Subido por Kaori Nicol Grández García

Practice unit 4

Practice unit 4
Name: Kaori Nicol Grandez García
Complete the sentence. Use a word from the box.
1. Corinne is a very optimistic person. She can always find something good in any
2. Jeff is so forgetful. He never remembers what I tell him.
3. I never know what Sheila is thinking or feeling. She's very reserved.
4. Brenda is usually outgoing at parties, but last night, she was very different. She didn't
talk to anyone and sat by herself!
Choose the best word to complete the sentence.
5. I know I'm being ____, but I don't think my exam results will be very good.
A) dull
B) passive
C) pessimistic
6. Please don't point at everyone. It's so ____.
A) charming
B) impolite
C) talkative
7. Julia is extremely ____. She's so pleasant and attractive.
A) insecure
B) pessimistic
C) charming
8. Jack is so ____. He's only interested in himself and his own feelings.
A) self-centered
B) optimistic
C) generous
Is the sentence grammatically correct or incorrect?
9. Mark is someone who is I can go to with a problem.
A) correct
B) Incorrect
10. Most people find it difficult to be around someone who is pessimistic and insecure all
the time.
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
11. What are the answers that you're looking for in an interview?
A) correct
B) Incorrect
12. Mrs. De Leo is an outgoing teacher that she has a lot of interesting ideas.
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
13. Those are the people who have the talkative daughter.
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
14. He is a man whose generous personality is known throughout the office.
A) Correct
B) Incorrect
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
15. Being generous is a personality trait ____ I admire.
A) That
B) Who x
C) Whose
16. Will is a person ____ never has anything nice to say about others.
A) What
B) Which
C) That
17. I'd like a boss ____ is generous and optimistic!
A) Who
B) Whose
C) Which
18. That's the quiet woman ____ office is next to mine! I never hear her talking to anyone.
A) that
B) whose
C) Who
19. Melissa has a few qualities ____ I find very annoying, but I still like her.
A) That
B) whose
C) who
20. This is the book ___ helped me improve my personality.
A) Who
B) whose
C) That
Read the text. Complete the sentence. Use Ashley or Sarah.
Sarah is my best friend. She is an outgoing person who loves being
around people. But my favorite thing about Sarah is that she can see the
good side of any situation. Once we went to a movie, and the electricity
went out in the middle of it. Sarah stood up and led the crowd in a song!
At first, people were surprised, and they didn't want to sing. However,
Sarah likes a challenge. She continued to sing and encouraged people
to join her. She told jokes that made the other people laugh and, in a
short time, everyone was singing in the dark. After 20 minutes, the
electricity came on and the movie continued. Thanks to Sarah, everyone
was happy, and the movie, which was actually a little dull, seemed more
While Sarah is outgoing, her sister Ashley is not. Ashley enjoys any
activity that she can do alone. Once I went camping with Ashley and
Sarah. Ashley spent the days reading, and at night, she sat alone and
looked at the stars. At first, Ashley seemed quiet, but then I noticed this
was not true. On the way home from the camping trip, I had to sit next to
her on the bus. I was prepared to be bored, but when we started talking
about her studies in law school, I realized how much she knew about
different subjects, including architecture and business. Ashley may be
the most reserved person I've ever met, but she's also one of the most
interesting. Sarah and Ashley are certainly great friends to have.
21. Sarah is loved for her optimistic personality.
22. Ashley enjoys being alone.
23. Sarah makes people laugh.
24. Sarah is not reserved.
25. Ashley seems reserved at first, but she's actually interesting.
26. Ashley is in law school, but she also knows a lot about other things.