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Unlock It: Wealth, Success, and Significance by Dan Lok

“In a world where so many teach and very few actually lead, Dan has built
an impressive following by helping others see the potential inside
themselves and leading them by example to a place of true growth and
change. The data doesn’t lie—millions have watched, read, and listened to
his videos, books, and podcasts. Entrepreneurs at any level can learn from
his past and benefit not just from his selling strategies but also from his
unique leadership strategies.”
| Chairman, Grayson Pierce Capital | CEO, EpekData and
BrandLync | @mattmead
“Dan has been on a meteoric rise from one of Vancouver’s most respected
entrepreneurs to internationally recognized global educator. He has
transformed the lives of thousands around the world, helping them make
every moment count. The struggles, stories, and lessons that he writes about
in Unlock It show Dan Lok is a man of principle and is creating a true
impact on the world.”
| CEO, Áegis Living | @dwaynejclark
“If you’ve loved any of Dan’s previous works, Unlock It takes everything to
the next level! Dan has the ability to educate, inspire, and motivate
everyone from start-up entrepreneurs to successful seven- and eight-figure
CEOs and business owners. He speaks words of wisdom few possess, due
to his unique experiences, his growth through life, and his successful
business empire. Whether you are a marketer, start-up, entrepreneur,
millionaire, or current couch potato, Unlock It provides invaluable
education, systems, and the ability to ‘unlock’ your true potential.
If you only plan to read one book this year, make this it.”
| Founder and CEO, ROI Machines | Two-Time Multi-Seven-
Figure Business Owner and Facebook Ad Expert | @RudyMawerLife
“In a world full of warm and fuzzy personalities evangelizing the narrative
of everyone deserving a participation trophy in the battle for success, Dan
Lok’s new book Unlock It is the wake-up call so sorely needed. A true
modern-day rags-to-riches success story, Dan lays bare what it truly takes to
create success from any set of circumstances at a blistering pace.
Be warned, if you’re seeking another politically correct book that allows
you to hide comfortably from your potential, this book isn’t for you, but if
you’re truly ready for a predictable, practical, and profitable path to
success, you’ve now got the manual.”
| President,
“What I love about Unlock It is that Dan is able to speak to people at all
stages of wealth and give practical, proven advice for every step of the way.
I couldn’t recommend this book more because it helps each of us let go of
old mindsets, release current myths, and overcome essential wealth
challenges—all of which can overwhelm anyone easily without these clear
strategies and tactics. This is a great book for anyone who is looking for a
proven way to move to their next wealth level—whatever it is!”
| Cofounder, Plan Sight
“Dan has taken his real-world experiences and condensed them into
powerful, yet simple, lessons that allow people worldwide to achieve
unparalleled success. Just say, ‘I’m ready to learn,’ and unlock the black
belt training to your personal success!”
| Business Owner and Executive Advisor to CEOs,
Culture Index
“When you are a successful entrepreneur, one of the hardest tasks is
deciding what to optimize when all is going well. Unlock It flipped a switch
in my head. After reading it, I’ve become more focused on what to grow in
my business using Dan’s strategies. This book is for anyone who is hungry
for more.”
| Founder and CEO, TPA Media | @torbenplatzer
“Dan Lok is an impressive entrepreneur. Not only has he personally
produced awesome results but he also genuinely wants others to take action
and achieve exceptional results for themselves.
Dan teaches from his own experiences. He takes the lessons and principles
he’s learned along his journey and boils them down into simple strategies
that can help you overcome new challenges on the path to achieving your
next level of success.”
| Founder & CEO, O2E Brands (1-800-GOT-JUNK?,
WOW 1 DAY PAINTING, You Move Me, Shack Shine) | @BrianScudamore
“I’m an author, entrepreneur, and Amazon consultant with a decade of
experience. Dan’s stories and spirit have inspired me to grow myself and
further develop my high-income skills. Helping others expand their ecommerce businesses is my passion, and the strategies I’ve learned in
Unlock It will help me to further ‘unlock’ my clients’ and my success.”
| Founder and CEO, Love and Launch | @akemisue
Copyright © 2019 by Dan Lok.
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To my wife, Jennie Li, for being my best friend and partner.
You’re more than I could ask for.
Behind every successful man, there’s a smarter woman.
Thank you for being the smarter woman in my life.
To my mom, who loves and supports me no matter what.
To my dad, who I wish could see this book.
To my team, who dedicate their lives to helping our organization
realize our vision and execute our mission.
To Peter Lu, who worked countless late nights editing this book.
To Charlie Fusco, who pushed me to write this book.
To my students and mentees from all over the world.
It’s an honor to teach you.
To you, for striving to be a better version of yourself.
How I Unlocked My Success, Wealth, and Significance
Unlock Your Wealth
Unlock Your Wealth Archetype
Unlock Your High-Income Skill
Unlock Your Luck
Unlock Your Personal Power
Unlock Your Productivity
Unlock Your Sales
Unlock Your Business Growth
Unlock Your Profit Margins
Unlock Your Social Capital
don’t know why you’re reading this book.
Maybe you’re waiting in the airport, and the book cover caught your
attention. You’re flipping through this book wondering whether you should
pick it up or not. Or maybe a friend of yours gave you this book. Possibly,
you’re one of my fans on social media and familiar with who I am.
No. I don’t know why you’re reading this book. One thing I do know is
that if you’re reading this book, you want more.
You see, many people are not interested in improving their life in any
shape or form. Very often, they feel stuck, as if they don’t have the power to
change and accept life as is.
But YOU are different.
You believe in something else. You believe you have the desire to
change, the ability to succeed, and that you can be a better version of you.
You believe you have the power to unlock your destiny.
Now, you might have read a lot of different books on success, selfimprovement, wealth, and business already. This book may not be your first
“personal development rodeo.” Even though you learn a lot from different
books and they teach you many different things, let me ask you a question.
Do you feel deep down there’s still a missing piece? Like you’re putting
together a jigsaw puzzle, and you have some pieces, but you never get to
see the whole picture?
You’re looking for that missing link. You’re looking for that piece of
information that connects all the dots. You’re looking for that key that
unlocks everything else for you.
You’re looking for that missing link. You’re looking
for that piece of information that connects all the
dots. You’re looking for that key that unlocks
everything else for you.
If that’s you, then my goal is to give you that key.
I hope that this book will not only give you a new perspective, but more
importantly, a road map to implement everything you’ve learned in the past
and to connect those learnings in a clear, concise manner.
Chances are, if you’ve read other books, what I’m sharing with you is
nothing you haven’t heard of before.
I don’t claim to be a super original thinker. The truth is, I think originality
is highly overrated. You can always tell who the pioneer is when they are
lying on the ground with arrows in their back.
No, I’m not an original thinker. I’m an entrepreneur. I’m a synthesizer. I
take ideas, make them better, and execute them better than most.
Absorb what is useful, discard what is
not, add what is uniquely your own.
Most books will tell you to do this and don’t do that; don’t do this and do that
instead. That’s not what I’m here to do. This book is here to share with you a new
perspective and a system that shows you how to think differently.
My challenge as an educator is to change the way you think. Changing the way
you think will alter the way you do things. The exciting part for me is that
inevitably the way you do things will force you to produce different results.
Now, there will be information that I share that you may or may not agree with.
That’s perfectly fine. Everything I teach comes from my experience, so it doesn’t
make it right. It doesn’t make it wrong either; it just makes it my experience.
All I can do is come from my own experience.
I ask that you read this book cafeteria-style. Take what seems useful and
implement it. If it works, great—keep it. If it doesn’t work, that’s okay too—throw
it away. No hard feelings. That’s how I believe we all should learn.
In my twenties I published about a dozen books, including a best-selling book that
sold over one hundred thousand copies worldwide. I thought that was my last
book, and I haven’t thought about writing another book for ten years.
So why am I writing this book? Why now?
People have been asking for this book.
Over the last decade, my mission has been to start a global economic movement
by empowering people and developing their High-Income Skills. As I met with my
students and fans around the world, I listened to their stories.
I’ve heard countless stories of college students coming out of school, and they
can’t get a job. Even though they’ve studied in school for four years, their
employers will tell them in interviews that they don’t have enough experience.
So they go back to school and get further into debt; they get an MBA or a
second degree and work even harder. Now when they sit across the table from the
employer, they say they have too much experience. Sometimes, the jobs they
prepare to get will become extinct by the time they get out of school.
So what do you do? They feel handcuffed even though they did what they were
supposed to do. It’s not just students who are struggling. Entrepreneurs come up to
me and share their pain.
They have trouble getting their products noticed, they can’t get anything to sell,
their operating costs are going up, and costs are rising, and there’s more on the line.
Technology is lowering the barrier to entry and making the marketplace more
competitive than ever.
Overall, it’s just getting more challenging to run a business. Even successful
entrepreneurs who have “made it” come up to me and share with me their concerns
about staying in business.
They’re not sure if the success they’ve built is going to last or how to sustain
their success or how to take it to the next level. New technologies are going to
come and wipe out their entire business.
They know social media is powerful, and they know a new way of doing
business is emerging, but they’re not sure how to adapt to this change. Now that
they’ve achieved a taste of financial success, they understand that the name of the
game is not getting rich; the name of the game is staying rich.
In my past twenty years of business and life, I’ve picked up key lessons and
principles that have helped turn me from a poor Asian immigrant with $150,000 in
debt to a leader of a global organization. When I’ve followed these lessons, I’ve
succeeded. When I’ve disobeyed these principles, I’ve failed. So whether you want
to excel in your career, carve out a path on your own, or build a company that lasts,
you’ll find useful ideas here.
First, you’ll get to know me very well. You’ll see how I wasn’t given anything in
life and how I was able to rise from nothing to something.
From my journey, one key concept that has guided my philosophy about
financial success is the Wealth Triangle. In chapter 1, I’ll introduce you to the
Wealth Triangle and why (contrary to popular belief) starting a business is a
horrible first step to achieving wealth and success. There are three steps to the
Wealth Triangle—and most people do things in the wrong order. I’ll show you the
right sequence to achieve the milestones in the Wealth Triangle.
I’ll introduce you to the six universal Wealth Archetypes. These are archetypes
and profiles that will help you identify your relationship with money and where
you are on your wealth journey. After you get clarity on where you are, you’ll be
able to start the first step of the Wealth Triangle.
The first step of the Wealth Triangle is attaining the High-Income Skill that will
help you pay the bills. It’s a skill that will help you become recession proof. Most
successful CEOs and entrepreneurs didn’t start with a business as their first step;
they began with a High-Income Skill. In chapter 3, you’ll learn about the power of
a High-Income Skill and why debt problems are skill problems in disguise.
Even with a High-Income Skill, there is a metaskill most people don’t have.
That skill is the art of achieving maximum productivity. In chapter 5, you’ll learn
how to achieve maximum results in minimum time. This chapter won’t be a
chapter on time management—far from it. You’ll see why productivity is selfmastery, and you’ll see how a few simple adjustments to your current routine could
multiply your results.
After achieving maximum personal productivity, you’ll learn how to achieve
maximum financial productivity. Whether you want to move up in your company,
become your own boss, or empower your employees with a powerful skill, this
chapter will show you a new brand of sales. You’ll learn about High-Ticket
Closing® and how you can close deals and negotiations more effectively without
using any slimy, sleazy, or high-pressure tactics.
In chapter 7, we’ll be looking at the second step of the Wealth Triangle—the
Scalable Business. You’ll learn about the three pillars of business growth and how
to grow your revenues at an exponential rate. Most businesses have one or two
pillars working for them, but without all three pillars working in tandem, they are
leaving opportunity on the table.
One of the most critical factors in determining the longevity of a business is its
profit margin. In chapter 8, you’ll learn how to increase your profit margin by
selling at higher prices. You’ll see how it gives you a competitive edge when it
comes to advertising, testing and research, and scaling your business.
Lastly, you’ll get a look inside into what I think is one of the most overlooked
assets to any business. It’s what I call Social Capital. In today’s age, I believe
social capital is even more important than financial capital. It’s the secret behind
why a twenty-one-year-old Kylie Jenner was able to become the youngest
billionaire in history. If you have a company or a brand you want to grow and
sustain, this chapter will give you a framework for expanding your own social
If you’re ready to begin, then flip the page.
How I Unlocked My Success,
Wealth, and Significance
his entire story starts with an affair.
I was born in Hong Kong. I loved both my parents, but they did not love
each other. When I was still in the womb, my dad had an affair. Though my mom
was hurt and angry, she didn’t want her son to grow up in a broken family. So she
stayed. But when I was fourteen years old, my mom couldn’t take it anymore and
decided to bring me with her to another country—Canada. We became immigrants
in a new and unfamiliar country with no connections, no money, and not a single
word of English on our lips.
My mom, who was a housewife, suddenly had to become the provider. I had to
adapt to a completely different environment. The first few days were full of fear
and anxiety. We lived in Surrey—one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in
Vancouver. It took me three days before I could gather the courage to step outside
our tiny one-bedroom apartment and walk down the street.
I was one of only three Chinese kids in the entire school, and if you think racism
didn’t exist in Canada, my experience tells a different story. At school, I was the
invisible kid. I couldn’t speak a word of English and couldn’t make any friends. I
would sit in the back of the room, and I never put my hand up. After school, I’d go
straight to my locker and grab my backpack without looking at or making eye
contact with anyone in the hallway. I was too shy to even walk in the middle of the
hall, so I’d walk along the sides. I was that kid you could go to school with for
semesters, and you wouldn’t even know his name. If you look at my group
graduation photo, you’ll see all the popular kids together, and I was alone in the
corner with no one around me.
So the bullies targeted me.
At lunchtime, these three big guys would drag me from the front door of the
school to the grass field, and they’d beat the hell out of me. Maybe they thought I
was an easy target. I only weighed 105 pounds—I looked like a twig. They threw
me to the ground, ganged up around me, and just kicked and punched me as I was
down. The beatings happened multiple times. Today, you can still see a scar on my
Once during this time, my mom bought me as a birthday gift an electronic
dictionary that could translate English words into Chinese. It was $300—that we
could not afford—but my mom saved up for and bought it because she wanted the
best for me. I treasured it. I brought it with me to school every day, and I plugged
in words I couldn’t understand so that I could follow along in class. I worked hard
at it every single day. I was finally making an advancement. Maybe I could
eventually raise my hand in class or make some new friends.
One day, the same three kids saw me using the electronic dictionary. They came
up to me and said, “Hey, why are you doing math during lunch? You nerd. Give me
that.” At first, I didn’t understand the situation. I tried explaining to them, “No, this
is a dictionary. My mom bought it for me. Please give it back.” But they didn’t
listen. They passed it around to each other, threw it over my head when I was
trying to get it back, and then …
They threw it out the window. We were on the second floor. I heard the impact
on the pavement below, and I knew $300 of my mom’s hard-earned money was
down the drain. I was pissed.
But more importantly, I didn’t want my mom to find out. I didn’t want her to
find out that her hard work was for nothing. I didn’t want her to be hurt again. So
at home I went through the motions with the broken electronic dictionary,
pretending it was working, but at school, I got a paper dictionary from the library. I
looked up every word I was supposed to be learning and read it out loud at least
fifty times to make sure I could say it correctly.
Have you ever felt like the world was just against you even though you did
nothing wrong? That’s how I felt. These are just a few examples of many, many
One afternoon, I dropped off my school bag on the sleeping bag that I slept on in
the living room, and I noticed that my mom’s door was closed, and she was
speaking on the phone with someone. When the call ended, she came out of her
room. I’ll never forget her face. She had tears streaming down her cheeks. It
looked like she had been crying the entire day. She looked hopeless.
“Mom, what’s wrong?”
“Your dad called. He can’t send us money anymore.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“His business … his business went bankrupt.”
I believe every person has a moment in their lives when everything changes for
them. It changes them at their core, and they can never go back to being the same
again. These are what I call “defining moments.” Most people think inspirational
or happy moments shape them. It’s not true. Happiness doesn’t change you; pain
Defining moments hurt like hell; they break you. They tear you into little pieces
and test your resolve. If you make it through, you become a better version of you—
a renewed version. Defining moments are deceptive because you don’t feel your
life changing as they happen. These moments can feel more like a painful slam
against the concrete as you hit rock bottom; you go into shock as your whole world
starts falling around you. Moments that change your life feel like you can’t get
enough air in your lungs; I know because it is exactly how I felt when my mom
came out of her room. That’s what it felt like when I, Dan Lok, had to step up and
become a man.
Defining moments hurt like hell; they break you. They
tear you into little pieces and test your resolve. If you
make it through, you become a better version of yourself
—a renewed version.
Everything I have ever done wasn’t for the money. I just never wanted to see my
mom cry again. At that moment, I promised that no matter what it took, I never
wanted to see that look on my mom’s face again. That’s what started my
entrepreneurial journey.
At first, I thought getting a job would be the solution to all my money problems.
“If you want to earn money, then get a job!” That’s what everyone said, so I
listened to them and got a job bagging groceries at a Chinese supermarket.
I made minimum wage working ten-hour shifts and stood on my feet doing the
same mind-numbing repetitive motions over and over again. I had very little
patience for a job like that, and I quit after a few months.
“There has to be a better way to earn money. But how?” I thought to myself.
That’s when my first idea hit me.
One day I was jogging in my neighborhood, and I saw an older gentleman,
probably in his seventies, who was mowing his lawn very slowly. It looked like he
was having trouble, so I asked him if he needed any help with mowing his lawn.
He agreed, and I finished the job for him. As I was leaving, he stopped me and
pulled out $20.
That’s when the light bulb came on. I could do this for other people and make
more money! That was the start of my first business—a lawn-mowing business. I
was just a kid and couldn’t afford a lawn mower, but I was smart enough to make a
deal with the older gentleman.
“Hey, it seems like the lawn mower is a bit too heavy for you to use. How about
I mow your lawn every week for FREE, and you let me use it for my business?”
He thought about it for a moment. “Ah, sure, why not. I don’t use it that much
BOOM. I had just closed my first deal.
However, having a service to offer was only the first step. The next step was
selling the service. So I knocked on every door in my neighborhood to ask if my
neighbors needed their lawns mowed—and I got rejected at every single house. I
felt awful, AND I still had to mow the older gentleman’s lawn—for free. Then my
next “brilliant” idea came. My aunt had a printing business. She printed out flyers,
but she needed someone to distribute them for her.
“Auntie, I’ll hand out your flyers for FREE—if you let me advertise my lawnmowing business on the backside of the flyers!”
She thought about it for a moment. Then she replied, “Why not? I need someone
to help me hand these out anyway.”
BOOM. Another business deal closed.
When my aunt agreed to let me hand out her flyers with my business on the
back, I thought I would be making thousands of dollars that week. I made grand
plans for what I would do with the money. I was even worried about how I would
balance school with my booming business success. With this newfound inspiration
and determination, I handed out five thousand flyers. Then I went home and sat
next to my phone, waiting for the calls to come rolling in.
One hour went by … no calls. One day went by … no calls. Three days went by
… no calls. Did I put the wrong number on the back? No. I checked; it was the
right number. So why wasn’t anyone calling? They had lawns that needed mowing,
so why wasn’t anyone calling me?
By the end of my first “marketing campaign,” I made a big fat zero.
I thought back to my first “client,” the older gentleman. What did I do
differently? That’s when it hit me—the first lesson I learned that still affects how I
do business today. I mowed the older gentleman’s lawn FIRST and THEN got the
Armed with this epiphany, I went to a higher-end neighborhood in the area and
saw a house with grass that went up to my waist. That was my opportunity. I
brought my lawn mower, I mowed the lawn, and I sat on the front porch waiting
for the owner to come home.
When the owner came home, she didn’t even recognize her place. She drove
past and had to reverse back because her lawn was so much shorter.
“What’s going on here?” she asked.
“Well, ma’am … I’m just a kid trying to make some money, and I saw your lawn
was growing out so much that I thought I’d help out.”
To my surprise, she was really grateful.
“Oh, thank you! My husband is always working, so he doesn’t have time for
taking care of the lawn. Here’s $100 for your trouble.”
BOOM. I got my first $100 deal, and the first $100 is always the sweetest.
A word of warning: What I did was utterly ILLEGAL. You can’t just go onto
someone’s property and start mowing the lawn. I do NOT recommend doing what I
did. I was just a dumb kid trying to make some money.
You have to start somewhere, right?
After starting my lawn-mowing business at seventeen and realizing it wasn’t going
to make me rich in the long term, I started jumping into other entrepreneurial ideas.
Maybe you can relate to this. When I was “evaluating” business ideas, I thought
every opportunity I found was going to be the “next big thing.” Over the next three
years, I tried everything. From vending machines to fixing computers to delivery
services to network marketing—if it had a remote chance of making money, I’d
jump in, which was very. VERY. Dumb. I failed at thirteen different businesses
before I had my first success, but nothing hurt more than the last business.
I was already $120,000 in debt from losing my first twelve businesses. I had
maxed out my credit cards, borrowed money from all my aunts and uncles, and
even borrowed some money from my mom. I was relentless. I still believed that I
could make it all work. At the time, I was still with the network marketing
company. I had already burned bridges with most of my friends and family because
all I could ever talk about was the company and how great it was. Have you ever
had a friend ask you to go out for coffee to offer you a shady “business
opportunity”? That was me. My friends and family started avoiding me because all
I could talk about was getting them involved in my network marketing opportunity.
Without friends or family to target, I had to find other ways to recruit people
onto my team. So I had another “genius idea” and started placing my business card
in office buildings, hoping someone would reach out and have coffee with me.
To my surprise, one person called me. We met up for coffee, and I went through
my presentation with him. I told him how great my company was and how easy it
would be to make money.
“You need to find three people to join your team. Then they get another three
people to join their team. So before you know it, you’ll get to retire.”
“Dan, I’m gonna stop you right there.”
“Huh? I was getting to the best part.”
“No, your presentation was great. But I’ve got something better for you. You
seem like a sharp guy, and I was looking for someone just like you to help me out
in my business.”
He went on to explain how he built websites and sold them to people for
massive profits. If I could help him fund the start-up phase of his business, we’d
split the profits as partners.
Remember when I said if an opportunity sounded like it had even a remote
chance of making money, I’d jump into it? Well, I’m a man of my word.
I went into that business with him as “partners.” I invested $1,000 at first, then
$2,000, and then $5,000. Every time we’d meet in his office, he’d tell me that
we’re close to breaking through, that we need a bit more time and money to finish
the developments. Like the naive young kid I was, I believed him. I kept putting
money into it: $10,000 … $15,000 … $20,000 … then $25,000. I was deep into
this business. I was determined to make it work.
Now at this point, you might be asking, “Dan, where are you getting all this
money?” Great question. It was from the last remaining person who believed in me
—my mom.
I had already maxed out my credit cards and borrowed money from every
relative that would lend me money. So when my new “business partner” showed
up, I could only turn to my mom.
I remember the day my “business partner” asked me for one final investment of
$5,000. He told me this was the last one, and that was all we needed to strike it
rich. Of course, I believed him.
I drove my mom to the bank so that we could withdraw the last $5,000 that I
needed. My mom was already near her account limit. While we were in the line,
she was grabbing my arm and crying, “Don’t do this, Dan. Don’t do this.”
Like a crazed gambler, I told her, “Mom, just believe in me. I know I can make
this work.” She was still crying and clutching my arm when we withdrew the final
Later that day, I brought the $5,000 to the man and asked him if that was all he
needed. He said yes and that everything would be finished soon. Then I went home
with the hope that this was my big break. One day went by—no message from him.
Two days went by—no message. Three days—no sign from him. I called his cell
phone—no response. I called his office—it said the number did not exist. What the
hell was going on here?
I rushed to his office, and everything was gone. I called every number I could
think of that was associated with him—the secretary, the offices next to his. I even
asked the janitor. No one knew anything about this man. They were as clueless as I
was. He disappeared without a trace. I was scammed. At that moment, I was so full
of anger, hatred, and shame. I was furious at myself.
“How could I have let this happen? Why am I so stupid? How could I have lost
all my mom’s money? Why do I keep making dumb mistakes like this?”
As I was walking home, trying to think of what I would tell my mom, I came
across a bridge. I looked over. It was high enough to kill someone if they jumped
“Maybe I should end it here. Maybe my mom is better off if I didn’t keep losing
all her money.”
I continued to stand there.
“Maybe she would be better off if I didn’t exist.”
Luckily, I’m still alive today. There was a small part of me that knew I couldn’t
leave my mom alone in this world. I knew that I had to man up and take care of my
After picking myself up, I started attending more seminars and workshops to
sharpen my skills. At one of the seminars, I met my first mentor, Alan Jacques.
Now if you don’t know Alan, he’s the founder of Real Estate Investor Network
(REIN), the largest real estate network at that time. He was the first person to bring
Robert Kiyosaki—author of Rich Dad Poor Dad—to Canada, before Robert was
famous. For about a year, I worked for Alan for next to nothing. Every day for the
first few months, I licked hundreds of envelopes for mailings. Then I moved on to
helping Alan edit some of his sales letters. After a while, Alan let me write my first
sales letter (a letter we sent out to people to let them know about our products and
services). I spent days and nights crafting a sales letter, making sure every sentence
and word was correct. When I gave it to Alan, he told me, “This sucks. Do it
I brought it back to him, and again, he told me, “This sucks. Do it again.” I did it
AGAIN and made sure it was the best thing I ever wrote. I gave it to him, and he
looked at it for a second longer this time, “It’s still no good. Once more.” We went
back at it about six or seven times before Alan finally said it was good enough to
send out.
The funny thing is, years later Alan told me, “You know, Dan, the first letter you
wrote was pretty good. But I needed to challenge you. You thought you’d given it
your best, but that was not your best. The second time, you thought it was your
best. There was a gap between what you thought was your best compared to your
actual best. Being able to see this difference and make the necessary changes is
how you get better at this skill.”
After I learned to be a copywriter from Alan, I branched out and started my oneperson advertising agency. At first, I was selling my services for $500 to $1,000,
but because I had only so many hours of work I could do in a day, the number of
clients I could take on was limited. I knew I had to charge more if I wanted to
support me and my mom. I had only done copywriting for a few months, so I
didn’t think I could charge more than $1,000. That’s when Alan challenged me
“Dan, you should bump up your price. One thousand dollars is too low.”
“I guess so. What’re you thinking, bump it up 10 percent? To $1,100? That’s
pretty reasonable.”
“No. Double it.”
“What do you mean? I can’t double it. I’ve only been doing it for a few months!
I’m a twenty-one-year-old kid with a thick accent; I can’t double my price!”
“Dan. Double it.”
I sighed. “Okay.”
Alan told me to practice asking for the price in front of the mirror. I listened and
went in front of the mirror,
“How much do you charge?” I asked myself in the mirror.
“T-t-t-two thousand dollars.” I stuttered.
“How much do you charge?”
“T-two thousand dollars.”
“How much do you charge?”
“Two thousand dollars.”
I kept practicing until I could say the price with a straight face and without
stuttering. Guess what? When the next prospect asked me how much I charged, I
told him $2,000 and there was no pushback. A few months later, I had a couple of
$2,000 clients and was feeling pretty good. Until Alan came to me and said,
“Dan, it’s time. Double it.”
“What? Double it again? I’m going to lose all my clients!”
“Double it.”
“No way they’re going to pay that much for me. How am I going to pay the bills
if I lose all my clients?”
“Dan. Double it.”
I repeated the process and followed Alan’s instructions. To my surprise, it
worked again. There was no pushback. I repeated the process a few months later,
raising the amount to $8,000. Then $10,000. Within the span of a year, I went from
charging $1,000 to $10,000 for doing the same amount of work. That’s when I
learned you don’t always have to work harder to earn more money; sometimes it’s
just about communicating your value better than your competitors. From that
lesson, I was able to achieve Security. I was ready to provide for my mom, get a
new car, and pay off all of my debt.
After I achieved Security through copywriting, I found great success by starting
multiple online businesses. I had a copywriting background, so I was one of the
first to enter the online market. I had a massive advantage over everyone else. With
my copywriting expertise paired with the internet, money started coming in faster
than I could ever imagine as a kid. One day, when I was twenty-seven years old, I
looked at my bank account and realized I had $1 million. This money was the
“success” I was chasing this entire time. I had “made it.” From being an immigrant
boy making minimum wage at a supermarket, I somehow had become a young
millionaire. After so many years of working hard, it was finally time to relax, so I
went to the beach.
For the next month, I didn’t do any work. I went to English Bay, the beach in
downtown Vancouver, and sipped cold drinks while looking at the ocean—what
most people would imagine as a dream retirement. It was enjoyable at first, but
then I did it again the next day. And then the next day. And then the next day. And
believe it or not, sitting on a blanket of sand doing nothing for an entire week is
pretty boring (and you get sunburned too). So the following month, I watched six
or seven movies every day. When you watch that many movies, guess what? You
don’t like movies so much anymore!
I was in a position most people dream of getting to in life. They had to wait until
sixty-five to do what I was doing at twenty-seven, but I was bored and miserable.
Everything that would supposedly make me happy didn’t make me happy. I had
everything I ever wanted and more, and yet I still felt unfulfilled.
One day I woke up with tears coming down my cheek. My wife, Jennie, saw this
and was concerned. She asked, “Why are you crying? What’s wrong?”
“I don’t know. Tears are just coming down my cheek.”
“Are you feeling okay? Are you in pain? Do you need to go to the hospital?”
“No, I don’t know why. I just have this feeling of depression coming over me. I
don’t know where it’s coming from.”
I felt empty inside. I had worked hard to get to where I was. I lived a good life. I
had all of the money I could wish for in my life. All my needs were taken care of
and then some. I had the freedom to do what I wanted to do. But I was still
miserable for no apparent reason. I questioned everything: “What am I chasing
exactly? Why did I work so hard? What was I working for?” And as cliché as it
sounds, I wondered, “Is there more to life than just this?”
From that point on, I went on a spiritual journey. I dove deep into personal
development and spiritual work. I thought it was all about money and results, and
that the spiritual “woo-woo” stuff was fluff. But after my experience, I realized
there was some truth to these teachings. As silly as it sounds for a young
multimillionaire, I wanted to find myself. I spent all my life chasing achievements,
believing they would lead me to happiness. However, I discovered that what I
craved was not an achievement but fulfillment. I mistakenly thought money would
give me meaning. I was trying to win the race of accomplishment by running on
the track of success. I asked myself a simple question that might be useful for you
as well:
“When am I the happiest?”
The answer became clear. When I was in college, I had a couple of martial arts
students I taught free of charge. I loved it. When I was teaching, I got into a flow,
and time disappeared. I loved watching people light up and transform right in front
of my eyes. Teaching gave me a thrill. I loved teaching.
Many people these days say, “I love this so much I’ll do it for free.” I can’t
entirely agree with that. I believe you should love what you do so much that you
say to yourself, “I love this so much; it’s the only thing I’ll do for money.” To this
day, I’m the happiest when I am teaching. However, at the time, I had only taught
martial arts and had never thought of making a living as a martial arts teacher. I
asked myself, “How can I teach more? How can I build a business that combines
my purpose, profit, and passion? How can I make it so that it’s ALL I do?” That’s
when I became a full-time teacher. That’s when I started living a life that was fully
aligned and fully congruent with my beliefs. That was when I moved into the final
stage of my life: Significance.
“Would you still do what you do if you won the lottery?” For most people, the
answer is, “No, I’d quit immediately. I’d stop what I’m doing right now.” I can say
without hesitation that I would be doing precisely the same thing as what I’m
doing right now. How can I be so confident? Well, I have made way more money
than a lottery jackpot, and I’m still doing the same thing today. I’m very grateful
every day of my life.
I’m able to utilize my skills, expertise, and experience to impact millions of
people’s lives. I live a stress-free lifestyle and get to do what I love. There are
people with world-class talent who buy into our vision, mission, and culture, and I
get to spend time with and learn from amazing people every day.
I get mail from my students almost every day. It could be a simple postcard, a
package of their hometown food, or even a portrait of me made from gemstones.
I’m not trying to impress you or show that I’m so great. It’s just an indication of
the appreciation that my students have for our community. In our society, we see
success stories from our students every day—stories of them quitting their jobs,
paying off their mortgage, and buying their parents’ well-deserved trips. Not only
that, you can see how my students carry themselves with a newfound sense of
dignity and confidence.
I also get to meet my students at our annual private event in Vancouver.
Thousands of my students fly in from all over the world to share a fantastic
weekend. I get to hear all their heartwarming stories in person. I love and treasure
every single one.
I’ve been lucky enough to grow a following of millions on global media
platforms like YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram that allow me to speak with
people from places like Canada, the United States, Hong Kong, Singapore,
Vietnam, Thailand, India, Germany, France, England, Scotland, Nigeria, Egypt,
and many, many more. When you focus on making a meaningful impact on others,
money comes faster, more naturally, and with less effort. I just wanted to teach and
help as many people as I could. I never imagined that I’d be able to make such a
great living at the same time.
The majority of my days are spent doing the things I love to do:
• Reading books and learning
• Teaching and mentoring students
• Traveling with my wife and friends
• Strategizing, thinking, and planning for the future
• Practicing Jeet Kune Do—my favorite martial art
• Meeting and learning from world-class entrepreneurs and founders
Other than that, I don’t do much “work.” For me, I define work as anything I
don’t want to do. I have a team that takes care of those things for me so I can focus
on what inspires me the most and leaves the most significant impact. Rarely do I
need to worry about what’s happening day to day in the business. If there is a fire
that needs to be put out, my team will let me know. More often, they will solve the
problem themselves.
Right now I work four and a half days a week: Monday to Thursday and a half
day on Friday. I could work less, more, or not at all if I wanted to, but this setup is
what makes me happiest right now. Occasionally, I’ll take a week or two off to visit
my mom in Asia or have a spontaneous trip with my wife. Other times, I’ll fly to
different cities to meet with other members of the Young Presidents’ Organization
(YPO) to see what ideas I can bring back to my team. If you’re not familiar with
YPO, it’s an elite group of entrepreneurs and CEOs from around the world.
According to its website, members are responsible for $9 trillion in annual revenue
in the United States and employ twenty-two million people globally. If you hang
around these heavy hitters, you’ll start getting great ideas whether you like it or
So, if you were to ask me, “What do you do on a day-to-day basis?” my answer
would be, “Whatever I want.”
At this stage of my life, I’ve gone through a lot. I’ve had my share of successes and
failures. I’ve made money and lost money, met many great people and a lot of bad
people, and I’ve had plenty of ups and downs. From my experiences and
observations, I believe there are four stages of life we all go through as we strive
for more in life: Survival, Security, Success, and Significance.
They happen in order, and there’s no guarantee that everyone will make it to
Significance. As you’ll see, each stage requires more of you than the previous step.
Let’s talk about the first stage.
The main concern is taking care of you and paying the bills. You might be in debt,
broke, or living paycheck to paycheck—whatever it is, your main focus is
surviving. You feel like you are drowning and are gasping for air.
I was stuck here for the longest time. However, if you push through and begin
taking more responsibility for your life, you’ll make it to Security.
When you achieve Security, you have some breathing room. You have a place to
live, a car to drive, and food to eat. You’re no longer worried about the payments
that are due next week. This stage is where most people stay.
They can pay the bills, but they get complacent. They have a decent life, a
modest house, a decent car, and a respectable job. They don’t play to win. They
play to lose because they’re afraid of taking any risk and losing what they already
have. It took me years to reach this Security, but I’m glad I didn’t stop at this stage.
I continued to strive for Success because I thought that’s what would bring me
Now you have everything you need AND everything you want for yourself. You’re
driving nice cars, living in your dream home, and doing whatever you want,
whenever you want. Many people look up to you because you’re a leader of your
industry—you’re living the life.
However, when you stay here for too long, you realize there’s a void—
something is missing. You won’t be able to pinpoint what is lacking in life. Most
people think that to fill the emptiness, they need to achieve more. I spent ten years
of my life chasing success, and when I reached this stage, I felt that same void. I
tried to fill the void with more achievements, but I didn’t find true fulfillment until
I moved into the last stage: Significance.
You have everything you need AND want, but now you realize true fulfillment
comes from helping and developing others. You recognize that success is getting
what you want, while Significance is giving what you have. When you are living in
this stage, you wake up with gratitude, abundance, and a sense of joy inside you.
You strive for more, yet you’re content with what you have. You have ambitious
goals, yet you are not attached. You are strong, yet you are not rigid. You have
nothing to prove, yet you are achieving more than ever before. You plan for the
future, yet you’re fully present. You are in full flow with life—not against it. Since
I decided to help and impact more people, many people have told me I’ve changed
—I’m more easygoing and relaxed, yet they see me achieving more than I ever
have. They ask me, “Dan, how do you do it?”
It’s because I stopped focusing on success and moved toward Significance.
You’ve heard my story, and now it’s time to unlock your own.
Now that you understand the financial stages, the next chapter will show you
how to move to the financial stage you want.
Unlock Your Wealth
he world is full of inequality: racial inequality, gender inequality, education
inequality, political inequality, and, of course, economic inequality. You can
see that the rich are getting richer, and the poor are getting poorer—the middle
class is disappearing. Now, is this fair? I don’t know. All I know is that it’s what’s
happening right now.
On top of the economic inequality, students are coming out of college
unprepared and at a disadvantage. The September 2018 issue of U.S. News &
World Report reported that the average fees at private national universities
increased 168 percent, out-of-state tuition rose 200 percent at public national
universities, and in-state fees (that are supposed to be the most affordable) at public
national universities grew by 243 percent in just the last twenty years. College
tuition is rising, and income levels are not keeping pace. While many baby
boomers can remember working through college and graduating with little to no
debt, this is not possible for most college students today.
With all the instability and uncertainty surrounding the future, people are
looking for answers more than ever. While it is true that information is more
accessible than ever, it’s also true that misinformation is more accessible than ever.
So in this chapter, I’m going to dispel some of the most dangerous “Wealth
Myths” that I believe hold people back financially. At the end of the chapter, you’ll
also see my Wealth Triangle concept that will give insight into how you can
advance in your financial life.
Let’s get started.
Hustle. Work your face off. Work until you drop. Work until you’re exhausted and
then work some more.
If working hard is the secret to success, then why aren’t garbage collectors
millionaires? There are millions of hardworking construction workers, janitors,
waiters, and cooks who do not earn enough money to live comfortably. If the secret
to success is working hard, then a lot more people would be wealthier and happier.
At my first job, I bagged groceries at a supermarket and made $10 an hour. I
stood for hours on end. My back would hurt, my feet would hurt, and I dreaded
going to work every day. Fast-forward some years later, and now I charge $10,000
an hour for my consultation fees. My hourly rate went from $10 to $10,000—what
changed? Well, I’m pretty much the same guy. I didn’t have a degree then, and I
still don’t have a degree now. I still speak with a thick accent. I’m still the same
Dan Lok; the only difference is the value I can deliver to the marketplace. Money
is nothing more than the by-product of value creation.
If you ask most people how to make more money, they will tell you to work harder
—“Get a second job, get another shift, put in overtime.” I call this the “shotgun
approach.” You spray and pray. You try everything, spread your energy across
different tasks, and hope that one of them will give you the results you want. The
results, like the approach, are diluted.
But instead of working more hours, what if you increase the value of your
hours? What if you learned to solve bigger problems for other people? What if you
improved your skills and delivered more value? Bagging groceries is a very easy
problem to solve—almost anyone can do it. However, being a company consultant
and helping in the development of successful marketing campaigns—that’s a much
more difficult problem to solve. When you look at it this way, you can see how
money is tied more to the value you deliver—NOT the amount of work you put in.
Focus on improving your skills and increasing the value you can give. Your
income will follow these changes.
Have you ever seen pictures on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube showing the
lifestyle of a “successful entrepreneur”? You know what I mean. The photos are
showing off the cars they drive, their vacation spots, the homes they live in, and the
life that they lead. It’s easy to look at that and think to ourselves: “I want that life
too, so I’m going to start a business just like them. Then I’m going to drive a fancy
car, live in a fancy house, have a model girlfriend, and travel to all the best places
in the world.”
Well, sorry to break it to you. Most people AREN’T ready to start a business.
Why? Because most people start businesses for the wrong reasons. When someone
tells me they want to start a business, I ask them why. Usually, I hear one of three
1. I want more MONEY.
2. I want more FREEDOM.
3. I want more TIME.
The problem is that most entrepreneurs are NOT entrepreneurs. They are
employees suffering from an entrepreneurial seizure. What does this mean? Most
people who want to start a business are employees who either hate their jobs and
want to escape, or they think they can do a better job running a business than their
boss. They think, “I’m going to fire my boss, do my own thing, and be my own
boss,” but they go into a business with an employee mind-set.
A warning: owning a business will NOT give you more free time. It’s like caring
for a baby. Babies and businesses need to be nurtured and fed; they require
constant attention and care. New business owners have less, not more, free time. In
the beginning, you’ll usually be wearing many hats, doing everything from
bookkeeping to closing deals to delivery to marketing to customer service and on
and on.
If you’re already an entrepreneur, you already know that starting a business is a
24/7 job. Even when you’re “off,” you’re not really off. You’re thinking about how
to grow the business, how to solve problems, how to make it better. If you want the
easy way, get a nine-to-five job. It is much easier.
Are you familiar with the idea of “passive income”? It was promoted in all those
business books back in the 2000s. Just focus on passive income. Focus on getting
money to come in automatically so you can retire. Network marketing companies
love this idea. They sell people on the idea that by recruiting just a few people,
they can sit on the beach and sip on mai tais as money rolls into their bank
Did you know that according to a Federal Trade Commission report percent of
people who join a network marketing company don’t make money? That’s because
anyone who joins focuses on passive income. Everyone wants to get something for
nothing. The 1 percent who make money are not passive at all. How do I know?
Some of my good friends are top network marketers. If they want to keep their
“passive income,” they continuously recruit people, attend conferences, fly to
different hotels, run their team, and train new members. They are rarely sipping
mai tais on the beach.
I realized there was something wrong with the concept. In most other areas of
life, the idea of “passive” doesn’t work. Let’s say you decide to get fit. Would you
say, “Hey, I want to get in shape. I’ll do some passive exercises.” No! That makes
no sense. If you want a healthy relationship, you won’t go on “passive dates.”
The word “passive” has a dangerous meaning behind it. It implies that you can
get something for nothing, and that’s not how the world works.
Everything takes work. Even the most common passive income ideas—investing
in stocks, selling products online, and buying real estate—all require some effort if
you want to be successful at it. The market could change, and your stocks will be
worthless if you don’t do your research. When you’re selling products, you’re also
putting time and money into marketing.
Even Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, and other
wealthy people keep their wealth by actively engaging in their financial interests.
They all work. They are all very active in their investments. They are all very busy
in their business. Instead of the word “passive,” which is very dangerous, I suggest
using a different term: leveraged income. Leveraged income is income you
generate by using other people’s resources, time, and money.
When a start-up company raises capital from venture capitalists to fund them in
the infancy stages, it is called leverage. When you hire employees and delegate
tasks to them, that is leverage. When you use technology to automate manual tasks,
that is leverage. You might ask, What’s the difference between passive and
leveraged income? They sound pretty similar. Here’s the critical difference:
Passive income implies you get money for no work. Leveraged income is
generated from leveraging other people’s work. Leverage is an important concept
to understand when talking about Scalable Businesses. For now, know that
leveraged income trumps passive income.
For many people, the idea of “financial freedom” is having enough money so you
don’t have to work. It’s having enough money so that you can do whatever you
want, wherever you want, whenever you want. Sounds pretty good, right? The
problem with this is that it’s an illusion. I had a few automated businesses and
investments that produced monthly revenue for me. If I did nothing, sales and
revenue would continue to roll in. However, I soon found out that just because I
have “financial freedom” today, it doesn’t mean I’ll have “financial freedom”
Things change, markets change, economies change, government policies change.
That means what may have given you “financial freedom” one day will provide
you with nothing the next day.
Instead of financial freedom, I prefer financial confidence. It means knowing
you have the skills and ability to make money, no matter what happens. It means
you won’t need to rely on a boss to give you a raise. It means you don’t have to
fear changes in the economy. It means you never have to feel at the mercy of
external forces when it comes to your financial life. When you have financial
confidence, it gives you real security, peace of mind, and comfort. That’s what you
should aim for in your career.
So how do you get that financial confidence?
This concept is simple but very profound—it is not theory or philosophy. It comes
from my personal experience and observations. Daily, it’s battle tested by clients,
students, and fans from all around the world.
Here’s how it works:
High-Income Skills allow you to earn $10,000 a month or more, providing a
service other people know they need but do not know how to do themselves. It’s a
skill no one can take from you and is transferable across industries. In this case,
you are trading your time for dollars. A High-Income Skill gives you income and
comfort. It provides stability for your Wealth Triangle. With a High-Income Skill,
you are taking back the POWER to control your life. You control your own time
and your income. There’s no more glass ceiling capping your income. The
marketplace, not a boss, determines the value of your skill; this is true financial
If you’re itching to learn more about High-Income Skills, you can jump to the
chapter “Unlock Your High-Income Skills,” where we dive deep into examples of
High-Income Skills and how you can develop your skill.
A Scalable Business is a business you can repeat and grow with SPEED and
WITHOUT a large amount of infrastructure or capital. For example, would a
restaurant be a Scalable Business? No! Every time you want to open a new
location, you need to invest time and capital resources and build new
infrastructure. You would need to sign a new lease, invest more capital resources,
renovate the place, hire new employees, train new employees, market the new
location, and a million other things before it could run on its own.
A Scalable Business is a business you’ll be able to grow to serve more
customers without the overhead. For example, you don’t need to create new offices
to serve more customers with Uber or a SaaS. You will need to bring on more
employees as you grow, but the number of employees you have won’t cap your
growth as much as it would if you were running a restaurant.
High-Income Skills provide you with a stable income, while your Scalable
Business provides you with profits and cash flow.
A High-Return Investment is an investment that will provide you with a minimum
10 percent return, year in and year out. The purpose of the High-Return Investment
is not to generate income. The purpose of the High-Return Investment is to grow
your net worth and expand your POSSIBILITIES.
Your High-Income Skill gives you a stable income and helps you win back your
POWER. With your Scalable Business, you are generating PROFITS. With your
High-Return Investments, it builds your net worth and expands your
On the surface, the Wealth Triangle looks simple, and it is. When you look deeper,
it answers many common questions that people have.
“Dan, I’m just getting started. What business should I start?”
Don’t start a business when you don’t have any business acumen. Instead, focus
on the High-Income Skill first. Learn to generate $10,000 a month first. You see
people all the time on Shark Tank investing in what they think is a Scalable
Business and sinking their life savings into it. “I came up with this amazing idea!
So I put everything I had into it. I’ve mortgaged my house, borrowed from my
family and friends, and now I’ve got two thousand board games in my garage.
Invest in me!” And of course, if Kevin O’Leary were there, he’d reply, “You’re
dead to me.”
When you look at the previous graph, you’ll see a black line fluctuating and a
red line steadily rising. The black line represents the cash flow of a standard
business. The red line represents the earning potential of a High-Income Skill.
As anyone who runs a business will tell you, the company has its ups and
downs. Some years will be great; some years will be not so great. The cash flow
fluctuates, which means you can’t count on your business to be the foundation of
your income. However, with a High-Income Skill, your earning potential does not
change. It should grow every year. The reason it stays steady and grows is that
your skill does not leave you, and because your High-Income Skill is transferable
across industries, it is not as vulnerable to economic changes as a business.
Another question I often get is, “Dan, what should I invest in?”
Well, nothing if you have not developed your High-Income Skills. Why do you
need to invest in anything? You need capital. If you want to invest in stocks, bonds,
or cryptocurrency, you need money. If you don’t have money, how can you keep
reinvesting (even if you do find a good investment)? In the meantime, you also
need to eat and pay the bills. Where will you get the money? The interests or
dividends you get from the stock won’t be enough—especially if you are starting
What about real estate? You probably know or have at least heard of people
making money with real estate, right? Well, it’s a different story if you are starting.
If you buy the property and count on tenants to give you a monthly income, what
happens if they move out? What happens if the toilet breaks? What happens when
unexpected expenses come up? It’ll most likely be much more headache than it’s
So before you jump into High-Return Investments, focus on developing HighIncome Skills first.
Hopefully by now you’ve gained a glimpse into why the Wealth Triangle is so
powerful. It doesn’t give one-size-fits-all advice; it acknowledges where you are in
your current financial journey. What I am doing might not be the best action you
can take, and what I’m investing in might not be the right fit for you. It all depends
on where you are in the Wealth Triangle. When you understand the Wealth
Triangle, you gain clarity. Clarity is power, and power is simply the ability to act.
We’ll dive deeper into each component of the Wealth Triangle in the upcoming
chapters. First, I want to introduce you to the six archetypes—six of the most
common profiles today. Understanding your archetype will help you unlock your
wealth, success, and significance much more quickly.
Unlock Your Wealth Archetype
e all have different stories. You have your own set of unique experiences,
beliefs, and ways of looking at the world. I have mine. However, we go on
similar journeys. Over the past decade, I’ve spoken with millions of people around
the world. They shared with me their stories, their journeys, and their
transformations. Though each of them is unique and has different perspectives, I
saw patterns emerging—patterns of common problems that stopped each person
from achieving the next level.
These patterns are what I call “Wealth Archetypes.” Once you know which
Wealth Archetype you are, you’ll know which of the following chapters in the
book will be most useful to you.
Let’s jump in.
The Caged Lion
Picture this. You are a lion—fierce, wild, and born to hunt. You are the king of the
jungle. Then one day you are blindsided by a group of hunters who tranquilize and
capture you. Suddenly, you’re inside a cage. You’re angry, you’re furious, and you
want out. You roar the first few days and claw at the cage. You say to yourself,
“I’m going to get out of here, and the minute I do, I’m going to show you how
dangerous I am!”
As you roar and claw at the cage, you slowly get more and more tired. That’s
when the lion tamer comes in and throws you a piece of meat. You try to resist it
because you’re the king of the jungle; you don’t need to be fed scrap pieces of
meat. However, as time goes by, you get hungrier and hungrier. You need food to
survive. You walk up to the meat and say to yourself, “I’ll eat this one piece of
meat, and that’s it! Then I’ll get out of here.” But before you know it, the next day
comes, and the lion tamer throws you the second piece of meat. Then the third day
comes. You slowly become accustomed to living off of what’s given to you.
Instead of hunting, you become more and more reliant on the lion tamer. You live
off of the scrap pieces of meat every day—meat that’s enough to keep you alive,
but never enough to make you full. You’re not starving, but you’re never truly
satisfied either. When you rebel or start roaring, the lion tamer whips you and takes
away your food. In order to stay alive, you have to start obeying the lion tamer,
even though you know you could easily take his life.
A dangerous thing starts happening as time goes by; you get stuck in a routine.
You wake up at the same time, you get food from the lion tamer at the same time,
and you go to sleep at the same time. You are no longer hunting, no longer
experiencing the thrill of life, and no longer the king of the jungle. Your prowess
and hidden potential are kept trapped inside a cage. There’s a voice screaming
inside of you—frustrated, angry, and impatient. You are a LION; why should you
have to listen to this lion tamer? You can go out and hunt on your own. All you
have to do is step outside of the cage.
However, it’s not that simple. There’s also another voice inside your head, “I’ve
been stuck in the cage for so long; do I still have what it takes to hunt?” You’ve
been trapped in a cage for so long and gotten so used to the routine that you don’t
want to venture back out into the wilderness. Thoughts like, “What if I can’t hunt
anymore? What if I can’t defend myself against other animals? What if I can’t
survive on my own?” run through your head.
The Caged Lion is the frustrated nine-to-five employee. They are the people
who know they can “hunt” and provide for themselves, but they sacrifice that life
in order for a predictable routine, even though the routine makes them miserable.
They listen to the “lion tamers”—their managers and bosses—who provide them
with measly paychecks that are just enough to help them get by, but never
sufficient to feast. In spite of how hard they work, hours they put in, or projects
finished—they are stuck. Just like the Caged Lion, no matter how many tricks they
can perform for the audience, they are thrown back into the cage at the end of the
day. They are stuck in the life of sameness with no freedom. If the caged employee
ever goes against the rules of the company or upsets their boss, they face
However, just like the Caged Lion, these people CAN hunt, and they CAN take
down the lion tamer anytime they wanted to but are held back by fear of the
unknown, fear of being inadequate, and fear of failure.
The Caged Lion has doubts about whether it can survive in the wild. The caged
employee has doubts about whether they can survive without a steady paycheck.
Most of the people—they have fancy ideas
in the evening. But when they wake up in
the day, they go back to do the same job.
We have to do something different.
The Caged Lion wants to ROAR and be king of the jungle. The caged employee
wants to do bigger things than to repeat the same repetitive tasks for forty-plus
hours each week. But what if I told you that the key to unlocking the cage is
dangling from the lion tamer’s waist—that it’s right in front of you? What if I told
you that the lion tamer looks down on you so much that they sometimes leave the
cage unlocked, knowing that you don’t have the guts to step out of the cage?
Moreover, what if I told you that the hardest prison to escape is your mind? What if
I told you that the only thing the Caged Lion has to do is build up the courage to
step out of the cage and start hunting again? Caution is the major mistake the
Caged Lion has made: the Caged Lion doesn’t trust its hunting skills and instead
trades it for the comfort of a predictable routine.
The Chained Magician
You are a powerful magician. You have powers most people can only dream about.
Not only that, you are full of creativity, energy, and imagination. Your boundless
energy allows you to think fast, learn fast, and act quickly. To you, the world has
endless possibilities, and you say to yourself, “I can accomplish anything I set my
mind to. If someone else has done it before me, then I can do it too. If no one has
done it, then I’ll be the first to do it!”
You know if you were permitted to use your powers, you could change the
world; yet the village elders seem to suppress your powers. While you have these
fantastic powers, the elders around you have prohibited you from using them.
Why? So that other people in the village, who cannot use magic, won’t feel
threatened. Your magical powers are new and different—they would go against
conventional wisdom. Even though your magic can bring about great change for
your village, the elders value staying with tradition more than trying something
To keep the elders happy; you don’t use your magic. You respect the village
elders and everything they’ve done for you, but you feel chained, unable to use the
full powers you KNOW you have within you.
The Chained Magician represents all the millennials and the new generation of
talent who feel suffocated and pressured by their parents and society.
As a young and ambitious man or woman, you have all this energy and
creativity inside of you. You KNOW you can change the world and create massive
impact, but to keep your parents happy you are choosing to go the traditional route.
Have you heard any of these phrases before?
• “Play it safe.”
• “No one in our family has done this before.”
• “You can’t make a living doing that.”
• “Get a degree, get a good job, get married, and buy a nice house.”
• “What do you mean you’re not getting a degree?!”
• “You’ve got to have a safety net.”
• “Why can’t you be more like them (your cousins, your friends, your siblings)?”
• “What if this doesn’t work? Then what are you going to do?”
• “Why don’t you get a job first and build up a safety net, and then you can do something
• “If you don’t get a degree, you’re going to disgrace our family. You’re going to be a loser.
Companies won’t hire you, and you’re going to be out on the streets. Is that what you
• “What am I going to tell our family and friends? That you’re a dropout?”
• “Why are you so greedy?”
• “Why are you so ambitious?”
• “Don’t stand out!”
• “Don’t outshine other people; people will think you’re arrogant.”
• “Why can’t you be happy with what you have?”
• “You have good benefits at your job; what if you can’t find something better?”
• “We sacrificed so much for you so that you can get an education. We moved all the way
here for you, and now you’re throwing it all away?”
• “You used to be such a well-behaved and good kid; what happened to you?”
• “Don’t you love me anymore? Why are you doing this to me?”
• “I did so much for you; why can’t you just do this for me?”
The worst part is that you’re not following the traditional path for you; you’re
doing it for them. You know the traditional path won’t get you to a place where
you can give your family the life they want, so you feel chained, suffocated, and
misunderstood. You say to yourself, “Why can’t they understand? I’m not doing
this for me; I’m doing it for them. Why can’t they support me? Why are they so
negative? Why do they have to crush my dreams?” It’s one thing if they don’t
understand, but it’s another thing when they are actively sabotaging your goals and
dreams. They make you feel guilty; they coax you into giving up; they want you to
stop chasing your dreams, and all you can think to yourself is, “Why?”
Superman had this same conflict. He was born with all the power in the world,
but his adoptive parents wanted to “protect him.” They told him to dumb down his
abilities, to hide them, to not let other people see his true capabilities. It’s almost as
if by trying to protect you, they are hurting you by holding you back. However, if
you decide to release your power, you’ll realize how much you can do, how much
you’re capable of, and how much impact you can have. Just like Superman, you’ll
need to make the same decision. Do you keep listening to your parents, or do you
listen to your heart?
Remember, if you choose to go against your parents’ suggestions, it doesn’t
mean you don’t love them; it just means you love them in your way. They may not
understand it now, but they will eventually. You might also feel alone and
misunderstood right now, but as you go out and meet more people, you’ll see there
are more magicians just like you out there in the world. Once you shed the words
of your elders and unleash your shackles, you’ll start to realize you have more
power than you could ever imagine, because that’s the Chained Magician’s biggest
mistake. The Chained Magician believes their magical powers can be locked away
by the words and opinions of their elders when, in reality, nobody can stop them
but themselves.
If you decide to release your power, you’ll realize how
much you can do, how much you’re capable of, and how
much impact you can have.
The Hustling Treasure Hunter
The Hustling Treasure Hunter loves to go on adventures and find the next biggest
chest of gold. They love the thrill of the chase, the allure of a new opportunity.
They love going after the shiny objects in the sand. However, they like receiving
new treasure maps more than they enjoy the actual search for the treasure chest.
When they get a new treasure map, they’ll excitedly announce to the world, “You
wait! Once I find the hidden treasure full of jewels and gold, I’ll be set for life!
You’ll be sorry that you missed out!”
However, as they follow the treasure map and realize it requires them to go
through rough seas and uncompromising landscapes, they quit. They’ll make
excuses such as, “This treasure map was the wrong one. There’s no treasure. This
map lied to me. Don’t worry—once I find the right treasure map I’ll succeed for
The Hustling Treasure Hunter has the lottery mentality, believing external
factors are what determines success, not internal factors. They borrow money and
lose money on every failed venture. They put on a facade to pretend that things are
going well, but deep down, they are terrified. They think to themselves, “Am I
going to die at sea? Am I going to be killed by other pirates? Will the treasure I
find even be enough to feed my family?”
These thoughts are too painful for them to think about, so they ignore them and
continue to be distracted by the “chase.” However, the life of the treasure hunter
isn’t glamorous either. They work very, very hard every day, but they have nothing
to show for it. They have been traveling at sea for years without discovering
treasure. Occasionally, they may find a tiny little bit of gold, but it’s nothing
significant. It may keep them afloat for a small amount of time, but it never gets
them anywhere. It’s never enough to get them out of the “treasure-hunter” lifestyle.
Meanwhile, their family is at home, wondering why they are never home, why
they are always away. The treasure-hunter tells them, “Don’t worry; this trip is the
last one. I will find the treasure for sure, and then I’ll have time to spend with you.
Once we have the treasure, we’ll have so much gold that we won’t have to work at
all for the rest of our lives!” However, this is never the case. The treasure-hunter is
always on the hunt. They never find the “big chest of gold” that will allow them to
escape the treasure-hunter life. The treasure hunter is lonely. Even when they team
up to find treasure with other treasure hunters, they never feel like a team. Because
all the treasure hunters are hungry to find gold, they will jump ship and switch
teams as soon as there is a promise of gold with another crew.
Sooner or later, the Hustling Treasure Hunter finds out there is no loyalty in the
world of treasure hunting. One minute, you think you are on a team united toward
one mission. The next minute your team is jumping ship to join another crew of
treasure hunters.
Who is the Hustling Treasure Hunter? Yep, they’re the business opportunists.
These are the people who jump into the latest money-making schemes like
Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, network marketing, drop shipping, day trading, etc. They
will announce to the world that this opportunity is the “opportunity of a lifetime.”
These are the people who always post about how they’re getting into a “ground
floor opportunity” and to message them for more information. But three months
later, you’ll see them pitching something else. These are the people who have
shiny-object syndrome. They are doing this at the same time they are doing that.
They have a plan A, plan B, plan C, all the way up to plan Z.
If plan A doesn’t work, they’ll jump to plan B. If plan B doesn’t work, they’ll
jump to plan C. While it appears things are under control, deep down inside they
are scared to death. Now you might ask, Why do they have so many plans? The
reason is not that they don’t believe the ideas won’t work. No. The real reason is
that they say to themselves, “I don’t believe I can make it work.” Isn’t that the
truth? Can you think of people who have succeeded in real estate and people who
have failed? Can you think of people who have succeeded in the stock market and
people who have failed?
The truth is, it’s not the plan that doesn’t work—it’s the person executing the
plan. When someone doesn’t believe in themselves, they will create backup plans,
so they don’t have to accept their failure. That’s why they don’t stick to any one
thing long enough because they are too scared to focus or commit to one thing.
They say to other people, “This time it’s going to be different; this time it’s going
to work. Our family will be set.” It is not long until they disappoint their family
again; they’ll dig their family further and further into a hole. They’ll borrow money
to join these crazy ventures. The allure of gold and profit sways them, but they’ll
fail every single time and have to go back to their family with another excuse.
The crazy thing is that the treasure was in their backyard the whole time—all
they needed were the right tools to help them dig in their yard. You see, gathering
“treasure” and gaining success is a lot like drilling for oil. The oil usually lies deep
below the surface. To get to it, you’ll need to invest a lot of time, effort, and
energy. That means if you start drilling at one spot and you move on to the next
place before you hit oil, all you’ll end up with are shallow holes in the ground.
If you truly want to strike and hit oil, commit to one idea, and stick to it until
you make results happen. When you stick to one thing and drill deep, you’ll hit oil.
You’ll reach success. The Hustling Treasure Hunter does not do this. They are
addicted to the chase because they don’t believe they have what it takes to make it
work. Until they fix what’s inside themselves, things won’t change. That is their
biggest mistake.
The Hustling Treasure Hunter enjoys chasing many shiny opportunities but is
too scared to commit to a specific one and quits before results can happen.
The Innocent Prisoner
What if you were jailed for a crime you didn’t commit? How would you feel if
all your life you had followed the rules, played by the books, and did everything
“right” but somehow you still ended up in prison? That’s what an Innocent
Prisoner has to go through. The Innocent Prisoner does everything by the book but
somehow finds themselves trapped in a prison they cannot escape.
At a young age, these are the people who do well in school, get good grades,
follow the rules, listen to their parents, and some even win scholarships. They
work hard and make sacrifices. They’re not afraid of hard work. Even after they
graduate, they put in long hours at work to climb the corporate ladder. I’m talking
about the lawyers, accountants, doctors, engineers—professionals who have
followed the expected, conventional path. On the outside, they seem successful.
They are in the middle class, are raising kids, and seem to have their life together.
On the inside, however, they feel stressed, burned out, and empty. Some even take
antidepressants to aid low-humming anxiety. They say to themselves, “I did
everything I was supposed to do, so why do I feel lost and empty inside? What did
I do wrong?”
They know that something is off, but when they mention it to friends or family
they’re met with questions like, “What do you mean you’re not happy? You’ve got
a great job, great house, and a great family. What could you be sad about?” They
see other people taking risks and being happy, but they dismiss those people as
being reckless. They’ve heard enough stories of people who venture out, go into
business, and then go out of business. They don’t want to be one of those people
who fail. They make decent money, have a nice house, and live a quiet life.
Everything is okay. But it’s not a great life. This life has no adventure, no
excitement, and no expression. They feel like there’s a specific image of
themselves that they need to uphold.
The worst part is that they don’t think they can stop living this life because it
would be irresponsible, even though deep down they’re miserable. They bottle it
up inside. They hide it, even from their loved ones. They justify it by saying, “I’m
doing this for them. My happiness doesn’t matter.” The sad part is that their family
wishes they would be more present at home. Because they are always working,
they find it hard to be emotionally available. They spend all day working at a job
they have to tolerate; of course, it’s hard to connect when all they want to do is
“turn it off.” Soon enough, they’ll wake up one day and think, “Where did the
years go? They went by so fast.” They force themselves to work extralong hours to
maintain the status quo. They’ve seen other people at work laid off for no reason.
They are under tremendous pressure, and they think to themselves, “What if I get
laid off?”
This scenario is the Innocent Prisoner. They listened to others and believed it
was the way to happiness. They built their prison brick by brick and threw out the
key. The Innocent Prisoner’s biggest mistake is believing that following
conventional wisdom and rules will bring them happiness, instead of listening to
their wants and needs.
The Innocent-Prisoner In Real Life
A while ago, I came across a post on Reddit written by an
intelligent forty-six-year-old man who lived the life of an
Innocent Prisoner. It was touching and painted the
struggles of an Innocent Prisoner perfectly. Summarizing it
won’t do it justice, so I’ll share the entire post:
“Hi, my name’s John. I’ve been lurking for a while, but I’ve finally made
an account to post this. I need to get my life off my chest. About me. I’m a
46-year-old banker, and I have been living my whole life the opposite of
how I wanted. All my dreams, my passion, gone. In a steady 9-7 job. Six
days a week. For 26 years. I repeatedly chose the safe path for everything,
which eventually changed who I was.
“Today, I found out my wife has been cheating on me for the last ten
years. My son feels nothing for me. I realized I missed my father’s funeral
FOR NOTHING. I didn’t complete my novel, traveling the world, helping
the homeless. All these things, I thought I knew to be a certainty about
myself when I was in my late teens and early twenties. If my younger self
met me today, I’d punch myself in the face.
“Let’s start with a description of me when I was 20. It seemed only
yesterday when I was sure I was going to change the world. People loved
me, and I loved people. I was innovative, creative, spontaneous, risk-taking,
and great with people. I had two dreams: writing a book and traveling the
“I had been dating my wife for four years by then. Young love. She loved
my spontaneity, my energy, my ability to make people laugh and feel loved.
I knew my book was going to change the world. I would show the
perspective of the ‘bad’ and the ‘twisted,’ showing my viewers that
everybody thinks differently, that people never believe what they’re doing
is wrong. I was seventy pages through when I was 20. I am still seventy
pages in, at forty-six. By 20, I had been backpacking around New Zealand
and the Philippines. I planned to do all of Asia, then Europe, then America
(I live in Australia by the way). To date, I have only been to New Zealand
and the Philippines.
“Now, we get to where it all went wrong—my biggest regrets. I was 20. I
was the only child. I needed to be stable. I needed to take that graduate job,
which would dictate my whole life. To devote my entire life in a 9-7 job.
What was I thinking? How could I live when the job was my life? After
coming home, I would eat dinner, prepare my work for the following day,
and go to sleep at 10 pm, to wake up at 6 am the next morning. God, I can’t
remember the last time I’ve made love to my wife.
“Yesterday, my wife admitted to cheating on me for the last ten years.
Ten years. That seems like a long time, but I can’t comprehend it. It doesn’t
even hurt. She says it’s because I’ve changed. I’m not the person I was.
What have I been doing in the last ten years? Outside of work, I really can’t
say anything. Not being a proper husband. Not being ME. Who am I? What
happened to me? I didn’t even ask for a divorce, or yell at her, or cry. I felt
NOTHING. Now I can feel a tear as I write this. But not because my wife
has been cheating on me, but because I now realize I have been dying
inside. What happened to that fun-loving, risk-taking, energetic person that
was me, hungering to change the world? I remember being asked on a date
by the most popular girl in the school but declining her for my now-wife.
God, I was popular with the girls in high school, and college too. However,
I’ve been loyal. I haven’t taken time to explore. I studied every day.
“Remember all that backpacking and book-writing I told you about
earlier? That was all in the first few years of college. I worked part-time and
splurged all that I had earned. Now, I save every penny. I don’t remember a
time I spend anything on anything fun. On anything for myself. What do I
even want now?
“My father passed away ten years ago. I remember getting calls from
mom, telling me he was getting sicker and sicker. I was getting busier and
busier, on the verge of a big promotion. I kept putting my visit off, hoping
he would hold on. He died, and I got my promotion. I hadn’t seen him in 15
years. When he died, I told myself it didn’t matter that I didn’t see him.
Being an atheist, I rationalized that being dead; it wouldn’t matter. WHAT
WAS I THINKING? Rationalizing everything, making excuses to put
things off. Excuses. Procrastination. It all leads to one thing, nothing. I
rationalized that financial security was the most important thing. I now
know that it is not. I regret doing nothing with my energy when I had it. My
passions. My youth. I regret letting my job take over my life. I regret being
an awful husband, a money-making machine. I regret not finishing my
novel, not traveling the world, and not being emotionally there for my son
and being a damn emotionless wallet.
“If you’re reading this, and you have a whole life ahead of you, please.
Don’t procrastinate. Don’t leave your dreams for later. Relish in your
energy, your passions. Don’t stay on the internet in all your spare time
(unless your passion needs it). Please, do something with your life while
your young. DO NOT settle down at 20. DO NOT forget your friends, your
family. Yourself. Do NOT waste your life or your ambition. Like I did
mine. Do not be like me.”
The Castaway
Imagine you are on an airplane, and it suddenly CRASHES. You wake up and
realize you are alone on the shore of an abandoned island. What do you do? Of
course, the first thing that comes to mind is to see if you can find others who are
also stranded. You take a moment to gather your thoughts, and then you yell,
“HELP! Is anyone here?” No response. You yell again—no answer. It’s just you
and the island.
You’re thirsty, and you haven’t eaten for what seems like days. There’s no
source of salt-free water nearby. Luckily, you find some fallen coconuts on the
ground. You crack them open and drink the small bit of juice they had. These are
the coconuts you’ll later use to store water. What’s the next step? You set up the
shelter by using the washed-up lifeboat from the plane. Then you venture around
the island to see if there are any signs of life. You find none. All you can see is the
ocean surrounding the island. There are no other signs of land nearby.
Staring into the wide open, you realize that you are truly alone and must fend for
yourself. You learn to catch fish and crab, but you can’t eat it raw. You need fire.
How in the world are you going to make fire? You take what you learned from Boy
Scouts and start rubbing two sticks together. You rub the sticks for hours on end,
but no results. You’re getting frustrated. Suddenly, you push too hard on the stick,
and it snaps in half. The sharp end slices part of your palm. You scream in
frustration and anger and throw a washed-up volleyball against the trees. The
volleyball comes back to you and the blood smeared on the volleyball vaguely
resembles a face. In need of connection, you name this volleyball “Wilson.” You
now have a companion. (And yes, if you’re wondering, this is the story of Cast
Away featuring Tom Hanks.)
With your new companion, you try starting a fire one more time. This time some
smoke appears. The smoke then turns into a spark, and that spark finally turns into
a FIRE! You’ve created fire! Victory! You can now cook your fish and crab. You
can finally eat. You wake up the next day and start hunting again since you can’t
preserve your food. You find a nearby water source and fill up your coconuts. This
routine is how you live your life for the next year.
The Castaway is the struggling solo entrepreneur. You are starting your own
business, but you feel alone. You have an entrepreneurial spirit, but there’s no one
around you who can appreciate it and share the journey with you. Every day feels
like a struggle. You are hunting for food and water to survive the day. It feels as if
you are always on a “feast and famine” cycle as you are either fulfilling on a client
or trying to get new clients. When delivering work for a client, you feel safe
knowing that when the invoice gets paid, you can afford to eat. When you are
finding a job, it feels as if you’ll starve.
Every accomplishment is difficult. Minimal achievements feel like a great
victory. When you are just starting out, getting that first client feels like an
impossible feat. Just like starting a simple fire on the island, your first client feels
like a huge victory worth celebrating.
Even when you celebrate, there’s no one really to celebrate with. It is hard for
others to understand why you do what you do, so they stay away. So you go on
your laptop and try to find connection—you try to find someone who will
appreciate the accomplishment. However, just like Wilson, a laptop won’t fill the
void of a real-life human connection.
In a sense, you have “freedom” because you can do whatever you want to do,
but you also lose the security of a predictable income. It’s an income roller coaster,
and you only eat what you kill. Just like the food on the island, the clients aren’t
sustainable. You can only gain income when you are delivering on the work.
On the island, the Castaway has to take care of their shelter, clothing, food,
water, and protection. The solo entrepreneur needs to wear many hats—from
marketing to sales to operations to customer support to accounting. Like a
castaway, if you don’t have a team or system yet in place to help lighten the
workload, you do everything. While other people might think you are a business
owner, you don’t always feel like you are a business owner. You are not in control.
While you are making a decent living, it’s hard to imagine how this type of
lifestyle could scale. Sometimes, you have to battle with imposter syndrome when
you think to yourself, “When will they find out that I’m not as great as they think I
People think you can set your hours, and that’s true in a sense, but the hours you
set are 24/7. You think about your business all the time, and even when you are
“off,” you are still thinking about how to grow and sustain your business. The long
hours, lack of security, and lack of a predictable income make you wonder, “How
long will I have? Am I going to make it?” That is the life of the Castaway.
The Castaway’s biggest mistake is living life as a lone wolf. While they have
what most people consider “freedom,” they are lonely, and they have no long-term
sense of future certainty.
The Unfulfilled King/Queen
It wasn’t easy, and you had to conquer many obstacles, but you’re finally sitting on
the throne. However, you didn’t do it the easy way. No—you did it through
conquest. You’ve worked hard for years or decades to get to this position, and now
you have all that you’ve ever wanted: the fortunes, the lifestyle, and the status. You
always knew you would get here; you’ve had the drive since you were young. All
you had to do was work hard enough to get here. And you did.
However, for some reason, you were only happy for a few moments when you
took the crown—even though this was your lifetime goal. After the first moments
of joy, your mind started feeding you unwanted thoughts: “What if someone tries
to take my crown? What if they try to sabotage me? What if other kingdoms attack
and try to take over our town?”
You now anxiously worry about how you could potentially topple. You identify
your most significant threat. You see that the neighboring kingdom is building in
strength and you think to yourself, “That’s it! That’s my next goal. I have to make
sure they don’t attack my kingdom so I can secure my crown.” For most of next
year, you prepare your army and plan for the attack. When you finally attack, you
fight a hard-fought battle and end up victorious. Now, you have secured your
crown, AND you have even more riches and respect than ever before. Everyone in
the land recognizes you like the most dominant and skilled royalty. Then, “it”
happens again. You feel joy for only moments and then start itching for the next
Does this Unfulfilled King/Queen sound familiar?
Yep, it’s the overachiever.
As an overachiever, you were always the top of your class. Some people classify
you as Type A, but you know how to work hard and succeed. You’ve been hustling
your whole life and excelling your entire life. You might be a CEO, a talented
executive, a senior partner, or some other high-up position. Whatever it is, you’ve
worked your butt off to get to where you are. People in your field know who you
are and respect you, and if they don’t, they soon will. Like the Unfulfilled
King/Queen, you have the money, the lifestyle, and the status, but you are always
worried that someone is on your tail. You’re worried that your peers will
outperform you and strip you of the title that you worked so hard for. Your belief in
life is that if you work hard, you’ll have lots of achievement. If you have many
achievements, you’ll have lots of happiness.
However, this is not the case. Instead of achievement leading to happiness,
overachievers get into a trap. The trap works like this: you work hard, the hard
work turns into results, but as you achieve more, you see more shortcomings, not
happiness. The shortcomings cause you to work harder, and then you achieve
more, and then you see it makes sense that you operate in this way. After all, you
did well in school and received plenty of praise from teachers and coaches as you
were growing up. They made you feel like you were a part of a “special” group,
better than everyone else. That type of upbringing does come with its
consequences: you find it hard to be satisfied unless you are outdoing everyone
else. As a wise man once said, “You can’t win the race of fulfillment running on
the track of achievement.”
That’s the biggest mistake made by the Unfulfilled King/Queen. They
mistakenly try to find fulfillment through achievement instead of contribution.
• Are you the Caged Lion who only needs to trust his ability to hunt and step out of the
• Are you the Chained Magician who is brimming with creativity, imagination, and magic?
• Are you the Hustling Treasure Hunter who could do much better by focusing on one
opportunity instead of spreading themselves thin?
• Are you the Innocent Prisoner who has built their prison without realizing it?
• Are you the Castaway who is surviving alone on an island?
• Alternatively, are you the Unfulfilled King/Queen who is continually looking out for the
next kingdom to seize?
Remember that the Wealth Archetypes are not set in stone. You can become a
different archetype depending on the phase of your life as problems change with
the passing of time, creating a need for different solutions.
You may be the Caged Lion right now, and you may become the Castaway later
on in life—that’s perfectly fine. What’s important is that you are aware of your
current situation. That way you can address your situation and its problems with
the right solutions.
It’s essential for you to identify your Wealth Archetype so you can see which of
the following chapters will serve you best. Now that we know your Wealth
Archetype, it’s time to start exploring the appropriate High-Income Skill.
Unlock Your High-Income Skill
ave you noticed that traditional jobs are disappearing faster and faster? Have
you seen the news about technology and robots replacing more and more
workers? Did you know that fewer and fewer workers can secure full-time jobs? If
you look at the trends, you’ll see the writing on the wall—the old way of working
is disappearing.
In the past, you could graduate from college, land a secure job, work with the
same company at the same job for forty years, and then retire at sixty-five. That’s
no longer the case, and you might already know that. Maybe you’re starting your
career, and you know there’s no way you’ll be staying at one company for forty
years, or perhaps you’ve had to switch careers multiple times already, or maybe
you know someone laid off recently and had to face the unforgiving job market.
Wherever you are at currently, you probably have a small hunch that something
in the economy is changing. Well, you’re right. The old “job economy” is steadily
disappearing, and a new economy is emerging; it’s what I call the Skill Economy.
1. Fewer full-time jobs are available in the job market.
2. The available full-time positions are way too expensive for companies to keep.
Let’s talk about the first one: there are fewer full-time jobs available than in the
past. Have you seen the kiosks that are replacing cashiers at McDonald’s? Have
you ever spoken to an outsourced worker when you called into a call center?
Haven’t you heard the horror stories about companies going through “corporate
downsizing”—you know, basically where they fire many people?
The world is changing. Regular full-time jobs are becoming less and less
available. Companies are only keeping high-level executives and high-touch
members as full-time staff—everything else can be automated, outsourced, or
contracted. Not only that, but the full-time jobs that do remain are becoming too
expensive for companies to keep.
“The US labor market is structured so that companies pay the highest taxes and
offer the most benefits and protections for full-time employees, which means that
hiring an employee can cost 30–40 percent more than equivalent independent
Now, if you were running a company, would you pay 30 percent more for an
employee who does the same amount of work as another employee? Think about it
in terms of your life. If you were buying a car, and two dealers offered you the
same car—same brand, same model, same condition—and one dealer quotes you
$20,000 while the other quotes you $26,000, which would you choose? Of course,
you’d go with the $20,000 car, the less expensive option. This is the same decision
many companies are now making.
With full-time jobs disappearing, contract work and freelance work are
emerging, fueling the Skill Economy. People are being paid more and more based
on their skills, not their credentials, experience, or job position. However, not all
skills are created equal—some reward you better than others.
You’re probably familiar with the concept of “supply and demand”—when there is
high demand and low supply for something, it is more valuable; when there is low
demand and high supply for something, it is less valuable.
It works the same way with skills. The principle of supply and demand divides
skills into two categories: Low-Income Skills and High-Income Skills.
Low-Income Skills are high in supply and low in demand—that is why they will
give you low pay. They are a commodity, and there are many more people out
there who have these skills than there is a demand for them.
As an example, imagine you are working as a cashier. There’s nothing wrong
with working as a cashier. It was my first and only job when I got started. I was
paid minimum wage, and I had to work long, tough hours. I worked very, very
hard, but my paycheck didn’t reflect my efforts. Why was that? It’s because
working as a cashier is a Low-Income Skill. No matter how good or fast I was at
ringing up the cash register, I could always be replaced by anyone on the street.
In contrast to Low-Income Skills, High-Income Skills are low in supply and
high in demand—that’s why they will give you higher pay. If you have a HighIncome Skill, people will fight to hire you, because you can deliver high value.
Plus, if you have a High-Income Skill, the work you get will offer you much
more compensation, flexibility, and happiness. In addition, you’ll get the ability to
control your finances, the time you work, and the location of your work. These are
all crucial factors in deciding your happiness at work.
However, you might be wondering, “Dan, this all sounds good, but what exactly
IS a High-Income Skill?” I’m glad you asked. If you look back earlier in the book,
here’s the definition for a High-Income Skill:
A skill that allows you to earn $10,000 per
month or more, providing a service other
people know they need, but do not know
how to do themselves. It’s a skill no one can
take from you and is transferable across
Let’s take a look at each part of the definition to understand why it is defined
this way.
There are two reasons why $10,000 per month is the magic number for a HighIncome Skill.
First, by earning $10,000 per month (or $120,000 per year), you’ll be in the top
6 percent of income earners in America. You’ll be able to sustain a comfortable
lifestyle—you’ll be able to pay your bills, eat out at excellent restaurants, splurge a
bit, and still have money left over to invest into you, a savings account, or your
business. It gives you a peace of mind. It frees you from the stress of wondering if
you’ll have enough money for this month’s expenses. Having that peace of mind
AND having more “take home money” allows you to keep growing and expanding.
The second reason is a significant insight that no one else is talking about right
now. It’s an insight I’ve gained only from my personal experience. From my past
two decades of teaching people from all over the world, I noticed something
strange about people’s psychology and income level. There’s a “glass ceiling” most
people have with earning $10,000 in a single month. If they don’t make $10,000 a
month, they are one type of person. If they DO earn $10,000 a month, they become
another type of person.
I’ve seen people fluctuate between earning $2,000 to $9,000 a month as their
income would go up and down like an income roller coaster. However, once they
hit $10,000 in a single month, something shifts inside of them. They take on a new
identity, a new comfort level, a new standard for what they will and will not accept
in their life. They will do ANYTHING to stay at the $10,000 a month mark.
If they go below $10,000 in a month, they’ll start to feel extremely
uncomfortable and scramble to get back to where they were; this is something you
won’t see from someone who has never earned $10,000 in a month.
Remember that we said High-Income Skills are low in supply and high in demand;
this means low-level skills like grocery shopping, mopping floors, and driving are
NOT High-Income Skills. That’s why people who work on apps like TaskRabbit or
Uber won’t likely make over $10,000 a month. There is nothing wrong with being
an Uber driver. I think it’s great for many people. It gives you flexibility and lets
you earn outside of regular work hours. However, Uber drivers likely won’t make a
high income because they are replaceable. If one Uber driver isn’t available, there
were dozens of drivers waiting around the corner.
There are many ways to earn $10,000 per month, but not all $10,000 incomes work
the same way. HOW you make money could be just as important as the money
Having Financial Confidence—the ability to earn money under any conditions,
so we never have to worry about money again—is the goal.
There are three different ways to earn a high income: High-Income Job, HighIncome Profession, and High-Income Skills. What’s the difference?
A high-income job is company dependent. The perfect example is climbing up the
corporate ladder. You work hard and eventually move up to a middle-management
or executive position. You’re able to make $10,000 a month this way. However,
there is one catch—what if your boss decides to fire you? Would you be able to
take that same income to another company? Possibly, but it’s not guaranteed.
Would the position and status you had in one company be transferred over to the
next? Again, possible—but not guaranteed. What if the company decides to
implement “corporate restructuring”? What would you do then? Would your
company knowledge be transferable to your job?
When you are at a high-income job, your income is determined by the company.
They could demote you, fire you, or promote you, but it’s mostly outside of your
control (unless you want to engage in years of office politics). You’re mostly a
High-Income Slave.
A high-income profession is industry dependent. This profession is usually
credentials based, meaning the more letters you have in front of or behind your
name, the more you get paid. These are the doctors, lawyers, accountants, realtors,
and dentists who study and work hard for six to eight years to get their education
and degree. However, the pitfall of having a high-income profession is in its
definition—it’s industry dependent.
Can a podiatrist (foot doctor) become a dentist all of a sudden? Would you want
someone who works with feet to fix your teeth? Probably not. If you’re a Realtor
and suddenly the market starts going into a downturn (as it always does in the
economic cycle), what do you do? You’re as good of a Realtor as before, but what
changed? Nothing—except the market and the economy. None of which are within
your control. When that happens, you have to work way harder to maintain your
current income.
On top of all that, many High-Income Professions are location dependent. If you
are a dentist, Realtor, lawyer, or any profession, you usually operate out of your
office, and your clients/patients are generally local. Let’s face it: if you’re a dentist,
not many people are going to drive thirty miles to see you, no matter how good you
are. That’s why I teach High-Income Skill development.
High-Income Skills are limitless. A High-Income Skill gives you the most freedom
because what you are worth is only capped by how much value you can bring to
the marketplace. It is not company dependent because you can go to another client
who will want your service. It is not industry dependent because a High-Income
Skill works across all industries. It’s not location dependent because a HighIncome Skill does not require your physical presence as long as you can deliver
value to your customers. With the advancements in technology, it’s easier than ever
to work from home, a coffee shop, or anywhere you’d like.
Once you acquire your High-Income Skill, you’ll be able to start living your life
with real financial confidence.
Let’s look at a High-Income Skill like High-Ticket Closing®. With High-Ticket
Closing®, you get a commission for every deal you close. So if you close a $3,000
sale and your commission is 10 percent, you receive $300. You can earn $3,000 a
month by closing ten deals. Let’s say you closed ten deals after taking one hundred
calls that month, so you closed one out of ten calls. But what if you get better at
your skill? What if you practiced more, read more books, or got more coaching?
What if instead of closing one out of ten, you closed two out of ten? Instead of
closing ten deals a month, you would now be closing twenty sales a month. At
$300 for every commission, you wouldn’t be getting $3,000 next month—you
would be getting $6,000. That’s the power of having a High-Income Skill—your
income rises as you become better at your skill.
When you “stack” your High-Income Skills correctly, they can amplify each other
and multiply your income. Let’s say you have one High-Income Skill earning you
$10,000 a month. If you can stack another High-Income Skill on top of that, you
can make another $10,000 per month with a little amount of work and effort added.
Let me tell you my story of stacking High-Income Skills. Alan, my mentor,
taught me my first High-Income Skill of copywriting. If you ever watched Mad
Men, you’ll know that copywriting is salesmanship in print, an essential skill for
creating successful marketing promotions. With copywriting, I was able to open up
my own “one-man ad agency” and made $10,000 a month. Now, if this were a
high-income job, my income would be capped here, and that’s all I would be able
to make. I was taking on many clients at once and working long hours to fulfill the
orders, so I couldn’t increase my income by adding on more work. However,
because I was able to stack my High-Income Skills, I could add to my income.
You see, as I worked with more and more clients, they started asking me
questions about how to use the marketing promotions I wrote for them. “Dan, this
is a great piece of work you’ve done for us, but how do I use it effectively?” So in
addition to writing the promotions for my clients, I started teaching them how to
use my work. I showed them how to promote it, where to promote it, and what to
expect when they launched the campaign. It wasn’t much additional work, just an
hour or two here and there, but that allowed me to increase my income by another
$10,000 a month. That was how I got my second High-Income Skill of consulting.
Without adding too many extra hours, and by working with the same clients, I
doubled my income; I went from $120,000 to $240,000 per year. Are you starting
to see the power of stacking High-Income Skills?
Not only that, I added another High-Income Skill to my stack—the skill of
High-Ticket Closing®.
High-Ticket Closing® is the unique skill of closing deals that are valued at
$3,000 and beyond. These are large transactions that require human interaction to
complete. In my “one-man ad agency,” I was making a good living just by offering
my copywriting and consulting services. However, I knew that if I wanted to rise to
the next level of income, I had to start working with clients who were paying top
dollar. With the skill of High-Ticket Closing®, I landed larger clients who were
willing to invest a premium price for premium results. By allowing me to work
with “bigger fish,” High-Ticket Closing® was the High-Income Skill that moved
me to the next level of income.
Then, I added one more High-Income Skill: digital marketing. By leveraging the
reach of the online world, I could reach massive amounts of people and deliver
more value to more people. That’s how I was able to go from earning $100,000 to
earning millions by stacking one High-Income Skill on another. Sounds simple,
and it is—but it’s not easy.
A few years ago, Charlie Rose interviewed Will Smith and asked about his secret
to success. Here’s what he replied:
“You don’t set out to build a wall. You don’t say, ‘I’m going to build the biggest,
baddest, greatest wall that’s ever been built.’ You don’t start there. You say, ‘I’m
going to lay this brick as perfectly as a brick can be laid.’”
Will Smith perfectly described how to stack your High-Income Skills: succeed
with one High-Income Skill first, then move onto the next. This way, you’ll build a
High-Income Skill stack. Most people develop High-Income Skills in the wrong
direction. They will try one skill for a while, and then jump to the next, and then
jump to the next before even developing slight competency with their current skill.
Instead of building a wall like Will Smith described, they are making a brick pile.
You may go through times that are tough when developing your High-Income
Skill. Maybe you’ll reach a plateau, or perhaps you’ll struggle with finding people
who will pay for your skill. The mistake I see people make too often is abandoning
the High-Income Skill they have been working on when results don’t come
quickly. My advice for people who want to change course: be patient. Wait until
you can earn $10,000 a month with your first High-Income Skill before moving to
the next.
Your next question might be, “Okay, I get it. High Income-Skills are the way to go.
So which one should I pick?” The right High-Income Skill for you will be different
depending on what you like and don’t like, but to give you some ideas, here are a
few of my favorite High-Income Skills.
It is salesmanship in print: crafting ads, sales letters, and sales pages in the
most compelling way possible. Copywriting is arranging words to make a
product sell better. If you’ve seen a billboard, a newspaper ad, a Facebook
ad, or any Super Bowl commercial—that’s copywriting. Heck, if you’ve
written a text to get someone on a date, that’s copywriting! It is one of the
best High-Income Skills to develop. It’s the one that I started with first.
Creative writing encompasses everything from ghostwriting, freelance
writing, blogging, and much more. It is incredibly lucrative for creative
minds and free thinkers.
A consultant is a creative problem solver who can look at a business from
an objective view. They look at a problem and present a solution. In
essence, consultants trade their expertise for money. A good consultant
provides unbiased advice and expertise. If you have something you are
good at doing, something your friends always come to you for help with, or
an area in which you know you excel, then you may have a start to a
consultancy business.
Digital marketing includes mapping out funnels, managing Facebook pages
and ads, growing Instagram accounts, building customer relationships, and
more. Digital marketing is a massive opportunity for young and ambitious
people who are already familiar with social media. If you love social media,
why not choose it as a High-Income Skill? With the boom of social media,
companies can’t keep up with the trends. If you can learn this skill and take
on four $2,500/month clients, that’s your High-Income Skill right there.
Blogging is similar to creative writing, but if you have an independent blog,
you can learn how to manage online marketing, run ads, drive traffic, and
much more. It is an excellent High-Income Skill if you can create valuable
content that helps other people. If you can combine excellent writing skills
with marketing skills, you could be well on your way to making blogging
your next High-Income Skill.
Negotiation skills are essential for just about everything. Though you may
not be paid for $10,000 a month for this alone, it amplifies everything else
you do. Whether it’s negotiating with clients, potential partners, or vendors,
the negotiation could make or break the deal; this is one of the most critical
High-Income Skills that makes all of your other High-Income Skills more
More people fear public speaking than death. That means at a funeral, more
people would rather be in the casket than delivering the eulogy. That’s why
a very select few people have truly mastered this one. It’s not just being
able to speak confidently in front of a crowd—it’s about communicating a
story and a vision to the audience.
With the rise of globalization, countries from around the world are starting
to do business with one another. If you are fluent in multiple languages,
then this would be a tremendous High-Income Skill to develop. Learning a
language is not something most people can do in a short time. That’s why
most will pay someone else to do it.
I have a friend who is a high-end photographer who gets paid handsomely
for his work. However, he is not just the “photo guy.” He works with his
client to make sure he understands their needs and offers suggestions for
shots that will capture the experience forever. It’s this type of care and
empathy that allows them to charge high-end prices.
Technology is becoming more and more pervasive in our world. Soon (and even
now), AI and VR will play a massive part in our society. Programmers are needed
in all industries—from marketing to health to finance. If you’re extremely
analytical and programming suits your goals—go for this as your High-Income
High-Ticket Closing® is the ability to close high ticket sales. While most
salespeople focus on getting the deal, High Ticket Closing® is all about meeting
the prospect’s needs and letting them make their own educated decision.
When companies want to sell products/services that are $3,000 and beyond, it
usually requires another person on the phone, as these aren’t transactions that can
be done through simple order forms online. That’s where High-Ticket Closing®
comes in.
It’s also an invaluable skill for anyone who has their own business. If you have a
business, you likely want to charge more for what you are currently doing. Without
the skill of High-Ticket Closing®, you usually can only compete on price. If you
win the competition of being the cheapest in the market, you don’t win at all.
High-Ticket Closing® is one of my favorite High-Income Skills that I have
taught to students from over 150 countries. You’ll learn more about it in chapter 7
—Unlock Your Sales. There you’ll find an in-depth guide on how to close HighTicket Deals over the phone.
All of these examples have the potential to become High-Income Skills, but there
are three High-Income Skills that I love: High-Ticket Closing®, copywriting, and
digital marketing. They’re the ultimate High-Income Skills because they help other
businesses generate revenue or acquire new customers.
These High-Income Skills are recession proof, have the highest earning
potential, and companies will always need these High-Income Skills regardless of
how the economy is doing. When the economy is doing well, companies want
more customers. When the economy is doing poorly, companies need more
customers. Either way, people with these High-Income Skills are always in
demand. Guess what? It will never go out of style. Artificial intelligence and robots
won’t ever take it down because some transactions still need a human touch.
You might think, “But, Dan, I’m not a salesperson or marketer. How does this
apply to me?” The great thing about this is it’s a learnable skill. I’ve trained tons of
people from all walks of life, and most of them aren’t salespeople. It’s like riding a
bike. Do you remember when you first learned to ride a bike? It’s scary at first, and
you fall a few times, but as you get better at balancing on two wheels, it becomes
fun. Once you learn it, you keep that skill for life. You never forget how to ride a
bike. It’s the same with these High-Income Skills.
Now that you understand the power of having a High-Income Skill, doesn’t it make
sense to develop one yourself? First, you should know what stops most people
from getting their High-Income Skill. It is not the lack of information or resources;
it’s something much deeper than that.
Unlock Your Luck
The number four is bad luck in Chinese culture—so we are going to skip
this one.
Unlock Your Personal Power
hat exactly is holding people back?
My whole life, I’ve been obsessed with finding out the answer to this
question. Why are some people more successful than others? It seems that we all
have the same capabilities, yet most people don’t accomplish what they want to
When I hear some people say, “I can’t do it,” I wonder, “Does that mean you
don’t know how to do it? Or you don’t want to do it?” Because we all have the
power to make something happen—so is it a lack of knowledge, or is it a lack of
will? Most people think what holds them back is the lack of knowledge. The first
thing they do when they’re not getting a result is to look for “how to” do
something. They search for “how to lose weight,” “how to start a business,” “how
to get a raise,” “how to get promoted,” how to do this, how to do that.
Let’s look at an example. Do you know what the keys are to losing weight?
When people look up how to lose weight, they’ll find dozens of different diets,
each promising it will help you lose weight. There’s the keto diet, Atkins diet,
vegetarian diet, vegan diet, Weight Watchers diet, raw food diet, and on and on and
on. But when it comes down to losing weight, don’t we all know what it takes to
lose weight? We know it pretty much boils down to two things—eat less and move
We all know what we need to do, but why don’t we do it? Why do we
procrastinate when we’re fully aware of what we need to do? So maybe the
problem isn’t that we don’t know what to do; maybe the problem is not doing what
we know.
Isn’t it true? The problem is not a lack of knowledge. If you want to lose weight,
get promoted, start a business, or do ANYTHING, all you have to do is a quick
internet search. How many podcasts, books, blogs, articles, and courses will you
find? Chances are you’ll find millions upon millions of hits. You could spend thirty
years reading through the information from a single search result and still not be
In many cases, there is way too much information and “how to” advice. People
get paralyzed—they freeze, they analyze, they don’t act—and that’s what holds
them back. The reason they don’t act is not from a lack of knowledge—it’s because
they have access to too much knowledge.
Most people are drowning in knowledge yet starving for wisdom.
There is plenty of information on how to achieve any goal. Lack of knowledge is
not the problem. Lack of wisdom is.
Knowledge gives you the potential for taking action. Wisdom gives you the power
to turn your knowledge into action.
Knowledge is about knowing what to do. Wisdom is knowing what doesn’t need
to be done.
Knowledge is abundant. Wisdom is scarce.
Too much knowledge will give you confusion, but the right amount of wisdom
will provide you with power.
Too much knowledge will get you stuck, but the right amount of wisdom will
get you unstuck.
We can’t solve problems by using the same
kind of thinking we used when we created
You see, when you are stuck in life, what you think is the problem is usually not
the real problem. So the real solution often lies outside of what you already know.
Let me show you what I mean.
Let’s imagine that there is a box. Inside this box is “what you know.”
Your ego, your experiences, and all your existing current beliefs live inside this
box. For most people, this box is tiny and compact.
Now, imagine there’s another larger box around the “what you know” box. This
box represents “what you don’t know.”
Notice how this box is much bigger. There is a lot more of what you don’t know
than what you do; however, it gets even more interesting. Now I want you to
imagine a LARGE area outside of both boxes.
This space represents “what you don’t know that you don’t know.”
See, most people don’t know what is holding them back. They focus on learning
more and gaining more knowledge because they say to themselves, “Once I know
how to do X or Y, then I’ll be successful.” In reality, they are being held back by
invisible forces that they aren’t even aware are impacting them. That might sound
confusing right now but stay with me. I’ll give you an example.
Imagine you are driving a car. You push on the gas pedal, and the vehicle begins
to move forward. Suddenly, the car slows down, and you have no idea why. You
think to yourself, “I must not be pressing on the gas pedal hard enough; I’ll just
step harder.” So you step on the gas, but the car is still moving at a snaillike pace;
this is what most people do when faced with problems. When something is not
working, their solution is to “work harder”—press on the gas pedal a little bit
However, most people don’t realize that pressing on the gas pedal is not always
the right answer. Sometimes, people don’t understand that their EMERGENCY
BRAKE is on! Now think about what happens when you release the emergency
brake. Wouldn’t you surge forward with blazing speed? For people always
struggling with the same problems, this is their problem. It’s not that they are not
working hard enough; it’s just that they have their “emergency brakes” on.
What are these “emergency brakes”? They are the invisible forces that hold you
back—what I call “Invisible Chains.” After teaching tens of thousands of people in
person and tens of millions online, I found that every person has at least one of
these “Invisible Chains” holding them back from achieving their goals.
Sometimes these chains are hidden in plain sight and seen as “normal” by
society, but when you put them under scrutiny, you’ll see how limiting they
become. Sometimes these chains are subconscious beliefs instilled into us at a
young age to help us to blend into society, but if we want to stand out and live a
life of success and significance, these beliefs hold us back. Sometimes these chains
are just part of the age and the environment we live in at the moment. They seem
like a part of everyday life, so we don’t question it.
See if you recognize some of them.
Why do you want more money? Sure, you might want to buy more things, but
what about after that? You probably want to escape your job if you hate it. You
probably want to spend more time with your family, spend more time doing what
you enjoy. You probably want to travel and indulge in new experiences. You want
more TIME for what you want in life. Most people think that wealth is measured
by the amount of money you have. It’s not. It’s measured in time. The faster you
can earn your money, the wealthier you are. Let me prove it to you.
Let’s say you make $25,000 a year, and you do this for forty years, how much
have you made?
$25,000 x 40 years = $1,000,000
Yes, a million dollars is a LOT of money. The problem isn’t that you made a
million dollars; the problem is that it took you forty years to do it. Instead of doing
it in forty years, what if you made a million dollars in one year? Would you have
made the same amount as before? Yes, except this time, you made it forty times
faster. You are forty times wealthier than the person who makes it in forty years.
That’s why wealth is measured more in time than money. So if you want to
become wealthy, it’s better to do it quickly than to do it slowly.
When most people think of the idea of “getting rich quick,” or if you even
mention the idea, they think it must be some scheme or scam, or it must be
something shady. In fact, “getting rich quick” is the only way to do it because
wealth is measured in time, not money. This connection is one of society’s
Invisible Chains. It doesn’t mean you can make it without effort. You still need to
work hard. The difference is that some people work very hard for forty years and
they’re STILL not able to retire comfortably. Money earned is a by-product of
value creation.
Value Delivered x People Served = Money Earned.
If you want to earn more money, you can either deliver more value to the same
amount of people or provide value to more people. Neurosurgeons get paid well
because they give a very high-value service to their patients. Influential
entrepreneurs like Mark Zuckerberg, Steve Jobs, and Elon Musk are also paid well
—because their work offers something of value that touches billions of lives. So,
the question to ask if you want to earn more money is, “How can I deliver more
value to more people?”
When you have a High-Income Skill, your income growth is exponential. You
can deliver more value and help more people with your skills, making it possible
for you to make more money more quickly. You’re paid in direct proportion to the
value you bring to the marketplace, not by how many hours you work.
“You can’t become who you want to be because you’re too attached to who
you’ve always been.”
Do you know a couple that’s been together ten, twenty, maybe thirty years and
still have that spark, passion, and fire in their relationship? On the other hand, do
you know people who’ve been a couple for only a short while, yet they want to
strangle each other?
Do you know someone happy and positive, even when things are going wrong?
In contrast, do you know someone who is always complaining and grouchy, even
when everything is going right in their life?
The reason behind all of this is one of the most significant psychological
discoveries of our century—it’s the concept of self-image. I shared this concept in
one of my TEDx Talks. You see, you and I have an image of ourselves. What you
see in the mirror reflects your physical being, but that’s not how we see ourselves
—that’s not our self-image. To see your self-image, all you have to do is look at the
aspects of your life. Look at your body, your position at work, your love life, your
current income. These are all outward expressions of your inner self-image.
Your self-image is what you consider to be appropriate for you; it’s what you
can see yourself doing or achieving. Most people attempt to change their body,
finances, relationships, or income by changing something outside of themselves
when the problem lies within. Self-image becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That’s because the strongest force in human personality is the need to remain
consistent with how we see ourselves.
If you see yourself as conservative and safe, would you do something like
bungee jumping or skydiving? If you see yourself as outgoing and sociable, would
you stand alone by the wall at a party? On the other hand, if you see yourself as
introverted and shy, would you introduce yourself to every stranger at a party?
Most of us have trapped ourselves in an old self-image—in expectations of what
we believe is possible for us.
Most of our self-image is picked up early in life from the people around us:
family, siblings, friends, teachers, the media, society, and authority figures. Simple
phrases like “You’re so shy” or “You’re such a troublemaker” can have a huge
impact on us growing up because we believe everything we’re told when we are
young. The problem with this is that our self-image may not always align with
what we want in life. Often when we try something new, we face much internal
resistance. We feel like “this is not me.”
We all have the urge to remain consistent with how we see ourselves. That’s a
huge part of why you don’t act on the knowledge you already know. Because you
don’t do what you know, you do what you are. You act according to your selfimage. Do you know what’s sad? Sometimes people will lower their self-image to
match their circumstances. Life has beaten them down over and over again, and
before you know it, they give up. They stop trying to make their lives better. They
say to themselves, “I guess that’s just the way it is.” Instead of raising their
standards, they lower their expectations to meet their current reality. Luckily, it
works the other way too. When you improve your self-image, you will feel an
incredible urge to achieve more. Once you improve your self-image, your actions
will follow.
Years ago, I had a friend named Mike. He would always be up at 6:00 a.m. and
would run for an hour. Nothing stopped him from his morning routine. One day, I
asked him, “Mike, how do you have so much discipline and motivation to run
every morning? What is your secret? You never miss a day!”
Mike gave me a weird look and said, “Dan, I run because I’m a runner.”
He said it as an undeniable fact. He didn’t tell me that he listened to motivational
tapes every day. He didn’t have to schedule in his runs; he didn’t have to hire a
running coach. He was a runner. The source of his motivation didn’t come from
discipline. The source of his motivation came from his self-image.
When you have a strong self-image, strong habits will follow. If you have
healthy habits but a weak self-image, you’ll always revert to your poor self-image.
Isn’t that why some people gain all their weight back after losing it? It’s not that
they didn’t follow their diet and exercise plan. It’s that they saw themselves at a
certain weight, and their reality met their expectations.
When I was starting to rise in my career, I had a dream car in mind, the Mazda RX8. I knew what I wanted—the modifications, the add-ons, the color. I knew down
to the cent how much I needed to invest in this car. The problem was that it was
way out of my price range. However, I didn’t lower my standards by saying, “You
know what, this other car is kind of what I want, and it fits my budget more; maybe
I’ll take that one.” No. I wanted the Mazda RX-8, and I was going to get it. No
other car would do.
I could picture myself driving the car and imagined how the steering wheel
would feel in my hands. I visualized getting into the car. I imagined the smell of
the leather seats. In my mind, I saw everything down to the last detail. To make it
even more real for me, I went to the dealership and asked to test-drive the car, even
though I couldn’t afford it. I did it just to know how it felt to drive the car. I did this
multiple times. (Of course, I had to go to different dealerships or else they
would’ve probably kicked me out.)
The point is, in my mind, I already owned the car. Whenever I saw the car on the
road, I would point to the car and tell my friend, “That’s my car.”
“What do you mean?”
“You see that RX-8? That’s my car.”
“What are you talking about? You don’t have a car like that.”
“You’ll see. That’s my car.”
My friend just looked at me like I was crazy and changed the subject.
Eventually, I was able to get the car. I went into the dealership, pointed to the car
I wanted and bought it right on the spot. The dealer later told me it was the fastest
sale he ever made. How do you think I felt after getting my RX-8? Most people
would think that I must have felt amazing after working so hard and waiting so
long to get it.
I felt nothing.
I felt like I would any other day because I had driven the car in my mind many
times. It was almost as if I already owned the car long before I bought it.
Conventional wisdom says, “I’ll believe it when I see it.” That’s not how it works.
You have to see your dreams first, live as if they’re already a reality, and THEN
they will come true. So instead of lowering your expectations to meet your current
reality, live your life as if all your dreams have come true and then challenge your
reality to catch up.
One day, a gentleman walked along the beach and saw a fisherman who had crabs
in the bucket. However, the bucket did not have a lid. Confused, the gentleman
asked the fisherman, “Excuse me; aren’t you afraid that the crabs will crawl out of
your bucket if you don’t have a lid?”
The fisherman replied, “No, don’t worry. Because there are many crabs, I don’t
have to worry about any of them escaping.”
“I don’t understand; what do you mean by that?”
“You see, if I had one crab, it would climb out easily on its own. But because
there are many crabs in the bucket, every time one crab tries to get out, another
crab will grab it and pull it back down.”
The same is true with our friends, family, and the people closest to us. Some
people will grab us and pull us back down any time we try to succeed or do
something different. It might seem odd. Your friends and family love you, so why
would they want to hold you back? Well, remember the self-image I was talking
about earlier? Your friends and family have self-images too.
For some, the minute they start to succeed or move to the next level, their selfimage is threatened. Rather than trigger excitement, possible success triggers
memories of past failures and the times they gave up.
“That’s not true, Dan. If my friends and family were threatened by my success,
then wouldn’t they hate all successful people?”
It might be tempting to think that, but here’s the thing. It’s one thing when
people see strangers succeed. It’s completely different when they see someone they
know—someone they grew up with—becoming successful. When they see a
stranger succeed, they can say, “Yeah, they’re successful, but they probably just got
lucky.” However, when YOU succeed, your success is saying to them, “Hey, I
came from the same place as you, and I made something of myself.” They now
have no excuses. When they don’t have any excuses left, they’ll criticize, judge,
and mock you.
The way that they try to drag you down won’t be apparent yet, but you’ll hear it
in phrases like:
• “You used to be so good and polite … what happened?”
• “I sacrificed so much for you; why are you doing this to me?”
• “Why are you trying to stand out?”
• “Why can’t you be like them?”
• “Why don’t you get a secure job first and then take risks?”
• “You’re putting your family at risk!”
• “This isn’t like you. You’ve changed.”
Have you heard any of those before?
Can you imagine what it’s like to try to succeed when you’re surrounded by
judgment? It feels like climbing a mountain with a two-hundred-pound weight on
your back. The saying “show me your friends and I’ll show you your future” is
true. We can’t help but be affected by the people around us. It’s very challenging to
change your life without changing the people in it.
Think about it. If all your closest friends smoked, wouldn’t it be hard for you not
to smoke as well? Even if you don’t smoke, you’re exposed to secondhand smoke,
which is even worse. On the other hand, what would happen if you spent most of
your time around inspiring people like Jack Ma, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett?
Do you think your life would improve?
When people come to join my High-Ticket Closing® certification program, they
come to learn a skill set. What they don’t realize is that they are also joining a
global community, a supportive community of like-minded people. Within hours of
joining the program, they receive over one hundred comments of welcome and
congratulations. Most people are shocked by how positive our community is. So
after the program, you not only leave with a new skill but also with a group of
people who will support you on your journey. It’s a breath of fresh air for most
people who are only used to people telling them they can’t do something.
Can you imagine how much easier it would be if you had people cheering you
on, no matter what you’re going through? That’s the power of changing your social
circle. When you have positivity around you, you can’t help but be positive as
well. The great thing is, you can choose your friends. Choose to spend your time
with people who add to your life, not people who take away from it.
Let’s do a powerful exercise together. This one exercise has transformed the way
many of my students view success and comfort. You’ll want to bring a pen out for
this one. No, seriously—this is important. Grab a pen.
On the previous page, there is a circle. Inside that circle, write down everything
you currently have or own, like your car, your home, your family, your friends,
your job, your income, your spouse, your hobbies, etc. Take one to two minutes to
do that right now. (You won’t get the same effect if you don’t write these down.)
Outside of the circle, list everything that you want but don’t have, like your next
home, your next car, that dream vacation, freedom, income, whatever it is that you
want. Take another one to two minutes to do that as well. (Don’t limit yourself
here; write down everything you want.)
Now if you’ve followed along, you should have everything you currently have
inside the circle. Everything you want but don’t currently have is outside the circle.
What’s the point of all this? The things listed inside your circle represent your
comfort zone. We are creatures of habit. We want to do the same things over and
over again. If you look at what we do, it’s quite repetitive from day to day. We eat
the same things, go to the same places, hang out with the same people, work at the
same job. We don’t like to change. We want to operate with what we are
comfortable with—this is our comfort zone.
Most people live inside their comfort zone their entire lives. That’s why they
don’t change much year after year. However, here’s the exciting thing—retake a
look at the circle. Do you notice how everything you currently have is inside your
comfort zone and how everything you want is outside your comfort zone? If you
wanted something and you could get it, wouldn’t you already have it? The reason
you don’t have something is that it’s outside your comfort zone, and most people
don’t want to go outside their comfort zone. Everything you want but don’t have is
outside your comfort zone, including the income you want to have, the emotions
you want to have, and the things you want to own.
Once I went to go bungee jumping in Whistler (a town in the mountains outside
of Vancouver). Here’s something you should know about me—I don’t like heights.
Not surprisingly, as I walked up to the edge and saw the steep drop, my heart
stopped. The employee helping me with the harness asked, “Are you ready to
“Uh … y … yeah. I guess so.”
“Okay, then we’ll count to three, and you’ll jump. Sound good?”
“O … okay.”
“One …” I felt my heart racing.
“Two …” My legs froze up.
“Three!” I just stood there. Frozen in fear.
“Are you okay? Why didn’t you jump?”
“Ye … yeaah … I’m fine. Let’s try it again. But just let me count this time.”
“All right. Whatever you say.”
I took a few breaths and tried to psych myself up. “Okay, Dan. C’mon, you can
do this—you’re Dan Lok. A little bit of height shouldn’t be enough to scare you.
C’mon, you can do this.”
I walked up to the edge once again and closed my eyes.
“One …”
“Two …”
I opened my eyes. I didn’t jump. I was too scared. Now there was a line building
up behind me, and people were putting on the pressure. “What’s the holdup? If you
can’t jump, then just let us go ahead of you!”
The employee came up to me and said, “Hey, let’s do it this way. Why don’t you
lean back over the edge and I’ll hold onto the rope? We’ll count to three, and I’ll
let go. That way you won’t have to be the one that jumps. How does that sound?”
“Okay. That sounds good. Let’s do it.”
I walked up to the edge one more time. This time I was facing inward and leaned
back over the edge. He held onto the rope as I was leaning back.
“One …” I felt the fear rise up again.
“Two …” I wanted to grab onto him for safety. But before I could …
He let go.
“AHHHHHHH! AHHHHH!” I screamed as I fell toward the bottom.
“AHHHH!” I kept screaming as the bungee cord snapped me back up for a
second drop.
“Ahh …” I ran out of breath as I dangled at the bottom.
However, something happened after I jumped. You know what I’m talking about
if you’ve ever gone bungee jumping. After the jump, I was THRILLED! I felt jolts
of energy running through my body. I felt alive! I was excited and energized. After
they pulled me up, I told them, “Let’s do it again! That was awesome!”
That experience taught me that on the other side of fear is a feeling of joy.
Pleasant emotions are outside your comfort zone, along with the other things you
desire. Most people live inside their comfort zone and pay for it by feeling regret,
fear, and overwhelm. People who live outside their comfort zone are rewarded with
fulfillment, joy, and confidence.
Your comfort zone restricts more than just your emotions—it limits your income as
well. If you aren’t earning the income you would like to have, then most likely it’s
because you aren’t willing to do what’s uncomfortable for you. When you do
what’s uncomfortable, you’ll be able to outearn the comfort seekers.
Below you’ll see a list of comfortable versus uncomfortable actions. Can you
see why those who perform uncomfortable actions have a higher potential?
You might think that most people don’t act because they are afraid to fail, afraid to
be criticized, or afraid to look bad in front of others, but what I’ve found is
counterintuitive—fear of failure is not the main reason for people not taking action.
As H. P. Lovecraft wrote in his novel Supernatural Horror in Literature, “The
oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear and the oldest and strongest kind
of fear is fear of the unknown.”
Most people don’t act greater not because they fear failure, but because they fear
success. They fear success because it is foreign to them. Success is unfamiliar
territory, and it scares most people more than they realize. Success makes most
people uncomfortable, and most people would rather stay comfortable than be
happy. They say to themselves, “I know I’m not happy. I know where I want to be,
but at least I’m comfortable—at least I know what to expect. Success is scary. I
don’t know what’s going to happen if I succeed, and I’m not comfortable with
When you’re afraid of success, it can show up in many ways. Some people
choose to remain average. Some people sabotage their success. The latter is more
confusing because on the surface it seems that you are doing everything you can,
but you’re subconsciously preventing yourself from reaching the next level. Here’s
an example.
I’ve seen many people go on what I call the “income roller coaster.” You make
money, and you lose it. You make money again, and you miss it, and you’re not
sure why. Somehow, some way, you lose any success that you’re able to generate.
It might’ve been a lousy partnership, a wrong decision, or just bad luck. If I were
to sit down with you and ask, “What happened?” You’d reply, “Dan, I have no idea
—it just somehow happened.”
What they don’t realize is that the ups and downs are a form of self-sabotage.
The fear of success—the “emergency brake”—is on in your mind, so no matter
how hard you push, your momentum stalls. So if you want to become comfortable
with success, then learn to be comfortable being uncomfortable.
I live in Vancouver, where it frequently rains during the winter months,
which causes most people in the city to complain about the rain. They’ll
say, “It’s too gloomy,” or “I hate being wet,” or “It’s too cold.”
However, when I drive with Jennie through the rain, guess what she says
about the rain? She says, “I think the rain is romantic.” You see, nothing has
any meaning except the meaning you give it. Whether you feel joy, sorrow,
frustration, overwhelm, bliss, anxiety, tranquility, or any other emotion, it’s
because YOU created that feeling. You attached meaning to an event, and
then the related emotions followed.
Why else would some people feel one way about the rain, and Jennie
would feel another way? It’s the same rain—it’s just that different meanings
are attached to it.
When you are going through life, you’ll realize that not many things are
within your direct control. The weather, the traffic, the economy, the market
circumstances, what people say about you, what people don’t say about
you, car accidents, health issues, gas prices, and so much more—none of
these are within your direct control.
Most people will base their happiness and emotions on external events—
events that they cannot control. If something good happens, they will be
happy. If something terrible happens, they will be sad.
Can you see the problem with this? That’s right—you have no control
over your own emotions! If you have no control over your feelings, then
you have no control over your mind. When you look at people who are
struggling the most, you’ll see they are emotionally affected by the smallest
• “Damn it—the train is late again.”
• “God, would you look at the gas prices. They’re up AGAIN.”
• “You won’t believe what she said to me at work today!”
• “There’s nothing to watch on Netflix!”
• “Why is the internet so damn slow?”
• “I hate this. It’s raining again.”
However, if you look at the most successful people, you’ll see they all
remain calm and collected no matter what happens. They keep their
emotions in check.
It is the unemotional, reserved, calm,
detached warrior who wins, not the
hothead seeking vengeance and not the
ambitious seeker of fortune.
SUN TZU, The Art of War
For some reason, society wants you to think that you need a high IQ to be
successful. They make you believe that you need to be book smart, have
good grades, or have a degree to succeed. Here’s the truth: you don’t need
any of that.
What you need is a high EQ—a high emotional quotient—the ability to
control your emotions regardless of what happens. By having a high EQ,
you’ll bounce back quickly from mistakes, make better decisions under
pressure, and become a better leader. When it comes to achieving success,
EQ eats IQ for breakfast.
The great thing about EQ is that, unlike IQ, almost anyone can have a
high EQ. You need to be aware it exists. EQ involves being more selfaware, having more empathy, understanding others, and knowing how to
manage your own emotions. All of this is within your control. If you have a
high EQ, you’ll have a much higher chance of achieving your goals because
you’ll be undeterred by rejection, criticism, and failure.
Who gets saved first during a coast guard helicopter rescue of capsized boat
victims? What happens when there are more people in the water than space
in the helicopter? Who do they save first? Their training instructs them to
save the people who swim toward them first.
Why is that? Because they know if you try to save people who are
flailing around in the water or swimming away from you first, you would
be wasting your energy and risking more lives. It’s the same when you are
working toward success and significance—you cannot save everybody. You
cannot help those who do not want help.
How many times have you done something for others, and they didn’t
even acknowledge your efforts? How many times has your help gone
unappreciated? For me, that’s happened too many times. When I first
started being successful, my friends would ask me for help. They would
invite me out to dinner and ask for advice.
However, after I gave them the advice, they would say, “Dan, that sounds
great, but I think I’m going to do this instead.” Then they would do it their
way, fail, and then come back for advice again. Sometimes, it feels like you
must help others because you have more than they do, but that’s not true.
You only have to help the people you want to help—you don’t owe
anything to anyone else.
Imagine you are on an airplane and a fire breaks out. The alarms start
ringing. The cabin begins shaking, and the smoke starts rising. The flight
attendant goes on the speaker and yells, “Put on your oxygen mask first,
before you assist others!” It’s the old airplane analogy—secure your oxygen
before helping others—otherwise, you’ll do more harm than good. While it
may seem noble to give up your own needs to help others, it doesn’t work
that way. You can’t give away what you don’t have. Instead, help yourself
first. Take care of your own life, your income, your personal goals, and start
thriving. Then you can give as much as you want because you’ll have more
than you need.
Have you ever seen those motivational videos on social media? You know,
the ones where they tell you that as long as you have enough willpower,
you’ll succeed? Their theory is that if you push yourself hard enough and
work yourself hard enough, you’ll succeed no matter what your
environment. I don’t see it this way.
Have you ever woken up full of energy and motivation ready to start the
day? You probably have. Have you also had days where you wake up and
don’t want to get out of bed? I’m pretty sure we’ve all had days like that.
No matter how disciplined you are, willpower and motivation come and go.
People ask me, “Dan, how are you able to create so much impactful
content across all social media platforms every single day? How are you so
prolific when you still have a global organization to run? How do you
manage all of the things you have going on?” The answer is simple. It’s
because I don’t rely on willpower or motivation—I rely on structure.
Most people try to push toward their goals when they should take the
opposite approach. Structure your time and environment so that you move
toward your goal.
When you look at how most people structure their time, you’ll see they try
to achieve “work-life balance.” The problem with that is it doesn’t work
when you’re a high performer. Instead, if you want to perform at a high
level, you want to achieve work-life integration, where the different pieces
of your life all fit together perfectly so you don’t have to use willpower or
motivation to push toward your goals.
For example, when I travel for business, I also travel for leisure. When I
go to a new city, I spend a few days developing business relationships, and
then I book another couple of days to enjoy the area. That way I’m hitting
multiple birds with one stone.
Here’s another example. When I got involved in larger projects, it was
getting more difficult to find time to practice martial arts, something that I
love. So instead of relying on willpower and trying to squeeze in a couple
of extra hours to practice, I integrated it into my life. A few of my team
members wanted to learn martial arts, so I invited them to my house to
practice. This way, even when I didn’t want to practice on a particular day,
my team would show up, and I’d have to practice with them whether I “felt
like it” or not.
If you were to enter my office today, you would see many “Wealth
Triggers”—objects that remind me to think a certain way. On my desk,
there is a clock to remind me of the value of time, a copy of Sun Tzu’s The
Art of War to remind me to think strategically, a small statue of a horse to
trigger feelings of energy, and a picture of my mom and dad to remind me
of my family values.
Even when I was still living in Surrey (the “hood” of Vancouver), I
would do anything I could to upgrade my environment. I knew how
powerful the situation could be. I would travel to downtown Vancouver and
spend my day at Pan Pacific, one of the most expensive luxury hotels in the
area. For that day, the upscale hotel would be my Wealth Trigger.
What Wealth Triggers can you put into your environment to remind you
of the values you want to achieve? Changing my environment has worked
for me; it has worked for my mentor and worked for my students who have
put it into practice. Try it for yourself; see how you feel.
Most people rely on their willpower and motivation to succeed, and that
is why they see inconsistent results. If you can structure your time and
environment well, you’ll feel the gravitational pull toward success without
needing willpower at all.
Did you have any of these seven Invisible Chains? If you do, don’t worry.
Now that you know they exist, they are no longer invisible. Knowing these
chains exist is half the battle. The other half is to take different actions once
you see these chains pulling you down. Once you’ve broken the chains and
released your “emergency brakes,” it will be time to push down on the gas
Unlock Your Productivity
magine you have a bank account that credits you with $86,400 every single day.
You can use and spend this money however you like, but there is one catch—the
balance doesn’t carry over to the next day. Whatever you don’t use or invest today
will be gone tomorrow. There is no way to save it for another day. Knowing this,
what would you do? You would use every dollar now, wouldn’t you?
Well, you and I do have this bank account; it’s called time. Every single day you
have 86,400 seconds deposited to your life, your time bank. You can use each
second however you like, but whatever you don’t use or invest today is lost
forever. Have you heard of the saying that “time is money”? Well, that’s not true.
Time is NEVER money. Time will always be more valuable than money because
once the time is gone, it’s gone forever. You can make more money, but you cannot
make more time.
For you to unlock maximum productivity and success, here is one thing you
must understand: time is your most valuable commodity. We all have the same
amount of time to work with—the same 365 days in a year, the same seven days in
a week, the same 86,400 seconds in a day. We all have the same time as Jeff Bezos,
Bill Gates, Elon Musk, and Warren Buffett, but what separates them from everyone
else is how they use their time.
The most successful and influential people today have mastered the art of
maximum productivity, and in this chapter, you’ll learn how to achieve maximum
productivity as well. But before we can talk about productivity, we need first to
define productivity.
It can be summed up in just five words. Productivity is the “maximum results in
minimum time.” That’s it. Maximum results. In minimum time.
When you define productivity this way, you’ll see that most conventional wisdom
about productivity is completely off the mark. Most productivity advice talks about
“time management,” but when you think about it, can you manage time? Can you
speed up time or make it slow down? Can you make time go backward? Can you
deposit a few hours today and withdraw them tomorrow? Unless you’re a genius
like Tony Stark, the answer is no.
Since we all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day, the secret to productivity
isn’t time management—the secret to productivity is self-management. You can’t
manage time, but you can manage yourself. It’s not about getting more hours into
your day; it’s about getting more results out of the hours you already have.
Over the years, I have read hundreds of books concerning the greats of the past
and today’s highly successful people. I have experimented and tested hundreds of
different methods of productivity, time management, and high performance. All
this was done to answer one question: “How can I get the most results in the least
amount of time?”
I’ve boiled it down to five essential keys to unlocking maximum productivity.
Some you may know; some you may not know. These are what have worked for
Do you use “productivity” apps? Calendar apps, note-taking apps, to-do list apps,
project management apps, and all the other apps. Do these apps make you more
productive? These apps help you become efficient, but do they help you become
Many people come up to me and say, “I’m doing the work, but for some reason,
I do not see any results. What am I doing wrong?” I’d reply by asking them about
what their day-to-day tasks are. They would then pull up their to-do list with
dozens of items crossed off, then they’d say,
“You see, Dan? I’m doing so much every day, but I’m not getting any results.
I’m not sure why.”
“Okay, what kind of results are you looking for?”
“Well, I want to be more successful.”
“Okay, and what does being more successful mean to you?”
“Oh, it means I want to generate more revenue. I want more clients.”
“Okay—how much is that?”
“Well … uh … it would be …”
I stop them right here. The uncertainty and lack of clarity about the potential
outcome is the root of the problem. I provide clarity by asking a simple question,
“Out of all these tasks you do every day, how many of these tasks are moving you
toward the outcome you want?”
They would go through the list and realize most of what they do every day does
not help their outcome. Most people are so concerned with moving quickly, getting
more done, and staying busy that they forget to ask, “Is this even the direction I
want to go?” Remember, the definition of productivity is maximum results in
minimum time. Notice the emphasis on results. If you don’t have a clear idea of
your desired outcome, then how can you measure your results? It would be like
playing basketball without a hoop; you can shoot all you want, but you would
never score a single point.
Busyness is a form of laziness.
Imagine your goal is to make $10,000 a month. What can we do to become ruthless
about our outcome? When the goal is too big or far away, action steps are less
clear. That’s why it’s better to break down your goal into smaller actionable steps,
so you know how to reach your outcome. For this example, let’s break down the
goal of $10,000 a month. First, let’s see how much you would need to earn every
week to hit $10,000 a month.
$10,000 / 4 weeks = $2,500 per week
And if you worked five days a week …
$2,500 / 5 working days = $500 per day
What does this tell us? If you want to earn $10,000 a month, every day you need
to hit $500. Can you see how this gives you more clarity? If you are not hitting
your daily goal, then you are not hitting your weekly goal. If you are not hitting
your weekly goal, then you are not hitting your $10,000 a month goal. Instead of
waiting until the end of the month to find out, “Oops, I’m off track,” you’ll know
every day whether you’re heading toward your goal or not. That’s what it means to
be ruthless about your outcome.
• Am I moving toward making $500 a day? Or away from it?
• How can I increase the value I’m delivering?
• What am I doing right now that I shouldn’t be doing?
• What’s the most efficient use of my time right now?
• What’s the payoff of this activity I’m doing right now?
By asking yourself these questions, you’ll move closer to your daily goal, then
your weekly goal, and eventually your monthly goal.
Let’s say instead of making $10,000 a month, you want to aim higher. You want to
earn $1 million a year. What would that look like to you? First, let’s see how much
you would need to earn in a month to make $1 million.
$1,000,000 / 12 months = $83,333.33 per month
Every month, you would need to earn $83,333 to get to a million dollars a year.
That’s still a lot of money—more than what most people make in a year. Let’s
break it down even further; let’s see how much you would need to earn each week.
$83,333.33 / 4 weeks = $20,833.33 per week
Now let’s see much you would need to earn every working day.
$20,833.33 / 5 working days = $4,166.67 per day
To earn $1,000,000 a year, you would need to make $4,166.67 every working
day. Let’s say you are working eight hours a day, then every hour of your day
would be worth
$4,166.67 / 8 hours = $520.83 per hour
However, you and I both know that you can’t be productive for the entire eight
hours of a day; maybe one-third of your hours are genuinely productive. The rest
of your time is spent taking breaks, checking emails, communicating, and other
small tasks. To account for what a productive hour is worth for you, we would
need to multiply the hourly rate by three.
$520.83 x 3 = $1,562.49 per hour
When you look at it this way, you’ll see many of your daily activities aren’t
worth your time. You wouldn’t be mowing your lawn, washing the dishes, doing
paperwork, answering emails, or any “minimum wage activities.” If you take two
hours to mow your lawn, you didn’t save money by not hiring someone else to do
it. No. Those two hours just cost you about $3,000. If your goal is to make $1
million a year, then the question you should be asking yourself is, “Is what I’m
doing right now worth $1,562.49 an hour?”
Most people try to achieve their goals by working harder and longer. They’ll
take a second job, a night shift, a part-time gig. They try to add on more hours to
hit their income goals. Adding on more hours isn’t the answer. Adding more value
is the answer. You can’t double the hours in a day, but you can double the value
you deliver.
When I first started, I could only charge $500 per project, which worked out to
be less than minimum wage after all the hours worked. Every day, I would ask
myself, “How can I increase the value I’m delivering? How can I charge more?
How can I move closer to my daily income goal?” By asking myself those
questions, I was able to charge more and more. Eventually, I charged more per
hour than many people earned in a month. At one point, you would need to invest
$10,000 an hour for my time as a consultant. (Now, these one-on-one consultations
are no longer available. Why? The value I can create for the world with one hour
of thinking and strategizing for my organization is more than the value I could
create by consulting with another company.)
Just because you are splashing around in the water, it
doesn’t mean you are swimming.
How did I grow to that point? By being absolutely ruthless about my outcome
every single day. That’s the first key to maximum productivity. Just because you
are splashing around in the water, it doesn’t mean you are swimming.
Have you noticed that it’s becoming harder than ever to stay focused? Daily your
phone is bombarded with notifications, people are constantly emailing you, new
movies are coming out, new shows are coming out, and new products are being
released. The world is becoming noisier than ever.
When was the last time you focused on one task for at least two hours without
checking your phone or email? If you’re like most people, then you probably have
trouble staying focused on one task for long periods of time. The funny thing is,
although I have a global following on social media, I personally don’t spend too
much time on social media. When I’m working, I block out time to work. I unplug
my phone, turn off all notifications, and I don’t check any emails. When I work, I
just work. It’s not just about how many hours you can put into doing important
work; it’s about doing very focused work.
Distraction is only the luxury for average
people. Laser-beam focus is mandatory for
Being busy has become a badge of honor for some people. It’s ridiculous. These
people are constantly checking their phones, answering emails, and stepping out
for “important phone calls.” They’re never present in the moment. These people
are operating by what I call the “shotgun approach.” They spray and pray. They do
many things at once and hope one of the bullets lands. They’re frantic, scattered,
uncoordinated. They live life at one hundred miles per hour.
I prefer the “sniper approach.” When you think of a sniper, what comes to mind?
They’re cool, calm, and collected. They scout out their position, locate their target,
and pull the trigger—one shot, one kill. The sniper believes that less is more. They
believe in precision over power, focus over distraction, and humility over ego.
Snipers understand that not all actions lead to results. They know that many actions
are wasteful and counterproductive.
The 80/20 Principle states that approximately 80 percent of all effects come from
20 percent of the causes. To put it more accurately, the majority of effects come
from a minority of the causes.
• The majority of sales in a company come from a minority of their products.2
• A minority of the teams dominates most sports. The Lakers and Celtics account for close
to half of the NBA championships (thirty-three out of seventy), and just five of the thirty
NBA teams account for 69 percent of the titles.3
• According to Dr. Gabriel Zucman from the University of California at Berkeley, the top
0.1 percent of the American population owns more of the American wealth than the
bottom 80 percent of the American population.4
It doesn’t just stop there though—in your own life, 20 percent of your actions
will account for 80 percent of your happiness, income, and success.
What does this have to do with you? Well, when you find out which 20 percent
of your actions create the most results for you, you can eliminate the other 80
percent. Instead of a “to-do list,” you can create a “not to-do list” and increase your
Remember, being productive isn’t about adding on more work; it’s about taking
away what is unnecessary and focusing on the few critical drivers for maximum
results. It’s not about fitting as many actions as you can into your day; it’s about
focusing on the few actions that make all the difference. Know what needs to be
done and eliminate everything else.
Have you ever wondered how billionaires like Bill Gates structure their time? After
all, they have the same amount of time we do, but for some reason, they get so
much more done—why is that?
Well, one reason is because of Parkinson’s law. It says that “work expands to fill
the time available for its completion.” Now what does that mean?
Have you ever had a deadline that was months ahead and yet didn’t pay any
attention to the task until the due date was fast approaching? That’s Parkinson’s
law in action: work takes up the amount of time available for doing the job.
Bill Gates schedules his appointments in six-minute increments. I have mine in
fifteen-minute increments. I set aside blocks of time for everything I do during the
day. This control gives me the freedom to do what I love to do every day.
If you want to have productive days, script your day out; don’t schedule it. What is
the difference between scripting and scheduling? Scheduling is based on what
other people want from you. Scripting is intentionally blocking out time for your
goals and outcomes.
After you have a clear outcome and know the actions to take to achieve this
goal, what’s next? You have to set a time to get it done! You probably know this
already, but nothing gets done without a deadline.
Do you know the single word that kills most dreams? “Someday.”
“Someday, I’ll travel the world.”
“Someday, I’ll take my wife and kids to Disney World.”
“Someday, I will pay off my debt.”
“Someday, I will quit my job.”
“Someday, I’ll write my book.”
That deadly word: “someday.”
It’s always “someday,” but take a look at the calendar. There is Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Where is “someday”? It
doesn’t exist. It is an illusion made up so people don’t feel bad about
procrastinating. Imagine a business owner who says, “Someday, I will get that
customer. Someday, I will close that sale, and someday I’ll scale my business.”
How much money will a business owner like this make? Zero.
Unsuccessful people use “someday”; successful people use “today.”
“Today, I’m going to take action.”
“Today, I’m going to close that sale.”
“Today, I’m going to attract more customers.”
“Today, I am going to make it happen.”
When you use “someday,” you are putting off your dreams, your goals. You
think that you will do it when you are ready. However, someday never comes, and
you’ll never be “ready.” Successful people understand that you don’t have to get it
right; you have to get it going. Script your day today. If it’s not scripted, it won’t
We all procrastinate from time to time. There are Seven Inner Demons of
Procrastination you need to know. If you can recognize the Seven Inner Demons as
they appear, you’ll be able to eliminate them much more easily.
Pretend that you are about to do a simple push-up. The Seven Inner Demons of
Procrastination then enter your mind. How many do you recognize?
“Let me make sure the spacing between my hands is correct first. Also, I’ve
got to have the perfect angle at the elbows. I shouldn’t get too close to the
floor; if I hit the floor that would be cheating—it wouldn’t be a proper
push-up. You know what, I’m not even wearing the proper athletic gear; let
me change, and then I’ll do the push-up.”
The Perfectionist is so concerned with doing the perfect push-up that they
don’t even get started doing one. Who do you think will be further ahead?
The person who waits a month and then does one perfect push-up, or the
person who does ten imperfect push-ups every day for a month? Of course,
it’s the person who DOES the push-ups. The Perfectionist is too concerned
with perfection, when all you need is progress.
Remember—you don’t have to get it perfect; you have to get it going.
“I don’t want to do it—it looks hard. Is there an easier version? Maybe
there’s a push-up machine that can do it for me?”
The Lazy Slacker hates doing work. They hate anything that makes them
slightly uncomfortable. They want the results, but not the work it takes to
get there. What they don’t realize is that anything worth achieving will take
hard work.
“I can only do ten push-ups right now but look at him—he can do twenty.
And look at her; she can do thirty. I’m no good; I suck. I should stop doing
Measurers compare themselves to everyone else. If there is someone out
there doing it better, they will get discouraged. Even when they know they
are just a beginner, they won’t do something unless it feels better. Who
cares? It’s not about them; it’s about the progress you are making toward
your goal. There will always be someone better than you. If you let that fact
stop you from acting, then you’ll be stuck for a very long time.
“If I do a push-up, then wouldn’t I have a really big triceps? What if I want
a large biceps? Wouldn’t it look weird if my triceps were big and my biceps
were small? What if I wanted to build out my shoulder? Am I going to look
like one of those really weird, big, bulky guys? I don’t want that; then no
one is going to want to date me. Let’s not do any push-ups; I don’t want
The Futurist thinks so far ahead into the future and creates problems that
don’t even exist! If you’re a Futurist, you overthink everything and make
things a bigger deal than they are. It’s just a push-up; no need to think so far
into the future. It’s the same when people come up and ask me, “Dan, what
should I invest in?” But later, I discover that they still haven’t paid off their
debt. Take it one step at a time—don’t think too far into the future and
create imaginary problems.
“I don’t know how to do a push-up. Do you have any books or videos on
how to do a push-up?”
The Idiot overcomplicates the simplest tasks. It’s just a push-up. You go
down, and then you push yourself up. It’s not complicated, but the Idiot
needs to read five hundred books on push-ups and watch two hundred
training videos on the advanced types of push-ups before acting.
Meanwhile, someone else is doing twenty push-ups every day and building
that foundational strength. Can you do any of the advanced push-ups if you
can’t even do ten regular push-ups? You can’t, so why waste your time
pretending you don’t know how to do a push-up? Just do the push-up.
Listener: “All right, I’m going to do a push-up now.”
Friend: “Why are you doing push-ups? Science says it’s bad for
you. Do cardio instead.”
Listener: “Oh? Okay, let me try cardio.”
Listener: “Cardio isn’t working; I’m still weak.”
Friend #2: “Don’t do cardio; cardio doesn’t work anymore. Here,
try this pill. It works way better than cardio and push-ups.”
The Dumb Listener has the “shiny object syndrome,” falling for whatever
sounds good. Instead of just doing the push-ups and committing to
improving their push-ups, they will listen to what other people sell them on.
They will change their minds multiple times and never focus. They can’t
commit to one thing and continually look for others to give them direction.
What they don’t understand is that wealth is acquired by committing to one
idea over time.
“I can’t do a push-up; the floor is dirty. There are germs and bacteria on the
floor; I’m going to get sick. And what if my bones aren’t strong enough for
a push-up? I don’t want to break my arm. I’ll not do the push-up.”
The Excuse Maker makes up all the excuses you can think of to not do
the push-up. The excuses are mostly irrational, but they are enough to stop
them from doing what they know they should do.
What should you do when you see the Seven Inner Demons of
Procrastination show up?
THOUGHT ----------------------------------------> ACTION
(When the gap is too long, procrastination wins.)
(Beat procrastination by shortening the gap from thought to action.)
Think of these demons as rabid wolves waiting to feed. If you feed them,
they will continue to grow and growl louder. However, if you resist the
temptation to feed them, they will weaken. Whenever you recognize that
one of the seven has shown up, here’s what you do: take action, because
action drives out thought.
Have you ever experienced procrastination once you’ve already started
something? Probably not, because procrastination shows up strongest
before you take action. Develop the habit of shortening the gap between
thought and action. The longer the gap between thought and action, the
stronger the procrastination becomes. The less time it takes for you to start,
the weaker the procrastination becomes.
Your nonnegotiables are actions you take every day no matter what. These
are the things that keep every part of your life strong and thriving. If you
stop exercising or doing any physical activity for a long time, you become
weak and fragile. This same idea applies to every other part of your life. If
you don’t take the time to maintain it, it will weaken.
Your nonnegotiables should align with the outcomes you want to achieve.
Because of this, it is necessary for you to have a clear understanding of your
goal and to keep focused on what you wish to achieve. I have specific
nonnegotiables that help me move toward my goals. You might have
different ones.
BUSINESS WELL-BEING: Sixty minutes a day spent on thinking,
developing strategies, and keeping a pulse on my team.
EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING: Thirty minutes a day spent on a morning
ritual that includes visualization, Attitude of Gratitude meditation, and deep
breathing exercises.
FINANCIAL WELL-BEING: Thirty minutes a day looking at financials
and investments and reviewing numbers.
GROWTH: Sixty minutes a day learning. This includes reading, consulting
with experts, and meeting with other founders and CEOs.
PHYSICAL WELL-BEING: Sixty minutes a day of physical exercise,
three times a week.
These are the five keys that have unlocked my productivity over the years.
Before financial mastery, you must have self-mastery, because if you can’t
control yourself, then how can you expect to control money?
Now that you are aware of the five keys, it’s your turn to implement them
and act—don’t procrastinate. Be ruthless about your outcome, stay laserbeam focused, structure your day like you’re a billionaire, eliminate your
inner demons, and remain committed to your nonnegotiables. If you can do
that, you’ll be shocked at how much you can accomplish.
Unlock Your Sales
ecently, I gave a talk at an invite-only meeting for a group of highly
successful entrepreneurs, all leading companies and organizations with $1
million to $100 million in revenue. These were steely, skeptical people who had
seen and heard it all before. However, by the end of the talk, every person in the
audience was furiously taking down notes and asking questions. They had so many
questions that I couldn’t get out of the room for an hour until all their questions got
What was the topic that got all of these entrepreneurs and founders so riled up? I
was talking about the new age of advanced selling, what I call High-Ticket
Closing®. The “good old days” of selling through cold calling are long gone.
People are smarter and more skeptical than ever. As soon as they hear, “Hello, how
are you?” they know it’s a cold call and hang up immediately. Customers can
quickly sign up for “Do Not Call” lists, block phone numbers, and ignore any
attempts at unsolicited phone calls. The sales environment has become challenging.
Think about it—even when you think of the word “sales,” you immediately
think about a slimy, “snake oil” salesperson who tries to manipulate you into doing
something you don’t want to do. I’m not saying that the telephone is no longer an
excellent way to generate sales. The phone is a superb Conversion tool. However,
the phone is a horrible lead generation tool.
You don’t have to agree, but I believe that how a customer buys is more
important than what a customer buys. The customer’s frame of mind is crucial to
the sale and the ongoing relationship with the customer. Imagine you are walking
in a shopping mall and you see a booth giving out free samples. The people
working at the booth ask you to try a free sample. They interrupt your day. How do
you respond to this? You walk around them, you avoid them, or you ignore them
because they are an unwanted interruption.
What they don’t realize is that people love to buy, but they hate to be sold. You
don’t want to be sold, nor do I. We want to believe that we are in charge of our
own buying decisions. Even if we do buy from a pushy salesperson, we somehow
feel like they “got us” and we don’t feel good about the sale. That’s why cold
calling does not work anymore. When you are cold calling someone with whom
you have no prior relationship, with no value added first, with no positioning, it’s a
very steep uphill climb. When you are cold calling, the problem is you are trying to
build all that trust and credibility in a short amount of time, and no matter how
good you are at sales, you are putting yourself at a severe disadvantage.
People love to buy, but they hate to be sold.
So, what do you do if cold calling doesn’t work for lead generation? You let
marketing take care of that. I rely on my marketing, branding, and social media to
generate leads. I make those who are interested come to me by booking a call
through one of my closers. It creates a better experience for the closer and the
prospect. It’s the difference between having someone raise their hand and say, “I’m
interested in this!” versus physically pulling and forcing someone to raise their
hand when they don’t even want to move.
When they book a call with one of my closers, I have their full attention. When
you are cold calling someone, you have no idea what they are doing or if you’re
interrupting their day. However, when they book a time with you, you will have
their full attention for that time. When you call them, you are a salesperson. When
they call you, you are the expert.
That’s why I’ve created a new way, a new methodology of closing to meet the
changing times. I call it High-Ticket Closing®. It’s a form of closing by focusing
on selling premium products and services in which closers only take inbound calls
generated from marketing. Take these rules. Implement them. You’ll be astounded
at the results.
Remember, we’re not talking about cold calling, door knocking, or any of the
greasy, sleazy sales techniques. In those cases, you are acting like an annoying
pest. However, with High-Ticket Closing®, you are a welcome guest. You are not
interrupting someone’s day by calling unexpectedly or knocking on their door in
the middle of dinner—that’s not the purpose of High-Ticket Closing®. We are not
talking about becoming a sleazy salesperson. We are talking about being a
professional. We’re not pushing or manipulating people—we are helping them
come to their own decision.
Imagine a prospect is looking to buy, but they still have doubts. They need some
more information, more guidance, more clarity on how the process will work.
After all, it’s not a small purchase. Wouldn’t it make sense if someone spoke with
them on the phone to walk them through the process and answer any questions
they may have? High-Ticket Closing® is about making a one-on-one human
connection. Think about the people in your life whom you care about the most—
your parents, your siblings, your friends. When they are going through tough times
and you want to help, how do you do it? You don’t do it through a social media
post, a website, or anything online. You help them through the telephone or face to
face. In those intimate moments, you need that human connection. That is what
High-Ticket Closing® is all about.
Now, you may still have some questions about the differences between HighTicket Closing® and traditional sales. So why don’t I show you exactly what I
mean by High-Ticket Closing®?
Now, without thinking—very quickly, tell me when you hear the word “sales,”
what pops into your mind? If you’re like most people, you’ll probably think, “Oh,
it’s a used car salesperson,” or “snake-oil,” or “liars,” or “scam artist.” Whatever it
is, much negativity comes to mind.
Now, when I say the word “salesperson,” what comes to mind? What’s the
image that you have? Maybe you’ve seen certain movies, where it makes you
think, “Oh, those are the salespeople; they’re going to try to sell me,” or “They are
going to lie to me,” or “They are just going after my money.” Whatever image you
have in your mind, it’s most likely a negative image—that’s the image society has
of salespeople.
Whenever you sound, talk, or act like a typical salesperson, it creates resistance.
That’s why you never, ever, ever want to sound like a typical salesperson; it
immediately turns off the prospect.
Picture a salesperson and how they talk. What do they sound like to you? How
do they act? How do they communicate? What comes to mind? You might picture
a salesperson talking quickly, with a lot of enthusiasm, and they are trying to
project a lot of energy. They push features and benefits on you without listening,
without slowing down, without actually understanding your problems. That’s what
a typical salesperson sounds like most of the time.
You want to do the exact opposite. Typical salespeople talk fast, while HighTicket Closers® slow down. Salespeople push features and benefits, while HighTicket Closers® listen intently. Salespeople jump around with enthusiasm, while
High-Ticket Closers® stay calm and collected as a professional.
The most common mistake that salespeople make is talking too much. Sometimes
the person talks so much that they talk the prospect out of the sale. Has this ever
happened to you? You’ve made up your mind to buy, but the salesperson keeps on
talking and talking. Then you get annoyed, and you say to the salesperson, “You
know what; I’m busy right now. I’ve got to go. I’ll come back later.”
This rebuttal is very, very common. You see, one of the myths (believed by
many people) is that a great salesperson is always talking, always pushing, always
shoving the product or service, and they’re still trying to change how people feel
about a particular topic. However, that’s not what we do with High-Ticket
High-Ticket Closing® is all about asking the right questions at the right time
with finesse.
There are many different types of questions to ask: open-ended questions, closeended questions, discovery questions, and redirection questions. There are so many
great questions to ask! In just a few pages, you’ll learn which type of questions to
ask, how to ask them, and when to ask them.
Why do you think this is important? It’s because when you are talking, you are
not listening, and when you are not listening, you aren’t learning about your
prospect. If you don’t know anything about your prospect, then you can’t help
them solve their problems. I firmly believe that when you say something, it means
something. When the prospect says something, it means everything. You could tell
them what they need to hear; it’s much more powerful to step back and ask the
proper questions. You ask the right questions, extract the correct information, and
you let the prospect say it instead of you saying it.
Have you ever read a sales book that was going to teach you “101 ways to close
a prospect” or “59 ways to handle this one objection”? I don’t believe in that
approach, and I don’t teach my students this either. Why? It’s tough to connect
with someone when your head fills with thoughts about exactly what you’re going
to say next. At that point, you’re not having a conversation. You’re just waiting for
your turn to talk.
I prefer to keep it very simple. My closing line is usually, “Hey, what would you
like to do?” or “Where should we go from here?” That’s it. If I have done my job
during the entire call, if I have asked the right questions and discovered the
prospect’s pain, then saying “yes” to the sale becomes a natural, logical conclusion.
I don’t need to twist the arms and say, “HEY! Do you want to buy right now?” or
the good ol’ alternative close, “Would you like it in blue or red?” In High-Ticket
Closing®, we don’t do any of that, nor do we want to.
Remember—High-Ticket Closing® is about asking the right questions at the
right time with finesse.
People buy to get out of their pain, to escape from a particular situation. They want
to lose weight and escape the shame of being overweight. They want to get rid of
their debt and stop feeling constant financial stress. They want to take that vacation
and escape the monotony of their jobs.
When there is no pain, there is no sale. When the prospect does not have a
problem, they have no reason to buy. Sometimes, people will have a problem but
won’t admit it to themselves. That’s why it’s the job of the High-Ticket Closer® to
make it crystal clear to the prospect of how investing in the product or service
today will help them change their lives and escape their pain. When you think of it
this way, can you see why the standard salesperson’s “show and tell” doesn’t
work? They get all enthusiastic and energetic, put on a fake smile, and “shotgun”
all the features and benefits into the prospect’s face, hoping something will hit.
What the salesperson fails to realize is that people don’t buy because they
understand the product; people buy because they feel understood. That’s why when
the prospect brings up objections most salespeople are stuck on the defensive
trying to justify the value of the offer. Instead, a High-Ticket Closer® always has
the prospect’s best interest at heart. They ask, “What is the pain they are trying to
escape?” or “How can I help them?” or “Would they be a good fit for this offer, or
should I send them away?”
Now, this might not always be a pleasant experience for the prospect—after all,
you are digging into their deepest pains. However, solving the prospect’s problem
is like cleansing a wound—sometimes, it stings a bit in the beginning before it
starts to get better. Think about a doctor. Do you think a doctor would be effective
if they weren’t willing to make their patient a bit uncomfortable? Imagine a doctor
who won’t give you a flu shot because they’re scared it might hurt you for a second
—that wouldn’t be a very good doctor now, would it?
Have you ever seen the antismoking ad that compared a regular person’s lung to a
smoker’s lung? One was healthy and had a vibrant pink color; the other was gray,
shriveled, and unhealthy. By painting a clear vision of what happens when you
smoke, that ad made an emotional impact on many people. In High-Ticket
Closing®, it’s a very similar thing. You want to reveal the gap between where the
prospect is and where the prospect wants to go. We accomplish this through three
magic words: Exactly, Specifically, and Precisely.
Instead of asking, “What kind of results are you looking for?” you ask,
“EXACTLY what kind of results are you looking for?”
Instead of asking, “What have you done in the past to try to generate more
sales?” you ask, “What SPECIFICALLY have you done in the past to try to
generate more sales?”
Instead of asking, “What were you hoping to get from me today?” you ask,
“PRECISELY what were you hoping to get from me today?”
By asking these questions using these specific words, you are guiding your
prospect into being detailed in their answers, which helps you to discover more and
more about them: their pains, their goals, and what EXACTLY, SPECIFICALLY,
and PRECISELY they are looking to get.
You will find with experience that these three words will become part of your
everyday script, and you will be able to use them in your day-to-day life as well.
People love being asked about themselves and will go into detail if you give them a
chance; it makes them feel cared for and important.
There are three levels of pain that you can discover on a closing call:
• LEVEL 1 PAIN: Surface-level pain (intellectual problem, can easily be identified)
• LEVEL 2 PAIN: Business or financial pain
• LEVEL 3 PAIN: Personal pain
Why are these levels so important? Because when there is no pain, there is no
sale. As harsh as it sounds, it’s the job of the High-Ticket Closer® to help the
prospect realize the consequences of not making a change in their lives.
When we are talking about Level 1 Pain, we are talking about the problem the
prospect arrives with in the beginning. When the prospect explains their problem,
they are very intellectual about it and emotionally uninvested. However, we all
know that there are always more deep-seated reasons for someone to come to you.
The prospect might go to you and say, “I’m here because I want more customers
for my business.” If you dig deep, you’ll find there is another level of pain for them
—Level 2 Pain: business or financial pain.
Let’s say you then ask the prospect, “Well, how many customers are you getting
currently? It can’t be that bad; can it?” In answering this question, they will talk
about their problem and reveal to you something more in depth. You may discover
that they are currently losing money because it’s a slow season for them. You’ve
just dug deeper and revealed a deeper level of pain. However, there is one level
deeper—Level 3 Pain: personal pain. What would this look like to you?
Well, you might ask the prospect a few more questions and discover that their
business is a family-owned business passed down from generation to generation. If
they don’t get more customers, their family business could shut down. Now that is
Level 3 Pain. When you are digging for Level 3 Pain, what you discover may not
always be this extreme but just trying to get to Level 3 Pain would be more
effective than trying to address Level 1 Pain. When there is no pain, there is no
emotional investment. When there is no emotional investment, there is no sale.
You might be thinking, “Okay, Dan, that makes sense. But how do I get to that
Level 3 Pain?” You use discovery questions—questions designed to get more
information about your prospect. Here are some discovery questions you can use to
help dig deeper into the prospect’s pain:
• “Tell me more about that.”
• “Can you be more specific? What’s one example?”
• “How long has that been a problem?”
• “What have you tried to do about that? And did that work?”
• “How much do you think that has cost you?”
• “How do you feel about that?”
• “How have you tried to deal with the problem?”
When you get to Level 3 Pain and get to the core of the problem, you’ll gain
more trust from the prospect, more credibility, and you’ll find it becomes easy to
close any prospect, no matter how large the deal is.
If you’ve ever dealt with a bad client, you know how tiring and stressful it can be.
Whether they are a client who is always complaining, too demanding, or just plain
difficult, you don’t want to close bad potential clients or customers. It does no
good for either you or the business. Remember, this is a process where YOU are
evaluating the prospects as much as they are deciding on you. You want to retain
the customers you gain, and bad customers leave a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.
Don’t save people who don’t want saving. Imagine running in a race where you
have to drag the runner from start to finish—it’s not going to be fun. If they’re not
willing to run on their own two legs, they likely won’t do well with your offer
either. If you are selling programs, this means that they must want to implement
what they learn. If you are selling products, this means they need to use the
product. If you are a consultant, it means you need to pick clients who will execute
your advice.
How do you reject bad customers or clients? You tell them it’s not a good fit.
There will be other customers and clients who will be a great fit—that’s the beauty
of choice. When you are a High-Ticket Closer®, you live in abundance, and you
don’t have to do things that go against your moral compass or values.
Don’t take on clients who:
• Are negative
• Bring drama into your world
• Always come to you with never-ending problems
• Always ask for your time and ask you to open up your schedule no matter what hour of
the day
• Make unreasonable demands or have unreasonable expectations
Life is too short, and as you already know, time is our most valuable commodity.
No need to waste it on people who don’t want our help or people who don’t
appreciate our help. How much better would your life be if you never had to deal
with negative people again? You have a choice, and you deserve to choose who
you have as a customer or client.
Now that you understand the psychology and rules of High-Ticket Closing®, it’s
time to get into the details of the High-Ticket Closing® call. These calls are
conducted with class, calmness, and confidence (you’ll see why in just a second).
Once you understand the stages of a call and how to run the call, you’ll be able to
close deals with much more ease, especially with the more sophisticated and
affluent customers.
There are three stages of every call. As you go through each step, you move closer
toward your goal of closing the sale. These steps are like a staircase for you to
steadily proceed toward the close. They’re meant to go in order, so no steps should
be skipped or eliminated.
It’s designed to keep you, the High-Ticket Closer®, in complete control of the
call from beginning to end. It’s a logical progression from introduction to close that
makes the call effortless. You’ll see that these stages don’t rely on enthusiasm,
gimmicks, or memorizing scripts. It’s a combination of the science of human
behavior and your finesse. Once you fully internalize this script, you’ll be able to
connect deeply with your prospect.
Stage one is where the call begins, and you set the frame for the call. The prospect
will make a judgment about you within the first few seconds of hearing you speak,
so this is vital.
In this stage, you are setting the tone for the way business will be conducted;
you’ll get some basic commitments, understand their motivation, and discover the
needs of the prospect.
This stage should take no longer than five minutes to finish.
Prospect: “Hello, is this Dan?”
Closer: “Yes, this is Dan. What can I do for you?”
Prospect: “Oh, I’m calling in for the appointment we had scheduled.”
Closer: “Yes, for 3:00 p.m. So, Mrs. Prospect, why did you want to book
the call with me today?”
Prospect: “Well, I’m looking for X, Y, and Z.”
Closer: “That’s great. Now, I need to ask some questions about your
business to see if we are a good fit and how we can add value to what
you’re doing. How does that sound?”
With just a few sentences, you’ve established credibility, gained a small
commitment, and set the expectations for the call with your prospect as opposed to
the typical salesperson.
Salesperson: “Hi, Mr. Prospect. How are you doing today?”
Prospect: “Doing well.”
Salesperson: “Great, and if I could have a minute of your time today, I
think you’ll love some of the offers we have for a limited time right now. Is
this a bad time to talk?”
Don’t you hate those calls?
After you’ve set the stage and expectations for the prospect, the next step is to
qualify the prospect to make sure they are a good fit.
Remember that when there is no pain, there is no sale. Stage Two is where we
discover everything about the prospect’s pain, needs, wants, and everything else.
By the end of this stage, you should know:
• What are their needs, wants, and desires?
• Who are they doing this for?
• Where do they want to be?
• Why are they considering your offer right NOW and not later?
• Can they afford the offer?
• Are they the decision maker?
• If this is an event or program that requires their time, will they have the time to commit
to this?
During the qualifying stage, you’ll find all of this out before moving to the
finale. This is where you truly connect with and understand the prospect on a
deeper level. You’ll do this by asking the right questions at the right time.
When you enter a call, you want to put your prospect on a needs grading
scale. What is this grading scale? It’s a scale to determine how much your
prospect needs or wants the offer, and it ranges anywhere between one and
ten: “one” meaning they don’t need your offer at all and “ten” meaning they
need your offer badly and urgently.
Why should we do this? Well, don’t you think it would be a good idea to
use different approaches for heavily invested prospects versus the curious
tire kickers? Different needs will need different strategies.
The grading scale looks like this:
• One through five means the prospect has low needs.
• Six through eight means they have some need or interest.
• Nine through ten means they have high interest, passion, or urgency.
Can you see why it’s a bad idea to talk about money or close the deal if
the prospect has a need that’s only a grade of two? On the other hand, can
you see why digging into someone’s pains will be counterproductive if they
are already a nine on the scale? By understanding and gauging where the
prospect is at regarding their degree of pain, you’ll have a clearer idea of
when to move on.
You only want to move on to the last stage of the call when you’ve
moved the prospect to a rating of eight or above. When the needs are low
(below five), you want to ask strategic questions to bring their needs up. A
good strategic question makes the prospect think and allows them to come
to their logical conclusions.
Closer: “How much revenue are you currently generating?”
Prospect: “About 100k a month.”
Closer: “100k? That’s pretty good. What’s wrong with that?”\
Prospect: “Well, we aren’t as profitable as we’d like to be.”
Now you might be wondering what’s so special about a simple question
like that. Well, compare it to how a typical salesperson might have
approached that same conversation.
Salesperson: “How much revenue are you currently generating?”
Prospect: “About 100k a month.”
Salesperson: “Well, with your business model, that can’t be too
profitable. Here’s what you should do, and here’s how we can help.”
Do you see the difference? It’s subtle, but it makes all the difference in
the world when it comes to results. There are many types of questions to
ask; here’s a list of common questions you can use to gather more
• “I’m sure that’s working well for you. What’s wrong with that?”
• “Exactly what kind of results are you looking for?”
• “What would change in your life if you were living this type of dream?”
• “So, what are your goals? What are you trying to accomplish here?”
• “What do you think the problem is? What’s stopping you?”
• “What has changed in your situation recently?”
• “Why do you feel you need the help now?”
Once you have properly qualified the prospect for needs, desires, money,
and decision-making, you can move onto the last stage of the call—
After you’ve finished the qualifying stage, the commitment stage happens
when you present the offer, ask for the commitment, verify why it’s so
important, and seal the deal.
In this section, it’s all about getting the prospect to commit to the sale.
It’s about getting them to decide for themselves that this is the right choice.
Remember, when you say something, it means something; when the
prospect says something, it means everything. Usually, typical salespeople
at this stage will try to stack the value and make it look like a great deal for
the prospect, but that’s not how High-Ticket Closers® move toward the
Closer: “So, Mr. Prospect, I know that you wanted X, Y, and Z
today. However, there are so many other companies out there who
are cheaper than us; why did you want to work with us?”
Prospect: “Well, you have a really good reputation, and all my
friends have told me you deliver great work. So I could see us
generating lots of profit if we worked with you.”
Closer: “Great. So where should we go from here?”
Prospect: “Let’s do this.”
Compare this to the typical salesperson’s approach.
Salesperson: “So, with our package, you’ll get A, B, and C. On top
of all that, we’ll add in D. Usually that would cost you $10,000, but
for fast action takers like you we can do $7,500. So, would you like
to buy today?”
Prospect: “Um … let me think about it.”
Salesperson: “What’s there to think about?”
And that’s it—those are the three simple stages of a High-Ticket
Closing® call. When you structure your calls this way, you’ll find yourself
staying grounded and in control instead of jumping around from topic to
topic. You’ll find yourself having to deal with fewer objections and that
your calls go more smoothly than ever before.
At this point, you might be overwhelmed from what you’ve just learned, or
you might be wondering what a High-Ticket Closing® call sounds like in
If you want to learn more about High-Ticket Closing®, go to There you will find live role plays of calls,
receive extra training, and see what it’s like to be a High-Ticket Closer®.
Now that you’ve learned about High-Ticket Closing®, you’ve unlocked a
powerful way to convert prospects into customers. But remember, sales are
just one part of the equation. In the next chapter, you’ll learn the core
components to unlocking your business growth.
Unlock Your Business Growth
ost entrepreneurs leave their rat race only to find themselves running on a
hamster wheel. They’re “hustling.” They’re putting out fires and applying
BAND-AID® solutions. They’re stuck in a “feast or famine” cycle and constantly
concerned about finding the next sale, the next customer. They can’t operate
effectively as an entrepreneur as they are always reacting and are never proactive.
It’s no wonder why half of small businesses fail within the first five years,
according to the Small Business Administration. The question is: how you can set
up the core structure of your business so it can grow, scale, and remain sane?
When you look at it, there are only three ways to unlock your business growth.
What are these three ways? Here they are.
• ATTRACTION: Being able to predictably and consistently attract new quality leads and
generate new business
• RETENTION: Increasing stick rate of each customer and enhancing the relationship
customers have with your business
• OPTIMIZATION: Maximizing the value your business generates for the customer
Most struggling businesses are weak in either one or a blend of these three
pillars. As you’ll see, these pillars work together to create a strong, sustainable, and
scalable business. If any of these pillars are weak, you’re looking at an unbalanced
No company ever goes out of business for having too much revenue. Most
businesses struggle because they lack revenue. They struggle because they can’t
predictably generate new business. While revenue does not solve all your business
problems, revenue can solve many problems.
Attraction can be broken down into two phases: marketing and closing.
Marketing is creating top-of-mind awareness and generating new leads for your
business. Closing is turning those leads from prospects into a sale. Put together,
Attraction is all about creating a predictable, profitable, and consistent way of
generating new customers. The first step to achieve this is to figure out:
How much can you afford to spend to acquire a customer?
For most business owners, they have no clue. They think to themselves, “Well, I
want customers for as little as possible.” They rely on referrals, networking, cold
calling, “hustle,” and sweat equity and then find that their business isn’t growing.
They don’t realize the reason they aren’t growing and are struggling is that you
cannot control referrals.
Many business owners don’t mind relying on referrals and are proud to say that
they spend no money on marketing. What they don’t realize is that if you rely on
referrals for growth, then you’re operating your business on blind faith. If you
don’t have a predictable system for acquiring customers, then you don’t have a
business—you have a hobby. However, once you decide on what you’re willing to
spend to acquire a customer, your marketing becomes simple math.
Let’s say you are selling a product that’s worth $1,000 and the cost of goods
sold is $200. You are selling an $800 product. How much are you going to
reallocate back into the business? Most entrepreneurs will say “as little as
possible”—they want to keep as much profit as possible. I have a different
philosophy. I want to outspend all my competitors to acquire a customer.
Here’s why.
Imagine two businesses: Business A and Business B. Business A is only
willing to spend $100 to acquire a customer, while Business B spends $500
to acquire a customer. Who do you think will win? When you can outspend
your competition to acquire a customer, you can scale more aggressively
and advertise on more channels. You have more market share, more market
penetration, and more top-of-mind awareness than your competition. In the
end, whoever can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins.
Now how do you decide on the amount you’re willing to spend on
acquiring a customer? For my team, our allowable cost per acquisition is 70
percent of the initial purchase. Meaning if my offer was $1,000, I’d be okay
with spending $700 to acquire that customer. After multiple rounds of
testing and refining, this is the number we’ve decided on that works for our
business. Yours may be different.
We are okay with spending that much on acquiring a customer because
most of our profits are made in the back end when we give our customers
the option to upgrade to higher-end or recurring offers.
Retention can be broken down into two parts. One is about customer
satisfaction, and the other is about customer ascension.
As you grow as an entrepreneur, it becomes too easy to disconnect from
your customers and to lose focus on their experience. Keeping a pulse on
the customers’ perception of your business is critical for business growth.
Our team reviews our Net Promoter Score (NPS) on a consistent basis to
make sure customer satisfaction is met. Here’s how it works: simply ask
your customers to rate you from one to ten on this question:
“How likely are you to recommend our product/service to a friend or
Your customers will fall into one of three categories:
• Promoters—if they pick nine or ten
• Passives—if they pick seven or eight
• Detractors—if they pick anywhere from zero to six
Your NPS will be the percentage of Promoters minus the percentage of
Detractors. For example, if you have 60 percent Promoters and 10 percent
Detractors, your NPS would be fifty. If you hit above seventy, that’s
considered world class. Our team aims for and regularly hits ninety—and if
we miss that mark, we adjust quickly. What’s the secret to achieving high
NPS scores? It’s elevating the customers to higher levels of loyalty—
customer ascension.
Do you believe all customers are created the same? I don’t. Not every
customer will have the same relationship with you and your business. Some
will turn out to be much more profitable than the others. If you want to
grow your business, focus on the customers with whom you have a decent
There are five levels of relationship you can have with your customers.
These levels range from prospect to raving fan. They are in order from most
to least loyal:
1. Raving Fan
2. Member
3. Client
4. Customer
5. Prospect
The raving fan loves your business and tells all their friends about it. The
member is a loyal customer who buys from you consistently and frequently.
The client comes occasionally, but always has a pleasant experience with
you. The customer buys from you once, and they might come back. The
prospect is looking for a solution to their problem, and you’re one of the
options they’re investigating.
Your job is to move the prospect up the Loyalty Ladder—turning your
prospects into raving fans and members.
Why do you want to focus on members over customers? The first reason is
that people who see themselves as members buy 66.3 percent more than
those who see themselves as just customers, according to Tim Schmidt from
Tribal Marketing. Second, members give you recurring and predictable
revenue without having to spend more on acquiring new customers. Lastly,
even with all the benefits you get from acquiring members over customers,
the costs to acquire a customer are the same as acquiring a member.
The relationship you have with members is much stronger as well.
Customers are short term and care about the products and services they
seek. Members are long term and care about the human connection and
philosophy that comes with your product or service.
Strong memberships are at the core of what’s built successful businesses
around the world—Amazon Prime, Costco, CrossFit, Netflix, Starbucks—
these companies are all built on the backbone of strong memberships. When
you have a strong membership, you’ll have a strong foundation for longterm growth.
Here’s a fun experiment you can try. Go and try to convince someone from
CrossFit that LA Fitness is a better company. If you know anyone who is
into CrossFit, you’ll know that’s an impossible task. No matter what type of
argument you throw at them, they won’t change their mind. It’s all because
of one word: “community.”
CrossFit has its community, its own culture. The people on the inside feel
as if they are part of a close, tight-knit family—while the people on the
outside have no idea why CrossFit members are so passionate. That’s the
effect of having a strong community.
When you have a strong community, the members of the community will
advocate for your business without any incentive. If you have a strong
community, your business will become a part of who they are, and they will
fight for you. They will gladly pay to stay in the community, they’ll
anticipate every product you send into the market, and they’ll represent
your brand proudly and loudly. The fact is you don’t need large amounts of
capital to lay down the foundation of a strong community. All you need are
these three steps:
To know your values is an essential thing in your community. What does
your community stand for, and what does it not stand for? What do you
believe, and what do you not believe? Why does your community exist?
Apple exists to challenge the status quo and attracts those people while
repelling the people who want to go with the flow. What values will your
community value?
Most businesses will deliver on what they promised in the offer (and some may
underdeliver), but almost no business will go out of their way to overdeliver for
their customers and members. Zappos was the first company to offer free shipping
on both orders and returns—giving their customers a “wow” experience. Many
questioned their practice because it cost the company money every time someone
returned a product; however, what they didn’t realize was the loyalty Zappos
gained by overdelivering. How can you overdeliver for your members?
Members of a community want to meet and connect. Humans have a natural
tendency to seek out other people who are like minded and have the same values.
My students—the High-Ticket Closers®—interact daily with one another online
and share their booms (their wins) as well as their challenges. On top of that, we
have an exclusive annual black-tie event where thousands of closers fly into
Vancouver to meet with one another. What’s one way you can help your members
Now that you understand the power of retention and membership, there is one
last pillar that will give your business a boost in growth—optimization.
Optimization is all about maximizing the value of each customer in your business.
At any time percent of your customers are willing and want to buy more from you
—they need the right offers presented to them.
Here’s an example of one of my company’s sales funnels:
On the front end, there is a $99 offer made to the prospect. (This is one of our
products called Perfect Closing Script, a compelling script that helps salespeople
improve their closing ratio.) If they take the offer, they’re given another
opportunity to purchase a one-time offer for $199—this is a product that
complements the initial purchase. If they do not take the offer, they’re brought to a
down sell for a $49 monthly membership we offer to people who need to train their
closing skills.
For the customers who buy our $99 product, about 15 to 20 percent take the
$199 offer. That means 15 to 20 percent of customers are now worth $298 instead
of the initial $99. The customers who buy our $49 membership are given an option
to pay in full for an annual membership for $397—a 10 percent upgrade to annual
membership right away. If they don’t want to pay in full, they’re given another
option to split the yearly investment into two payments.
Finally, at the end of the sales funnel they can book a call with one of my closers
who will see if they’re a good fit for our higher-end program at $2,500. (When this
program is sold over the phone it converts at 25 to 32 percent.) By the end of the
sales funnel, many of our customers have invested much more than the initial $99.
About one-fifth of the customers take the $199 offer, another 15 percent join our
membership, and one-fifth of the remaining customers take the $2,500 offer. That
means instead of having customers worth only $99, we have customers with
lifetime values of $298 and $2,798—along with recurring revenue made from
memberships. This is just one example of optimization.
On top of the upsells, we retarget all nonbuyers with ads on Facebook, YouTube,
Instagram, and other platforms—bringing them back to book a call with our
closers. With all the money we put into our social advertising and product funnels,
why do we bring them to a sales call? Because we’ve found that selling HighTicket Offers over the phone converts five times better than any other medium of
selling. We’ll talk more about that in the next chapter.
When you are working on optimization, ask yourself these questions:
• What else could you offer them that would complement what they just purchased?
• What type of problem are they likely going to face NEXT? How can you help them?
• How can you deliver more value so you can raise your prices?
• Could you turn this one-time purchase into a repeat purchase (membership)?
When you strengthen the three pillars of Attraction, Retention, and Optimization,
you’ll unlock your business growth and create a business where you:
• Have a predictable, consistent, and profitable way of acquiring customers
• Can turn customers into members, and members into raving fans
• Maximize the value to you of each customer who comes through the doors
Once you have these three strong pillars, there will be one more crucial
component to consider as you scale your business: your profit margins.
Unlock Your Profit Margins
s more always better? When I talk with entrepreneurs, many of them are always
focused on more—more sales, more customers, more employees, more growth,
more infrastructure, more scaling, more this, more that, more, more, more! But is
more better?
When entrepreneurs focus too much on getting more without questioning why, I
always think back to this particular episode of The Profit—a reality TV show
where the star of the show, Marcus Lemonis, comes in and tries to save small
businesses from failure.
In this episode, he was trying to save a family business (a meat-packing
company) that’s been in business for over seventy-five years. They were generating
$50 million in revenue per year! Is that a lot of money? Of course. If that’s all you
knew, you’d probably ask yourself why this company needed saving. When you
take a look at their other numbers, you start to see the full story.
Though they had $50 million in revenue, their net profit was negative $400,000.
They were losing $400,000 every year. On top of that, they were $4 million in
debt. When you only focus on the revenue and growth of the company, you can be
easily deceived.
The only thing that matters in running a business is net profit. Businesses go
bankrupt because they run out of cash—and you cannot have any cash left if you
don’t make any profits.
On top of that, when you have low-profit margins, here’s what also happens:
• You can’t deliver a great experience for your customers.
• You have to go cheap in certain areas of your business to minimize expense (that’s why
you can’t deliver a great experience).
• Your growth is restricted because you can’t spend to acquire customers.
• You’re forced to compete on price.
• You’re at a disadvantage against competitors who have higher margins.
• Your room for error is tiny—no margin means no buffer room for mistakes.
• You don’t have enough money to attract the best talent, the best people.
• Your customers don’t value you or your product/service.
• You need a higher volume of customers to meet your revenue and profit goals.
• Any new customer you acquire makes very little difference to your bottom line.
With low-profit margins, you’re at a huge disadvantage. You can’t buy the
supplies you need; you can’t hire skilled and talented employees. You can’t even
support yourself. It’s not sustainable, it’s not scalable, and it puts you in a very
dangerous position.
Some business owners are so naive and delusional, they think that if there’s
gross enough, then there must be some net somewhere. I was one of those
entrepreneurs. I learned these lessons the hard way and didn’t want you to make
the same mistake. I’ve learned the hard way that you cannot multiply zero. I’ve
learned the hard way that business is a game of margins, not volume.
When you sell High-Ticket Offers, you’re making a larger profit margin. You’re
not only giving yourself more room to breathe, but you’re also giving yourself
more opportunity for growth. Your ability to scale quickly and profitably, the depth
of relationships you have with your customers, the type of business you run and the
lifestyle you live—they’re all directly shaped by your decision to sell High-Ticket
Picture this. You’re running a business that sells one product for $30, and it costs
$5 to produce and fulfill—you’re left with $25 profit.
$30 price - $5 cost = $25 profit
To acquire a customer, you have $25 as your marketing budget. That means you
can spend only up to $25 to acquire a new customer or else you’d be losing money
with each sale.
Any platform you choose to advertise on—whether it’s TV, radio, billboards,
YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Google, or some other platform—you can’t spend
over $25 to acquire a customer. Even organic sales will only give you a maximum
profit of $25.
With such a small margin, you won’t be able to scale, and your room for error is
tiny. If your ad costs rise, you won’t have the time or resources to adjust—you’ll
be left out to dry. If you wanted to invest in better talent or improve your
infrastructure, you wouldn’t have any money to pull from—your margins are gone.
Compare this to another business selling a single product at $5,000. Let’s say
their total costs are $500. Profit is $4,500.
$5,000 price - $500 cost = $4,500 profit
If this business competes with the business with $25 margin, who do you think
will win? The one with a higher profit margin. Whoever can outspend their
competition to acquire a customer wins. In this case, $4,500 beats $25. With higher
profit margins, you can advertise on more platforms, more channels, and test more
ways of converting a customer.
Now, does this mean you shouldn’t sell low-ticket offers at all? No—but the
ONLY reason you will see a low-ticket offer is to bring buyers into the door. That
way you could upsell them other High-Ticket Offers. However, keep in mind that
this is a strategy, not a business model.
Forget what everyone else says: size matters. We’re talking about transaction size.
There are many ways to make money, but how you make money is as important as
how much money you make.
There are many different ways to make a million dollars. However, is there a
difference between having one hundred thousand customers versus one hundred
customers? You bet.
Your customer support, your team, your infrastructure need to be in place to
handle one hundred thousand customers, or else your business will collapse on
itself. Plus, if you want to grow to one million customers, you’ll need to reinvent
everything. The systems that can handle one thousand customers won’t be able to
handle one hundred thousand customers. The systems created for one hundred
thousand customers won’t support one million customers—what got you here
won’t get you there.
Now there’s nothing wrong with building a business with low-ticket prices and a
high volume of customers, but I prefer to keep things simple and profitable. If you
want to multiply effectively and with minimum “growing pains,” you must
simplify. A business with a simple offer and fewer customers will have a much
better time scaling sustainably.
Not all customers are the same. You see, there are four types of customers—some
you want to market to; some you don’t.
They’re very demanding and buy purely on price—they do not understand
value. Usually, the first question they ask you is, “How much do you
charge?” before they even understand what you are offering. They’re the
customers who will ask you for deals and discounts.
These customers aren’t necessarily cheap, but they’re just difficult. They’re
generally negative and downers. They’re the customers who will have
unrealistically high expectations of what you are selling. If you run a clientbased business, these customers will ask you a million irrelevant questions
and call you at 3:00 a.m.
These customers are educated and know what they want. They’ve done
their research ahead of time and have already talked to a few people. If they
walk into a car shop, they’ll know the exact model, color, features, and
payment plan they want. Sometimes, these customers will need more time
to think before making a decision—but once they make up their mind, they
stick to their decision.
These customers buy based on feelings and emotions. If they can afford it and they
want it, they will buy it. These customers don’t want deals or discounts—they
think it cheapens what they’re buying. If there is a discount, their immediate
thought is something is wrong with the product.
When you take a look at these four types of customers, which ones would you
want to have for your business? If you’re like most people, you’d want to stay
away from the cheap and difficult customers, and you’d probably want to serve the
sophisticated and affluent customers.
Why? Because when there’s an economic downturn, the first groups of
customers affected are cheap and challenging customers. They didn’t have much
disposable income to begin with—so if there is a choice to be made between rent
and your product, chances are they will choose rent.
It makes intuitive sense, yet most businesses unknowingly structure their
business to attract cheap and demanding customers. They advertise discounts and
deals to drive more sales. They do everything and bend over backward to get a
customer. They think that if they take on a cheap customer and overdeliver, that
customer will eventually pay more. (They never do.)
I’ve structured my business to repel cheap and demanding customers. I’d much
rather spend time with sophisticated and affluent customers. Your selling price
influences what type of customer you’ll attract—low prices attract budgetconcerned customers; premium prices attract quality-concerned customers.
When you charge premium prices, it becomes a better experience for your
customers as well. They appreciate what they’ve bought, complain less, and feel
they’ve gotten more value—and it enhances their relationship with you. So with all
these reasons for selling High Ticket, why do so many business owners
undercharge? Well, there are many reasons, but there are three pervasive myths
that keep entrepreneurs from selling High-Ticket Offers.
This myth comes from a misunderstanding of what matters to a customer. There is
the price (how much something costs), and then there’s the value (what you get in
relation to what you paid for). When you raise your prices, you’ll attract customers
who see the value of your offer. However, you’ll repel the customers who only
look at the price.
When you have low prices, you’ll attract the price shopper who is always
looking for bargains—the ones who will negotiate until they’re blue in the face to
get the lowest price. When you have premium prices, you’ll attract a loyal, longterm client who’s willing to pay a higher price to get what they want. By increasing
your rate, you’ll attract a different market of customers.
Yes, you will “lose” the price shoppers and bargain hunters—but do you want to
build your business off of customers who are always looking to pay the least
possible? When you live by price, you die by price.
Once I was invited for an interview on a show alongside an economics professor.
The host of the show asked, “How should you price your offers?” The professor
went on to say something along the lines of, “Well, you’ve got to do your
marketplace research and see what everyone else is charging. Then you’ll have a
good idea of what to charge yourself.”
I disagreed. I asked them, “What does my competition have to do with me?” If
the value I offer is different from my competition, shouldn’t my price be different
as well? There’s no reason to copy their price. What if my competition has lousy
marketing, poorly packaged offers, and horrible messaging? Should I copy that as
My competition doesn’t get to dictate my price or anything I do in my business.
When you compete on price with your competitors, it becomes a race to the
bottom, and no one wins. Even if you do get more customers by lowering your
price, do you want to have the reputation of being the “cheapest”? You announce
what you’re worth to the world. If your value to the marketplace is unique, your
price should be too.
Don’t let your consumers compare you like apples to apples; let them compare
apples to oranges. You don’t want to be seen as a commodity—when you’re a
commodity, you’re the same as everyone else and easily replaceable.
What if I told you that selling a $10,000 offer takes the same amount of effort as
selling a $1,000 offer? What if I told you that, sometimes, it’s easier to sell a
$10,000 offer over a $1,000 offer? The logic seems to go against conventional
beliefs, but it’s the truth. When you are selling High-Ticket Offers, you are selling
to the sophisticated and affluent buyers, and they have a different mind-set when it
comes to buying. They are not looking at the price; they are looking at value.
Sophisticated buyers are asking, “Does this solve my problem?” and affluent
buyers are asking, “Will this purchase make me feel good?” These buyers are not
looking for discounts. They want the best that money can buy. That’s why they’re
easier to sell than customers who purchase lower-ticket items. They understand the
value of high-quality products and services.
Most people resist my suggestion that they raise their prices (I opposed raising
rates myself in my copywriting business), but this resistance never has anything to
do with their customers. All the price resistance comes from the seller, not the
buyer. You see, people project their values onto others—they think, “If I’m not
willing to pay for this at this price, then no one else will either.” This couldn’t be
further from the truth.
If you’re targeting the right market, the price will become elastic. When you can
deliver a great buying experience, your customers will “stretch” to premium prices
without resistance. People will always pay a premium price for a premium
experience—only a small percentage of your customers buy purely based on price.
When you understand that sophisticated customers buy to solve a specific problem
and affluent customers buy to satisfy a deep emotion, you’ll start to see that selling
High-Ticket Offers is much easier than expected.
When you change your offer, you change your life.
The steps to changing your offer are simple, and you don’t even need to change
what you’re doing. Instead, change whom you’re selling to, position yourself
differently, package what you do differently, and focus on solving an urgent and
important problem for your customers.
You have a choice. Do you want to be the Mercedes, the Toyota, or the Rolls
Royce of your market? There’s no wrong answer. I’m just saying that you need to
know your business model. When I tell people to upgrade their offer, the “how to”
steps are simple—but what holds them back is fear.
“Nobody will pay me that price”—fear of rejection.
“What if it doesn’t work”—fear of failure.
“I have all the wrong people wanting to hear about my service”—fear of not
being enough.
They are afraid of losing a bunch of customers, fearful of pissing people off,
scared of failing; but from where does all this fear come? One word—“scarcity.”
Scarcity is holding them back. The truth is when you raise your prices, you’ll lose
a small 10 to 20 percent of your customers. For most businesses, this would be
catastrophic, as they have no way of dealing with that loss.
Imagine if you had so many customers lining up for what you’re selling and
were so in demand that you had a waiting list—would you be scared then? You
wouldn’t be. When you are in high demand, you won’t be worried about losing
customers. The key is to have abundance. The key is to have the power of supply
and demand working in your favor. How do you do this? Through what I call
Social Capital—meaning you create a following of people who like you, trust you,
and will gladly buy from you.
Unlock Your Social Capital
he world is noisier than ever, the marketplace is more uncertain than ever, and
it’s more complicated than ever to get your customers’ attention. You are not
safe—no one is safe. Power has shifted from being in the hands of companies to
the hands of consumers. Consumers today have more control than ever—they can
skip TV ads, tune out radio ads, drive past your billboards, and ignore any attempt
to enter their awareness.
Times were different back then. Imagine what it was like when a few large
companies had access to all the mass media. You’d watch your favorite TV show,
and a commercial would pop up, then you’d have no choice but to sit through the
commercial. It’s become more difficult than ever to grab attention. It’s not that
your customers don’t trust you; they don’t even know you exist.
Consumers today want what they want when they want it, where they want it,
and how they want it. They could be watching YouTube on their TVs, bingeing TV
shows on their iPads, or catching a game on their iPhones. If you can’t adapt to
market what they want where and when they are engaged, you’ll fall behind, and
you’ll fall hard.
Giants can fall harder and faster. Victoria’s Secret sales are plummeting after
dominating the market. Sears has shut down hundreds of stores across the country.
Nokia, Sony, Blockbuster, Yahoo, JCPenney—all these companies thought they
were safe but failed to adapt to changing times. Whether you’ll survive is
determined by how fast you can learn, pivot, and adjust. It’s no longer the big fish
eating the small fish—it’s the fast fish eating the slow fish.
Financial capital is no longer the most valuable capital. Look at venture capital
firms—they’re having trouble finding start-ups that merit investment. Start-ups are
bootstrapping and becoming more resourceful as they start—they are delaying and
rejecting funding from venture capitalists to maintain equity and control of their
If you only have financial capital, all you have is dead money. You are not
creating new value with the money; it’s just lying around. When you have financial
capital, you are thinking, “How can I put it to good use?” You’re debating whether
to invest in new people, upgrade your infrastructure, scale your marketing, or one
of a hundred other actions. But on its own, financial capital is NOT the most
valuable form of capital. What IS valuable is a form of capital that allows you to
multiply financial capital—it’s called Social Capital.
You might have heard the saying that “attention is the new currency”—that’s only
partially true. Attention itself is not a form of currency—the right attention from
the right people is the new currency. Getting your customer’s attention is part of
the equation, but you can’t just get attention for attention’s sake. After all, any idiot
could run around in the street, scream at the top of their lungs, and get attention.
Any company can create a flashy ad to raise “brand awareness,” but would this
build long-term relationships with your customers?
There are Instagram celebrities that have over two million followers, but
struggle to sell even thirty-six T-shirts. They have a huge social following, but they
are still broke. I am not interested in having a social following; I only have a social
following so I can create social capital.
Social capital is a following of people who like you, trust you, support you, and
are willing and capable of buying from you.
It’s the key to strategically scaling—the ability to create massive growth in
revenue and profits without adding enormous costs. Social capital is not just a
social following. Social capital can be turned into financial capital in the form of
sales and customers. It can also be turned into relational capital in the form of
connections, relationships, partnerships, and strategic alliances.
Think about it—how did Kylie Jenner become the youngest billionaire at the age
of twenty-one? Is it because she pumped in millions of dollars of venture capital
and outside funding into her cosmetic line? No. The reason she could create so
much wealth at such a staggering speed is that she has spent years building a huge
reserve of social capital, and when she converted this reserve into financial capital,
she accomplished a feat that no other company in history had accomplished.
Kylie Jenner might have been the first to do this, but she definitely won’t be the
last. We are entering an age where social capital is becoming more important than
ever. It’s why start-ups can turn down venture capital—they’re learning how to
build their businesses on the foundation of social capital.
Take Dollar Shave Club. As a small start-up with no outside funding, they
launched their commercial, which has now been viewed over twenty-five million
times on YouTube. In 2016, Unilever bought Dollar Shave Club for $1 billion—
unheard of in their industry. Why did Unilever pay such a large amount? They
responded, “It’s not about the revenue. It’s about relationships.” They saw the
value of their social capital.
When done correctly, social capital can become an infinite well that you can draw
from again and again. The problem is that most people don’t understand that social
capital is like a bank—you can’t withdraw what you have not deposited.
The common mistake most companies make with social media is that they try to
sell to their customers with every interaction without delivering value first. When
customers see these companies, they’re thinking, “Oh, what are they going to try to
sell me this time?”
Somehow, people think this is okay. Imagine going into a bank and trying to
withdraw when you have nothing in the account—there’s a word for that: it’s
called “robbery.”
On the other hand, some companies have a good balance of depositing into their
followers and withdrawing from their social capital. They focus on having a
balanced combination of branding (depositing) and sales (withdrawal). This works,
but it’s not optimal. As a hedge against the worst-case scenario, responsible
businesses will have a cash reserve in case things go wrong. If times turn bad,
they’ll have a cash reserve to meet payroll and expenses. It’s the same with social
You can deposit and withdraw at the same rate, but that’s like putting $100 in
and taking $100 out—you’ll always be left with zero in the bank. If times get
tough, you won’t have anything to draw from—you won’t have any social capital
That’s why I deposit more into my social capital than I withdraw. I make
deposits into my social capital every single day. So when I want to convert my
social capital into financial capital, it’s simple and easy.
Since I’ve invested heavily in my social capital, everything else in my business
has become easier. I sell my High-Ticket Offers without resistance—in fact,
sometimes my closers must turn people down. On top of that, I’ve gained access to
celebrities, met with high-level CEOs and founders, and formed highly profitable
partnerships—all because of my social capital.
I could raise money if I want to, but I don’t need to. However, let’s suppose for
fun, I were to launch a Kickstarter campaign—I could raise money overnight. I
could turn my social capital into money if I needed to, and I wouldn’t need to wait.
Why is that? Because I’ve accumulated a substantial amount of social capital over
the years.
When you think of it this way, you can see how any platform becomes a bank
for your social capital. Facebook is a bank, Instagram is a bank, YouTube is a
bank, Google is a bank, traditional media is a bank, and media coverage is a bank.
Social capital is not monopolized by large TV networks anymore either. As of
this writing, based on numbers aggregated on Statista, my YouTube channel alone
has more subscribers than the viewers of MSNBC, ESPN, USA Network, TBS,
TNT, Discovery, CNN, Food Network, and Nickelodeon, to name a few. The
networks with viewers that exceed our subscribers are limited to the Fox News
Channel, Fox, ABC, CBS, and NBC. This proves that you don’t need to have your
TV station to build your social capital—you can create your network.
Without social capital, you are in danger. If you are a brand-new company, you
don’t exist unless you can cut through the noise. If you are an existing company,
you’re in trouble if you don’t build that trust and relationship with your customers.
The old way of selling is dead. Before, you could put up a couple of ads in front of
a cold audience, drive them to a page, and expect them to buy. In the old days, this
would be a profitable way of running a business. The days where you can put your
offer in front of a cold audience with no priming, no context, no relationship, no
value, and no trust are over. The cautious buyer is extremely selective in whom
they trust and give loyalty.
That’s why a new strategy is required to acquire and scale social capital. This is
the same strategy I’ve used with my team to scale to over hundreds of millions of
impressions across our platforms. Not only has this strategy expanded our social
following, but it’s the reason we’ve been able to scale our revenues and profits
very quickly, consistently.
The Social Capital Multiplier is divided into three steps: Accumulation,
Conversion, and Retargeting. Accumulation turns a cold audience into a warm
audience. Conversion gets a commitment from your audience. Retargeting captures
sales that were missed during the Conversion step.
The goals for the Accumulation step are:
• Build trust and start a relationship with your audience through delivering value
• Generate views and impressions
• Prime your audience for offers in the Conversion step
When you are selling High-Ticket Offers, there is a Theory of Consumption.
The theory states that your customer must have consumed at least one hour of
content for every thousand dollars they spend with you. That’s why this step is so
In this step, you are delivering value to your audience and helping them solve a
problem. You are giving them valuable content, and it’s the first step toward
building a relationship with them. There is no pitch, no selling, no closing—just
value. If you go to my social media platforms, you’ll see thousands of educational
videos and content designed to help my audience, both paid and organic content. It
would be best if you were actively spending to get your message to new segments
of the market. Once they consume your content, they will be primed for the
Conversion step—and you’ll generate leads at a lower cost. I used to spend $5 to
acquire a lead from a cold audience. Today, I only pay $0.15 with this strategy.
This gives me the advantage—by allocating 50 percent of our budget to
Accumulation, I’m able to acquire leads for pennies on the dollar.
The goal for the Conversion step is to:
• Convert prospects into a lead or a customer to get a commitment from the prospect
I do not put offers in front of audiences that do not know who I am. Every
person who is presented with an offer is primed and receptive before seeing the
offer. On Facebook, you can see who’s watched certain percentages of your video.
On YouTube, you can tell who has seen your videos. In any media platform, you’ll
have a way of knowing who has viewed your content and how to target them.
Once you know who has seen your content, you can put ads in front of them.
These ads could drive to a variety of pages. It could be to a webinar, a selfliquidating offer, a training series, an events page, lead magnets—whatever it is,
the purpose is to gain a commitment from your prospect in the form of a purchase
or their information. You should invest about 25 percent of your budget into this
The goal of the Retargeting step is to:
• Stay top of mind inside your prospect’s world
• Reach the majority of the leads who do not convert immediately
Many customers do not buy right away—they may need time to think, to
research, to get to know your brand better. Sometimes your core marketing
message won’t speak to what they want.
The first objective of Retargeting is to stay top of mind. When your audience
sees you multiple times, they begin to like you naturally. By simply staying top of
mind, you’ll generate more sales. The second objective is to reach the majority of
the leads who do not convert immediately. These leads may have objections,
doubts, or questions that are unanswered. With retargeting ads, you’ll target these
objections and loose ends to give those sitting on the fence a final push.
If you have a premium offer, then your customers will have many different
reasons for buying. There are many reasons people join our program. They join
because they want to learn a new skill, better their relationships, join a positive and
supportive community, challenge themselves, grow their business, or a dozen other
reasons. If our marketing spoke to only one of these reasons for buying, we’d be
half as big as we are today. In our retargeting strategy, we rotate our ads and make
sure we scratch every itch our audience has. This allows us to capture a majority of
sales that would have otherwise disappeared. Allocate about 25 percent of your
budget if you decide to implement this strategy.
There’s not enough room in this book to show you in detail everything we do. If
you want to learn more about how I build and scale my social capital, the best way
is to follow me—you can do so at
I’ve also prepared additional training for those who want to learn more in depth
about social capital and scaling their business. You can find this at
ongratulations! First, I want to acknowledge you for finishing the
book. Most people leave books unfinished, but you’re different. I have
truly given you the keys to unlock your success, wealth, and significance.
I’ve shared with you how I think, the lessons I’ve learned in life, and my
business views.
Now that you have the keys, you have the Unlock It mind-set as well.
Whenever you’re stuck, whenever you hit an obstacle, whenever you’re
facing a problem, you know there’s a solution, and that you need to find the
right key to unlock it.
You have the key to your life—the master key is you. You are the master
key to unlocking everything you want in life. Whether it’s more freedom,
more success, more money, more significance, more relationships, more
health, more impact, or more anything, you are in control.
Now, you have a choice. You can either forget everything I’ve just shared
with you or you can apply the lessons and take action. Maybe you want to
unlock your productivity, develop your High-Income Skill, or structure your
business differently so it can scale faster. Whatever your goal is, I hope this
is the beginning of our relationship and that we can take this beyond just a
book. We can stay connected on social media, or you can join one of our
virtual trainings, or you could even attend one of our events. Whatever it is,
let me know how I could best serve you, and I look forward to furthering
our relationship.
Until then, keep learning, keep implementing, and keep taking action.
business growth ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9-ref 10,
ref 11-ref 12, ref 13, ref 14, ref 15, ref 16-ref 17, ref 18, ref 19
business attraction ref 1-ref 2, ref 3
business retention ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4
childhood ref 1-ref 2
cold calling ref 1-ref 2, ref 3
community, building ref 1-ref 2, ref 3-ref 4, ref 5
competitive pricing myths ref 1-ref 2
customer value ref 1-ref 2
customers versus members ref 1-ref 2
economy, skill ref 1-ref 2
High-Income Skill ref 1, ref 2-ref 3, ref 4-ref 5, ref 6-ref 7, ref 8-ref 9, ref
10, ref 11, ref 12
definition of ref 1
list of ref 1-ref 2
power of ref 1
high-income, paths ref 1-ref 2
job ref 1-ref 2
profession ref 1-ref 2
skill. See High-Income Skill
High-Ticket Closing® ref 1, ref 2, ref 3-ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8-ref 9,
ref 10-ref 11, ref 12
customers, bad ref 1
definition of ref 1
method ref 1-ref 2
pain, use of ref 1-ref 2
questioning technique ref 1-ref 2
rules ref 1-ref 2
speech, manner of ref 1-ref 2
High-Ticket Offers ref 1, ref 2-ref 3, ref 4, ref 5-ref 6, ref 7, ref 8
Jacques, Alan ref 1
life stages ref 1-ref 2
marketing math ref 1-ref 2
needs grading scale ref 1-ref 2
procrastination ref 1, ref 2, ref 3-ref 4
futurist ref 1-ref 2
idiot ref 1
listener ref 1
measurer ref 1
perfectionist ref 1
slacker ref 1
productivity ref 1, ref 2-ref 3, ref 4-ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8-ref 9, ref 10
80/20 principal ref 3-ref 4
definition of ref 1
nonnegotiables ref 1
scripting ref 1
profit margin ref 1
social capital ref 1, ref 2, ref 3-ref 4
accumulation of ref 1
conversion of ref 1
retargeting ref 1
value of ref 1-ref 2
success deterrents ref 1-ref 2
comfort zone ref 1-ref 2, ref 3
fear of success ref 1-ref 2
get rich slowly ref 1
helping others ref 1
negative friends ref 1
self-image ref 1-ref 2
willpower ref 1
wealth archetype ref 1-ref 2
castaway ref 1-ref 2, ref 3-ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8, ref 9
king/queen, unfulfilled ref 1-ref 2, ref 3, ref 4-ref 5, ref 6, ref 7, ref 8
lion, caged ref 1, ref 2-ref 3, ref 4-ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
magician, chained ref 1-ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
prisoner, innocent ref 1-ref 2, ref 3, ref 4, ref 5, ref 6
treasure hunter ref 1-ref 2, ref 3
wealth myths ref 1-ref 2
start a business ref 1-ref 2
work hard ref 1-ref 2
wealth triangle ref 1-ref 2, ref 3, ref 4-ref 5, ref 6, ref 7
business, scalable ref 1, ref 2-ref 3, ref 4
investments ref 1-ref 2
Diane Mulcahy, The Gig Economy (AMACOM16), 6.
Richard Koch, The 80/20 Principle: The Secret to Achieving More with Less (London: Nicholas
Brealey Publishing01).
NBA Advanced Stats, NBA, accessed August 1319,
Gabriel Zucman, World Inequality Database, accessed August 1319,