Popo
tioning Mehod
ACI 2 1 l R-20Guid  Poporonng Concr
Mxurs wh Gound Calcum Caronat and Othr
Mnea Flles
ACI 2 1 2. 3R- 1 6Rpor on Chmca Admixurs r
ACI 21 3R- 1 Guide r Scra Lighweight
Agggat Concr
ACI 2 1 R- 1 1 ( 1 9)Guide to Evaluaon of Sengh Tes
Rsults of Conct
ACI 22 1 .  R-9 1 (08)Report on Alal-Aggegae
ACI 223R- 1 0Guid r th Us of Shkag
Compensaing Concree
ACI 22R-0 1 (08)Conrol of Cackng n Concr
ACI 22R- 1 9Guide o he Selection and se of
Hydaulc Cmns
ACI 23 2.  R-1 2Report on he Use o f Raw o Processed
Natual Pozzolans  n Conct
ACI 2322R - 1 8Rpor on th Us ofFl y Ash n Concr
ACI 2323R-1Repor on High-Volume Fly Ash
Conc  Structual Applicatons
ACI 23 3RGuide to the Use o f Slag Cement n Concree
and Mota
ACI 23R-06(12)Gud  th Us of Sica Fum in
ACI 23R -0( 1 9)Slf-Conso lidaing Conct
Copyright Am
ACI 2 38 .  R-08Repot on Measurements of Woraily
and Rheology of Fesh Concete
ACI 301-20Specications  Concree Constrction
ACI 302.  R-1 Gude o Concree Floo and Sla
ACI 30.3R-20Heavyweigh Concete: Measuring,
Mixng Transporing and Placing
ACI 3 1 8- 1 9Buildng Code Requiemens  Strctal
Concete and Commenay
ACI 363 R- 1 0Rpor on High-Srngth Concr
ACI  22. 1 -20Specicaion  Constrction o fPervous
Conct Pavmnt
ACI 5 55R-   Rmova and Rus o fHadnd Conct
ASTM International
ASTM C29/C29M - 1 7aSandad Test Mehod  Bulk
Dnsiy ("ni Wigh) and Vods in Aggrgat
ASTM C3 1 /C3 1 M-2 l aSandard Pactc  Makng
and Cring Concee Tes Specmens n the Field
ASTM C33 /C3 3M-  8Standard Spccaton 
Concete Aggregaes
ASTM C3 9/C39M-2 1Standard Test Method 
Comprssiv Stngh of Cylndrcal Concrt Spcmns
ASTM C70- 20Standard Test Mehod r Surce Mos
tu in Fin Agggat
ASTM C 78/C7 8M-2 1Standad Tes Mehod  Flex
ual Srength of Concree (sng Simple Beam wh Thrd
Pont oading)
ASTM C88 /C8 8M-  8Sandard Test Mehod  Sound
ness o Aggegates y Use o f Sodum Sule or Magnesium
ASTM C9/C9M-20Standard Spccaton 
ReadyMixed Concete
ASTM C  25 -2 l aStandard Tmnology Rating o
Concete and Concete Aggregaes
ASTM C  27 -1 Sandad Test Method r Rela
tiv Dnsity (Spcic Gravity) and Absorpion of Coars
ASTM C  28 - 1 5Standard Tst Mthod r Rlav
Densiy (S pecic Gavy) and Asorpion of Fne Aggregate
ASTM C  36/C 1 36M- 1 9Sandard Tes Mehod 
Sv Analyss of Fin and Coas Agggats
ASTM C  38/C 1 38 M- 1 7Sandard Tes Mehod 
Dnsiy (ni Wight) Yild and Ai Connt (Gravimrc)
of C oncrete
ASTM C 3/C  3M-20Sandard Tes Mehod 
Sump of Hydaulc-Cmnt Concr
ASTM C  0/C  0M-20Standard Speccaon 
Potand Cmnt
ASTM C3/C  3M- 1 6Sandard Ts Mhod 
Ai Conent of Feshly Mxed Concree by he Volumetic
ASTM C88-17Standad Tes Mehod r Densiy of
Hydauc Cmnt
ASTM C  92/C  92M- 1 9Sandard Pracc r Makng
and Cring Concee Tes Specmens n the aoraory
ASTM C23 /C231M-Standad Ts Mthod r A
Conent of Freshly Mixed Concree by the Pressure Mehod
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
ASTM C293/ C293 M- 1 6Standard Test Method 
Flxural Srngth of Concrt (Usng Smpl Bam wih
Center-Poin Loadng)
ASTM C295/C2 95M - 1 9Sandad Guide r Peo
graphic xaminaon o fAggrgas  Conct
ASTM C3 1 1/C3 1 1 M-1 8Standard Test Mehods 
Samplng and Tsng Fly Ash or Natual Pozzolans r Us
in Porland-Ceent Concrete
ASTM C3 30/C3 30M- l 7aStandad Spec caon 
Lightwgh Agggats r Stuctual Concr
ASTM C494/C494M- 1 9Standad Speccaon 
Chmcal Admixurs r Concr
ASTM C496/C496M- 1 7Standard Tst Mthod 
Splttng Tensle Srengh o fCylndical Concrete Specimens
ASTM C535-16Sandard Ts Mhod  Rssanc
to Degradaion of age-Se Coarse Aggregae by Arasion
and Ipac in h os Angls Machin
ASTM C56 6- l 9Sandard Ts Mhod r Toal vapo
rale Moistue Content ofAggregae by Dryng
ASTM C595/C595M-20Standad Spccaon 
Blended Hydaulc Ceents
ASTM C6 l 7/C6 l 7M- l 5Sandard Pracice  Capping
Cylindrcal Conct Spcimns
ASTM C 6 l 8- l 9Standad Spec caon  Coal F ly Ash
and Raw or Calcind Natual Pozzolan  s n Conct
ASTM C637-20Sandad Speccaon r Aggregates
 Radaion-Shieldn g Concree
ASTM C638-20Sandad Dscriptiv Nomnclatu
of Constuens of Aggregates r Radiaton-Shelding
ASTM C702/ C702M- l 8Standad Pracc r Rducing
Sampls ofAgggat o Tstng Siz
ASTM C9 1 7/C9 1 7M- 1 8Standard Test Method 
valuaton of Varailty of Cmnt om a Sngl Souc
Based on Stengh
ASTM C989/C98 9M- 1 8aStandad Speccaon 
Slag Cmn r s n Conct and Motars
ASTM C l064/C 1 064M-1 7Sandard Tes Mehod 
Tmpatu of Fshly Mxd Hydraulic-Cn Conct
ASTM C l 1 57/C l l 57M-20aStandad Pemance
Speccaon r Hydaulc Ceen
ASTM C l 23 l /Cl 23 1 M- 1 5Sandad Pracc r Us of
Unonded Caps n Deernaton of Copessve Stengh
of Hardnd Cyindical Concr Spcns
ASTM C l 240-20Standard Specicaion  Silca
Fume Used n Ceentious Mxtes
ASTM C l 252 - l 7Sandard Ts Mhods r Unco
pacted Vod Conten of Fine Aggegae (as Inuenced y
Paicl Shap Suc Txtu and Grading)
ASTM C l 260-2 1 Sandard Ts Mthod r Pontal
Alali Reactvity of Aggregates (Mota-Ba Mehod)
ASTM C l 293- 2 1 Standad Ts Mthod r Dtrmi
naton of engh Change of Concete Due o Alali-Silica
ASTM C l 602/Cl 602M-1 8Standad Spcication 
Mixng Wate sed n he Poduction of Hydraulic Ceen
ASTM C l 778-20Standad Guide r Reducng the Risk
of Dlous Alkal-Aggrgat Racton n Conct
ASTM D75/D75 M- 1 9Standard Pactice  Samplng
ASTM D4944- 1 8Sandad Ts Mthod r Fl d
Deenaton of Water (Moistue) Conten of Soi y the
Calcu Cabid Gas Pssur Tst
Auhored documents
Abrams, D. A., 1 9 1 8, "Desgn of Concrete Mixres,
Butn 1  Structural Marias Rsarch aboatoy wis
Insitue, Chcago, IL
Burau of Rclamation 1 988  Concrete Manual, A War
Rsoucs Tchncal Publcation Chaptr III Scon 45
US . Bueau of Reclamaton, Washngton, DC
d arad F and Sdan T 2002 "Mixtu
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om the Ceent Indusy, Geenhouse Gas Control Tech
ooges Confeence, K.
Kosmaa S H  and Wilson M.   201 6 Design and
Control ofConcrete Mixtures 1 6th editon, Potland Cement
Associaon Skoi IL
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Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, ASC V 26
No 6, p 04014002.
A.1-Need fo laboaoy testing
Seveal basc physical popeties of ingedent aeials
sd r concr nd o b known o dmnd o
laoraory ss pror to h slcion of concr mixur
popotons. The physcal propeies of he ingedent ae
rals ar usd n th proporionng calculatons to drmin
and repor he w/cm ; ar conent; quantites of coase, ne,
and ntermedae aggregaes; and quantes of ceentious
marals and admixurs T h mxtu propotoning proc
due s used to establsh intial propotions  ial batches
and thn n-un and opmz th popoons o provid
CopyrightAmerca Cocete Institue
America Cocrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal -
he desired wokablity, /, ar conen, cemen conten,
stengh and duailty equemens  the specc mate
ials hat wll e used in the poposed concete mixure The
exen of laboatoy esing  any gven job wll depend
on he project sze and impotance and on the servce
condions nvolved.
A.2-Prequaliicaton o materials
Tess on concete maerals and mxtues can seve the
purpose of prequalcaton of ingredent mateials and
desred concree pemance poperties r the purpose of
estalishing daa equed  a mixure sumtal Many of
hese tests may only need o be conduced annually o less
oen when heir purpose is   pequalicaion o f maerals
and mxues. These prequalicaion data can then be used
r several os Fo example, test data hat estalishes the
potenal of alkal-si lca reacivty of an aggregae does no
need to be tested  every job if he sources ofmaeials and
he mxture poportons do no change sgnicantly.
A.3-Propertes o cementitious mateals
A31 Physical and chemical chaactestics of cemeni
ious materals nuence the popetes o f eshly mxed and
hadened concete The laoraory should oain ecords of
material cetications om the supple and ohe daa on
he unmiy of materal characeistcs om hat source,
such as epos r potland cement (ASTM C9 l 7 /C9 l 7M)
The only propery of cementious maerals used dectly
n computaon of concee mixture proporions is specic
gavy The specc gavity ofpotland cemens of the types
covered by ASTM C l50/Cl 50M may usually e assumed to
e 3  1 5 wihou ntroducng appeciable ero n computa
ions o f mixtue popoons. Fo r oher types s uch as lended
hydraulic cements (ASTM C595/C595M; ASTM Cl157/
C l 1  7M), slag cemen (ASTM C989/C989M), y ash or
natual poolan (ASTM C618), o slica me (ASTM
Cl240) the specic gravity  use in volume calculatons
can e obaned om the maeial cercaon provided y
he suppler of he mateial o should e deermined by es
(ASTM Cl 88; ASTM C 3 l l /C 3 l 1 M; ASTM C989/C989M)
A32 Samples of cementious materals should e
obtaned om he concree poduce o he maerals
supple who will supply maeials r he o The sample
should be of sucent quanty r tests conemplated wth a
libeal magn  addional ess hat migh later e consid
eed desrale. Samples o f cementious maerials should e
shppe d n aiigh and moi sue-proofcontaines. Depending
on he naure of the job and speccaons, samples of the
cementious materals used  deteminng mixture popo
ions and om subsequent shipments may e saved in a
igh conaines  a reasonale per iod after the jo has been
compleed o veify mxtue chaacersics if necessay
A33 The concree producer migh choose o conduct a
vaey of ess of cementious materals  quality-conrol
purposes The nen of hese tests may be r the purpose
of opmng mxtues r specc applcaions and season
ality and r ensung compaiblity o f maeial ngediens
r poducng consisten concete with predictale pe-
Copyright Am
mance These ess may e nonstandad ess (such as hose
 montoing colo or am generaon) o standard tests
(such as maing morar cues wh concete sand or ll
edged laoratory concrete mixtures in accordance wh
ASTM C l92/C l 92M whee seting chaacteistics slump
entaied air conent, sengh, and other popertes are
monitoed). The concree poducer should etan materal
cercaons r all shpments of cementious mateials
and unrmity eports of the pedominant cemen om a
source (ASTM C9 1 7/C9 1 7M) and monior changes in he
repored characteistics such as compessve stengh and
maeial neness
A.4-Popetes of aggregates
A4.1 Sieve analyses specc gravty absorption
and moistue conent of boh ne and coarse aggegates
(ASTM Cl27; ASTM Cl28) and bulk densy y roddng
(ASTM C29/C29M) of coase aggegate are physical pop
eres necessary r mxtue poporonng computatons.
Othe ess tha may be desrale r large or specal ypes
of wok nclude peogaphc examnaion (ASTM C29/
C29M) and tests r chemical eactvity (ASTM Cl260;
ASTM C l293) soundness (ASTM C88/C88M) duability
resistance o abason (ASTM C3), and varous delee
rous ustances Such tests yeld nmaion of value n
udging the serviceality of concree.
A42 Aggegae gradng deemned by sieve analysis
(ASTM Cl36/C l 3 6 M) can nuence wate equrements
popotions of coase and ne aggregate, and quanty
of cementious mateals  satiscory wokability.
Numerous aggegae gading cuves have een proposed
and these tempered y pactcal considerations can be u sed
as a tool r mixure proportioning optmaionASTM C33/
C33M provides a selection of sizes and gadings suiale
 mos concee. Addtional wokality ealed by use
of ai enanmen o supplementary cementious mateials
(SCM ) such as y ash and slag cemen may permi o some
exen, the use of less-rescive aggregae gradings and
may accommodae the use of locally available maeral.
A43 Aggegae samples  ess to deermine characer
istcs r poportoning concee mxtues should e epre
sentatve of aggegae avalable  use n he wok. Fo
laboaoy ess, he coase aggregaes should be separaed
ino size acons and ecomined at he tme of mixng
to asse repesentatve gadng  he small test atches.
Unde some condions,  wok of mporant magniude,
laboaoy nvesigaions may involve eots to overcome
gading decencies of the availale aggegates.
ndesirale sand gradng may e corected y:
(a) Sepaaton of he sand nto two o more size acons
and ecominng n suiale popotons
(b) Increasing o decreasing the quantiy of cetan sizes o
balance the gadng
(c) Reducing excess coase maeial y gndng o
ndesirale coarse-aggregate gradngs may be
coeced by:
(a) Cushng excess coase actons
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
able 5ypica tes progam o estabish conceemakng popertes of oca maeials
Batch quantties b/yd3
Mxtre No . Cement Sand aggreate water
Concete chaacterstics
Yied 28-day comessive
stength, psi
34 5
1 165
(b) Wasing szs hat occur n xcss
(c) Suppleening decent sies wih anoher nee
diae aggregate
(d) A combnation of ths mthods
Whaever grading adusmens ae made n he labora
toy should b pactical and conomically jusid om
the sandpoin of ll-se producon and job opeation.
Aggegate gading equreents n specicaions should be
consistn wih tha of conomically avalabl matials.
Besides he aggegate gading, the parcle shape and
txu pacularly of manuctud n aggga, will
have an mpotan eect on the mixng-water equeents
 target slump Testng a graded sand to quan changes
in th paticl shap and xtu and la hs bac o
changes n mixng-wate requieens  a target slup of
a conc xtu may pov usl (ASTM Cl 252).
5ia bach sees
A51 Th tabulad and gaphcal laonshps in h
body of his documnt ay b usd o mak pliinary
esiaes of bach quanties r tral batches. Optonal seps
to obain a quck esimate of prelmnay mixre popo
tions ay b sippd thrby pocdng o rapdly o
trial batch evaluaon, o the optonal steps ay be used o
ipln a or daild procdur hat ncorporas o
prnciples of concree echnology and potenally educes
the numbe of tral batches equred Howeve, even when
using h o dtald appoach, h mathatcal calcula
tions tha provide xtue propoions ae stll oo geneal
izd to apply wh a hgh dgr of accuracy o a spcic
s of matials. I is hr ncssary o mak a srs of
concree ess to establsh quantative relationships  he
aials o b usd An illustration of such a tst pogra is
shown n Table A.5  1 
A5.2 In th s progra o fTabl A.5 1 , a batch ofdium
cn connt and usabl cons sncy s propotiond by h
descibed methods. In prepaing Mxte No. 1 , an amoun
of wat s usd hat will poduc th dsd slup vn if
ths ders om the tageed equrement The eshly mixed
concree is tes ted r slup and densty and observed closel y
 worabily and nish ng chaactistics. In th xapl 
the yeld s oo high, and he concete s judged to contain an
xcss of n aggrga.
A53 Mxte No 2 s prepaed, adusted to corect he
aeial poporions in Mixre No. 1 , and the esng and
valuaon rpad. In ths cas, th dsid sh concrt
properes ae acheved wihin accepable olerances and
cylndrs ar moldd to chck th copssv strngth Th
inaon drvd so r can now b usd o sl ct propor
tons  a seres of addtional xtuesNo. 3 through
6wih cement conents above and below that of Mixre
No 2 ncopassing th ang lily to b ndd.
A54 Mixure No. 2 though 6 provde the backgound,
inclu dng h rlatonship of sngth o /  h paticular
combinaion of ingedens needed to selec popotions  a
range o f specied requieens
A.5.5 In laboatoy tsts t sldom will b und vn
by expeienced opeaos, hat desired adjusents wll
dvlop as smoohly as ndicatd n Tabl A5. 1  Fuhr
ore, t should not be expeced tha ll-se producton
baches and eld esuls wll copae exactly wih laboa
toy suls Conct producrs will hav a gnal ida
based on expeience, on he deence n srength level
and othr chaactistics btwn mixturs om laboatoy
bachs and l l-sz poduction batchs of slar mixur
popotons. An adjusen of he selected laboatoy tial
bach, whn oving to ll-siz producton,  s usually ncs
sary. Anothr iporant aspc is to mak adjustnts r
ancipaed delvery time and jobse adusmens, which are
o generally siulated n laboatoy baches Closer agee
mnt bwn laboraory and ld rsults is or lkly f
achine xing is employed in the laboratory. This is espe
cially dsiabl r ar-naind concr bcaus th yp
of ixer, ype of ar-enainng admixre, and duration of
xing nuence the aoun of ai enrained n he xe.
Br mxng th rst bach th laboraory mxr should b
butered or he mixure over-oraed," as described in
ASTM C l 92/Cl92M Simi laly any procssing of maials
in h laboraoy should simula as closly as praccabl
coresponding eamen in the eld, such as he moisre
conditoning of th aggrgats.
A56 The seres o f tests llusated n Table A.5  1 may be
xpandd as th siz and spcal qurmnts of th wok
waran. Varabls tha ay rquir nvsgation includ
aleave aggregate sources; maximu sies and grad
ings drn typs and brands of cn; th us of ohr
ceentious mateals; adxtes; and consderaons
of concete durabily, volue change, teperare ise,
thal propris and tim of s.
6est methods
A61 In conducting laboatoy tests o povide nrma
ton  selecing concete propotions, he latest evsons of
th llowng mthods should b usd
A611 For ess of ngediens:
(a) Dnsity of hydaulc cmnASTM C l 88
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
Am ercan Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material - www
() Sampng sone, slag, gravel, and sandASTM D75/
(c) Reducing samples of aggregae o esting
seASTM C702/C702M
(d) Sieve analysis and neness modulus ofne and coase
aggregatesASTM C l 36/C13 6M
(e) Relative densty (specc gaviy) and asopton of
coase aggegatesASTM C l27
( Relatve densty (specic gaviy) and asopion of
ne aggregaesASTM Cl 28
(g) Surce moiste in ne aggregateASTM C70
(h) Toal mostue conen of aggregate by dyng
ASTM C566 o a nonstandardzed es such as he speedy
mosture meterASTM D94
() Bul densty (uni wegh) and vods n aggregate
) Uncompaced void conten of ne aggregate (as inu
enced y paricle shape surce extue and grading)
ASTM Cl252
A.61.2 Fo r tests of concete:
(a) Ar conent of eshly mxed concete y the volu
metic mehodASTM C l 73/Cl 73M
( ) Ai  conent of eshly mixed concree y he pressure
methodASTM C23 l/C23 1M
(c) Slump o f hydaulc cemen conceteASTM Cl3/
(d) Densty (unt weigh), yied, and air conent (gravi
metric) of concreeASTM C 138/Cl 38M
(e) Temperature of eshy mxed porland-cemen
concreeAS TM C 1 064/C 106M
(  Mang and curng concree es s pecimens  n the ao
atoyASTM C l 92/Cl 92M
(g) Compressive strength of cylindcal concrete speci
mensASTM C39/C39M
(h) Flexural sength of concete (smple b eam wih thrd
pont loading)ASTM C8/C8M
(i) Flexual sengh of concete (sim ple beam wi h cener
pont loading)ASTM C293/C293M
) Spliing tensle stengh of cylndrcal concree sp ec
mensASTM C496/C496M
(k) Capping cylndrcal concete specimensASTM C6 l  I
(I) se of unonded caps i n determnation of compessve
srength of hardened concree cylndersASTM Cl231/
7ixtues fo smal jobs
A71 Fo small os whee time and personnel ae not
availale to deemne popotions n accordance wih he
recommended procedure, mxtues in Table A.7 1 wll
usually povde concree that s of adequate sengh and
duabity f the amount o f waer added at he mix e is not
large enoug h to make the concree wth an excessive ly hgh
sump. These mixures have been pedetermined n conr
my with he ecommended pocedure by assumng condi
tions applcable to he aveage small o, and  aggregae of
medum densty. Three mxtues ae given r each nomnal
maxmum sie of coarse aggegate Fo he selected sie of
coarse aggegate Mixure B i s intended r inital use If his
mxte proves o e oversanded, change to Mxte C; f it is
undesanded, change to Mixue A I shoul d e noed hat he
mxtues lsed n he able ae ased on suce-dry sand If
the ne aggegae s moist o wet, make appopiate corec
tions n atch weights. ness he lightweght aggegate is
in lly sauraed suce-dry (SSD) conditon consideaton
should be taen tha ighweight aggegae might absob
wate and water should be adjused accodngly.
able oncree mixtues or smal jobs
Proede: Select te prope nom mximu ize o ggege Ue Mixue B ding jt enogh wer o produce a wokable cosey. f he
oee ppe to e nersade, hage to ixue A ad if it appear ovesaed, ge to Mixue C.
Nominal maxmm
size o aggregate, n.
Appoximate wegts of solid ingredents pe t3 o concete, b
Sand (SSD)*
Coarse aggegate (SSD)
Concete wtout
Gavel or
ai entanment
Lghtwegt aggegate
cshed stone
'I mp   e ncree buled wgh od 2 b,   very we n  ue, 4 l b
A-nne concre hou  be ue    rcure poe o e yle  o eezng nd hwng Ar erm  be ob by e u e o n r-erg cme
o by dig  i-nining miure. I f mixure i s se te m u reommnd by te m uar wil n mos ses pru the esire i on.
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
A.72 The appoxae ceen conent of concree lsed
in th al will  hlpl in stmatng cn rqur
ens r the job. These estmates apply o the use of po
land cement only These equements are based on concree
tha has us nough watr to allow  a consistncy tha
cltates working into s wihou oectionable segre
gaton. An ndx of a good conssncy  s whn h concrt
slides , not rns, o a shovel.
Concrete of noal placealiy and worailty can e
proportiond  dnsis as hgh as 350 lb/ft y using hgh
densiy aggegates such as ron ore, ron shot, steel sho,
bart ron punchngs and stl punchngs Although ach
of h aals has s own spcial characisics thy can
be processed to eet he sandard equeens r gading,
soundnss clanlnss and oth rlvant aggga prop
ties. ACI 30.3R addresses hgh-densy concree n detal
and should e consuled bere aeping o propotion
hgh-dnsty concr.
requied densty by he amoun of he ancipaed densty
loss due o dyng. A conservative esiae of his densty
loss ay b oand y asuing h wt dnsity and th
oven-dy densty of concree cylnders as llows.
Cas thr cylndrs and din th w dnsy in
accodance wth ASTM Cl38/C 1 3 8 M. Aer 72 hours of
standad cuing, dry he cylndes o a constan weigh in
an ovn a 21 1 o 230°F and asu th avrag dnsiy.
alculate the densy loss due to dying by subactng the
ovn-dy dnsty o h w dnsiy.
Add this dinc o h qud dry dnsy whn
calculating ixture proporions o allow  his loss Less
consvatv hods of dning dnsy loss ay b
appopiae depending on the applcaion Norally, a
shly xd dnsiy (wt dnsy) is 8 o 1 0 lb/ft highr
than the oven-dy densy
B.4Adjustment fo enraned ar
If enraned ar is equred to ess condions of exposue,
allowanc should  ad  th loss in wigh du to th
volume occuped y the ai To copensae  he loss of
enrained ai as a result of vibation, the concrete mixre
should  propotiond wh hgh ai connt.
B.2Aggregae selecion
B.5Handng of hghdensty aggregaes
The selecton of the aggegae should depend on he
inended use of he concee. Fo example, n the case of
radation shlding tac lmnts withn h aral tha
ay ecoe reacve when suected to adiaon should e
avoded. In he selecion of mateials and poportioning of
hgh-dnsty conct h  data ndd and procdurs usd
ar simila o hos qurd  noral-dnsiy concr.
Aggegae density and copo stion  high-dens y concrete
should mt qurnts of ASTM C637 and ASTM C638.
Typcal mateials used as hgh-density aggregaes are lsed
in Table B 2
Handlng of hgh-density aggregaes should e in accor
ance with ACI 303R (ASTM C637 and ASTM C638).
Typical poporons ar shown n ACI 30 4.3 R.
B.3-Adusmen n anicpaon o drying
If h concrt will b xposd to an nvironnt tha
causes a sgncan loss of wegh due to dyng, it should
be poportoned so hat he esh densy is hgher han he
B.6-Prepaced aggegae
High-dnsy pplacd aggrgat concrt should
b poporond n th sa ann as noal-dnsty
peplaced aggregae concree Example xtue proporons
r th pplacd agggat mthod and r ypcal grout
poporons can e und n ACI 303R.
B61 Concree s required r counerweghts
on a lft bdg that will not  suctd o zng-and
thawing condtions An average 28-day compressive
stngh of 3500 ps will b rquid. Placmn condions
pet a slup of 2 to 3 n. and a nominal maximu sie
aggegae of 1 in The desgn of he couneweight requires
Table B.2-Typcal highdensiy aggegates
Limonie nd goetite
lmenie, hemie, n mgnetie
Seel nd iro
Hydo iro oes
Baium sute
ro oes
So peets ad puchings
Specifc gavity
34 to 38
4.0 to 4.4
4.2 to 5.0
65 to 75
Resultng cncete densty, b/3
180 to 1 95
205 to 225
21 5 to 240
3 1 0 to 3 50
Tabe B.6.-Popeies of seeced aggegates
Finees mouus
Specic gvity
Bk eity
oma mximm ze
Partce hape
Copyright Amerca Socete Institue
Coarse aggregate
165 lb/ft
I in
Cbicl cushed
Am ercan Concrete Institute - Copyrighted© Material - www
Fne aggegate
Specul emtite
4.9 5
an oven-dy densiy of 225 / (he oven-died condion
s spcd and s a mo consrvatv valu han tha of th
ar-died condtion). An nvestigaon of economically aval
ale materals has indicated the llowing:
(a) Cmnt: ASTM Cl 50/Cl 50M Typ I
() Fine aggregate: specular heate
(c) Coas agggat: lmnit
(d) A high-ange wae-reducing admixre (HRW)
will be used
Tabl B2 ndcats hat hs combnaton of matials may
esu in an oven-dy densty of 2 1 5 o 240 l/ . As shown
in Tal B. 6 1  th lowng poptis of th aggrgats
hav n oband om aoaory tsts.
The quanties of ingedents are calculated as lows.
B.61.1 Step Th daild approach wll  usd
B612 Step Fro Table 5.3.3, a concree wh a 2 to
3 in slump and a 1 n nomina maximum sz aggrgat
rquirs a wat connt of appoxmatly 3 1 5 /yd  As th
aggregate s of noral particle shape and expected ulk dens
ts no adjusmnt in war conn s mad. No pozzolans ar
to be used, so no adusment s ade  the eecs. Non
air-entraned concete w be used ecause the concree will
no  xposd to sv wah and hgh a contnt would
reduce the dy density ofhe concree. Theere no eduction
in wat dmand  a ntranmnt is mad A consultng
the manucte of the HRWRA a reduction of25% n water
deand s expeced so he waer conten is adjused
3.78 ft /yd
xposu o sul xposur is anicipatd th ar no rcom
mended maxum vaues on wlcm r ths concee. There are
no production cods rlvant to th conc ing popo
toned; herere Table 4.7.4. 1 is used o deemneJ'
' = fc' + 1 200 ps = 3500 + 1 200 = 4700 ps
From Tabl 53.4 intrpolatng bwn th aggga
se lines wlc needed o poduce his ' in non-ar-entained
concr s und to  appoxmaly 0.48 Thus th
equred cemen conent is calculated o be
Cmnt contn () = 236/048 = 492 lb/yd 
and th volum of cmnt s sad to 
cmnt connt
spcic gravty of cmn  dnsty of wa
 2.50  /yd
3 . 15  62.4
27 ft
- ( Vwter + Vcment + ,.) =
27  (3.78 + 2.50 + 0.41 ) = 20.31 /yd
The actonal volume of coarse aggregae is esiaed
om Tabl 5.3.6  a n aggrga havng a nnss
modulus of 2.30 and und o  0 72. Thrr th ovn
dy wight of coase aggegate wll e
Factional volume of coarse aggregae x buk densy x
27 ft/yd = 0.72 x 165  27 = 3208 l/yd
The SSD weight of the coarse aggregae will be
l 
OD = l + 100%
Th volum acton of th coars aggrga wi b
 1 .  6 f /yd
4.61  62.4
Th volum acton ofth n aggrga wll :
B613 Step Bcaus nthr zng-and-thawing
Copyright Am
Th stmad ntappd air o Tal 53.3  s 1 5%.
;r = 27 f/yd x % air n mixre
The cubc et of a enranen is 27.0 /yd  1.5% =
04 1 f /yd
B6 1 5 Step The volume of aggregae to e provded
 3 1 5 = 236 b/yd
and the volume of waer s esaed as
B6 1 4 Step The volume of air:
gggte - Vos ggregat = 20.3 1  1 1 . 1 6 = 9.1 5 /yd
The SSD weight of the ne aggregate wll e
Msso = Vfin gggt
 RDo x 62.4 l/f = 9 . 1 5 x 4.95 x
62.4 = 2826 l/yd
The anticipated wet densty of he concete will then be
th wigh of watr cmnt coars aggrga and n
aggegate dvided by the unit volume o
W + C + MSSDcoars argate + MSSD, fin aggrga
27 /yd
23 6+ 492+ 3 211+ 2826
 25 1 /
The actual es esuls indicated he concree possessed he
llowing propris:
(a) Density (eshly xed): 24 9 lb/ft
(b) vn-dry dnsy: 242 l/f 
(c) A conten: 2.2%
(d) Slump: 2.5 n.
() Strngh: 5000 ps a 28 days
Not: Oven-dy densy of he concree having a comb
naton of hmait and ilmn agggats was 7 lb/ lss
than th shly mxd dnsity.
American Concrete Insttute - Copyrghted© Materal - www.concreteorg
American Concrete Institute
Always advancing
As ACI begins its second century of advancing concrete knowledge, its original chartered purpose
remains "to provide a comradeship in nding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in
spreading knowledge. In keeping with this purpose, ACI supports the following activities:
Technical committees that produce consensus reports guides specications and codes.
Spring and fll conventions to facilitate the work of is committees.
Educational seminars that disseminate reliable information on concrete.
Certication programs fr personnel employed within the concrete industry.
Student programs such as scholarships, internships, and competitions.
Sponsoring and co-sponsoring international conferences and symposia.
Formal coordination with several international concrete related societies.
Periodicals the ACI Structural Journal Materials Journal, and Concrete International.
Benets of membership include a subscription to Concrete International and to an ACI Journal. ACI
members receive discounts of up to 40% on all ACI products and services including documents, seminars
and convention registration fees.
As a member of ACI you join thousands of practitioners and professionals worldwide who share
a commitment to maintain the highest industry standards for concrete technology construction
and practices. In addition, ACI chapters provide opportunities for interaction of professionals and
practitioners at a local level to discuss and share concrete knowledge and fellowship.
American Concrete Instiute
38800 Counry Club Drive
Farmington Hills, M 48331
Phone: +1248848.3700
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue
American Concrete Institute
 d
38800 Country Club Dve
Famg Hils, M 48331 USA
The American Concete Instiute (ACI) is a leadg aoity ad esource
woldwde for e developen ad disributio of cosensus-ased
stad ads ad teccal esoces, edcaiona rogras, and cetifcaons
for indvid ual s and ogazaons volved  cocee desig , constuctio,
and maeals, who shae a comtent to ursung e best use of concete.
divduas terested n te actvies of ACI ae encoaged to expore e
ACI weste fo meeship opotuies comtee actives and a wde
variety of coc ree esoces As a volu teer e me -dive orga at o
ACI invtes paterss ad welcomes al cocree pofessoas who wis to
be art of a respeced conneced social gou tat povdes a opporuty
for pofessona gowt, eworkig ad enjoyet
1          
9 6 95
Copyright Amerca Cocete Institue