Subido por angelo.espinoza.flores

project i04

Angelo:Hello Gianella. How are you?
Gianella: I’m great, thank you for asking. How about you?
Angelo:I am fine, How is your day going?
Gianella:This morning I bought a magazine that was about millionaires. Where it
mentions some Hollywood celebrities. I don't exactly remember everyone… but
that’s interesting because it mentions how they spend their money.
Angelo: Interesting. hoollywood actors make a lot of money. For example Dwayne
Johnson is a great actor and millionaire. Do you know Who he is?
Gianella: I’m not sure who he is, but hum, wait he’s the rock! He’s one of the
highest-paid actors in the world and he is very famous because he’s the biggest star
in Hollywood. I wish I were a famous person to have many followers on Instagram.
Angelo:That’s true, he became the highest paid actor in the movie “The mummy
returns” in 2001 and he has been named one of the most powerful celebrities by
forbes magazine., but he didn’t have much money when he was young.
Gianella: I agree with you. When he was a young athlete he faced many obstacles.
For example, when he didn’t have money to pay the rent of the apartment where he
lived with his parents, he borrowed the money and nobody helped him. He was too
broke. For this reason he proposed to himself to get ahead. Now, do you know what
the reason for his success is?
Angelo: I am not sure what the reason is, In fact He was broke. Even so, He was
very successful as a wrestler on TV. Here he won many fights and gained many
Gianella: Yes, but on the other hand, he participated in different movies and he
became a great actor around the world. If I were an actress I'd like to act with him.
Angelo: On the other hand, he is an activist and has a charitable foundation that
helps children at risk. He also donated 1 million dollars to the University of Miami.In
recent years, he donated $25,000 for the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey.
Gianella: It's amazing how much he was able to donate to charity. Not everyone can
do it. In one interview he said that success isn’t always about greatness, it’s about
consistency. Consistent, hard work gains success.
Angelo: I agree with you, I believe that he is a person who keeps his word, because
now he has a lot of money and success. In my case I don’t have a lot of money. If I
were a millionaire I would donate my fortune to orphaned children.
Gianella: Ohh Sounds good, I trust you. I know that you are telling the truth. But you
don't need to be rich to support orphaned children, you can volunteer in orphanages.
Angelo:Yes you're right, In this case I'm counting on your help. But then again, I
heard in another interview. He said that I could earn more money. I think it's true
because he is working hard on new movies for this 2023.
Gianella: That’s true. This year, he will participate as a main actor in the movies Fast
x and red one. I'm looking forward to seeing one of his movies released this year. It
depends on the circumstances. I hope we can watch a movie together.
Angelo: We can meet next week to watch one of his movies, for example Shazam. In fact ,
Shazam has been directed by him.
Gianella: That's an amazing movie. I can't wait to watch that movie soon. Ok, see
you soon.
Angelo: See you..