TYPOLOGY OF GAMES Motor-sensorial or exercise games Symbolic game A) GENERAL Piaget Role games With the body, objects or people. Imitation, representation. Role representation. Socialised or rule games. Non-verbal games 1) Language use Know one another, break the ice… Sociocultural aspects. Precommunicative games Communication games 2) Attitudes B) FOCUSED ON LANGUAGE TEACHING Cooperative games. Competitive games. 3) Techniques Students play to be the first to achieve the goal. Different games depending on the dynamic and techniques used. Board games They require movement, mime, performance… To work in pairs and in small groups. Card games They are good for reactivating language. Oral games They only require oral and written communication. Online games 5) Linguistic aspects Emphasize communication and develop fluency. Students work together to chieve a common aim. Body games 4) Medium or material Different aspects of the language (vocabulary…). Vocabulary games. Structure games. They promote digital competence. They work on words, spelling and pronunciation. Yes / no questions, guessing what happened…