Make large platform x- 2000 y-2000 z- 500 Cut out center x- 1000 y- 1000 z- 400 make a brush that is: x- 1010 y -1010 z- 400 use that brush to make a water volume right click on the right volume and select UTWaterVolume make a brush that is: x-1020 y- 1020 z- 400 use this brush to make a post ProcessVolume right click on the right volume and select PostProcessVolume right click and open the PostProcessVolume properties PostProcessVolume Properties Enable DOF MaxNear – 0.25 DOF Focus Inner Radius- 256 DOF Focus Distance – 125 Scene High Lights X-2 Y-1 Z-.5 search for a static mesh plane in the content browser import into the scene rotate the green handle to -90 degrees move to the center and use the uniform scale to make the plane fill the area on top of the water volumes right click to open the properties open the content browser and find a water material select in so it has a yellow outline go back to static mesh properties under static mesh actor static mesh component rendering materials click the green plus on the right side click the green arrow on the right to import the material